Form and Content

Camille Lopez 141233 ART105 Nature is one thing that most people become ignorant about. A lot of people often forget to appreciate their environment and surroundings. William Wordsworth’s I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud shows how nature can uplift one’s spirit if we just take the time to look and really see what was around us. These thoughts about nature and how it improves one’s mood are suggested through the two aspects of the poem, the form and the content. These two concepts rely on each other to be able to convey to the readers the main essence of the work. The choice of words is one way the author used to be able to make the readers visualize the setting of the scene. He used descriptive words to be able to show how the surroundings were true works of art. The words also stood as symbols, an example would be the mention of golden daffodils, which as said are golden. Yellow is the universal color for happiness; it symbolizes energy and cheerfulness. The readers can infer that the vision of the daffodils inflict happiness to the speaker of the poem. Another example is the description of the place where the daffodils are located. “Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze” establishes a pleasant environment. The words fluttering and dancing are somewhat gentle movements, thus


Interdependence of Form and Content in Poetry

Transcript of Form and Content

Page 1: Form and Content

Camille Lopez 141233


Nature is one thing that most people become ignorant about. A lot of people often forget

to appreciate their environment and surroundings. William Wordsworth’s I Wandered Lonely As

A Cloud shows how nature can uplift one’s spirit if we just take the time to look and really see

what was around us. These thoughts about nature and how it improves one’s mood are suggested

through the two aspects of the poem, the form and the content. These two concepts rely on each

other to be able to convey to the readers the main essence of the work.

The choice of words is one way the author used to be able to make the readers visualize

the setting of the scene. He used descriptive words to be able to show how the surroundings were

true works of art. The words also stood as symbols, an example would be the mention of golden

daffodils, which as said are golden. Yellow is the universal color for happiness; it symbolizes

energy and cheerfulness. The readers can infer that the vision of the daffodils inflict happiness to

the speaker of the poem. Another example is the description of the place where the daffodils are

located. “Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze” establishes a

pleasant environment. The words fluttering and dancing are somewhat gentle movements, thus

implying a gentle mood. Through the choice of words by the author, the readers are able to go

deeper as to the meaning of the poem because they are able to connect it to other aspects.

Another way in which the author was able to convey the message of the poem to readers

is the choice of point of view to be used. In the case of I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud, William

Wordsworth chose the first person point of view. With this, the readers are able to get a look into

the personal insights and thoughts of the person. Although it is not specifically stated, it can be

considered a reflection because the poem is a recollection of what the speaker thinks and feels.

“I gazed—and gazed—but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought,” this part of

the poem has the speaker opening up to the readers that he did not realize what good company he

had right away.

Page 2: Form and Content

The poem I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud has an iambic tetrameter and it maintains this

throughout the whole piece. It has a consistent meter and rhythm, with the stanzas containing

rhymes. Rhyme and rhythm are two significant elements of poetry. They stand as the framework

of the poems and they are what sets poetry different from prose. In the chosen poem, William

Wordsworth makes use of these elements to convey meaning to his readers. With rhythm and

rhyme present in I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud, the readers are able get the sense of unity

among the content of the poem since they all have the same structure. In the same light, there is

order in the poem.

With these concepts, the readers are presented with the message of the poem through the

use of the form or structure of the work. The form is not only presnet to give a framework to the

poem, but also it is a way to be able to convey meaning without stating is explicitly. Content can

be expressed in different ways (i.e. through how the poem is read and how the poem is written).