Forming and Storming Stage

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Transcript of Forming and Storming Stage

  • 8/2/2019 Forming and Storming Stage


    Forming Stage

    We are a team of six members. When our team was formed we all were excited being

    part of the team and eager about the work ahead. We then started to know each other,

    shared some personal information and started building trust.

    We then took 2 major decisions, first was selection of the company and second was

    selection of our team leader. We had taken this decision through voting process and we

    all decided to go for Aon Corporation and have selected Peter as our team leader.

    Initially, we all in our individual level tried to gather information about the company and

    about the merger that took place between Aon and Hewitt as much as we can. We made adetailed and in-depth analysis and decided that this acquisition made by Aon would be

    our main focus.

    Through a series of meeting within the group and with the help of our main contact Andy

    OBrien we learnt about of the scope of the task and also about our challenges and how toapproach it. This helped us to do a comprehensive analysis about the merger.

    Then, we decided our task and goals and prepared our project plan by making a general

    discussion about the concepts and data we have collected till date. I think we performed

    actively, positively, and motivationally during this phase. We also realized that meetingonce in a week is insufficient for us, so, we decided to meet on weekends as well to

    complete our tasks perfectly. We have also decided to go for video conferencing if

    physical meeting is not possible on weekends.

    Storming Stage

    When we started to work on our ideas to reach our goals, we confronted some issues

    between team members. And at the same time all tried to give their 100%. Everyonesideas were considered and all were satisfied about the approaches made to achieve goals.

    People with different personality and different intellectual knowledge within the group attimes created communication gap between team members. For a scenario like when one

    of our team member got confused and got diverted from the approach team was taking to

    reach the goal, it was the responsibility of all other members to make sure the other partyunderstand about the situation. But we failed to solve this problem among ourselves

    because of communication gap and reached out to our TA for his help, which made an

    unpleasant situation for few team members. Afterwards, this situation was taken in a

    constructive way and to a greater extent it was solved.

    From the beginning a higher percentage of work is concentrated between few people

    within the team (Managing for the future, 2005: M5, 11), which made other teammembers loose patient and interest at certain point during the meeting and encouraged

    them to form another group and discuss about the project related ideas, which on the

  • 8/2/2019 Forming and Storming Stage


    other hand allowed some people to make wrong assumptions that some members are

    doing non group activities during the meeting.

    All the members of our team are having an optimistic and motivational kind of attitude,

    which helps us to experience a supportive environment where members respect the

    position of others and express their ideas freely (Managing for the future, 2005: M5, 14).For example, the egg vehicle experiment where each member performed well. Peter took

    the initiative and gave his ideas about making a parachute, then Heidi gave her ideas to

    make a base for eggcup so that it will land safely, after that Peter and John prepared theparachute, Lucy and Heidi decorated the vehicle, and Belinda and Xiaoyun prepared the

    base with their skill and expertise. And finally the output was successful.

    While rehearsing for our project presentation our team faced some conflicts between

    strong personalities and lack of collaboration between some members on some topics.

    The issue was not very big but because of lack of patient between the members this small

    conflict evolved into outright arguing and unconstructive disagreement, which I think,

    took place because of different perception the team members were having about themerger and about the company as a whole. Finally, this issue was not completely solved

    leaving some people unsatisfied but still the outcome was good, we gave a goodpresentation.