For Free! Free! No, this is not a misprint! And, ... Grampa fell asleep in his recliner watching TV....

What’s Inside Our New Clients Page 3 The Whole World Stinks! Page 2 Tax Breaks for New Equipment Page 1 Year –End RAFFLE Page 4 WIN A NETBOOK! Page 3 December 2011 "Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." Woody Allen Making Good Relations Great Business Owners: You may be able to Upgrade Your IT Equipment For Free! No, this is not a misprint! And, Yes, it is Christmas! Do you know about Section 179? If you don’t, you are not alone. Section 179 is an extension of the 2010 Tax Relief Act that allows business to deduct 100% of qualified capital expenses for new and leased equipment purchased in 2011. That means 100% depreciation credit. Up to $500.000 with a Bonus Depreciation for up to $2 million. (We could set you up with a real spiffy IT network for that!) For some, the tax savings could cover the cost of the purchase. You might even make a profit! I know some of you have been planning purchases for next year. Some have been delaying buying needed equipment “until the economy picks up”. Understood. But here’s a deal that may make you want to consider doing it now. You really owe it to yourself to seriously look at this. Please read about it at Then give me a call and we can schedule a time to make an assessment of your needs. (414) 456-9837 or shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] Let me take this opportunity to again thank all of you for the oppor- tunity to serve you. I and the staff of ManagePoint wish all of you a most blessed Chanukah and Christmas season and a very prosperous 2012. Dave

Transcript of For Free! Free! No, this is not a misprint! And, ... Grampa fell asleep in his recliner watching TV....



Our New

Clients Page 3

The Whole

World Stinks! Page 2

Tax Breaks

for New

Equipment Page 1

Year –End


Page 4



Page 3



"Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." Woody Allen

Making Good Relations Great

Business Owners: You may be able to

Upgrade Your IT Equipment For Free!

No, this is not a misprint!

And, Yes, it is Christmas!

Do you know about Section 179? If you don’t, you are not alone.

Section 179 is an extension of the 2010 Tax Relief Act that allows business to deduct

100% of qualified capital expenses for new and leased equipment purchased in 2011.

That means 100% depreciation credit. Up to $500.000 with a Bonus Depreciation

for up to $2 million. (We could set you up with a real spiffy IT network for that!)

For some, the tax savings could cover the cost of the purchase. You might even make

a profit!

I know some of you have been planning purchases for next year. Some have been

delaying buying needed equipment “until the economy picks up”. Understood.

But here’s a deal that may make you want to consider doing it now.

You really owe it to yourself to seriously look at this.

Please read about it at

Then give me a call and we can schedule a time to make

an assessment of your needs. (414) 456-9837 or shoot me

an e-mail at [email protected]

Let me take this opportunity to again thank all of you for the oppor-

tunity to serve you. I and the staff of ManagePoint wish all of you a

most blessed Chanukah and Christmas season and a very prosperous



Sometimes Everything Stinks

Page 2 ConnectionPoint

Grampa fell asleep in his recliner watching TV. The grandchildren decided to

play a trick on him and smeared some really stinky cheese on his bushy mus-

tache. A little later Grampa woke up. “This room stinks!”, he grunted and went to

the kitchen. “The kitchen stinks, too!”, he growled. Going from one room to an-

other he cried, “This whole house stinks!” To escape the smell, he stepped out-

side. After taking a deep sniff he shouted, “THE WHOLE WORLD STINKS!”

Here at ManagePoint it is our sincere hope that 2011 has been a good year for you. There may

have been some days in there when you were tempted to think business stinks; or there may have

been some incidents or circumstances that you would rather have avoided. If Grampa had only

known the source of the offending odor, his conclusion might have been different. A trip to the

washbowl and a dash of cologne would have changed the atmosphere of the “whole world”.

The infant, Jesus was born in a real stinky place. Farm barns are that way. I dare say he made

the world smell better, though.

There may be something simple that you can do to make your world smell better. Our prayer is

that you find that and that you may have a most blessed Christmas and New Year.

The psychologists were stumped. The twins were as different in temperament

as night and day. One was always bright and happy; the other was as morose and

grouchy as could be. The doctors decided to set up an experiment. They put the

two boys in separate rooms. The grouch they placed in a room filled with toys,

games and assorted snacks and candies. Surely, this would pep him up, they thought. The second

boy, the happy child, they placed in a room with a large pile of horse manure—nothing else!

After a little while, the doctors checked in on the gloomy child. They were surprised to find him

in the middle of the room crying. The toys and goodies appeared to not have been touched.

“What’s the matter?”, they asked. “Don’t you want to play with some toys? How about riding this

toy horsey?” “No, I might fall off and break my arm!” “Okay, how about these Legos?” “No, I

pinched myself once with them.” “How about this drum?” “Hurts my ears.” “Well, are you hun-

gry? Wouldn’t you like some sweets?” “No, I might get a stomachache.”

The doctors agreed this child had some very serious issues. They then decided to look in on the

other child—the one they put in a room with a pile of poop. Certainly this child would be crying,


Opening the door, they were not prepared for what they saw. The child was waist-deep in the

middle of the pile! He was flinging handfuls of the doo-doo everywhere. It covered the walls!

“STOP!” they cried. “What are you doing?”

They child paused and grinned at them. “I figure that with all this poop, there has to be a pony

in here somewhere!”

Moral: Sometimes in life you find yourself hip deep in poop. Next time you do, remember to

look for the pony!

Remember the Pony!

Page 3 ConnectionPoint

“A positive outlook won’t make you

succeed, but it will make everything you do better.” -

Zig Ziglar

(And Win a Dell NetBook!)

A man steps off the train and, walking up to an old local, asks him, “Tell me about your town

and the people here. I’m looking possibly to relocate here.”

The local looks the stranger over and responds, “Well, tell me about where you came from—what kind of people were they there?”

The stranger grunts and says, “Well, that’s why I’m leaving. People there were unfriendly, selfish, hateful and mean-spirited. I couldn’t wait to get away from them!”

The local shakes his head. “They’re the same way here, too. You really wouldn’t want to live here either. If I were you I’d get right back on that train and go further down the line.”

The stranger turned, got back on the train and left.

Another train pulls into the same station and a man steps off. He, too, approaches the old local and inquires, “Tell me about your town and the people here. I’m looking possibly to relocate here.”

The local looks him over and asks, “Well, tell me about where you came from—what kind of people were they there?”

The new stranger beams, “The most wonderful, kind-hearted and friendly people in the world! It breaks my heart to leave, but my situation necessitates it. I will miss them so much!”

“Well, my friend,” the old local smiles. “The people here are just like that, too. You’ll love it here. Welcome to our community!”

A few thoughts…

Some folks are just that way: they are not the kind of people you really want to be around for very long. It’s a fact that people can have a positive or negative effect on their surroundings and the atmos-phere of wherever they are.

Your assignment: While you are out and about this month, observe people. Look at their faces. Notice the people who make you think, “That looks like a person full of life. I wish I could get to know them.”

What do people think when they look at you? Tell me about the people where you are from. What kind of people are they at your office?


Write something about the people at your office and send it to us by Dec. 21st . If we like your submission, we will put it in the next ConnectionPoint and we will give you a brand new Dell Netbook!

Write me — [email protected]

Tell me about your people...

“Welcome Aboard” to our newest clients

Page 4

Services We Offer:

10437 Innovation Drive Suite 212 Wauwatosa, WI 53226 Phone: (414) 456-9837 Fax: (414) 431-1055

“EXTREME Customer

Satisfaction is Our

December Trivia

Monthly Raffle

This month’s raffle winner gets a $25 gift certificate to Carrabba’s Italian Grill. To enter, submit your answers with

your company contact information to mich.kealey The deadline for the raffle is Dec. 28th.

November’s’s winner was Aimee Slater of Dickman Real Estate

Congratulations, Aimee!

1. Which special day is NOT in December? a. National Whiner’s Day

b. Dead Whales Festival

c. Hug Your IT Guy Day

d. Nat’l Chocolate-Covered Anything Day

2. By which name is Hanukkah also known?

a. Memory Day

b. Festivus

c. Festival of Lights

d. Year-End Feast

3. From which language does “Kwanzaa” come? a. tiKwandzo b. Bantu c. Swahili d. Hausa

4. The birthstone of December is a. Jade b. Emerald c. Turquoise d. Aurum

Need a speaker for your event?

“Slightly Famous” Dave Steger (a leg-

end in his own mind), author of aHead

in the Cloud and Technology: You Just

Want IT to Work!, and a lot of other

boring and useless stuff, is available to

speak to your group or at your event.

Contact our office and let us know how

we can be of service.

(414) 456-9837

(Dave did not write this, as if you couldn’t guess that!)

Where did the “X” in Xmas come from? Contrary to what many people think, the “X” is not a way to get away from associating “Christ” with Christmas. Its origin is religious in nature. The Greek word that gives us the word “Christ” started with the letter “chi” or “X”. The early Christians who spoke Greek used the word to signify “Christ’s Mass”. However, as centuries passed, fewer and fewer people understood ancient Greek and thought the “X” was pagan-like and showed disrespect. Merry Xmas!