Forest and Wildlife

Name: Rushabh Shah STD: X - A Roll No: 33

Transcript of Forest and Wildlife

Name: Rushabh Shah

STD: X - ARoll No: 33

Forest and Wildlife

The scientific study of forest species and their

interaction with the environment is referred to

as forest ecology

What is Forest??

A forest, also referred to as a wood or the woods, is an area with a high density of trees. As with cities, depending on various cultural definitions, what is considered a forest may vary significantly in

size and have different classifications according to how and of what the forest is composed. These plant communities cover

approximately 9.4 percent of the Earth's surface (or 30 percent of total land area), though they once covered much more (about 50

percent of total land area), in many different regions and function as habitats for organisms, hydrologic flow modulators,

and soil conservers, constituting one of the most important aspects of the biosphere. Although forests are classified primarily by trees, the concept of a forest ecosystem includes additional species (such as smaller plants, fungi, bacteria, and animals) as well as physical and chemical processes such as energy flow and nutrient cycling.





Forest management is a branch of forestry concerned with the overall administrative,

economic, legal and social aspects and with the essentially scientific and technical aspects,

especially silviculture, protection, and forest regulation.

What is Management of Forest??

This includes management for aesthetics, fish, recreation, urban

values, water, wilderness, wildlife, wood products, forest genetic

resources and other forest resource values. Management can be based on conservation, economics, or a mixture

of the two. Techniques include timber extraction, planting

and replanting  of various species, cutting roads and pathways through

forests, and preventing fire.

Forest Management

There has been an increased public awareness of natural resource policy, including forest management. Public

concern regarding forest management may have shifted from the extraction of timber to the preservation of additional

forest resources, including wildlife and old growth forest, protecting biodiversity, watershed manag

ement, and recreation. Increased environmental awareness may contribute to an increased public mistrust of forest

management professionals

Public input and awareness

regarding Forest

Conservation of Forest

DeforestationDeforestation, clearance or clearing is the removal of a

forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a non-forest use.  Examples of

deforestation include conversion of forestland to farms, ranches, or urban use.

Deforestation occurs for many reasons: trees are cut down to be used or sold as fuel or timber, while cleared

land is used as pasture for livestock, plantations of commodities, and settlements. The removal of trees

without sufficient reforestation has resulted in damage to habitat, biodiversity loss and aridity. It has adverse impacts on bio-sequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Deforestation has also been used in war to

deprive an enemy of cover for its forces and also vital resources. A modern example of this was the use of Agent Orange by the United States military in

Vietnam during the Vietnam War. Deforested regions typically incur signifi cant adverse soil erosion and

frequently degrade into wasteland.


Wildlife means area where undomesticated animals living 

in the wild, including those hunted for food, sport, or profi


What is meant by Wildlife?

The wildlife in India is a mix of species of different types of organisms.[1][clarification needed]Apart from a handful of the

major famed animals such as cows, buffaloes, goats, poultry and sheep, India has an amazingly wide variety of animals native to

the country. It is home to lions, tigers, leopards, snow leopards, black

panthers, cheetahs, wolves, foxes, bears, crocodiles, rhinoceroses, camels, dogs, monkeys, snakes, antelope species, deer species,

varieties of bison and not to mention the mighty Asian elephant. The region's rich and diverse wildlife is preserved in 89 national parks, 13 Bio reserves and 400+ wildlife sanctuaries across the

country.[2] Since India is home to a number of rare and threatened animal species, wildlife management in the country is

essential to preserve these species.[3] According to one study, India along with 17 mega diverse countries is home to about 60-

70% of the world's biodiversity.



The need for conservation of wildlife in India is often questioned because of the apparently incorrect priority in the face of direct poverty of the people. However, Article 48 of the Constitution of India specifies that, "The state shall endeavor to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the

forests and wildlife of the country" and Article 51-A states that "it shall be the duty of every citizen of India to protect

and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers, and wildlife and to have compassion for living


Conservation of Wildlife

Conservation of Wildlife

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