For many of us, - Buckner International · 2016-11-28 · Let hope shine through your family this...


Transcript of For many of us, - Buckner International · 2016-11-28 · Let hope shine through your family this...

Page 1: For many of us, - Buckner International · 2016-11-28 · Let hope shine through your family this Christmas season. For more information, ... “I bring you great joy that will be
Page 2: For many of us, - Buckner International · 2016-11-28 · Let hope shine through your family this Christmas season. For more information, ... “I bring you great joy that will be

Christmas memories are the sweetest memories – full of lights, ornaments, gifts and laughter. It’s a unique time of year where friends and family gather to celebrate the gift of Christ’s birth in a Bethlehem manger. The time leading up to Christmas day is a period of remembrance of the birth of Christ and anticipation of his imminent return. It’s a time to journey to the manger to reflect upon God coming to earth in flesh and forecast what his return will bring:

We pray this season will be a special time for your family this year as you make new memories. To help make it so, we are offering this guide to lead your family through a Christmas season like never before. We’ve included devotions to help you start the day plus an activity designed to bring your family together. May you feel Christ’s presence this season like never before. Sincerely,

Albert L. Reyes

For many of us,

Page 3: For many of us, - Buckner International · 2016-11-28 · Let hope shine through your family this Christmas season. For more information, ... “I bring you great joy that will be

to the manger begins with an announcement. God sends the angel Gabriel to Mary. “Greetings, you who

are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” (Luke 1:28)

Can you imagine standing before an angel of the Lord? The

words troubled Mary. They most likely would trouble you or me as well.

When he calls to us, he may ask us to do something out of our comfort zone. Even harder, he might ask us to do something we don’t want to do – give something away, help someone we don’t like or take time out of our busy schedules to encourage a friend.

But God doesn’t leave Mary – or us – fearful. He gives us hope. In the Christmas story as he does today, God reminds us that he loves us, he is with us and he will strengthen us to expand his kingdom.

“Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the most high. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end.” (Luke 1:30-33)

What journey is God calling you to start this Christmas season?

The journey

Page 4: For many of us, - Buckner International · 2016-11-28 · Let hope shine through your family this Christmas season. For more information, ... “I bring you great joy that will be

In the days leading up to Christ’s birth, Caesar Augustus decreed a census be taken of the Roman world. To register, Joseph and Mary traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem, the town of Joseph’s ancestors including King David.

The journey between the cities was a difficult one of about 70 miles and may have taken as long as a week. At that stage of pregnancy, Mary may have only been able to travel 10 miles a day along the hilly route while carrying supplies. The couple would have traveled during the rainy winter where it would have been in the 30s during the day and freezing at night. The forests were also known for their bears, lions, wild boars and robbers.

In honor of their journey, gather your family to reflect on the difficulties they may have faced. Talk about challenges each of you face today as you follow God daily.

Then, do something to make someone else’s journey easier. Around the world, children are walking long distances to go to school, and they’re doing so in broken-down, ill-fitting shoes. Their dilapidated shoes are exposing them to injury and disease each day.

Through Buckner Shoes for Orphan Souls®, you can donate new shoes to make the journey easier for vulnerable children around the world. The pair of shoes you buy together as a family can lead to the transformation of a child’s life through Buckner ministries. Let hope shine through your family this Christmas season.

For more information,

Around the world, children are walking long distances to go to school, and they’re doing so in broken-down, ill-fitting shoes. Their dilapidated shoes are exposing them to injuryand disease each day.


Page 5: For many of us, - Buckner International · 2016-11-28 · Let hope shine through your family this Christmas season. For more information, ... “I bring you great joy that will be

Joseph were in Bethlehem, a group of shepherds were living in nearby fields watching over their flocks. An angel appeared to them

and announced the birth of Christ: “I bring you great joy

that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a

Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. You will find a baby

wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” (Luke 2:10-12)

Then a great number of angels appeared, saying “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on who his favor rests.” (Luke 2:14)

In this passage, scholars believe the angels are proudly declaring the benefits of Christ’s birth. First and foremost, the coming of Christ glorifies God. It reveals his nature as a caring God and calls for honor and worship to be given to him.

Second, Christ brings peace to the people of the Lord. While we often think of peace as periods without conflict, the Bible means something more than that. Beyond the tranquility, Scriptural peace also means blessings and prosperity.

This Christmas, we continue to live in the blessings brought about by the birth of Christ. God continues to bless his people and equip them to spread peace among others.

How has God blessed you and your family this Christmas season? Will you tell others what God has done for you?

While Mary and

Page 6: For many of us, - Buckner International · 2016-11-28 · Let hope shine through your family this Christmas season. For more information, ... “I bring you great joy that will be

The angels’ chorus in Luke 2 is among the most famous in all of Scripture. It undoubtedly will be used at some point this December in nearly every pulpit. Even people who do not follow Christ may recognize it.

One of the many blessings from God is a strong family built on a

foundation of God. This Christmas, it’s important we celebrate that

blessing by spending time together.

Today, we’re asking you to do something many of you probably already do each

year: Make some hot chocolate and watch “A Charlie Brown Christmas” as a family. The 1965 television special continues to appeal to people of all generations, creating an event

that will gather grandparents, parents and children easily.

It also presents the good news of Christ’s birth clearly as Linus reads Luke 2 at the end. It communicates the true meaning of Christmas in a way children can understand.

As you watch it, count your blessings as you see the smiles on the faces of the people around you. How has each person blessed you this year? What do they mean to you? Let each person share at the end of the movie.

Also talk about what Christmas really means. How would you describe the true reason for Christmas to others? Will you commit to telling someone else about Christ this December?


Page 7: For many of us, - Buckner International · 2016-11-28 · Let hope shine through your family this Christmas season. For more information, ... “I bring you great joy that will be

the shepherds and those they told about the birth of Christ were accompanied by someone else in the manger: God himself. God’s

journey to the manger is not the result of angels calling or

an excited response. He was and is driven simply by love.

According to the Gospel of John, Christ has been with God since the

beginning. He became flesh through the birth of Jesus because God dearly loved each and every person. Through Jesus, all people can have a relationship with God.

John 3:16-17 reads: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”

The sending of Christ to Earth changes everything. Because God first loved us and sent his son to live among us, we are able to love others. Our love is a result of how much we are loved by God.

Christmas is filled with opportunities to share the love of Christ with others. As a family, discuss ways you can do that. Pick one and do it together.

Mary, Joseph,

Page 8: For many of us, - Buckner International · 2016-11-28 · Let hope shine through your family this Christmas season. For more information, ... “I bring you great joy that will be

The tradition of bringing trees inside for Christmas and decorating them for the holiday dates back to 16th century Germany. Protestant reformer Martin Luther is generally credited with introducing the use of lights to decorate Christmas trees.

Decorating the tree brings families together. It gives parents and children the opportunity to connect while celebrating Christmas.

This year, celebrate Christ’s journey to the manger by creating a unique Christmas ornament with your family.

Here are two options to help stir your creative juices – one for younger children and one for older.

Manger ornament Supplies: • 2 popsicle sticks• 1 piece of brown construction paper• 1 piece of tan construction paper• Brown moss or straw• Black marker• Craft glue or hot glue• 8” piece of twine, string or yarn in color of choice

Directions: 1. Glue two popsicle sticks together in a narrow V shape. Let dry. 2. Using the glued popsicle sticks as a guide, trace a triangle onto the brown construction paper large enough to cover the large V of the popsicle sticks. Cut the triangle from the brown construction paper and glue to the back of the popsicle sticks. Let dry.3. Cut a circle out of the tan construction paper. Using the black marker, draw a face on the circle. Glue the bottom of the circle to the back side of the brown construction paper in the center. 4. Glue brown moss or straw to the top sides of the manger. 5. Tie each end of the twine or yarn to the top of the popsicle stick on each side. Use a small amount of glue on the back side to secure in place.

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Page 9: For many of us, - Buckner International · 2016-11-28 · Let hope shine through your family this Christmas season. For more information, ... “I bring you great joy that will be

Wood slice ornamentSupplies: • Christmas tree (or purchase wood disc from a craft store) • Saw • Drill • Twine cut to desired length


1. When trimming the bottom of your Christmas tree before placing it into water, trim it in discs. These will be the discs that form the ornaments. If desired, use wood discs purchased from the store.

2. Drill a hole in the top of the wood disc, near the top.

3. Sand the front and back of the disc until they are smooth.

4. Cut out the manger template provided and place on the center of the wood disc. Use Mod Podge according to the manufacture’s instructions to glue in place. If desired, use the template as a guide and use a wood burning tool to trace the design directly onto the wood.

5. Using the twine, loop through the drilled hole and tie the ends in a knot. Cut off the ends.


• Sandpaper• Manger template (provided) • Mod Podge • Optional: Wood burning tool


Page 10: For many of us, - Buckner International · 2016-11-28 · Let hope shine through your family this Christmas season. For more information, ... “I bring you great joy that will be



Page 11: For many of us, - Buckner International · 2016-11-28 · Let hope shine through your family this Christmas season. For more information, ... “I bring you great joy that will be

Everyone has gathered at the manger to worship the newborn king. They are bringing him presents and singing songs of praise.

They are bowing down before him in worship.

Will you join them this day? Will you make the journey to the


He wants you there. Christ would love for you to be there. He longs for it. The body of Christ is stronger because of your presence.

While the path to salvation leads us to the manger, Christians are not to remain there. The manger is where our journey begins. From there, we are sent out to make disciples. Our interaction with Christ encourages, inspires and instructs us to pursue God’s will. We follow Christ’s model and teachings.

The joy we experience because God loved us so much that he sent his son to earth for us overflows in our lives. Today, the day of Christ’s birth, should be a shining example of the joy of the body of Christ. Let our light shine brightly this day as we share the good news with others and prepare for Christ’s imminent return.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)

It’s Christmas.

Page 12: For many of us, - Buckner International · 2016-11-28 · Let hope shine through your family this Christmas season. For more information, ... “I bring you great joy that will be

This Christmas, start your own family tradition of shining hope throughout the Christmas season. Commit to celebrating the birth of Christ by sharing the good new of Christ.

You could:• Invite a friend/neighbor to celebrate Christmas with your family.• Provide a meal for a single-parent family through Buckner Family Pathways.• Purchase a gift for a child in the foster care system through Buckner.• Take cookies to a neighbor.• Start a neighborhood football game.• Let a child lead the prayer before Christmas dinner.


Page 13: For many of us, - Buckner International · 2016-11-28 · Let hope shine through your family this Christmas season. For more information, ... “I bring you great joy that will be

Buckner International is a faith-based ministry dedicated to transforming the lives of orphans, vulnerable children, families and elders. Founded in 1879 in Dallas, Texas, Buckner serves people through a variety of programs designed to protect children and build strong families. These programs include the Buckner Family Hope Center, Buckner Family Pathways, foster care and adoption, and retirement services for seniors.