Forum high pr dofolow

Paulie Ciara's High PR Do-Follow Weekly Backlinks Paulie Ciara Paulie Ciara's “Free High PR Do-Follow Weekly Backlinks” Edition: 11/28/16 © 2016, All Rights Reserved Worldwide 1

Transcript of Forum high pr dofolow

Page 1: Forum high pr dofolow

Paulie Ciara's High PR Do-Follow Weekly Backlinks Paulie Ciara

Paulie Ciara's

“Free High PR Do-FollowWeekly Backlinks”



© 2016, All Rights Reserved Worldwide 1

Page 2: Forum high pr dofolow

Paulie Ciara's High PR Do-Follow Weekly Backlinks Paulie Ciara

Disclaimer And/Or Legal Notices:

While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the Author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. The information contained herein may be subject to varying state and/or local laws or regulations. All users are advised to retain competent counsel to determine what state and/or local laws or regulations may apply to the user's particular business.

The reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. The author does not warrant the performance or effectiveness of any sites stated here. All links are for informational and educational purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose. Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, federal, state, and local, governing professional licensing, business practices, advertising, and all other aspects of doing business in the United States or any other jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the reader. The author assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any reader of these materials.

Hello folks! Paulie Ciara here,

These links are what they are – free links. Though I do my best to ensure that 100% of these links are working at the time of the initial weekly release, there is always the possibility that the ability to leave links on some the following websites may be removed by the webmaster at some point.

What are backlinks?

A backlink is any link on any website that points “back” to your website. Search engine algorithms operate under the semi-correct assumption that if a webpage is lousy, nobody will link to it. Conversely, they also assume that if a webpage is good, people and websites throughout the web will naturally begin linking to it.

The classic analogy is that Google (and the other search engines) views backlinks as “votes” from other websites. Thus, if your webpage has one hundred backlinks from one hundred different websites, Google sees this as one hundred websites “vouching” for the importance, quality, and relevancy of your webpage. The more “votes” your webpage has, the more Google considers it a page worth giving importance to. The more important Google considers the webpage, the higher it will get ranked in the search engines. Long story short, the more backlinks you can get, the better off you'll be.

How do I use these packets?

Simply follow the step-by-step directions. When you reach the step where you leave your links, substitute “” with your webpage URL, and substitute “your keywords” with the keyword phrase(s) you want your webpage ranked at the top of Google for.

Though my packets focus primarily on forum profile backlinks, it's always a good idea to round out your backlink portfolio by getting backlinks from a variety of different sources.

Do I have giveaway rights?

Of course! Feel free to share these packets wherever, however, and with whomever you please! 2

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Paulie Ciara's High PR Do-Follow Weekly Backlinks Paulie Ciara

Click forum.

Click register.

After registering and logging in, click settings. 3

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Paulie Ciara's High PR Do-Follow Weekly Backlinks Paulie Ciara

Click Edit Profile.

Add your link in the home page URL box.

After saving your profile, click my profile.

You should now be directed to a public view of your new link. 4

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Paulie Ciara's High PR Do-Follow Weekly Backlinks Paulie Ciara

Click forum.

Click register.

After registering and logging in, click on your username.

Add your link in the visitor message box along with an appropriate comment. 5

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Paulie Ciara's High PR Do-Follow Weekly Backlinks Paulie Ciara

You should now be directed to a public view of your new links. 6

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Paulie Ciara's High PR Do-Follow Weekly Backlinks Paulie Ciara

Click forum.

Click register.

After registering and logging in, click settings.

Click edit profile. 7

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Paulie Ciara's High PR Do-Follow Weekly Backlinks Paulie Ciara

Add your link.

After saving your profile, click profile.

You should now be directed to a public view of your new links. 8

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Paulie Ciara's High PR Do-Follow Weekly Backlinks Paulie Ciara

Click forum.

Create an account.

Navigate to your profile.

Select profile once again. 9

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Paulie Ciara's High PR Do-Follow Weekly Backlinks Paulie Ciara

Click edit.

Select the profile information tab.

Add your signature using BBC code for the link, along with an appropriate signature:

[url=]Your Keywords[/url]

After saving your profile, navigate to your new profile page.

You should now be directed to a public view of your new links. 10

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Paulie Ciara's High PR Do-Follow Weekly Backlinks Paulie Ciara

Catch You Next Monday!

These packets are free, and you're more than welcome to share them. I've never charged for them and I never will. If you aren't getting these high-quality, high PR, do-follow backlink packets already, make sure you're on my free weekly backlinks mailing list below!

That way you'll get the backlink packets e-mailed to you hot off the press every Monday morning!

Aloha!-Paulie Ciara 11