Florida ind agent fraud awareness for missing agents

Insurance Fraud Hurts Us All… ...Together We Can Stop It!!



Transcript of Florida ind agent fraud awareness for missing agents

  • 1. Insurance Fraud Hurts Us All
    ...Together We Can Stop It!!

2. Why are U here?
National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) Statistics on Florida for 2009

  • PIP was the most frequent loss type amongst Staged/Caused Accident Questionable Claims

3. Almost 9% of all Questionable Claims listed FLORIDAas the Loss State 4. 85,018 Questionable Claims were submitted to NICB, of those 28,553 were Medical Questionable Claims 5. There were 4,759 were Medical Questionable Claims in FLORIDA (Most in US) 6. Of 28,553 Medical Questionable Claims, 4,802 were referred as Staged/Caused Accidents. 7. There were 776 Staged/Caused Accident QCs where the loss type was listed as PIP 8. 52% increase from 2008 9. 1,446 Staged/Caused Accident Questionable Claims listed FLORIDAas the Loss State (Most in US)