Forces in motionpowerpoint

Jackie Godden


Its almost finished, just need to do a little reasurch and upload my Rube Goldberg video.

Transcript of Forces in motionpowerpoint

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Jackie Godden

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Demonstrate and explain how Newton's laws of

Motion apply to the physical world.

o LAW 1: Dominoes Lab

o LAW 2: Dominoes Lab

o LAW 3: Balloon Lab

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Demonstrate and explain how friction andgravity apply to Newton's Laws of Motion

o Ramp Lab

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Demonstrate and explain the relationshipbetween speed and acceleration

o Dominoes Lab

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Demonstrate and explain how simple machines

utilize mechanical advantage to transfer energy

(potential, kinetic, and various others)

o Rube Goldberg

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Demonstrate and explain how alternate forms of

energy can be utilized to influence the unitedstates energy needs

o Persuasive Essay

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Proficiencies: 1 and 3Laws 1 and 2

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Problem:Does the amount of dominoes effect its over

allspeed and acceleration?

Hypothesis:I believe that the more dominoes, the greaterthe speed. I think this because the moredominoes, the more force, and with more

force,the faster the dominoes will travel.

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20 dominoes large flat space ruler tape scrap paper timer a calculator

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1. Gather all Materials2. Line up 5 dominoes,

separated evenly 3. Measure the distance

from domino 1 to the last domino

4. Start the timer5. Time until the last

domino falls

6. Record data7. find speed (distance

divided by time)8. Repeat steps 3 more

times add 5 dominoes each time

9. Record all data

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IV: DominoesDV: SpeedCV: Spaced evenly, samedistance apart, samesurface, same timer, samedominoes

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Amount of Dominoes

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trail 3

Trial 4 Average time


5 .32 .41 .49 .54 .44 36 cm per


10 .37 .53 .43 .32 .41 43.9 cm per


15 .18 .16 .39 .24 .25 84 cm per


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Proficiency 2

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Problem: Does the surface of the ramp effect the speedof the ball and how fast it falls?Hypothesis: I think that the surface will change the speed of theball, because different surfaces cause a differentamount of friction. I think that the trash bag-coveredramp will have the fastest time. I think this because thetrash bag isn't clinging, like the smooth surface, and itisn't ruff like the towel. I predict that the towel will havethe slowest time because of its ridges and its rufftexture. I also think that the faster the ball rolls downthe ramp, the faster gravity will pull it to the ground.

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1. Gather all materials2. set up both totes3. Position tote at desired

angle4. Tape trash bag to tote5. Roll the ball6. Time its roll7. Time its fall of the

edge(for seed of gravity)

8. Recode data

9. Repeat 5-810. Repeat 5-811. Remove trash bag12. Tape towel13. Repeat 5-8 (3 times)14. Remove towel15. Tape sled(smooth

surface)16. Repeat step 13

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1 tote lid 1 large tote 1 small tote 1 trash bag 1 tennis ball Tape Towel Flexible sled for smooth texture 2 timers

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IV: the surface of the rampDV: the speed of the ballCV: same ramp, same angle,same ball, same timer

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Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average Speed

Trash Bag 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.86 39.5 cm per second

Towel 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 34.0 cm per second

Smooth 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.1 30.9 cm per second

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  G trial 1 G trial 2 G trial 3 Average Speed

Trash bag .26 .15 .21 .20 565 cm per


towel .15 .15 .27 .19 594 cm per


Regular .21 .28 .37 .28 403 cm per


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I conclude that the trash bag had the best times of: 0.9, 0.9, 0.8, with an average of 0.86. The ball traveled down the trash bag ramp at a speed of 39.5 cm per second. The towel came in second with 1.0, 1.0, and 1.0 and an average of 1.0.The Towels average speed was 34.0 cm per second. Smooth had the slowest times such as, 1.0, 1.0, and 1.3, with an average of 1.1. The ball traveled down the smooth ramp at a speed of 30.9 cm per second. The results turned out this way because of friction. My hypothesis was partially correct, I predicted that the trash bag would have the best times, which it did, and that the towel would be the slowest, that part was incorrect because the smooth surface was slower than the towel. During this experiment we also timed how long it took for ball to touch the ground, so in other words we timed the speed of gravity on the ball. I thought that the faster the ball rolled down the ramp, the faster gravity would work. But during this test gravity pulled the ball to the ground at the exact same time every time. After doing reasurch I found that the mass of an object should not effect the speed that gravity pulls the object to the ground. So Makenzie and I decided to test this again, with a longer ramp we thought that with a longer ramp friction would have more time to "kick in". We tested with a ramp that was 1 meter and 13 cm long. The 3 surfaces that we used were: trash bag, towel, and the boards regular surface. The speed of gravity worked at 565 cm per second on the trash bag surface, 594 cm per second on the towel, and 403 cm per second. So the trash bag was not the fastest like in the original lab but gravity worked the fastest on the towel, then the trash bag, then the regular surface. The more friction the slower gravity will work the towel had the least friction in this test and then the trash bag and the regular surface had the most friction. This lab meet proficiency 3. This meets proficiency 3 because we show the comparison between the force of gravity on the ball and how friction effected the speed of the ball. Then we found the acceleration by timing the ball down the new ramp. The acceleration rates were: 477.7 for the trash bag,470.6 for the towel and 269.5 for the smooth.

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Proficiency 1Third Law

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Problem:Does the Direction that you hold the balloon

in effect the strength of the opposite force.Hypothesis: I that when you hold the balloon with the

opening down the airs force will be the strongest, I think this because hot air rises and the hot air will travel into the balloon and push it up for the longest amount of time.

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Bag of balloonsTimer

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1. Blow up balloon number one

2. Pinch the balloon to keep the air inside

3. Hold balloon with opening facing down

4. Let go of the balloon and start timer

5. When balloon hits the floor stop the timer

6. Repeat steps 3 more times

7. Repeat step 1 and 28. Hold balloon facing up9. Repeat step 610. Repeat step 711. Hold balloon facing left12. Repeat step 613. Blow up balloon14. Hold it to the right'15. Repeat 3 more times

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  Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Average

up 1.6 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.1

down 1.5 1.3 0.9 0.8 1.2

Left 1.2 1.6 0.8 0.8 1.1

right 1.3 0.8 1.6 0.8 1.1

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After testing the equal and opposite force onthe balloon, I found that when the balloons opening is facingdown, that’s were strongest the opposite force is. That provesthat my hypothesis was correct. In my hypothesis I stated thatI believed the force would be strongest with the opening downBecause hot air rises. The hot flows up into the opening, whichis facing down. We timed how long each balloon was in thee air.With the opening up the average was 1.1, down 1.2, left 1.1,and right 1.1.This not only shows that the force Is strongestwhen the opening is down but that the force is equal from allDirections, except down. This lab met proficiency number 1,used this lab to show Newton’s third law. This lab showsNewton’s third law because, the third law states “ for everyforce there is one equal and opposite. The forces are, theballoon and the air holding up the balloon.

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Proficiency 4

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Fling a rubber band at dominoes.

When you fling the rubber band, that causesElastic potential energy . Elastic potentialenergy is

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Rubber band hits the first domino in thedomino chain.

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The domino chain falls. Energy pushes throughall of the dominoes causing kinetic energy.The domino chain shows kinetic energyBecause__. The domino chain also showssound energy because the vibrations movethrough the domino chain. When the vibrationsmove through the domino chain you can evenhear the vibrations and sound.

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Domino chain hits the marble.

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The marble rolls of the table. When the marble

roll off the table it falls to the floor. This is anexample of gravitational energy.

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The marble hit the second domino chain. Theenergy from the domino falling, createsenough energy and movement for the marbleto hit another domino chain.

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The second domino chain falls. The dominochain is another example of kinetic energy.

Thelast domino falls and rings a bell!

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Proficiency 5

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Bright is the sun. Heat pours out on you. Sweat drips down your forehead. The heat bubbles and boils. Why can’t we use the sun for a good propose? Solar energy allows us to use the suns natural heat and light to heat and light buildings. From cooking food to providing energy for your house, solar energy won’t let you down! So when your looking for an alternative form of energy; choose solar because it’s good for the environment, can save you money, and it has many purposes.

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Choose solar energy because it is one of the few forms of energy that is good for the environment. Unlike most forms of energy, solar energy doesn’t pollute when be converted into energy. The sun will give off light and heat everyday weather we use it or not, so why not use it? Every 8 minutes the sun gives off more energy than the whole world uses in a year. In 2 seconds the sun gives us enough energy to power one million cars! Why don’t we accept the power and energy that is natural and clean? We can see energy that is always there! The United States needs an alternative form of energy and the most practical is solar. Not only is it good for the environment but it will save you money too.

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Collect some rays and money at the same time! When you get solar energy you can save lots of money. Depending on your climate and the amount of panels you own, you can save anywhere form $30 to $75 monthly. That’s anywhere from $360 to $900 in a year! The more panels that you own the more you save. Make sure to angle your panels for the most sunlight possible and you will save even more! It’s the best energy; its saving you money and its good for many things!

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Get solar energy for many different things. Solar energy can do everything for you! It can be used in the food industry to dry fruit and more. Naturally hot, the suns energy can be used to heat houses and pools. Energy from the sun can be used to give your house electricity. While solar energy can be used for many purposes it has a downside.

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The most common reason keeping people from switching to solar energy is the coast. To install solar panels is quite costly and it may take years before you actually see the savings. After about 10 years you will start to see savings of $30 to $75 monthly. Don’t let the initial coast keep you from converting.

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Choose solar energy as your alterative form of energy. Solar energy is good for the environment, saves you money, and is useful for many things. Once again GO SOLAR! Saving the earth; one panel and person at a time.