Following Footsteps, Allison Hennie

Following footsteps. Allison Hennie
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Transcript of Following Footsteps, Allison Hennie

Page 1: Following Footsteps, Allison Hennie

Following footsteps.� �Allison Hennie �

Page 2: Following Footsteps, Allison Hennie

The need for decay and ruins.�

Page 3: Following Footsteps, Allison Hennie

Interwoven. �

Page 4: Following Footsteps, Allison Hennie

Pick a color – any color between red and violet.�

Page 5: Following Footsteps, Allison Hennie

The end result of coordinating a design-build project - �

Page 6: Following Footsteps, Allison Hennie

Waiting for nature to reclaim itself.�

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Footsteps forward.�

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Chaotic beauty.�

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Page 11: Following Footsteps, Allison Hennie

Decaying time.�

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Man imitates nature, or vice versa. �

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Autumn typically included a road trip with my grandparents �to purchase items such as maple sugar candy, warm apple cider, and Swiss cheese.�

Page 14: Following Footsteps, Allison Hennie

Even museums have a place for dirty little secrets.�