Forging partnerships with parents, students and the community for ...

Forging partnerships with parents, students and the community for better, stronger schools.. Presented by: Kathleen Kennedy, AUSD Coordinator, Instructional Support Services Presented at: Parent and Family Engagement Summit Riverside County Office of Education September 19, 2013

Transcript of Forging partnerships with parents, students and the community for ...

Forging partnerships with parents, students and the community for better, stronger schools..

Presented by: Kathleen Kennedy,

AUSD Coordinator, Instructional Support Services Presented at: Parent and Family Engagement Summit

Riverside County Office of Education September 19, 2013

AUSD, forging partnerships with parents, students and the community for better, stronger schools.

Purpose: To Change District Culture as it Relates to Parents

Five Objectives:

I. To strengthen community partnerships

II. To create family engagement leaders

III. To increase two-way communication

IV. To assist parents in supporting children

V. To increase student achievement

Background Alvord Assistant Superintendent of Instruction – Vision

Superintendent - Support

Coordinator of Instruction Support Services – Previous Principal with strong parent connection Parent Involvement assigned

School Board - Support

State and Federal discussion on Parent Involvement is growing – Timing is right

Financial support – 1% of Federal Funding used for Parent Involvement

Parent Involvement - In the top 8 priorities for budget reorganization in the State of CA

Benefits of Parent Involvement

1. Positive Community Relationships 2. Improved Communication 3. Children tend to achieve more regardless of ethnic or racial background, socio-economic status or parent education level 4. Children are more motivated towards school, get better grades, have better attendance 5. Children feel more secure when parents are involved, have a better attitude, behave better

Benefits of Parent Involvement

6. The gap between cultures is bridged

7. Middle school and high school transitions are smoother when parents remain involved

8. Students are less likely to drop out when parents remain involved

9. Better teacher morale and higher community satisfaction

The Key to Success

“The level of parent involvement at schools is not determined by parent interest or apathy.

The level of parent involvement is determined by whether or not appropriate strategies and structures are in place to facilitate the participation of parents.”

Milbrey McLaughlin, Standford University

Administrator’s Overview Summer 2012

Family Engagement Framework

California Dept. of Education

5 Framework Domains Build Capacity


Resources/Fiscal Allocation

Monitor Progress

Access and Equity

Parent Engagement Leadership Initiative Training Alvord Parent PELI

This is not hard work, but heart work.

We want to turn activities that were accidental and

peripheral to school improvement,

into well-planned and intentional programs

that are central to school improvement and

that contribute to school academic success.

Alvord is Working to Build a Comprehensive Parent Engagement District-Wide Plan

School, Family and Community Partnerships


that we are creating a welcoming place;

it implies everyone has a role to play in educating the child.

Excellent Schools

Strong Families

Healthy Communities

Creating Family Friendly Schools in Alvord USD

Staff Development, June 2013 Reached Out District Wide

Improving Parent Engagement in Schools Through Extraordinary Customer Service All District Office Staff

Emphasized internal and external relationships

District role in creating partnerships

Translates into increased academic success

Creating Family Friendly Schools in Alvord USD

August 2013

Reached Out to the School Sites

Creating Welcoming Schools

All principals and school secretaries

Examined the rationale for creating family friendly schools

Established the school office as a link to family partnerships

Set school-wide goals

Translates into academic success

Goal: To Train all AUSD Schools in 3 Years

2012-2013 2013-2014


1 District Parent Inv. Team

4 Schools

2 Elementary

2 Middle

AUSD ATP Team Training

7 Elementary Schools

2014-2015 • AUSD ATP Team will

Train: 5 Elementary 2 Middle Early Years Team

PELI Training in ALVORD

Module Structure Parent & Staff Engagement

Two Modules per day Condensed to meet our needs Incorporated survey to set goals

with each module Clear connection to SPSA Planning time built into each

day, plans written at training 4 full release days District provided subs Breakfast and lunch provided 2-3 Parents per Team 2-3 Staff members per team Principal must attend training Make-up day offered on site

Parents need to feel that they have something to offer, and that they would be welcome if they came. Beyond the Bake Sale

Anne T. Henderson Karen L. Mapp

Vivian R. Johnson

Don Davies

Dr. Joyce Epstein, PhD Johns Hopkins University Maryland

School, Family and Community Partnerships: Your Handbook for Action, Third Edition

Integrate Plans for all Parent Group Around:

6 Types of Parent Involvement

1. Parenting

2. Communicating

3. Volunteering

4. Learning at Home

5. Decision Making

6. Collaborating with the Community

Integrate Programs

Health and Fitness Grant

Parent Teacher Association

No Excuses University

Lunch time Book Picnic in the Rain

Parent University


Reaching Out to Parents ATP Teams at Each School Parent Education Classes Guest Speakers Parent Inv. Newsletter District Volunteer Standards School Site Support Translation Community Partnerships Teacher Parent Leaders District Brochures Parent Website Pages Building bridges of

understanding between the schools and our families

Parent Involvement Newsletter

Public schools should be strong enough to embrace the helicopter parent.

Kathleen Kennedy, Helicopter Parent

Kathleen Kennedy, Alvord Unified School District Coordinator Of Instructional Support Services [email protected]
