FM 125 026 Business Description Form DS_2013_09_09.docx

download FM 125 026 Business Description Form DS_2013_09_09.docx

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Transcript of FM 125 026 Business Description Form DS_2013_09_09.docx

  • 8/9/2019 FM 125 026 Business Description Form DS_2013_09_09.docx


    Number : FM 125 026

    Version : 01

    Validity : 10.09.2013

    Page : Page 1 / 21

    Business Description Form - Danube Soya

    Danube Soya


    D. Gollan



    !. P"ei"er



    #.$P. Pongrat%


    &G& 'ustria (ontroll$(o Ges.m.b.).

  • 8/9/2019 FM 125 026 Business Description Form DS_2013_09_09.docx


  • 8/9/2019 FM 125 026 Business Description Form DS_2013_09_09.docx


  • 8/9/2019 FM 125 026 Business Description Form DS_2013_09_09.docx


  • 8/9/2019 FM 125 026 Business Description Form DS_2013_09_09.docx


    ass 6o

    4esults of self monitoring 'e.g. results of analysis(

    and sample schedules

    Silo map

    4ele#ant or!ing instructions for Separation

    beteen Danube Soya, other )on-G Soya and

    G products 'e.g. incoming goods, storage,

    preproduction, ...(

    *mergency plan in case of a crisis

    . !usiness Description Documents

    $lease pro#ide a short description of your %eld of acti#ity 'e.g. collecting,

    storage, milling, transportation, toasting of Danube Soya products, 2mport andtrade ith Danube Soya products7 $roduction of animal feed7 sorting,pac!aging, labelling, ...(

    $lease pro#ide addresses for further production sites, arehouses and sub-

    contractors+ description %eld of acti#ity

    location street

    attachment )r.

  • 8/9/2019 FM 125 026 Business Description Form DS_2013_09_09.docx


    "hich units# facilities# elds of activity in your production unit are

    connected to the processin$ of Danube %oya as &ell as derivedproducts'

    8hich units 'facilities, arehouse for incoming products, production hall, 5(

    are passed by your Danube Soya ra materials Danube Soya products9 8hatfacilities and e:uipment 'scale for ta!eo#er, gutter, silo for ra material,

    blender, press, sorting facility, %lling plant, ithout transport containers,5( isused during the production 'list all e:uipmentfacilities( and hich purpose'storage of ra materials, blending,5( does it ha#e.

    "he description should be structured according to the ay of the products

    from ta!eo#er, storage, processing, pac!aging, labelling, storage, ...

    units faciliti

    es e:uip


    %eld of acti#itypurpose 'only if

    not self-e&planatory(

  • 8/9/2019 FM 125 026 Business Description Form DS_2013_09_09.docx


    . Description of concrete actions concernin$ the implementation of theDanube %oya uideline

    Supplier and raw material check

    Ho do you ma!e sure, that your suppliers of ra materials semi-%nished

    goods additi#es and products comply ith the Danube Soya guidelines9

    Danube Soya lot certi%cates 'soya(, certi%cates 'other G/ 3 rele#ant

    ra materials 3 corn, canola press ca!es(

    Contracts 'G/ non rele#ant ra materials li!e heat, potato

    protein, peas (

    Danube Soya declaration of self-commitment of soya bean producers


    Arrange the listing in the gi#en format 'table( 'e.g. supplier, deli#ered ra

    materials semi-%nished materials products, certi%cate of the inspectionbody, date and #alidity( or pro#ide a reference for your attachment.

    supplier ra materials semi-%nished



    tractdeclaration of


    agreement - #alid until

  • 8/9/2019 FM 125 026 Business Description Form DS_2013_09_09.docx


    nputs !"oods recei#ed$ and stora"e

    Ho do you ma!e sure, that there is no contamination or mi& up of the

    recei#ed Danube Soya goods ith other materialsgoodsproducts duringtransport9

    Con%rmation for cleaning 'supplier carrier(

    2nspection of transport+ #isual inspection of cargo areas, charging

    holes,5 Sampling and if necessary G/ - analysis

    Ho do you separate Danube Soya products and other goods during the

    acceptance of goods9 only pac!aged productsgoods are accepted

    goods are recei#ed as bul! goods

    2f goods are recei#ed as bul! goods+

    total physical separation during the hole process plant 'e.g. gutter3 ele#ator - oil mill 3 silo 3 transport ...(

    handling of Danube Soya on facilities being in contact ith other

    goods as ell

    Ho is the cleaning of e:uipment and facilities beteen the acceptance ofDanube Soya products and other products carried out9

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    Ho many !gtons of Soya are used for the cleaning process9

    Ho is ensured that the :uantity of Soya used for cleaning is su;cient9

    Ho do you audit goods during acceptance9

    8ho is holding the audit9

    8hat is beeing audited9

    Do you record the audits and its results in ritten form9 *.g. on the bill of


    Do you assign a lot number during the acceptance of goods9

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    Ho do you organi0e your documentation regarding traceability and

    separation of stored Danube Soya goods and other goods9

    =Silo management boo! ith assignment, container labelling and assignment

    of a lot number7 Documentation of arehouse rearrangements, intern deli#erynote ith supplier and assignment to the deli#ered goods. 'e.g identi%cationmar! on pallet>>

    Ho do you manage retained samples+

    Do you ha#e a sampling plan for retained samples9

    8hen and here do you ta!e retained samples9

    Ho retained samples are stored9

    8here are critical control points in the 6o of goods concerning separation,

    mingling and contamination9 Ho these are monitored9 2nputs and storage

    ris! Action to be ta!en in order to control the ris! or

    e&planation hy there is no ris!

