"Flames of Eternity" Chapter Three By EmmaLee Bertagnole & S.C. Lang

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Transcript of "Flames of Eternity" Chapter Three By EmmaLee Bertagnole & S.C. Lang

  • 8/8/2019 "Flames of Eternity" Chapter Three By EmmaLee Bertagnole & S.C. Lang


    "Flames of Eternity" Chapter Three By EmmaLee

    Bertagnole & S.C. Lang

    I had been given chambers in the western section of Castle

    Randor, overlooking the marketplace of the vast city. Autumn was

    lurking just off the horizon, truth be told, it had more than likely

    already fallen upon my kingdom of Barrington, but the days here were

    still warm and summer-like.

    My chambers were fit for the second-in-command of all

    Ravencrests occupation, lavishly furnished with silk tapestries on on

    the walls and a window with actual glass in it. A hallway separated my

    sleeping chamber, with its massive iron-framed bed and lush pillowsfrom a dressing room, and another one for bathing. Huge throw-rugs

    with fancy designs covered the hard floors, and teams of candles and

    sweet-smelling scented sticks were placed everywhere. A large wooden

    bowl with fresh fruit had been set on the table in the main room; a

    full tankard of ale sat next to it along with three ornately decorated

    crystal goblets.

    The chamber, indeed his entire castle, was a grand testament to

    Ammens love of having the best of everything. And in Ammens eyes,

    the best clearly meant the most expensive. Still, the man was the

    Overlord of Ravencrest, it wouldnt be proper to have such a powerful

    man dwelling in squalor like the commoners I was watching mill about

    the marketplace from my window.

    I was in a bitterly foul mood, for my special request to Overlord

    Ammen had not been honored. Oh, he stood there, in his regal gown and

    exquisite crown of gleaming sold gold, and announced in a voice as

    loud as thunder that full and complete ownership of my angel, (he had

    called her Selena) was granted to me. This degree had made her just as

    much my property as the lands he had bestowed on me as well, yet no

    female had been brought forth.

    The insult had burned a hole in my stomach for the rest of the

    night, which never seemed to end. Ammen offered no explanation for hisfailure to honor his promise; instead he smiled in his oily grin and

    told me not to worry. The girl will be in your chambers by midday

    tomorrow, my friend.

    Now, it was midday and there was still no Selena. My anger

    swelled inside me like a pie inside the large ovens the kitchen of

    Barrington Castle.

    With nothing else to do, I simmered in my anger like a piece of

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    meat in a pot and watched the goings on in the marketplace, in the

    vein hope that Id spot Selena.

    At first light, the activity had been slow, just a few early-

    risers buying sticks of butter, or small sacks of sugar to satisfy

    their cooking needs. A few drunken lads had run through the main

    section of the market yelling obscenities at the woman-folk andpushing old men to the ground. I had watched with an amused smile as

    a few armed guards gave the hooligans chase. I could remember a time,

    not so very long ago, when Lansing and I wouldve been those drunken

    lads, tipping over stands with goods on them, and generally being a


    I missed those days. The summers of my youth in Barrington

    seemed to vanish like a vapor before they even had time to get started

    properly. Well, I suppose that really wasnt so; I was just always

    entwined with stately duties. Whenever I could break away from being

    Prince Zyphran, Lansing and I would lose ourselves in the grand woods

    surrounding the castle hunting fox, boor, and deer.Lansing would become consumed with the hunt.

    Even from a very early age, Lansing was destined to be a solider,

    he just fell into that life as easily as the red banners of Barrington

    blew in the breeze. As a toddler, he would always try to sneak up on

    the stray cats that somehow found their way into the castle proper. By

    the time he was three, he was catching the felines with ease.

    Somewhere between in fifth and sixth year, his enjoyment of

    hunting cats became something of an obsession; an obsession that

    did not escape the notice of my Pa, who had come to love the infant

    castaway as his own flesh and blood, and the order was given to teach

    Lansing to hunt. The blond-haired lad with the intense eyes took to

    his teachings like moon took to the nighttime sky. Within months,

    Lansing had traded capturing cats to killing hares, foxes and other

    small game. Often, I was sent out into the woods to hunt with Lansing.

    I always enjoyed the time I got to spend with him, though sometimes he

    would frighten me with how intense he got while on the hunt. His eyes

    would grow hard and cold, and his face would look as if it was carved

    in stone. Even though I was his elder, and his prince, he would brook

    no distraction from me once he began tracking his prey.

    I stood by the window, a half-eaten green apple in one hand, a

    goblet of strong ale in the other, and watched the swarm of peopleconducting their business far below me. I had opened the glass hours

    ago, and the sounds, sights and smells of the marketplace assaulted

    my senses like storm clouds against a blue sky. The more the commoners

    entertained the colorful calls of the vendors trying to sell their

    wares, the more of Randors armed guards became visible.

    My gaze landed on a solider with golden hair and a new-grown

    beard, a hard stare peeking out of his gleaming helmet, a notched

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    and nicked broadsword firmly held in one hand, a heavy wooden shield

    in the other. He was alert and ready for battle while the rest of

    his comrades were lackadaisical in their duty. I had to smile as I

    finished off Ammens ale and dropped the expensive glass goblet out

    the window to watch it splinter into a million shards as it found the

    ground, how much this intense soldier reminded me of Lansing.By the time he turned seventeen, Lansing had traded hunting

    animals altogether for the thrill of hunting men. While I was locked

    up behind closed doors learning how to end the war against Carygrove

    that had just invaded our land, Lansing was learning how to fight it.

    A thin dark-haired girl wearing a worn brown dress and a blonde-

    haired man donned in a red tunic and dark brown leggings, caught my

    attention as they entered the marketplace. They had their backs to

    me, and I thought they made an odd couple; her with her demure manner

    and him stiff and awkward, as if he didnt know what was expected

    of him. My heart went out to him, for I could well relate to his

    discomfiture. Nothing made my skin crawl quite like shopping did. Tome, it was womans work, and this poor bastard clearly held the same

    opinion. The girl seemed to know exactly where she wanted to go, and

    all the vendors greeted her with warm smiles and eager waves. She had

    a wicker-basket in her hand and began making swift work of filling

    it with this and that, always finding time to give the vendors a few


    Eventually, my mind, and my attention, began to wonder again.

    I tried to concentrate on the Fires of Eternity, and their keeper,

    Regyna. Legend has it that the beautiful sorceress lives in, or

    around, Randor, though nobody knows just quite where. Some say the

    magical stones rest at the bottom of the Eastern Sea, while others

    claim they are buried deep within the jagged mountains that boarder

    the northern and eastern sides of this sprawling city.

    In hindsight, Im sickened that I wasted my request on such

    a foolish passing fancy. Some king I was, a pretty face in a crowd

    was all it took to shake me from my true mission; and thats all she

    was, after all, just a face in a crowd. She was a nothing, a nobody,

    a lowly commoner. I was after something much grander than her. I

    was wanted immortality. I hungered for power unlike anyone had ever

    enjoyed before. I sought sheer greatness. I wanted the fabled Fires of

    Eternity.My stare falls on the intense soldier again, and that brings

    my thoughts back around to the subject of war. War made me think of


    Now, my War-General was twenty-four and I was twenty-six; three

    years into my rule, victory over Drakors forces had been achieved.

    The cost to my kingdom had been severe, the loss of life alone

    reaching into the thousands, however, the gains had been mind-blowing.

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    Nobody could deny me my conquests. I had defeated a deeply detested

    enemy in Carygrove, I owned more land than my father ever did, and I

    was the second-in-command behind the Overlord himself. Yet, I was seen

    as a boy still by so many. Even by most of the soldiers in my vast

    army, though they didnt dare express such thought where I or Lansing

    could hear them.A feminine laugh drifted up through the window and captured my

    attention. It was the girl in the worn brown dress. She was now in

    the arms of her uncomfortable companion, and as he swung her around

    so that I saw his face and then hers, I nearly fell out of the window

    with shock.

    It was Lansing! And that rotten backstabbing bastard had his

    hands all over my request. He had his hands all over Selena!

    How many times in a day could this happen to one person? I struggled

    to regain my composure as once again a set of strong hands steadiedme. Taking a deep breath, I smiled apologetically ready to give my

    excuses and be on my way. I looked over his shoulder eyeing the entry

    hall before me, judging the distance to my escape.

    You. His eyes followed mine, understanding that I was leaving.

    With a gentle grasp on my arm, he pulled to the side of the doorway,

    the smile never leaving his face. I have been watching for you.

    Please dont leave. Stay. Enjoy the celebration with me this eve.

    I stared into his eyes in surprise. Taking in how truly handsome

    he was. The blond hair and blue eyes only enhanced dark tanned skin,

    earned from many days in the sun. You have been watching for me?

    He grinned nervously as he pulled again at the tight collar around

    his neck. Forgive me, I am Lansing, King Zyphrans War-General. I saw

    you as we entered the city, now to find you here tonight. He shrugged

    and his smile grew. Please stay, the celebration is just getting

    started; let me escort you for the evening.

    Relief flooded through me, surely he had mistaken me for someone

    else, as I had taken on a new form since he had entered town. There

    was no way possible I could be the one he thought I was. With a gentle

    smile, I placed my hand upon his as it rested on my arm.

    I am sorry Lansing; you must be mistaking me for someone else. I

    was not about the city when your Army arrived. Please forgive me formy clumsiness, I really must go. With a small curtsy, I try to move

    past only to have him grasp my arm tighter.

    Please my lady, would you reconsider. I would be most honored to

    spend some time with you. His eyes pleaded though he held himself

    tall and proud.

    With a simple shake of my head, I refused once more. Im sorry; I

    have things to tend to and can not remain. Perhaps another time.

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    He wasted no time in taking me up on my offer. How about in the

    morning, might I meet with you then? His grasp on my arm released as

    he offered. Will you meet me outside the castle gates at sun up so

    that I might take the time to know you?

    Knowing that I would not again take the form of Lady Isabella and

    that there would be no way for him to find me again I nodded. I willmeet you upon the sun rise at the castle gate, now please I really

    must go. With a polite smile and a nod, I pressed past him and

    started through the entry hall towards the castle exit. I could feel

    his eyes on me as I moved and held my breath hoping that he would not

    stop me again.

    Wait! he called his voice echoing through the entry hall. Your

    name, please tell me your name.

    Turning I flashed him another smile and a small wave. In the

    morning, you will find out all in the morning. Carefully watching my

    step not wanting to stumble again, I quickly walked through the large

    wooden doors and into the night air. My feet descending the castle

    stairs in record time as I made my escape.

    As I hit the last step I turned making sure that I was not being

    followed, taking deep breaths of the cool evening air as I tried to

    remain calm, reminding myself that there was no way he knew who I was

    and that I was overreacting in my fears of my true identify being


    Seeing no one behind me I slowed my pace to a brisk walk and exited

    the castle grounds quickly, making my way through the still crowded

    streets as I headed to my home. Vendors called to me hoping to make

    a sell but I waved them off with a smile as I weaved through the

    musicians and children lining the road.

    I approached my home several minutes later, taking a moment to say

    hello to the guard who sat in front of my house, assuring him that

    I had not been in contact with Selena and still had no idea to her

    whereabouts. As he wished me goodnight I stepped into my home closing

    the door behind me.

    Going straight to the bedroom I light a small lantern and I once

    again change my appearance back to Selena, she was whom I was most

    comfortable with and I did not plan on leaving the house again for

    anyone to see me. Once that was done and I had changed into a simple

    nightgown and sat down upon the bed to think over the days events.Even I had to laugh at the events. What were the chances of one person

    running figuratively and literally into both the King and his War-

    General in the same day, let alone within the same hour?

    Reaching for the hairbrush that sat on the small simple wooden

    nightstand next to the bed, I started to brush out my hair as I tried

    to figure out why King Zyphran would request ownership of one such as

    me. We had never even spoken; he had no idea who I was. Yet he had

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    requested me. I knew with his looks and honors his bed would never be

    void of willing, beautiful women. He could have chosen any female in

    the city and they would have gone willingly but yet he had requested

    the one who looked ill and plain, the one who wished to stay as far

    away from him as she could.

    Tossing the brush back onto the nightstand, I pulled back thecovers as I debated what I should do. The safety of the stones lay

    in my hands, and some deep gut feeling told me that King Zyphran

    was after the stones. I knew it was probably best for me to leave

    the city, reside in the cave until he left but yet another part of

    me pulled me to stay, find out all I could of the King and his War-

    General and find a way to fight them on equal ground.

    Leaning over to blow out the lantern, I pull the bed sheets aside

    and lay back onto the soft feather mattress. Fatigue overcomes me

    quickly and I fade into a restless sleep with dreams of the stones

    golden light surrounding me, calling out their warning.

    Banging on my front door woke me what felt like minutes later butfrom the fading of the darkness around me, I knew it had to have been

    hours. Jumping from the bed I ran into the front room of the small

    house as the banging continued. Knowing the guards were searching for

    Selena I hesitated until a womans voice cried out to me from the

    other side of the door.

    Selena, wake up, its Lilly, she had been injured and is asking

    for you. Selena wake up. The voice cried out.

    I threw the door open with only a small thought to my own safety.

    I drew the woman into the house with a gentle tug, slamming the door

    closed behind her. It was one of the local vendors who lived close to

    the inn Lillys father owned.

    Tell me, how bad is it? I asked, as I turned walking back to the

    bedroom and changing from my bedclothes to a brown cotton dress.

    As I reappeared, the older woman shook her head. It is not good

    Selena, she may not make it, she could only whisper for me to get you

    before she lost consciousness.

    Had I been alone I would have just willed myself into the shadows

    of the alley near her home but I knew this woman would insist on

    escorting me there. I had to force myself to remain calm and not do so

    anyway. There were few that I had loved in my centuries but Lilly was

    one of those who had touched my soul and I loved her deeply.Lets go. Have they called for the doctor? I grabbed my shawl,

    throwing the thin white material over my shoulders as we ran out the


    I had only made it to the end of the walkway before I heard a loud

    male voice call out. There she is, grab her.

    Turning, I saw three large elite guards coming at me with

    determined looks. I turned to the woman as she watched in fear as the

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    men grabbed me by the arms.

    Please, go to her, I will be there. Go; let her know I am on my

    way. I gestured with my head for her to leave before turning to the

    guards. Please my friend is injured, I will go with you to the castle

    but please first let me go to my friend, she may not live. Please, I

    pleaded with them. Give me this one request and I will go with you.Our orders are to bring you to the Overlord, which is what we will

    do; we can not be stopping for you to visit with a friend, what do we

    look like your knitting circle? One of the younger guards teased as

    they led me to the horses.

    Panic ran through me and I let my feet drop from underneath me

    forcing them to drag me, dust bellowing around us in the darkness as

    my feet dragged through the dirt. Please, she is dying. You dont

    understand, I must go to her, please let me go!

    You may plead your case to the Overlord but he is already angered

    that you were not delivered to the King last eve. I do not think he

    will listen to your pleas. Large arms picked me up setting me uponthe horse in front of one of the other guards.

    I closed my eyes trying to find a way out of this as the horse

    started to move. I knew I could just will myself away, but the

    attention my sudden disappearance would bring was something I could

    not risk. I struggle as the guards arms surrounded me, my fist

    flailing in all directions as I tried to escape. If I could only make

    it to the shadows, I would be able to lose them.

    I cried out and yelled, drawing people to the streets to see what

    was going on. It was near sunrise and the city was just starting to

    come to life. As I struggled, the guard tightened his arms around me.

    I tried to bring my feet up to my chest making it harder for him to

    grip me and in doing so we both started to lose our balance. We would

    have both gone over if it had not been for someone suddenly grabbing

    the reins of the horse and forcing us to a stop.

    Release her this instant. A loud voice bellowed. Release her


    Turning my head from my struggle, I let out a heavy breath as I saw

    Lansing standing before us. His entire demeanor changed from the man

    I had met last night. Before me now stood the War-General, not just

    Lansing. He was ready to fight; barking orders and he left no doubt

    that he expected them to be followed.Are you deaf? I said release her now, his eyes hard as steal as

    he challenged the guards who held me.

    With due respect General; the Overlord had requested her brought

    to the Castle at the Kings request. We must deliver her per his


    Reaching up with strong hands, he pulled me down from the horse

    in one swift motion. I will deliver her to the Overlord myself, I

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    relieve you of your duty, she is now in my custody. His strong hand

    held my arm as he pulled me to his side and away from the horses.

    The guards looked from one to another unsure of what they should

    do. To argue with the War-General was a show of extreme disrespect,

    yet to disobey the command of the Overlord was much greater an

    offense.Turning to Lansing I begged. Please, I was just made aware my

    best friend is injured, I must get to her before she dies. Take me to

    the Overlord, to the King if you must but first please let me get to

    Lilly. I must see her before she dies.

    His deep blue eyes softened as he listened to my pleas, his grip

    on my arm easing enough that I could have ran if I had desired.

    Nevertheless, I waited, hoping that he would assist me; with him by my

    side other guards would not hassle me as I made my way to Lilly.

    His eyes met mine and he saw the fear and worry in that possessed

    me. He took one more look to the guards and nodded. Leave us, I will

    escort her to her friends and then I shall deliver her to the castle.Trust that any issue the Overlord has with you handing her into my

    custody will be handled. I take full responsibility for her as of this

    moment. Turning his back on the guards in a form of dismissal, he

    looked to me. Now, where is your friend?

    I let out a relieved breath and pointed. Two streets over, in the

    old section. Please we must hurry I was told she may not live. I took

    hold of his hand all but pulling him after me.

    Turning he called to two of his army who stood behind him. Follow

    us; we may need assistance if this is as bad as she informs us.

    Falling into step beside me, he kept pace as I ran towards Lillys


    Thank you. Thank you for allowing me this. I was on my way to her

    when the guards grabbed me. I know not what need the Overlord has of

    me, but I know I must see Lilly first. I made my way through the

    streets expertly avoiding the vendors setting up for the day.

    You do not know why the Overlord has requested you? He asked

    keeping perfect pace with me, his body strong and not even winded by

    our quick speed.

    No. I have no idea, they mentioned King Zyphran had requested me,

    but I know not why. I have never met the King and surly he would have

    no use for one such as me. I turned the last corner and pointed onceagain. The inn, she is in the inn.

    I took off ahead of him running through the doorway as I followed

    the noise in the inn to the dining room. What greeted me took the

    breath out of me. Lilly lay pale and still on the floor, a large pool

    of her own blood surrounding her head. It seeped into the throw rug

    that covered the floor and slowly soaked into the plain lavender dress

    that she wore.

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    Upon my entrance, the crowd parted and I fell to my knees beside

    her. Oh Lilly, no! He really did it to you this time didnt he? My

    fingers reached out to touch her cheek, relieved to find it still

    warm. Glancing at her chest I could see a struggled rise and fall of

    her breathing.

    Get a doctor! Lansing yelled to his guards, Bring him here now!Wait, I can not afford a doctor. A drunken voice boomed from the

    kitchen. She is too far gone, I can not afford to waste the money on

    her when she will just die anyway.

    I stood, anger and rage flooding through my body. Taking every bit

    of strength to hold back my powers and not kill the man on sight. You

    bastard, you did this to her and now you sit and watch her die without

    even trying to save her! My body shook as I started to approach her


    Wait. A strong arm stopped me holding me back. Go, get the

    doctor, I will pay for him. He nodded to one of his guards before

    looking to me. Are you sure this is the man responsible for this?

    I nodded, It is not the first time that he has done this to her, I

    have no doubt if you question the help here at the inn they will back

    up my story. I glared at her father a moment more before turning back

    to Lilly.

    Arrest him, take him into custody, I will be by later to question

    him. Lansing ordered and his guard stepped forth grasping Lillys

    fathers arm.

    She lies, Lilly fell. She has always been clumsy. She fell and hit

    her head on the table. I swear it she did. He father struggled as

    the guard took him, but in his drunken state was no challenge to the

    young guard.

    As they continued to deal with Lillys father, I placed my hands

    upon Lillys head, closing my eyes I used my powers to see into her,

    letting my powers seep through my hands and into her head, easing the

    swelling and damage done to her. I dared not do too much, at risk of

    the others noticing, using only enough to keep the glow from my hands

    from being seen by the others around us. I hoped that I could do more

    if I got a chance to be alone with her later.

    Lansing kneeled down beside me, his supportive hand going to my

    shoulder as he whispered to me in a gentle voice. We will do what we

    can for her. I promise, if the doctor they bring cant help her wewill take her to the castle and have our doctor there try. I promise

    you she will get the best care possible.

    Turning to him with tears in my eyes, I could only nod. How I

    wished I had forced Lilly to leave here sooner, wished I had not left

    her alone, knowing the danger she was in. I felt the blame for this

    squarely on my shoulders. Frustration at not being able to heal her

    completely also tore at my soul. I hated having to hide who I was,

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    what I could do. So many I could help yet had to hide for the safety

    of the stones.

    Thank you, Lansing, I will repay you for your kindness. I reached

    up placing my hand upon his as it rested on my shoulder. You have

    been more than kind in your assistance today.

    The doctor and guard entered the room before he could respond.Taking my hand in his he pulled me up with him as we moved aside to

    allow the doctor to evaluate Lilly.

    I stood on shaky legs as I watched, knowing in my heart that she

    would survive this, but not knowing how severe the injury to her head

    was, or if there would be any lasting damage from her being attacked.

    It felt like forever before the doctor stood and turned towards us.

    I will not lie to you, it is bad, but I have seen much worse. The

    swelling is not as severe as I would have expected for this kind of

    injury and the bleeding has stopped. Now all we can do is watch and

    wait. An injury of this kind, time is the only thing we have. He

    looked back at Lilly as she lay before us. Damn shame a girl thisyoung. I hope they find the person who did this to her. He nodded to

    Lansing. We need to move her to a safe place; she will need to have

    someone with her most of the time for the next few days. We will not

    know the extent of the damage until she wakes. Does she have a bed

    here? He asked looking around the room.

    Stepping forward I spoke quickly. She is not safe here; if he

    returns he will kill her. Please take her to my home; I will hire

    someone to stay with her if I can not be with her myself. I paused

    thinking about having to meet with the Overlord. Shaking my head

    forcing my worries aside I looked to Lansing. Can we please take her

    to my home?

    Lansing smiled and nodded. I will have my men move her right

    away. Looking back at the doctor, he spoke in a commanding voice,

    leaving no room for argument. You will care for her, no matter what

    it takes or how long. I want this girl to be your top priority.

    I could not help but admire the way Lansing took charge of the

    situation. His true character showing as he did everything he could to

    assist Lilly and I, both two young females who he did not even know.

    I watched as he threw orders around the inn making sure the building

    was secure and taken care of while Lilly recovered, wanting assurance

    that she would have a place to come back to if she wished to upon herrecovery.

    Orders in place, we watched as the doctor and guards loaded Lilly

    onto a cart and headed towards my home. We followed closely behind,

    both silent as onlookers watched in curiosity at our procession.

    Lansing and I walked proudly side by side ignoring the questions that

    were called to us from the crowds.

    Once at my house we got Lilly situated into my bed. I left her

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    with the doctor and walked back out to the front room to find Lansing

    leaning against the wall watching me curiously.

    Might I now know your name? He asked with a half grin playing

    on his lips. I think that is fair payment for the assistance I have

    given today.

    I could not help but smile back at him as I stepped closer to himand held out my hand. My name is Selena, and I am in your debt,

    Lansing, I do not know what would have happened had you not happened

    by this morning when you did.

    Selena. The name fell from his mouth like honey, and I could

    not help but find enjoyment in the way he said it. I was waiting

    for a beautiful woman to meet me this morning by the gates, he

    winked. When I heard you screaming I knew I had to investigate. It

    was my honor to assist you and Miss Lilly today. I am also glad that I

    could be of assistance where she is concerned. Things like that should

    not happen, and I shall make sure that the one who did this to her is

    handled accordingly.I nodded. He has done this to her before, never this severe, I

    only wish I had taken her from there sooner, saved her from this. I

    glanced back towards the bedroom and took a deep breath. If you will

    allow me just a little more time to find someone to stay with her, I

    will keep my end of the bargain and you may take me to the Overlord.

    I played with a frayed edge of my shawl nervously as I awaited his


    Selena, I am not a horrible man, I will not take you from her now

    when you are all she has. You leave the Overlord to me; you are free

    right now to care for her. He smiled at my obvious relief. However,

    I do have one request in turn for offering this. He lifted his head

    meeting my eyes head on.

    Willing to do anything to stay with Lilly I nodded. Anything,

    I will do anything you ask. It is the least I can do for your


    He laughed. If I were not such a gentleman, that offer just might

    get you into trouble, Selena, but what I request is really quite

    simple. All I ask is that while you are here with her, helping her to

    heal, that I might be allowed to visit you, sit with you and have the

    chance to know the beautiful woman before me who fights armed guards

    to assist her friend. Brushing his fingers through his blond hair, hegrinned. I only ask for your company.

    I was shocked by the simplicity of his request, but even more by

    the pleasure the thought of spending more time with him brought me. I

    would be honored to have you visit, Lancing. The pleasure of your

    company would be welcome.

    He tilted his head and smiled. Then the morning is has not been in

    vain. My rewards are great.

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    I laughed and for the first time since the pounding on my door woke

    me I felt a little bit of peace. I will need to leave for a bit to do

    some shopping, I do not have food here for Lilly should she wake. I

    need to find someone to sit with her while I go out. I turned walking

    to the pantry finding nothing but a few old potatoes starting to grow

    roots. Turning back around I jumped finding Lansing standing directlybehind me.

    I will ask the doctor to stay with her if you wish to go now. If

    you do not mind, I will accompany you. Until I have had a chance to

    speak with the Overlord it is best if you do not venture out onto the

    streets alone. Lansing stepped back as I walked past him.

    I smiled at his willingness to assist me; I wondered what he would

    say if he had known that I was really the woman he had been waiting on

    at the gates this morning. I bit my tongue holding back a laugh at the

    way fate had at throwing a curve at you when you least expected it. I

    would enjoy your company, Lansing. I am sorry you missed your date

    this morning, I hope that my company now might make up for it in some

    small way.

    He bowed deep and smiled. I will go tell the doctor we will be

    away, you gather what you need.

    Watching him head into the bedroom I could not help but feel I had

    possibly made a new friend. Grabbing my basket and some money from the

    stash I had hidden away, I smiled as I waited for him to return.

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