Form Validation with Clojure Spec

Form Validation with Clojure Spec Alexander Kiel Clojure Meetup Leipzig 2017

Transcript of Form Validation with Clojure Spec

Form Validation with Clojure Spec

Alexander KielClojure Meetup Leipzig 2017

General Idea

• We like to use the same specs for validating user input and for server-side validation

• We use an error-formatter to generate human-readable error messages from explain-data

Error Formatter• multi-method with hierarchic dispatch on

[normalized-pred id via] [normalized-pred id] [normalized-pred]

• Predicates are normalised by removing all numbers

(<= (count %) 10) ==> (<= (count %))

• default error formatters are available

• no need to write an error formatter for each input

Default Error Formatters;; Matches on (not (blank? %)) predicate (defmethod error-formatter '[(not (blank? %))] [_ _] "Wert erforderlich”)

;; Matches on normalised (<= (count %)) predicate and ;; uses full predicate and val from problem for error msg (defmethod error-formatter '[(<= (count %))] [_ {:keys [pred val]}] (let [max-length (last pred)] (gstr/format "Maximale Länge von %s Zeichen um %s Zeichen überschritten" max-length (- (count val) max-length))))

Match Error Formatters by ID

(defmethod error-formatter '[(re-matches %)] [_ _] "Ungültiger Barcode.")

(defmethod error-formatter '[(re-matches %) "in-insert-pos"] [_ _] "Ungültige Position.")

(defmethod error-formatter '[(re-matches %) "out-group-id"] [_ _] "Ungültige Gruppe.")

Usage in TextField• TextField uses default error formatters which match

the used predicate.

(s/def ::name #(not (blank? %))) (form/validating-text-field {:id "sso-name" :auto-focus true :floating-label-text "Name" :spec ::name :on-change #(update-order! ::name %)})

Conforming Values• one can normalise input values through s/conform

• in this example, users don’t have to input positions uppercase

(def upper-case-conformer (s/conformer (fn [x] (if (string? x) (str/upper-case x) ::s/invalid))))

;; A 2D position from A1 to D7 (s/def ::pos (s/and upper-case-conformer #(re-matches #"[A-D][1-7]" %)))

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