Forretningsmodel oplæg

Styrk forretningsmodellen Business model Fynske Maritime Klynge Anders Bille Jensen Syddansk Universitet, Campus Slagelse 06-06-22 Anders Bille Jensen 1
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Oplæg af Anders Bille, SDU // University of Navarra, Barcelona. Kursus på Ryslinge Højskole for Fyns Martime Klynge

Transcript of Forretningsmodel oplæg

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Styrk forretningsmodellenBusiness model

Fynske Maritime Klynge

Anders Bille JensenSyddansk Universitet, Campus Slagelse

07-04-23 Anders Bille Jensen1

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CV: Cand.merc. CBS (turnaround) Strategiarbejde på DANDY Venturefinansierede virksomheder Undervisning

Business models: Hvad kan de? Praktikere bruger og reagerer på BM begrebet. Men hvad mener de? Hvordan bruger de det?

Ph.d. projekt: The business model concept, its application

and potential value in strategy and business development

Forretningsudvikling, strategi, konkurrenceevne, vækst,

innovation, forretningsmodeller

Maritimt twist

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Gl. industriby

3 mio ts petrokemiske produkter (Middelhavets største)

Containerhavn 2,3 mio TEU > 10 mio

07-04-23 Anders Bille Jensen3

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07-04-23 Anders Bille Jensen



1. Hvad er forretningsmodeller?II. Business model canvasIII. Hvad kan vi bruge det til?

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Hvad er en model?

En (mere eller mindrepræcis) repræsentation af virkeligheden som den er eller man ønsker den > beskrivelse/forståelse/modellering

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A business model

Den underliggende logik: Hvad skaber værdi, hvordan og for hvem?

A business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers and captures value

Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010

Alle har en forretningsmodel

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Business model canvas

Key partners Key activities Value proposition Customer Customer relationships segments

Key resources Channels Cost structure Revenue streams

Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2005, 2010

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Value proposition

Key questions What value do we deliver

to the customer? Which one of our

customer’s problems are we solving?

Which customer needs are we satisfying?

What bundles of products and services are we offering to each customer segment?

Sub components Newness Performance Customization Getting the job done Design Brand/status Price Cost reduction Risk reduction Accessibility Convenience usability

07-04-23 Anders Bille Jensen9

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Key questions

For whom are we creating value

Who are our most important customers?

Sub components

Mass market Niche market Segmented Diversified Multisided platforms

(or multisided markets)

07-04-23 Anders Bille Jensen10

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Key questions Through which channels do

our customer segments want to be reached?

How are we reaching them now?

How are channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost

efficient? How are we integrating them

with customer routines?

Sub components Direct and indirect

channels Direct – sales force and

web sales Own stores Indirect – partner stores,

wholesaler Linking with buying

process (awareness, evaluation, purchase, delivery, after sales)

07-04-23 Anders Bille Jensen11

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Customer relations

Key questions What type of relationships

does each of our customer segments expect us to establish and maintain with them?

Which ones have we established?

How costly are they? How are they integrated

with the rest of our business model?

Sub components Personal assistance Dedicated personal

assistance Self-service Automated services Communities Co-creation

07-04-23 Anders Bille Jensen12

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Revenue streams

Key questions For what value are our

customers really willing to pay?

How are they currently paying?

How would they prefer to pay?

How much does each revenue stream contribute to overall revenues?

Sub components Asset sale Usage fee Subscription fees Lending/renting/leasing Licensing Brokerage fees Advertising (fixed or dynamic pricing)

07-04-23 Anders Bille Jensen13

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Key resources

Key questions

What key resources do our value propositions require?

Our distribution channels?

Customer relationships?

Revenue streams?

Sub components

Physical Intellectual Human Financial

07-04-23 Anders Bille Jensen14

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Key activities

Key questions

What key activities do our value propositions require?

Our distribution channels?

Customer relationships?


TypesProductionProblem solvingPlatform/network

07-04-23 Anders Bille Jensen15

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Key partners

Key questions

Who are our key partners?

Who are our key suppliers?

Which key resources are we requiring from partners?

Which key activities do partners perform?

Sub components

MotivationOptimization and economy of scaleReduction of risk and uncertaintyAcquisition of particular resources and activities

07-04-23 Anders Bille Jensen16

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Key questions

What are the most important costs inherent in our business model?

Which key resources are most expensive?

Which key activities are most expensive?

Sub components

Cost-driven Value-driven

Variants Fixed costs Variable costs Economies of scale Economies of scope

07-04-23 Anders Bille Jensen17

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Incrementel (eksisterende) og radical innovation (modificerede, nye)

Indsigt i egen forretningsmodel Hvad kan styrkes, hvad har størst potentiale

(SWOT) Hvem kan hjælpe med det? Hvordan passer vi ind i andres forretningsmodel


Kommunikationsværktøj Internt og eksternt (lille virksomhed) Kendt fynsk klyngevirksomhed …

I går, i dag, i morgen …, benchmarking

07-04-23 Anders Bille Jensen18