

Transcript of Food


What’s food?

Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the

body. It is usually of plant or animal origin, and contains essential

nutrients, such as fats, proteins or vitamins. The substance is ingested by

an organism and assimilated by the organism's cells to provide energy, maintain life, or stimulate growth.

food culture

Cultures have a specific set of cooking traditions using various spices or a

combination of flavours unique to that culture, which evolves over time.

Other differences include preferences (hot or cold, spicy, etc.) and practices,

the study of which is known as gastronomy.

Some eating manners in different places:

AfricaThe people of Ethiopia have a tradition of

hand-feeding each other, called gursha. It's a gesture of hospitality that builds trust and

social bonds between those sharing the food.

East and South AsiaIn Japan and China, slurping your noodles shows appreciation for the meal. The host

takes all the noise as a compliment.

Middle EastIn many Muslim cultures, people use only their right hand to eat. Also, if you drop bread on the ground, pick it up, kiss it, and

raise it to your forehead before putting it back on your plate. This shows respect for your food and

the work that went into making it.Central and South America

In Chile, taking a second helping is offensive. You must wait for your host to

offer you more food.

Some different types of food from different countries




The Middle East

Strange food

Fired spiders Grasshoppers

Tuna eyeballs Balut

Food is Important for humans life it gives us

energy to do many different activates and we must be thankful to

god for this amazing grace