Forces of Destiny



written by Emeka Anslemif you must go forth, then you need effort. if you must be formed then you need to be informed. This book will completely help you to reform your life and destiny.

Transcript of Forces of Destiny

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Forces of Destiny


The kingdom of heaven operates on keys,

while destiny is controlled by forces. For man

to reach his destination in life, he needs

certain forces to push forward each time he

gets pulled down. You may never know what

to do until you know what to do. There is a

place for patience, just like there is a place for

meekness. I discovered that man CANNOT go

further in pursuit of destiny except he is

compelled by relevant forces. If you must go

forth, then you need effort; if you must reach

your destination, then you must engage the

forces in this book. More grace!

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Every setback is a step back before a high jump –

“David Abioye”

You may never understand persistence until

you've observed the grass. Many individuals see

themselves on the ground, just like the grass

does. But the difference is that; no matter how

many times the grass is cut down, it looks for

ways to shoot up again. People need to

understand that; every setback is a step back

before a high jump. If you don't jump over the pit

- you may fall into it! And for you to jump - you

need to step back! Failure does not mean

impotence, failure gives room for resilience.

Impotent people cannot produce; a person who

failed can still produce! You don't need to cry over

a closed door, because the fact that a door got

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closed means several other doors have been

opened. A door can be closed for any reason; it

may even be for emergency purposes. So why do

you worry yourself over a door that has been

closed for your safety?

No matter how much you treat a disease or

sickness, it does all it can to get back to the body.

It's not because it doesn't know its presence in

you is affecting your life, no! It's because it wants

to fulfill destiny - and the destination of sickness is

destruction. So each time you resist sickness, it

tries again after it has gained momentum.

Everybody wants to make it in life, but there's

always a resistance. There's always something to

cast you down; but if you persist, the resistance

will depart from you. The ideas you have might be

limited - just like the flow of a wave is limited by

resistance, but a flood carries along the resistance

with it. This is why medical practitioners would

advise you to see a Doctor if a medicine does not

work after 2-days. That simply means "if the

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method doesn't work after two days, try another

method". It didn't say you should allow the

sickness to kill you, it didn't say you should

continue trying the same medicine; it says you

should seek an expatriate. That is persistence! It

is the ability to seek another solution when one

solution doesn't work! If you can understand this

principle, then to give up will not be in your

profile. It is not every key that can open a lock. If

you don't know the exact key, the only option is to

try all the keys in the bunch until you find the key.

The only reason why you failed all those times is

because you've not found the right solution, so all

you have to do is continue in search of a solution

that match. It is impossible to find a problem that

doesn't have a solution, just like it's impossible to

find a lock that doesn't have a key - because the

key was designed with the lock; it is therefore not

qualified to be a lock without the key! So, persist

in doing what you desire to see done, despite the

obstacles! God will make a way for you. I think I

should stop here! May God give us understanding!

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Patience is preparing yourself to match the demands

of what you’re waiting for – “Emeka Anslem”

It's important to state here that; there is a

difference between "being patient for something"

and "waiting for something". People who are

patient are not just waiting for something; they're

also preparing and developing themselves to

match the demands of what they are waiting for.

Patience projects the future and determines what

it will need to reach it. Many individuals know how

to wait but very few know how to be patient.

You may never understand patience until you

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study a tree - especially a palm tree. A tree does

not wait till it starts bearing fruits, no! It gathers

nutrients, takes energy from the sun, and takes

time to grow its root within the ground - so that

nothing shall be able to move it when it begins to

rise. Many believers have wastefully prayed to God

for a change of story, because when the blessing

comes, they end up losing it to incompetence. The

bible says "we are the trees of righteousness" and

"the righteous shall flourish like a palm tree". I'm

sure many of you have heard those scriptures, but

how many times have you studied the lifestyle of a

tree? A palm tree may be slow to grow, but its

growth is steady! It first strengthens its root and

takes it deeper into the ground - in order to grow

steadily. Maturity is the ultimate of every tree, but

that will not be possible without strengthening the

root. If God has not answered your prayers, it

doesn't mean He will not answer them. It may be

that He is waiting for you to develop yourself on

what you're praying for. Your growth may not be

as fast as you expect, but thank God it is steady, it

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is not breaking; that is your guarantee for


Patience is not waiting on God; patience is

developing yourself to match the responsibilities

that God will place on you. The truth is; God

needs laborers, He won't deny you if you're

matured for His assignment. That also means that

God is not the problem, your level of maturity is

the problem. Patience works with hope; you can

get tired of waiting, but you can never become

impatient if you're actually being patient. I copied

this from a friends profile message; "Life is the

most difficult exam, many people fail because they

try to copy others, not realizing that everyone has

a different question paper". There are trees, but

not all trees are palm trees. A mango tree may

grow faster than a palm tree, but it doesn't mean

the palm tree will not grow. Don't copy your

righteous friends, you don't know when he started

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developing his root; neither should you copy your

unrighteous friends, he's probably growing as

weeds - and weeds can be destroyed at anytime.

We need to live a life of patience; don't live your

life based on another's advancement, you may

end up crashing. The bible says "everything that

has been written concerning you has been written

before time, so that you can through PATIENCE

and the comfort of scriptures receive the

promise". When you no longer feel comfortable

having patience, look for relevant scriptures to

guide your action. Scriptures are the comforter of

patience! I think I should stop here! May God give

us understanding!

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Without purpose, you would be ignorant of what

you’re supposed to do – “Emeka Anslem”

This is the most important force of destiny.

Everything created was created for a purpose.

Everything created is a solution to a problem.

People create things purposely to solve problems.

Man was created by God, and that means man is a

solution to a problem. God saw the emptiness of

the earth, the earth needed a caretaker, that was

why He created man. The fact that He said "the

earth" doesn't mean the whole earth is allocated

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to one man - there's a particular place that you're

expected to be useful. Adam's portion was the

garden of Eden; God told him to dress it and keep

it. The same way God gave Adam that purpose is

the same way He gave every man purpose. That is

where He said "occupy till I come"; there is a

place you're expected to occupy till Jesus comes.

In life, a man is either pursuing a mission or

running with a vision. But you can't engage in any

of them without the discovery of purpose. One

reason why many people don't discover their

purpose is because they are not patient enough;

purpose takes time to be discovered, it is

something you grow to understand. Another

reason is that; it is a personal thing; you discover

your purpose by yourself. Nobody will discover it

for you! I've come to discover that "no two

individuals have the same purpose". You may see

two individuals whose purpose is to speak publicly,

but their causes are different (they can't be

speaking the same thing). One may be good at

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speaking on cleanliness; the other may be good at

speaking on godliness. So none of them can help

each other on how to speak, because their

messages have to be delivered on a different note

(it's not the way you teach on godliness that you'd

teach on cleanliness).

Here are a few guidelines on discovering purpose:

First, you must understand that it takes time.

Secondly, determine your strengths. Your

strengths are your natural abilities. You may like

to sing, or dance, or clean, or cook, or count

money. Your strength would always relate to your


Thirdly, determine your passion. When you're

passionate about a thing, you'd naturally have

love for that thing - to an extent that you'd be

willing to do it for free each time you're called. I

have so much passion for teaching; I'm always

willing to teach anywhere even for free. I don't

strain myself to do it, teaching just flows freely out

of me. And lastly, determine your cause. I saw a

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LASTMA official with tooth-pick on his mouth

yesterday - on his duty post. If I had an

opportunity I would have addressed that situation,

because I wasn't pleased with it. A student was

sent home from school because he doesn't have a

particular textbook; that got me really upset

because there are better ways to punish a student

than sending him home. I wanted to go to the

school with the boy, but the mother stopped me.

Your causes are things that you find displeasing,

both to individuals and the society. You naturally

grow a strong desire to solve them when you see

them happen.

Now understand this; your cause is not your

purpose, neither is your strenght and passion your

purpose. But if you can combine and intersect the

three of them - putting time into consideration,

you'd discover your purpose. Finally, people who

pursue their mission are people who assign duties

to their purpose (people who maximize their

purpose), they just want to do something to

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impact their present society. And that's the core

reason why God gave you a purpose. God has an

eternal plan for your life - something we call

VISION. But God will not give you a vision if

you've not accomplished any personal mission or if

you've not maximized your purpose enough. God

gives vision to those who know how to work! I

pray, the grace of God will help you in the

discovery of your purpose! I think I should stop

here! May God give us understanding!

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Focus is what you set your mind upon – “Emeka


A focus is something occupying your attention.

Focused people care less about the tragedies

around. Their minds are always pointing to their

destination. Scripture says about Jesus that "He

focused on the joy that was set before Him, and

for that reason - He endured the cross". Life

would be full of trials and errors without a focus.

Every man needs a point of focus; if you don't

have a focus then life would be too costly. Focus

keeps you from trying everything to doing

something. Prosperity does not come by what you

try, no! It comes by what you do "... And

whatsoever you DO shall prosper". Focus would

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help you organize your life; somebody was looking

for Jesus, and when he finally found Him, Jesus

said "how can you be looking for me by this time,

don't you know I'd be doing my Father's

business?". The man came because he needed

help, and Jesus is an Helper, but that particular

time the man came was for something else. The

fact that you're a singer doesn't mean you'd have

to sing every day, you may end up crashing! You

need to do other things; plan on how to reach

your desired goal; that's what focus does for you.

It makes you conscious of what to do per time;

helping that man would have been a good thing,

but it may have wasted His time for that period. It

takes focus to understand that there is time for

everything. You don't do everything that comes

into your time, you do things according to the

time scheduled for it. The reason why many

people miss their opportunities is because they've

used their time of preparation for considerations.

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It's good to consider things - especially people,

but you also need to advance yourself so that you

can be prepared when opportunities come. This is

why you must discover your purpose (read Part 3

of this series for PURPOSE). Focus may be

impossible without a life with purpose. If you don't

have a purpose then there'd be nothing

worthwhile to focus on.

Joseph had a focus, and it was derived from his

purpose. Abraham had a focus, which was also

developed from his purpose. Adam and Eve didn't

understand their purpose, and that was why they

lost focus. Samson abused his purpose, and that

destroyed his focus - and destroyed him in return.

Lack of focus destroys! Lack of focus makes an

individual cheap; but a focused man is an

expensive man!

Finally, focus means "what you set your mind on",

and God has properly opened our eyes to certain

things that we should set our minds on. For

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example; in Matt 6:33, He said we should focus on

His kingdom; in Prov 4:20-22, He said we should

focus on His word; in Phil 4:8, He said we should

focus on things that are true and honorable; in Col

3:2, He said we should focus on things that are

above. It might interest you to know that "life can

be shortened without focus"; because God created

a focus for man's eternal life, and if man decides

to live outside this focus - he's directly abusing the

life that God gave him; and according to Rom

1:28, God may prefer to stop you from using what

you'd abuse. What more can I say? Stay

FOCUSED! I think I should stop here! May God

give us understanding!

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Because the clearer the picture the better you'd feature,

and the better you feature the better your future

What is imagination?

Imagination means creating a mental picture of an

idea or thought. Imagination is the driver of

achievement. If you ever want to achieve anything

in life, then you must of necessity be able to

imagine it. The people at the tower of Babel

imagined building that tower; and the bible

records that "nothing would be able to stop them

from what they have imagined to do", God had to

stop them by Himself. They were already seeing

the tower in heaven, even when they've not

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started the construction. Imagination is being able

to see the completion even before starting.

God spoke to Abraham, "look from where you are

to the North, South, East and West, I will give you

as far as you can see". God will only give you as

far as you can see. Imagination is the way out of

any challenge; the reason why people would

remain in their problem is because they keep

"looking at" the problem. God didn't say we should

"look at" the situation, no! He said we should

"look from" the situation to where we're going. If

you must see where you're going then you must

stop seeing where you are! You can't be looking

up and looking down at the same time!

God has a picture and video gallery, something we

call revelation and vision - and the Holy Spirit is

the Custodian. The scriptures that we read are

scripts that need to be demonstrated; what the

Holy Ghost does is to show you pictorial examples

of scriptures - that is, He converts scriptures to

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pictures. Many people wait for revelation instead

of looking up to God for a revelation. Daniel

looked up to God for three days because He

wanted to see pictures of what the king said in

words. It took him three days because The Holy

Ghost was not inside of him, but today the bible

says we are the temple of the Holy Ghost. If we

are the temple then it means the gallery is inside

us, all we have to do is look within, and trust the

Holy Ghost to show us. Any time I read a

scripture, I immediately enter into the picture

gallery where the Holy Ghost is - to search for

pictures that fit, and because the Holy Ghost is

there - I won't have to search for long. The reason

why many people do not benefit from the power

in scriptures is because they are only quotes; they

don't see what they quote. The bible says "the

Holy Ghost will show you things to come...", that

means He's always willing to show you things. But

willingness does not mean He'd force things on

you, He'd only show you when you look up to


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But why do I need pictures? Because the clearer

the picture the better you'd feature, and the better

you feature the better your future! I think I should

stop here! May God give us understanding!

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Every man is designed to live by faith – “The


Life is not always about what we see, neither is it

always about what it seems, life also requires

faith. As a matter of scriptural truth, every just

man is designed to live by faith. The world may

live by what they see, feel or think, but believers

must live by faith. The bible also makes us to

understand that "any request that is made to God

outside faith will NOT be granted". Without faith,

it's impossible to please God, and when God is not

pleased with you, anything can be uneasy with

you. Watch it, If you're living outside faith then

you're malfunctioning!

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Faith is both an offensive and defensive force. It

can serve as a shield and as a sword of the Spirit.

Many believers strike against the forces of

wickedness, but they don't defend themselves

with the shield of faith, they think the enemy will

go to sleep after the first strike. I understand from

scriptures that "the enemy fights DAILY", it's not

because you didn't defeat him in the previous

battle, but because "a great and effectual door is

opened unto you, and there are many

adversaries". So, many of them have been

assigned to fight one battle, and they'd continue

fighting till Jesus comes. The challenges that

many believers face is a result of the ignorance of

their defense. They attack and strike perfectly, but

they don't defend. The reason why many pastors

are down today is because they don't know how

to defend themselves. It takes faith to attack; it

also takes faith to defend. A woman was to

sacrifice her daughter to her cult on the day of her

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daughter’s wedding, but God gave the couple a

defensive formation a night before their wedding.

He told them to pray all through the night till

morning, before 6AM that morning, the girls

mother ran to their house to confess - with fire all

over her body. They are christians, but if they

didn't obey God's instruction that night, they

would have gone for nothing.

Faith is the only key that opens the doors of

heaven. If you won't engage your faith, then you

may follow your fate. It is never one's faith to fail

until it is one's fate to fail. Faith is not a stagnant

force, faith is a moving force! You can't have faith

and be stagnant, faith can move you from where

you are to where you desire to be! You need faith

to be alive, otherwise you merely exist. Faith

means trust! Faith means believe! So, have

FAITH! I think I should stop here! May God give

us understanding!

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Knowledge will only increase you, but love distinguishes –

“Emeka Anslem”

Love is the perfect force that can secure any

man's freedom. Love is not a falling or a feeling;

you can't fall in love, neither can you feel you're in

love. You may have affections towards something,

you may have feelings for someone, but that

doesn't mean you're in love. If you must walk in

love then you must choose to; walking in love is

essentially a personal decision. Affections and

feelings can only be sustained by your decision to

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walk in love. There are many intelligent graduates

who have not secured a job today; it is not

because they can't work, no! It is because there

are many other graduates who are still looking for

jobs - who even graduated before them. You don't

go to school just to seek knowledge; knowledge

will only increase you, but love distinguishes.

Knowledge without love will dump you into the

unemployed basket!

I've not seen a better definition of love than the

definition in the bible. First, I understand that; I

may have the gift of inspired preaching; I may

have all knowledge, and understand all secrets; I

may have all the faith needed to move mountains

- but if I have no love, I am nothing. I may give

away everything I have, and even give up my

body to be burned[t] - but if I have no love, this

does me no good. And then it defines love by

saying: Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous

or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or

selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of

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wrongs; love is not happy with evil, but is happy

with the truth. Love never gives up; and its faith,

hope, and patience never fail. Love is eternal!

Love never fails! You may have tried that thing

over and again without getting your desired result,

why not try it in love this time? Please understand

me; love is beyond giving, love is denying self for

another. God thought of what to do to revive His

creation, and the only thing that measured up was

to sacrifice His only Son. He had been giving

mercy to the people, but they were not changing,

so He had to deny His life just to bring His

people's heart back to Him. When you're truly in

love, you'd place less value on yourself just to

settle who or what you're in love with. If you love

your job, your salary would never be a problem,

you will not even be late to work; if you love your

wife, her barrenness would never be a problem; if

you love your teachers, you'd never fail their

courses; if you love your parents, you'd honor

them at all times; if you love your friend, you'd be

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fateful to him; if you love your child, you'd correct

him when he's wrong! Stop trying everything, start

loving everything, LOVE NEVER FAILS! I think I

should stop here! May God give us understanding!

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Anytime you appear joyful in the face of a problem,

the devil wanders if he actually placed the problem

well – “Emeka Anslem”

There is a formula that God gave the children of

Israel to use whenever they're confronted by

oppositions. He said "when you see armies with

their chariots coming against you in great

numbers, BE OF GOOD CHEER!". It's more like

saying; when they tell you that you're infected

with a strange disease, be of good cheer! Or they

tell you that you may never have a child, be of

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good cheer! They may refuse to sign that

contract, but be of good cheer. You may see ten

thousand applicants that came for the same

interview as you, be of good cheer! Another word

for cheerfulness is joyfulness; you cannot be

cheerful and not be joyful. God knew they'd be

faced with obstacles, and that was why He gave

that formula to them. And that also means "if they

try to solve any problem without the application of

the formula, they may end up consumed by the

problem". Your joyfulness confuses the devil;

anytime you appear joyful in the face of a

problem, the devil wanders if he actually placed

the problem well. And because you're not worried,

it won't be long before he walks away with his

problem! I wrote a series titled "MY JOY IS NOT

FOR SALE - PART 1 & 2", please scroll down my

wall to read those messages, except you already


The bible says "it is with joy that you draw water

out of the wells of salvation". The more water you

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draw the more opportunities you get. The more

water you have the more you'd be able to

accomplish. Availability of water draws some level

of attraction; people would naturally come to fetch

from you when they know you have it. No matter

how distant a river is, people go there to fetch

water. Water is life; drawing out water from the

well of salvation is equal to drawing life - not just

for you but for the destinies that are attached to

you. It is water that make up a river, it is the

same water that makes up an ocean. People

would prefer to plant their trees and crops beside

a river - so that the roots of their plantings can

draw water from the river. Fishes live in rivers,

just like many other aquatic organisms. When

your water level grows to river level, people will

not only come to fetch water from you, you'd

supply fishes to people for business.

If you must continually draw water from the wells

of salvation, then you must live a joy-filled life.

Everything you need to prosper is inside you!

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Jesus said "he that is thirsty should come, out of

his belly shall flow rivers of living water - and the

last time I checked, the belly of a man is inside

the man. Jesus is the well of salvation, and He has

told you to come and fetch whenever you're

thirsty, but you can't draw water out of a well by

staring at it, you need to engage a fetcher, and

the only fetcher prescribed in scriptures is joy! If

you won't be joyful then going to that well will

only make you a lost fool!

It's important to let you know that; Joy is not just

happiness, it's advance happiness. People get

happy for the good they can see; but joy keeps

you excited whether the condition is good or bad.

Joy is never affected by circumstances, while

happiness is destroyed by circumstances. Joy does

not care about what is happening, rather, it is sure

that God is working! I think I should stop here!

May God give us understanding!

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Boldness is a capital requirement for success in life –

“David Abioye”

From scriptural perspective, boldness means

"strength of heart". What makes a man is his

heart; a man may lose his hands and legs and still

be alive, but if he loses his heart, he has lost all.

The heart of a man is the engine of his life; that's

why the bible tells us to keep our heart with all

diligence for out of it are the issues of life (Prov

4:22). Your heart is the center of your life; you'd

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be dispossessed of everything except you possess

your heart. Most victories and triumphs have their

roots in the heart. If you're weak at heart, you

may end in defeat; but if you're strong at heart -

even though you may not have a weapon in your

hand, you're sure to have victory. What wins in

the battle of life is not weapon, it's the heart.

Without a heart, you don't have a place on the

earth; which also means, without boldness you

cannot make a bold mark. It is your boldness that

determines the mark you'd make in life. It is not

money that makes people, it is boldness! Boldness

is a capital requirement for success in life. Many

individuals have money but no boldness, and

that's why they lose all the money; your boldness

is the security of your destiny!

It is clear from scriptures that The Holy Spirit is

the Spirit of boldness. In 2 Tim1:6-7, I understand

that the Spirit that God gave to us is not of fear,

but of power; and "power" is another description

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of boldness. Ephesians 3:16 says; "...that you be

strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner

man", boldness means to have inner strength.

Also, in Acts 4:31-33, the disciples prayed and

then the Holy Ghost came on them, and they

spoke the word of God with boldness. One major

characteristic of boldness is that it makes you

fearless; a bold person can confront any mountain

or situation.

Now read carefully; conquest or defeat has its root

in the heart! Goliath was tormenting the children

of Israel with serious threats; meanwhile the

children of Israel had weapons, but no one had

the heart to confront Goliath. And then suddenly,

David showed up to diagnose the problem and

said "let no man's heart fail because of this

philistine, thy servant would go and fight him".

Don't let your heart fail because of medical report!

Don't let your heart fail because of economic

situation! Don't let your heart fail because of

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market conditions! Don't let your heart fail

because your name is not on the list! Don't let

your heart fail because your landlord is on your

neck! Boldness empowers you to confront

oppositions. Please understand me; conquest in

the battles of life requires boldness, if you're not

bold then you're not a candidate for conquest!

When you see medical reports that are very

glaring, don't be afraid of them! Fear is the enemy

of boldness, when you fear you fall, a bold man

would do all to stand. The reason why many

people have not succeeded in building their house

is because they lack boldness, the fear of the cost

of cement and iron rod keeps them away from

even pricing a land. It is not money you need to

start building a house, it is boldness! Take a bold

step to look for a land and know its selling price!

Boldness is everything you need to have all you

need! Boldness is of God; you can't be bold

without the Spirit of God! Show me a bold man

and I'd show you a man who possesses the Spirit

of God! Show me a man who does not possess the

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Spirit of God and yet claims he is bold, and I'd

show you he lives under pretence and fear of the

unknown! I think I should stop here! May God

give us understanding!

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A job only gives you a title, work gives you a status

– “Emeka Anslem”

Every man was created to work! If you're not

working then you're nothing! It takes work to put

food on your table; and a man who cannot

provide for his home is worse than "nothing".

When God created man, he put a gift inside man

that man could work on. The gift he put in man is

also referred to as "TALENT". It's important to let

you know that this gift in man is bigger than man.

We'd see a graphic picture of this in Genesis 2:15;

God put Adam in the Garden of Eden, and told

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him to dress and keep it. The Garden of Eden

signifies the gift of God to Adam which came to

manifestation. And obviously, the garden was

bigger than Adam. That also proves that talent in

man is not hidden; if you have it, you'd see it!

There is something in you that you're expected to

dress and keep! To dress means to beautify, and

to keep means to preserve; and all these are

forms of work.

It's important to let you know that there is a

difference between work and job. Work requires

effort, job requires time. When a coy employs you,

what they've done is to give you time to add your

efforts to theirs. So when your efforts are not

good enough, they'd take their time from you. And

that simply means you're wasting their time! Work

doesn't always require pay, it is job that does.

Work is essentially an engagement of the heart; if

your heart is not there then you can't be

productive. There are three popular questions that

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are always asked in interviews; "what's your area

of strength?", "what are your skills?", "how much

experience do you have?". These questions are to

check your work-stability. Within every job is

work, and at the tail end of work is job. That

means you need work to get a job and you need

work to sustain it! Job only gives you a title, work

gives you a status. Your job is sustained by your

work; the day you stop working, that's the day

you'd start dropping! If you want to get a good

job, start doing a good work. A job naturally

locates work. You can't know how to work and not

get a job! A good job is the certificate of your

good work!

Now the big question! How do I work when I don't

have a job? Adam never had a job, but he was

working on the garden that God gave to him -

which also was his talent. And when God saw the

beauty of his talent (the garden), God gave him

his first contract to name all the animals and birds.

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And after he named them, God had no choice than

to agree to whatever name Adam gave to the

creatures; that means he did the job well! It

wasn't long before God paid him by giving him a

woman to help him. Stop saying you don't have a

job, work on the talent in you to secure a job.

Stop lazing about like someone who is not gifted,

because everybody has got a gift to lift. The

reason why you need a job is to become

somebody, but nobody becomes somebody

without working out his talent. Discover your

talents and work on them! God expects us to

trade our talent to make a fortune - not just a

living! Stop struggling to make a living, work on

your talent to make a fortune. Making a living will

not make God's glory on you to be seen by

people, but when you make a fortune - people will

praise God when they see you! The discovery of

talent is the beginning of business, while the

development of your talent into skills is the

highway to fortune! I think I should stop here!

May God give us understanding!

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You can’t have knowledge and have a knot-end,

people who are open to knowledge always have a hope-

filled end – “Emeka Anslem”

You must have heard that "knowledge is power";

well, I think there's no better way to define

knowledge. Everyone that wants to make it to the

edge must know what it takes to get to the edge.

Knowledge puts you ahead and gives you a new

edge. Dr Abraham Lincoln said "It takes fifty

dollars to cut, and a whole hundred dollars to

KNOW where to cut". That means; knowledge is

better than hard labor or physical strength. A civil

engineer may bid for a project to build a house,

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but he may not even be among the laborers. He'd

probably do the thoughts, while the laborers do

the works.

The bible says "a wise man is strong; but a man

with knowledge increases strength". The strength

of man is not determined by his physic or physical

fitness, no! It's determined by his mentality! If

you're mentally strong, you'd be fit for battle -

your physic notwithstanding. The difference

between you and that man that appears to be

ahead of you is knowledge; knowledge does not

need a contest or a vote to give you an edge; it

naturally enthrones whoever is well informed. You

can't have knowledge and have a knot-end,

people who are open to knowledge always have

an hope-filled end. Knowledge is the key! The

difference between a success and a failure is not

that the successful person didn't fail, no! But that

he sought for knowledge to strike again.

Knowledge brings gain, if you're not gaining

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anything then you don't have knowledge of

anything. No knowledge is a waste; any

knowledge you despise will one day return to bite

you! Don't say "I don't need to know that, or I

don't need to know this, or I can't know

everything"; instead say "I need to know all I can

know"!". If you can know it then go ahead and

know it! There was nothing that Jesus didn't know

when He was on earth, He was all-knowing! If

Jesus knew everything, who told you that you

can't know many things! No knowledge comes to

you by chance; the fact that you came across it is

a pointer that you can know it!

Please understand me; it is knowledge that has

brought you to where you are today, it is the

same knowledge that will take you further! When

you don't know what next to do, knowledge is

what to do! If you want to have an edge, then you

have to seek knowledge! The reason why you feel

empty is because you've not filled yourself with

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knowledge. The reason why you're short of words

is because you're short of knowledge. The reason

why you don't know what to do is because you

don't have knowledge of what needs to be done!

When you have knowledge you'd know what to

think! The reason why many people don't think is

because they don't have knowledge! Many people

are destroyed, not because of their sins, but

because they lack knowledge. If the lack of

knowledge is powerful enough to destroy, then

the presence of it should command endless

exploits! I think I should stop here! May God give

us understanding!

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Until you lay hold on your talent, you may remain a

servant – “Emeka Anslem”

First I'd like to establish that the day you became

born again, you became a product of the kingdom

of God. You were translated from the kingdom of

darkness to the Kingdom of God. The bible

validates these statements in Matt 6:33, Rom 12:2

and many other scriptures. If you must live as a

Christian then you must first seek God's kingdom;

do not be conformed to this world, but be

transformed by renewing your mind by God's

kingdom principles. As a product of the kingdom,

you're not suppose to live any way you like, no!

You're suppose to live according to kingdom

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principles. Many people are living as servants and

employees of labor, many others are merely

earning a living for themselves. Of course, God

wants us to earn a living, He wants us to be

employed, but His heart cry is that we make a

fortune (Read Part 10 of this series for details).

Earning a living for yourself will place a limit on

the number of people that will glorify God through

you; but when you make a fortune, people will

sing praises to God when they sight your

presence. Your salary is not enough to make you a

fortune, there is something God has endowed into

you that will make a fortune for you - and that is


Jesus describes what the kingdom of God is like in

Matt 25:14-30; "For the kingdom of heaven is AS

a man traveling into a far country, who called his

own servants, and delivered unto them his goods".

You see, until you subscribe to using your talent

you may remain a servant. Your talent is God's

bail-out plan from the cage of poverty. According

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to those scriptures; A master called his servants

and gave them his treasures, he gave the first 3

talents, he gave the second 2 talents, and then

the third - he gave 1 talent. The first and the

second traded with their talents, and the master

was excited with their hard work and promised to

give them greater things. But the one with one

talent said his master likes to reap where he did

not sow, and for that reason he buried the talent.

The master got upset and took back the one

talent and gave to the one that now had 10

talents. I pray that you'd not loose what belongs

to you to another person!

If you observe those verses carefully, you'd notice

that the master didn't take back his talents from

the first two servants, instead he promised to give

them greater things. That means they were

promoted from servants to partners. You can't

afford to be serving people forever, people are

waiting to serve you too! Take time out to

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discover your talent and develop it into applicable

skills. The fact that you're passionate about

singing doesn't make you a musician, you need to

train your singing ability by absorbing necessary

information and skills. Nobody pays to watch

talent that is undeveloped, they pay to watch

skills. Their master came to reconcile the account

when he returned; I'm fully persuaded that God

will ask you what you did with your talent(s)!

Finally, God is not a waster or a problem creator.

He didn't create you to start looking for

employment - knowing that there is no

employment anywhere. He created you to solve

the employment problem. God is not just rating

you based on the number of converts you win; He

is more interested in the passion with which you

use the wisdom and skills he has given to you. I'm

so passionate about enlightening people, and I

bless God for giving me a talent of writing and

speaking. When you become very passionate

about something, it simply means you have the

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talent to work it out! Within your passion is your

talent! Remember! A man is rated according to his

applied talent or skills! I think I should stop here!

May God give us understanding!

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