Focus for Direction - by Katrina Jean Taylor



“Focus for Direction” explains how the endocrine system and glands affect the body and Taylor’s method that she says gives one a way to use breath to self-heal. She provides readers with the seven-step technique she developed to heal emotional, physical and spiritual problems. Healing the Soul, Virus; Regain Strength, Endocrine System-Aligning Your Glands, Body Anatomy, Direction Technique: Practitioner and more...

Transcript of Focus for Direction - by Katrina Jean Taylor

Focus for Direction



Copyright © 2014 Katrina Jean Taylor.

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Healing the Soul Within Over Many Lifetimes

Readers should consult their physicians before following any of the details outlined in any insights.

The case studies found in this book are composites drawn from years of private consults.

The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual health. In the event you use any of the information in this book, which is your constitutional right, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

The information is provided by one that is not a licensed physician, and these healing modalities are not substitutes for medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment. Katrina Jean Taylor does not diagnose conditions, perform medical treatments, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. It is recommended that readers see a licensed medical physician or licensed health care professional for any physical, mental, or emotional ailments.

© Focus for Direction-How to Self Heal and Find Your Own Answers. Healing your soul within over many lifetimes. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

DedicationFor my teacher, my mother, who taught me kindness

For my three sons,Casey, Brodie, and Dane

For the next generation,Feel free to believe in yourself

May this offering of kindness fill your hearts with peace and health and allow you to see miracles every day

ContentsAcknowledgements ................................................................................xxiiiPreface ...................................................................................................... xxvIntroduction ............................................................................................ xxix

Chapter 1: W hat is the D irection T echnique™? ...............................1

Taking Control of Your Life ......................................................................1Focus for Direction .....................................................................................2

Chapter 2: O verview of C oncepts ........................................................5

Develop your Own Intuition using the Universal Library ..................5How to Breathe and Discover Truth .......................................................6Holographic Model .....................................................................................7Teleportation ................................................................................................8Direction Technique™ Numbers ...............................................................8

Chapter 3: A nxiety A ttacks .................................................................11

Affirmations for Anxiety .........................................................................11Case Study: Anxiety .................................................................................12

- Direction Technique™: Heal the Present Life for Origin of Failing ...............................................................................14

- Affirmations for Tom to Feel Important .....................................15 - Direction Technique™: Heal the Past Life or Past

Dimension for Origin of Failing ....................................................15 - Direction Technique™: Heal the Future in this Life

for Origin of Failing .........................................................................16 - Affirmations for Tom’s Anxiety ....................................................16 - Direction Technique™ Wisdom Messages and

Direction for Tom’s Future .............................................................17 - Healing for Tom ...............................................................................17

Chapter 4: C ancer and Grief: D iary of a M edical I ntuitive .......19

Wisdom for People who have the Energy of Cancer ..........................19 - Affirmations to Let Go of the Energy of Cancer .......................20

Treatments for Cancer: Removing Shock, Trauma, and Grief from the Body ...........................................................................20

Case Study: Bowel Cancer .......................................................................21Case Study: Leukemia ..............................................................................22

- Affirmations of Wisdom for Tony ................................................24 - Direction Technique™: Heal the Present Life for

Origin of Trust ..................................................................................26 - Direction Technique™: Heal the Past Life or Past

Dimension for Origin of Trust ......................................................27 - Direction Technique™: Heal the Future in this Life

for Origin of Trust ...........................................................................28 - Soul Healing: Speaking to a Deceased Relative ..........................29 - Affirmations about Changes for Tony .........................................30 - Direction Technique™: Wisdom Messages and

Direction for Tony’s Future ............................................................30Case Study: Cancer and Passing Over ..................................................31Case Study: Lung Cancer .........................................................................33Modern Technology .................................................................................35Viruses and Cancer ...................................................................................35Case Study: Brain Cancer in Child ........................................................36Case Study: Eye Cancer in a Child .........................................................36

- Affirmations for Seeing Miracles ..................................................38 - Prayer for Baby ..................................................................................39 - Direction Technique™ Healing for Origin

of Love for a Husband .....................................................................40 - Direction Technique™ Healing for Origin

of Joy for a Mother ...........................................................................41Case Study: Breast Cancer .......................................................................42

- Happy Memory .................................................................................44



From the age of two, I have heard messages. Early in life I could remember things, and had experiences, that defied explanation. In seeking answers, I asked many questions. As a young child, I connected to the moon’s energy and communicated effortlessly with the laws of gravity and attraction. I knew when the tides of the ocean changed and felt the flow of energy on Earth and in universes far removed. I could communicate with those universes telepathically. Our planet is part of the Milky Way, one of many systems that have inspired the notion of a holographic universe—a theory that explains how the human mind can be in different places simultaneously. Existing in the past, the present, and the future all at once is a concept I have explored not only in this life but also in many other lifetimes.

I lost my mother to ovarian cancer twenty-two years ago. She was fifty-four, and I was twenty-one. My mother’s mother had died of breast cancer at the age of twenty-seven, when my mother was only eight. Once I had three boys of my own, I decided to seek answers to understand how to change the concepts of cancer and the concept of cancer passing on to future generations. How we die can and does change our destinies. My mother’s demise, the death of diseased cells, gave me the opportunity to dispel beliefs that did not serve me well and discover new ways of thinking.

I have never doubted God or forms of energy that help us heal ourselves. Doubt brings fear, fear fuels chaos, and chaos creates


indecision. Indecision leads to heartache, and sometimes heartache brings with it loneliness and sorrow.

Yes, human beings are complicated, but learning to trust your psychic ability will encourage creativity and bring about positive changes in your life. Today we begin a new journey. Remember, each of us has the ability to heal within and trust our instincts. To discover truth, the essence of the soul, we must journey within. Energy forms are the souls within each of us, and God is energy. Directing your energy towards positive thoughts is the key to discovery. Simply let go and let the universe do the work. The more you let go, the more space you create—space to attract the laws of abundance. You can channel your thoughts into your subconscious mind. You are the master of your universe. In your search for truth, you can discover what blocks your access to abundance of energy.

Remember, many souls live in fear, even when they have left the human form behind. It’s time to rid yourself of fear. And to do that, you can have the intention to change—to live without doubting yourself and be ready to take action. The more you move and flow with changes in your beliefs, the more easily you can adjust, become flexible, and hear wise messages. The first step is easy. Make a plan so that your subconscious knows what to aim for. Put aside negative energy and you can achieve the future you desire. Know what you want and you can create it.

It is important to understand that dreams are real, whether you are asleep or awake. Dream, for the more you dream, the closer you come to achieving your goals. The key to decision-making is truth. Here is what you do: be aware of what you wish for, learn to listen to your desires, think outside the square, and create abundance in your life. Choose to interact with events rather than react to them as they unfold.

May you experience an abundance of miracles. The secret is intuition. Modern life is such that all of us take on many roles, and in so doing, we forget how to listen, how to intuit. When we do listen to our


intuition, we doubt the truth of what we hear. Feelings of being overwhelmed lead us to feel disconnected from truth. The key to a happy life is truth. Each soul’s journey is a search for truth. In order to find yourself, ask, “How can I find truth within myself?” If you know how to listen, truth will come … and through truth, yourself. It’s time to wake up, to discover how easy it is to talk and communicate with wisdom. When you do that, the answers you receive will be truthful.

This book is designed to introduce you to and help you to use the Direction Technique to access truth in every dimension—past, present, and future. It helps healing the soul within over many lifetimes. May your life be filled with the breath of finding truth, and may you discover what it feels like to feel energetic and alive. Bring back faith and believe in yourself. Now and always, learn to live without doubt.

I thank those who find ways to change their lives by being kind and make a kind difference in the world.

Katrina Jean TaylorFounder of the Direction Technique™


Chapter 1

W hat is the D irection T echnique™?

Taking Control of Your Life

Direction Technique™ is a healing technique that involves using your own intuitive energy to self-heal. This breakthrough method of energy healing is effective, direct, and focused. This new Direction Technique uses intuitive energy to bring about changes in the body across six levels: cellular, physical, emotional, mental, behavioural, and spiritual.

It works on the endocrine system and stimulates vibrations within the body to produce the production of enzymes, hormones, and saliva, as well as activate energy. As founder of the Direction Technique, my aim is to share this knowledge so that you can retrain new neural pathways in the brain to change the molecular structure in the cells for healing. Training the endocrine system to use the brain creates vibrations in the glands so that the body can feel balanced.



Focus for Direction

Taking control of your life by training your instincts and using your intuitive energy helps you to:

• Find direction in life• Improve physical, mental, and spiritual health• Make decisions in critical times

Using the Direction Technique™ helps you to refine energy so that you can:

• Speak with wisdom at the right time• Create abundance of energy• Find and heal the origin of a problem using the Universal

Library to heal the past, present, and future• Use your intuitive energy to self-heal all aspects of your life,

from illness to abundance• Show the next generation a healing technique to self-heal• Trust that you can lead your own life• Maintain your health

The Direction Technique works on the endocrine system to stimulate hormones to take action and to change. This technique uses three quick breaths while imagining a figure eight within your thyroid. It aids in bringing inner peace in finding answers for change. Breathing into the thyroid helps stimulate the thyroid’s production of hormones and transports oxygen to the body and certain parts of the body that have stuck energy pockets. The essence of the Direction Technique™ is an endocrine system enhancement healing process through viewing the colour red in the thyroid.

There is a clear distinction between a meditation breath and an action breath. The Direction Technique uses the action breath to stimulate the thyroid, pineal, pituitary, thymus, pancreas, adrenals and sexual glands so they can vibrate and allow oxygen



to all parts of the body. This helps to release stuck energy pockets in the body.

Learning the Direction Technique allows you to train your inner wisdom, develop your instincts to act, make better decisions, and learn to hear wisdom to heal yourself. Learn to be wise and open to all forms of healing including advice from those in the medical field that have knowledge about the body, so that you can heal and change a situation, health problem, decision, and family relationships.

The Direction Technique teaches people to believe in themselves.


Chapter 2

O verview of C oncepts

Develop your Own Intuition using the Universal Library

The Universal library resembles a library. It is a sacred way to record catalogue of events. Training your instincts can reveal to you how to access these records. They are revealed to those who honour their own truth and can be relied upon to keep certain information sacred.

The concept of the Akashic Records originated in the theosophical movements of the nineteenth century. The Akasha is a record of all events and responses concerning consciousness in all realities. Every life form therefore contributes and has access to the Akashic Records.

Traditionally, the Akashic Records has been the focus on historical events. I have expanded on the definition of Akashic Records to include the present and the future events of the cosmos, which I call the “Universal Library.” The Direction Technique is a direct way to access the universal library of events by using the skill of teleportation to access the past, present and future, enhancing the ability to become multidimensional.



Thus any human being can become the physical medium for accessing these records by utilizing the focused Direction Technique.

For centuries, intuitive individuals have been teleporting/transmitting images to others and reading thoughts.

How to Breathe and Discover Truth

To discover truth is to witness your own sense of belonging. Truth will free you. Those who live without doubting themselves experience the presence of inner wisdom within their own DNA. You can heal the past, the present, and the future by acknowledging the patterns of the holographic energy fields.

The theory of holographic universes allows you to cast aside traditional concepts of time. Rather, you can embrace the notion that holographic universes exist in the past, the present, and the future—that is, simultaneously but parallel.

Understanding (holographically) how to connect to your own truth is the key to truth. You will then reveal how to travel in parallel universes in order to heal in the now. The human endocrine system is the key to successfully balancing hormones and regulating the body. You need to understand how to breathe into your organs and connect to your inner knowing. In so doing, you can be directed to other areas of your body that are perhaps in need of healing.

The key to healing is forgiveness, and you will be shown how to forgive. In order to do so, however, you must first remove from your molecular system any fears that prevent you from accepting love. Learn to allow yourself to receive help from the wisdom of your own DNA, as well as from other people and animals.

When we learn how to change or vibrate our DNA to be more intuitive or psychic, then we can activate with vibration many unused