Foot in the door event Waterford December 2013

proudly presents Medical Devices Get your FOOT IN THE DOOR Event Thursday, December 5 th 10am – 1.30pm Ramada Viking Hotel, Cork Road, Waterford The Innovation and Lean Sigma Skillnet & the Business Excellence Skillnet are funded by member companies and the Training Networks Programme, an initiative of Skillnets Ltd. funded from the National Training Fund through the Department of Education and Skills.



Transcript of Foot in the door event Waterford December 2013

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proudly presentsMedical Devices Get your FOOT IN THE DOOR Event

Thursday, December 5th 10am – 1.30pm

Ramada Viking Hotel, Cork Road, Waterford

The Innovation and Lean Sigma Skillnet & the Business Excellence Skillnet are funded by member companies and the Training Networks Programme, an initiative of Skillnets Ltd. funded from the National Training Fund through the Department of Education and Skills.

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About Career & Life Planning• Coaching & Training Organisation• Has 5 business areas;1. Career Coaching & Performance Improvement2. Business & Executive Coaching3. Youth Coaching & Education4. Life Coaching5. Training• Business has developed unique 5 step Process to

assist people

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About Joe Delaney• 11 years recruitment experience in USA & Ireland.• Established Career & Life Planning as part-time

business in 2008 while recruiting full-time • Former recruitment director with BDO Ireland• Mentor and Coach to several hundred individuals

nationally on on Momentum Program, Begin Again, Skillnet Job Seeker Support Programs

• Married, 3 kids, plays music and trying to get fitter

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“We believe our processes, techniques and support systems enable individuals to perform to their best in

their professional and personal lives jointly”

Company Mission Statement

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Career & Life Planning5 Steps to Success

(TM Pending)

1. Cope Better

2.Adapt Quicker

3. Improve Performance 4. Maintain It 5. Enjoy


Process works for all aspects of coaching services

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Visual Overview

• Process is easy to understand

• Has a sequential flow to it

• Is easily transferred to different personal, professional and business platforms

• Software model under development

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Visual Overview of Client Outcomes

Improve Decision Making

Set Goals based on new ways of Thinking & Prioiritsing Goals

Measure Results

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Locations in Ireland & USA

Limerick Loughrea Galway Boston, MA

7 day week service to suit national and international appointments

Flexible Service based on client times

Earliest Appointment is 6am

Latest Appointment 9pm

Weekend Appointments available

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1. Know what you can offer through good research2. Know real reason why CV / Profile is so important3. Know really good answers to likely questions4. Have a plan that allows for personal and

professional development while getting back to work

5. Have a plan who you want to work for

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Components of Job Searching

CV Strategy

Research Strategy

Recruiters StrategyNetworking Strategy

Past Employer StrategyAlumni Strategy

Offline Strategy

Social Networking Strategy

Referral Strategy Company Strategy

Volunteering Strategy

Event Strategy

Interview Delivery Strategy

Hidden Job Market

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Self AwarenessCV StrategyRecruiters StrategyNetworking StrategyResearch StrategyAlumni StrategyInterview StrategyPast Employer StrategyReferral StrategyEvent StrategyOffline StrategyVolunteering StrategySocial Networking Strategy Hidden Job MarketOnline Job Boards

Next Company In My Career

Experience + Strategies = New Job

Strategies for Leaving Unemployment

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1. Know what you can offer through good research

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• Each of these strategies is critically important in your ability to get noticed in today’s cluttered job environment

• Identifying barriers that exist in each area and putting plans in place to overcome them are critical to being successful.

• Interviews are getting harder to get and competition for places is at a premium. You must be very well prepared!

• Ensure you are confident in each of the above strategies so that you can climb the next step in your career ladder.

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Career & Life Planning Positive steps towards your Future

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Reality Check S i g n i fi c a n t l y n e e d t o u p

y o u r ga m e t o ge t n o ti c e d , l e t a l o n e ge t a n i n te r v i e w, w o r k

r e c o g n i ti o n , p ro m o ti o n o r j o b

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2013 is Almost Over

What’s the next 3 months going to look like for your career?

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Self AwarenessCreate your mission statement for yourself for the rest of


“I want to keep focused on taking small steps to help me improve my ability to get noticed, perform well at

interviews and learn new skills while I’m looking for my next job”

Or “Develop another set of skills that will benefit my career

and allow me to look back at my performance and recognise what I achieved”

Think Act Work Live Better

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Look at yourself from the other side of the table

• What do other people see online, on your CV, Cover Letter, Linked In Profile, FB Page or Twitter Account etc?

• What’s the objective of your CV & Social Media Profiles?

• Does it accurately reflect where you can add value to the employer or tell them where you have worked and what you have done?

• Do you really know what are the key points that the interviewer is looking for you to solve?

• This is a constant issue for people to deal with.

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What are you prepared to change in order to get it?

• More time for Critical Thinking• Identification of barriers impeding your performance• More Planning for personal goals• More focused career planning• More networking• More willing to open your mind to different possibilities• Change your habits of job searching• Persist & Resist

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I want you to start thinking

What skills can you bring to enhance a potential employer?


Going looking for a job

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Attitude and desire of the talent is everything to a company hiring.

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Attitude Case Study

• Someone believed they hadn’t the skillset that a multinational would need.

• He didn’t bother applying. He saw a closed door. • Same guy 3 months later approached same

multinational and got hired.

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2. Know real reason why CV / Profile is so important

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Where does my CV go when I email it?

To the Hiring ManagerJobs MailboxRecruitment SoftwareTo HRRecruiterSomeone else

Where ever it goes, it has got to stimulate a positive response! No excuses.

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Stimulate a Positive Response

• Understand what you are. (Product Definition)• Understand where you can add value to what the

company is looking for (Value Add)• Create a communication plan by utilising the

information you have researched about the company and role locally (Research)

• Identify who is the person making the decision and advise them where and how you can add value to their organisation (Go-To-Market Plan)

Career & Life Planning Positive steps towards your Future

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The HABIT of a Good CV

Personal Details Personal


Education & Training

Work History including


Computer Skills

Personal Interests &



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• In trying to position yourself in a crowded market of people looking to move understand this…employed people are now looking to move as well as jus job seekers

• Put the time into getting a document and cover letter that will grab attention and get the person to include you in their shortlist for interview.

• Don’t be humble on your cv• Don’t lie on it & know it inside out• Remember the word Explain!

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Social Networking Strategy• Meaning of “Friend” has changed for ever

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Social Networking Strategy• Its positive and has lots of benefits• Its also easy to get ignored quickly and discreetly• Its the same as it always was – who you know.• People do business with people – eircom phone

watch• Networking objectives and strategy must stay the

same• Social Media can be very distracting

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Social Networking Sites

Mobile Apps

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• Twitter:– Getting connected with people outside your network– Pace yourself – Try getting into a routine of updating at least once 2x a week– Search for and join in on relevant conversations of interest to you

• LinkedIn:– Find people at specific companies/recruiters– Fill in as much as you are comfortable with on your profile– Find and join groups that interest you– Personalise your invitations to connect– Acknowledge those who want to connect with you

• Facebook:– I don’t know remember all my friends from past – Want to meet people with shared interests– Search for industry events and find 1-2 you can attend– If comfortable, a good profile photo helps to humanize you– When you join a group, leave a small note to introduce yourself

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How to Use LinkedIn for Job Search

Write from the mindset of the person reading it Add a Compelling HeadlineInclude a Photo Professional SummaryInclude Keywords and Skills Two or Three recommendations Add applications -- post presentations, file sharingAdd people to your network Search for people you know Search for colleagues by company/school name Search for groups by industry,

affiliation, purposeWatch for/join groups your connections join Look for hiring managers by nameLearn some details to help establish rapport Within your network? (1st, 2nd, 3rd

degree or group)If so, request an introduction! (or send a message) Find current and former employeesInquire about company culture, satisfaction Look for recruiters (Staffing &

Recruiting Industry)

Career & Life Planning Positive steps towards your Future

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• Recruiters are promoting jobs and looking for candidates on social networks

• Employers are looking for candidates (and hiring!) • A lack of social network presence may hurt your credibility

and may negatively impact your visibility to employers • Candidates are vetted according to their social media

profiles and content they produce • Opinions and 1st impressions count on Social Media sites• Participate, but be careful what you say • Networking objectives and strategy remain the same

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3. Know really good answers to likely questions

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QuestionWhat’s your objective from an


To get a job or sell myself?

Career & Life Planning Positive steps towards your Future

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Perhaps these goals may be better options to consider?

Explain yourself better than you have done in your last interview?

Show them where you have added value in the past and where you will add value to them

Understand more about the company and culture?Demonstrate better attitude

Career & Life Planning Positive steps towards your Future

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Competency Techniques

STAR Approach (Situation; Task; Action; Result)

CAR Approach(Context; Action; Result)

Structure and Practice - Key to Success

Career & Life Planning Positive steps towards your Future

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Sample Question“Please give an example of a time when you had to

complete a project , where there were strict deadlines and external events were out of your control.”

Answer in STAR format:

S Situation (identify the scenario – the where and when)

T Task that you have to undertake – the why

A Action – those steps you undertook to achieve the task

R Results

Career & Life PlanningPositive steps towards your Future

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Answer in STAR Format

S At Company X, during an implementation project where I was in the role of ???

T The project plan was developed to client specification . Identify steps; however timeline change due to client requirements and a strike in

foreign country

A How did you adapt to changes e.g. advise and work with client, amend project plan for realistic deadlines, advise impact on timescale and costs, brought on additional staff before strike started

R Client was very happy with result , our proactive nature, communication. Project completed on time with no financial implications or penalties.

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Key Interview Competencies Required

• Teamwork • Responsibility • Decision Making • Communication • Leadership • Commitment to Career • Commercial Awareness • Persuasiveness • Career Motivation

Career & Life Planning Positive steps towards your Future

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OverviewDemonstrate your skills / experience in a structured way.

Allow employers to measure your responses to selected questions using past performance

More frequent as a means of understanding your individual personality traits

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Examples of Competency Based Questions

• Give me an example of a time when you set a goal and were able to meet or achieve it.

• Tell me about a time when you had to use your presentation skills to influence someone's opinion.

• Give me a specific example of a time when you had to conform to a policy with which you did not agree.

• Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get a job done.

• Give me an example of a time when you had to make a split second decision.

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Career & Life Planning Positive steps towards your Future

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Interview ChecklistOpening Statement

Remember STAR Answers to likely questions

Closing / Finishing Comment

You have to demonstrate a real

and genuine positive attitude.

Practice it!



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4. Have a plan that allows for personal and professional development while getting back to


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Sample Career Plan

Career & Life Planning Positive steps towards your Future

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My Experience So Far

• Self Awareness• CV Strategy• Recruiters Strategy• Networking Strategy• Research Strategy• Alumni Strategy• Interview Strategy• Past Employer Strategy• Referral Strategy• Event Strategy• Offline Strategy• Volunteering Strategy• Social Networking

Strategy • Hidden Job Market• Online Job Boards

Next Company In My Career

Experience + Strategies = New Job

Career Overview of Job Seekers

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9am Exercise Re work CV

10am Me Time Work on Alumni

11am Friends TimeSpend Time on

Linked In


Improve Self-Confidence

Improve Research Skills

1pm Clean AtticCold Calling Companies

2pm Clear Shed KISS


Presentation Skills Social Networking

4pm Meetings

5pm Events / Talks

6pmNetwork more in


Career Plan

U Learning Seminar Interview


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Sample Competency Grid

CompetenceChange competency headings to reflect competencies of the position you are interviewing for

Organisations where you have gained experience

Teamwork Responsibility Decision Making Communication Leadership Commitment to

Career Commercial Awareness Interpersonal



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5. Have a plan who you want to work for that allows you to commute less, enjoy work-life

balance, gain additional or different experience.

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Summary Continued

• Find out what your Brand or App is• Ask for help• KISS• Get experience in interviewing – not token

interviews, put yourself under pressure to perform

• Get noticed for the right reasons on social networking sites

• Keep offline channels very active also• Put a plan together that you can be proud of!

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Be way better at your entire search, network

and communications planthan the person

next to youCareer & Life Planning Positive steps towards your Future

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