florecer by vena2 art exhibition _english



http://vena2.com/ http://florecer.org/ https://www.facebook.com/unidosporlaalegriadevivir?ref=ts&fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/pages/VENA2/447891288635959?fref=ts

Transcript of florecer by vena2 art exhibition _english

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Title : Consciousness awakening towards harmony

Message: One´s Journey into clarity and conciousness

Therapy: Clarity and Knowledge to awaken and harmonize

Mantra: I am in you, you are in me

Technique: Mixed media, 120 x 120 cm

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Title: Acceptance of divine connection

Message: One´s journey through confidence and understanding

Therapy: Confidence and understan-ding to connect and flow

Mantra: I am the one I am

Technique: Mixed media, 120 x 120 cm

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Title: Evolution towards unity

Message: One´s journey acknowled-ging certainty

Therapy: Certainty and knowledge to evolve in harmony

Mantra: That is the way it is

Technique: Mixed media, 120 x 120 cm

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Title: Redemption conscious movement

Message: One´s journey over confidence and clarity

Therapy: Clarity and confidence to awake and flow

Mantra: That is the way it is

Technique: Mixed media, 120 x 120 cm

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Title: Spiritual attributes that establish a vehicle for the creator creating

Message: Evolutionary process

Therapy: Redemption

Mantra: It´s done

Technique: Mixed media, 120 x 120 cm

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lorecer de VENA2 Floral Pieces are the visual interpretation of Floral Therapy prescriptions. Floral Therapy is based in the healing power of flowers. Ancient civilizations have used Floral Therapy to harmonize emotions that when unbalanced are known to them as cause for physi-cal and mental illness.

Floral Therapy is made from the extract and essence of flowers. In har-mony with space, there is transcendental information, and according to the ancient knowledge, every element in nature has a healing spirit, a medicine. Every flower essence is arrayed to give us its quality, helping us in our spiritual evolutionary process.

To make a Floral prescription you have to know the person that is requesting it. Through an interview information is obtained, and a qua-lified Floral Medicine healer(1) learns the requirements and needs of each person. The healer knows individual flower attributes and deve-lops an specific prescription. Each prescription has a message, a medici-ne. This is why every Floral is unique. Each prescription is specific to the person requesting it.

VENA2 studies the prescriptions and makes an art piece from it, compo-sing a flower´s mandala.

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Mandalas have an effect in emotional, physical and psychological level. It work sending subconscious stimuli into the mind. Mandala´s message pass from vision through brain creating the perfect environment to get the message. Message is processed and the outcome is a positive reac-tion (shifts in attitude, self-esteem recovery, fear distress and emotional release). This is why this art therapy pieces has a double effect when working with them: the benefit of getting the mandala message and the power of flower medicine.

This serie of five pieces is based in the qualities for spirit evolution:

Clarity: One´s ability to sense reality´s configuration; Awakening.

Understanding: One´s ability to discern the system´s use to take ad-vantage of reality; Connecting.

Knowledge: One´s ability to test out existential questions with per-ception senses; Harmonizing.

Confidence: One´s ability develop self recognition trusting the evolu-tionary process; Flowing.

Certainty: Knowledge due to spirit´s reality experience; Evolution, vital joy.

There are six copies of each piece, serially numbered and signed

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Feb 15th - Mar 15th 2013LAMP HARAJUKU GalleryTokyo, Japan

Oct 21st - Nov 8th 2013CC186 GalleryD.F., México


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VENA2 was born in 2002.“There is no other redemption for human-kind that acknowledging its own divinity” This idea underlines the structure of VENA2, a project that sees the creative process as a quest in which the sacred permeates and shapes the profane world, using nature as a medium for communicating with the divine.It was in 2008 that he had his first solo exhibition “Redemption”. In 2009 he was invited to show his work in Japan, an event that marked his career and fuelled his love and passion for Japanese culture. In the same year he also travelled to New York to present his work. In 2011 he had a major exhibition in Casa Luis Barragan, where he presented for the first time the leading concept that has conducted his work ever since: the nature of water and its power to transform. In 2013 he went back to Japan, to display his most recent work: Florecer. A visual interpretation of floral therapy prescriptions into art pieces resulting in floral art.

His passion for decorative arts has lead him to focus his work in architectural spaces, interior design and public art. His work includes building façades, mural interventions, sculptures, large format prints, silkscreen, hand drawings; being the main feature of his work the ver-satility in materials and techniques he displays, always centered in nature as his main concept and source of inspiration.

Luis Alberto Díaz Gordoa A.K.A. VENA2, born in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico, (Oct. 19th, 1979), is an artist. With a photographer father and a therapist / writer mother, he spent his early years amongst sets and de-veloping labs. He started to work as a designer at age 14, and continued this discipline until he finished design school, persuaded by his pa-rents. He has lived in Los Angeles, Tijuana Mexico, and Mexico City, where applied his knowledge as a designer diversifying his cultural ho-rizons and studies in photography, design, and visual arts. In 2007 he won Mexico´s best designer award (Ambientes Magazine) because of his outstanding trajectory and collaborations with commercial brands, fashion designers and musicians.


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His work has been published in Slanted Magazine (Germany), Studio Voice Magazine (Japan), Etapes Magazine (Spain), Latino-Gráfico: Visual culture from Latin America, (Gestalten Germany) and many other mexican publications.He is currently working on a project to achieve peace through artivisim. He is also elaborating projects of art in public spaces and keeps develo-ping Florecer by VENA2 furthermore.

SOLO SHOWS2008, Redemption, Border Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.2009, Desconochido, And A, Tokio / Osaka, Japan. 2011, We are water, Casa Luis Barragan, Mexico City, Mexico.2012, Water we are, Mexico Plaza Hotel, Leon, Mexico / Animals, Mexico City, Mexico / The Restaurant, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.2013, Florecer, Lamp Harajuku, Tokio, Japan.2013, Florecer, CC 186 Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.

COLLECTIVE EXHIBITIONS 2003, Reactive Graphic Show, Forum Laus , Barcelona, Spain.2007 México DF. in Zaragoza, Espacio Eslab, Zaragoza, Spain. 2007, Neon Arch, National University Museum of Science and Art, (MUCA ROMA) Mexico City, Mexico. 2008, LIBR3, Yautepec Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico. 2009, Honesty, Eyelevel BQE, Brooklyn, USA.2012, No Sombrero, Anonymous Gallery, México City, Mexico.2012, The end, Kukulcan Plaza, Cancun, Mexico.

TED TALKS2010 TED X San Miguel de Allende 2011 TED X San Miguel de Allende 2012 TED X Valle de Bravo 2012 TED X School of Visual Arts

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