Food Microbiology QA

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Food microbiology1. Father of microbiology is:Answer: A.V. Leeuwenhock

2. Louis Pasteur established the modern era of food microbiology in 1857 when he showed that microorganisms cause spoilage:Answer: Milk

3. Vitamin is known as Sunshine vitamin isAnswer: vitamin D

4. Deficiency of Which nutrient cause Beriberi: a disease whose symptoms include weight loss, body weakness and pain, brain damage, irregular heart rate, heart failure, and death if left untreated.Answer: vitamin B1 (thiamine)

5. What is mutation?Answer: Mistakes in DNA (called mutations) lead to mistakes in the proteins (mutant proteins). This can cause problems e.g. genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy.

6. FATTOM is an acronym use for Food, Acid, Temperature, Time, Oxygen and Moisture are:Answer: Six conditions bacteria need to multiply

7. Which nutrient is responsible for providing energy to human body?Answer: Carbohydrates, Fats, and protein

8. Largest Rodents on the earth isAnswer: capybara

9. On the basis of chemical structure carbohydrates can be divide into three, they are:Answer: Monosaccharide, Disaccharides, Polysaccharides

10. Which vitamins are fat soluble: Answer: Vitamin A, D, E, and K

11. The undesirable change in a food that makes it unsafe for human consumption is referred as: Answer: food spoilage

12. The effectiveness of many chemical preservatives depends primarily on the foodAnswer: pH

13. Gram reaction for classification of bacteria, is proposed by:Answer: Hans Christian Joachim Gram

14. The amino-acids which cannot be synthesised in required amounts by the body, and which must be provided in the diet are called: Answer: essential amino acid

15. Any bacterium that has a spherical shape is known as:Answer: Coccus or cocci

16. Halite commonly known as rock salt, is the mineral form of: Answer: sodium chloride (NaCl)

17. Food preservation involves increasing shelf life of food andAnswer: Ensuring safety for human consumption

18. Fiber is sometimes called roughage as it is indigestible form of:Answer: Carbohydrate 19. Pasteurization is a: Answer: high temperature treatment

20. A food which has ability to support rapid growth of harmful microorganism is called:Answer: potential hazardous food (PHF), are usually high in protein and carbohydrate, have a pH above 4.6, and water activity above 0.86.

21. Which vitamins are fat soluble: Answer: Vitamin B and C

22. Normally bacteria stop division: Answer: at 5C

23. 99% of calcium in human body is found in Answer: Teeth and Bones

24. Common food poisoning microbes are:Answer: Clostridium and Salmonella

25. Nutrients that is require for building and maintaining the structural components of body:Answer: protein

26. When an oil is converted to fat it is called:Answer: Rancididity

27. Botulism is caused by:Answer: Clostridium botulinum

28. Botulism prevention involves: Answer: Proper heat sterilization before food canning

29. Clostridium perfingens poisoning is associated with: Answer: Meat products

30. Clostridium perfingens poison is an:Answer: Enterotoxin produced during sporulation

31. Salmonellosis involves: Answer: An enterotoxin and cytotoxin 32. The major carrier of salmonellosis are: Answer: Meat and eggs

33. Aflatoxin is produced by:Answer: Aspergillus sp.

34. I found floating therin earthly particles,some green streaks, spirally wound serpent-wise, and orderly arranged, the whole circumstance of each of these streaks was abut the thickness of a hair on ones head.... These words are of: Answer: Leeuwenhoek

35. The principle light- trapping pigment molecule in plants, Algae, and cyanobacteria is: Answer: Chlorophyll a

36. The main reservoir of Staphylococcus aureus is:Answer: human nasal cavity.

37. Which type of fermentation is used to produce yogurt?Answer: Thermophilic

38. During Bio Geo chemical cycle some amount of elemental carbon was utilized by the microorganisms. The phenomenon is called as: Answer: Immobilization

39. Types of bacteria according to gram reaction are:Answer: Gram positive and Gram negative

40. Who demonstrated that open tubes of broth remained free of bacteria when air was free of dust: Answer: John Tyndall

41. Reverse isolation would be appropriate for a patient with: Answer: Tuberculosis

42. The symptome general feeling of illness and discomfort is called and discomfort is called: Answer: Malaise

43. Mushroom is a type of:Answer: Fungus

44. What is a preservative used in soft drinks.Answer: Commonly used preservative in soft drinks are sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate and to a lesser degree, sulfur dioxide.

45. Who provide the evidence that bacteriophage nucleic acid but not protein enters the host cell during infection: Answer: Alfred D.Hershey & Martha Chase in 1952.

46. Spirulina belongs to: Answer: Cyanophyceae

47. The first antibody to contact invading microorganisms was: Answer: IgM

48. The light emitted by luminescent bacteria is mediated by the enzyme:Answer: Lactose dehydrogenase

49. Is a process that uses a plastic bag filled with hot cooked food from which air has been forced out and which is closed with a plastic or metal crimp:Answer: Cook-chill

50. An important B vitamin converts carbohydrates to energy and ensures required production of good fat.Answer: Pantothenic acid

51. The vector using in human Genome project: Answer: Yeast artificial chromosomes

52. Salt and sugar preserve foods because they Produce:Answer: a hypertonic environment

53. In a fluorescent microscope the objective lens is made of: Answer: Polythene

54. According to temperature require for growth, Bacteria can be classified into three they are:Answer: psychrophilic (0C to 21C), Mesophilic (21C to 43C), and Thermophilic (above 43C-61C).

55. Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen is by means of: Answer: Biological process, lighting, and Ultraviolet light

56. Direct microscopic count can be done with the aid of: Answer: Neuberg chamber

57. The image obtained in a compound microscope is: Answer: Virtual

58. Which bacteria is incapable of surviving outside living organisms. Due to unstable morphological features, it is transmitted by different vector sources like ticks, fleas and mites to cause life threatening infectious diseases like Rocky mountain spotted fever and typhus.Answer: Rickettsia

59. Enzymes responsible for alcoholic fermentation: Answer: Zymase

60. Which type of spores are produced sexually: Answer: Ascospores

61. Bacterial transformation was discovered by: Answer: Ederberg and Tatum

62. The antiseptic method was first demon strated by: Answer: Lord Lister

63. Small pox vaccine was first discovered by: Answer: Edward Jenner

64. The term mutation was coined by: Answer: Hugo devries

65. The packaging method that reduces amount of O2 in a sealed package:Answer: Reduced Oxygen Packaging

66. Compound microscope was discovered by: Answer: Johnsen & Hans 67. Prophylaxis of cholera is: Answer: Environmental sanitation

68. The main feature of prokaryotic organism is: Answer: Absence of nuclear envelope

69. The stalked particles on the cristae of mitochondria are called: Answer: Peroxisomes

70. Antiseptic methods were first introduced by: Answer: Lord Lister

71. Kuru disease in Humans is caused by: Answer: Prions

72. A mutation that produces termination codon is: Answer: Non-sense mutation

73. During conjunction the genetic material will be transferred through: Answer: Pili

74. Phagocytic phenomenon was discovered by: Answer: Metchnikof

75. Meosomes are also known as: Answer: Chondroids

76. Hybridoma technique was first discovered by: Answer: Kohler and Milstein

77. Monoclonal antibodies are associated with the name of: Answer: Burnet

78. Lederberg and Tatum (1946) described the phenomena of: Answer: Conjunction 79. Hanging drop method for motility study was first introduced by: Answer: Leeuwenhock

80. First Pasteur conducted fermentation experiments in: Answer: Fruit juices

81. According to temperature require for growth, Bacteria can be classified into three they are:Answer: aerobic, anaerobic, and facultative.

82. Modern concepts of chemotherapy was proposed by: Answer: Paul Ehrlich

83. The term bacteriophage was coined by: Answer: DeHerelle 84. Viral infection of bacteria was discovered by: Answer: F.W. Twort

85. Compound Microscope was discovered by: Answer: Janssen and Hans 86. Ice bath is a method to reduce:Answer: cooling time for food

87. Mycorrhiza was first observed by: Answer: Frank

88. Frozen meats can be stored for several monts when held at temperature:Answer: 0F or -18C

89. The transfer of genetic material during transformation is proved basing on Griffiths experiment by: Answer: Avery Macleod & Mc.Carthy

90. Phagocytic theory was proposed by: Answer: Elie Metchnikoff

91. Anaphylaxia was first observed by: Answer: Parter & Richet

92. Primary mediators in anaphylaxis: Answer: Histamine , Heparin and serotonin

93. Arthus reaction was discovered by: Answer: Marrice Arthus 94. Serum sickness reaction was discovered by: Answer: Von perquit

95. Hybridoma technique was developed by: Answer: Kochler, Milston & Niels Jerne

96. If a person can be infected by direct contact with infected tissue of another person, it is termed as:Answer: Direct contact transmission

97. Is a food that is the most common reason for disease like Trichinella spirals: Answer: Pork

98. Reduction of virulence is known as: Answer: Attenuation

99. C6H5COOH is chemical formula for a chemical preservative called:Answer: Benzoic acid

100. Sous-vide is the term means without Air, is use for purpose of: Answer: packaging of food.

101. FIFO is an acronym use for First In First Out is use for:Answer: proper stock rotation.

102. Enhancement of virulence is known as: Answer: Exaltation 103. The virulence of a pathogen is usually measured by: Answer: LD, MLD & ID

104. The lethal dose required to kill 50% of the lab animals tested under standard called: Answer: LD

105. What is the temperature of liquid nitrogen? Answer: Liquid nitrogen is very cold. At normal atmospheric pressure, nitrogen is a liquid between 63 K and 77.2 K (-346F and -320.44F). Over this temperature range, liquid nitrogen looks much like boiling water. Below this temperature, it freezes into solid nitrogen.

106. Oxygen is transported round our bodies by a protein called: Answer: Haemoglobin, which is present in our blood

107. The most important virulence factors are: Answer: Adhesions, Toxigenicity & Invasiveness

108. The ability of a pathogen to spread in ths host tissues after establishing the infection is known as: Answer: Invasiveness

109. Disease causing bacteria can only grow in foods that have a water activity higher than:Answer: 0.85

110. Vibrio Cholerae was discovered by: Answer: Metchnikoff

food microbiology