Foot prints with out feet

Presentation By- T.D.SINGH (Tgt eng.) T.D. Sing JNV Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Email: [email protected]



Transcript of Foot prints with out feet

Page 1: Foot prints with out feet

Presentation By- T.D.SINGH (Tgt


T.D. Sing JNV Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Email: [email protected]

Page 2: Foot prints with out feet

Before we proceed—

Can a man become invisible?

This is the story of a scientist who discovers how to make himself invisible.

Does he use or misuse, His discovery?

T.D. Sing JNV Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh

Page 3: Foot prints with out feet

Footprints Without Feet --H.G.Wells

T.D. Sing JNV Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh

Page 4: Foot prints with out feet

About the author:

H.G. WELLS (Herbert George Wells)BIRTH - September 21, 1866 , Bromley England U KDEATH : August 13, 1946In 1895, Wells became an overnight literary sensation with the publication of the novel The Time Machine. The book was about an English scientist who develops a time travel machine. He published the The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896), The Invisible Man (1897) and The War of the Worlds (1898). The Island of Doctor Moreau told the story of a man who encounters a scientist conducting the gruesome experiments on animals, creating new species of creatures. In The Invisible Man, Wells explores the life of another scientist who undergoes a dark personal transformation after turning himself invisible.

T.D. Sing JNV Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh

Page 5: Foot prints with out feet

Two boys saw fresh footprints of an invisible man in the streets

of London. These footprints were of a lawless scientist named


He discovered a rare drug, which could make him invisible.

His landlord disliked him and tried to reject him. In revenge

Griffin set fire to the house. He swallowed drug and removed his

clothes to become invisible. He was a homeless wanderer- until

he happened to step in some mud, and left footprints as he

walked! He escaped easily enough from the boys who followed

the footprints.T.D. Sing JNV Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh

Page 6: Foot prints with out feet

He wandered in the streets of London. He faced cold weather

and felt the need of clothes and food. .He slipped inside a big

London store for warmth. He fitted himself out with warm clothes.

soon, with shoes, an overcoat and a wide- brimmed hat, he

became a fully dressed and visible person. In the kitchen of the

restaurant he enjoyed the meal. He fell asleep

on the pile of quilts. He woke up late in the


The store attendants gave him a chase but he made himself free by removing his clothes. Then he entered a theatrical company where he dressed up again and looted some money from the shopkeeper.

T.D. Sing JNV Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh

Page 7: Foot prints with out feet

He wanted to live freely without any disturbance. So he caught a train to Iping village and hired a room at the inn. The money of the loot did not last long and he again had to rob a clergyman of his money.

After some time Mr. and Mrs. Hall visited his room when they found the door of the room opened. They found nobody inside. But the chair and other things in the room become alive. The hat lying on the bedpost leapt up and dashed itself into the face of the landlady. Then the bedroom chair became alive and it pushed the inn keeper and his wife out of the room.

T.D. Sing JNV Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh

Page 8: Foot prints with out feet

Mrs. Hall almost fell down the stairs in hysterics. She thought

that it was matter of witchcraft. She was convinced that the room

was haunted by sprits and the stranger had somehow caused

these to enter into her furniture.

By the time the news of robbery spread and everybody suspected

the scientist. The suspicion grew stronger when he produced ready

cash whereas he had accepted some time before that he had a money.

The village constable was sent for. Instead of waiting for the constable Mrs. Hall went to the scientist and asked how he came out of an empty room and how he entered a locked room. The eccentric scientist lost his temper when he faced questions from Mrs. Hall.

T.D. Sing JNV Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh

Page 9: Foot prints with out feet

He threw off the bandages, spectacles and false nose. This made his head invisible.

When the constable, Mr. Jaffers reached there, he saw that he had to arrest a headless man. He tried to get hold of him but Griffin outsmarted him by throwing away his clothes again.

He became invisible and knocked down the constable out of senses. the people who tried to help the constable received the blows nowhere. Thus he again escaped from the scene unnoticed.

T.D. Sing JNV Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh