Flannery: Sovereign credit in support of financing

A possible sovereign guarantee framework for Iraq Presentation by Dennis Flannery, Country Head for Iraq, Citibank Capstone Meetings Policies To Encourage Iraq’s Economic Development MENA-OECD Investment Programme Baghdad February 2 nd and 3 rd 2014

Transcript of Flannery: Sovereign credit in support of financing

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Why would Iraq employ Sovereign Credit to finance its Power

Sector Infrastructure Investment?

Satisfy Lenders’ and Investors’ Need for Solid Source of Repayment

Provide Iraq Access to International Financial Markets, Export Credit Agencies, etc.

Enhance Terms on which Iraq finances power sector Infrastructure Projects

Experience of Similarly-Situated Neighboring Countries indicates Use of Sovereign

Credit leads to Expediting Development of Power Sector

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Source of Repayment?

Creditors & Investors demand Highest Level of Certainty that Obligations will be


Solid Financial Backing is Essential - indicating the ABILITY to Pay

Political Leadership must demonstrate WILLINGNESS to Pay

Established Track Record of Meeting Financial Obligations

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Traditional Power Sector Source of Repayment

Electric Utility





Cash Flow


Service /

Return on


Independent Power

Producer Sources of Financing

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Traditional Power Sector Source of Repayment

Public Utility with “Investment Grade” Credit Rating from Independent Rating Agency

High Standard of Operating Performance and Enterprise Management

Long Track Record of flawless, Transparent Financial Performance

Well established Tariff Structures

Electricity Meters and Rigorous Collection Protocols

Proven Record of Project Development and Management

Conclusion: Creditworthy, Bankable Source of Repayment

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Iraq’s Power Sector Source of Repayment

Not yet meeting Traditional Power Sector Financing Standards

Need for institutional reform in the Ministry of Electricity to develop strong operational management,

financial management, collection regime and project management capabilities

Likely to take Years to reach Investment Grade Status

Needs Credit Enhancement in order to gain Access to International Financial Markets

Most Likely Credit Enhancement would be Sovereign Guarantee

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What is Sovereign Credit?

Financial Obligation – can be Direct Loan or Guarantee

Carries “Full Faith & Credit” of the Nation

Very Substantial Obligation

Political Authorities undertakes Obligation on behalf of the Entire Nation

Obligation which the People of the Nation are committed to honoring as a matter of

National Priority

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What is the form of Sovereign Credit?

Direct Financing by the Government or authorized Government agency through a Bond

Issue or Bank Loan

Sovereign Guarantee on Obligation undertaken on behalf of the Government

Government Agency or Ministry

Project Financing Sponsor – Special Purpose Vehicle

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How is a Sovereign Credit created?

National Laws govern establishment of Sovereign Credit

Usually requires Approval of Highest Political Authority, i.e., Parliament

High Standard for Approval avoids Abuse

May be delegated to certain Government Agencies

Minister of Finance usually executes Instruments of Sovereign Credit

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How can Sovereign Credits be created in Iraq?

No Current Legislation governing Establishment of Sovereign Credit

Iraq Financial Management Law of 2004 indicates Need for Council of Representatives


Could be established through Inclusion in Annual Budget Law for specific project

May be best to present to Council of Representatives on Case-by-Case Basis

Eventually incorporated into Financial Management Law

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Test of Sovereign Credit validity

Legal Counsel at Closing of Financing must confirm the Sovereign Credit is in

Conformity with Iraqi Legal Requirements; they must confirm the Obligation is

fully binding on the State

Signatory of the Sovereign, e.g., Minister of Finance, must be Legally

Authorized to commit the Full Faith & Credit of the Nation; Parliamentary

Resolution must Authorize the Signature which will bind the State

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Benefits of Borrowing to Finance Iraq’s Power Sector

7 – 15 Year Repayment Terms will permit Iraq to finance many Power Sector

Infrastructure Investment Projects each Year

Cost of Borrowing – Especially from Low Cost Export Credit Agencies – may often be

lower than Current Payment-on-Delivery Option

Gain Technical Assistance from Certain Creditors

Establish Iraq’s Presence in International Financial Markets

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A Path forward for Iraq to use Sovereign Credit to finance

Infrastructure Investment in the Power Sector

Develop Consensus among Iraqi Government Leadership to employ Sovereign Credit on a Case-by-Case Basis to

finance Power Sector Infrastructure Investment Projects

Agree on Process for Establishment of Sovereign Credit

Select a Project which could benefit from the use of Sovereign Credit

Develop a Financing Plan which demonstrates Project Viability and details of Sources of Financing for the

Project, including Expected Terms and Conditions

Present Financing Plan to Council of Ministers and select Committee Chairs of the Council of

Representatives for Provisional Approval of Use of Sovereign Credit

Negotiate Terms of Financing with Investors and Creditors

Present Final Terms and Conditions of the Financing to the Council of Ministers and Council of

Representatives for Final Approval to permit the Minister of Finance to execute the Contemplated Sovereign

Credit Instruments

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A Path forward for Iraq to use Sovereign Credit to finance

Infrastructure Investment in the Power Sector

Repeat Process for Subsequent Power Sector Infrastructure Investment


Eventually adopt Legislation governing Process for the Establishment of

Sovereign Credit on a Routine Basis – maybe in a revised Financial

Management Law

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