Food pyramid emmi

This is what a healthy food pyramid DOESN’T look like!

Transcript of Food pyramid emmi

Page 1: Food pyramid emmi

This is what a healthy food pyramid DOESN’T look like!

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Page 3: Food pyramid emmi

Cereals• buckwheat (trigo sarraceno)

• oatmeal (avena)

• barley (cebada)

• rye (centeno)

• corn

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Fruits and Veggies (Vegetables)

broccoli (brócoli)

spinach (espinaca)

cabbage (col/repollo)

cauliflower (coliflor)

eggplant/aubergine (berenjena)

artichoke (alcachofa)

green peas (guisantes)

chickpeas (garbanzos)

apricots (albaricoque)

cherries (cereza)grapefruit (pomelo)peaches (melcotón)pears (pera)plums (ciruela)raspberries


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Dried fruits and nuts• hazelnuts (avellenas)• pecans (pacanas)• peanuts

(cacahuetes)• almonds (almendras)• walnuts (nuez)

• fig (higo)• papaya• raisins (uvas pasas)• dates (dátil)

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Types of meat• MEATS: ham (cured pig), pork (not cured pig), beef (cow),

veal (a young cow), lamb (a young sheep), mutton (an adult sheep)

• POULTRY : chicken, duck, goose (ganso), turkey

• FISH: codfish (bacalao), haddock (eglefino), salmon, herring (arenque), trout (trucha)

• SHELLFISH: lobster (langosta), mussels (mejillones), octopus (pulpo), oysters, shrimp

• CANNED FISH: anchovies (anchoa), clams (almejas), sardines

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Food Idioms and Sayings• a bad egg/a bad apple (also: a rotten apple)

→ a bad personJohn is a real bad apple, he’s always spreading rumours about his neighbors.

• to be in a pickle → to be in trouble, to be in a messSally found herself in a pickle when she forgot to attend an important business meeting.

• put all one’s eggs in one basket → to risk everything at onceI don’t want to put all my eggs in one basket and apply to only one university.

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Discuss with your partner…• Who usually cooks in your home? Do you usually cook

for pleasure or due to need?

• Do you prefer eating at home or eating out?

• How do you like to prepare your meals? (E.g. on the grill, in the oven, barbeque, steaming, etc.)

• What is your favorite starter/main/dessert? What makes those dishes so wonderful?

• Do you have a favorite foreign dish? When did you try it?