FOR PROFITS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECTORY · 2017-12-18 · Me lfth »«. nw. jr22-3t...

The Washington Herald READ FOR PROFITS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECTORY <r» o. Aqilt Buna* or Cticolstioo. > CLASSIFIED RATES .r ONE CENT A WORD Minimum ....Ichor*. Sr. AU. OTHER ClAMinCATIOIW- PEB LUC»- .Joaata f cent! ..J emu Ctmutct ht« Ob Minfim Tn Llnee foreign REPRUDfTATnm TH» SL a BSCS WITS SPICIAL-AOMft-T Tort Oflne....^ Aw Bkla. <M«*o Oflki ..... Nkw Bid*. DM*t Oflea. m M Bids* ¦». Laid. OtlBUk Mid KlIWll Bath Bids. LOST. Losr-ErxoLAaaxB-sATTBOAT. ione it. Pdlr (old rrrrftmm, told chain with hoot at tachad, B rmrf tor retain of ¦». MS 17th WANTED.AGENTS. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORY AOBNT8-TO handle mod arller. BO competition. aid* ma WiK» O Bo Hit ixt.. Cheater. Pa. )eB-:t HELP WANTED.MALE- WANTED.Young man >i appren¬ tice machinist. Apply Foreman Herald Composing Room. if »'A*TEU-ABCHITBCTURAL DRAFTSMAN; pnd deatfnar; auta experience and aaiary ex -acted. H. D. HSSLEB, Uasarattini. Mi jeB Jt '*¦ MAKE A SPECIALTY OF PRBPABING I InUa for Olrll Barrtce examinational It vlll be to joor advantage to an uj Monday or Mon¬ day trenins. June 31 If you exmct to tii< thia examination. NATIONAL CITY SCHOOL, T> 1SU at. nw. Ono-half block north ot the 0. a Try jegs-a HOW ABOUT YOCB HANDWRITING? WB are organizing * small clam to begin the study of penmanship immediately If lntaraoud. call at the school office Monday or Monday evening, /.jam 23. .NATIONAL CITY SCHOOL. 7* l*h at. nw. One-half block uorth 0f the U. S. urr. jeS-ft WB WILL MAKB ? LOW RATE OP Tui¬ tion to all students enrolling with us for the *udy oi shorthand, typewriting. arithmetic or ;«nmsnship for the months of Jnly and August NATIONAL CITY SCHOOL. 731 13th at. nw! One-half block north of the U. S. Treasury. ya-21 WHY DOST YOU LEARN STENOGRAPHY " typewritingT A thorough training in either cf tu*rj- p.o:r*eione will injure ;^rinaueut em y'fr.Tuent at a goo.I wlarj We will train ym .ini<-kh at 9 reasonable rate of tuition. NA¬ TIONAL < ITY JH HOOt. 714 15th *t. nw. One- half Kork txfth of the U. 3. Treasury. je222t WANTEU AT ON<*E-8EVERAL NEAT AP- .'trt.ig 'ourg men t<» sell foods on trains; $25 <a 1- i- rjty and bine suit required. Apply to Tin; inkin NEWS (_<>.. i>ff|ce No. I. Bam j: i' f. Terminal Htatiotfc eaat side atrret m- )el>3t I"'- "VEBNJIBNT IS OPTBB1NU. EX- i. 'local pp<*tunity to competent ateucg- ru :.«r a ,1 tyj.ists. Right now the time to '.erio ovt training if yen want permanent em l ! >ar«Tt. NATIONAL CITY MCHOOL. 7*4 15th I. rv. one-half Nock"north of the U. Si.' | ' je23-2t M. > i Ml; -«»N iii ~ii O O D 8TEAMilITER'S Kelj CT. Aj ply. 1114 8 it. nw. jefl-St TP.r: NK*r DEPARTMENTAL EXAM1NA-1 ^ tion f r letk will be held on Saturday, July 1-. It jou desire in.Iitidual cnaching for this e%aniinstion. call at our office either Monday or' A up i*> »*»fnin7. June 23. NATIONAL CITY J-CHOOL. 724 !5th st. nw. One ha!f block north (¦( U - Trca^nr?-. }*C2r2L HELP WANTED.FEMALE. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OP PREPARING typist* for Clril Service examinationa. It will be to y.sir advantage to »ee us Monday or Mon¬ day evening. June 23. if you expect to take this examination. NATIONAL CITY SCHOOL. 734 15th st. nw. One-half block north of the I". S. Treawiry. je22Jt HOW ABOIT YOUR HANDWRITING? WE sre organizing a small rlaas to l«|in the study of penmanship immediately. If interested, call at the «ch<*>l office Monday or Monday evening. June 21 NATIONAL CITY SCHOOL. 7i» 13th s*. nw. One-half block north of U. S. Treaa- ^ >22 ft WE WILL 1IAKE A U*W RATE OF Tui¬ tion to all students enrolling with us for the study of shorthand, typewriting arithmetic or i ienman>hir> for the months of July ?.nd August. I NATIONAL omr SCSOOL, 754 15th H». nW. 1 One-half block north of the U. S. Treasury. F Jeffi2t W"HY ^OXT YOU LEAR^STeSooRAPITY or typrwritiag? A thorouffc training in aithm of these pro:easier.* will insure permanent em¬ ployment at a woo* salar). We wiU train yon quickly at a reasonable rate of tuition. NA- tONAL CITY SCHOOL 734 15th at. nw Ona- If block north oi the U. 8. Treasury. je2&2t sort; way paid. BURG IMS HOTEL AGXKCT, Me lfth »«. nw. jr22-3t STENOGRAPHER AND TYPIST. excellent opportunity with good pay. 917G»t.n.w. je2l-3t THB GOVERNMENT IS OFFERING EX- oet*ional opport'mity to competent steno- gractea and typ4«*. Right now ia the time to begin yoar training if you want permanent em¬ ployment. NATIONAL CITY SCHOOL. 731 ISth at nw. One-half bk*k north at the U 8 Tt ieca THB NEXT DEPARTMENTAL EXAM INA 'Job tor Ctart win be held on Saturday July a. If joo imtro tndlrldual coachln( tor thia examination, call at our office either Monda, or Mondv erwin*. June a NATIONAL CITY SOHOOL. 'Jth at. 0». One-hall block north of the C. 8. Traa«ury. ltS.a SITUATIONS WANTED^ " ATTENTION! WANT AD FREE (To Soldieri, Sailors and Ma- ' rinea. We will ioaert your ad free of charge, to help you get | a position. Just phone Main ' 330Q.Classified Ad Dept. t.X-aoLDIEB DESIBEa POSIT*1*0 N A3 chauffeur, alao anow'.rdsa of clerical work' bona* and oapebie. Applj BOX at. HenM offlc*. jea-tf YOUNG MAN, EX-SOLDIER Dt sires clerical position with chanc« of advancement. Can furnish ref¬ erences. BOX 610, Herald Office. jel 3-tf AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN.CA" pable, qualified, desires immedi¬ ate employment by a reliable con¬ cern. EX-MARINE, BOX 621 Herald offica. tf ! FURNISHED ROOMS FOR KENT. 11345 EUCLID ST~N_W^Diht. cool, ad modern improvements, with or without light housekeeping. je23-24-25 AND SJUtL Uc^SD floor; bath om aanaa; hot water at all tlmaa; REAL ESTATE Before Baying, Selling or Keating USE THE WANT ADS.v FOE SALE.FARMS. .fTYl ACRES POCLTRY TRUCK- in* farm, B. 4 O. R. FL, Annapolis Junction, Howard County Apply BUOHD^ Latchfoed'a Store. Ten rooms. oew houaa, bath, stone dairy, outbuildings; high aelseaUoa; fruity and wood¬ land*; 38.500, part cash. JeO-lIt BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS? H. W. LEWIS Carpantar aad Builder Eetimatss Cheerfully Furnished Om / AK Classes of Building and Repairing Work. 1110 F St N. W. Main 8597 FLOORS. low old wood floors scraped off clean ta natural wood and repoliahed. Mo floor* too bad. C. ADAM8. W Q it. nw. FmakBn Mil wyM» P-U-B-L-I-C S-T-E-N-O-G-R-A^P-H-E-R AMY P. LEWIS a WOODWAiD BUILDING. PHOKB UA1N £N. VACUUM cl**»inST Hand or electric &Q0 per hour; «r $8 per day for *g)U hours. NATIONAL VACUUM 3ALBB CO.. Btewart Bids-. Kb and D sta. a v. Main <!&¦ ap»-R| PAPER HANGING and PAINTING At Moderate Pric®. C. a THOMPSON. MOB Georgia ara Phoue Colombia SZ96 Auto Express for Hire. Anything. Anywhere, Anytime. aoMW milflWO AMD HEATING. GEORGE ESS1G K tCRNAOEti, RANGES AND LATROBEB. TINNING. GUTTERING AND SPOCTIN®. *fl iOth st. nw. Phone Main SML shoe RRPAntnm. "REPAIRING" CUA&ANTBtD T«ST IN CITY. D1 CARLO, I Next to Bank.1 GAS RAHGE9 REPAIRED. GAS RANGER RRPAIRED AND REBUILf; expert. CLYDE L. BOWEBS. i207 H st. uw. Main TOM. Call or writ*. paperiiaa "~CHARL*S PARIS" F'sperhanging and houa» repairing; expert work- ¦ec. IBS !. ste. nw. apCT-M EXTERMINATORS. Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! 20th Century Insecticide -wiH rid your borne cf roachea. ant*, waterbugs, and bedbugs. Will exterminate machee in your home. Bold by druggists or A. M. C. CO., Ml N. Y. are. Main 3*2 tf BUSINESS CHANCES. WE HAVE MANY HOOD OPP fRTTNlTIRB for capable men and women with some capital (alao without) to connec^up with going business concerns in this dty. Apply mornings. THE CORPORATION AGENCY COMPANY. 148 F nw v myl5-S0t SPECIAL NOTICE. FRANK SPRIGO PERRY ANNOUNCES that he haa returned to the rity and res»iroed tho practice of law at Suite 337 Ml Woodward Building. j<*22 3t MR. GEORGE CURTIS SHINN AN- nounces that he has returned from France and has resumed the practice of law. Kvana Building, 1420 New York avenue northwest. OFFICE OK THE OOXMIR8IONER8 OF THE District of Columbia. Washington. June 17, 1919. Notice is hereby given that on the thirtieth day of June. 1919, all licenses will expire grant¬ ed by the Superintendent of Licenses of the Dis¬ trict of Columbia to the profwietors of aqtomo- biles, auto-vehicles. hscks, cabe. omnibuses and vehicles of all kinds used in the transportation of paasragers (faght seeing automobiles excepted). note-broker* who do not charge a greater rats at interest than 6 per cent per annum, private banks and bankers (nefc incorporated) and the Washington Stock Exchange. Said licenses must be renewed jwomj*ly by persons desiring to con- Unas in business alter the above named date. WADE H. COOMBS, Superintendent of Li- censes, P. C. [ Jetf-6t ALBERT KAHLERT CO., Expert carpet snd rug cleaning by oldest aad best flrm in dty. J6S Md. are. it. Main THE SHADE SHOP Sot oi Corner. 753 12th St. PHONE MAIN 4171 This Is the Only Original Shade _L Note the Number. »nop 733 12th STREET. E. H. McLACHLElf, Attorney. IN TUB MUNICIPAL COURT OK TUB DI»- trict of Columbia. GenerJ N. Berry, Plaintiff, vs. Effie Smith. Defendant. No. 53701. "Oie ob¬ ject of this suit is to recover fifty dollars and to have judgment of condemnation of certain prop- erty of the defendant levied on under an attach- ment issued in this suit to satisfy the plaintiff's claim. It ia, therefore, this 11th day of June, 1919. ordered that the defendant appear in thia court on or before the fortieth day. excluaive of Sundays and legal holidays, after the day of the first publication of this order, to defend thia suit and show cause why said condemnation should not be had. otherwise the suit will be proceeded with s* in case of default. Witness the Honor- able Judges of said Court this 11th vday of June. A.D., 1919 MILTON RTHAftBTTROER. Jndge. A true cor*: Test. BLANCHE NEFF. Clerk REM. ESTATE. a Home or Investment at CABIN JOHN PARK! WHY NOT TODAY! Tor rflta. Olntnted took., tBd fall putln- Ua *bout thtm littU fonu, attraetlrr hoot .iua. lid low scfan. r* writ*. J. S. TOMLINSON, Si SOUTHERN BLDG MAW TM4. HOW TO BB TOC* OWN LANDLORD IN Chary Ch«j«; OB euh and t25 i month. ALLAN W. GIBSON. 317-19 Colorado BUli. iel» 7t SPIRITUALIST MEDIUMS. Washington's Favorite 'Adviser PROF. MARCUS LA MAR Most remarkable reader of human destiny of the present age; rea<to the hearts and lives of people like en open book; reveals the secreta of love, gives rever-failing help and advice on buM- neee. helps you to owsroame all troubles, tsOs your name in Ml, also fall names of husband, wife or sweetheart, bringa about your every de¬ sire and succeeds when all others have failed. Call and be convinced. Hours 11 a. m. to 4 JO p. m. doily. Closed Sundays. 1220 G ST. N.W. 2 Doors From 13th Street MR. KEELBR. KNOWN EVERYWHERE FOR Independent writing. is In Washington for one week only. Phone for appointment, Col. 2270. Writing, *1 1M Parkwood place. CLAIRVOYANTS. MADAM PARKER Gifted Palmist sod Clairvoyant, gives advice on ail affairs of life. She asks no question* but will tell you what you want to know. You will be wiser and hsppier after seeing her. Satkfac tion or no charges. Resding*. 11.CO. HOURS, 10 A. U. TO I P U. 1211 E at, dw. between I2th snd 13th sts. myS-tOl Palmlstrv is ? reccgwzed science, and RIZPAH eldon is knovn as ons of lis greatest egpunmta. Hun¬ dreds visit thu remarkable woman daily; com¬ plete readinga with accurate descriptions o< what your hand foretell* only %1. Reception par¬ lor ne. corner of 0th and U nw. Entrance 0th et. Hours 10 a. to 0 p. m. mh27-Mt MRS. MARY SHOEMAKER. SPIRITUAL and card reader. C3 M sL. nw. North IMS. Hours, 11 a. n. to I p. bl MADAME ALLEN PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANT, §12 F STREET N. W. Guarantiee to read your retire life, past, pres¬ ent and futurw; givre true advice an burineos. love, health and family affairs; tells the nsme of your future husband or wife; and what to do to be successful in life; one visit wfll pay you for your many dissppnintments in others; she will remove all obstacles and tell you how to win and hold the one you desire; she gives advice on all important affairs of life; readlnr* $1 00; no one in trouble turned sway money or no money. je*-l0t Licensed by the District of Columbls. MRS. JEANETT PALMIST. CLAIRVOYANT Guarantees to read your entire life, post, pres- ent and future. She saks no questions, but be- fore you utter s word she tells whst you called for, names of friends, enemies; tells how to gsin succcss in business, health, courtahip, mar- riage, divorce tells you what part of the world will be successful for you, advises how to gain snd hold a good position; she tells if the oce you love is true or false. Are you in trouble? Do you find the one you have bestowed your trust and affection upon acting cool and in- different toward you? She will remove all ob- atacles and tell you how to win and hold the one you desire. She reunites the separsted. lo- catea absent friends or relativea Readings, $1.00. 300 SEVENTH STREET NORTHWEST. Private Parlor*. Ctosed Sundays. )e3-tf PALMISTRT. Licensed by District of CtoSumbea. MADAME VICTORIA. The gifted palmist and clairvoyant. Car ad- nss business, family affairs, love and marnagea dan tell you the name .if future husband or wife. Can tell you the secret of being succeorful; ho« to avoid trouble and tow to avoid evil influence. Sa/lifactlou guaranteed or no cnarge. Eutrance KS ith n apU-tot MADAME LENORE. Gifted clair/byant and medium, can be con¬ sulted on all affairs of life. Where others fsil, die succeeds. Her advice is good, try hlr. No. guess work or questions asked; what she ores and tells comes true. Satisfaction guaranteed. Of¬ fice 721 11th st. nw., two doors north of Palais Royal store. Hours, 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. Jel7-7t BELMONT. Noted clairvoyant snd ualmist. Gives tdviea am business mstters. love, health, snd family affairs- Tells name of your future husband or wife, tells if one yon love true or false. What part of the country Is luckiest to you. Witt to do to be successful in life 1216 N Y. avs. aw. Next door to Mssonio Temple. Headings (L MADAM D'ASHMAN » Wypsy Clairvoyant And cafd reader; adnce given oa business marriage and r.ivorce; thia woman has read for many people in many countries. Her predictions are reliable. 1301 G at., corner 13th. atll-Mt MADAM KASKO -EGYPTIAN SCIENTIFIC PALMIST: TELLS PAST. PRESENT AND FUTURE: SATIS¬ FACTION GUARANTEED; HOURS, » A. M. TO I P. M. PERMANENTLY LOCATED. .22 5th ST. NW. ~my3-90t SCIENTIFIC ASTROLOGY. FRANK THEODORE ALLEN. DIRECTOR. Astrological Research Soriety. private read¬ ing*, by appointment only. $2; typewritten forw- ea*ta, bv mail. $5 up Extort vocational ad¬ viser. 113 B n.w. Phono Franklin 6322 je23-lt PERSONALS. DO TOT LOVE GOOD HEALTH? TOP OAN ". °»u »' 1W Tth it. nw. OLD IW- D1AM HERB REMEDY SHOP. »l,i-aa. Skin Diteatei. Wfcy Mffar tim ecaema. tent, tartui or Uj aip t»«ctla»> AJl tn curabia Itching. prompt 'j .topped. Da. NICHOLSON, Ildlat cw ItllW Urn, Womm TCRHER'S XL PAIR VIGOR. Far falling hair; cur.. dandruff; grows hair .*> bald ipotg; acalp Itcblng Monad la- ¦tint It One hi at Vigor itifli new growth hair or mooe? back; on, sale PaapICa Drag Store.; price, Sc. TCHSIB'I HAW Vliii.a CO , UM N. J. ate. ae. a|M "RESTBEER The kind you used to buy. It is easily m*}« from my formula of plain Instruction®. Bol56e . money-Back guarantee. special ti.aa Address CH Ell 1ST, Box 60, Herald oAea. PR RF.FrT SPECIALIST 804 SEVENIEEK1H STREET 22fJ151Esaf-"ase Nervous and Special Dtseesea of Uaa and Wow. Means Health to You if You Suffer From Catarrh. Obesity. Itbeunutlam . tton. Pilaa, Throat. Liu*. Mrsln. Heart, Btaod and Skin Diseases. Nereooa IMMiity, Kidney Dlaaasaa Hl adder TYoabie. BpecVIe Blood Foft- toning. Eruptiona. Ulcera. tod All PriraU i>» eaaea Cared for Life br Fsfe Method*. Charges Low. Medicine Furnished.; CONSULTATION FREE Private Waiting Room for Ladiei Office Monra. H to 1.. } u 1 Sundays, IS to 11 WORKINOMKki.»OMfc OTHER ARRANGB meut ahould be mad© about apending cash: plank it down like a millionaire, but aee that you the full ralne. uuoe u we fire, if it'a a pair d new pant a See ua for good ralw, S3 tip, slightly used ahoea. fl up. JUSTUS OLD STAND. *!» D. Wit FOR SALE.MISCELLANEOUS Garden Furniture for Sale Six pieces of beautiful Gar¬ den Furniture to be sold at a sacrifice. The assortment in¬ cludes beautiful garden table, bench, fountain, 3 urns; plants also included. Will sacrifice. Address BOX 613, HERALD OFFICE. BICYCLE; GOOD CONDITION; SEASON- able. 1414 S at. nw. OAK BKJ)STEAD WITH SPRING; IN GOOD omditjoo; rMaocable. 1301 linrrv« at. nw. iMl- W H CA8B CREDIT FURNITURE New and allghtlj uaed Tcrtaa or dlacoonta tor cMh. } HOPWOOD'S, 8th &JC .t«, 11ARGAI Ns IN CHAIRS. SQfAS, \VR1TIN'J a<r» and other furniture, cbalr' caning re- wiring and upholatering. E K. RD88BLU KJ N at. nw. | WANTED.MISCELLANEOUS. WOOD.TEN CORDS. HICKORY OR WHITE oak. Give price and date arailable. BOX 635 Herald office. ^ Je25-3t ^VAR WORKERS POEMS WANTED |\»R new hook; pnira »1 to *15; each poem lwed 51. -JEAN OF THB A. G. O ." «S0 US; WS-X VOL CAS T HIDE TOOK ID 7n TH* elaaaltled column.-for ther. i«nt a aiding pure tin-re. The., ada are HEAL. mchM-tl CENTRAL FURNmjRE~CO! W.U paj JOB tha hlghMt price for aeeond- .h.'°d 841 are. nw. Pboo. ffr mh*-« OALL IN III CNHWeRED ACTl> mobile, city or auburbao. and pa> roo hlaheet pries, for ladlea', gentlemen'., children a dla- carded clothing, of aU dawrtptlona Adonai poat.l or pheno. 1 will call. E. RICE l!3a ,th at. nw. .North 1754 uSiit f!! SPOT~CASH PAID »Tl JEWELRY AND DIAMONDS. FBOM wash i^ivRII?2,r"cND "TATES. 916 V\ASH. LOAN A TRUST BLDG.. ttk A K I _ : apSS-Wt II WILL BUT ANTTHIWO SECOND-HAND f you w1*h to aelL What have youf WrtU or call. TOMMY LOWE. 90S O at. nw. Prankfln 7W. apd^90t DROP POSTAL TO a. WALL. 2006 CUfTSyf. Al! kinds of jenk »nd furniture bought- hich- paah price in Ht> C^I1. aplS^St HELP YOURSELF~BY RENTING thwat spare room . meeting, through the extra revenue, some of this year's extra taxation. Through Herald classified advertising you can secure a DESIRABLE TEN- to find a DESIRABLE PLACE TO LIVE. Phone Main 3300.giv# your ad and bill will be sent. AUTOMOBILES Aceeweries tad Repairiiif ' USE THE WANT ADS Irfw Bayiaf or SeUmg Yew Auto. icto iomioun. t A. CTOC^Mg cMxPtiBj THE LIBERTY - GASOLINE STATION mom NORTH INI NEW FORD TIMER Itu Dnu Timer will lait a lifetime haa bo upkeep «pm», haa do roller to .M ranch and cauae timer to akip and entlM to mJaa It aaairoa food ooouct .ad a hoc epark erery time all the time. If roar deal* dm not hare the T1 Timer in atock. wilt* ua far particular!. AUTO ACCESSORIES COMPANY v- jobbers OF "DEPENDABLE) AOCB88ORIBB" ML QUumr Building Phone Main 2057 AVTO PAnfTrag Northeast Automobile Paintinv md Trlrrmlna1 Oo I 1410 ¥lm St B. B. i Office Phoftt North 23T * BWIlWtM PrOttntn«. CheerfnBj PoraW.eC «pC-» PAINTING.Special Price. forda, R-ar M M at. ne. ,M . AUTO REPAIRING. $1 Auto Repairing. $1.00 per hour We repair *11 mak« of cai*. Generator work a apedalty Oar aerviee is beet. . E. H. BAUER CO. I Phone Main 9U8. CSS O at nw. PER - PER HOUR - MAN AUTO REPAIRING All Uakto of Can By Expert Mechanics Carbon Removed by Oxyfen Proce»> Ferd Authorized Service Wortroanabip Guaranteed. ( H. E. HOWES t 1410 First Street N. E. I'hone North SKI TIRES VflyOANIZED AND REPAIRED- 1IIKE HALL CO, 111 10th 8T. NW. ap»«X TIRE DOCTOR. We taj. aril and richanje oid tire* PLAZA AUTO 8UPPLI OO.. <n «n Uaaa. are.. I'hose Frank lib 6834- jefr-Mt VULCANIZING That'a rmr bu«neea Work hrouffht In momln* flniahad aame day. KUHN'S TIKE WORKS. 3t* Pa. aia AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING^ Strictly Srat claee work done by expeita. Car¬ bon removed while yon wait 1529 KinkmIn Place, between 13th and 14th.P Md Q aU. Phone Franklin 3X4. J A. WATERS. GARAGES.FOR RENT. SPACE FUR » CABS. APPLY BETWEEN 4 .30 and 6 JO p. m., rear 235 C at. nw. Electric light* and water. Je2^3t MOVING^PACKING, STORAGE. NORTH .. N. LONG-DISTANCE MOVTNQ. JOHNSTON'S AUTO EXPRESS Wa Deliver ANY SAFETY FIRST ABSOLCTELV HJtti-ROOP 8 T o K a « ..S000* ° ,I,a »P Mortal and UNITED STATES STORAGE CO «l!?5£ | ... ... Phone Mai, C3 and Fffkitajgjg* moving . j to^aX'tlr^^ . - . j PACKERS of furnitme. rtaotm, china. brtM. brae. etc. Eixpenenred men only SHIPPING to all j*rt» of the world h ?TURA.GE <oc ^roitura. pianoai and boo» hold good* iz» h st. k w. ^ m>Id krieg'S express MONEY TO LOAN. "".j" 7' muBSs tTc. real estate. Sereral trnat fundi All wuh . W.VI. n. SAUNDERS A CO. Southern Building. 807 lfith at. 'nw MONE1 . ~.l. ¦ 'tS-M AUTOS FOR SALB. Come to the Largest Used Auto Dealers in the World THE ROMAN AUTO GO. 4J M. br<«d l-kU*4elplila. P*. l.rn mm to Mtect tioui-ltl*. IMT. in* »mn in sll makes, t£0 up. Catalogue free on re- PORD COUPE IN GOOD CONDITION; REA aonable. SKI iw dw >«aMt PROPOSALS. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, SUPERVISING Architect's Office, Washington, D. C.. June It. 19t». SEALED PROPOSALS wfll be open ptl in this office it J p. in July II, lMt, for furnishing and instsllingriighting ilxturee in tbe South Building. Hygienic laboratory, U. S. PubUc Health Set-rice, Whshington, D. C.. in' accordance with drawings and specifications, copies of which may be had at thia office. Pro- pceal* are desired only from those qualified to produce wot* of the highest grade, both artis tically and mechanically, and tbe right la re- .erred to refuse to send the drawings and aped- fication to or to reccite proposals from any ooe who. in the opinion of the Supervising Archi- tect. ia not 00 qualified. J AS. A. WETMORE Acting SuVerriaing Architect. UNITED STATES TREASURY CERTIFI catee Series V-O maturing July 9, 1919. call- ed for redemption July 1. All United States Treasury certificates of indrtxedness Series V-G date. February 27, 1919. Maturing July 29, 1919, are hereby called for redemption on July 1. 1919, at par and accrued interest Interest on .all certificates ssid series will cease to accrue July 1. certificates exchangeable on or before July 1. at Federal Reaerre Banks st par for treasury certificates seriee T-4 dated June 3, Maturing Se-.rtember 15. with adjustment of interest. 'Signed) CARTER GLAS8, Secretary of TYeas- ury. jeSIJStt OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER* OF THE District of Columbia, Washington. Jons 19, 1919. Sealed proposals will be recelted at thia office. Room EI. District Buildiz«, natM } o'clock p. m.. June 27. 1919, for furnishing sad installing fixed and other laboratory equipment, Dunbar High School, lA at, bstoeeu N and O sU. nw., Washington, D. C. Specifications and form of proposal may be obtained at Room tfT, District Building. Incomplete propoesia may be rejected as informal. Proposals without speotfl cations may be aonaidered InfonnaL "Hie Com- miartoners lesene the right to reject any spd all proposals. Telegraphic proposals will not be ccxv- sidared. LOUIS BROWNLOW. W GWTNN GARDINER. CHARLES tt KUTZ. Commio sloners, I>. C. jeJDJl.SJ.t4.BJI OFFICE OF THE EONE SUPPLY OFFICER. 17th and F sta. nw.. Washington, D. C. Seeled iwopoeaIs. in triplicate, will be opened at the abore address at 2 p. m.. June 38. 1919, for furnishing all labor and material (without ex¬ ception) required to erect wood and gla*s parti Jons. Proposal h'.anks and specifications msy be nw., in strict accordance with the spertflra- tiona. Proposal Hanks and vedfiations may be >Od upon application at thia office. Proposal to be filed in triplicate and must bear guaranty thereon. Mark envelope* "PROPOSALS FOR ERECTION OF PARTITIONS. MUNITIONS BUILDING. TO BE OPENED AT 1 P M.. JUNE 26. 1919." and addreea to the Zone Supply Officer. Washington. D. O. )e®.C.3,ai.9 UNITED STATER SENATE OFFICE OF the Secretary, Washington, D. C., June 12." 1919. Sealed propoeale will be received at this office until 12 O'CLOCK M . July .. 1919. lor furnishing stationery for the use of tbe United States Senate for the fiscal year ending June 3D. 199D. Blank forms of proposals, showing the quantity and quality of «*ach article and tbe form of bond to be signed by tbe bidder and r.irvties, will be furnished on application to this office. Proposals should be indorsed "Proposals for Stationery for the United States Senate." and be directed to George A. Sanderson, Secre¬ tary of the United States Senate. Washington D. O. Proposals and specimens must be deliver¬ ed at thia office, free 01 charge, before the hoar ntnwd .bow. GEOKOE A. SANDERSON, Secretary. Jel4.2l.25-jy5.19 Schools And Colleges S1GNOR S. CUDIA. Teacher of Dramatic Art. Vocal Expression, Voice Building. Studio 614 17th st. Entrance on G st Hours 4* to 5. Phone Franklin 2753. By appointing it. ai&-90t FIRST GRADE CIVIL SERVICE EX AMI- nations for clerk* July 9 and 12. Tuition foe entire course for these examinations, $&. The CIVIL SERVICE PREPARATORY SCHOOL* se cor. 12th and F sta. nw. Franklin 2060. myt-91 Accountancy National T. M. C. A. Course Degree Granting Power* New Classes Now Forming ldeet Accounting: School in City. Y.M. C. A NATIONAL CITY SCHOOL. 731 Fifteenth St. N. W. Shorthand, Typewriting. Accounting. Short-time Course in Touch Typewriting. Individual Instruction in Shorthand. Day and Night Sessions. aptfMft crvil-e J SERVICE Prepare In t A <"Vn*us Clerk Four Pays Departmental r . ¦ I for. Clerk Government I Bookkeeper Cleric Examinations S Post Office Clerk WRITE FOR PARTICULARS TO FEDERAL SERVICE INSTITUTE Washington. *~* p Liberty and .Victory Bonds x CASHED AT HIGHEST PRICES We Alio Pay Cash for Put Paid Liberty Bond Cards CASH Paid for WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Without Going Through Any v Red Tape We Use No Check. N' We Pay Cath Inquire elsewhere for price*, but don't sell your bonds or stamp* until you get our prices. Liberty Investment Co. Phone Main TtSI 920 F Street N. W. Open Pally 1:10 a. m. to I p. m. "We talk less and pay mora* CASH FOR LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS OF ALL ISSUES AND WAR SAVINGS STAMPS We Also Buy Part-Paid Cards LIBERTY BOND EXCHANGE 915 Penna. Ave. N.W. OPEN Dally t:S0 a.m. to I p.m. Sunday 10 a-tn. to 1 p.m. Use the classified column for re¬ sults. Secure a good cook, maid, chauffeur and other help through the Want Ads. Rent that spare room the same way. FUNERAL DESIGHS. Appropriate Funeral Tokens Gude Bros. Co. 1214 F Street 1'ramiA auto deliver; JOSEPH GAWLER'S SONS M«nber* by Invitation National Selected Hop¬ tician* 8«Tic*a rendered in all part* at the United States by apecial represent*ti?«* Telephone ^ Uuhiuber 1164 Main 5512-5511 1710-32 Pa. Avenue. DIED. ViRNSTEIN.On Sunday, June 22. 1219. ANNIE VIRNSTEIN. beloved wife of Frank Virnstein, at 6 o'clock a. m., at Providence Hos¬ pital. Funeral from the residence of her son, 2413 Thirteenth street. Brook- land, D. C.. on Tuesdav, June 24. at R a. m. Requiem Mass at St. Anthony's Church at S:8«'t o'clock. Interment. Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends 1nW*d. (Chi¬ cago papers please copy ) FIRST CONDENSED SERIESOF NOVELS CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE. After months of utter neglect David is sent to London, where he becomes at 10 years of age. a little laboring hind in a dilapidated old warehouse, in the service of Murd- stone and Grimby. wine merchants. Half starved, wearied by long hours of labor amid repulsive companion*, including Mick Walker and Meally Potatoes. David's life is a continued torture. He* lodges with a Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins Micawber and thejr "turn up" and always in pnaaession numerous progeny. Mr. 'M'caw^r. always !n pecuniary difficulties and always expectinc something to of a fine flow of oratory, is alter¬ nately buoyed up by a conviction that fortune is at last about to smile upon him, and reduced to the depths of despair by her sudden and unaccountable withdrawal. David comes to have a genuine liking for the couple, so much so that when the Micaw be ra. having failed to ~-ssttsrs ess I. ! . * "en** of l«<l>MM tkl <#t»n»liiji to run away to hi. k»»t, Betary Trotwood. at Dww aa au»« who® he ha. wrer heard. *ememb""» te have Th* .»»« adopt* kin and ¦mrli *-«. at CanUrfcary. whort he board* wiU hi. a««f. lawyer urf TTn/f a*aira- » Mr WickHeld h'a *au,htar **¦>'«. whoaa M- . re«e goodness becomes a «**>»¦#.¦«% to,D*,"<L H,r' *Ja° he "-Id'. cl«rk°"UrtlhWl*UpMr^Wi^; umble person." an Individual with wd whh""" f»« and a head cov- whieh L «.»"** red eye. wnlcn have a curiously unahMM 'PPfc*rV,c*- and which urn to Da y .t°, ^ cea.eleaaly watchful. Hi. rroTellhg humility and clammy haad graap mi David with uncontrollable loathing and dl.truat Having graduated with - *eo°^* * proctor aad °* »f Spenlow and /or- rine. He at once falls he&d «v»r heel. In lov. with Ifr. Spenlew'a dto- .. "wnmr. aj.- ¦*ttT dau**<«- Derm, who JT1"". hi. affection On t». 111 n J? rrotty*¦ buaband ta dying pt v.*?"?"1- *«» > **- . comfort hi. kH<* mme Emllj within a few SSv Ham'a brtda: Uttle ST Preclou. trtuurt of ber . . heart, dtoappeara and with her Steerforth C.mod .wa^by W. EtiTe hLV? that be will a ln,,y Emily to bom 'b® detracted by a wn. of ter- hr vS i'0", "" °f ''..rad.tlor ^,^2.8hs.'r°.v4o. rss brought a,^*', * *** h* wh® flr*' t^f^i f f^h «<> T.rmooth, re- £-.£ XL? flnd tha« »". «"t t^. J? *.*ter part of her for- dISm 1? JS**.** M ".e-.ary for ... v?"5" " th*tr hv SlT apar* Um* clerical and literary work. Dora oontinues uppermost in k«« though* although £ i ea ve. the timid, truatful. artless the aurprlae of all. nearlv .tf £ David*. Income. t*iout:h wrB1"< of their tnarriart With all hi. lov. for til. child " «h* <*"¦ herself he find* raJ 'rreapoMlblllty resulu . ' bui a comfortable home CWM..I7 ^ <ry,r« t0 ""-"op^er Childish nature he uncomplatnirArly make, the be.t of It and continue, to admire her bewitching way. Mean- Wh". T'rlah Heep^ h, deceit to worm hi. way Into part- nerehlp with Mr Wlckfleld after «.«*». T00'-^' to rain full con¬ trol of the burlnea. Considering Mr "kt!?' to he a ueeful tool, uriah hires him in the capacity or clerk at such a meaner salary that Mr Micawber Is obliged to borrow "71. fum" of money from Heep. who taltea advantage of thl. Indebt¬ edness to force Mr Micawber to .a-" slst him In hi. dishonest practices. At the end of a year Mr Micawber [reque.t. an Interview with David and v. tVT', at c«t«rbury. They find him filled with rlrhteou. contempt for t rlah Heep. the hypoorlUcal plotter, and prepared to make a sweeping ex- posure, which he forthwith proceed* to do In hi. loftiest style, which r^ suits In the recovery of Reteey Trot- wood's money, full restitution to Mr w Ickfleld. and. In Mr Mlcawher s own words, the flnal pulverl»tlon of Heei> * ..Blossom." a. David delight, to call Dor. prove, a. frail as the nam- and In spile of hi. tenderest care she droop, and at length I. gone. .*a at other times of trial. It 1. the culck sympathy of Agnes Wlckfleld that softens the pain, and through ner influence David plan, to go abroad for a time. Meanwhile out of gratl- tude to Mr Micawber for his .f-rvlre in the recovery of her money, Itetaev Trotwood offers to help the Micaw¬ ber. to make a new .tart In Australia The family joyfully accept .he prop¬ osition and prepare to aail on the ¦ame ship with Emily and her devoted uncle to whom she has at last re- i turned and who Is accompanving her to the distant colony to besin ltfe lanew^ nefore bidding these good friends farewell, David visits Yar- mouth once more and the ast Kane of Kmlly's tragedy A rag Ing tempest be.t. a .hip to pleoo. Just off the coast. One living person I. seen .till clinging to the mast, and Y" 'rory ®.f '.»'* F®nd> Ham to hi. death In hi. efforts .to rrscue that 'ireature. whose body when waahed ashore prove, to be that of Steer- i-iortn. r^.f'"" t.hp<* '.*"' abaenre abroad. ^T^n.r U7" t0, England and grad». ally come, to really that Agnes w ic. ?nd *lwa>,, h" ««idlng star Trotw^wwi *,"a>' ,n hl» Itetaev Trotwood, fearing that David mav atlu w"br,*«* to the feeling ot Mon ,iTaiL hlm- mem- .,hM ,he ha. reason to bellevw that Agne. is to be married Where¬ upon David la determined at what- ZZ:Z V,M;own to .en Agnes Of hi. joy In any happiness that may come to her. He soon dis- COVOTs that she has never cared for any other than himself and that her future happiness will be h.- a. well Aa the years paaa and a group or children 1, added to their home David Mnofnold t0 l,n<, Agne' h'* 'n,pirBT|on CopSTJght^m*. by Post Publish!.* C* tti . (The Boston Post) thll*uJcl',y SwClal *"*n«enient with the Mcaura-Sewap.per Syndicate All rrshts reser\*e<f -Peedeanl^- m.ekeray.. gveatct novel.. eo«den..| bv Blea ard Henry Dana, will be printed to- I morrow. CLANCY'S KIDS pwtAttNTy. tthin* YOU A r £ ^ /RIGHT. fvVON'r LCT MY 0At/6HTef?( CO 8ec^usc shc'jonly IN hgg>tefns C*PTT<Kkt. Hit, By tt» McCIbto Icmptftf IgnDntai fl ah,there,TIMMIE, WILL YOU TZO.Y0UR sister l'mhef?e? j|d0n t think" 5h. can comc Down, mr.jack. 7 >.- / By PERCY L. crosby RtCA L L THE tine YOU mETTHC Te*cue* afte* pcayin6 hookey /wjfyu^e^] Y&u to ;cw*j ?

Transcript of FOR PROFITS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECTORY · 2017-12-18 · Me lfth »«. nw. jr22-3t...

Page 1: FOR PROFITS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECTORY · 2017-12-18 · Me lfth »«. nw. jr22-3t STENOGRAPHER AND TYPIST. excellent opportunity with good pay. 917G»t.n.w. je2l-3t THB GOVERNMENT



Aqilt Buna* or Cticolstioo. >



....Ichor*. Sr.


.Joaataf cent!

..J emuCtmutct ht« Ob

Minfim Tn Llneeforeign REPRUDfTATnm

TH» SL a BSCSWITS SPICIAL-AOMft-TTort Oflne....^ Aw Bkla.

<M«*o Oflki ..... Nkw Bid*.DM*t Oflea. mM Bids*¦». Laid. OtlBUk Mid KlIWll Bath Bids.

LOST.Losr-ErxoLAaaxB-sATTBOAT. ione it.Pdlr (old rrrrftmm, told chain with hoot at

tachad, B rmrf tor retain of ¦». MS 17th

WANTED.AGENTS.AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORY AOBNT8-TOhandle mod arller. BO competition. aid* ma

WiK» O Bo Hit ixt.. Cheater. Pa. )eB-:t

HELP WANTED.MALE-WANTED.Young man >i appren¬

tice machinist. Apply ForemanHerald Composing Room. if»'A*TEU-ABCHITBCTURAL DRAFTSMAN;pnd deatfnar; auta experience and aaiary ex

-acted. H. D. HSSLEB, Uasarattini. MijeB Jt

'*¦ MAKE A SPECIALTY OF PRBPABINGI InUa for Olrll Barrtce examinational It vlllbe to joor advantage to an uj Monday or Mon¬day trenins. June 31 If you exmct to tii< thiaexamination. NATIONAL CITY SCHOOL, T>1SU at. nw. Ono-half block north ot the 0. a

Try jegs-aHOW ABOUT YOCB HANDWRITING? WBare organizing * small clam to begin the study

of penmanship immediately If lntaraoud. callat the school office Monday or Monday evening,/.jam 23. .NATIONAL CITY SCHOOL. 7* l*hat. nw. One-half block uorth 0f the U. S.

urr. jeS-ftWB WILL MAKB ? LOW RATE OP Tui¬tion to all students enrolling with us for the

*udy oi shorthand, typewriting. arithmetic or

;«nmsnship for the months of Jnly and AugustNATIONAL CITY SCHOOL. 731 13th at. nw!One-half block north of the U. S. Treasury.

ya-21WHY DOST YOU LEARN STENOGRAPHY" typewritingT A thorough training in either

cf tu*rj- p.o:r*eione will injure ;^rinaueut emy'fr.Tuent at a goo.I wlarj We will train ym.ini<-kh at 9 reasonable rate of tuition. NA¬TIONAL < ITY JH HOOt. 714 15th *t. nw. One-half Kork txfth of the U. 3. Treasury. je222tWANTEU AT ON<*E-8EVERAL NEAT AP-

.'trt.ig 'ourg men t<» sell foods on trains; $25<a 1- i- rjty and bine suit required. Apply toTin; inkin NEWS (_<>.. i>ff|ce No. I. Bamj: i' f. Terminal Htatiotfc eaat side atrret m-


i. 'local pp<*tunity to competent ateucg-ru :.«r a ,1 tyj.ists. Right now i» the time to'.erio ovt training if yen want permanent eml ! >ar«Tt. NATIONAL CITY MCHOOL. 7*4 15thI. rv. one-half Nock"north of the U. Si.'

|' je23-2t

M. > i Ml; -«»N iii ~ii O O D 8TEAMilITER'SKelj CT. Aj ply. 1114 8 it. nw. jefl-St

TP.r: NK*r DEPARTMENTAL EXAM1NA-1^tion f r letk will be held on Saturday, July

1-. It jou desire in.Iitidual cnaching for thise%aniinstion. call at our office either Monday or'A up i*> »*»fnin7. June 23. NATIONAL CITYJ-CHOOL. 724 !5th st. nw. One ha!f block north(¦( U - Trca^nr?-. }*C2r2L

HELP WANTED.FEMALE.WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OP PREPARINGtypist* for Clril Service examinationa. It will

be to y.sir advantage to »ee us Monday or Mon¬day evening. June 23. if you expect to take thisexamination. NATIONAL CITY SCHOOL. 73415th st. nw. One-half block north of the I". S.Treawiry. je22JtHOW ABOIT YOUR HANDWRITING? WEsre organizing a small rlaas to l«|in the study

of penmanship immediately. If interested, callat the «ch<*>l office Monday or Monday evening.June 21 NATIONAL CITY SCHOOL. 7i» 13ths*. nw. One-half block north of U. S. Treaa-

^ >22 ftWE WILL 1IAKE A U*W RATE OF Tui¬tion to all students enrolling with us for the

study of shorthand, typewriting arithmetic ori ienman>hir> for the months of July ?.nd August.INATIONAL omr SCSOOL, 754 15th H». nW.1One-half block north of the U. S. Treasury.

F Jeffi2tW"HY ^OXT YOU LEAR^STeSooRAPITYor typrwritiag? A thorouffc training in aithm

of these pro:easier.* will insure permanent em¬ployment at a woo* salar). We wiU train yonquickly at a reasonable rate of tuition. NA-

tONAL CITY SCHOOL 734 15th at. nw Ona-If block north oi the U. 8. Treasury. je2&2t

sort; way paid. BURGIMS HOTEL AGXKCT,Me lfth »«. nw. jr22-3t

STENOGRAPHER AND TYPIST.excellent opportunity with good

pay. 917G»t.n.w. je2l-3tTHB GOVERNMENT IS OFFERING EX-oet*ional opport'mity to competent steno-

gractea and typ4«*. Right now ia the time tobegin yoar training if you want permanent em¬

ployment. NATIONAL CITY SCHOOL. 731ISth at nw. One-half bk*k north at the U 8


'Job tor Ctart win be held on Saturday Julya. If joo imtro tndlrldual coachln( tor thiaexamination, call at our office either Monda, orMondv erwin*. June a NATIONAL CITYSOHOOL. T» 'Jth at. 0». One-hall block northof the C. 8. Traa«ury. ltS.a



(To Soldieri, Sailors and Ma- '

rinea. We will ioaert your adfree of charge, to help you get

| a position. Just phone Main' 330Q.Classified Ad Dept.t.X-aoLDIEB DESIBEa POSIT*1*0 N A3chauffeur, alao anow'.rdsa of clerical work'

bona* and oapebie. Applj BOX at. HenMofflc*. jea-tf

YOUNG MAN, EX-SOLDIER Dtsires clerical position with chanc«

of advancement. Can furnish ref¬erences. BOX 610, Herald Office.


pable, qualified, desires immedi¬ate employment by a reliable con¬

cern. EX-MARINE, BOX 621Herald offica. tf


cool, ad modern improvements,with or without light housekeeping.

je23-24-25AND SJUtL Uc^SD

floor; bath om aanaa; hot water at all tlmaa;


Baying, Selling or KeatingUSE THE WANT ADS.v


in* farm, B. 4 O. R. FL, Annapolis Junction,Howard County Apply BUOHD^ Latchfoed'aStore. Ten rooms. oew houaa, bath, stone dairy,outbuildings; high aelseaUoa; fruity and wood¬land*; 38.500, part cash. JeO-lIt


Carpantar aad BuilderEetimatss Cheerfully Furnished

Om/ AK Classes of Building and

Repairing Work.

1110 F St N. W. Main 8597FLOORS.

low old wood floors scraped off clean tanatural wood and repoliahed. Mo floor* too bad.C. ADAM8. W Q it. nw. FmakBn Mil wyM»




VACUUM cl**»inSTHand or electric &Q0 per hour; «r $8 per day

for *g)U hours. NATIONAL VACUUM 3ALBBCO.. Btewart Bids-. Kb and D sta. a v. Main

<!&¦ ap»-R|


At Moderate Pric®.C. a THOMPSON. MOB Georgia ara

Phoue Colombia SZ96Auto Express for Hire.

Anything. Anywhere, Anytime.aoMW




shoe RRPAntnm.


D1 CARLO, I Next to Bank.1


Main TOM. Call or writ*.

paperiiaa"~CHARL*S PARIS"

F'sperhanging and houa» repairing; expert work-¦ec. IBS !. ste. nw. apCT-M


Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!20th Century Insecticide

-wiH rid your borne cf roachea. ant*, waterbugs,and bedbugs. Will exterminate machee in your

home. Bold by druggists or A. M. C. CO., MlN. Y. are. Main 3*2 tf

BUSINESS CHANCES.WE HAVE MANY HOOD OPP fRTTNlTIRBfor capable men and women with some capital

(alao without) to connec^up with going businessconcerns in this dty. Apply mornings. THECORPORATION AGENCY COMPANY. 148

F nw v myl5-S0t

SPECIAL NOTICE.FRANK SPRIGO PERRY ANNOUNCESthat he haa returned to the rity and res»iroed

tho practice of law at Suite 337 Ml WoodwardBuilding. j<*22 3t

MR. GEORGE CURTIS SHINN AN-nounces that he has returned from

France and has resumed the practiceof law. Kvana Building, 1420 NewYork avenue northwest.OFFICE OK THE OOXMIR8IONER8 OF THE

District of Columbia. Washington. June 17,1919. Notice is hereby given that on the thirtiethday of June. 1919, all licenses will expire grant¬ed by the Superintendent of Licenses of the Dis¬trict of Columbia to the profwietors of aqtomo-biles, auto-vehicles. hscks, cabe. omnibuses andvehicles of all kinds used in the transportationof paasragers (faght seeing automobiles excepted).note-broker* who do not charge a greater rats atinterest than 6 per cent per annum, privatebanks and bankers (nefc incorporated) and theWashington Stock Exchange. Said licenses mustbe renewed jwomj*ly by persons desiring to con-Unas in business alter the above named date.WADE H. COOMBS, Superintendent of Li-censes, P. C. [ Jetf-6t

ALBERT KAHLERT CO.,Expert carpet snd rug cleaning by oldest aad

best flrm in dty. J6S Md. are. it. Main

THE SHADE SHOPSot oiCorner.753 12th St.


This Is the Only Original Shade_L Note the Number.»nop 733 12th STREET.

E. H. McLACHLElf, Attorney.IN TUB MUNICIPAL COURT OK TUB DI»-trict of Columbia. GenerJ N. Berry, Plaintiff,

vs. Effie Smith. Defendant. No. 53701. "Oie ob¬ject of this suit is to recover fifty dollars and tohave judgment of condemnation of certain prop-erty of the defendant levied on under an attach-ment issued in this suit to satisfy the plaintiff'sclaim. It ia, therefore, this 11th day of June,1919. ordered that the defendant appear in thiacourt on or before the fortieth day. excluaive ofSundays and legal holidays, after the day of thefirst publication of this order, to defend thia suitand show cause why said condemnation shouldnot be had. otherwise the suit will be proceededwith s* in case of default. Witness the Honor-able Judges of said Court this 11th vday of June.A.D., 1919 MILTON RTHAftBTTROER. Jndge.A true cor*: Test. BLANCHE NEFF. Clerk

REM. ESTATE.a Home or Investment at


Tor rflta. Olntnted took., tBd fall putln-Ua *bout thtm littU fonu, attraetlrr hoot.iua. lid low scfan. >» r* writ*.


HOW TO BB TOC* OWN LANDLORD INChary Ch«j«; OB euh and t25 i month.

ALLAN W. GIBSON. 317-19 Colorado BUli.iel» 7t

SPIRITUALIST MEDIUMS.Washington's Favorite 'Adviser

PROF. MARCUS LA MARMost remarkable reader of human destiny of

the present age; rea<to the hearts and lives ofpeople like en open book; reveals the secreta oflove, gives rever-failing help and advice on buM-neee. helps you to owsroame all troubles, tsOsyour name in Ml, also fall names of husband,wife or sweetheart, bringa about your every de¬sire and succeeds when all others have failed.Call and be convinced. Hours 11 a. m. to 4 JOp. m. doily. Closed Sundays.

1220 G ST. N.W.2 Doors From 13th Street

MR. KEELBR. KNOWN EVERYWHERE FORIndependent writing. is In Washington for one

week only. Phone for appointment, Col. 2270.Writing, *1 1M Parkwood place.


Gifted Palmist sod Clairvoyant, gives advice onail affairs of life. She asks no question* butwill tell you what you want to know. You willbe wiser and hsppier after seeing her. Satkfaction or no charges. Resding*. 11.CO.

HOURS, 10 A. U. TO I P U.1211 E at, dw. between I2th snd 13th sts.

myS-tOlPalmlstrv is ? reccgwzed science, and

RIZPAH eldonis knovn as ons of lis greatest egpunmta. Hun¬dreds visit thu remarkable woman daily; com¬plete readinga with accurate descriptions o<what your hand foretell* only %1. Reception par¬lor ne. corner of 0th and U nw. Entrance 0thet. Hours 10 a. n» to 0 p. m. mh27-MtMRS. MARY SHOEMAKER. SPIRITUALand card reader. C3 M sL. nw. North

IMS. Hours, 11 a. n. to I p. bl


§12 F STREET N. W.Guarantiee to read your retire life, past, pres¬

ent and futurw; givre true advice an, health and family affairs; tells the nsmeof your future husband or wife; and what todo to be successful in life; one visit wfll payyou for your many dissppnintments in others;she will remove all obstacles and tell you howto win and hold the one you desire; she givesadvice on all important affairs of life; readlnr*$1 00; no one in trouble turned sway money orno money. je*-l0t

Licensed by the District of Columbls.MRS. JEANETT

PALMIST. CLAIRVOYANTGuarantees to read your entire life, post, pres-

ent and future. She saks no questions, but be-fore you utter s word she tells whst you calledfor, names of friends, enemies; tells how togsin succcss in business, health, courtahip, mar-riage, divorce tells you what part of the worldwill be successful for you, advises how to gainsnd hold a good position; she tells if the oceyou love is true or false. Are you in trouble?Do you find the one you have bestowed yourtrust and affection upon acting cool and in-different toward you? She will remove all ob-atacles and tell you how to win and hold theone you desire. She reunites the separsted. lo-catea absent friends or relativea Readings, $1.00.

300 SEVENTH STREET NORTHWEST.Private Parlor*. Ctosed Sundays.


PALMISTRT.Licensed by District of CtoSumbea.

MADAME VICTORIA.The gifted palmist and clairvoyant. Car ad-

nss business, family affairs, love and marnageadan tell you the name .if future husband or wife.Can tell you the secret of being succeorful; ho«to avoid trouble and tow to avoid evil influence.Sa/lifactlou guaranteed or no cnarge. Eutrance

KS ith n apU-tot

MADAME LENORE.Gifted clair/byant and medium, can be con¬

sulted on all affairs of life. Where others fsil,die succeeds. Her advice is good, try hlr. No.guess work or questions asked; what she ores andtells comes true. Satisfaction guaranteed. Of¬fice 721 11th st. nw., two doors north of PalaisRoyal store. Hours, 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. Jel7-7t

BELMONT.Noted clairvoyant snd ualmist. Gives tdviea

am business mstters. love, health, snd familyaffairs- Tells name of your future husband orwife, tells if one yon love l« true or false. Whatpart of the country Is luckiest to you. Witt todo to be successful in life 1216 N Y. avs. aw.Next door to Mssonio Temple. Headings (L

MADAM D'ASHMAN» Wypsy Clairvoyant

And cafd reader; adnce given oa businessmarriage and r.ivorce; thia woman has readfor many people in many countries. Herpredictions are reliable. 1301 G at., corner13th. atll-Mt


SCIENTIFIC ASTROLOGY.FRANK THEODORE ALLEN. DIRECTOR.Astrological Research Soriety. private read¬

ing*, by appointment only. $2; typewritten forw-ea*ta, bv mail. $5 up Extort vocational ad¬viser. 113 B n.w. Phono Franklin 6322 je23-lt


". °»u »' 1W Tth it. nw. OLD IW-D1AM HERB REMEDY SHOP. »l,i-aa.

Skin Diteatei.Wfcy Mffar tim ecaema. tent, tartui or Uj

aip t»«ctla»> AJl tn curabia Itching. prompt'j .topped.

Da. NICHOLSON, Ildlat cwItllW


Far falling hair; cur.. dandruff; grows hair.*> bald ipotg; acalp Itcblng Monad la-¦tint It One hi at Vigor itifli new growth

hair or mooe? back; on, sale PaapICaDrag Store.; price, Sc. TCHSIB'I HAWVliii.a CO , UM N. J. ate. ae. a|M

"RESTBEERThe kind you used to buy. It is easily m*}«

from my formula of plain Instruction®. Bol56e. money-Back guarantee.

special ti.aaAddress CH Ell 1ST, Box 60, Herald oAea.


804 SEVENIEEK1H STREET22fJ151Esaf-"aseNervous and Special Dtseesea of Uaa and Wow.Means Health to You if You SufferFrom Catarrh. Obesity. Itbeunutlam .

tton. Pilaa, Throat. Liu*. Mrsln. Heart, Btaodand Skin Diseases. Nereooa IMMiity, KidneyDlaaasaa Hladder TYoabie. BpecVIe Blood Foft-toning. Eruptiona. Ulcera. tod All PriraU i>»eaaea Cared for Life br Fsfe Method*.

Charges Low. Medicine Furnished.;CONSULTATION FREE

Private Waiting Room for LadieiOffice Monra. H to 1.. } u 1 Sundays, IS to 11WORKINOMKki.»OMfc OTHER ARRANGBmeut ahould be mad© about apending cash:

plank it down like a millionaire, but aee thatyou the full ralne. uuoe u we fire, if it'a apair d new panta See ua for good ralw, S3 tip,slightly used ahoea. fl up. JUSTUS OLDSTAND. *!» D. WitFOR SALE.MISCELLANEOUS

Garden Furniturefor Sale

Six pieces of beautiful Gar¬den Furniture to be sold at asacrifice. The assortment in¬cludes beautiful garden table,bench, fountain, 3 urns;plants also included. Willsacrifice. Address BOX 613,HERALD OFFICE.


OAK BKJ)STEAD WITH SPRING; IN GOODomditjoo; rMaocable. 1301 linrrv« at. nw.


FURNITURENew and allghtlj uaed Tcrtaa or dlacoonta

tor cMh.

} HOPWOOD'S, 8th &JC .t«,11ARGAINs IN CHAIRS. SQfAS, \VR1TIN'Ja<r» and other furniture, cbalr' caning re-

wiring and upholatering. E K. RD88BLUKJ N at. nw.

| WANTED.MISCELLANEOUS.WOOD.TEN CORDS. HICKORY OR WHITEoak. Give price and date arailable. BOX 635

Herald office. ^Je25-3t^VAR WORKERS POEMS WANTED |\»Rnew hook; pnira »1 to *15; each poem lwed

51. -JEAN OF THB A. G. O ." «S0

US; WS-XVOL CAS T HIDE TOOK ID 7n TH*elaaaltled column.-for ther. i«nt a aiding

pure tin-re. The., ada are HEAL. mchM-tl

CENTRAL FURNmjRE~CO!W.U paj JOB tha hlghMt price for aeeond-

.h.'°d 841 are. nw. Pboo.ffr mh*-«OALL IN III CNHWeRED ACTl>

mobile, city or auburbao. and pa> roo hlaheetpries, for ladlea', gentlemen'., children a dla-carded clothing, of aU dawrtptlona Adonaipoat.l or pheno. 1 will call. E. RICE l!3a ,that. nw. .North 1754 uSiit


wash i^ivRII?2,r"cND "TATES. 916V\ASH. LOAN A TRUST BLDG.. ttk A K

I _ : apSS-WtII WILL BUT ANTTHIWO SECOND-HANDf you w1*h to aelL What have youf WrtUor call.

TOMMY LOWE. 90S O at. nw.Prankfln 7W. apd^90tDROP POSTAL TO a. WALL. 2006 CUfTSyf.Al! kinds of jenk »nd furniture bought- hich-paah price in Ht> C^I1. aplS^St

HELP YOURSELF~BY RENTINGthwat spare room . meeting,

through the extra revenue, some ofthis year's extra taxation. ThroughHerald classified advertising youcan secure a DESIRABLE TEN-to find a DESIRABLE PLACE TOLIVE. Phone Main 3300.giv#your ad and bill will be sent.

AUTOMOBILESAceeweries tad Repairiiif '

USE THE WANT ADSIrfw Bayiaf or SeUmg Yew Auto.

icto iomioun.t A. CTOC^Mg cMxPtiBj



NEW FORD TIMERItu Dnu Timer will lait a lifetime

haa bo upkeep «pm», haa do roller to.M ranch and cauae timer to akip andentlM to mJaa It aaairoa food a hoc epark erery time all the time.

If roar deal* dm not hare the T1

Timer in atock. wilt* ua far particular!.


"DEPENDABLE) AOCB88ORIBB"ML QUumr Building Phone Main 2057


Northeast AutomobilePaintinv md Trlrrmlna1 Oo I

1410 ¥lm St B. B. iOffice Phoftt North 23T *

BWIlWtM PrOttntn«.CheerfnBj PoraW.eC


PAINTING.Special Price.forda, R-ar M M at. ne. ,M.



Auto Repairing. $1.00 per hourWe repair *11 mak« of cai*. Generator worka apedalty

Oar aerviee is beet. .

E. H. BAUER CO. IPhone Main 9U8. CSS O at nw.



By Expert MechanicsCarbon Removed by Oxyfen

Proce»>Ferd Authorized Service

Wortroanabip Guaranteed. (


1410 First Street N. E.I'hone North SKI



TIRE DOCTOR.We taj. aril and richanje oid tire* PLAZA

AUTO 8UPPLI OO.. <n «n Uaaa. are.. I'hoseFrank lib 6834- jefr-Mt

VULCANIZINGThat'a rmr bu«neea Work hrouffht In momln*

flniahad aame day. KUHN'S TIKE WORKS.3t* Pa. aia

AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING^Strictly Srat claee work done by expeita. Car¬

bon removed while yon wait1529 KinkmIn Place, between 13th and 14th.PMd Q aU. Phone Franklin 3X4.



4 .30 and 6 JO p. m., rear 235 C at. nw. Electriclight* and water. Je2^3t







..S000* ° ,I,a »P Mortal andUNITED STATES STORAGE CO «l!?5£

| ... ... Phone Mai, C3 and Fffkitajgjg*moving .

j to^aX'tlr^^.- .

j PACKERS of furnitme. rtaotm, china. brtM.brae. etc. Eixpenenred men onlySHIPPING to all j*rt» of the world

h ?TURA.GE <oc ^roitura. pianoai and boo»hold good*

iz» h st. k w. ^m>Id

krieg'S expressMONEY TO LOAN.

"".j" 7' muBSs tTc.real estate. Sereral trnat fundi All


W.VI. n. SAUNDERS A CO.Southern Building. 807 lfith at. 'nw

MONE1 . ~.l. ¦'tS-M


Come to the Largest Used AutoDealers in the World

THE ROMAN AUTO GO.4J M. br<«dl-kU*4elplila. P*.

l.rn mm to Mtect tioui-ltl*. IMT. in* »mnin sll makes, t£0 up. Catalogue free on re-



Architect's Office, Washington, D. C.. JuneIt. 19t». SEALED PROPOSALS wfll be openptl in this office it J p. in July II, lMt, forfurnishing and instsllingriighting ilxturee in tbeSouth Building. Hygienic laboratory, U. S.PubUc Health Set-rice, Whshington, D. C.. in'accordance with drawings and specifications,copies of which may be had at thia office. Pro-pceal* are desired only from those qualified toproduce wot* of the highest grade, both artistically and mechanically, and tbe right la re-.erred to refuse to send the drawings and aped-fication to or to reccite proposals from any ooewho. in the opinion of the Supervising Archi-tect. ia not 00 qualified. J AS. A. WETMOREActing SuVerriaing Architect.

UNITED STATES TREASURY CERTIFIcatee Series V-O maturing July 9, 1919. call-

ed for redemption July 1. All United StatesTreasury certificates of indrtxedness Series V-Gdate. February 27, 1919. Maturing July 29, 1919,are hereby called for redemption on July 1. 1919,at par and accrued interest Interest on .allcertificates ssid series will cease to accrue July1. certificates exchangeable on or before July Federal Reaerre Banks st par for treasurycertificates seriee T-4 dated June 3, MaturingSe-.rtember 15. with adjustment of interest.'Signed) CARTER GLAS8, Secretary of TYeas-

ury. jeSIJSttOFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER* OF THEDistrict of Columbia, Washington. Jons 19,1919. Sealed proposals will be recelted at thiaoffice. Room EI. District Buildiz«, natM }o'clock p. m.. June 27. 1919, for furnishing sadinstalling fixed and other laboratory equipment,Dunbar High School, lA at, bstoeeu N and OsU. nw., Washington, D. C. Specifications andform of proposal may be obtained at Room tfT,District Building. Incomplete propoesia may berejected as informal. Proposals without speotflcations may be aonaidered InfonnaL "Hie Com-miartoners lesene the right to reject any spd allproposals. Telegraphic proposals will not be ccxv-sidared. LOUIS BROWNLOW. W GWTNNGARDINER. CHARLES tt KUTZ. Commiosloners, I>.C. jeJDJl.SJ.t4.BJIOFFICE OF THE EONE SUPPLY OFFICER.17th and F sta. nw.. Washington, D. C. Seeled

iwopoeaIs. in triplicate, will be opened at theabore address at 2 p. m.. June 38. 1919, forfurnishing all labor and material (without ex¬ception) required to erect wood and gla*s partiJons. Proposal h'.anks and specifications msy be

nw., in strict accordance with the spertflra-tiona. Proposal Hanks and vedfiations may be>Od upon application at thia office. Proposal tobe filed in triplicate and must bear guarantythereon. Mark envelope* "PROPOSALS FORERECTION OF PARTITIONS. MUNITIONSBUILDING. TO BE OPENED AT 1 P M..JUNE 26. 1919." and addreea to the Zone SupplyOfficer. Washington. D. O. )e®.C.3,ai.9UNITED STATER SENATE OFFICE OFthe Secretary, Washington, D. C., June 12."

1919. Sealed propoeale will be received at thisoffice until 12 O'CLOCK M . July .. 1919. lorfurnishing stationery for the use of tbe UnitedStates Senate for the fiscal year ending June 3D.199D. Blank forms of proposals, showing thequantity and quality of «*ach article and tbeform of bond to be signed by tbe bidder andr.irvties, will be furnished on application to thisoffice. Proposals should be indorsed "Proposalsfor Stationery for the United States Senate."and be directed to George A. Sanderson, Secre¬tary of the United States Senate. WashingtonD. O. Proposals and specimens must be deliver¬ed at thia office, free 01 charge, before the hoarntnwd .bow. GEOKOE A. SANDERSON,Secretary. Jel4.2l.25-jy5.19


CollegesS1GNOR S. CUDIA.Teacher of Dramatic Art.

Vocal Expression, Voice Building.Studio 614 17th st. Entrance on G st

Hours 4*to 5.Phone Franklin 2753.

By appointing it. ai&-90t

FIRST GRADE CIVIL SERVICE EX AMI-nations for clerk* July 9 and 12. Tuition foe

entire course for these examinations, $&. TheCIVIL SERVICE PREPARATORY SCHOOL*se cor. 12th and F sta. nw. Franklin 2060.


AccountancyNational T. M. C. A. CourseDegree Granting Power*New Classes Now Forming

ldeet Accounting: School in City.Y.M. C. A

NATIONAL CITY SCHOOL.731 Fifteenth St. N. W.

Shorthand, Typewriting. Accounting.Short-time Course in Touch Typewriting.Individual Instruction in Shorthand.

Day and Night Sessions.aptfMft

crvil-e J SERVICEPrepare In t A <"Vn*us ClerkFour Pays /¦ Departmental

r. ¦ I

for. ClerkGovernment I Bookkeeper ClericExaminations S Post Office Clerk


Washington. *~* p

Liberty and.Victory Bonds x


We Alio Pay Cash for PutPaid Liberty Bond Cards

CASHPaid for


Without Going Through Anyv Red TapeWe Use No Check. N'We Pay Cath

Inquire elsewhere for price*,but don't sell your bonds or

stamp* until you get our


Investment Co.Phone Main TtSI

920 F Street N. W.Open Pally 1:10 a. m. to I p. m.

"We talk less and pay mora*






We Also Buy Part-Paid Cards


915 Penna. Ave. N.W.OPEN Dally t:S0 a.m. to I p.m.

Sunday 10 a-tn. to 1 p.m.

Use the classified column for re¬

sults. Secure a good cook, maid,chauffeur and other help throughthe Want Ads. Rent that spareroom the same way.

FUNERAL DESIGHS.Appropriate Funeral Tokens

Gude Bros. Co. 1214 F Street1'ramiA auto deliver;

JOSEPH GAWLER'S SONSM«nber* by Invitation National Selected Hop¬

tician* 8«Tic*a rendered in all part* at theUnited States by apecial represent*ti?«*Telephone ^ Uuhiuber 1164

Main 5512-55111710-32 Pa.Avenue.

DIED.ViRNSTEIN.On Sunday, June 22.

1219. ANNIE VIRNSTEIN. belovedwife of Frank Virnstein, at 6o'clock a. m., at Providence Hos¬pital.

Funeral from the residence of herson, 2413 Thirteenth street. Brook-land, D. C.. on Tuesdav, June R a. m. Requiem Mass at St.Anthony's Church at S:8«'t o'clock.Interment. Mount Olivet Cemetery.Relatives and friends 1nW*d. (Chi¬cago papers please copy )



After months of utter neglectDavid is sent to London, where hebecomes at 10 years of age. a littlelaboring hind in a dilapidated oldwarehouse, in the service of Murd-stone and Grimby. wine merchants.Half starved, wearied by long hoursof labor amid repulsive companion*,including Mick Walker and MeallyPotatoes. David's life is a continuedtorture. He* lodges with a Mr. andMrs. Wilkins Micawber and thejr"turn up" and always in pnaaessionnumerous progeny. Mr. 'M'caw^r.always !n pecuniary difficulties andalways expectinc something toof a fine flow of oratory, is alter¬nately buoyed up by a convictionthat fortune is at last about tosmile upon him, and reduced to thedepths of despair by her sudden andunaccountable withdrawal. Davidcomes to have a genuine liking forthe couple, so much so that whenthe Micawbera. having failed to

~-ssttsrsessI. ! .

* "en** of l«<l>MM tkl<#t»n»liiji to run away to hi.

k»»t, Betary Trotwood. at Dww aaau»« who® he ha. wrer

heard.*ememb""» te have

Th* .»»« adopt* kin and ¦mrli*-«. at CanUrfcary. whorthe board* wiU hi. a««f. lawyer

urf TTn/f a*aira- » Mr WickHeldh'a *au,htar **¦>'«. whoaa M- .

re«e goodness becomes a «**>»¦#.¦«%

to,D*,"<L H,r' *Ja° he

"-Id'. cl«rk°"UrtlhWl*UpMr^Wi^;umble person." an Individual with

wd whh""" f»« and a head cov-

whieh L «.»"** red eye.wnlcn have a curiously unahMM'PPfc*rV,c*- and which urn to Da

y .t°,^ cea.eleaaly watchful. Hi.rroTellhg humility and clammy haadgraap mi David with uncontrollableloathing and dl.truatHaving graduated with

- *eo°^* * proctor aad°* »f Spenlow and /or-

rine. He at once falls he&d «v»rheel. In lov. with Ifr. Spenlew'a dto-.» .. "wnmr. aj.-

¦*ttT dau**<«- Derm, whoJT1"". hi. affection On t». 111n

J? rrotty*¦ buaband ta dying pt

v.*?"?"1- *«» > **-. comfort hi. kH<* mme

Emllj within a few

SSv Ham'a brtda: UttleST Preclou. trtuurt of ber


. heart, dtoappeara and withher Steerforth C.mod .wa^by W.

EtiTe hLV? that be willa ln,,y Emily to bom

'b® detracted by a wn. of ter-

hr vS i'0", "" °f ''..rad.tlor

^,^2.8hs.'r°.v4o. rssbrought a,^*', * *** h* wh® flr*'

t^f^i f f^h «<> T.rmooth, re-

£-.£ XL? flnd tha« »". «"t

t^. J? *.*ter part of her for-dISm 1? JS**.** M ".e-.ary for

... v?"5" " th*tr hv

SlT .»apar* Um* '« clerical

and literary work.Dora oontinues uppermost in k««

though* although £i ea ve. the timid, truatful. artless

the aurprlae of all. nearlv

.tf £ David*. Income. t*iout:hwrB1"< of their tnarriart

With all hi. lov. for til. child" «h* <*"¦ herself he find*

raJ 'rreapoMlblllty resulu

.' bui a comfortable home

CWM..I7 ^ <ry,r« t0 ""-"op^erChildish nature he uncomplatnirArlymake, the be.t of It and continue,to admire her bewitching way. Mean-Wh". T'rlah Heep h«^ h,deceit to worm hi. way Into part-nerehlp with Mr Wlckfleld after«.«*». T00'-^' to rain full con¬trol of the burlnea. Considering Mr

"kt!?' to he a ueeful tool,uriah hires him in the capacity orclerk at such a meaner salary thatMr Micawber Is obliged to borrow

"71. fum" of money from Heep.who taltea advantage of thl. Indebt¬edness to force Mr Micawber to .a-"slst him In hi. dishonest practices.At the end of a year Mr Micawber

[reque.t. an Interview with David and

v. tVT', at c«t«rbury. They findhim filled with rlrhteou. contempt fort rlah Heep. the hypoorlUcal plotter,and prepared to make a sweeping ex-

posure, which he forthwith proceed*to do In hi. loftiest style, which r^suits In the recovery of Reteey Trot-wood's money, full restitution to Mrw Ickfleld. and. In Mr Mlcawher s own

words, the flnal pulverl»tlon of Heei> *

..Blossom." a. David delight, to callDor. prove, a. frail as the nam-and In spile of hi. tenderest care shedroop, and at length I. gone.

.*a at other times of trial. It 1. theculck sympathy of Agnes Wlckfleldthat softens the pain, and throughner influence David plan, to go abroadfor a time. Meanwhile out of gratl-tude to Mr Micawber for his .f-rvlrein the recovery of her money, ItetaevTrotwood offers to help the Micaw¬ber. to make a new .tart In AustraliaThe family joyfully accept .he prop¬osition and prepare to aail on the¦ame ship with Emily and her devoteduncle to whom she has at last re-

i turned and who Is accompanving herto the distant colony to besin ltfelanew^ nefore bidding these goodfriends farewell, David visits Yar-mouth once more and theast Kane of Kmlly's tragedy A ragIng tempest be.t. a .hip to pleoo.Just off the coast. One living personI. seen .till clinging to the mast, and

Y" 'rory ®.f '.»'* F®nd> Ham to hi.death In hi. efforts .to rrscue that'ireature. whose body when waahedashore prove, to be that of Steer-

i-iortn.r^.f'"" t.hp<* '.*"' abaenre abroad.

^T^n.r U7" t0, England and grad».ally come, to really that Agnes w ic.

?nd *lwa>,, h" ««idlng star

Trotw^wwi *,"a>' ,n hl» ItetaevTrotwood, fearing that David mav atlu

w"br,*«* to the feeling ot

Mon ,iTaiL hlm- mem-

.,hM ,he ha. reason to bellevwthat Agne. is to be married Where¬upon David la determined at what-

ZZ:Z V,M;own to .enAgnes Of hi. joy In any happinessthat may come to her. He soon dis-COVOTs that she has never cared forany other than himself and that herfuture happiness will be h.- a. wellAa the years paaa and a group or

children 1, added to their home David

Mnofnold t0 l,n<, Agne' h'* 'n,pirBT|on

CopSTJght^m*. by Post Publish!.* C*tti .

(The Boston Post)

thll*uJcl',y SwClal *"*n«enient withthe Mcaura-Sewap.per Syndicate

All rrshts reser\*e<f-Peedeanl^- m.ekeray..

gveatct novel.. eo«den..| bv Bleaard Henry Dana, will be printed to-

I morrow.


pwtAttNTy. tthin* YOU A r £ ^/RIGHT. fvVON'r LCT MY 0At/6HTef?(CO 8ec^usc shc'jonly IN


C*PTT<Kkt. Hit, By tt» McCIbto Icmptftf IgnDntai


ah,there,TIMMIE,WILL YOU TZO.Y0URsister l'mhef?e?

j|d0n t think"5h. can comcDown, mr.jack.


>.- /

By PERCY L. crosby

RtCA L LTHE tine YOU mETTHCTe*cue* afte* pcayin6hookey

/wjfyu^e^]Y&u to ;cw*j
