Flyer 2013-A4 YS - WSP · 2018-11-26 · KEY RESULTS FY 2013 SECTOR REFORM Regional | After a year...

Knowledge Products NICARAGUA Economic Impact of Sanitation Due to lack of sanitation, the country lost US$ 95 million in 2009. HONDURAS Monitoring Country Progress in Drinking Water and Sanitation Participatory sector dialogue to propose a series of priority actions for improving the performance of the sector PERU Disaster Risk Management in Urban Water Utilities. Catastrophic Risk Profile, Mitigation Measures and Financial Protection REGIONAL Four Key Dimensions to integrate Hygiene in Public Policy How to promote hygiene practices through national sanitation policy REGIONAL Analysis of the Sanitation Sector in 4 Latin American Sub-Regions State of sanitation, critical issues, and key recommendations. REGIONAL Disaster Risk Management in 6 Central American Countries. BOLIVIA Improving on-site sanitation and fecal sludge management. HAITI Technical assistance in the participation of domestic private sector participation and the implementation of a volumetric billing schemes in rural water supply. Strengthen DINEPA’s capacity for better design programs and projects for the implementation of the National Sanitation and Cholera Eradication Strategies . HONDURAS Implementation of small town management models through users associations (Mancomunidades). NICARAGUA Scale up the Sanitation Marketing approach to more municipalities. Support the implementation of the Long Term Rural Water and Sanitation Strategy, including the preparation of the World Bank’s new Rural Water and Sanitation Program (for USD$ 30 million). Implementation of the Economics of Sanitation Initiative Phase II. PERU Evidence of the impact of the provision of water and sanitation services in the private sector competitiveness. Design of a sub national fund for Water, Environment and Sanitation. Implementation of a pilot program to integrate sanitation and hygiene behavior change component in conditional cash transfer programs. FY 2014 SNEAK PEAK Regional Office Peru | Country Offices Bolivia, Honduras, Nicaragua | Budget FY13 US$ 4.5 Millions | Staff Members 23

Transcript of Flyer 2013-A4 YS - WSP · 2018-11-26 · KEY RESULTS FY 2013 SECTOR REFORM Regional | After a year...

Page 1: Flyer 2013-A4 YS - WSP · 2018-11-26 · KEY RESULTS FY 2013 SECTOR REFORM Regional | After a year of implementing MAPAS (WSS Service Delivery Assessment), nine government agencies

Knowledge Products

NICARAGUAEconomic Impact of SanitationDue to lack of sanitation, the country lost US$ 95 million in 2009.

HONDURASMonitoring Country Progress in Drinking Water and SanitationParticipatory sector dialogue to propose a series of priority actions for improving the performance of the sector

PERUDisaster Risk Management in Urban Water Utilities. Catastrophic Risk Pro�le, Mitigation Measures and Financial Protection

REGIONALFour Key Dimensions to integrate Hygiene in Public PolicyHow to promote hygiene practices through national sanitation policy

REGIONAL Analysis of the Sanitation Sector in 4 Latin American Sub-RegionsState of sanitation, critical issues, and key recommendations.

REGIONALDisaster Risk Management in 6 Central American Countries.

BOLIVIAImproving on-site sanitation and fecal sludge management.

HAITI Technical assistance in the participation of domestic private sector participation and the implementation of a volumetric billing schemes in rural water supply.

Strengthen DINEPA’s capacity for better design programs and projects for the implementation of the National Sanitation and Cholera Eradication Strategies .

HONDURASImplementation of small town management models through users associations (Mancomunidades).

NICARAGUAScale up the Sanitation Marketing approach to more municipalities.

Support the implementation of the Long Term Rural Water and Sanitation Strategy, including the preparation of the World Bank’s new Rural Water and Sanitation Program (for USD$ 30 million).

Implementation of the Economics of Sanitation Initiative Phase II.

PERUEvidence of the impact of the provision of water and sanitation services in the private sector competitiveness.

Design of a sub national fund for Water, Environment and Sanitation.

Implementation of a pilot program to integrate sanitation and hygiene behavior change component in conditional cash transfer programs.


Regional O�ce Peru | Country O�ces Bolivia, Honduras, Nicaragua | Budget FY13 US$ 4.5 Millions | Sta� Members 23

Page 2: Flyer 2013-A4 YS - WSP · 2018-11-26 · KEY RESULTS FY 2013 SECTOR REFORM Regional | After a year of implementing MAPAS (WSS Service Delivery Assessment), nine government agencies

Latin America and the Caribbean KEY RESULTS FY 2013


Regional | After a year of implementing MAPAS (WSS Service Delivery Assessment), nine government agencies from di�erent sectors (Water Sanitation, Finance and Planning) are using the inputs to improve sector policy framework.

Peru | As a result of WSP technical assistance, one large water utility has taken concrete actions to improve “client satisfaction” indicators according to its business plan. There are other 7 utilities on their way.


Bolivia | WSP research, analysis, and policy dialogue led to new regulatory norms for fecal sludge management in Bolivian cities. The �rst stage of the implementation process has already started in La Paz.

Supported by WSP, the National Agency for Sustainability became eligible for external �nancing, and raised more than US$ 12 million from di�erent donors aimed to execute complementary activities from infrastructure projects.

Honduras | Main �ndings from WSP report on Small Towns provided crucial information for the Small Urban Settlements National Policy.


Haiti | The National Water and Sanitation Directorate is receiving technical assistance from WSP in the participation of the domestic private sector and the implementation of volumetric billing schemes in rural water service delivery.


Peru | WSP Study on Risk Management & Water Utilities (Mitigation Measures and Financial Protection) provided key information to national authorities from Ecuador and Uruguay.


Peru | National Rural W&S Program embraced WSP concepts and methodologies through the New Guide for designing Public Investment Projects.

One regional government allocated budget to rural W&S investments including capacity building based on recommendations of its Regional Rural W&S Program designed with WSP support.

Nicaragua | A�ordable self-cleaning water tank developed and manufactured with local private funds has been tested in 6 municipalities. First phase will enable access to 1,750 rural households.



Nicaragua | One municipality allocated 7% of its budget to o�er more accessible sanitation products at the local market. National government is promoting this scheme in remaining municipalities.

First national certi�cation program for o�cial plumbers designed by WSP in partnership with the Government has been approved.

Peru | National Industries Association, comprised of the most important Peruvian manufacturers companies took the lead in the scaling-up sanitation markets process, it will allow to expand activities from 8 regions to virtually the whole country.


Integrated Urban Water Management

Policy makers learned from innovative cases on

integrated urban water management


SANITATION GOES BEYOND SANITATIONPolicy makers learned from innovative cases on integrated urban water management.

LAC COMMITTED WITH UNIVERSAL SANITATION• 9 Ministers and Viceministers attending

• 22 Countries representatives

INNOVATION & CIVIL SOCIETY PARTICIPATION35 Applicants registered from 8 LAC countries.

3 fully-functional web applications

115 million people without sanitation coverage.

3 countries o� track in sanitation MDG: Bolivia, Haiti, and Nicaragua.

Open defecation is still a common practice in rural areas from 19 countries.

Less than 50% of population connected to the sanitary sewers

6 countries with less than 50% of rural sanitation coverage:

Bolivia, Brazil, Haiti, Nicaragua, Paraguay, and Peru

A Region of Inequalities