FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Dennis ...Tonight”), The Elvin Bishop Group and Sly & The Family...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Dennis Marcellino (503) 650-8840 [email protected] Successful Musician (and EX alcoholic and drug user) explains 7 Reasons Why Many Entertainers have a Big Problem with Alcohol and Drugs The death of Anna Nicole Smith brings to our attention again the question: why do people who seem to have it all live so recklessly with alcohol and drugs, even to the point that they end up dying at a young age? Obviously, “having it all” wasn’t enough for them to not let that happen. So, what drove them to override a normal sensitivity to survive? Why is “rehab” a word in the daily news now when it comes to entertainers? Dennis Marcellino had a successful life in the entertainment industry as a former member of Sly & The Family Stone, The Elvin Bishop Group, Rubicon, The Tokens (famous for their hit “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”) and has had an international bestseller of his own. But that success did not create enough deep fulfillment to keep him away from alcohol and drugs. In fact, the fact that the expected fulfillment didn’t come from achieving that success drove him even further into alcohol and drugs. He lived for 18 years like that. To make a long story short, after searching for a solution to this problem for 14 years that took him through many organizations, psychologists and approaches (21 in all*), he found the solution to his problem and has been living drug and alcohol free and in a deeply fulfilling life for 25 years now. And that solution was: handing over the reins of his life to Jesus and referring to the Bible and God’s Spirit within for all inner and outer life decisions. (*Posted at Now he works to spread that solution in a new program he’s developed centered around his new book, Addiction Free Forever. In it he shows how anyone can achieve the same thing that he achieved. Reflecting back on his career, he says there are 7 reasons why entertainers have such a problem with alcohol and drugs (even to the point of allowing themselves to die). (1) Every performance has a new audience and therefore needs to be fresh and peak. That is hard to do because being on the road and doing the same show many times will take away the emotional freshness and therefore lowers the energy. Alcohol and drugs are used to try to bring back a strong feeling for a performance.

Transcript of FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Dennis ...Tonight”), The Elvin Bishop Group and Sly & The Family...

  • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Dennis Marcellino (503) [email protected]

    Successful Musician(and EX alcoholic and drug user) explains7 Reasons Why Many Entertainers have a

    Big Problem with Alcohol and DrugsThe death of Anna Nicole Smith brings to our attention again the question: why dopeople who seem to have it all live so recklessly with alcohol and drugs, even to the pointthat they end up dying at a young age? Obviously, “having it all” wasn’t enough for themto not let that happen. So, what drove them to override a normal sensitivity to survive?Why is “rehab” a word in the daily news now when it comes to entertainers?

    Dennis Marcellino had a successful life in the entertainment industry as a former memberof Sly & The Family Stone, The Elvin Bishop Group, Rubicon, The Tokens (famous fortheir hit “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”) and has had an international bestseller of his own.But that success did not create enough deep fulfillment to keep him away from alcoholand drugs. In fact, the fact that the expected fulfillment didn’t come from achieving thatsuccess drove him even further into alcohol and drugs. He lived for 18 years like that.

    To make a long story short, after searching for a solution to this problem for 14 years thattook him through many organizations, psychologists and approaches (21 in all*), hefound the solution to his problem and has been living drug and alcohol free and in adeeply fulfilling life for 25 years now. And that solution was: handing over the reins ofhis life to Jesus and referring to the Bible and God’s Spirit within for all inner and outerlife decisions. (*Posted at

    Now he works to spread that solution in a new program he’s developed centered aroundhis new book, Addiction Free Forever. In it he shows how anyone can achieve the samething that he achieved.

    Reflecting back on his career, he says there are 7 reasons why entertainers have such aproblem with alcohol and drugs (even to the point of allowing themselves to die).

    (1) Every performance has a new audience and therefore needs to be fresh andpeak. That is hard to do because being on the road and doing the same showmany times will take away the emotional freshness and therefore lowers theenergy. Alcohol and drugs are used to try to bring back a strong feeling for aperformance.

  • (2) Exhausting the initial emotional desire for doing specific songs or acts. Pentup emotion might inspire the creation of a song or act, but eventually the emotiongets spent and therefore the performance doesn’t have the pizzazz it once had.Again, alcohol and drugs are used to try to bring back some of that pizzazz.

    (3) Sensationalism doesn’t work. What goes with having a lot of money and fame isthe ability to live a life of pursuing sensations. But that approach is unnatural andleads to depression. So, alcohol and drugs are used both to create sensations, andthen to try to eliminate the depression that comes from living unnaturally.

    (4) Thrust onto big stages before first maturing. Many entertainers findthemselves in the spotlight and as role models just because they are good at theircraft. But they often haven’t yet resolved inner problems (shyness, low self-esteem, inability to have inner peace, not knowing how to be married, having aninflated ego, etc.). Alcohol and drugs are used to try to mask those problems (atleast temporarily) and the feelings they create that are counter to their image.

    (5) Competition. Success in entertainment and sports requires that you have greatperformances. That means in order to rise to or near the top, you have to be betterthan the competition. Alcohol and drugs (including steroids) are used to try togain an edge up on the competition by boosting energy, stamina, emotion, joy,focus, strength, looseness, spontaneity, etc.

    (6) Guilt for being bad role models and idol replacements for God. Anti-naturalacts with anti-natural songs will drain a person and engage bad feelings that Goduses to correct sin. Therefore there becomes a need to recharge the inner batterythat God isn't naturally charging. People use alcohol and drugs to try to do thatrecharging. But especially serious with entertainers is that a lot of them are notjust living sin but they are promoting it. Therefore there is also intense guilt thatwould naturally come up that they would want to drown so that the show can goon. Further adding to the intensity of guilt is the fact that they allow themselves tobe replacements for God as the focus in many lives. That intensity requires moreintense drugs, which is why some of the biggest idols have overdosed young.

    (7) Business social reasons. Drugs are the entertainer’s version of what the martiniwas to the businessmen of the ‘50s and early ‘60s. That is, you don’t want to beout of step with your peers and those who you rely on for business evolvement.And not doing drugs can spawn discussions and criticisms that could alienate youfrom those who have the power to make you successful or not.

    Dennis’ book can be acquired at (along with a numberof free bonuses), as well as at nearly every online and physical bookstore.

    The media kit for considering Dennis as a media guest or for aninterview is

    A teaser for going into a segment about this could be:“Next up we have a former member of The Tokens (famous for the hit “The Lion SleepsTonight”), The Elvin Bishop Group and Sly & The Family Stone. Remember them? Theyused to be famous for being atop the drug culture of the ‘60s and ‘70s. Well he says thatafter 18 years of use, he’s been an EX alcoholic and drug user for 25 years now and he’swritten a new book and developed a program called Addiction Free Forever, which hesays will work for anybody to permanently end a drug or alcohol problem. This is a big

  • problem in our country and might be a big problem for yourself or a loved one. Sodon’t change the channel…you don’t want to miss this.”

    Also for this teaser, as well as during segments and going out of them are:• photos (some of which can be seen at• music, either from one of Dennis’ past bands or from one of his CDs …which alsoinclude some remakes of songs from the bands he was in (e.g. The Lion Sleeps Tonight).His music can be heard at