Flipping - Countrywide · sold on within 12 months. Last year, homes bought and sold again within...

Spring 2016 and the role of micro developers Flipping

Transcript of Flipping - Countrywide · sold on within 12 months. Last year, homes bought and sold again within...

Page 1: Flipping - Countrywide · sold on within 12 months. Last year, homes bought and sold again within 12 months accounted for 3% of all homes sold (and 6% of all transactions) in England

Spring 2016

and the role of micro developers


Page 2: Flipping - Countrywide · sold on within 12 months. Last year, homes bought and sold again within 12 months accounted for 3% of all homes sold (and 6% of all transactions) in England

An introduction to flipping



Flipping homes

Making the figures stack up

The big squeeze





An introduction to flipping

It’s often said that there are four ‘Ds’ which drive someone to sell a house: death, debt, divorce and the need to downsize. For most people therefore, selling a home is a once in a generation event. The average person who sold their home in 2015 had owned it for 15 years.

For a small number of people however, buying and

selling houses is a process they’re very familiar with.

In the early 2000s the practice of ‘flipping’ homes took

off. Typically this means buying, renovating and then

selling on a home, in most cases for a profit. This report

looks at the role of flipping, specifically those homes

bought and sold on in under a year. It looks at where

it’s happening, how the figures stack up and how the

new rates of Stamp Duty might affect micro developers.


Page 3: Flipping - Countrywide · sold on within 12 months. Last year, homes bought and sold again within 12 months accounted for 3% of all homes sold (and 6% of all transactions) in England

Flipping homes Homes sold twice in under a year as a proportion of all properties sold


Buying a home to do up and sell on, is of course, driven by the

underlying desire to make a profit, but there are also big benefits for

the wider housing market. Since the downturn, house building has risen

up the political agenda, increasingly becoming a numbers game.

Parties of all colour have promised to build greater numbers of homes,

but the supply of homes is far more than just about house building.

While big house builders are generally interested in large sites, making

better use of existing homes is just as important. Those people who

buy, refurbish and sell on individual homes also play a big role in

housing delivery by improving the existing housing stock and carrying

out the work needed to bring empty homes back into use. Last year

we estimate that these micro developers refurbished around 30,000

homes, around a fifth of the number delivered by house builders.

In 2015 95% of flipped homes sold though Countrywide were

refurbished and 9 in 10 were sold onto an owner-occupier. Typically

these are homes which are bought by an investor, refurbished and then

sold on within 12 months. Last year, homes bought and sold again

within 12 months accounted for 3% of all homes sold (and 6% of all

transactions) in England and Wales. While this is roughly half the level

of 2003, the year of peak flipping, it still represents an important part

of the market.

4 5

3% of the homes sold in the last 12 months were properties which

had been bought less than a year before, a post-recession high.

This means 6% of all transactions in England and Wales are

generated by people flipping homes.

Kensington and Chelsea 14.2%

Westminster 13.1%

Lambeth 10.8%

City of London 9.8%

Camden 9.8%

Bournemouth 9.7%

Brighton and Hove 9.1%

Brent 9.1%

Hammersmith and Fulham 9.0%

Haringey 8.6%

Kensington and Chelsea 9.6%

Westminster 7.9%

Brent 6.2%

Lambeth 6.1%

Hammersmith and Fulham 5.8%

Camden 5.5%

Hackney 5.5%

Haringey 5.3%

Bolsover 4.3%

Rugby 4.2%

Burnley 16.6%

Pendle 11.6%

Kensington and Chelsea 11.5%

Hartlepool 10.0%

Brent 9.8%

Newham 9.3%

Kingston upon Hull 9.1%

Brighton and Hove 8.9%

Middlesbrough 8.8%

Westminster 8.8%

Kensington and Chelsea 9.4%

Westminster 8.7%

Lambeth 8.2%

Camden 7.5%

Brent 7.0%

Hammersmith and Fulham 6.7%

Haringey 6.7%

Brighton and Hove 6.1%

Burnley 5.3%

Hackney 5.3%

The Countrywide viewThe issue of how to increase the number

of people who own their home has been

steadily creeping up the government’s

agenda. Until the Chancellor’s Autumn

Statement in 2015, attempts to grow

homeownership had generally manifested

themselves in the form of incentive

schemes which helped those who might

otherwise not have been able to buy

a home of their own.

The Autumn Statement went one step

further however. For the first time ever

a buyer who only owns one home will be

treated differently to someone who owns

two, with the aim of tipping the balance

away from ‘landlords’ towards homeowners.

While the aim of raising homeownership

rates is laudable, understanding the role

different buyers play in the market is

fundamental to making good housing

policy. The terms ‘landlord’ and ‘investor’

are often used interchangeably, while in

reality many investors aren’t landlords at all.

Last year 65% of the homes bought by

a landlord and 75% of those bought by

an investor, were not subject to another

offer. Small investors, and in many cases

landlords, often buy homes that aren’t

attractive to first time buyers or owner

occupiers. Sometimes this is due to a

lack of demand but in others cases it’s

because of the work required to bring

them up to a better standard.

Increasing the amount of Stamp Duty

payable by everyone who owns more than

one home will help some first time buyers,

but at the same time, the housing market

is a complicated ecosystem. With at least

two million homes changing tenure over the

last decade, there is a danger that the

Chancellor’s broad brush approach will

deter those who play a vital, and often

overlooked role, in improving housing stock.

Homes sold twice in under a year as a proportion of all properties sold






























LondonEngland & Wales Source: Countrywide Research & Land Registry

Source: Countrywide Research & Land Registry





More than 5%

4% to 5%

3% to 4%

2% to 3%

Less than 2%

London Boroughs

How to make better use of the homeswe already have

Page 4: Flipping - Countrywide · sold on within 12 months. Last year, homes bought and sold again within 12 months accounted for 3% of all homes sold (and 6% of all transactions) in England

Making the figures stack up The big squeeze

Buying a home to refurbish and quickly sell on is a skill and requires

a lot of work, time and money. Like house builders though, people who

flip homes aim to turn a profit. Knowing the local housing market inside

out and understanding what does or does not add value is fundamental

to flipping a property. Last year £4.8 billion worth of homes were flipped

across England and Wales, up from £2.8 billion in 2010, with homes

flipped in virtually every market. Both Kensington and Chelsea (average

price £1.3 million) and Burnley (average price £65,000) regularly top the

league table for the numbers of homes bought and sold within a year.

But a flipped home in Central London tends to look rather different

to one in North Manchester.

With such vast disparities in the price of flipped homes across the country,

investors tend to operate differently. In London and much of the South

East, investors have targeted the bottom end of local markets, buying

low and selling high. In these two regions the average flipped home was

purchased for 20% below the local authority average before being sold for

25% above. Head north and the story is rather different. In Burnley,

the flipping capital of the North, flippers buy homes for 5% above the local

average and sell them on for 30% more. Targeting different parts of the

market across the country is indicative of where investors believe there’s

most likely to be someone willing to pay for a newly refurbished home.

In 2015 the average flipped home was sold for £251,000, a hefty

37% more than it was bought for. Given the Land Registry puts the rise

in value of the average house in the last year at 5.6%, the vast majority

of the increase comes from value added by the investor.

Under 1% of flipped homes rose in value by the Local Authority average

or less. In cash terms the 37% increase in value equates to an average of

£55,000, a figure which ranges from £13,000 in Wales to £100,000 in

London. These figures are before any costs are taken into account. Given

this big disparity, the scope and scale of work which can be carried out

in different markets across the country varies hugely.

Anyone buying a second home after April 2016 will face a rate of Stamp

Duty three percentage points higher than existing levels. Both landlords

and second homeowners, groups of people who buy and sell homes about

as often as owner occupiers, will undoubtedly feel the effect of higher rates

of Stamp Duty. But for those who buy and sell homes on a regular basis,

it seems likely that the impact of new rates of Stamp Duty will be profound.

Today someone flipping a home pays an average Stamp Duty bill

of £4,200, with 40% of purchases under the £125,000 mark and

attracting no Stamp Duty at all. In the cheapest parts of Northern

England, the average bill was just £15, with the majority paying nothing.

At the other end of the country, flipped homes in Westminster attracted

a Stamp Duty bill of £45,000 and £43,000 in Kensington and Chelsea.

The impact of high rates of Stamp Duty for those looking to buy, do up

and sell a home will be keenly felt. The average bill will rise from £4,200

to £10,500 which in many cases will make the renovation and resale of

homes by small investors unviable. Its impact will be felt most strongly in

‘middle England’, places where prices are close to or slightly above the

national average. In places like Horsham, Herefordshire and Hambleton

the increased Stamp Duty bill will account for over a third of the difference

between the purchase and sale price. Beyond this level, and once other

costs are taken into account, at current prices it’s likely to make buying,

doing up and selling a home unviable.

The new Stamp Duty level will also mean that someone purchasing

a home to renovate and sell on in many of the cheapest parts of the

country, currently will have to pay for the first time. While having to pay

Stamp Duty is likely to be a psychological barrier to some investors,

in cash terms it’s unlikely to be at a sufficient level to make the flip unviable.

Equally at the other end of the scale, our modelling suggests that the

bigger Stamp Duty bill can be absorbed into the margins of those flipping

the most expensive homes in London and the South East.

With the aim of increasing rates of homeownership, the new rates of Stamp

Duty are likely to squeeze the number of homes bought by landlords. There

is, however, a small army of small investors who are neither landlords nor

second homeowners who will feel the full force of this policy. Those micro

developers who buy, do up and then sell homes, often to first time buyers

willing to pay a premium for a refurbished home, have dwindled in number

as transaction costs have spiralled. Today the cash cost of Stamp Duty

is twice what it was in 2003 in real terms, the year when flipping reached

its peak. Increasing the Stamp Duty burden further for those very small

developers will do very little to increase rates of homeownership with less

supply coming to market. In places where margins are tightest, hiking the rate

of Stamp Duty has the potential to substantially slow down the rate at which

housing stock is improved.


The ability of an investor to flip a home

at a profit generally depends on a few

factors coming together at the same

time. Not only does it rest on finding

the right home with the potential to add

some value, but it also comes down

to the state of the housing market at

the time. While flippers can and do

make money during downturns, they

generally concentrate their efforts

at times and in places where they

believe prices are rising. While in 2015

flipping was predominantly a South

of England phenomenon, in the years

preceding the last downturn when

northern house prices were booming,

the north was home to most of the

flipping hotspots. For someone looking

to buy and sell within a relatively short

space of time, finding a buyer and

achieving a sale tends to be quicker

and easier when prices are going up

than when they’re not.

A new tax on ‘middle England’Places where new Stamp Duty rates

will account for over a third of the

difference between the purchase

and sale price.

Cash and percentage difference between purchase and sale price

Different markets mean different tactics A question of unintended consequences?

2015£4.8 billion

The total value of flipped houses across England and Wales

2010£2.8 billion

The total value of flipped houses across England and Wales




4 5

8 910











1 The Lake District2 Yorkshire Dales3 Cheshire East4 Pembrokeshire & Carmarthenshire5 Herefordshire & Malvern Hills6 Warwick7 East & South Cambridgeshire8 Monmouthshire9 Forest of Dean & Stroud

10 Cheltenham11 West Oxfordshire & Cherwell12 Welwyn & Hatfield13 Three Rivers14 Havering15 Mendip16 East Hampshire & Chichester17 Tandridge & Sevenoaks18 Cornwall, Devon & Somerset19 Fareham20 Lewes21 Isle of Wight





















0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%





















Source: Countrywide Research & Land Registry Source: Countrywide Research & Land Registry

Source: Countrywide Research & Land Registry


Page 5: Flipping - Countrywide · sold on within 12 months. Last year, homes bought and sold again within 12 months accounted for 3% of all homes sold (and 6% of all transactions) in England


Johnny Morris

Research Director

[email protected]

David Fell Research Analyst

[email protected]