THE VASHIGTOX TIMES SFXDAT APRIL 10 1910 FORMER BELLE EXCLUSIVE BALTIMORE SOCIETY JELLS STORY OF WHY SHE G TE UP HOME AND RIEJWSTO MARRl A GYPSY fi or KING QUAINT PHILOSOPHY- IN STORY OF NOMAD Says Some Divorces Start Over a Cup of seais That Happiness Pervades Her I the Gypsy Band t f Coffee Li feW h Bohemia F na4- IrresteCibfte Fasciaatieg To her there tm tat h i Lishuuilu fnariin ia this mevraar tram place to pines w faces new sad new phases of numaa Bfe a absorbwc that tii shaUerbrained coversatioa of tile drawing room The lullabye of a gjrpey camp art more pleaei The notes of grand opera stars the variety ojf a life outdoors te more ea ageing than the lonttee of gocalled so- cial pleasures f a school skit Miss Haberatoam was a H ream or She wasted to be alone jzh seemed different pted her little struck feibleu ea- fiient that with jnera mature yeai r sje- uld enter sracefully the social m po d out for her But th yearning for tine plains the rminjc was withm her tai she y Kled as have othecs before her to a ompellhig greater they the flu nce of earlier teachtetr end of a environment stifled er she said with its suallowness and its convention Two e is after her debut she had tired and her th nurbtK began to wander spzin to school when she bad bftome interested in a yp y caravae then n life had always appealed t her had studied m secret the i psv laroruase readof of theee nen cad wonen of Iraputee Comes And Sire Follow The impulse carne and she foMewed hlindly Today lit one t r adlna fOTFunes ea the outskirts of digs ties donning the icyney cMOtmue when i is necessary to attract the wary tKtievet te the occult happy at all times 10 wait upon her htear and envious not one whit of uromcn and i who have i nnamed te the social ntaelstrom and nho idly while the days and night fis he to be amotuc the gypsy tent and wagons More often though she to meet one as a plain America jjirl tit afraid to turn yp y If so mcliufco The life out doors his not fail her boautv Her hu- iack eyes faith as as peer her skin te but exposure her Macs hair buflnlualyi- idiJs a touch to a face and 7tn altogether prepossessing She speaks in well modulated tones TH in good Knylteh for ig a tu rt still and during her idle hours away the time in writing poetry r her own making poetry that leas to mainly with the runt in this strange heart of her freedom and mnu IIHI wtth nature at its beat THE WILDS CALL not fleetma fancy title sell of the wfld that stated Jasefe ham to leave a hamlsuma Baltimore ome and seek the tents and the camp r of a gypey life It was no Stylish mpul e to be remrreted keyed There b en no return of iat might be termed the s prodiga- ls he youth attracted by the temporary lure of the ctaxus nod Ute sawdust ring T he compared to the taken by To her there have come no regrets Her face Iday is turned as steadfastly ae it was hen to theplains of a race of wander finer f one VK ft queen Instead she has become jrre entlirallen in the delights of an vftnIttJo- nal i Irft- ntTow a row 1 jn I mere i iter ear teat her frteIId- sr reer t ill 1 llin So itity and tA- rn i i lie I M ttftP W plcturreque lIp wItea eke a rt she I IT 1 es soon bee u hteritJIer Ctt of the Kabersham Sx yeas and to free nomadic bee not the a Pe pr roirigr ate possible bb tst ee dscinal ret excess t and c ape r a LIfe force liar o- ft days Fin a She had r road tlrena < v She a Prefers ben h sit fitly bens sed from hike hilts sin thought was Hair- s h eta- r n s eecapde venture ate tisc ago the and unpretentious life cr The existerle palled pun sensibilities time ¬ > < < wife of a gypsy chieftain Picture One Of Perfect Content The interviewer therefujc should not approach the wife of Krn set upon natures own stage and with natures own one approaches the camp where Jeasfe Habersham roigaw as it is natjuml to eaU to mind th story of Tire Bohemian Girt Hat heroine of narrative te malt the vision conjured by sang and story She is sttti a matter of fact Am- erican girl endowed with good and the accomplishments that came from the best of early advantages despite the taft that her surroundings today are out of keeping with the tal- ents may possess She retains too sorts of the manners of dress aJTecte- te the day when she moved ta Balti- more society She has never entirely forsaken these nor on the oilier hand she ever gone to the other extreme and the varicolored shawls and garments that make the gypsy t women tL talked with the freedom of her new lire and yet with the reserve of those who realise that they live apart from the rest of mankind and are wan derers upon the face of the earth At times her observations were almost col- loquial In then breesiness again would quote Tennyson at his heat and again she fall some bits of I philosophy of her own born a better understanding of things through the years she has t nmmuned with natures Cant Explain Leaving Her Home if tr that I deserted the gypsy she began with gome show of pride that she had taken use tstep Why I cant ten eactty new Per bounds I might nave been so construed at that time I say It mutt have had sore more Rpm bust however or it coull I dont know that I could explain it and I dont believe others would oixier stand it tf I did It te test something ine which ethers Cannot know because- of tack of shnttar Here I am te my ffctle gypsy camp ai cead of at the hon e I sate knew and in which I spent the days of my girlhood and early womanhood There are only six of us The bent ha dwindled down agate but there will be many more when summer comes and we take to the troll again We knowing that today we are here and that tomorrow may see us some- where I like it better Kature Site Once Feared Last night H rates eh so bard The HghtnmfT and the Uinmln were terrmc I remember the tae when at home I would have buried my Ned beneath the coverlet en my bed Abject feat would have fcB That te storms make me happy A my soul while the storm rag4s without and when I th dope beating a tattoo about my head and feet it makes me realise the might of nature I- an must bow te natures will and I fall asleep glad that I am one of her chil dten Yet I would not have the worM be here that It Is because I am a crank about nature that I am here I love the outdoor life and the fresh air and the freedom of it all but there are other reasons Sometimes T think that my soul is that of a s 3 y by some strange dcree of fate imprison in the being of an American girL My ap Jo ester 4IU iJ Michele with pity Ia WI Mart be- III to see a picture IIC perfiiet p- As the affected I I she t Yes MnI1ut adMeI rr life or- a one of these iIi cravings that to one wtMwe IOecI with romance turd lasted six IIe one a part or reel i I I I I me seIIow the Into tent canner I me feel that the and the George far aeon con- test mopes quote chi un- like common- sense bay She the rovlsg haps 1t wee j cornea this ro cede s never have for tern sad Owe concern i live ere s- Laves chai new g pat peace and cou ent trmea hear to mighty low wandering ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < Our Annual Sacrifice Book Sale of choice and standard sets is an event eagerly watched for by those who have learned the legitimate values given at this time We over you the original editions from original plates white the average bargains you see advertised are but cheap mutations of our edi tions de luxe The present sulk jad de 116 different sets c iafcguecL Of many there is but a gle set t means cooie at once to have the best stStetC Get a cjtfague at store or well pteaseCo F and Twelfth B I- targalns tlon mail ItI a f ii ic s o r shill ate r- Brentans ¬ VIEWS OF GYPSY QUEEN AND HER HOME I TWO Il K JESSIE KEY HABERSHAM MICHELE The Gypsy Kings Wife ipemrance b that of thousand of young women who grace thisland today say soul te not attuned to the existence that the color of my skin would dictate fur me The things that appear vital and of most Importance to the average girt and women to me are bat the taut dress I have no part in them I can not make them a part of my life I m ust difierem thats all a one should not rebel against tnetaner self for happiness never comes that way Sooner or later the soot wall have Its outlet and one win regret the wasted years spent unhappily They cH me the gypsy queen be cause I nanled King Gorge I am no queen in the accepted nave of UK word I lost want to be my hustmnds wife ris qu cn I met my king years ago when T started out to he a gypsy rover K wvl me i grew to love c yet a H- as to six and ¬ > ¬ > = Specimen Bargains DE MAUPASSANT GUY EdMea de Tjtax Limited to 1000 numbered 17 vote bound in 9 vols Bound ta dark men doth wIt paper tttie labels Pubashed at SISW SPECIAL SALE PRICE 850 34 DICKENS CHARLES works in 22 vote Edition with mustratfone Dosed in dark green doth PmUfohed at Si5se SPECIAL SALE PRICE 900 52 HARPERS ENCYCLOPEDIA OF UNITED STATESHISTORY Yam 458 A D to 1907 Hated the PIN Benson John Loaotog L1 D WWI Original B e- manto Fertrate Maps Phms etc te W vote Bound te maroon doth SbeXworn and mbbed SPECIAL SALE PRICE 800- TMsis the greatest bargain of aO 54 HOLMES OLIVER WENDELL Bcoakfeet TaMe Series and Poems In 10 eak on with IIi iateat notes Pecta Bound hi btee buckram Ptnmshed at 1300 SPECIAL SALE PRICE 300 5S HUGO VICTOR la 20 vote Athenaeum Society s on Japan Printed m Bound hi bacfaram P SPECIAL SALE PRICE 1250 61 LIBRARY OF THE r WORLDS BEST LITERATURE ANCIENT AND MODERN Edited by Charles Dudley Wens Aswtdate edtssas Wright Lana Oabert Run gJHiua de hue In 3v PMtaeahr Bound lit a y arewB leather title tebete Pahfiahed at SPECIAL SALE PRICE 33OV 59 KIPLING RUDYARD V Works In 10 vote Roxal edition de luxe With numerous ffinstratkHts on Japan paper Bound te i black morocco Published at SI70O SPECIAL SALE PRICE 950 r r J f t- I 27 C 4500 1 s j 1tIItunlit OR J G m Sl MOO Title f i t rote Popular oft c Ptiklk4tert at edlIs- p bison e c got cer Ill War n > = > > > = = him fo from the first day I kne1 that I should always be a gypsy a wander- er a creature oC wanderlust I am nappy now happier than I ver have been even te the dreams of ctotfd- hoosTs days Why then should think of back Why o the bap we have for toe sorrirws that may come through It relmqulahmrut- ls not contentment all one may seek in this world and aU that is promised in the next Why should I leave my heaven on earth when there are rail of people today who would their all to be as safppr as I now GYPSYS PHILOSOPHY SHE began to phlio ophhte then Sfc thought much tt seems of mvoree and marriage and the tales told In the divorce court of marital differ are some of the aphorisms that tile ctv I e tftft e going I Bonk am- A Here < = the in the canvasser s Enormous prices are the hooks in the canvasser s bait They arrange a series of payrnents which maixe costs seem neasooabte mi easily met But wee will sell scene pubttcations at OR thud to onehalf the prfces you pay the canvasser allow the same of paying a small part at the time of purchase arid the twiance at oonvenieflt in- tervals This apptees e r p r chases from the bar presort sae We seg gest that you get our terms before s ailig a contract for any descrtp- rtkjn of puWicatiors F and Twelfth r Beware I hook theses r f- our pric s- and Brentarios 1 r fTi j C j bait the ie and privilege offer ¬ > > > < = = MISS JESSIE KEY HA3ERSHAJC The feKaU gypsy queen liar throne a rough Mine life the the bulls r order that they l ire Ji the oay f Kag hi the world worth flvhag for U s do not love it mattes rarttevlarty where you live or whether you live at an If you have that time place sid condi tion can avail no greater happiness There isnt room for more Divorce comes from mental s Kges tion If there were no one lever would think of one These Ian they are so common that the man of the house p nu d over cap of poor coffee at breakfast time aVachliiS upon a divorce and before tight the sug has become a eonvictioat Always Way T Dissever Peaee IT one resolve never to think of oS- Torce a way always can be found to bear marital troubles There is mere tore apd love of a onaJtty beneath the folds of a gyp sys tent than hi a Baltimore mansion It Is a queer lire that dr nt cherish childhood days as the happirsi of it 1 this the camp of anervJUIII feu sorrow t a Debt kwa tee of out gacetothose tart ma hilt pest s peeress does n divorces gestloa bet- ter > ¬ ¬ + FINDS REAL HAPPINESS- IN LIFE AS A WANDERERFo- rmer Debutante Declares She Has Never Casting Her Lot With Her Present v Friends Regret existence Mine fe a queer life I have no happier days te remember titan theee Vow for women may be admirable in etmeat They call me a queea but r had rather be my husbands wife than have any title or priviiese you could give me It i strange other women arent tIed with that I cannot accept the viewpoint of those who would have me return home As long as one te satisfied why should one seek condition that may not bring Suck perfect content QUEEN IN NAME ONLY JESSIE k not ashamed that wider the scepter over her band only is not fully recog- nized as a Spey when all the beds At Clayton fifteen wiles dfattant from here the Mteheie camp now lies the national tube ef gypsies fee ruled by King Adams The girl pure white skin must sH by and see a more swarthyskinned beamy usurp her place when she visit the camps of other e society girl She has repeatedly saM that she Is not title hunting even when it is by no greater court than a band of carefree roves She Is living for the narrow coafinee of a tent and the little semictreV of tents round it Besides the refuoes to wear i he garb prescribed by these who would a real gypv queen Her dress te her that of the wholly ctvtttaed dev tee of outdoor life ties of a race or ondition of people An American Girl Gypsy When she receive a representative r The Tunes she ta a gray kin somewhat the worse for wear ttd a waist not of recent make or style this she wore an etoa Jacket since out of favor At times he may turban her heed and affect the colors that one always associates with the followers of the trail but described an American girt simply dreasea a gypsy soul Perhaps ft Is her aversion to pictur- esque costume perhaps it is her fair the of the tribe a a of alt the of wanderers but whatever it may be Mrs George Michefe nee Maw Jessie Habereham eaves not so as she bjvMs a place among her own halo cotene was reticent when asked about her husband except to say that his treatment of her is grand and that Iff tn a tent with him is preferable to lie In a Baltimore mansion without him Beyond that would not go And neither ill he Oft times he stood the new life He didnt grown when she aomettmog spoke of her father for eyes a must know that it te not posolbie that one should forget en- tirety The epee of the sarpsy queen softened when she spoke of the parent who roared her A moment later she turned same eyes upon tang George and they softened with love for him He is not bad to look upon this Rom- any thief The Imprint of his race is upon him and story truly representative of a who have no home stace the thirteenth century when they began their pilgrimages over western Europe Wanderlust Germ Pervades Their Hearts A glance at this man tai the little group about him would tell the most observant that In their hearts there is no yearning for a permanent puu In their blood has been ever in- oculated the germ of the wanderlust the love of horses the desire to tinker to delve into the future to dream day- dream and to idly by unmindful of AI I Ja QUEEN own Sit apd a gypsy Is held Q wltk I WlCDderers But this disturb the peace of mind former hIt I George and her kingdom ena I t Although long may be found as I that precludes her acceptance hy titers queen I I long I SIR she close hi while she told or the charm I Y the he is much the of I sit s living new assemble coratefl Jobs doemt of the be- stowed Bing traces bit appeared her f ers am- a general thing she ke treads a of souss abiding r ¬ > < ¬ ¬ ¬ > Specimen Bargains 65 LINCOLN ABRAHAM Writings Tn s vote Edited by Arthur Brooks an Introduction Theodore Roose- velt Tocether with the Essay on Uacoht by Carl Schwa The Address on IJncota by Joseph H and The LKc of Lincoln by Noah Brooks National J Portraits on Japan paper Bound in BMTOOR morocco with doth sides Published a S26OO SPECIAL SALE PRICE 8iOO SO POE EDGAR ALLA- Nc te 10 O With a critical Introduction by Pest Charles F KidwraMM With numerous IHua- Vnifana on whit paper title B SPECIAL SALE PRICE 725 Bound ia rod buekram- dM 1756 86 READE CHARLES Waefcs ia 1 vote With Imwtnitions Bound in- mnraan doth with dark brown title labels Pubtehod f at Stotl SPECIAL SALE PRICE 1050 91 SCOTT SIR WALTER Novels In 25 vote A C Sack editing T fttUpsotgatfang Bound te ftowered red dot Pub nshed at 537 0 SPECIAL SALE PRICE 1500 lln THACKERAY WILLIAM A MAKEPEACE WeeksIn 10 vote Edition de mxe limited to 1000 Title iagBB on Japan and IHu6 ratitcns re- lotnouo peodueed trout the ShMtrfttocs Booed in red with paper tide labels Pub at SSiXOO SPECIAL SALE PRICE 900 ipo SHAKESPEARE WILLIAM in 30 vote With colored IMustratioas and idseanued alt on Printed in my Constable at Westminster Bound red eJfe at 53000 SPECIAL SALE PRICE 950 L16 ENCYCLOPEDIA- A COMPENDIUM AND INSTRUCTION ON ALL SUBJECTS FOR HOME SCHOOL AND OFFIC- Es S vols Edited by Charles Morris Eater A R exL4brariaa of Cosgrass and timer Specialists With nearly 1000 Illustrations ahtone Drawings Plans and Maps and Atlas of the World printed in colors Bound- in green buckram with red title labels i SPECIAL SALE PRICE 600 0 f f f c Works In 10 vois Raven Pm Some euiMttMr i W eett Works tiIIe e by S S ord f t ditlest X S k k rasa Ja n i 4 WIi STO T INFORMA- TION Engrgr gtgss e om = < > and world about Kmr George Wee his wife V- to be a cMM of the ou ofdoora JH had rather have Yaw daafip ground fo a bed and the sky Csrifis coverlet tt n to sleep upon the downy eouciieK of th mighty He bad rasfewr smoke his pip the tuckering glow of a thaw sit before the moot cheerful that wealth conhl make posjfbl or human mgentjity invent Vic than to handle the transactions OR the New Yorlc Stock Excha For as the poet has said tr tel oC human happiness for dIe gypsy chief means Iy pearls are my white teethe My are my btaek eyea that dance like the tl htntac My palace the wotrn luchaa Tuctntar ENVIRONMENTDEFEATED KESR then are the papla tot Their bullets she has through a horn within her Her station today which not rr ipou igihi any a arnet she struggled for the en vironmeit te which this Battfamre tr conquests awl eventual an America home All the she pot behind her for the rovers life Six yean sh puhdvely heeded the tall teure She reads with a triuraplw of bridge 7 tatee balls gay thin Gypsys Horse Better Than Avteoebft The neigh of a gyyera horse hsjuwet er far to her ear slay OmA fte whir of automobiles She had rattler mow from her tent at HM1M sari th day than to hick to the maid in a boudoir at high noon and h bad rather shuXoe the cards mil tel the future of a convJdteg patron to Some day she says she may return chiMho d bfet h will be Just He whB Her tick father kn Long ago he accepted the inevitably demand of th new existence Now and theaalway bit of original atcigieii Just before tile identity of the queen Shewn Into Girls Heart 3fy Dear I real WtkV the other day you may already have aeon k Bow I shall write It dowa yoi Wee sow And the cheery hieoaae neata the is the sweet Where the four Itnfed driers xrvw one leaf Is for faith aad tack And for love yam tanwr And God put aueUiu one te tor hack they grow There is the insight into the of this setfexpatrtatodaocJetygirt There is the feeing that has made her the things that other girls tens tn enjoy and there breathes the wanaei lust the call of stronger that will make her always Queen the wife of a gypsy to the Ii rn tJM la had rather best a III III horse bad 01 ada the My couch k pwa t whoa lies mode her own site freak of i not the of as for was shish was rear have If lure of to reveal to her that fran was not tile one of tile wild she has found to refit at metal sad of the thing which she was a IU1 fI YS o twinge of new the win at a gam of wId8t fur for a Ilu willie to the etC her a lit that From the beginning her little notes back taeIIte of far pa tbe stronger of a poetic e would ill a V or tile steadfast of her But short dose are becaMe Jc she wroes ai aillstn like tuT9II4d k ever I know a where tile Is cow And down If you aerrh you will llaare b itle O 7tk edniFnt cam nt5 r o hearth- stone wide t meseg Jeefe Habmshu n has cast because as vid fesieliow were prodngt orhenecut Abe pl would decreed perk oI a hu e felled the chose better 5ke inn we o wegion parties giddy of on s0detF sorer ootpde ce graft east than social homt fir Ibnger ig lute rent naturet4 htn a gypsy pui Insight 1 Papa and fbn ht Asst s 1 4ts tlh y f t her place n nde eat nook eve itdur ones dud where for- sake something Jes- sie < > ¬ > > There are still JWOFC than 3000 beautiful artides our department of novelties which we are offering at a fraction of their ac- tual need room in Vtmth to display sprae reeerai bcavy purchases in new and de- lightful To make this space avail- able our novelty goods must be closed out to the last ar- ticle Costs have been ignored for we have but one sell quickly Well not attempt to en- umerate hoods gild prices bot simply ask you feo tae grad look at the ba gaias F and Twelfth r i1f Bargains r in mere cast- le abso- lutely objectto Brentanos jof rn 41 Ii f t lines r every- thing 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ < =





fi or


IN STORY OF NOMADSays Some Divorces Start Over a Cup of

seais That Happiness Pervades HerI the Gypsy Band t


CoffeeLi feWh

Bohemia F na4-IrresteCibfte Fasciaatieg

To her there tm tat h i Lishuuilu fnariinia this mevraar tram place to pines

w faces new sad new phasesof numaa Bfe a absorbwc thattii shaUerbrained coversatioa of tiledrawing room The lullabye of a gjrpeycamp art more pleaeiThe notes of grand opera stars thevariety ojf a life outdoors te more eaageing than the lonttee of gocalled so-

cial pleasuresf a school skit Miss Haberatoam was

a H ream or She wasted to be alonejzh seemed different

pted her little struck feibleu ea-fiient that with jnera mature yeai r sje-

uld enter sracefully the socialm po d out for her

But th yearning for tine plains therminjc was withm her tai shey Kled as have othecs before her toa ompellhig greater they theflu nce of earlier teachtetr end of a

environmentstifled er she said with its

suallowness and its convention Twoe is after her debut she had tired

and her th nurbtK began to wanderspzin to school when she badbftome interested in a yp y caravae

then n life had always appealedt her had studied m secret thei psv laroruase readof

of theee nen cad wonen of

Iraputee ComesAnd Sire Follow

The impulse carne and she foMewedhlindly Today lit one t

r adlna fOTFunes ea the outskirts of digs

ties donning the icyney cMOtmue wheni is necessary to attract the warytKtievet te the occult happy at all times10 wait upon her htear and envious notone whit of uromcn and i who havei nnamed te the social ntaelstrom andnho idly while the days and night

fis he to be amotuc the gypsy tentand wagons More often though she

to meet one as a plain Americajjirl tit afraid to turn yp y If

so mcliufco The life out doorshis not fail her boautv Her hu-

iack eyes faith as aspeer her skin te but

exposure her Macs hair buflnlualyi-idiJs a touch to a face and7tn altogether prepossessing

She speaks in well modulated tonesTH in good Knylteh for ig a turt still and during her idle hours

away the time in writing poetryr her own making poetry that leas to

mainly with the runtin this strange heart of her freedomand mnu IIHI wtth nature at its beat

THE WILDS CALLnot fleetma fancy title sell

of the wfld that stated Jasefeham to leave a hamlsuma Baltimoreome and seek the tents and the campr of a gypey life It was no Stylish

mpul e to be remrretedkeyed There b en no return of

iat might be termed the



he youth attracted by the temporarylure of the ctaxus nod Ute sawdust ringT he compared to the taken by

To herthere have come no regrets Her faceIday is turned as steadfastly ae it washen to theplains

of a race of wander

finer f oneVK ft queen Instead she has becomejrre entlirallen in the delights of an

vftnIttJo-nal i Irft-ntTow arow

1 jnI


iter ear teat

her frteIId-sr


t ill1 llin

So itity

and tA-rn

i i lie



ttftPW plcturreque lIp wItea eke

a rt




1es soon



Ctt of the

Kabersham Sx yeas

and to free

nomadic bee notthe a

Pepr roirigr ate possiblebb tst ee dscinal ret




c aper a






Fin aShe





vShe a



sit fitly bens sedfrom


hiltssin thought





s eecapde venture

atetisc ago

the andunpretentious lifecr

The existerle palledpun sensibilities time





wifeof a gypsy chieftainPicture OneOf Perfect Content

The interviewer therefujc should notapproach the wife of Krn

set upon natures own stage andwith natures own

one approaches the campwhere Jeasfe Habersham roigaw as

it is natjuml to eaU to mind thstory of Tire Bohemian Girt Hatheroine of narrative te malt

the vision conjured by sang andstory She is sttti a matter of fact Am-erican girl endowed with good

and the accomplishments thatcame from the best of early advantagesdespite the taft that her surroundingstoday are out of keeping with the tal-ents may possess She retains toosorts of the manners of dress aJTecte-te the day when she moved ta Balti-more society She has never entirelyforsaken these nor on the oilier hand

she ever gone to the other extremeand the varicolored shawls andgarments that make the gypsy t women

tLtalked with the freedom of hernew lire and yet with the reserve of

those who realise that they live apartfrom the rest of mankind and are wanderers upon the face of the earth Attimes her observations were almost col-loquial In then breesiness againwould quote Tennyson at his heat andagain she fall some bits of I

philosophy of her own borna better understanding of thingsthrough the years she has t nmmunedwith naturesCant ExplainLeaving Her Home

if tr that I deserted the

gypsy she began with gome show ofpride that she had taken use tstep

Why I cant ten eactty new Per


might nave been so construed at thattime I say It mutt have had soremore Rpm bust however or it coull

I dont know that I could explain itand I dont believe others would oixierstand it tf I did It te test something

ine which ethers Cannot know because-of tack of shnttar

Here I am te my ffctle gypsy campai cead of at the hon e I sate knewand in which I spent the days of mygirlhood and early womanhoodThere are only six of us The bentha dwindled down agate but therewill be many more when summer comesand we take to the troll again We

knowing that today we are hereand that tomorrow may see us some-where I like it better

KatureSite Once Feared

Last night H rates eh so bardThe HghtnmfT and the Uinmln wereterrmc I remember the tae when athome I would have buried my Nedbeneath the coverlet en my bed Abjectfeat would have fcB

That testorms make me happy A

my soul whilethe storm rag4s without and when I

th dope beating a tattooabout my head and feet it makes merealise the might of nature I-

an must bow te natures will and I fallasleep glad that I am one of her childten

Yet I would not have the worM behere that It Is because I am a crankabout nature that I am here I love theoutdoor life and the fresh air and thefreedom of it all but there are otherreasons

Sometimes T think that my soul isthat of a s 3 y by somestrange dcree of fate imprison inthe being of an American girL My ap

Joester 4IU iJ

Michele with pity Ia WI Mart be-III to see a picture IIC perfiiet








YesMnI1ut adMeI rr life or-a

one of these iIi cravingsthat to one wtMwe IOecIwith romance turd

lasted six

IIe one a part orreel






meseIIow the



cannerIme feel that the and the


aeon con-




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the rovlsg

haps 1t weej


this ro cede s

never have for

tern sad Owe concern



ere s-


chai newg pat peace

and cou ent trmea


to mighty low








Our Annual Sacrifice BookSale of choice and standardsets is an event eagerlywatched for by those who

have learned the legitimatevalues given at this time

We over you the originaleditions from original plateswhite the average bargainsyou see advertised are butcheap mutations of our editions de luxe

The present sulk jad de116 different sets c iafcguecLOf many there is but agle set t means cooie atonce to have the best stStetC

Get a cjtfague atstore or well pteaseCo

F and Twelfth

B I-targalns


mail ItI

a f ii ic


o r








ipemrance b that of thousand of youngwomen who grace thisland todaysay soul te not attuned to the existencethat the color of my skin would dictatefur me

The things that appear vital and ofmost Importance to the average girtand women to me are bat the tautdress I have no part in them I cannot make them a part of my life Im ust difierem thats all a oneshould not rebel against tnetaner selffor happiness never comes that waySooner or later the soot wall have Itsoutlet and one win regret the wastedyears spent unhappily

They cH me the gypsy queen because I nanled King Gorge I amno queen in the accepted nave of UKword I lost want to be my hustmndswife ris qu cn

I met my king years ago when Tstarted out to he a gypsy rover

K wvl me i grew to love




H-as to








Specimen BargainsDE MAUPASSANT GUY

EdMea de Tjtax Limited to 1000 numbered17 vote bound in 9 vols Bound ta dark men dothwIt paper tttie labels Pubashed at SISW


34 DICKENS CHARLESworks in 22 vote Edition with

mustratfone Dosed in dark green doth PmUfohedat Si5se



Yam 458 A D to 1907 Hated the PINBenson John Loaotog L1 D WWI Original B e-manto Fertrate Maps Phms etc te Wvote Bound te maroon doth SbeXworn and mbbed

SPECIAL SALE PRICE 800-TMsis the greatest bargain of aO

54 HOLMES OLIVER WENDELLBcoakfeet TaMe Series and Poems In 10 eakon with IIi iateat notes Pecta

Bound hi btee buckram Ptnmshed at 1300


5S HUGO VICTORla 20 vote Athenaeum Societys on Japan Printed m

Bound hi bacfaram P



Edited by Charles Dudley Wens Aswtdate edtssasWright Lana Oabert RungJHiua de hue In 3vPMtaeahr Bound lit a yarewB leather title tebete Pahfiahed at


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numerous ffinstratkHts on Japan paperBound te i black morocco Published at SI70O


r r J f t-







1tIItunlit ORJ




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Ptiklk4tert at

edlIs-p bison e c









him fo from the first day I kne1 thatI should always be a gypsy a wander-er a creature oC wanderlust

I am nappy now happier than I verhave been even te the dreams of ctotfd-hoosTs days Why then should thinkof back Why o the bap

we have for toe sorrirws thatmay come through It relmqulahmrut-ls not contentment all one may seekin this world and aU that is promisedin the next Why should I leave myheaven on earth when there are rail

of people today who wouldtheir all to be as safppr as I now


SHE began to phlio ophhte then Sfcthought much tt seems of

mvoree and marriage and the tales toldIn the divorce court of marital differ

are some of the aphorisms that








I Bonkam-





thein the

canvasser sEnormous prices are the

hooks in the canvasser s baitThey arrange a series of

payrnents which maixecosts seem neasooabte mieasily met

But wee will sellscene pubttcations at OR

thud to onehalf the prfcesyou pay the canvasserallow the same ofpaying a small part at thetime of purchase arid thetwiance at oonvenieflt in-

tervalsThis apptees e r p r

chases from the barpresort sae We seg

gest that you get ourterms before s ailig a

contract for any descrtp-rtkjn of puWicatiors

F and Twelfth









1 r fTi j C















gypsy queen liar throne a rough

Mine life thethe bulls r order that they

l ire Ji the oay f Kag hi the worldworth flvhag for U s do notlove it mattes rarttevlarty whereyou live or whether you live at an Ifyou have that time place sid condition can avail no greater happinessThere isnt room for more

Divorce comes from mental s Kgestion If there were no one

lever would think of oneThese Ian they are so common that theman of the house p nu d over capof poor coffee at breakfast time aVachliiSupon a divorce and before tight the sug

has become a eonvictioatAlways WayT Dissever Peaee

IT one resolve never to think of oS-

Torce a way always can be found tobear marital troubles

There is mere tore apd love of aonaJtty beneath the folds of a gyp

sys tent than hi a Baltimore mansionIt Is a queer lire that dr nt cherish

childhood days as the happirsi of it


thisthe camp


feu sorrow




kwa tee of outgacetothose tart

ma hilt pests peeress

does n









rmer Debutante Declares She Has NeverCasting Her Lot With Her Present




existence Mine fe a queer life I haveno happier days te remember titan theee

Vow for women may be admirablein etmeat They call me a queea butr had rather be my husbands wife thanhave any title or priviiese you couldgive me It i strange other womenarent tIed with thatI cannot accept the viewpoint of thosewho would have me return home Aslong as one te satisfied why should oneseek condition that may not bring Suckperfect content

QUEEN IN NAME ONLYJESSIE k not ashamed thatwider the scepter over her

band only is not fully recog-nized as a Spey when all the bedsAt Clayton fifteen wiles dfattant from

here the Mteheie camp now lies thenational tube ef gypsies fee ruled by

King Adams The girlpure white skin must sH by and see amore swarthyskinned beamy usurp herplace when she visit the camps of other

e societygirl She has repeatedly saM that she Isnot title hunting even when it is

by no greater court than a bandof carefree roves She Is living for

the narrow coafinee of atent and the little semictreV of tentsround it Besides the refuoes to weari he garb prescribed by these who would

a real gypv queen Her dress teher that of the wholly ctvtttaed devtee of outdoor life ties of a race orondition of people

An AmericanGirl Gypsy

When she receive a representativer The Tunes she ta a graykin somewhat the worse for wearttd a waist not of recent make or style

this she wore an etoa Jacketsince out of favor At timeshe may turban her heed and affect

the colors that one always associateswith the followers of the trail but

described an American girt simplydreasea a gypsy soul

Perhaps ft Is her aversion to pictur-esque costume perhaps it is her fairthe of the tribe a a of altthe of wanderers but whateverit may be Mrs George Michefe neeMaw Jessie Habereham eaves not so

as she bjvMs a place among herown halo cotene

was reticent when asked abouther husband except to say that histreatment of her is grand and thatIff tn a tent with him is preferable tolie In a Baltimore mansion withouthim Beyond that would not goAnd neither ill he Oft times he stood

the new life He didnt grown whenshe aomettmog spoke of her fatherfor eyes a must know that it tenot posolbie that one should forget en-tirety The epee of the sarpsy queensoftened when she spoke of the parentwho roared her A moment later sheturned same eyes upon tangGeorge and they softened with love forhim

He is not bad to look upon this Rom-any thief The Imprint of his race isupon himand story truly representative of a

who have no home stace thethirteenth century when they begantheir pilgrimages over western EuropeWanderlust GermPervades Their Hearts

A glance at this man tai the littlegroup about him would tell the mostobservant that In their hearts there isno yearning for a permanentpuu In their blood has been ever in-

oculated the germ of the wanderlust thelove of horses the desire to tinker todelve into the future to dream day-dream and to idly by unmindful of


I Ja

QUEENown Sit

apd a gypsy Is heldQ

wltk I

WlCDderersBut this disturb the peace of

mind former hIt

IGeorge and her kingdom enaI




may be found as


that precludes her acceptance hytiters queen I


long I



close hi while she told or the charmI



he is much the of




living new

assemble coratefl


doemtof the


Bingtraces bit


herf ers


a general thing she












Specimen Bargains65 LINCOLN ABRAHAM

Writings Tn s vote Edited by Arthur Brooksan Introduction Theodore Roose-

velt Tocether with the Essay on Uacoht by CarlSchwa The Address on IJncota by Joseph Hand The LKc of Lincoln by Noah Brooks NationalJ Portraits on Japan paper Bound in BMTOORmorocco with doth sides Published a S26OO


SO POE EDGAR ALLA-Nc te 10 O With a critical Introduction byPest Charles F KidwraMM With numerous IHua-Vnifana onwhit paper title B


Bound ia rod buekram-d M 1756

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WeeksIn 10 vote Edition de mxe limited to 1000Title iagBB on Japan and IHu6 ratitcns re-

lotnouo peodueed trout the ShMtrfttocs Booed in redwith paper tide labels Pub at SSiXOO


ipo SHAKESPEARE WILLIAMin 30 vote With colored IMustratioas and

idseanued alt on Printed inmy Constable at Westminster Bound

red eJfe at 53000SPECIAL SALE PRICE 950



Es S vols Edited by Charles Morris EaterA R exL4brariaa of Cosgrass andtimer Specialists With nearly 1000 Illustrationsahtone Drawings Plans and Maps and

Atlas of the World printed in colors Bound-in green buckram with red title labels


0 f f f

c Works In 10 vois Raven Pm

Some euiMttMr




WorkstiIIe eby


S ord

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Engrgr gtgsse om




andworld about

Kmr George Wee his wife V-to be a cMM of the ou ofdoora JH

had rather have Yaw daafip ground foa bed and the sky Csrifis coverlet tt nto sleep upon the downy eouciieK of thmighty He bad rasfewr smoke his pipthe tuckering glow of athaw sit before the moot cheerful

that wealth conhl make posjfblor human mgentjity invent Vic

than to handle the transactionsOR the New Yorlc Stock Excha

For as the poet has said trtel oC human happiness for dIe gypsychief means

Iy pearls are my white teetheMy are my btaek eyea thatdance like the tl htntacMy palace the wotrnluchaa Tuctntar


tot Their bullets she hasthrough ahorn within her Her station todaywhich not rr ipou igihi anya arnet she struggled for the environmeit te which this Battfamre trconquests awl eventualan America home

All the she pot behind her for therovers life Six yeansh

puhdvely heeded the tallteure She reads with atriuraplw of bridge 7tatee balls gay thin

Gypsys HorseBetter Than Avteoebft

The neigh of a gyyera horse hsjuweter far to her ear slay OmA fte whirof automobiles She had rattler mowfrom her tent at HM1M sari thday than to hick to themaid in a boudoir at high noon and hbad rather shuXoe the cards mil telthe future of a convJdteg patron to

Some day she says she may returnchiMho d bfet h will be JustHe whB Her tick father knLong ago he accepted the inevitably

demand of thnew existence Now and theaalwaybit oforiginal atcigieiiJust before tile identity of thequeen

ShewnInto Girls Heart

3fy Dear I real WtkVthe other day

you may already have aeon k BowI shall write It dowa yoiWee sow

And the cheery hieoaae neata theis the sweet

Where the four Itnfed driers xrvwone leaf Is for faith aad

tackAnd for love yam tanwr

And God put aueUiu one te torhack

they growThere is the insight into the

of this setfexpatrtatodaocJetygirt Thereis the feeing that has made her

the things that other girls tens tnenjoy and there breathes the wanaeilust the call of strongerthat will make her always Queen

the wife of a gypsy

to the Ii rntJM


hadrather best a III III horse bad01 ada


My couch k pwat

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was rear haveIf

lure ofto reveal to her that franwas not tile one

of tile wildshe has found to refit atmetal

sadof the thing which she was aIU1 fIYS o twinge of

new the

win at a gam of wId8tfur for a Ilu willie to the etC her

a litthat

From the beginning her little notes backtaeIIte of far patbe stronger

of a poetic e would ill aV or tile steadfast of herBut short dose arebecaMe Jc she wroes


aillstnlike tuT9II4d kever

I know a where tile Is

cowAnd down

If you aerrh you will


b itle O 7tk


cam nt5 rohearth-stone

wide tmeseg

Jeefe Habmshu n has cast

because as vid fesieliowwere

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There are still JWOFC than3000 beautiful artides ourdepartment of noveltieswhich we are offering at a

fraction of their ac-


need room in Vtmth todisplay sprae reeerai bcavypurchases in new and de-


To make this space avail-

able our novelty goods mustbe closed out to the last ar-

ticle Costs have beenignored for we have

but one sellquickly

Well not attempt to en-

umerate hoods gild pricesbot simply ask you feo taegrad look at the ba gaias

F and Twelfth

r i1f









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