For Advent, Christmas & ·...

For Advent, Christmas & Epiphany December 1 through January 7 Daily Devoonals by Deacon Jamie Travers Weekly Bible Studies by Pastor Lynn Ronsberg, Pastor Dominique Buchholz & Deacon Jamie Travers Sharon Lutheran Church 1720 S. 20th St. Grand Forks, ND 58201 #advent424

Transcript of For Advent, Christmas & ·...

Page 1: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

For Advent, Christmas & Epiphany

December 1 through January 7

Daily Devotionals by Deacon Jamie Travers

Weekly Bible Studies by

Pastor Lynn Ronsberg, Pastor Dominique Buchholz

& Deacon Jamie Travers

Sharon Lutheran Church

1720 S. 20th St.

Grand Forks, ND 58201


Page 2: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

The Jesse Tree Journey

A Daily Devotional for Advent, Christmas & Epiphany.

During this season of Advent through Epiphany we invite your

household to journey through the Jesse Tree. A Jesse Tree is a way

to countdown to Christmas while going through the family tree of

Jesus Christ. This devotional is meant to be a daily walk with others

in and outside of your household, as we unwrap the greatest gift


Through this devotional scripture reading you will trace the branch-

es of Jesus’ family. Starting at one of the many-many-great-great-

great-grandfathers of Jesus, Jesse. Where things didn’t start so

well. The tree was more like a stump of a chopped-off tree. But

out of that stump came a budding branch, a green shoot of new

hope, new starts, new freedom for the whole family in Jesus Christ.

The Jesse Tree Journey can be done online, on your own as a daily

devotional or as a weekly Bible study. First, put up your Christmas

tree or a Jesse Tree, which can be a tree branch stuck in a pot or a

picture of a tree. Each day in December you can cut out a paper

ornament, that is included here and add it to your Christmas Tree

or Jesse Tree. Or for more fun, as a household you can make or find

your own ornaments for each day. Then read the scripture passage

for the day and share a prayer together as you light your Advent


Social Media Options (Acts 4:24)

Each day (Dec 1-Jan 7) at 4:24 in the afternoon Deacon Jamie will

post a 2-4 minute devotional video on Sharon’s Facebook Page. I

encourage you to share pictures of your ornaments and responses

to the devotionals on Social Media with the hashtag #advent424.

Page 3: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

Weekly Devotion #1 (optional)

Matthew 1 & Isaiah 11

Read the genealogy of Jesus in chapter one of Matthew.

See if you can find Jesse in the family tree and his con-

nection to Joseph, Mary and Jesus. Then go to Isaiah

11 and read about Jesse and the branch that will be his


Why is our ancestry important?

Why is Jesus’ lineage to David, Jesse & Abraham im-


Some scholars believe there are more than 300 prophe-

cies about Jesus in the Old Testament. What are some

ones that you are aware of?

What is a covenant? In the old testament God made a

covenant to Noah & one to Abraham, what were they?

Did you know that Testament and covenant mean the

same thing. The New Testament is about the new cove-

nant/promise in Jesus Christ. How is God’s promise ful-

filled in Jesus?

What are the roots of your family? Share with one an-

other the story of your family.

Do you have a family tree? If not, could you make one.

(The other weekly Bible Studies will be available to pick up each week.)

Page 4: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

December 1

Today’s image and ornament is a stump

Isaiah 11:1-2,10

Stump of Jesse

A Jesse Tree is a way to countdown to Christmas while

going through the family tree of Jesus Christ. Through-

out Advent, Christmas & Epiphany this year we will

trace through the branches of Jesus’ family. Starting at

one of the many-many-great-great-great-grandfathers

of Jesus, Jesse. Where things didn’t start so well. The

tree was more like a stump of a chopped-off tree. But

out of that stump came a budding branch, a green

shoot of new hope, new starts, new freedom for the

whole family in Jesus Christ.

This family tree of Jesus that started at the stump of

Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-

ly tree, but it is the faith family tree. It is God’s family

tree and you are a part of it. In Advent we will learn

about the ancestors of Jesus, in Christmas we will learn

about the disciples of Jesus and at Epiphany we will

look at your part in the faith family.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is:

What are the roots of your family? Do you have a fami-

Page 5: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

ly tree? If not, could you make one.

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

We thank you that you have been here since the begin-

ning. You are the Alpha & the Omega, the beginning

and the end. We thank you for our family, our ances-

tors. May we learn from them and your activity through

them. O Come oh come Emmanuel! Amen.

December 2

Today’s image and ornament is a globe

Genesis 1:1-5, 26-27


The story of Christmas begins in the very beginning –

because Christmas is about God’s love in Jesus Christ.

God has been looking to hold you close since the begin-

ning of time, when God created the world and every-

thing on it in love. In the Gospel of John chapter one it

says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word

was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the

beginning with God. All things came into being through

Page 6: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

him, and without him not one thing came into being.

What has come into being in him was life, and the life

was the light of all people. The light shines in the dark-

ness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” (John 1:1-

5) Jesus is the word of God, the word of God that creat-

ed everything in love. At Christmas we celebrate when

word of God became flesh in the Christ child. God also

created everything on earth including humans. This

holiday season let us give thanks for all of God’s crea-

tion and remember our role in caring for it.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is:

Where do you see God’s love in creation? How can you

as a household care for God’s creation? Is there any-

thing special that you can do during this wintry Advent


Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

All around us we see your presence in the beauty and

wonder of your creation. Thank you for making your

world in love and for giving us the ability and role to

Page 7: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

take care of it. Help us in this wintry season of Advent

to care for and love all of your creation. O Come oh

come Emmanuel! Amen.

December 3

Today’s image and ornament is an apple

Genesis 3:6-9

Adam and Eve Adam and Eve stood in awe of creation and they were

tempted and the fall into sin happened. We are all

bound to sin. When we have fallen and when we are

lost, God comes with one question. Not with “Why did

you do that?” or “What did you do wrong?” But with

the very first question that God asked Adam and Eve in

Genesis; a question of love. “Where are you?” God

seeks us out in love, so much so that God sent his son

Jesus to earth to find us, to die and rise again for us.

In her book, “Unwrapping the Greatest Gift” Author

Ann Voskamp says, “At one wooden tree in the Garden

of Eden, we fell for the lie that God didn’t love us, and

we fell away from God and got lost. And at one wood-

en cross near the Garden of Gethsemane, God found us

and stretched out His arms and proved forever and al-

ways and no matter what that He loves us with uncon-

ditional, unbeatable, unfailing, unwrappable love.” a

Page 8: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: When you feel like you’ve

messed up and you’re far away from God, what does

God do?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Daily Lord we mess up. We make mistakes. Please for-

give us. Please heal this world from our mistakes, our

anger and sins. Please bring peace and healing. O

Come oh come Emmanuel! Amen.

December 4

Today’s image and ornament is a rainbow

Genesis 6:5-8

Noah & Family Have you endured floods? Floods of any kind? My pre-

vious community of Devils Lake and the Devils Lake ba-

sin have been enduring a flood of water for over 20

years. Currently they are in somewhat of a remission,

but the water, the flood is still there and will continue

Page 9: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

to be a part of daily life. Here in Grand Forks we have

dealt with floods in the past. Even a somewhat of a

flood this fall. But the good news for us and for you in

your floods and struggles is that God has compassion

and love for us. We see it in the story of Noah and in

the birth and life of Christ.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: Have you ever felt God holding

you up in a flood? Share how you felt.

Do you know anyone enduring a flood of any kind right

now? How can you encourage and help them?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for your compassion and healing. Thank you

for being with my community and all of us around the

world. Today we remember and lift to you all those cur-

rently enduring floods of all kinds. O Come oh come

Emmanuel! Amen.

Page 10: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

December 5 Today’s image and ornament is a star. And not just one

but many.

If you are ever at Sharon during this Advent & Christmas season, I

encourage you to count how many stars there are on the Jesse

Tree. Maybe you want to put several stars on your own tree and

have a counting or guessing challenge with your kids and family.

Genesis 12:1-4, 7

Abram Today we move to Abram’s part of the family tree of Je-

sus. God challenged Abram to leave his homeland and

God would bless him. God blessed and loved Abram

more than there were stars in the sky.

Are you familiar with the movie “A White Christmas”

with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye? It’s a classic and one

of my favorites. One of my favorite songs from that

movie is “Count Your Blessings”.b I’ll put a link to a vid-

eo on Facebook and I included it here on the last page

of this devotional book. Have you counted your bless-

ings? God blessed Abram and God has blessed us over

and over again.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: How have you been blessed?

How many can you count? Perhaps during this holiday

season, you want to create a list and add to it each day.

Page 11: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for all the ways you have and continue to

bless us. Help us to be grateful and to be a blessing to

others. Amen.

December 6 Today’s image and ornament is Laughter. We move onto

Abraham, Sarah and Isaac’s place in Jesus’ family tree.

Genesis 21:1-7

Sarah With God all things are possible. Abraham and Sarah

found that out when God gave them a son in their nine-

ties. They named their son Isaac, which means laugh-

ter. God brought them joy, so much joy and happiness

that they laughed with joy and love for their son, each

other and God. Abraham and Sarah’s story started with

sadness and loneliness but ended in laughter and joy. If

you’d like you can watch a video about Sarah Laughs

(Genesis 18).

Page 12: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

During the holidays we sing holiday and Christmas

songs filled with the joy of Christ and happiness. When

you sing Deck the Halls you can’t help but smile and

when you get to the fa-la-la-la part, it’s hard not to

laugh with joy. So, during this Advent and Christmas

season let’s try to fill the halls of our homes, jobs,

churches, communities with joy and laughter in Christ.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: When was the last time you

laughed a big, hearty, joyful laugh? How did that feel?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for joy, hope and love. Thank you for taking

away our sadness and being there for us at all times

and places. Use us to spread your joy and love to oth-

ers, especially those who are struggling to find happi-

ness during this holiday season. Amen.

Page 13: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

December 7 Today’s image and ornament is a ram

Genesis 22:1-2, 6, 11-14

Isaac Abraham trusted God, so much that when God asked

him to sacrifice his miraculous son, Abraham trusted

that God knew what he was asking him to do and he

was going to do it. Abraham trusted that God would

provide. Isaac must have trusted his father and God as

well. God provided a ram to be sacrificed so Isaac

wouldn’t have to die that day. Years later God provided

a lamb, his own son, Jesus Christ, the lamb of God to be

sacrificed for us so that we may not die, but have eter-

nal life.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: What would it look like for you

to trust God with your whole heart?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Page 14: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

Here’s another little activity you could do today with

your household. Instead of a wish list for Santa, make a

thank you list of 10 ways that God has provided for you

and your family and put it under your Christmas tree

and give thanks to God.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for providing for all our needs. Thank you

for always hearing and answering our prayers according

to your good and gracious will. Please help us to put

our trust in you as Abraham and Isaac did and thank

you for the best gift of all. Your son, our savior Jesus

Christ. Amen.

December 8

Today’s image and ornament is Jacob’s Ladder.

Genesis 28:12-16

Jacob Jacob’s ladder that he dreamed about reminds us of

our connection with God and our need for Jesus as our

savior. We can be thankful for our connection with God

and for Jesus. As Ephesians 2:8 says, “8 For by grace

you have been saved through faith, and this is not your

own doing; it is the gift of God— 9 not the result of


Page 15: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

In his dream Jacob saw angels going up and down the

ladder to heaven. In real life we can’t climb up and

down the ladder. Jesus is the ladder, the one true way

to God. We can’t get there on our own through good

works. Only through Christ. God promised to Jacob

that he would always be with us and through Jesus God

kept that promise.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: What does it mean that Jesus

is a ladder for you?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for coming to earth to lift us up. Thank you

for hope. Help us to remember you in times of joy and

despair. To place our trust and hope in you and not in

our own works. Amen.

Page 16: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

December 9 Today’s image and ornament is Joseph’s coat of many


Genesis 37:3-4, 50:15-17, 19-20

Joseph The story of Joseph, his coat, his dreams, his father, and

his brothers is a story of forgiveness. It is also a story

about how God turned a bad situation into something

good. Joseph was lifted up to leadership and out of

trouble by God. Joseph’s family fell into hard times and

God used Joseph to help his family out of hard times.

I encourage you to read or reread the whole story of

Joseph in Genesis 37-50. Another way to look at the

story would be to find a video or recording of the musi-

cal “Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat”. It’s a good

musical for all ages.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: Share about a time when God

turned something bad into good for you?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Page 17: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for bringing good things and providing all

that we need. Please lift us up out of hard and bad

times. Be with those that need joy and hope this holi-

day season. And help us to forgive others as Joseph for-

gave his brothers and especially as you have forgiven

us. Amen.

December 10 Today’s image and ornament is the 10 commandments.

Deuteronomy 5

Moses God gave Moses the 10 commandments to give to the

people. The 10 commandments are not just God’s 10

rules to live by. They are 10 ways that God loves us and

wants us to love each other. Many, many years after

Moses, Jesus was asked what the greatest command-

ment is. He replied “to love God with all our heart, soul

and mind and the second greatest commandment is to

love our neighbor as ourselves.”

That is what the commandments are about. About our

relationship with God and our relationship with others.

Because of the fall of Adam and Eve, we are bound to

sin and we don’t always follow the 10 commandments.

Thankfully that is why Jesus came to bring us back into

Page 18: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

relationship with God and others. We need a daily re-

minder of our need for Jesus and how we are to live in

relationship with him and with our neighbor.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: Why do you think God gave us

the 10 Commandments?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for leaders like Moses. Thank you for the 10

commandments. Please forgive us when we don’t fol-

low them and help us to put our best effort into our re-

lationship with you and with all of our neighbors. And

we especially thank you for Jesus Christ our Savior.


December 11 Today’s image and ornament is a red rope

Joshua 2:1, 8-9, 12-13, 17-18

Page 19: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

Rahab Rahab hung a red rope in her window. The red rope

along with Rahab’s actions saved her life and that of her

parents and sisters and brothers. Rahab, like others in

Jericho had done bad things, but she saved the lives of

two of God’s people. Because of her belief in God, she

showed kindness to them, she and her family were

passed over, when Jericho fell. Her heart was tied to

God in a sense by that red rope and her heart and life

were changed by God.

Jesus painted a rope red with his love for us in his own

blood on the cross. When we gather for communion

we receive his love as a gift in his word, in the bread

and in the wine. During the holidays look around you

for anything red. When you see it remind yourself of

Rahab’s journey of faith and the gift of Jesus.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: How is Jesus like a lifeline to

you – a rope you can hold on to no matter what?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Page 20: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

We make mistakes. We don’t always say or do what we

should. Please forgive us. We thank you for your love

and grace. We thank you for being there for us at all

times, never letting go through all times of life. In Jesus

name we pray. Amen.

December 12

Today’s image and ornament is Grain

Ruth 1:6-9,16

Ruth & Naomi Naomi lived in the town of Bethlehem, which means

“house of bread” but her family was starving. So, they

moved far away and next door to Ruth. Ruth brought

joy into Naomi’s life by marrying one of her sons and

caring for Naomi in many ways throughout her life.

Do you remember Mr. Rogers, from Mr. Roger’s Neigh-

borhood? Mr. Rogers talked a lot about caring and lov-

ing your neighbor. That’s what Ruth did. Mr. Rogers al-

so encouraged children to look for the helpers in scary

and sad times. When they were afraid, they should

look for those who are helping others. There are al-

ways people who are helping. In them we can find

comfort and peace and hope. Ruth was one of those

helpers. We often think of miracles being big things,

Page 21: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

but sometimes miracles, God’s work is done through

our hands, and through little things, like all the things

Ruth did.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: How can you keep your eyes

open to notice the little things God is doing all around


Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for the helpers, like Ruth. And modern ones

like firemen, policeman, social workers, nurses and doc-

tors, first responders, good neighbors and others.

Please help us to be like Ruth and help others. Use us

Lord as your hands and feet in this world. Amen.

Page 22: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

December 13 Today’s image and ornament is a Crown

1 Samuel 16:6-7, 10-12

Samuel & David

Have you heard these sayings? Don’t judge a book by

its cover. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And,

“the Lord does not see as humans see; they look on the

outward appearance, but God looks on the heart.” (1

Samuel 16:7)

Samuel was sent to find a new king. He thought that it

would be Jesse’s biggest, oldest and strongest sons, but

God chose the youngest and smallest in David.

We often look and judge things and people from the

outside, but God looks inside a person and cares about

who they are in their heart. Sometimes big and im-

portant things come in small packages like David and

like another even smaller one, who was born in Bethle-

hem, the town of David, Jesus Christ.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: What kind of heart do you

think David had and what is one thing you can do to

have the kind of heart that you’d like to have?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

Page 23: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

You know us inside and out. Thank you for creating us,

as we are. Help us to remember who we are and who’s

we are. Please help us to remember to have the kind of

heart you want us to have and to show it to others by

not judging others by what’s on the outside, but

treating them as they are on the inside, who you have

created them to be. Amen.

December 14

Today’s image and ornament is a candle

Isaiah 9:2, 6-7

Isaiah Isaiah foretold of a child being born who will bring the

light of God back into the world. And his name will be

wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting father,

prince of peace. Another one of my favorite names of

Jesus is Emmanuel, which means God with us. It’s also

one of my favorite hymns, “O Come O Come Emmanu-

el”. The world was in darkness, lost and alone and God

came to earth to bring light and banish the darkness.

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God with us our light unto the path.

The ornament and image for today is of a candle in the

darkness. Everything is so pretty during the holiday

season with all the Christmas lights and candles twin-

kling and shining. They remind us of the little baby, that

was born in Bethlehem. The light of Christ coming into

the world. As you light your Advent Candles and Christ-

mas lights be reminded of Christ’s light coming into the

world and the joy it brings.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: What does it mean to you that

Jesus is our light?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for being the light of the world. Thank you

for lighting our path, not only back to you but in daily

life as well. Today we lift to you those that are currently

living in times of darkness, sadness and hurt. Please be

their light, their healer and comfort. In Jesus name we

pray. Amen.

Page 25: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

December 14

Today’s image and ornament is a Ball of Fire

1 Kings 18:18-24

Elijah Many years after King David, there was an angry king

named Ahab, who didn’t love God and so a lot of peo-

ple also soon forgot about or became angry with God.

They made up their own gods. Elijah challenged them

and their gods to light a fire and they couldn’t, but the

one true God did. The ball of fire showed the people

who the true God is.

Still to this day we make up our own gods and put other

things first in life. We also go back and forth believing

and doubting God. What do we need to show us who

God is? The people of Elijah’s time needed that ball of

fire. If we have questions, and it is okay to have ques-

tions in faith, we can look in the manger, at the cross, in

the tomb, in the Bible, at Jesus Christ. As it says in

Psalm 119: 105 may God’s word be a lamp unto your

feet and a light unto your path. May it guide you in life

through the dark and through all times.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: How can you tell if something

has become a false God in your life and what are some

Page 26: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

of those things?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Please help us to set aside and get rid of other gods in

our life. Help us to put you first and follow you. For

you are the one true God, the Father Almighty, the Son

of God, the prince of peace, and the Holy Spirit. The

three in one. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

December 16 Today’s image and ornament is a whale.

Jonah 1:1-3, 17; 2:10; 3:1-3

Jonah Today’s story about Jonah, could be called a God of sec-

ond chances. Actually, we have a God of second, third,

fourth, fifth chances and many more. God gave the

people of Nineveh a second chance and God gave Jonah

more than one second chance. Thankfully we have a

God that gives us second chances and more. We need

to remember to give others second chances and to for-

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give them as God forgave us. Jonah learned that in his

life. When Jesus came, he continued to teach others

that same message. Has God given you a second or

third chance? We all need God’s love and grace. Dur-

ing Advent let’s practice confessing our wrongs and re-

ceiving God’s grace and sharing that grace with others.

Today’s question is a personal one for you to share with

God. What’s one thing you’d like to say sorry for?

Share it with God and if it involves someone else or

multiple people, then ask those people for forgiveness.

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you for giving us

many opportunities to follow you. You are always there

to pick us up when we fall. Please help us to forgive

others as you have forgiven us. In Jesus name we pray.


Page 28: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

December 17

Today’s image and ornament is the town of Bethlehem.

Micah 5:2-5

Bethlehem You can tell we are getting closer to Christmas, because

today we focus on Bethlehem and its connection to Je-

sus’ family tree and his family who lived in that little

town. Do you remember Ruth? Her husband died and

she followed Naomi back to the little town of Bethle-

hem, whose name means “house of bread”. Many

years later, Ruth’s very own great-grandson, a little

shepherd boy named David, spent many nights in the

hillsides of Bethlehem. Then one thousand years later

Mary and Joseph return to Bethlehem and Jesus is

born. Do you remember from the Gospel story, why

Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem for the census?

Joseph was a descendant of David and people had to

return to their hometown for the census. You can read

the lineage, the family tree in the Gospel according to


Here in this little unexpecting town of Bethlehem many

things happened throughout history. Here lived Ruth, a

servant of God, who cared for Naomi. Here David was a

shepherd boy that became king. Here shepherds were

met by angels and they came to see the newborn king.

Page 29: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

Here Mary and Joseph travel and here in that little town

of Bethlehem the newborn king, the prince of peace,

the light of the world, our savior, Jesus Christ was born

in a little stable. A simple little stable, in a simple little

town, that was oh so special. It was not about its size

or location. It was about its purpose, to be holy, to be

set apart for God’s purpose of love.

Today’s question to share is this. How does it make you

feel to know that God can do amazing things in little

places with unexpected people?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

O holy child of Bethlehem descend to us, we pray; cast

out our sin, and enter in, be born in us today. We hear

the Christmas angels the great glad tidings tell; oh,

come to us, abide with us, our Lord Immanuel! In Jesus

name we pray. Amen.

Page 30: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

December 18

Today’s image and ornament is the crown of Queen Es-


Esther 4:10-16

Esther One of God’s children and Jesus’ ancestors was a wom-

an full of God’s love and grace. Her name was Esther.

Esther became queen and she saved God’s people from

being killed. Even though the king, saw Esther as a

beautiful woman he wanted to marry and make his

queen, she was still not allowed to say much to the

king. But Esther’s people were going to be killed and so

she risked her life by appearing before the king. She

became an advocate for them. She used her place in

life to do good for others and they were saved. She was

the voice for the voiceless, face for the faceless, power

for the powerless. Christ did the same thing for us

many years later. Have you ever been a voice for the

voiceless? Have you stood up for someone who need-

ed help? May the Holy Spirit give you the courage to do


Today’s question to share is this. Who are the people

that are voiceless, faceless, powerless today and how

could you use your place in life, your gifts, your free-

Page 31: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

dom in Christ to be a bridge for them?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with the

hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your Jesse Tree

ornaments or related photos to today’s image of creation

with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for coming to earth to be a bridge for us, to

set us free in love, so that we may love others. Thank

you for people like Esther. Thank you for those who

stand up for the voiceless, the powerless, the hungry,

the poor. Help us to use the gifts that you have given

us, the freedom that you have blessed us with to be a

blessing to others. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

December 19

Today’s image and ornament is a watchtower.

Habakkuk 2:1; 3:17-19

Habakkuk Another ancestor of Jesus was Habakkuk, the prophet.

He climbed up into a watchtower, where he could see

the whole city. He could see all that the people were

doing, and it made him sad. He was saddened by how

they treated each other and how they had forgotten

Page 32: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

about God. He prayed for God to do something, to

come near. Habakkuk shouted from the watchtower

that he would trust in the Lord and he would wait for

him to come. Amidst the sadness, and anxiousness he

felt and saw in his community, he was able to wait in

trust, in faith, in the hope of the Lord. Do you see sad-

ness or things in your community or the world that

make you sad or angry? If so, put your trust in God,

knowing that Emmanuel will come and work through

you and the church to do something about it. Have pa-

tience. O come, o come Emmanuel.

Today’s question to share is this. When you have had to

wait for something or when you have had a hard or sad

time in life, what has helped you to get through it?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with the

hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your Jesse Tree

ornaments or related photos to today’s image of creation

with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

O come, o come Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel,

that mourns in lonely exile here until the son of God ap-

pears. O come, o Wisdom from on high, embracing all

things far and nigh; in strength and beauty come and

stay; teach us your will and guide our way. In Jesus

name we pray. Amen.

Page 33: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

December 20

Today’s image and ornament is of Zechariah & Eliza-


Luke 1:6-8, 11-17

Zechariah & Elizabeth Do you know what a miracle is? We often use that

word to flippantly. Many things are miracles, but then

there are also many things that are great or cool things

but are not miracles. A miracle is an occurrence that

seems impossible and supernatural from a human per-

spective; an occurrence that, from a divine perspective,

is possible. And most importantly a miracle points to

God. Sometimes the MN Vikings have successful sea-

sons, but if they were to ever win the Superbowl, some

would say that’s a miracle. Yes, that may seem impossi-

ble, but it’s not a miracle. A sport’s team winning a

game doesn’t point to God.

Miracles are not predictable or measurable. Today’s

scripture reading is about Zechariah’s and Elizabeth’s

place on Jesus family tree. Elizabeth is not only a rela-

tive of Mary, she and Zechariah have a part to play in

one of God’s miracles. The two of them having a child

in their 80’s, especially when Elizabeth has been barren

is certainly not predictable or measurable.

Sometimes in life we say, I’ve done my time. I’ve given

Page 34: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

my time in my vocation in discipleship to God and the

church, now I’m done. I’m old, I’m wore out, I’m not

talented or many other excuses. Or sometimes we think

that God has forgotten us. We’re past our time of usa-

bility. Zechariah and Elizabeth had been faithful serv-

ants. They could have retired, but they didn’t. Zechari-

ah’s name means, “God remembers”. God does re-

member. God remembered Zechariah and Elizabeth

and God blessed them and used them in a miracle at an

old age. God remembers and doesn’t forget you either,

no matter your age or ability. Look for ways that God

continues to bless you and others. Look for ways that

God remembers you and does miracles in your life that

point to God. Look for ways that you can be a part of

miracles and point to God here on earth.

Today’s question to share is this. Have you ever experi-

enced a miracle? Or Why do you think the miracle of

Christmas is one of the greatest?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Open our eyes, ears, minds and hearts toward your mir-

Page 35: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

acles in the scriptures, in people like Elizabeth and

Zechariah and in this place here and now. Use us oh

Lord, no matter our age or abilities to be miracles and

point to you during this holiday season. In Jesus name

we pray. Amen.

December 21 Today’s image and ornament is a shell

Matthew 3:1-3

John the Baptist Today we are learning about Zechariah & Elizabeth’s

son, Jesus’ relative, John the Baptist. A radical baptizer

and proclaimer. One who lived in the wilderness, liter-

ally and figuratively. He wore camel’s hair and ate

grasshoppers and honey. They weren’t chocolate cov-

ered either. But more importantly he prepared the way

of the Lord. He proclaimed about the Messiah coming

and he baptized people.

Many people came to see and hear John. Some won-

dered who this unusual, but captivating man was.

Some wanted to follow him to proclaim John as this

great man, the Messiah. But John discouraged that and

pointed to the Messiah to come. He told them and

showed them that he was just preparing the way of the

Lord. Getting people ready, reminding people of God’s

Page 36: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

promise, calling people to repentance and pointing to


Today’s question to share is this. What is one thing you

could do to prepare the way for Jesus’ coming? Not

just Christmas, but Christ’s return.

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…”All Earth is Hopeful” Hymn ELW #266 c 1 All earth is hopeful, the Savior comes at last!

Furrows lie open for God's creative task:

this, the labor of people who struggle to see

how God's truth and justice set everybody free. 2 People of Israel, you heard the prophet tell:

""A virgin mother will bear Emmanuel"";

she conceived him ""God with us, "" our brother,

whose birth restores hope and courage to chil-

dren of this earth. 3 Mountains and valleys will have to be prepared;

new highways opened new protocols declared.

Almost here! God is nearing, in beauty and grace!

All clear every gateway, in haste, come out in


Page 37: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

4 We first saw Jesus a baby in a crib.

This same Lord Jesus today has come to live

in our world; he is present, in neighbors we see

our Jesus is with us, and ever sets us free.


December 22

Today’s image and ornament is a heart for Mary, the

mother of Jesus.

Luke 1:26-35, 38

Mary If you were to look at your family tree, are there any

stories or instances of unexpected gifts? Are there any

surprises? In Jesus’ family tree there are his parents.

Mary was a teenager engaged to marry Joseph, a de-

scendant of David. One morning Mary turns around

and there is the angel Gabriel with some rather unex-

pected and surprising news. You are going to give birth

to a son and not just any son, but the son of God.

Can you just imagine what that moment would have

been like for Mary? Her heart must have been beating

very fast. Gabriel comforts her. The Holy Spirit fills her

heart and she says, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord;

let it be with me according to your word.” Mary goes on

to sing praises of God.

Page 38: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

The Christmas celebration is soon here. And we will be

in the stable with Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. Mary’s

heart will be full of love and joy as she holds her child,

the son of God in her arms. May your heart be filled

with the love of Christ. May your holidays be filled with

the love of God in family gathered around and may you

share the love you receive with others. May we all es-

pecially remember those who don’t know of God’s love

or who’s heart are broken or sad during the holidays.

Today’s question to share is this. What is your heart

filled with during this holiday season?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Our hearts and soul rejoice in you. May we love you

with all our heart, soul and mind and may we love our

neighbors as much as you love us. We remember those

whose hearts are broken and sad during this holiday

season. May all know and experience your love and

grace in their hearts. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Page 39: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

December 23

Today’s image and ornament is tools for Joseph the car-

penter and father of Jesus.

Matthew 1: 18-25

Joseph Joseph the carpenter. Joseph was also the many great

grandson of David. So, the prophecy of the Messiah

coming from the family tree of David would come true.

Joseph was engaged to Mary. Their engagement story

is quite a story. Before they get married, Mary is preg-

nant, but not with Joseph’s child. Joseph thought

about and could have left Mary. But in a dream an an-

gel visits him and tells him about what has happened

and what he is supposed to do. He is to marry Mary

and raise her child. And he also gets to name him.

What an amazing gift. He is given the role along with

Mary to name and raise the son of God. He isn’t to

name him after anyone in the family tree, like Abraham,

Isaac or even David. He is to name him Jesus, Emmanu-

el. Emmanuel and very special name that means God

with us.

God was with Mary and Joseph. God was with each

person in the family tree of Joseph and Jesus. And God

continues to be with us. Wherever you will be over the

Page 40: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

Christmas season that starts tomorrow night I hope you

will join with others for worship as we celebrate the

presence of God with us in the Christ child.

Today’s question to share is this. Do you know what

your name means? Or if you are a parent, what is the

story behind the names you chose for your children?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for coming to earth for all of us. For your

life, your love and grace we are thankful. Thank you for

being with us each day and calling us each by name and

naming us as your own, claiming us as a part of your

family tree. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

December 24

Today’s image and ornament is the manger, that the

Christ child was laid in.

Luke 2:1-7

Page 41: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

The Christ Child Tonight, people all over the world will kneel at the man-

ger. They will gather together on Christmas Eve to cele-

brate the birth of Jesus Christ. At Sharon we will gather

at 1:00 pm, 2:30, 4:00, 5:30 & 11:00 on Christmas Eve.

There is significance to where Jesus was born. He was

born in Bethlehem the town of is ancestor David. A

town where other relatives had lived with God. He was

born in a stable and not in a palace or fancy home. And

he slept in a manger, a feed box for animals. God came

into the world that night right in a pile of mucky, mess

and stinky, dirty straw. Christ came for all and not just

those the world deems worthy. Christ comes into all of

our lives, not just in the clean, pretty decorated church-

es at Christmas time, but into our daily lives. The ups

and the downs. Christ comes into the lives when they

too are a pile of mucky, mess and even stinky. When

we need him, he is there.

Today’s question to share is this. How do you know the

presence of Christ with you in daily life?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Page 42: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for coming to earth for all of us. For your

life, your love and grace we are thankful. Thank you for

being with us each day, even in our stinkiest, messiest

of times. Thank you for forgiving and loving us. In Jesus

name we pray. Amen.

December 25 Today’s image and ornament is a star.

Luke 2:11-19

The Star Merry Christmas! God is here! Jesus is born to you!

The glad tidings are to you. The sky is filling with a light

brighter than the stars or the son. It is the light of

Christ. Today’s ornament is a star, the star that marked

where the Christ child lay.

In this new year to come may you be like that star. May

you draw people to where God is. May you invite peo-

ple to come and see the Christ child in the manger, in

the town, on the cross, in the empty tomb, at church

and active in the world. May you share Christ’s story.

The story of his family tree. Your story, your family as

well. May you be filled with the light and love of Christ

and may you reflect that light every day and show peo-

ple that God is with us every day. Emmanuel.

Page 43: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

Today’s question to share is this. How can we call peo-

ple to see the presence of God?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your Jes-

se Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s image of

creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for coming to earth for all of us. For your

life, your love and grace we are thankful. Help us to re-

flect your light and love in all we do and say. In Jesus

name we pray. Amen.

December 26

Today’s image and ornament is sheep.

Luke 2:17-20

Shepherds During the time of Jesus birth in the first century, shep-

herds were not the most popular people. Shepherding

was a despised occupation. There were scorned as

shiftless, dishonest and perhaps smelly people that

spent more time with their sheep than with others.

Not all were like this, but they were not kings or people

seen as leaders and “important” people at the time.

But this is whom God announced the birth of his son to.

Page 44: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

God sent angels to tell of the birth of Jesus Christ. God

called them to come and see the Christ child and then

he sent them to proclaim the good news. Common or-

dinary people were the first to welcome Jesus and to

share the good news of God’s love. Sometimes, we

might not feel worthy of God’s love or capable of shar-

ing the good news. But there is no need to be a great

leader or to be seen as the most important person in

the community to be a part of God’s family, a disciple of

Christ, a proclaimer of God’s love. May you be like a

shepherd and go forth glorifying and praising God.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: What are some ways that you

can glorify and praise God in your daily life? How can

you be like a shepherd to someone?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

You came to earth for everyone from shepherds to

kings, for young and old and everyone in between.

Show us how to care for others like shepherds and help

us to glorify and praise you everyday of our lives. O

Come oh come Emmanuel! Amen.

Page 45: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

December 27 Today’s image and ornament is a Dove.

Luke 2:22-38

Simeon & Anna

Have you ever heard someone say (or perhaps said it

yourself), “I’ve done my time, I’ve served on that board,

it’s someone else time.” Do you ever feel to old to do

something? We all perhaps do from time to time. But

then there is Simeon and Anna, who in a way, were like

adopted grandparents or sponsors for Jesus. They were

two elderly people that have put in their time in service

to God and to others, but they didn’t quit. They didn’t

retire. Their roles may have changed throughout the

years. They maybe couldn’t do all the same things that

they use to do, but God still had plans for them. They

both welcomed and praised the Christ child. Jesus

doesn’t say, “Pick up your cross and follow me until you

turn 62.” Jesus says, “Pick up your cross and follow

me.” All ages have a place and a role in God’s family.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: Who are some people that are

like grandparents to you in faith? If you are of grand-

parent age, what role could you play in the church?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Page 46: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

We thank you for all of our grandparents. We thank

you for all of our ancestors in faith and all that they

have to teach us. Please help us to care for them and

welcome them into the faith family. Let them know

that they have a place at your table and an important

role to play in our church. O Come oh come Emmanu-

el! Amen.

December 28

Today’s image and ornament is a fish net.

Luke 5:1-11

Disciples: Simon, James & John

Simon, James and John loved to fish and they were

probably pretty good at it. One day Jesus showed them

a new way to fish. They had fished all day, but Jesus

asked Simon to let down his nets deep one more time

and he pulled in more fish than he could imagine. Jesus

also then called Simon and the brothers to follow him

and to fish for people. This new kind of fishing didn’t

require a net and but it required faith in Jesus. This

Page 47: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

new kind of fishing for people also required a

“net”work. A network of people, the body of Christ,

the church, the faith family. Simon, James and John

were just 3 of the 12 disciples and there were also

many others besides the 12, that followed Jesus. Jesus

calls all of us to a new way of fishing. A new way of net-

working together to call, bless and send forth people in

Jesus name. May we continue to work together and

tend to our net, our faith family, so that we may haul in

more people to God’s family than we could ever imag-


Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: What are some new ways that

God is calling you to fish for people? What gifts and tal-

ents can you over to our network?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for the call to follow you and to fish for peo-

ple. Guide us in our networking and ministry. Thank

you for the church and all who are here to work togeth-

er. Please help us to work together and rely on and

Page 48: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

support one another, so that we may bring in more

people to hear your word and know you. O Come oh

come Emmanuel! Amen.

December 29

Today’s image and ornament is a Bible.

Matthew 10:1-4

Disciples: Matthew, Mark, Luke & John

In the Gospel according to Saint John, it gives the pur-

pose to why the Gospel was written. “30 Now Jesus did

many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which

are not written in this book. 31 But these are written so

that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah,

the Son of God, and that through believing you may

have life in his name.” – John 20:30-31. The four Gos-

pels are attributed to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Four of Jesus’ disciples. The Gospels are the good news

of Jesus Christ. They tell us about Jesus’ birth, life,

teachings, death and resurrection. It is a love story

from God to us. They tell Jesus story so that everyone

will know of God loves. So that everyone may have life

in Jesus name.

We don’t need to write a whole book, but we too can

tell Jesus story, so that others may know of God’s love.

Page 49: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

We can share the Gospel story, by reading it, singing it,

drawing it and living it. Matthew, Mark, Luke & John

each brought their own God given gifts to their story-

telling and discipleship. You have unique God given

gifts and talents to share.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: Which Gospel story is your fa-

vorite and why? What gifts do you have to offer to the

church that are different from someone else?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for all the saints and apostles. Thank you for

your Gospel word of good news in Matthew, Mark, Luke

and John. Please help us to read, learn and grow in

your word and to share it with others. O Come oh

come Emmanuel! Amen.

Page 50: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

December 30

Today’s image and ornament is a rock.

Matthew 16:13-19


Jesus called Peter his “rock” and on him he built the

church. But was Peter the best foundation? Peter

walked to Jesus on water, then he started to doubt &

have fear and he began to sink. Peter also denied

knowing Jesus 3 times the night of Jesus’s betrayal. Pe-

ter was one of Jesus’s best disciples and friends, but he

wasn’t perfect. And that’s okay. Jesus calls all kinds of

people to follow him. Throughout history God’s people

were not perfect, they were human. We are saint and

sinner at the same time. Thankfully there is God’s

grace to get us through. Jesus asked Peter, “Who do

you say that I am?” Jesus asks us the same question.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: Who do you say that Jesus is?

If you were to describe who Jesus is and what he means

to you, what would you say?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with the

hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your Jesse Tree

ornaments or related photos to today’s image of creation

with the hashtag #advent424.

Page 51: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Daily Lord we mess up. We make mistakes. Please for-

give us when we do. Lord help us to know who you are

and to share that with others. To feed your sheep and

care for your people. O Come oh come Emmanuel!


December 31

Today’s image and ornament is a butterfly.

Mark 5:21-42

Girl & Woman Given New Life

Today’s scripture passage from Mark tells us of disciples

with great faith and healing that comes from Jesus, be-

cause of their faith. When a caterpillar enters into it’s

cocoon, it goes in as a caterpillar, but comes out as a

butterfly. A symbol and example of new life. Jairus

asked Jesus in faith to heal his daughter. A woman

suffering from hemorrhages, touched Jesus with the

hope of healing and was healed. Both women like the

caterpillar received new life. Jesus healed them and

gave them new life. Through our baptisms we are given

new life in Christ. Today is the last day of 2019. As we

start a new year tomorrow, may we give thanks to God

for another year and another opportunity to live a life

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of service and discipleship in Christ’s love

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: What new things has God

brought into your life? Any new changes or healings

that Christ has done for you? If so, how has your faith

helped you through it or how has your faith grown in

the process?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with the

hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your Jesse Tree

ornaments or related photos to today’s image of creation

with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

We thank you for the many ways you heal us, comfort

us and give us new life. Thank you for this past year

and for the new year ahead. Please continue to bring

peace and healing. O Come oh come Emmanuel!


January 1

Today’s image and ornament is the number one.

Luke 10:38-42

Mary & Martha

As we begin a new year, have you purchased or looked

at a new 2020 calendar? Is your calendar empty or is it

Page 53: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

already full? You may have not written in it yet, but I

bet that it is already pretty full. It doesn’t take long for

us to find things to do and to fill our days and weeks full

of work, meetings, volunteering, family and fun. Time

is a precious thing that we all wish we had more of.

What do you fill your calendar with? There are many

good things you could fill it with. Martha spent her

time being a good hostess and serving others. Which

was good and important, but Mary spent her time

sitting at Jesus feet, learning and growing in relation-

ship with Jesus. Martha wasn’t wrong in what she was

doing, but Jesus tells her that Mary has chosen the

most important thing. As you fill your calendar don’t

forget what is most important. “Love the Lord your God

with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all

your mind.” Matthew 22:37

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: How can you spend time in re-

lationship with Jesus, getting to know him and his fami-

ly better? What are some ways that we can organize

our calendars and schedules to reflect the 2 most im-

portant commandments that Jesus points out to us in

Matthew 22:34-40?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with the

hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your Jesse Tree

ornaments or related photos to today’s image of creation

Page 54: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for the gift of time. For the gift of life with

you here in this place and life with you eternally. As we

begin this new year, please help us to set our priorities

according to your will. Help us to put you and others

first. O Come oh come Emmanuel! Amen.

January 2

Today’s image and ornament is bread & fish.

John 6:1-14, Luke 18:15-17

Lunch Boy and Children

What age do you have to be in order to be a disciple of

Jesus? That is sort of a trick question, because you can

be any age. Jesus doesn’t say to us, “Pick up your cross

and follow me when you turn 18, 21, 50 or 92.” Jesus

just says, “Pick up your cross and follow me.” Some-

times we want to limit what kids or adults can do.

Sometimes we want to tell kids they have to wait. But

when Jesus saw that happening, he scolded the disci-

ples and said to bring the children to him. He picked

them up and included them. Sometimes we learn from

children about how to share and how to be a disciple.

It was a young boy who shared his lunch of 5 loaves of

Page 55: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

bread and 2 fish, that Jesus used to multiply and feed

the masses. At Sharon all are welcome at the Lord’s ta-

ble, at worship and as active participants in our faith

family. It is great to see them helping to serve com-

munion and being involved in other ways. The church,

the faith family is one of the only true intergenerational

groups in any community. May all of us, of all ages

learn from and share with one another.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: Who are the children that you

have learned from? Think back to when you were a

child. What ways did you serve God as a disciple as a

child? How can you help young and young at heart to

be a part of God’s family?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with the

hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your Jesse Tree

ornaments or related photos to today’s image of creation

with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for everyone in the faith family. Thank you

for people of all ages. Please help us to see the value in

others and welcome everyone to your table and to dis-

cipleship and service in your name. O Come oh come

Emmanuel! Amen.

Page 56: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

January 3

Today’s image and ornament is coins.

Luke 21:1-4

The Widow’s Offering

During the holidays there are red kettles all over our

country. And there are volunteers giving of their time

to stand by the kettles and ring a bell. They are inviting

people to give money to the Salvation Army for the hol-

idays. That money goes to help feed and shelter people

and to give aid to those in need. The Salvation Army

Kettles are just one example of ways to give during the

holidays and throughout the year. Some people quietly

give their donations to charities and church, while oth-

ers make a big deal about it. Luke tells us about Jesus

noticing people puttimg their offering in the treasury in

the temple. He points out to his disciples how a poor

widow gives more out of joy, love and trust in God, than

the rich who have been giving their offering. It is not

about how much we give. Jesus points out that it is

about how and why we give. Giving is an important

part of discipleship.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is: What can you do to support

God’s ministry at Sharon and in our community? How

Page 57: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

can you give cheerfully in God’s name to charity this

holiday season and throughout the year?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for all that you have given to us and done for

us. Please help us to remember that all things that are

good, come from you. Help us to be thankful and to

share. Please help us to give joyfully and trusting in

you. O Come oh come Emmanuel! Amen.

January 4

Today’s image and ornament is bandages.

Acts 9:36-42


Tabitha was a seamstress. She was known for her cloth-

ing and tunics that she had made for several people.

Tabitha was also known for her acts of charity and good

work. She probably helped others by using her skills at

sewing. Tabitha died and several whom she had helped

now cared for Tabitha and called upon Peter to help

Page 58: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

her. So, through Peter, God brought Tabitha back to life.

Tabitha is an example of a person who lived a life of ser-

vice in God’s name. She was blessed to be a blessing.

She was given a new life and she used it well. Tabitha

didn’t help others to get anything in return, but be-

cause of the love she showed, she received love in re-

turn and glorified God through it all.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is:

Do you know anyone like Tabitha, who does acts of

kindness, good work and charity, not looking for any-

thing in return? How could you be like Tabitha?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

You have healed us and given us new life. And for that

we are forever grateful. Please help us to care for oth-

ers. To use the gifts and talents you have given us to

give you glory and to bring aid to those in need. O

Come oh come Emmanuel! Amen.

Page 59: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

January 5

Today’s image and ornament is a scroll.

Acts 22:6-16


Throughout the New Testament we hear about people

that had an encounter with Jesus and it changed their

lives. Saul was one of those people. Saul had done

some bad things, but God changed all that. Jesus ap-

peared to Saul, forgave him and called him to change

his ways. Jesus not only gave Saul a new life, but he

gave him a new name, Paul. Paul went on to do great

things, including write many sermons and letters to

churches and individuals. Many of Paul’s writtings are in

the New Testament today. Paul was a great messenger

of God’s love to all the world. God uses all kinds of

people to share God’s love and word. People like Ana-

nias and Paul. Sometimes we may think that God can’t

use me, but he can. Jesus calls all kinds of people to

follow him and be his disciples.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is:

Has God changed you in anyway? How could you share

your story, like Paul did? How could you share Christ’s


Page 60: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Daily Lord we mess up. We make mistakes. Please for-

give us. Use us to share your story and our story with

others. O Come oh come Emmanuel! Amen.

January 6

Today’s image and ornament is 3 gifts.

Matthew 2:1-2, 8-12

Wise Men

Today is the Day of Epiphany. The day when we re-

member when the wise men visited baby Jesus. Do you

know how many wise men came to see Jesus? Artists

and story tellers have often said 3, but the Bible never

says exactly how many there were. It just mentions 3

kinds of gifts, but that doesn’t mean there were 3 wise

men. There could have been any number. Some peo-

ple have also called them kings, but the Bible says that

they were magi, which means they were wise men/

astrologers who studied the stars. They studied the

Page 61: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

stars to find baby Jesus on their long journey from the

east. We often picture the wise men finding Mary, Jo-

seph and baby Jesus in the stable that night that he was

born. But as verse 10 of Matthew 2 tells us, they actu-

ally found them in a house sometime later after Jesus

was born. Like the wise men we can go on a journey in

our lives to find Jesus. We don’t study the stars, but we

study God’s word and we look for Jesus in the Holy Spir-

it in others, in creation and in the church family.

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is:

What are some ways that you can continue to study

God’s word? The wise men searched for Jesus. Where

are some places in Grand Forks that you have found Je-

sus? The wise men brought gifts of thanksgiving and

honor to baby Jesus, what can you offer to God as a gift

of thanksgiving and honor?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with

the hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your

Jesse Tree ornaments or related photos to today’s im-

age of creation with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for coming into our lives. We thank you for

all that you do in our community and church. Help us

Page 62: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

to see you in others. Help us to study your word, to

give and share as the wisemen did. O Come oh come

Emmanuel! Amen.

January 7

Today’s image and ornament is a mirror.

Ephesians 4:1-24

You and Me

For the past 37 days we have been learning about Je-

sus’ family tree, sometimes referred to as a Jesse’ Tree.

We have heard about Jesus’ ancestors and disciples.

We have learned how God was a part of their lives. To-

day’s ornament is a mirror. Did you know that when

you look in a mirror you see a disciple of Jesus, a child

of God? In our baptisms we were given a new life in Je-

sus Christ and adopted into God’s family. You are a child

of God and a disciple of Christ. You are called to share

God’s love and word with others inside and outside

your household. The season of Epiphany is about the

manifestation of Christ. Think and pray about how you

can continue the manifestation of Christ in your daily


Page 63: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith

Today’s questions to think about and share your

thoughts with others is:

How can you reflect the light of Christ in your daily life?

What gifts and talents do you have that God can use as

a disciple of Christ?

Please share your answers on twitter or Facebook with the

hashtag #advent424. Also share pictures of your Jesse Tree

ornaments or related photos to today’s image of creation

with the hashtag #advent424.

Let’s pray…Dear lord we thank you for your love for us.

Thank you for adopting us into your family and for the

gifts and talents you have given us. Help us to use

those gifts to be your hands and feet in Sharon, Grand

Forks and in the world. Guide us, lead us and use us oh

Lord. O Come oh come Emmanuel! Amen.

End Notes:

Unwrapping the Greatest Gift: A Family Celebration of Christmas,

by Ann Voskamp, Tyndale House Publishers, 2014 a page 22

b “Counting Your Blessings” by Irving Berlin in White Christmas,

c “All Earth Is Hopeful” by Alberto Taule, Centro de Pastoral

Litugica, 1995

Page 64: For Advent, Christmas & · Jesse, is also your family tree. Not your biological fami-ly tree, but it is the faith