Follow the customer, not the money

Follow the customer, not the money EcomTeam 2016

Transcript of Follow the customer, not the money

Page 1: Follow the customer, not the money

Follow the customer, not the money

EcomTeam 2016

Page 2: Follow the customer, not the money
Page 3: Follow the customer, not the money

• If you're competitor-focused, you have to wait until there is a competitor doing something. Being customer-focused allows you to be more pioneering.

Page 4: Follow the customer, not the money
Page 5: Follow the customer, not the money
Page 6: Follow the customer, not the money

• There are two kinds of companies, those that work to try to charge more and those that work to charge less. We will be the second.

Jeff Bezos

Page 7: Follow the customer, not the money
Page 8: Follow the customer, not the money

Vreau sa vand rochii pentru ca:

• Vreau sa fac un profit de x lei. • N-am bani sa platesc salariile, taxele si chiria. • Am 40 de rochii pe stoc de 6 luni.• Am target sa le vand intr-o luna.• Concurentii mei vand foarte bine rochii rosii mai scumpe.• Am vazut ca se poarta rochiile rosii vara asta.• Seful mi-a spus sa cresc rata de conversie, sau trebuie sa imi caut

alt job.

Page 9: Follow the customer, not the money
Page 10: Follow the customer, not the money

• Mi-am schimbat culoarea parului.• M-am despartit de curand si vreau sa arat

bine cand ma intalnesc cu ex-ul sa ii dau cheile.

• Ies in oras cu sotul sa aniversam 3 ani de casatorie.

• Ies la un first date. • A venit o colega noua in echipa care arata

al naibii de bine. • A venit un coleg nou in echipa care arata

al naibii de bine.

Vreau sa cumpar o rochie pentru ca: • M-am ingrasat cu 3 kg.• Am slabit 3 kg. • Imi place sa intorc priviri pe strada. • Mi-am cumparat o pereche de pantofi superbi.• Merg la un interviu de angajare. • Saptamana viitoare merg la o petrecere la care

vin si cativa fotbalisti de la Steaua.• Am descoperit un stil nou care imi place. • Pentru ca vreau sa ma simt bine. Life is shitty

enough without this nice red dress.

Page 11: Follow the customer, not the money

Source: data

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#sales / hour Feb 2016

Page 12: Follow the customer, not the money

Edi Emil Dan

Suport Online


Page 13: Follow the customer, not the money

Ideas to go

• Solve a problem, but not YOUR problem.• Use data for decisions. When data’s not available, ask your customers.• Live support 18.00 – 24.00.• Use ALL your touch points with customers to create a great experience.• Focus on acquiring first time online shoppers. • Ecommerce = commerce PLUS technology.

Page 14: Follow the customer, not the money

• The best customer service is if the customer doesn't need to call you, doesn't need to talk to you. It just works.

• If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful.

Jeff Bezos

• Stop over marketing your customers. • Start over understanding them.

[email protected]• •