Fleve Places Count NP t v v u In Tonio~nrrovv's Dual I E VVI'th...

-·I- I - I -- I II I I - I I -T -C C - I - C. I I - I II -- I IL IC I I I - -- II - I- I - ---- I I Five Cents G. L. BATEMAN '25 RESULTS OF CLASS ELECTIONS Sen~ior Questionnaires Al11 rlembei, nf the Senior Week Commnittcee are i , -lested to report ~,t the' Tnformation oLffice. Roorn 10- 100 today and receive their quota of (I'lestionnaires for distribution. Each memnber has a packet of question- "ai-,es reserved for hint bearing h7is "anle and the name of the Seniors ]le is to supply. I -L -- -- --- --- I~~~~~~~~. I I I I I i I i I,. 1 I I I I I I I L least five nicia in every event. Expect to Split Even On First Place 14onors III tire scorill", for flrztt places alone Coach Co,,-.nor's sqtiad should he on ap- 1)rox!niately c(limil terin, will the tors, 1"'Ith wills 'I, at ]exist six or 1)o,-,- sil)j.v ,(.Cecil Of t1lQ fiilteell coilte,.ts. 1""It Nvhvii tile total scores are Mchided. di- vidl--'g, flIC fiftetll lloml-; for each tire Crimson will imdo-,lhttAlv be foll-ml to 'l-ossess flie lioll's Chile. Under 11,L) C'moill-,"ances WO-Lild tile 111tilliate ollt- Colm, of tile nit:et he ill doll'ot, but tile chaiipc in the scoring ineans that the Harvard margiii of -Factory will be that imich greater. Although the result may he a fore- goiie coiichi-iwi this I)y no nicans im- flie ability of tile Visilors to walk. -diod. o-"er ille Ionic oi.,tfit or evoi i o w:ii There will be a ,Merrill Ili evtcry eveiit and Ili more than me it's a safe project that a cardinal ;illd -MN , Jersey WI hrea' lape m!" if th crimson avalanche is hot on his Ileck, Captain Ambach Filed Eminoms lflodgt2tt iI tile hurdles, Chink Drcw ill ,lie haminer. 1-lo-Nic in tile century, jepj)e Ili thv 220, 440, or both, and 'Major Saii- for(l ill the pole vavlt are Stated to ta-x their I-Jarvard rival; to th-_- linilt. (C01111rined oil Page 3) TECHNOLOGY TO HOLD PRIZE SONG CONTEST Two Hundred Dollars to Be Given For Best Alma Mater Song Fir tire third tinic Tecb-nology will hold a coiitest for a prize Alina 'Mater S(ng, (Opening this month. 'life first of tliee contests vvas Held in 1922, and A. E. I-latch '91 was awarded the $200 PI'IZe lor the best song. Professor G. 1 Russell '00 of the Civil Engineering Department Nvon the prize last year. Af- tcr tile contest this -Vear there will be olle more competition, and a silver lo-ving I c"11) will then he awarded to the author of thC I)est of the four songs. life prize competition is open to both students and Alumni. Its purpose is to oi)talll a Song to replace tire Stein Song w1fli one that will have some direct I rt:ierence to the Institute. It is not neces- to submit both words and music, 14,r words alone will be accepted and U-idered for the prize. Maniiscripts sho-uld be submitted bv n1lillbe-, 10 tile Secretarv of the Tech- -6,g- Prize Song Corninittec, roonn 9- 28;, I)efore October 15, 1924. They S!"(1111d be Signed with a number, and all ellvelope should accompany each %with tile ilame of the contestant-inside and ;I lumber oil the outside Corresponding t- the number Signed to the song. New Nlen .4-ppointed A. S 1, .- kti~i-l ' lctor 01 t O i~i ui~:r~r· ;! (Iivli;·i01on; of 1"ble sllld\-. W';. jom_,s '27). director oi Socli dr-i c ~oirolini Ilp\- Workc. sociatl ami. aiit·:~d Foreigii Sttdei-,ts J. A. liox- '21 'L , t it deilit Service. Coiltrollilla 1-Zoo- m grir? ai,,d Boc~k 'EscrI-anc;( T. Ii. lo\Ce '25 Freshinm ' -Service, cc,:tro~irl~ Fressm-,ai Advisors aiid Frerlihmaii Council, Scott Hilierson '25. 7iiiormataion colntrolling th(: di'visons of hi o-m-naiion, Piiblicit%., and Blototer-, R L,. 'Holt '24, Uiadterg-~raduate Employ-- S!~it . T. I-iellm~an '24, Handbook. TI-le d(,mirtiient (I'rectors -,%-ill select the~ 1-cad-, of e lviirt lhc tci .·I itS 111"etliliy, 1-IC ise clvi- en-e n! ali~;c -:o vo-e~d that polrits allottc- d lo oi!,cer~ of t~m: 1'. C. A. mnder ihe P,--:11t S;.·rste s-ll be as pr 't-me-m;!~ n dirco i di-vision man- Result of Action in M'arch The~c c,-tlliiHre is red."Cedr in member-b c -ii;!1) ir~om 2,1 to 12, flitis iiiicreasiig t he· L~i~l2;::i::eight dep'? I rtinnllem? di- recc~o;rs ;md -,Ie ex,,cwzi\·e officcrz C0111- r~:ite T!:e calblic~t. The lpr-r!·; dlirctr!-; AN-111 selcct 011C of TJ1hejr III.."11 h~er -o, sit -w\·thl the cxeciutive officers 'rlhc new\ Collstit~fj oitio-I ratf e I ill cr ef:t ?it~~c ~snlni nc the PLANS~~ FOR~ RUNKLH~E'S DANCEE ARE: ABANDONEDEF Plaiiz T·-,r :lier darice whfich the menn of Rlm:ikle Flall, lead scheduled ior to- Moi'ro"V lig ]lnC: ave been aballdonct e Th~e dlaiice Nvoiuid hav\e bvenl the f~irs'. 0i I-,s 1,;,,id Qvcr atteinllted by suchi all ~,rc!r~ir culce nccIIne C i tile dormi-j T01,;C !a -, ;.t had ;ill," (II: ial activiitie' diiitii-xt from the dormitories as a ,, !IC, !C 1925 President .McDowetll, 70 1926 President Biaiichi, 9?3 H-eadl, 162 Forrester, Tr., 68 Lardii,, 54 'Vice President Faith-ru!, 6~4 Greer, 186 Secretary (701t, '78 Gleason, 48 Doo~liltle. 42 K~night, 75 Freiich, Tr,, 112 Richmond, 21 Treasurer Farr, 65 Wtalker, 131 Richardsoii, 6S W~hiting, 104 Executive Comm~nittee Cramtoii. 65 Poore, 631 Ciinminiiis, 1023 Rogers, 63 Elmendor, 65 Sanford, 88 Katifniaii 83 Smith, 67 Mancha, I 1,-4 institute Committee Paylor, 85 Svmonds, ,52 jolles. 59 %Texler, 31 M~agnus, ,59 W~alch, Jr., 98 Sh~epard, 279 W-lalworth, 7i5 1927 President .Colc. 73 -kiniqonn 32 Levinson, 33 1 B-artlett. 47 1',irci, 35= hdrew Bateman, 207 Ha 11I, 79 Mjake. 34 Vice President Dav·ier, 82 Smill. 60! jpckson, Jr., 40 We, 1 Secretary Clienev. 62 Kzdeq., 67 Eaton, 91 L\·les. 67 Treasurer Coburii, 40 T-,igart. 26 Haricock. 44 Wird, 26 Harris, 107 1"I"Illltitt, 43 Executive Committee Cred~e!i, 92 we.6 Daviecz. 77 ' elden, 42 Heealv. 40 SCmitli, 76 Hofrnal. 141 'U'llibeifialcer Institute Committee Balier, Jir.. 97 Gentrv·. 30 Bigelo-v, 46 Jenkins, 42 Cooper, 75 M~cCanne,, 61 Dodge, 47 Xvlesk-er, 31 Dvckr, Jr., 34 Roth, 26 F~islier, 26 Ste~vens. 60 Vice President Boardlman, 136 Latiria, 122 Lvon,;, So' Secretary C'ampbell, 184 N~lial,,brtorl, 145 Treasurer Ashw~orth,1 128 Humph~rey, 93 Lu~mbard, 133 Executive Cor-mittee Cole, Jr., 219 Emerson, 90 Fletch~er, 109) Have·s, 59) Himnsteiner, 66 Northrop-, 108 51 Institute Commrittee Bainbridge, 88 Bryant, 20 Caine, 98 Daybert, 51 Greer, 103 Jeppe, 59 Johnston,, 106 Mclildoe,wiithdre w~ Sijmondsc, 34 Tryon, 90 A RPecord of Continauous Newls Service for 43 YJears Of f icial Undergraduate News Organ of Technaology Vol. XLIVV No. 22 CAMBRIDGE, MASS., FRIDAY, M~AY 9, 1924 T.C.A. AP]POINTS CABIINET UNDIER REVIS[~ED RULES~I Revision of Organization Has Redufrced Cabinret to Twelve MembersBer POIN~T SY6STEM IS REVISED Department Directors Selectedt B~y IPresident to Elect Subordinrates AT a :Cf!:~ I:? `7CI:\· `;1 4-,fi~ ~i!It T. C. A. ht!'d~~cdlt<l~\ I:~~· D I- :0 ccl.r C nex D. E. ',-eck '2, Prl.-.,i;dt'nt ol li A-ioci a-Lvlii, Iii (1k: r !it: ,-c~iio 1 , file- , 11(- rcvc~~ Fleve Places Count In Tonio~nrrovv's Dual NWeet VVI'th Fa8arvard Crimson Favorite In Annual Trackr Battle-Both Teams Enter Large Squads-Coach Connor Has Several Record Breakers WVith five ])laces count'il- ill tile scorill. of eacil eve,'It·hc Caitptain Russ Anaba~cch leatls" tiic Eli~illee traick aiiti field i men arwa nst the Crirnson invaders on~ Tech Fiecld tomnorrc)Av afternoon~i tile 'aliltal. dItal m~eet b~etw-ceen ancienit rivals will take on the ap- pearance of an inec~lg ne championslilp ~fromi tile 1?Ptll) rfC inen. en-aged. Coach Connor is I-iustering the fill] strengtrh of the cardinal andi gray squad to match the Harva~rd forces. blit tile clian-re froni the nornial three places scoring · i operate agai'lst the Tech~nolo-v chances due to the University's superior t\ 'n 1 r1irtI and fourth string prerformers, all of Nv om -l nde iur r Im Th. 7 TN 7% n ^ 7n 15 NP t v v u E V% III - " ATTR AT n A K v I K VUS 14 KA E ^ 1% rnn V% UK FA V t VICE PRESIDENTS TO BE. BOARDMAN GREER AND WIEBE even Who Held Presidency Before Receive Large Votes For Offic,,- REFERENDUM IS ACCEPTED G. L. Datciilaii wa! re-clected presi- (1iit o; tile Cla,,s of 1(2; bv in over- 11(1111"lig illajoritv at Wedne-sdavs ,Fact oll" his ncai-et conii)etitor re- 111.i IMI'Clv onc th'r(I of l"ateinan's 1'. NV Ileaki. al-() had a large ill N".immig tht- Sophomore presi- blit P . 1. Cok- rt:cc'vvd but a plurality ovcr i'LIC(ild 1927 (!;datc. A0 the sticce.-ful can(lidates have zlct:'."tls 1'eC0r(L_. %\'ZLS cap- t;iin of his fit2ld dav rela\- teani ii-L both ]its fir(:,hmail -wd Sonhoniore ,-car, and aS Iwell oil tile ti-ack walli. ior tile past tv.-o years captaininq the inile relay ;qtia(f last winter. He has served oil tile Institute coillillittee :'Ilce hC first .eachcd Tcclinolog ong II's Other activit'es fie has been oil the Tech \Ight Rcvision Committee and oil the Conlillittee of the filstitute coillilliftee. Boardman Elected Head is a inusical chih't, man and is a member of the Dance Orclicstra and ziic (ilee Clio). He treasurer of cl2ss (1111-ing Ills fre-'111nal, d i, rciiriil4 from the Tnstitute Coillillit- .t:e. He is a unenilwr 0 tile -off team. elect of tile tealn. 111ciliber Cole, the of 1"c2lVer'. n,,x fre-shman leader, raii oil the field dav relaN' tealli last iall. (7. M. Boardman, vice-president; D. R. Campbell, secretary; \Carrier Lum- bnr(l, treasurer; Atitin Cole Jr., and G. 1'. Fletcher, execut'Ve committee. and F. AV. Greer and E. S. Johnston, hist;tilte Committee; -were file other Mcilibers of the Om,; of 192i -,vlio were elected. (Continued on Page 4) ANNUALRADIOBANQUET TO BE HELD NEXT WEEK Program Includes Code Contest Stunts and Movies R'adio a inateurs of Will gather h '!"e Saturdav. Mav 17, for the annual banquet and coilvention. held bv -lie M. 1. '17. Radio Soc'ezv. 'File ])an- z' (1110. which i's beill", hc](I tells %-car in conjunction with the C-oillillonwealth Rad:c As.;,oclatlon, will be -In nortl-i hall, a - 6:30 o'clock. 'Joe ToVe, of the "Doston Traveler" "I Iff, will be toastma-tt:r, and the !JCLk(!rs will be men prominent in ania- radio circles of In- vilations ]leave been se-ilt to sevcrallnell lo speak- at the ball(Illet, but tile final is not I-et complete. ill addition to tile Speeches there will he a code speed contest. harder the di- tection of T. E. Nvorld's chani- T);on code receiver, al'o a Cnillrictit"On. ior the best stunt aild. moving picture. Prizes evil] consist of rLdio apparatus. Tickets for the banquet are now on sale. and may be 01-1thined front the offilcers of either of the societies, 0- bv niail. er' ;.hr),ulcl be ad- dressed to the M. T. T. R-iflio Society, Box 160. The price -, $2 CALENDAR Friday, May 9 6:0&--Class of, 1905 dinner, Faculty dining 8., ran, JC_ Catholic Club dance. main hall. Saturday, May 10 3:00--Walker Memorial Conitnittee tea dance. 9:00-1-lexalpba dance, north hall. Tuesday, May 13 6:30-Class of 1909 dinner, f.1CL1ltV dining room. Wednesday, May I 4 6:W-M.I.T.A.A. banQuet, main hall. Thursday, May IS S:00-scabhard and Blade military ball, main Tell 1 5-3C-R'adir Society banquet, north hal l.audyM y 1 EMPLOYERR GIVES TODBAY'S LECTURE First of Series of Ada'resses on Labor Problem Will Be O~pen to All, Todav;\ tthe elliplovcfs' zifl(· of ;hc· prec,,ciitcd hy Howel\-.tel Chenelt··. -, a a5)~t 3 o,'clock. Th', hei~ Iler!e Pilot 01 It "crie's of tllrt'C cctur eS gie,7 ;O rf!c,(- the \arioucu arsprct-, of tinc labor -lie c1;1qs of 18(2. st-l--d,, ,d W:Tl tll-_ Na- t'oi-atl Child l.ab~or Conini-ssion a;t -lie e vvhel~n thec passing of a1 Child La--n bocr a~ct -%va- beforre 1oi-1?-. c! I, a aIo ,cc· been a dirtctor of both the X- a tiona);l AS:Oiofjclallcn oi i~tti~i:. andit tlice I;ai ollal Clfiamber~ of t-;1· Tlif~.'~~ Socictv 'or flc, pl-c'niot'0t of Indu~uzlrlal Edlucation and A;he nleri_ ccan Arcadci~iiv· of Po~litica~l alltI Sc-ci al Scie~nce are 01c ih1ti1CTrLrl·iza tiong of wlilch he( is a niclmller. Tn "'(1dli~ion to it1tl=u·irv ~tdncatii n has~ I-le obtainedec an 1 M. A. dqpru~rte from Ya';!e ;n 11)0( midt is now a mlcniber of the Yaltl- Corporation alld pr;::deltial colli- I'littee. liec is also a tri-it~e of Nlouil- Holv(,-e Co~cllegerr andi a mennb!lcr of tile Coil necticut State B~oardl of E-dication. All iiiewblt~rs of ill( sluden~t blodv a-e :nviled io ;their(] the lec-u~re toda\- but the membe~crs of the Tilimior. son!ho!nore, ;tit f] Tresliman Cla,;qes are %Vpt1:o~~i imilil 3 r)'clock b~efore ent(,ring flic lec- ,ire h~all. METRIC DEBATE OE FF At the request of tlhe Uiniversity- of Nc,-, York teanm the debate b etweenec that organizatfion and flic Technologi, teall) list been postpom-d Hil~l next I Thursda-v. The deb~atc on~ tie 'Metric SN\.Stell wats to avt Iakc-ri placc yesier- day b Iut wans calllcd off a-t ihe Lis, ilin- I"t e. CHEMICAHCL SOCIETYY ELECTSOFFICERS R~esuits Anm~ouncedd at Smaoker- Milne Is Choser. for Presidente Thcctdore Eric~e'L -. vp;s electeduc~i .1 of 1Ic I C" Pc:l S~ii` t tll( -itZt 51 Cke l:-IIb- The FoietV-. Thi;c C-hc~r cc]-a'l- ulcctedl are~: Vice- -;~ccifcl:. ? 1.I-. F-lerson~o: '26: Sec '2~ T h -, F emc -.· li CCerv ior theC co::i ing yecar. A-ttt -he ; · rlit- d lat niplit he zic SC) \·iz·...' l c::,· a,1· his snliect "T!i- G-M-rl; Arc-a1·idi? c';'yrsi~e7:,, i'll 0z V.' Z··:; i F7 on. \ ic·"·;l·I;, i~ T. "I P, k r o f h e;;Ile ;7 ll -~·ci~~-.I, Cn ' f Elic, o~rl n'v ii!: n

Transcript of Fleve Places Count NP t v v u In Tonio~nrrovv's Dual I E VVI'th...

Page 1: Fleve Places Count NP t v v u In Tonio~nrrovv's Dual I E VVI'th …tech.mit.edu/V44/PDF/V44-N22.pdf · Commnittcee are i , -lested to report ~,t the' Tnformation oLffice. Roorn 10-100

-·I- I - I - - I II I I - I I� �-T -C C - I - C. I I - I II -- I IL IC I � I I - -- II - I- I - ---- I


Five Cents



Sen~ior QuestionnairesAl11 rlembei, nf the Senior Week

Commnittcee are i , -lested to report~,t the' Tnformation oLffice. Roorn 10-100 today and receive their quota of(I'lestionnaires for distribution. Eachmemnber has a packet of question-"ai-,es reserved for hint bearing h7is"anle and the name of the Seniors]le is to supply.

I -L-- -- --- --- I~~~~~~~~.

















least five nicia in every event.

Expect to Split EvenOn First Place 14onors

III tire scorill", for flrztt places aloneCoach Co,,-.nor's sqtiad should he on ap-1)rox!niately c(limil terin�, will thetors, 1"'Ith wills 'I, at ]exist six or 1)o,-,-sil)j.v ,(.Cecil Of t1lQ fiilteell coilte,.�ts. 1""ItNvhvii tile total scores are Mchided. di-vidl--'g, flIC fiftet�ll lloml-; for eachtire Crimson will imdo-,lhttAlv be foll-mlto 'l-ossess flie lioll's Chile. Under 11,L)

C'moill-,"ances WO-Lild tile 111tilliate ollt-Colm, of tile nit:et he ill doll'ot, but tilechaiipc in the scoring ineans that theHarvard margiii of -Factory will be thatimich greater.

Although the result may he a fore-goiie coiichi-iwi this I)y no nicans im-

flie ability of tile Visilors to walk.-diod. o-"er ille Ionic oi.,tfit or

evoi i o w:ii There will be a,Merrill Ili evtcry eveiit and Ili more thanme it's a safe project that a cardinal;illd -MN , Jersey WI hrea' lape m!"if th crimson avalanche is hot on hisIleck, Captain Ambach Filed Eminomslflodgt2tt iI tile hurdles, Chink Drcw ill,lie haminer. 1-lo-Nic in tile century, jepj)eIli thv 220, 440, or both, and 'Major Saii-for(l ill the pole vavlt are Stated to ta-xtheir I-Jarvard rival; to th-_- linilt.

(C01111rined oil Page 3)



Two Hundred Dollars to Be Given

For Best Alma Mater Song

Fir tire third tinic Tecb-nology willhold a coiitest for a prize Alina 'MaterS(ng, (Opening this month. 'life first oftlie�e contests vvas Held in 1922, and A.E. I-latch '91 was awarded the $200PI'IZe lor the best song. Professor G. 1

Russell '00 of the Civil EngineeringDepartment Nvon the prize last year. Af-tcr tile contest this -Vear there will beolle more competition, and a silver lo-ving Ic"11) will then he awarded to the authorof thC I)est of the four songs.

life prize competition is open to bothstudents and Alumni. Its purpose is tooi)talll a Song to replace tire Stein Songw1fli one that will have some direct Irt:ierence to the Institute. It is not neces-

to submit both words and music,14,r words alone will be accepted andU-idered for the prize.

Maniiscripts sho-uld be submitted bvn1lillbe-, 10 tile Secretarv of the Tech--6,g�- Prize Song Corninittec, roonn 9-28;, I)efore October 15, 1924. TheyS!"(1111d be Signed with a number, andall ellvelope should accompany each %withtile ilame of the contestant-inside and;I lumber oil the outside Correspondingt- the number Signed to the song.

New Nlen .4-ppointed

A. S 1, .-kti~i-l ' lctor 01 t O i~i

ui~:r~r· ;! (Iivli;·i01on; of 1"ble sllld\-.

W';. jom_,s '27). director oi Socli dr-i c~oirolini Ilp\- Workc. sociatl ami.

aiit·:~d Foreigii Sttdei-,ts J. A. liox-'21 'L , t it deilit Service. Coiltrollilla

1-Zoo- m grir? ai,,d Boc~k 'EscrI-anc;(T. Ii. lo\Ce '25 Freshinm ' -Service,

cc,:tro~irl~ Fressm-,ai Advisors aiidFrerlihmaii Council, Scott Hilierson '25.7iiiormataion colntrolling th(: di'visons ofhi o-m-naiion, Piiblicit%., and Blototer-, RL,. 'Holt '24, Uiadterg-~raduate Employ--

S!~it . T. I-iellm~an '24, Handbook.TI-le d(,mirtiient (I'rectors -,%-ill select the~1-cad-, of e lviirt lhc tci

.·I itS 111"etliliy, 1-IC ise clvi- en-e n!ali~;c -:o vo-e~d that polrits allottc- d lo

oi!,cer~ of t~m: 1'. C. A. mnder iheP,--:11t S;.·rste s-ll be as pr

't-me-m;!~ n dirco i di-vision man-

Result of Action in M'archThe~c c,-tlliiHre is red."Cedr in member-b c

-ii;!1) ir~om 2,1 to 12, flitis iiiicreasiig t he·

L~i~l2;::i::eight dep'? I rtinnllem? di-recc~o;rs ;md -,Ie ex,,cwzi\·e officcrz C0111-

r~:ite T!:e calblic~t. The lpr-r!·;dlirctr!-; AN-111 selcct 011C of TJ1hejr III.."11h~er -o, sit -w\·thl the cxeciutive officers

'rlhc new\ Collstit~fj oitio-I ratf e I ill

cr ef:t ?it~~c ~snlni nc the


Plaiiz T·-,r :lier darice whfich the mennof Rlm:ikle Flall, lead scheduled ior to-Moi'ro"V lig ]lnC: ave been aballdonct eTh~e dlaiice Nvoiuid hav\e bvenl the f~irs'.0i I-,s 1,;,,id Qvcr atteinllted by suchi all

~,rc!r~ir culce nccIIne C i tile dormi-jT01,;C !a -, ;.t had ;ill," (II: ial activiitie'diiitii-xt from the dormitories as a,, !I C, !C



.McDowetll, 70


Biaiichi, 9?3 H-eadl, 162Forrester, Tr., 68 Lardii,, 54

'Vice PresidentFaith-ru!, 6~4 Greer, 186

Secretary(701t, '78 Gleason, 48Doo~liltle. 42 K~night, 75Freiich, Tr,, 112 Richmond, 21

TreasurerFarr, 65 Wtalker, 131Richardsoii, 6S W~hiting, 104

Executive Comm~nitteeCramtoii. 65 Poore, 631Ciinminiiis, 1023 Rogers, 63Elmendor, 65 Sanford, 88Katifniaii 83 Smith, 67Mancha, I 1,-4

institute CommitteePaylor, 85 Svmonds, ,52jolles. 59 %Texler, 31M~agnus, ,59 W~alch, Jr., 98Sh~epard, 279 W-lalworth, 7i5


.Colc. 73-kiniqonn 32Levinson, 33 1

B-artlett. 471',irci, 35=


Bateman, 207Ha 11I, 79

Mjake. 34

Vice PresidentDav·ier, 82 Smill. 60!jpckson, Jr., 40 We, 1

SecretaryClienev. 62 Kzdeq., 67Eaton, 91 L\·les. 67

TreasurerCoburii, 40 T-,igart. 26Haricock. 44 Wird, 26Harris, 107 1"I"Illltitt, 43

Executive CommitteeCred~e!i, 92 we.6Daviecz. 77 ' elden, 42Heealv. 40 SCmitli, 76Hofrnal. 141 'U'llibeifialcer

Institute CommitteeBalier, Jir.. 97 Gentrv·. 30Bigelo-v, 46 Jenkins, 42Cooper, 75 M~cCanne,, 61Dodge, 47 Xvlesk-er, 31Dvckr, Jr., 34 Roth, 26F~islier, 26 Ste~vens. 60

Vice PresidentBoardlman, 136Latiria, 122

Lvon,;, So'

SecretaryC'ampbell, 184 N~lial,,brtorl, 145


Ashw~orth,1 128Humph~rey, 93

Lu~mbard, 133

Executive Cor-mittee

Cole, Jr., 219Emerson, 90Fletch~er, 109)

Have·s, 59)Himnsteiner, 66Northrop-, 108 51

Institute Commrittee

Bainbridge, 88Bryant, 20Caine, 98Daybert, 51Greer, 103

Jeppe, 59Johnston,, 106Mclildoe,wiithdre w~Sijmondsc, 34Tryon, 90

A RPecord of

Continauous Newls Servicefor 43 YJears

Of f icial

Undergraduate News Organ

of Technaology




Revision of Organization HasRedufrced Cabinret to

Twelve MembersBer


Department Directors SelectedtB~y IPresident to Elect


AT a :Cf!:~ I:? `7CI:\· `;14-,fi~ ~i!It T. C. A. ht!'d~~cdlt<l~\

I:~~· D I- :0 ccl.r C nexD. E. ',-eck '2, Prl.-.,i;dt'nt ol li

A-ioci a-Lvlii, Iii (1k: r !it: ,-c~iio 1 ,

file- , 11(- rcvc~~

Fleve Places CountIn Tonio~nrrovv's Dual

NWeet VVI'th Fa8arvardCrimson Favorite In Annual Trackr Battle-Both

Teams Enter Large Squads-Coach ConnorHas Several Record Breakers

WVith five ])laces count'il- ill tile scorill. of eacil eve,'It·hcCaitptain Russ Anaba~cch leatls" tiic Eli~illee traick aiiti field i menarwa nst the Crirnson invaders on~ Tech Fiecld tomnorrc)Av afternoon~itile 'aliltal. dItal m~eet b~etw-ceen ancienit rivals will take on the ap-pearance of an inec~lg ne championslilp ~fromi tile 1?Ptll) rfCinen. en-aged. Coach Connor is I-iustering the fill] strengtrh of thecardinal andi gray squad to match the Harva~rd forces. blit tileclian-re froni the nornial three places scoring ·i operate agai'lstthe Tech~nolo-v chances due to the University's superior t\ 'n 1 r1irtIand fourth string prerformers, all of Nv om -l nde iur r

Im Th. 7 TN 7% n ^ 7n

15 NP t v v u EV% III - " ATTR AT n A

K v I K VUS 14 KA E^ 1% rnn V%UK FA V t


even Who Held Presidency BeforeReceive Large Votes

For Offic,,-


G. L. Datciilaii wa�! re-clected presi-(1�iit o; tile Cla,,s of 1(2; bv in over-

11(1111"lig illajoritv at Wedne-sdavs,Fact oll�" his ncai-et conii)etitor re-

111.i� IMI'Clv onc th'r(I of l"ateinan's1'. NV Ileaki. al-() had a large

ill N".immig tht- � Sophomore presi-blit P . 1. Cok- rt:cc'vvd but aplurality ovcr i'LIC(ild 1927

(!;datc.A0 the sticce.-ful can(lidates have

zlct:'."tl�s 1'eC0r(L_. %\'ZLS cap-t;iin of his fit2ld dav rela\- teani ii-L both]its fir(:�,hmail -wd Sonhoniore ,-car, and

aS Iwell oil tile ti-ack walli. ior tile pasttv.-o years captaininq the inile relay�;qtia(f last winter. He has served oiltile Institute coillillittee :�'Ilce hC first.eachcd Tcclinolog� ong II's Otheractivit'es fie has been oil the Tech�\Ight Rcvision Committee and oil the

Conlillittee of the filstitute

coillilliftee.Boardman Elected

Head is a inusical chih't, man and isa member of the Dance Orclicstra andziic (ilee Clio). He treasurer of

cl2ss (1111-ing Ills fre-'111nal, di�, rciiriil�4 from the Tnstitute Coillillit-.t:e. He is a unenilwr 0� tile -off team.

elect of tile tealn.111ciliber Cole, the

of 1"c2lVer'.n,,x fre-shman leader, raii oil the fielddav relaN' tealli last iall.

(7. M. Boardman, vice-president; D.R. Campbell, secretary; \Carrier Lum-bnr(l, treasurer; Atitin Cole Jr., andG. 1'. Fletcher, execut'Ve committee.

and F. AV. Greer and E. S. Johnston,hist;tilte Committee; -were file otherMcilibers of the Om,; of 192i -,vliowere elected.

(Continued on Page 4)


Program Includes Code ContestStunts and Movies

R'adio a inateurs of Will

gather h '!"e Saturdav. Mav 17, for theannual banquet and coilvention. held bv-lie M. 1. '17. Radio Soc'ezv. 'File ])an-z'(1110. which i's beill", hc](I tells %-car inconjunction with the C-oillillonwealthRad:c As.;,oclatlon, will be -In nortl-i hall,

a - 6:30 o'clock.

'Joe ToVe, of the "Doston Traveler""I Iff, will be toastma-�tt:r, and the

!J�C�Lk(!rs will be men prominent in ania-radio circles of In-

vilations ]leave been se-ilt to sevcrallnelllo speak- at the ball(Illet, but tile final

is not I-et complete.ill addition to tile Speeches there will

he a code speed contest. harder the di-

tection of T. E. Nvorld's chani-T);on code receiver, al'o a Cnillrictit"On.ior the best stunt aild. moving picture.Prizes evil] consist of rLdio apparatus.

Tickets for the banquet are now onsale. and may be 01-1thined front the

offilcers of either of the societies, 0-bv niail. er�' ;.hr),ulcl be ad-dressed to the M. T. T. R-iflio Society,Box 160. The price -, $2


Friday, May 96:0&--Class of, 1905 dinner, Faculty dining8., ran,

JC_ Catholic Club dance. main hall.Saturday, May 10

3:00--Walker Memorial Conitnittee tea dance.9:00-1-lexalpba dance, north hall.

Tuesday, May 136:30-Class of 1909 dinner, f.1CL1ltV dining room.

Wednesday, May I 46:W-M.I.T.A.A. banQuet, main hall.

Thursday, May ISS:00-scabhard and Blade military ball, main


1 5-3C-R'adir Society banquet, north hal l.audyM y 1


First of Series of Ada'resseson Labor Problem Will

Be O~pen to All,

Todav;\ tthe elliplovcfs' zifl(· of ;hc·

prec,,ciitcd hy Howel\-.tel Chenelt··. -, a

a5)~t 3 o,'clock. Th', hei~ Iler!e Pilot01 It "crie's of tllrt'C cctur eS gie,7 ;Orf!c,(- the \arioucu arsprct-, of tinc labor

-lie c1;1qs of 18(2. st-l--d,, ,d W:Tl tll-_ Na-t'oi-atl Child l.ab~or Conini-ssion a;t -lie

e vvhel~n thec passing of a1 Child La--nbocr a~ct -%va- beforre 1oi-1?-. c! I, a aIo ,cc· been a dirtctor of both the X- a tiona);l AS:Oiofjclallcn oi i~tti~i:.andit tlice I;ai ollal Clfiamber~ of t-;1·

Tlif~.'~~ Socictv 'or flc, pl-c'niot'0tof Indu~uzlrlal Edlucation and A;he nleri_ccan Arcadci~iiv· of Po~litica~l alltI Sc-ci alScie~nce are 01c ih1ti1CTrLrl·izationg of wlilch he( is a niclmller.

Tn "'(1dli~ion to it1tl=u·irv ~tdncatii n has~

I-le obtainedec an 1 M. A. dqpru~rte from Ya';!e;n 11)0( m idt is now a mlcniber of theYaltl- Corporation alld pr;::deltial colli-I'littee. liec is also a tri-it~e of Nlouil-Holv(,-e Co~cllegerr andi a mennb!lcr of tileCoil necticut State B~oardl of E-dication.

All iiiewblt~rs of ill( sluden~t blodv a-e:nviled io ;their(] the lec-u~re toda\- butthe membe~crs of the Tilimior. son!ho!nore,;tit f] Tresliman Cla,;qes are %Vpt1:o~~iimilil 3 r)'clock b~efore ent(,ring flic lec-

,ire h~all.


At the request of tlhe Uiniversity- ofNc,-, York teanm the debate b etweenecthat organizatfion and flic Technologi,teall) list been postpom-d Hil~l next IThursda-v. The deb~atc on~ tie 'Metric SN\.Stell wats to avt Iakc-ri placc yesier- day b Iut wans calllcd off a-t ihe Lis, ilin-I" t e.


R~esuits Anm~ouncedd at Smaoker-Milne Is Choser. for


Thcctdore Eric~e'L -.vp;s electeduc~i.1 of 1Ic I C" Pc:l S~ii` t tll(

-itZt 51 Cke l:-IIb- The FoietV-.Thi;c C-hc~r cc]-a'l- ulcctedl are~: Vice-

-;~ccifcl:. ? 1.I-. F-lerson~o: '26: Sec

'2~ T h -, F emc -.·li CCerv ior theC co::iing yecar.

A-ttt -he ; ·rlit- d lat niplit he zic SC)

\·iz·...' l c::,· a,1· his snliect "T!i-

G-M-rl; Arc-a1·idi? c';'yrsi~e7:,,

i'll 0z V.' Z··:; i F7 on. \

ic·"·;l·I;, i~ T. "I P, k r o f h e;;Ile ;7 ll-~·ci~~-. I, Cn ' f Elic, o~rl n'v ii!: n

Page 2: Fleve Places Count NP t v v u In Tonio~nrrovv's Dual I E VVI'th …tech.mit.edu/V44/PDF/V44-N22.pdf · Commnittcee are i , -lested to report ~,t the' Tnformation oLffice. Roorn 10-100

Pacse Two _ e -


- -


Putblishedev cery Monday, Wedsnesday andFriday during the college year.

Enterea as Second Class Matter at theBostun Post 0fvice

M'Vembers of Eastern Intercollegiate

Newspaper Assorcia~tion


Advertising DivisionAssistant Managers

T. A. 1;I4sngelsdorf '26 W. R. Taylor-'26

* - -


;M --- l

ll-�.� � , ---- - I

You kino ;; tobacco is a vege-table; it grows out of the ground,and when it's green, it is tooharsh and strong to smoke. Thevesy best way to remove that

harshness and bitterness is by

thorough ageing in wood. To

age Velve-LTobacco in wood i~s

expensive for us-yes, very ex-pensivre, and itc takes time, but itc

gives you a milder, cooler smokewith a finer flavor.

It's 10 to 1 you'll like VelvetTobacc-aged in wood.

Li1ccF.rr & M-yFms TOBACCO CO.


MAJESTIC: "The Highwatyman." Reviewedill this issule.

ST. JAMES: "Thank U." Poptlatr conlledlyrev izedl.

SELWYN: Thurston the Magician.SHUBERT: Chauve-Sour~is. Last three per-

forinanlce.- ll America.SYMPHONY HALL: "Pops."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M ~r, t-LUD WoUL szl

BETTER ENGLISH:TlIec officcrs of tllc Rifle Chlbl for_

_N lDE!TS are tooc p~oic. le o\ dc1 t leNNc t-e En-lishl. tlile cc>miligl y-ear Ni-erclecevstr

Thlei- 1),ay tal- m1101 <IttC11t101 to) tilei1 scielitilfiC Sub'~ects than I cvtlClididlate flior presDet O\lS therSC

thlev do to tiheir mzothler t~lorilte. Tlle za-xerage college manl asks oler electedl ,vere: V ice Presidenlt

-\X-l1at -ocod hlis Elioglisl AN-ill do hlim -+Nrlel-1 le ;,ets throuighiv ithl his C. F-. Peter~sonl '2.5. Sccretary-Treasurer,

eclucation. I-le ar-gileS that his strictl-N- protessionlal subljects a-vill =T.Haiitl2G

be of far greatcr ,aultie ill tile years to conile. I-e f:ortets tilat first

impllressions are lt, altlitlt la' Eti-lishl is o)lie oft tie firstSC ID R U L YN.cilaractelristics that -%vill strilke evren a casual obeserv-er. _No n-iatter ATM JSI TH TRltow perfect all eniiineer Is knlow~ledge of hils dsulject niay b~e, it iS ATM JSI TH TR

,o little vaubo1ii flei nlle to "putt it across"' to a board 1, edolellt vital oluceiLasB-

of clirectors or a prospective empl -ver. It does a man nlo goodt r'sled - romanc H is Lvajosal Bi-

te sure tllat lie is righlt if lie canl Iot convitlce others tilat his is at the 'Xiajestic, wxith Joseph Schi~ll

tlle ri-hlt stand. Ikraut, of l-illom" famle clS nost o

Thiis iS noet pr-acr) aiidca for tlle Eii-lishl and~ H~istory Dep~artmenlt. lodl cl°(lgtllsl~sc t v

Ease ill spealkilg is mlltre easik, cariled b\- daili- vatchfultiess of anlcestral lionie of a famlily of counlts

oiie's halbits of slpeecll thlan bv anawlyzinlg th~e ritinigs of famious andc coulltesses, Ibefore the- war, whlen

,,autllors auld erideav-ol-iiig to copy~ theil- Style. __Vany llnen holA o-aictcaxa flourishinig.

tlle date of eachl of Thatckxer-ays b~ooks -x-ill commilit llcrr-itle b)lurl- -Elrc castle s"l () StcrliildkV~raut) visits

dlers, in1 their ever\-dai- cotivrelsation. If onle is -tiiltN- of errors sti h lyess Succeedls ii; \N;l;1)othi a large

as "I Seen" 01 "it \A-- aS11 t ille" lie is boun1d to) mlaket -,11 Ltina\ c lalj)(e fortulle and tlle girl froml tlle nob~les.

impllressionl despite xvhat klilowledge of phylssics atnd beallllic ~ littling thenl at tlle samle timle.o - .~~~~11te'lttc Tlou-,h Schlildki-aut lia.s; almlost too

lie nlav lhave storedl up xlifle hel-e at tlle Illstitute. mluchl of tle play to himlscif, the chariii-

i.s- olutcl less dlifficutlt to acqutire tlaan p~rolicieiicy- in al-\- cother -art siolla~l b~its of b~rilliant humlor, mlakve

sif equlal valuc. A- p~ersoin's daily- coin-relsationl is the lal)oratcorv ill the play nmax e tsoccsiolrug s he .irl

Avhichl lie mlay- perfect h1is Engblishz. Tllere o~lie can mlaster the art patiua st1al ftccmd, h

of: e~xpressicmz. Tllere tatllts mlax- lbe mlost easilv- corrected, andlf prle- rest of thc cast are ulliforml nlone of

CiSiOtl of dictioln accluiredl. the'll 'taildcing; out ass particularly good

WVe all fall inlto the hab~it of usin-g slalig b~ecaulse it is lbrief aiid o ~d .R

expressive. In nianyr cases it is more effective than flo-wrery lani-

"rage. Tlle terideiicy is. hlowever, to use slan- to the ex;clulsionl of

oood Eti-lishl. This mlust l)e av oided. Tlo recognize one's faullts P a ie tri lefirs tlil leariiiii- to utse the K-iilg s Etlglish as it SIlvl

b~e u~sed. Thae secondc is to ov ercome thlein. Rconeaember tllat inlimpr~in on's llaltlr o slealitiS tat ileOli- ilst~ctl tee~e~lCOLONIAL^: "The Thief of Bagdad." D~ouglas

iS olles Sowi l in1telli-en1ceeI. C;OPLEY "Th Devl' Dicpr. Sha c

eOLLIS "Te ;00li(1 .tttne

godgvhaeve your ""Choice of a Career,"g college training has increased l

tL~~your economic vauae, and qwhatever business or profession you enter,Al

S-V 2 adequate life insurance is a proper self-appraisal of your powers in that*

fail directionW, The traditions .,practices, an d financial strength of the JOHN HANCOcK W'l

~~Mtaid Life Insurance (Company are such that a college man can take f;1

*X-1 especial -pride in having a John Hanlcock policy an his life. It is also;@g

libbtsla 4*istinct asset feto thee start. It will pay you to buy it; and later on, Gosi

MINXshul you think of joining thie field corps of this company, it will aisoser

I}~~p0Aay YOU to selljohna Hancock policies. Oar representatives will tell you ,.

fj just how, and assist you in selecting both your career and your insurance. e,

;!l c~~~~~ddress c-gency 'Department |W

6a1~~~Sixty-one 'years in Business 7 -tusk~~~ow insurting One Billion Seven IlkQ A

t~tidg t policres on 3,250,000 lives OLIF BoN m MUAS SAgCHUSETTSB /

_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..-~w-! =

Now Recrvi ofl gduate AR. F. NEEDHAM ELECTED


W~ ~ ~~ ^ rut A ur p-rR

Photographic EditorstfF. D. O'Neil '25 P. 1, Mahonley '26 E. E2F. Steven '2

Night Editors Circulation Division

F. ~ *0 E. Anderson '26hals ih2 Assistant Managers

News Writers EII M. Houghton '27

L. ('. Currier '26 (:. E. Mct~ulloch '26Stf

R. A. Rothschild '25 W.Staffd12 R K. Dot 'D7

Sport Writers Pii rdn27J. S. Harris '27

R. W. Davy '27 Pip rdn'7Treasury Division

A S. Beat Reporter Herbert Fried '27 Staff

A.. S. Bet-tiuea *2 26 G....... C. (:.sun '2Jsol G~~eorge Gerst '27 G. A. Hall '27

I), F. Bruseaul '27 . F. lioward '26 L. F. Van NHater '27 W. A. Wit~ham'27

P. Cz. Eatoso '27 J. R. Melhado Z7 eleofAsne

Phillip Russell '25 *lexeriAsne

In Charge of This Issue: F. E. Anderson '26i

MANAGING BOARDD. A. Henderson '25 ...................... General ManagerR . G. Burt '25 ...................... .. ......... E~ditorJ. P. Ramsey, Jr., '25 ............. Managing EditorA.M. Worthington, Jr., '25 .............. ,Business Manager,

ASSOCIATE BOARDT. WV. Owven '26 .................... .... News EditorC. H-. Barry '26 .. . ..... ......... Sxporting EditorR. S. Chidlsey '26 .......... ... ., ,. Features EditorR. W. Learoyd '25 ............. Advertising ManagerC. J. Everett '26 .... ......... . , TreasurerLeo Teplowt '20 i ........ .C...(irculation Manager


R. L. Dietzold '25 F. W. G;ratz '26J. R. Killian '26

Features DepartmentE. P. Fergusomn '27 W. F. McCornack '26








OFFICE;S OF 1 Em I -earNews and E ditorial-lRoor 3, Walker

marorial, Telephone. Univ. 7029Busincss-Ronrn 302. Walker Memorial.

Telephone, Uzniv. 7415

At the anllual banlquet held byX Cor-poration XV last Thursdav night at tlleHlotel Westmlinlster the election ofnlext vear's officers wvas anlloullced. R.F. Needhaml '25 wvas elected president,F. C. Foss '25, secretamy, and W. I,.Nve '25D trcasurer. For representativeof thc Combnliled Professiollal SocietiesC;. Cg. C:alfield '25 wvas selected alld tlletz-o Senior Directors chosell were S. N7.Gilligall '2D anld R. W. Lcaroyd '25. T.NV. Owven '26 and A. 13. 13assett '26 rvereelected Jullior Directors.

The afzfair com~menlced at 6:30 o'clock;and immllediately followillg the d' -lerthe iianiles of the nlewlyP elected inlln%verc annlounlced. P rofessor J. C. Cal-lanl was thc first speak~er of the esreling.I-le: outlisled tlle increcasinlgly difficu-ltprodulctionl 1rolblein and shorved 110w

mluch the ellginleer could do inl inaliin-tnrod-Llction mlore effrective. 11r. Franl;C~ox '95. of the Gelleral Electric COnI1-

pany\ at Ly^nn, ill speaking= of thc en-gincer out in tlle wvorld, stressed thieimp~ortanlce of lceepinlg healthyx, dealillgjustlx,, alld mlakinlg one's self necessar--to sonme inldust rial plallt. MIr. W. 1,.ti^!etcher, Pre~sidenlt of WV. L. Fletcher.Illc., gave a talks on wvhat qualities tlle?empllover soulght inl selectin~g menl for a.jolb.



i~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEN oe

121/2% discotmt to TECH Students on cash purchases an our list price.

For a Good Time-Rent a FordISpeci.al Student Rates for After noons, Evenings or Week-end Trips


Phones-Univ. 5109-5756W Lowest Rates with Full Protection

__ ~~~~~~~~a goodl late date wvhere father does nlot

@.>f5-<,tll 01 ae eclIlC~ S Calgel~e i tsenld caliers h1omle at tenl.

t/ X~~ m i . t xvll~wenl it conies to dlressin-g ? Olle davr Prur ca-W~y ws J s $ thev conile to class ill their latest sp~rillg&BW 8 U ~~~~~s int s11 anld the nlext day thev- appear in<

\ t @ i ii § ~the mlost disreputable otltfits iiiaginl-.,.s l ~~ab~le. Hom\' iS the poor student to know

T-wv to dIress, oil ativ partictllar day"

'Tis not oftenl that thc Lounger has Tf lie coliCs forthl ill his newv SUit anzd

-,n opportunitxr to v-isit the Costl~- fi nd sh'is classmlates lookvin, like tranmps,c ~ ~ ~ ~ r 4 ~~~he rvill be lrestered nlearly to death.

Pleasure or the Slunilberset for onuly Cries of `AR here are y-ou grOilg? Wel-

thle price of a carfare. A fewY nights lesley?" wxill almlost dlriv-e hinil to cover.

ago, 11owever. sulch sas his chatice. The nlext day-. hopinig to fool them-1. lie

No-N tlle Lounger is l10 athlete and( b~e- wvill drasg out his oldest Stlit frotill thed (epths of his closet. He IS just as apt

cause of this fact, lie neel llot keep ats 110t to find( his friendcs dressedl as wvell

strict trainilng. Hen~ce it is his priv- as lie wsas tilC dlav lefo~re. 1l-e will tieclilege to stay otlt as lolng as lie desires ori1eCllitOU.ll utfpac

so lollg as lie does tlot liiiss 11is nine al" le-l flcsallat~ atta

'clol; qiz te lu>;t orllolg tlstlere is 11o justice ill tllis mo1st excel-great was his cliagrill to see tlhere all- tc,,t --chool ()f OtllS.

c~tleleljo~llghil~sll o llv ltllst Intsteadl of imzitatin~g Beaui Brumimelt'S. OilC, whlo. actco Iiltl; to the tlleo- today! and Halppy Hooliqaii tomlorrowv

retcaltavs t latresnoll ha-e)CC1 hvh\ canl't wve strikse an even balallcehomIIe lill bed aiid S1101 in' thle 10,1g all a~k;lf tways recspectab~le at all

SI'Ol'eS Ot ~le N-earx .t Is a n~ilco ies ? Jt votild nost require a greatDoec Conlnor's parotcges xvhao k-a COlt-(tI of effort to appear well dressed

cfoum il1 a me1et oil tlhe iiior-.ow.. ev-cr\-dav. evenl thlough~ we ;,:re -.lot al-

For- tle Lou1tingge, It vas all evennigl "'.ax-s Ml our Stimllav lbest. Eowv ab~out

of anx:ietv-. Ile has hleardl of mlen (,at- alt~ o~itlc z tlaIcrl

il' p~lates Of W\altonl' leals, just b~eforea race and of iiient whlo swvore that tllelhest whlgras a hearty l;1lC11o bOi )-led

Preas, but nevecr before had lie healrd of OUTING CLUB ELECTSOn1e wh1o primled luni1self hYR nlelans oft amaidnlight party-. NEXT YEA110 OFFICERS

evcr, all un~easinless u as ,allas ed, fortilere itl tlhe paper X-ere tlae resu~lts of Rtesults of thc O)titing Clubl electiolls

the *nieet. Teclitoloav wxas deci-si-clv have jtlSt beeil alilotilced. These nienl

1)eaten, b)ut the Sllan'wRho lhad trainaed N-ere electedl at meetilng held last Mon-

oil tlhe late party- xas anion~g tlhe fexv dav b~ut we-re just mlade pubulic. The

oho ha rvon c-rin~g pOSitiOnlS ill all officers for the cominilg y-ear are:Pei

thecir evelnts. Heretofore, the L~ounlger denlt, GS. XV~. Elkins '25 ; '\vice-President,I

hlas becen comparativ-ely careful of his H. N. Sachs '25: Secretarv-Treasurerhours, b~ut no more. W+henl the time G. C. Robverts '2:5; Club Council, E. E.

approaches for a test of his endurallce, Piepho '25, W. C. Amles G, and Edgar

lie wvill promptly- lliake it a pOillt to get O'N;eil '26.

Friday-, May 9,_1924rwi v ir r- nn Y.' el T-T


Orchestra of 80 Symphony Players


Tabtle Seats $1.001st Bal. Si, 75c, 50c Adi


filssion 23c

A Nedw Onein the better grade

Built of Tony Calfskin in blackand in the new light tan shade.

A An oxford wvith high gradeit\ features and new patterns,

smart in appearance and of;>:i;\specially good fitting qualities.

> Stl 54 lakTnyClStyle 514, Black Tony Calf


If you s~moke a lpipe(if you don't you ought to)it mnay bie worth your whileto retad this

Page 3: Fleve Places Count NP t v v u In Tonio~nrrovv's Dual I E VVI'th …tech.mit.edu/V44/PDF/V44-N22.pdf · Commnittcee are i , -lested to report ~,t the' Tnformation oLffice. Roorn 10-100

Jay, 1May 9, 192i4 L A.1 ,,,;4 a _ NO IL a



For the amusement of those whoenjoy seeing the dope go wrong wcprint the following forecast of firstplace winners.100 yard dash--Jobn Hoxie (T)220 yard dash--Doug Jeppe (T)449 yard dash--Doug Jeppe (T)880 yard run-Kobes (H)Mile run--Watters (H)Two mile run-Tibbetts (H)Low hurdles-Russ Amnbach (T)High hurdlcs--Emmnons Blodgett(T)Hammer throw--Chink Drew (T)Shot put--Eastman (H)Discus throw--Carpenter (H)Javelin throw--Kernan (H)High jump-HKyatt (H))Broad jump-Hkyatt (H)Pole vault--Major Sanford (T)

Scoring by the English system ofcounting in intercollegiate track andfield meets, the final score would beHarvard 8, Technology 7. The prob-abllc result with the American systemis Harvard 160, Technology 65.

little Enigineer iniler should stand off~the rest of the flock. 17rank Bemis, cap--tainl elect of tl7C cross countrvv teani,has receritly retorncd to practice andanid lie will probablyl~ racce with RooneN·,%%-here hlis steady grilid may we-ar outniss foes rather than inl the speedlier mile

A fglance over tile fieltl eventst dtses-;'t find the Engineerr s as \voeftflh \\-al;

las in pitast y-ears wilciet the\. rniet H-ar-

I -



- - - c --


--I _


Jolmny 1-foxie is the tbig noise for \start nlg thiiigs off in the hundred. i,N&II(I ul, by Gordon Joyce, '-el How\- aIlett. and Rroy Copley the Enlginleers will filld RONl the hardest of the visitors it( triii. Roxoie ought to b~e capalble of d~oirig it after the fight lie gave INcciirn t(at Prinlceton last Saturday, Ibut tomor- 1roiv first Iplace counts only five poin ts, k)(avilig ten more to Ibe atlnexed bvV the ,Ifolr nneen closest to the winller, and tileeat ofi tile Beaver sprinters have goto stay -,vith Jolinny to mnake his vic- tj

ory ortli atlything..Tile· longer sprint has Robb> again the a

Xt bett for Harvardl, but lie is sure0 hie well backed up by· the Crinison·

ecoli and third strinig. jeppe's 220gailist Princeton broke the Instituteecor(I anI oil tile face of things is


1 I

I -:













Criinson Bringin Large Squad To 'Iech Field, .0, f% z W d-I Z-1 d- t Ir'.'% " " i T T A 'n I f % I - - 9I-TT nn1VI IC V AQ PD17W


vard, ill anllilal lmattle' a circtilmtalice e(tlec ill Iio sliglit mica~lie to D Ioc Gm--~ lno(r's slkill as a field michcl. Ciilnk Drec\· vli,-u a certainl first ill tile liaiinier un- ;let, sonnebod v tises a hanimer oil liii ito plreventi it and -Gnia~sv" Green l.4 tos,.,ing betlter tlian 130 feet, eviough~ to ilni-aiteuIiiiii angerou~s to tile Crilu-'(11, f,

thotiglougi the Tiger -weigin~t inen out- L:cla,-,scd sticli a l ~erformance..

Nobodv -,vill ha\-e tile temecritv. to(Ii.splite tile discus Witil Ulariic C'arpelit'21atfter lie brolcl~ tie H-arvatrd record w\\itlia toss of 152 feet aiidl a fe\v inclics,conihig less than foilr feet from 1tl1xvoi-ld iminrk xv·ith that stunit. E A-rdle otiglt to take scond Wid Nv \\illitl(o s<, with ease if 1wt turtis ill oneC ortwo o cf tliost- 130 fooct linvcs lie liasbeent regflarly· tctringg off ill pniactice.

\\Vith I freshriman tearn o c' untisualprom~nise and sev-eral iiieligibles \\-Iio woulcloe important scoring' potentials, T~echnol-'-v is vect sadly lacking ill minibers ofiecond anid eveni tliird strin~g compeptitors

to, suppor~t tile stellar vcrl-. Of Xvhich~ it-,few~ are capablel c -Next year should sce,lie reilmlv· avarilabl~e Niut tile inimeditteefuture illeans oiilv tlcfeat ill \\'lic'l t17etezon \v-ill go, down f1 ig-lting ]aaid for,very p Ilace.

gProspects Betterfor N~ew Enpglands

A (1111al meet "vithl a "Calim clf tli Iarv-ard and P Irino-ton ll c;liji is too intichl:0-I tie 1)1-etetilt Olltfit, b~it tile Sitllatiorls~ nct enltirely xv\itlioilt procmisse for tile

'_~ 'Cw E-liglands\ wliere several .st-,rs calmnig a championship. Bo,,doiii Nv(,1l ill

1923. bv tile elf~orts of four men, the re-Jloubtablec Tootell contribiltim, 13 p~ointsand the winnercs of tile Nilf, litirdles. andAC V.1111ut compnlleting tile Count Drew-epplc, Sanford, Blondgett, and Anibachciare cctil · SE.I.C.A.A. . calibtre and

hotigii1 TeClinlology? lacks a Tootell. thecase is not as black as thiis timne lastyear.

There is a cliance, but oil]\. tile tcouglic.-kind of 1xittliiig ill the tw~o niects inter-vening w\ill ptit tile Becavers ill sliapeeto seize uponi it. Tomrorrow pocints to-%\,atrd tie first of thocse Ox'o b-zatles Nvith-L vengeancecr for a licking takenl ill tileriglit spirit inemis everythiing for tileinore Importan~t figlit to com~e (-)i TcchlField ' %Lty 23 anid 24 wlien Techno~logylias ole mnor-e Opportunity' to clinch pos-sessioni of fliat ciii) tint was ill W\alkerTrop~hy room icor thlree yea~rs zindt noxv-ests at Bowdoin.


Technology%-,' teimiis team~ defeatedthe Harvard Business Sch~ool by\ a scoreof 4 to 2 oil tie Oakiley· Countrv· Clubcourts last We'clnesdaN·atron TileHarvard teami being some-,viiat it a dis-advantage as Jiml Davies w\as m~issoig.Thie 13.e~ivevs pla 'ved a fast btit some-cwlizit ragged Fa-auL'. Giptitin Tres·~selfair a four ilrlmn tealli. Russecll p~layinginumbel, C 2. "Pecl!; 1'iuniber 3, ;Imd B:road-


f I
























o (it




















YOUNG M[EN'S HATSExclasive styles in liulported and

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LONDON\ TOPCOATS-froni Burberry, Mlaxini and


SUITSFor Dress and Sport wear

from Joseph May & Sons, Englandand leading Ameiirican makersII






13-" C

Eight Seconds

Ill thleir secoI1d race oi tile spriii_--ith oOLttiide CilffliltS OC frst irreslimmlrew\ ag~iin sliowed their supenrorittv

vdccisivel -deieatiiin, the Stolle Sclioo!Ild the fil-St 150 I)OL111d CrC'\\' ill a 1-rILC

a tlhe Clia:rles N'Vediiesdav- aiterimonver tile 11ciflev distancec. Ill a con--est bettveell tl -e Scondl 156;, sccoliclreshm~n wid Lynnni C~las~.ical Highf;C1100 oil tile ])ile Courrse the I 50muwlerrs were -Jictorious, with therosh t:railing tile Lvmin crew. Tlie firstreshni~an rowea a ti ne race ill the fair-





"·.~ cl;~n AdU~ Bvanced Machine Work'~~~;*~~II By ROBERT H. SMITH

Alassachusetts Institute of TechnologyA BOOK for Students, Teachers, Engineers, Ap-

prentices, Mlachinists, Universities, Technical and91 AGE Vocational Schools and Machine Shops.791r~~~~THE SEVENTH EDITION gives practical in-

struction in niaking niechanical melasuremlents wtLight WVaves.

MACHINE W7ORK gives a necessary training for$3.25 p~ositions in tnodern industries.


~Nratters and Tibll~ets will brecak tanee-espectivehlv. harring· actual accidenits. -\rt;-ric!,cr ill h~is hesrt s~hape w\ould have~[0111d TlbbetS ;I. , to~lgll CIIstcITIC1 to Sta,~x-ith fcor eight Itaps, b>ut Nvith A2rt (-)ti)f tlie wava\ inmi alr illiected foot tile

7-ie. B~oth aire harrier 1tuskics and FitFor tlle stiffest -'rinid; lieltlier hias tlhe;peed needed to bothetlir Tibbe~ts, thoughlHill inav b~e ab~le to beat Rvvan w-ho ranlthirdi ill the V\irginija mee~t whenl hisc-airi mate cl-ined i up ill 10 iiiiiiilites 3 2--3ecolidls.

Cri~mson Enrtrants HiaveMile Runo Safely in Tow

The timb~er top~pinig everits pit 1--letcher,

Old Colony Serviceefficient and. courteous organization,

progressive methods, large resources,and three offices, conveniently located indifferent sections in Boston, combine tomake the Old Colony Trust Company themost desirable depository in New England.


Bos q-o N

Member of Federal Referve .5 slsem

Order of EventsTIhe Techn Iology-Hararvar track

iiiect starts at 3 o'clock tomorrowa2fternooii. on Tech Field. The listof events folloxNs:

On the Track3:00--0nce huii(Ired. vard dansh trials.3:10-0ne17 hundredc and tN-eiitx- va rd

hiih li hurdle trials.3:20-Ntile run.3:30--Foti hunldred alidl iort\- va;rd

das~h.3:4-0--0ne hunldredl and tx%-eiit\- va rd

higifh hurdtle finial.3 :,-o-nne hutidred i-ard dash firial.4:00-Tx%\·o wile rtin.41:15 -Two hundred a'1d twerity yard

low litrdle trials.4:2.;-T\%-o 1-imidred anid t\N-eiity y\ard

dash trials.4:35-Hightt hundrecd and eiglity y a r

run.4 :45-T\\-o hundred atnd tw-entY \Yard

low hurdle final.45:55-Twoo hundred and twenty yard

dash final.

Page ThreeTHE~ TECHIin a 0% - ^n

r IM) I r mvan ulr. VTSCORES EASY WINW

Freshmen Beat 150 PounadersIand Stone School byd




Pickekd Tlo Win


Captain Ambach's Team Noveltyin Annals of Trackk

at Teclhnology

A collection of individual stars, whoIo,,rriInute tile bulk of the pohits whichtthe tcam~ scores, is a riew- developirleit ill -f'chnlologyI track. Heretoforeu thellistitilte s strength has rested in thelarge titimber of merl orl the squad, wIho though secoiid rate w-ere potential poijit %viiiiiers. ith aii)N of the last fouror five teanis a five place scoring sys-tem Nv~ould have beeii a big help. wl·~iletjli,\ year it will cut dowii the Erigin-cer-; share of the totals.

IDr. Toili Corinor, b~oss of the Tech-tiology? track forces which~ receive theirbaj~ti-ill of fire tonlorrow,, found the160 to 65i score predicted by, local taleilttc, be pretty i near to his owii idiea oftile pr'obable result, w·hen sceri vester-(lay aftenioori. Doc hadl orie sadi tlliiigto rep~ort arid that is that Hnmioiiss1,11odgeott, -who is givell the edge iiitthe i-ligh hurdle battle, has wreiichedllis back mid may iliot be able to com-,)etc. Blodgett ];ad a hot shower aildttle offeidiiig muscle w-as thoroughly

biasgt. Iut lie did not feel com--1)letely? o.k. HI-oweverr tie b~ig hurd-1Qr 1·; verv iiii-ious to mecet tlhe crim--'011 midt it w~ill take a verv- stiff backto keet) himn oii the shelii tomnorrow.·

Weak in 880 and MileShadles of Garviii Bawden, xvith his

fmnal huuidred y-ard spriiit, a!,d of themore mioderii Bill Guniicv, rise arldtrotble~ oiie oil v'e\\viiig the half nlilcefichtl. G~hosts ,valk ill the miile aiid twotill as AN-ell, for a Year agSo Elmeer Saii-bom \\ -·as clickiiig off four-thirty aiidfive poii-its iii the foriner, aild Bobl, Heil-(Irle iiiiie-orty mid another five pohitsIll the latter, ill iiost ot tile Illeetsthoughh the\- slipped agaiiist Harvard.

Fralik Kaiialy. formert- coach at thehistittite wid now lie) u at Maiiie wherelie ls reported to have less ab~le legs].)tt miore wllliiig spit-its, tried to arraiigelor a face place meect writh Harvard laststrrmg. The crimisoii w-as stubb~orn atthat timle ho'\vever and so Techrology·took- its becatiiig oii a three Iplace b~asis.

PREDICTION SAFEFUniversity Coach Gives Squaad

R~est Wcith First TestNdear at Handa

WYhile C~oacli Eddle Farrell, of ·tileH-arv-ard track teamn, very niaturall'ktook it for granted that this outfittwould hive little troub~le comviecriliggTechtiology's represejitative's tomorrowaftemnoon, lie seetled dlisposed to (Itiar-re] with the local 1)redictioils -,which setthe score at Hiarvardl 160 to the Ill-stitutes~ 65 wheii hiterviewed at theStadium N \esterdav. T'he crimnson meii-ntor conceded the ciigiiiccrs first placesIII the huridred, the twro twentl. thequarter. the hammirer, the pole v~ault,wid probably on~e of the hurdle races.Wiith this as a starter Eddie sceeiedqluite sure that Techi-.oogy would haxve!-.ttle tlifficult ill climbiiing- ab~ove fliat 65p~rccdictioll.

Greenidg~e Out of JavelinFarrecll rep~orted that Greeiiitle, tthe

UniversitY· javcliri artist who has b~ad-Iy· damagedc the hi~stitute's eiitraiits fort~he last tw~o y-cars, is mot yect ill shapeewidt will have lo leav' e tile evelit tohis Ifiatt Ker11aii. This: is not a very-b~ad loss to tile Cr'llisoll sillce tillsfcllo~~v Kema~ii has Ilxcii hitting the 178Sfoot miark as a regular thing tills sp~rilig.

HAtldW looks, for a good race ill b~oththe sp~riiits, witih his craick sp~riwer,.Robb~l, miakiiig the ig-oliigL decidedl\-tou-11 for Hoxoie Ill the ceilturx, midje~ppe Ill the furlong Th Hrvrcoach has 'iiserted Xlferrill 'jet(- tileqluarter mnill battle, wvlich tilitil tell;miove Alleii of the crimnsoii, lad Dougjeppec sccledd to have to themselvlvs.Probabl\-~ realimiig that the Iiistittutew·iis uiiiikel\, to give the r-cdoub~table%V'atters a hlattle ill the 880, FIarrellhas mlovedl him ll)lI to the m~ile. Tlhisstill leaves tile half miile -well takeiicare ot since th~e Harvardl strategist,,,figure that Kobe~s has tile numbercr- oialIV Of the eiigiiieecr rulmlers..

L` C`. C'arpeiaer's performwince ill Ilietlicus throwl is behigR looked for%\,-ard

to w\ith a greatt (lea] of esIpectatioii Iw?tile Uiiiyersity coach. This gemlemalanripped off 15Z feet ill tie N, rina Illeetlast \\·ceeks perriod.


Anthracite andBituminous


50 Congress Street

crtrrmre(Aru U py,%9TT~1\ N OF


(Continued from Page 1)

Foer th~e Unliversitv', Kobe~s inl the 880,/Swtj,?y Watters' atnd Ctitch~eon's unljues-lioncrl ilbilitv in tile mile, Tibblets in thetwo m nile. Ea~stamni il tile shot put, Catr-.)ej~ter ill the discus. Kernanl inl the jav·e-Iiii. anii d 14vatt in the ])road junii spelltliscomfiture for Tech's hopes. The high·itiiiii is tlistirictly a toss-tip with Hvatt(f thC 1:11il-Cr'it)' tjlllping 110t (Illite Lip

tor the i)a;tt statndards of Ed McArdle,, wholioweve~c~r, not tip to oldl form hin-1-


Tomnori-mv aitern0011 thc Iolf t--i'l'%'ill lieet the 'Merrimac: Club l emil.The mIiatch n'il] tal-e place Oil the MCIr-rim~ac course. -%vhich is nown in excel-lent shapee L~ittle is know\\n of thestrengtSh of the A.Terrimac: team., but inprevious vecars the club, has alway~s pre--Iseated a strong, and welll balanced ag-gregation.

The Teccinolo-N, golfers have beeciipracticing diligend.-v since tlicir lastmzatch, andi althougch nione of tile mennare playingL par gfolf there has becen ageneral improvemnent. Afost of themenet are capable of playing- in the loweigihties, but thus far their erraticshooting Ins, prevented any comnmend-ablie scoring in team mnnt(ch-,

Page 4: Fleve Places Count NP t v v u In Tonio~nrrovv's Dual I E VVI'th …tech.mit.edu/V44/PDF/V44-N22.pdf · Commnittcee are i , -lested to report ~,t the' Tnformation oLffice. Roorn 10-100

The Egypt ofthe Ancients

in all its splendor is justacross the Charles-the Egyp-tian Room of the Brunswick.Comze where you may feast .and dance under the alluringspell of the lotus flower-and,to the strains of Leo Reis.mn als s Ncptn orchestra.

L. C. P'RIORPresident and Managing D:irector


Dr. Stratton is Latestlgecruit at Boathtouse

f'Up at thc boatlouse thc new estadldition to the scquad of follow-ersturmlalg out every day to come ulldertile '114-itiece of Bill Haines, is Presi-dcent Strattonl, whlo yesterday nmadehis debout onl the Charles accompan-

ied 1)v (:harles Batclzelder '96. T-Ar.Batchelder is an enthusiastic back erof thc sport at Technlology and ycs-terdlay the climax; to his attemrpts toget Dr. Stratton ona the river camaewvhen lie rowved with himl for three-

cluvirters of an hour in a doublescull.

ATHENS CAFEAmerncan and Greek Food

ParlExcellence694 WASHINGTON s~r,


Notices and Announcements|All notices for this column should be in by the morning of the day pre.



wvithaout a driverlBusiness or Pleasure. Sedans or

Touring. .NUTTER' S SYSTEM, IN C.,e

M otormartmPark Square Bso

Tel. Beach 1404 _i


MILTA4RY BALL TICKETS\\;ill I)e oil Sajle frirOl MnIIday to

Thiursday- next -weel;. fromn I tO 2 eachdlay or miaN ib )chased iroml memz-

lhers of Scab~bard and l13adc. DancingIN-ill bc iln unliorni. Arrangemlents may],e made to hav-e thle price, $2, talketi

iromt pay. checlks.

CHEMICAL SOCIETYThe Chemical Societv wvil condilct

the last trip of the term to the plalitof the %Vralter Baker Chocolate Com-panv in Dorchester next Tuesday. SeeDr. Ke 'e's bul~ltt-M board for detail~sand sign-up.

CC)SMOPOLITAN CLUBCosmonolitaii Ciulb elections are now-

beinpg held in corridor opposite roonz10-100.

TEA DANCEThe W~alkser M~emorial Comlmittee

Tea Dan~ce -,vill be held May 10. Muisic:wvill be bv Hacksett's orchestra. Ticl;-ets are $1.50-at door $2.







--- - - -- , - . � �. if




* {












I -l




Kendall Square Cambridge

BE A NEWSPAPER COR'RESPONDENT Keith the Ha.'cock Plan andl earn a good in.comne while learning; we show!you how; begin actual work.at once; all or spare time; exiperience unnecessary; no can,.vassing; send for particulars..-Newswriters Training Bureau,:Buffalo, N. Y.




edjng the issae.



FTi., Mlay 9th, XIV, Electrocbemnistry, R(omrq-2,31. Prof. Goodwin.

XTed., -'Cay i4th, IO;, General Science, Room4- 2,0, Parof. C. L. E. Mloore.All talks are given at 5 P,.\I, and are

,pen to all frrshmlenl.

RECEPT IONPresident Stratton wvill bec at ]ionic

to 31"enbers; oi ihe Senior Class 011 Fri-dcnv, 'a,; 16, Ironm 4 to 6.

R. O. T. C. COAST ARTILLERYSeveral -vacancies still exist in the

gun crtevs to firc anti-aircraft serviceaimminulitionl at F ort Revere, BostonHarbor Saturdav afternoon. Bostonleaves arniv b~ase at 1:30. Applicantsleave their naniles at rooms 3-310.

THESIS INSTRUCTIONSAll material to be blue printed for

use in theses, When typewriter is used.shotldle be written xNitb carbon paperat h~aclk of sheet in order to have let-ters stand out clearly.

-Z=--,Z- I "'�q -

: : Boston60 Summner St.

"If it's popular at CollegesYou'll find it at Macular Parker's



I Correction of Previous NoticeI The date of exhiibitionl of this movingp rictulre has been changed to today,i 14-5:30 P. MI. ill room 5-330.ant +* @ Be;

e e ; e 'l and

+ *e ail'I: :*: | :

London CoatsPatrick Coats

Sack SuitsSport Suits

Tuxedo and Dress Suits

III Imported Golf Hose, Sweater to match, LondonNeckware, Collar-Attached White Cheviot Shirtswith Closed-Front anad Single-Band Cuffs.


Friday, May 9, 19'THE TECHPage Four

Four Colleges EnterCrewvs in Big R~egatta

TechnologY., Columbia, Penn And Harvard EightsTo Match Strength In Tomorrow's Race

Tomorrow will be lleld on tile Charles River the biggest re-gatta tllat Bostonl -fill see tilis season. The p~art thlat Tech crewxsare tco ta];e in it is niot iminipoarotanit either, because the en-gineerrowvers, dilile llot in thle trianigular *-arsity moitest that is the fea-ture of the afternoo~cn are tzikiiig a p romillelt part in the rest of thlera~ces. The regatta will b~e, thlerefore a fouir-collecre affair. Harvard,Colurinibia, Pelin and Techliology being the prilicipals. Althoughl theinstitulte rowers had beeii invited to go illtO the varsitv race, anesarlier engagemient arraniged w-ith Corilell prevented, so *vxhile thefirst crew- is cuiilring up) the xaters Oil Lakse CayuLga tomorrow, thefirst 150 potind ere-%r, the first freshmanl, and ' junlior Varsity lboats

NIl be ivarined tip for tileir respective parts in the events of theafternoon here.

Harvard-Tech Alone -,rv bow:, Copelar (l; cox;, Cohzeii.In Freshman Contest Firs-,t I D(

.Sitrokec, Greer, No. 7. Petersoii; .NoSome cllanges 1lave been madle :Il tle 5, 1ixaul fiw, No. 5. Flax;iiigtoii ; No. 4,

origi2]al plaiis for tornorrov's- contests,. Btile-r ; N~o. 3, Cant. D~a;;ii -, o. 2, Ros-Tile Penll aiid Columibia f re-;hirian have iea'Ll; bsow, Grove'; co:x. Thliomas.Wi thldrawnl fromt thae first-year encounlt-ers, anld Harvardl anllounced yesterday Varsity Will RoW on

to pult ini two of tileir freshlmanl comi- Cyg hsAtr~lHnlatioiis in tlle mile ancl tllree quiar-

ters' pill]. Tech's first-year crewv has ytet Thc first varsitt b~oat crewns left lateto talke a defeat this season awid shlouild la-,t iii-rl-t for Ithaca, aiidI R-,ifl arrive

force thle crimsoll 3 carliings w-ithinl aii eariy ciioughl to get iii a s~till tod3av soinlch of tlleir lives. Their %viiis over as to acculstoin theinlsel .es to tlle bor-StOIie SCh~l0) W~ediiesdayt afteriloon, aiid rC,'elSl~ 1 vl~l le utrcHur:tilgrtoii tlle wVeek- previolls, showe-d o>-er llle twvo-mile course on ILakse Ca-their ablilitv. gruga tomaorrow.. Coach Hox le of the

The 1.-() pound fray wvil be thrce Ccoriiell crcevs, is still i lldecided as tcocorniered, Harvatrd. Tecii anid Pernl tal;- wvicel of hIls varsity eighlts lie wvill sclld

-fi~r p~art iii it. L~ittle is knowlOV of the ollt to op~pose the Beaver ]invasion. N\~ed-I -~ero till o-iIoelc )~ vt Greer scay afternooll, thle lighlter of his twvo

leaxcr ot c prot.;eiithe burlt \omit atol Gr er lbiilatioiis showsed the -way to hislzas een geatsrntllel hswi otller crews ini a txvo mile timle trial,

le the rsecoiidl race of the aiternoonz thelgh sa ~lligsm iel~tlanld thle onil; onle over the mille aille nx-vc- ahead of the first freshinaii crew. wvhiclisix<teeilths, or H~eiiley clistailce. The itl cat whic xast iioslxed out tile tlie sarjun1ior V arsity boats wvill race followillg tcrt hc )s nselOthelax

t~l 1:-1rul~l ontst nt itz-il b avarsitN, giviig It a smilt foulrthl place.tile 5-,outlid fcoltesx affair vit wil be Coa c}h Bill Hafines, Soiad Pat Alalglllilg,

thcl colle-~es fa'^ilg -,)art in; the regatta rggr etllt1i~hxihtemll~lc~~lteret3. *)~~~f -hle crew i charg~e of managecr Averx\

Thle lIneu~ps for these races: Stalitonl '2. WValter Kecnnett, wentTunlior varsitv- .it th ary as thc ex;tra. maii. The

Strokse, CGcis, No. 7, 'Murdlock; bINo. 6, line-Lp that .vill farcc CornellGorsulch ; No. 5, _Stapletoii; N~o. 4, Uii- wvill be tlle followvilgr, the samle(]er~w;oo. ANO. 3. Perra; No. 2, Brock^- , hat opposed N~avy and Syracusse. Stroke,

lenzlll~o, Luria co, Hughon Cedirick; Valeiitiiie '25; /7, Capt. Dickleii-an rehow Luran coHogtoi atoii '214; 6, Bill Lathlaml '26; D, Alfrecl

Strol-e, Capzt. Tappa-ii -No. 7, Kales; ]rciltl v;, IilCloln' No. 6, Colliii's; -No. 5, EBlandfordl; No. Franl- Horle '26: 2, Dani Savre '24;4, Der-H~: No. 3, Harvrey; No. 2, Em- (George Haillll~let '26; cox;, Bob) Feidl '24.


Is Getting Ready for BattalionInspection Next Week

Tllis afternloon tllc freshmanl arnlywvill agaill go through a b~attalion par-ade, tile last olle bcfore the final re-view and. inspectionl by officers fromlthe W~ar Departmlent next wveek. Themen wvi'I forml inl their usual placesand mlarch to a positioll in back ofb~uildlilg 5. After a salute to thc rc-viC\Vilg officers, a tour of i spectiollby tile latter through tlle rankls, ancl aparade lpast thc reviewvers, thle battalionwvill bec disn-issed.

YJext Wc'(hicslay anld Thursdlay thleillspection wvill lbe held to determnilewvhethler Techlnology canl be rated as adistillguishecl colle~ge. Tlle inspectiollwill illcludle Cclass roomn visits ancl adrill by the freshmlleii onl Thursday af-teriloon.


At a mee~tling of the M~athl Club) iastTuesday C. F. Danliels '25 resignedl thlePresideclly duet to pressure of work].Another electiozl was immledliately ]elaiand A. C. B3rowvn '25 was elected3 to thechair.

Professor A. C. Flardy of tlec PhyvsicsDepartmlent gave a talk oil "CcolorMecasulremlents." The p~oint that hleenip~lasizcd throughloat his talk wa~sthat ally color could bc-) accuratelyt de-scribedl by giving itS hltle, tlC *12iOlUltof wvhite light that it *vouldl absorb andits reflecting, poxwer.


, }esults- of I.he dormzitoryf electiollsheldl X:Vedlleclav lor chairmlanl of thevaricous hfalls is as followNs: Nichlols, L.

.C. Sinlitl '21, 14ohnlan C. A. Dyso '2 4;Rtunkle, D. W. How e 725; Atksinson,tic b~etween H. R. Pierce '2D and R.W{' Hak-ewvessel '25. rrhis tie wvill besettledl by a re-clectioll for Atkinsonn ext A-londlav.

The repr.esentatives Of Ware, Crafts.a i (I '(3 wv l] bec chosel cluring tlle firstt\xo wVeeks of scllool llext vear. These

:are olze three nlew hal]s ande so it wvas,thlouzght advisabule to get the m3enl to-,g.ether b~efore the elections.



( Continlued from Page 1 )

Thec Sophoinlores chlose M. '_N1. Greervice-presidlelt; A. WV. Frenchz Jr., sec-retaryT; J. E. W~alk<er, treasurer; L. W.Cummllings anld Rav M\anch~a, ExecutiveConlilnittee; alld Di. A. Shepardl andl F.E. NVacllc J r., Institute Comm121ittee to

fi3thc. renlatin'll"f offices wvhile J S.sVieb~e, vice-presidellt; P. C. Eatoll, sec-

re tary; J. S. Harris, treasurer; P. W.C redlen. and Eril; Hofmnal, ExecutiveColzninittee: and~ L. :F. Bak<er Jr. and\V. 1-1. R. Coopur complete the list OIo3fficcrs for the Class o.f 1927.

Tlae race for e:;; .ltive comzmittee intlle Junlior class- was extremely, close,

auingle vote b~einlg the margin bywvhich G. EL. Fl1etcher -wonl over W5. W.'Northlrup. The treasurer'.s position intllis class wvas also hlotlv contested andonlyl five votes separated R. C. Ashl-%%orfli fron) .he wvinller.

Anl initerestin- poinit ab~out thecelec-tiOllS ,vs\7 the kirg~e vote given .o threeforiiier or rtctiring presidents. D. A.Shepalrd '26 receivecl the largest vtote,,ivei awx calididate, 279, %while MI. M¢.Greer w-as second higrh manl among theSophosilores. Tlle retiring 'freshman-presidlent l1ike his Sophomlore colleaguleled the JI-stintelt Commlittee cand~idatesof his class.

'File referencluinl on tlle ameiidnlenltto the tindler-raluate associationl con-st tultionl turiled ouit to be a m-ere for-

mlalitv. Tlle amendmllenlt wvas passed b-zvIlote of 8;40 to 152.




Our line is complete. Techstudents are invited to inspectour goods.


a[ To those interested in Radiowe will be glad to present anup-to-date R a n d McNallyRadio Map.

-Visit our Radio Dept.-



A. J. WILKINSONand Company

180, 184 & 188 Washington St.,


THE STORE FOR MENAt Washington St., Corner of Summer


SENIOR WEEP; TICKETSBlanket tickets will be on sale in

main lolbbv all next wveek. Thc priceXwill bee $1]6 and covers everything.

EH THEMESSeniors wVishinig them-es Written in

Englishl andl Historyc courses may se-cure theml at roonm 2^285 ally day, be-twveen 9 and 12

CATHOLIC: CLUBThe Spring Dance of the Catholic

Club still be held tonight in the MainHall, R\Walkser. Tickets are on sale inthe Omn~a lobbyr today front 12 to 2.The last meeting of the Catholic Clubfor the rear will b e held in room 2-190.WJednesdlav, Vav 14, at S. Dean Tal-lot wtill speak and officers wvill be el-eeted.

The New TuxedoDistiucetively for Colleg:e Mien, as ith itsloose, easy hanging lines and finee tailoring

l5.00 to 65.00.

Dress Vests 8.00 to 17.50

Jordan Mlarsh Company'BOSTON .

Macullar Parker Company"The Old House zith the Young Spirit"


Page 5: Fleve Places Count NP t v v u In Tonio~nrrovv's Dual I E VVI'th …tech.mit.edu/V44/PDF/V44-N22.pdf · Commnittcee are i , -lested to report ~,t the' Tnformation oLffice. Roorn 10-100

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Five Cents

CAPT. RUSSU W v H1-_ , , , 4 5 |

GARVIN DREW, who is Tl echnology's best bet in thc weight event:.He won the hammer throw from Capt. Emery -of Princeton last Saturday.

AMEACH, who, with Blodgett, wil! comr.pete for the

Engineers in the hurdles.COACH CONNOR.

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DOUG JEPPE and JACK HOXM1E at the finish of a heat in the 100 yard dashat the Interclass meet.

RUSS AMBACH, captain of the Technologytcam which meets Harvard tomorrow.

Af 12 feet


MAJOR SANFORD, whose vault c1 inch, at Princeton, broke the Te

record in the pole vault.

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JErF'RSON FLETCHER, wV1 von bothhurdle races for the Crimson in the Virgin.a

meet.CAPT. MERRILL of Harvard. C. C. CARPENTER, the ho'der

of the Harvard record in the discus.




1. I i'Q

Some of the Harvard Entries


Page 6: Fleve Places Count NP t v v u In Tonio~nrrovv's Dual I E VVI'th …tech.mit.edu/V44/PDF/V44-N22.pdf · Commnittcee are i , -lested to report ~,t the' Tnformation oLffice. Roorn 10-100

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Page Two

JACK HOXIE will take care of the dashes for theBeavers,

EMMONS BLODGETT, whobroke the Technology hurdle re-

cord in the Princeton meetSaturday.

| vf*~~~~ ;e '-. ' I _, *, ,, 5` rEU ~ VNOiMat*.. .tfasaI=Y <

DOUG JEPPE, who has developed into one of Technology's best run-ners. He won three first places in the Interclass meet, and broke theTechnology record for the 220 yard dash at Princeton last Saturday,

r ';·�-�FC;··�!L'

W. L. TIBBETS, anotherCrimson runner who will give

plenty of competition.

BOB ALLEN, who will bethe sprints for Harvard.

in BILL ROONEY, one of the En-gineers' distance runners.

THE TECH Friday, May 9, 1924


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Cambridge, Mass.

I I lE_ MASSACHIUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY offers Courses, eachof four years' duration, in Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering;INaval Airchitccture and Marine Engineering; Mininlg Engilneering alid Aletal-

lurgy and (;ceology- and Geological Engineerillg; Architecture and Architectural En-gillneering; Chcmiistry. Chemical Engineerirng and Electrochemical Engineering; Biologyand Public t-lcaltll and Sanitary Engineering; Phy sics, General Science and GeneralEngineirngcrin; and in Engineerinlg Administration. 'These Courses lead to the Degree ofBachelor of Science.

To be admlitted to the first year class, applicants mniust have attained the age ofseventeen v.ears. and nmu.t satisfactorily fulfill entrance requirements in Algebra, Planeand Solid Gcometry-, Trigonometry, Physics, Chlemistry, English, }Iistor3, and Frenchor GcrnuI and one elective subject. Examlinations are required in all subjects exceptChcelistry-, I-istory and the elective, the reqluirements for which are fulfilled by thepresentation of satisfactory certificates. A division of these entrance subjects betweendifferent examrination periods is permitted.

Entrance examinations are held at the Institute in September. T-i June, applicantswvill he examilned by the College Entrance Examination Board in Boston, New York,Philadelphia. Chicago, and nlany other cities in America and Europe. A circular statingtielies and places is issued in advance by the College Board.

Graduates of colleges and scientific schools of collegiate grade, and in generalall alpplicants presenting satisfactory certificates showing work done at another collegecorrc.spondinga to at least one year's work at the Institute, are admitted. wvithout exam-ination, to -,uch advanced stan'ding as is warranted by their previous training.

Graduate courses leading to the Degrees of A,[aster of Science, Mkfaster in Archi-tccture. Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science are also offered. Special Re-search la.hloratories of Plhy sical Chemistry, Applied Chemistry and Science have beenestablished.

PUBLICATIONSBulletins of General Information, Courses of Study, Summnier Session, Advanced

Study and Research; and the Report of the President and the Treasurer.X.Anv of the above naimed publications will be mailed free on application.Correspondence should be addressed to

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge 39, Mass.