Food and Teeth: Healthy Food Choices For Healthier Teeth

Making the Necessary Sacrifices: Foods To Avoid If You Want Healthy Teeth

Transcript of Food and Teeth: Healthy Food Choices For Healthier Teeth

Making the Necessary Sacrifices: Foods To Avoid If You Want Healthy Teeth

The food we eat has a direct effect on our teeth, it can quite literally make or break them.

Certain types of food can strengthen the teeth while some can promote tooth decay.

here are some of the foods you might want to avoid:

Soda pops and other sugary, highly acidic drinks are known as the number one enemy of teeth.

Starchy food can easily get lodged in the crevices of our teeth and in between our teeth.

Lemons, even though they’re sour instead of sweet, they are highly acidic and can melt away your tooth enamel.

Dried fruits are like the evil alter-egos of the untouched, undried ones.

Sports Drinks are a favourite of the sporty and athletic people. They’re also acidic, so if you wish to stay hydrated while still taking good care of your teeth, water is always the best option.