Fiya - issue 01



Ibflight Travel Magazine of Villa Air

Transcript of Fiya - issue 01

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Roses are iconic f lowers with a divine fragrance that is enclosed within the folds of del icate petals. I ts beauty has captivated our hearts and imaginat ion for mi l lennia. Roses are the si lent messengers of love when words fai l to express the secrets of the heart, the inspir ing muse of the poets, sacred offer ings for the divine, as wel ls as the welcoming and the part ing gift for many occa-sions. I ts many uses range from making perfumes to f lavoring

beverages. Universal ly, roses are considered as the symbol of love, peace, grat i tude and affect ion.

Maldives adopted the Pink Rose (botanical ly identi f ied as Rose polyantha) as the national f lower on 25th July 1985 (7th Dh’ul Q’aidhaa 1405 AH). The polyantha shrubs are wel l suited for tropical cl imates and blooms throughout the year in the Maldives. Pink Rose or Fiyaathoshi Fini fenmaa in local

Dhivehi language, signif ies the beauty and del icateness of Mal-dives, including the elegance and grace of the Maldivians.

FlyMe embodies everything roses stand for; from the elegance of our di l igent team to the smooth gracefulness of the f l ight. I t is our wish to make your journey with us always a start of something wonderful.

I t is with great pleasure that Flyme introduces its f i rst issue of inf l ight magazine named “Fiya” that is f i l led with interest ing and entertaining editor ial contents to keep our customers entertained whether they are travel l ing for business or leisure. “Fiya” is a Dhivehi word and can have many meanings includ-ing “wings of the aircraft”, “f lower petals”, “bird feathers”..etc. Al l these meanings of the word “f iya” denotes in someway air l ine and aviat ion industry and this is the main reason “Fiya” has been chosen as the t i t le for the in-f l ight magazine. As such, this f i rst issue of Flyme’s in-f l ight magazine wi l l focus on pink rose related to Maldivian culture.

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Welcome Aboard Vi l la Air ’s fr iendly FlyMe Experience.

Whether you are f ly ing with us for the f i rst t ime, a frequent travel ler, or just reading this magazine in the comfort of a lounge; I say, thank you for your patronage. We are happy to serve you and shal l continue to work hard to offer you the best possible air transport service within Maldives.

Just this February we have added our brand new ATR 72-600 aircraft to our f leet and we expect to take del ivery of our fourth aircraft towards the latter part of this year. We are constantly explor ing ways to make your travel with us safe, comfortable, rel iable and dependable. The new 72-600 series offers you addit ional comfort. The aircraft cabin designed by Giugiaro Design of I taly, exclusively for Avions de Transport Regional (ATR) combined with ful l leather “Prest ige” seats from Geven, creates the “FlyMe Premier” class at the front of the cabin with pr ivacy and extra leg-room; a class of unmatched comfort and luxury for turbo props in service today.

Our safety and qual i ty standards are pitched to the levels recommended by EASA and the FlyMe team consists of trained professionals, wi l l ing and eager to assist you throughout your f l ight and whi le on the ground, depart ing or arr iv ing on our f l ights.

Just over a year ago we started our operat ions with f l ights between Ibrahim Nasir Internat ional Airport, and Vi l la Airport Maamigi l i . We soon fol lowed by adding Addu City’s Gan In-ternat ional Airport to our l ist of destinat ions. Early this year we started dai ly service to Dharavandhoo Airport in Baa

Atol l . I t is our intent ion that within the f i rst quarter of this year we shal l be serving al l the eight airports of Maldives.

Vi l la Air is grateful to i ts customers who have given us strong support over the past f i f teen months. I t is the part-nership between the owners and managements of our cl ient resorts and us that create the value chain for our cl ients. We are happy to have as our customers some of the most sort after hol iday destinat ion resorts in the Maldives, such as; Sun Island Resort & Spa, Centara Grand Island Resort, Conrad Hi l ton, Royal Is land Resort, Banyan Tree, Shangri La, LUX* Maldives and several others.

I am also deeply thankful to our domestic cl ientele who use our services frequently to domestic destinat ion. For our guests from China, February is a special month and we l ike to say “Xin Nian Kuai Le”.

I t is our hope that with our valued customers’ support and cooperat ion and the t i reless efforts of our staff Vi l la Air and FlyMe Service wi l l continue to grow in support of the socio-economic development of the Maldives and expansion of tourism and other key sectors throughout the Maldives.

Have an Enjoyable Fl ight……and Hope to see you again soon on FlyMe.

Thank youRilwan Shareef




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c . ތިޔަ ބޭފުޅުން ވިލާ އެއަރ އިން ކިޔަމެވެވިލާ އެއަރ )ފްލައިމީ( ގެ އިންފްލައިޓް މެގަޒިންގެ ފުރަތަމަ އަދަދަށް މަރުހަބާ

ދަތުރަކަށް އެދެމެވެ. އުފާވެރި ރައްކާތެރި އަދި ކުރައްވާ ކޮންމެ ދަތުރަކީވެސް

ދިގު ދަތުރު މަންޒަރަކީއަޅުގަޑުގެ ހިތުގައި ކުރެހެމުން އައި ފެށީއްސުރެރާއްޖޭގެ ރަށްތަކަށް ފަތުރުވެރިން ޒިޔާރަތްކުރަން ޗުއްޓީ ދިރިއުޅޭ ރަށްރަށަށް ނުވަތަ، އެމީހުން ،ފަތުރުވެރިންނަށްރާއްޖޭގެ ލޮބުވެތި ރައްޔަތުންނާއި ތަކަކަށްފަހު ރާއްޖެއަންނަ

ދަކޮށްލަން އަންނަ ރިސޯރޓަކަށް އަވަހަށް ދެވޭނެ ފަސޭހަގޮތެއް ހޯދުމެވެ.ހޭ

ގެ ދެމަތިންދާ ބޯޓް ATR 42-500ވަނަ އަހަރުގެތެރޭގައި 1122ވައިގެ ދަތުރުފަތުގެ ޚިދުމަތް ފެށުމަށް އެހެން ކަމުން ވައިގެ ތެރެއަށް އުދުއްސާލީ އަރިއަތޮޅު ވިލާ އެއަރވަނަ ދުވަހު 1122 އޮކްޓޯބަރ 2 ގެ ވާގިފުޅާއިއެކު،هللا މާތް، ގެނެސް

ވިލާ ގަޑިއިރުގެ ޚިދުމަތާއި އެކުގައެވެ. 12ރިސޯރޓް ތަކާއި މާލެއާއި ދެމެދުގެ ،މާމިގިލީގެ ވައިގެބަދަރު މެދުވެރިކޮށް ދެކުނުބުރީށާއި އެއަރޕޯރޓަ ރާއްޖޭގެ އެންމެ ދެކުނުގައި އޮތް ގަން އިންޓަރނޭޝަނަލް މިހާރުވެސް ެ އިތުރުން މާމިގިލީގ –-އެއަރޕޯރޓް

ދަތުރު ވެސްވިލާ އެއަރ މިދަނީ ރާއްޖޭގެ އެހެން އެއަރޕޯރޓް ތަކަށްދަތުރުކުރަމުން އަންނަ ބ. ދަރަވަންދޫ އެއަރޕޯރޓަށްގެ މަތިންދާ ATR 72-600އާ ވިގެ ފްލީޓަށް އިތުރުމި ފެބްރުއަރީ މަހު ވިލާ އެއަރ. ށުމުގެ ތައްޔާރީތައް ވަމުންނެވެފެ

މަތިންދާބޯޓްގެ އިތުރުން ޖެޓް ބުރަފަތިލީކުރާ ދަތުރުތައް ވަަރަށް އަވަހަށް ފެށިގެންދާނެއެވެ. އިތުރު މަންޒިލްތަކަށް ބޯޓާއި އެކު ށުމަށް ވިލާ އެއަރއިން މިދަނީ ވިސްނަމުންނެވެ.ފެމަތިންދާ ބޯޓް ގެނެސް ރާއްޖެއިން ބޭރުގެ ދަތުރުތައްވެސް ކާރި ކުރިމަގެއްގައި

" ގެ ޚިދުމަތް ދިނުމަށާއި، ފޮޓޯ ފްލައިޓްގެ ޚިދުމަތަށް މޫދުގައި ޖައްސާ ބޯޓް ރާއްޖޭގެ އެކިދިމާލަށް "މެޑިކަލް އިވެކުއޭޝަން )ސީޕްލޭން( މަދު އަދަދަކަށް މި އަހަރުގެ ތެރޭގައި ގެންނަން ޚިޔާލުކުރަމެވެ.

ފުޅާކޮށް ވިލާ އެއަރ ގެ ޚިދުމަތް ސައްތައިންސައްތަ ދިވެހި ކުންފުންޏެއްކަމަށްވާ ހުނަރުވެރި ދިވެހިންގެ ޓީމަކާއި އެކު ފެށި ކޮށްދީ މި ދާއިރާއަށް އިތުރު ދިވެހިން އަހުލުވެރިކުރުމަށް ވިލާ އެއަރ އިން ހަރުދަނާ ކުރުމަށް ބޭނުންވާ ތަމްރީނު ފޯރު

ގާބިލު، ހީވާގި، ކެެރޭ ޓީމުގެ ގެމެދުކެޑުމެއްނެތި މަަސައްކަތް ކުރަމުންދާނަމެވެ. އަޅުގަޑުމެންގެ އެސެޓަކީ އަޅުގަޑުމެން ޚިދުމަތަށް އަޅުގަޑު ސާބަސްދެމެވެ. އެއަރޓީމްގެ ހުރިހާ މެމްބަރުންގެވިލާ މެމްބަރުންނެވެ.

މުދަލާއި މީހުން އެއް މަންޒިލުން އަނެއް މަންޒިލަށް ގައުމެއްގެ ތަރައްގީ ގައި ދަތުރުފަތުރުގެ ނިޒާމަކީ އެންމެ މުހިއްމު އެއްތަބެވެ. ގުޅިފައިވާކަމެކެވެ. ވިންދާއިމަކީ ތަރައްގީގެ ރައްކާތެރިކަމާއި އެކު އަވަހަށް ގެންދިޔު

އަށްވުރެ ގިނަ ފަތުރުވެރިން 01ރިސޯރޓަށް އަންނަ ފަތުރުވެރިންގެ % ސަތޭކައަށްވުރެ ގިނަރާއްޖޭގެ އެކިހިސާބުގައި ހެދިފައިވާ ޅު އަރިއަތޮފުޅާކުރެވޭނީ އިތުރު އެއަރޕޯރޓް ތައް ހަދައިގެން ކަމަށްވުމާއި އެކު ރިސޯރޓްތަކަށް ގެންދިޔުމަށް ވައިގެ ޚިދުމަތް

ު ދުމަތަށް ހުޅުވާލެވުނޚި ވަނަ ދުވަހު 2މަހުގެ އޮކްޓޯބަރވަނައަހަރުގެ 1122 ހަދާއެއަރޕޯރޓެއް މާމިގިލީ ފަޅު ހިއްކައިގެންމި އެއަރޕޯރޓް ވައިގެ ބަދަރެވެ.އެއް ރާއްޖޭގައި އޮތް އެންމެ ފެންވަރު ރަގަޅު ލާ އެއަރޕޯރޓް މާމިގިލީ ވައިގެ ބަދަރަކީ ވި

ކުރަމުންނެވެ. ކުރުމުގެ މަސައްކަތް މިދަނީ ހުއްޓާނުލާތަރައްގީކޮށް ފެންވަރު ރަގަޅުއިތުރަށް

އަށްޓަކައި ބޮޑެތި ޚަރަދުތަކެއް ކޮށްގެން ތަރައްގީމަސައްކަތާއި އެކު އދ. މާމިގިލީގެ ރައްޔިތުންގެ މާމިގިލީގެ -ވިލާ އެއަރޕޯރޓް އެސަރަހައްދުގެ ރަށްތަކުގައި ދިިރިއުޅޭ އަދި މަސައްކަތްކުރާ ރައްޔިތުންނަށް މިއަދު ތަކުގެ ފައިދާ އެރަށާއި ގިނަ މަސައްކަތްކުރެވުނު

. މިވަނީ ފެންނަންފަށާފައެވެ

ފަރާތްތަކަށް ހިތްހަމަޖެހުމާއި އުފަލާއި އެކު ބަލައިގަނެވޭނެ ޚިދުމަތަށްބޭނުންވެފައިތިބި ވައިގެމިދަނީ އުފުލަމުން ވިލާ އެއަރ އިން ތިޔަ ތިޔަ ބޭފުޅުންގެ ތަރައްގީގެ ބައިވެރިޔެއްގެ ހައިސިއްޔަތުންނެވެ. އެހެންކަމުން . ނުމުގެ މަސްއޫލިއްޔަތެވެޚިދުމަތެއް ފޯރުކޮށްދި

ތިޔަ ބޭފުޅުން ހުރިހާ ފަރާތްތަކުން އަޅުގަޑުމެންނާއި މެދު ބަހައްޓަވާ ގާތްކަމަށްޓަކައި ފަށްފަށުން ޝުކުރު ދަންނަވަމެވެ. އަދި ތިޔަ . އުއްމީދުކުރަމެވެއަޅުގަޑު ވަގުތުކޮޅަކަށްވާނެ ކަމަށް އްވާ ވަގުތު ކޮޅަކީ އުފާވެރި އަޅުގަޑުމެންނާއި އެކު ތިޔަ ހޭދަކުރަهللا މާތް، ފެންވަރަށް މި ޚިދުމަތް ފުޅާކޮށް ތަރައްގީ ކުރުމުގައި އެދިވަޑައިގަންނަވާވާ ގޮތަށް ފުޅުއެންމެހާ ފަރާތްތަކުންވެސް ބޭނުން

ންކަން އަރުވަމެވެ. އެކު މަސައްކަތް ކުރާނެ ކަމުގެ ޔަގީހިތްވަރާއި ޢަޒުމާއި ގެ ވާގިފުޅާއި އެކު،

،ޤާސިމް އިބްރާހިމް


Page 7: Fiya - issue 01



c . ތިޔަ ބޭފުޅުން ވިލާ އެއަރ އިން ކިޔަމެވެވިލާ އެއަރ )ފްލައިމީ( ގެ އިންފްލައިޓް މެގަޒިންގެ ފުރަތަމަ އަދަދަށް މަރުހަބާ

ދަތުރަކަށް އެދެމެވެ. އުފާވެރި ރައްކާތެރި އަދި ކުރައްވާ ކޮންމެ ދަތުރަކީވެސް

ދިގު ދަތުރު މަންޒަރަކީއަޅުގަޑުގެ ހިތުގައި ކުރެހެމުން އައި ފެށީއްސުރެރާއްޖޭގެ ރަށްތަކަށް ފަތުރުވެރިން ޒިޔާރަތްކުރަން ޗުއްޓީ ދިރިއުޅޭ ރަށްރަށަށް ނުވަތަ، އެމީހުން ،ފަތުރުވެރިންނަށްރާއްޖޭގެ ލޮބުވެތި ރައްޔަތުންނާއި ތަކަކަށްފަހު ރާއްޖެއަންނަ

ދަކޮށްލަން އަންނަ ރިސޯރޓަކަށް އަވަހަށް ދެވޭނެ ފަސޭހަގޮތެއް ހޯދުމެވެ.ހޭ

ގެ ދެމަތިންދާ ބޯޓް ATR 42-500ވަނަ އަހަރުގެތެރޭގައި 1122ވައިގެ ދަތުރުފަތުގެ ޚިދުމަތް ފެށުމަށް އެހެން ކަމުން ވައިގެ ތެރެއަށް އުދުއްސާލީ އަރިއަތޮޅު ވިލާ އެއަރވަނަ ދުވަހު 1122 އޮކްޓޯބަރ 2 ގެ ވާގިފުޅާއިއެކު،هللا މާތް، ގެނެސް

ވިލާ ގަޑިއިރުގެ ޚިދުމަތާއި އެކުގައެވެ. 12ރިސޯރޓް ތަކާއި މާލެއާއި ދެމެދުގެ ،މާމިގިލީގެ ވައިގެބަދަރު މެދުވެރިކޮށް ދެކުނުބުރީށާއި އެއަރޕޯރޓަ ރާއްޖޭގެ އެންމެ ދެކުނުގައި އޮތް ގަން އިންޓަރނޭޝަނަލް މިހާރުވެސް ެ އިތުރުން މާމިގިލީގ –-އެއަރޕޯރްޓ

ދަތުރު ވެސްވިލާ އެއަރ މިދަނީ ރާއްޖޭގެ އެހެން އެއަރޕޯރޓް ތަކަށްދަތުރުކުރަމުން އަންނަ ބ. ދަރަވަންދޫ އެއަރޕޯރޓަށްގެ މަތިންދާ ATR 72-600އާ ވިގެ ފްލީޓަށް އިތުރުމި ފެބްރުއަރީ މަހު ވިލާ އެއަރ. ށުމުގެ ތައްޔާރީތައް ވަމުންނެވެފެ

މަތިންދާބޯޓްގެ އިތުރުން ޖެޓް ބުރަފަތިލީކުރާ ދަތުރުތައް ވަަރަށް އަވަހަށް ފެށިގެންދާނެއެވެ. އިތުރު މަންޒިލްތަކަށް ބޯޓާއި އެކު ށުމަށް ވިލާ އެއަރއިން މިދަނީ ވިސްނަމުންނެވެ.ފެމަތިންދާ ބޯޓް ގެނެސް ރާއްޖެއިން ބޭރުގެ ދަތުރުތައްވެސް ކާރި ކުރިމަގެއްގައި

" ގެ ޚިދުމަތް ދިނުމަށާއި، ފޮޓޯ ފްލައިޓްގެ ޚިދުމަތަށް މޫދުގައި ޖައްސާ ބޯޓް ރާއްޖޭގެ އެކިދިމާލަށް "މެޑިކަލް އިވެކުއޭޝަން )ސީޕްލޭން( މަދު އަދަދަކަށް މި އަހަރުގެ ތެރޭގައި ގެންނަން ޚިޔާލުކުރަމެވެ.

ފުޅާކޮށް ވިލާ އެއަރ ގެ ޚިދުމަތް ސައްތައިންސައްތަ ދިވެހި ކުންފުންޏެއްކަމަށްވާ ހުނަރުވެރި ދިވެހިންގެ ޓީމަކާއި އެކު ފެށި ކޮށްދީ މި ދާއިރާއަށް އިތުރު ދިވެހިން އަހުލުވެރިކުރުމަށް ވިލާ އެއަރ އިން ހަރުދަނާ ކުރުމަށް ބޭނުންވާ ތަމްރީނު ފޯރު

ގާބިލު، ހީވާގި، ކެެރޭ ޓީމުގެ ގެމެދުކެޑުމެއްނެތި މަަސައްކަތް ކުރަމުންދާނަމެވެ. އަޅުގަޑުމެންގެ އެސެޓަކީ އަޅުގަޑުމެން ޚިދުމަތަށް އަޅުގަޑު ސާބަސްދެމެވެ. އެއަރޓީމްގެ ހުރިހާ މެމްބަރުންގެވިލާ މެމްބަރުންނެވެ.

މުދަލާއި މީހުން އެއް މަންޒިލުން އަނެއް މަންޒިލަށް ގައުމެއްގެ ތަރައްގީ ގައި ދަތުރުފަތުރުގެ ނިޒާމަކީ އެންމެ މުހިއްމު އެއްތަބެވެ. ގުޅިފައިވާކަމެކެވެ. ވިންދާއިމަކީ ތަރައްގީގެ ރައްކާތެރިކަމާއި އެކު އަވަހަށް ގެންދިޔު

އަށްވުރެ ގިނަ ފަތުރުވެރިން 01ރިސޯރޓަށް އަންނަ ފަތުރުވެރިންގެ % ސަތޭކައަށްވުރެ ގިނަރާއްޖޭގެ އެކިހިސާބުގައި ހެދިފައިވާ ޅު އަރިއަތޮފުޅާކުރެވޭނީ އިތުރު އެއަރޕޯރޓް ތައް ހަދައިގެން ކަމަށްވުމާއި އެކު ރިސޯރޓްތަކަށް ގެންދިޔުމަށް ވައިގެ ޚިދުމަތް

ު ދުމަތަށް ހުޅުވާލެވުނޚި ވަނަ ދުވަހު 2މަހުގެ އޮކްޓޯބަރވަނައަހަރުގެ 1122 ހަދާއެއަރޕޯރޓެއް މާމިގިލީ ފަޅު ހިއްކައިގެންމި އެއަރޕޯރޓް ވައިގެ ބަދަރެވެ.އެއް ރާއްޖޭގައި އޮތް އެންމެ ފެންވަރު ރަގަޅު ލާ އެއަރޕޯރޓް މާމިގިލީ ވައިގެ ބަދަރަކީ ވި

ކުރަމުންނެވެ. ކުރުމުގެ މަސައްކަތް މިދަނީ ހުއްޓާނުލާތަރައްގީކޮށް ފެންވަރު ރަގަޅުއިތުރަށް

c . ތިޔަ ބޭފުޅުން ވިލާ އެއަރ އިން ކިޔަމެވެވިލާ އެއަރ )ފްލައިމީ( ގެ އިންފްލައިޓް މެގަޒިންގެ ފުރަތަމަ އަދަދަށް މަރުހަބާ

ދަތުރަކަށް އެދެމެވެ. އުފާވެރި ރައްކާތެރި އަދި ކުރައްވާ ކޮންމެ ދަތުރަކީވެސް

ދިގު ދަތުރު މަންޒަރަކީއަޅުގަޑުގެ ހިތުގައި ކުރެހެމުން އައި ފެށީއްސުރެރާއްޖޭގެ ރަށްތަކަށް ފަތުރުވެރިން ޒިޔާރަތްކުރަން ޗުއްޓީ ދިރިއުޅޭ ރަށްރަށަށް ނުވަތަ، އެމީހުން ،ފަތުރުވެރިންނަށްރާއްޖޭގެ ލޮބުވެތި ރައްޔަތުންނާއި ތަކަކަށްފަހު ރާއްޖެއަންނަ

ދަކޮށްލަން އަންނަ ރިސޯރޓަކަށް އަވަހަށް ދެވޭނެ ފަސޭހަގޮތެއް ހޯދުމެވެ.ހޭ

ގެ ދެމަތިންދާ ބޯޓް ATR 42-500ވަނަ އަހަރުގެތެރޭގައި 1122ވައިގެ ދަތުރުފަތުގެ ޚިދުމަތް ފެށުމަށް އެހެން ކަމުން ވައިގެ ތެރެއަށް އުދުއްސާލީ އަރިއަތޮޅު ވާިލ އެއަރވަނަ ދުވަހު 1122 އޮކްޓޯބަރ 2 ގެ ވާގިފުޅާއިއެކު،هللا މާތް، ގެނެސް

ވިލާ ގަޑިއިރުގެ ޚިދުމަތާއި އެކުގައެވެ. 12ރިސޯރޓް ތަކާއި މާލެއާއި ދެމެދުގެ ،މާމިގިލީގެ ވައިގެބަދަރު މެދުވެރިކޮށް ދެކުނުބުރީށާއި އެއަރޕޯރޓަ ރާއްޖޭގެ އެންމެ ދެކުނުގައި އޮތް ގަން އިންޓަރނޭޝަނަލް މިހާރުވެސް ެ އިތުރުން މާމިގިލީގ –-އެއަރޕޯރްޓ

ދަތުރު ވެސްވިލާ އެއަރ މިދަނީ ރާއްޖޭގެ އެހެން އެއަރޕޯރޓް ތަކަށްދަތުރުކުރަމުން އަންނަ ބ. ދަރަވަންދޫ އެއަރޕޯރޓަށްގެ މަތިންދާ ATR 72-600އާ ވިގެ ފްލީޓަށް އިތުރުމި ފެބްރުއަރީ މަހު ވިލާ އެއަރ. ށުމުގެ ތައްޔާރީތައް ވަމުންނެވެފެ

މަތިންދާބޯޓްގެ އިތުރުން ޖެޓް ބުރަފަތިލީކުރާ ދަތުރުތައް ވަަރަށް އަވަހަށް ފެށިގެންދާނެއެވެ. އިތުރު މަންޒިލްތަކަށް ބޯޓާއި އެކު ށުމަށް ވިލާ އެއަރއިން މިދަނީ ވިސްނަމުންނެވެ.ފެމަތިންދާ ބޯޓް ގެނެސް ރާއްޖެއިން ބޭރުގެ ދަތުރުތައްވެސް ކާރި ކުރިމަގެއްގައި

" ގެ ޚިދުމަތް ދިނުމަށާއި، ފޮޓޯ ފްލައިޓްގެ ޚިދުމަތަށް މޫދުގައި ޖައްސާ ބޯޓް ރާއްޖޭގެ އެކިދިމާލަށް "މެޑިކަލް އިވެކުއޭޝަން )ސީޕްލޭން( މަދު އަދަދަކަށް މި އަހަރުގެ ތެރޭގައި ގެންނަން ޚިޔާލުކުރަމެވެ.

ފުޅާކޮށް ވިލާ އެއަރ ގެ ޚިދުމަތް ސައްތައިންސައްތަ ދިވެހި ކުންފުންޏެއްކަމަށްވާ ހުނަރުވެރި ދިވެހިންގެ ޓީމަކާއި އެކު ފެށި ކޮށްދީ މި ދާއިރާއަށް އިތުރު ދިވެހިން އަހުލުވެރިކުރުމަށް ވިލާ އެއަރ އިން ހަރުދަނާ ކުރުމަށް ބޭނުންވާ ތަމްރީނު ފޯރު

ގާބިލު، ހީވާގި، ކެެރޭ ޓީމުގެ ގެމެދުކެޑުމެއްނެތި މަަސައްކަތް ކުރަމުންދާނަމެވެ. އަޅުގަޑުމެންގެ އެސެޓަކީ އަޅުގަޑުމެން ޚިދުމަތަށް އަޅުގަޑު ސާބަސްދެމެވެ. އެއަރޓީމްގެ ހުރިހާ މެމްބަރުންގެވިލާ މެމްބަރުންނެވެ.

މުދަލާއި މީހުން އެއް މަންޒިލުން އަނެއް މަންޒިލަށް ގައުމެއްގެ ތަރައްގީ ގައި ދަތުރުފަތުރުގެ ނިޒާމަކީ އެންމެ މުހިއްމު އެއްތަބެވެ. ގުޅިފައިވާކަމެކެވެ. ވިންދާއިމަކީ ތަރައްގީގެ ރައްކާތެރިކަމާއި އެކު އަވަހަށް ގެންދިޔު

އަށްވުރެ ގިނަ ފަތުރުވެރިން 01ރިސޯރޓަށް އަންނަ ފަތުރުވެރިންގެ % ސަތޭކައަށްވުރެ ގިނަރާއްޖޭގެ އެކިހިސާބުގައި ހެދިފައިވާ ޅު އަރިއަތޮފުޅާކުރެވޭނީ އިތުރު އެއަރޕޯރޓް ތައް ހަދައިގެން ކަމަށްވުމާއި އެކު ރިސޯރޓްތަކަށް ގެންދިޔުމަށް ވައިގެ ޚިދުމަތް

ު ދުމަތަށް ހުޅުވާލެވުނޚި ވަނަ ދުވަހު 2މަހުގެ އޮކްޓޯބަރވަނައަހަރުގެ 1122 ހަދާއެއަރޕޯރޓެއް މާމިގިލީ ފަޅު ހިއްކައިގެންމި އެއަރޕޯރޓް ވައިގެ ބަދަރެވެ.އެއް ރާއްޖޭގައި އޮތް އެންމެ ފެންވަރު ރަގަޅު ލާ އެއަރޕޯރޓް މާމިގީިލ ވައިގެ ބަދަރަކީ ވި

ކުރަމުންނެވެ. ކުރުމުގެ މަސައްކަތް މިދަނީ ހުއްޓާނުލާތަރައްގީކޮށް ފެންވަރު ރަގަޅުއިތުރަށް

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MAIZAN AZLEEMLikes writ ing on culture, history and environmental issues. His works have been featured in local and onl ine magazines. He founded Maldivian Psychedel ic Arts, a group that advocates creat iv i ty and original i ty in the Maldives.

Mohamed Shafraz Naeem, Hussain Ihvan, Mohamed Shafraz Hafiz, Ibrahim Iujaz Hafiz

Cover art by : Zumra Mohamed Waheed (Zummi) www. cargocol lect

It is with great pleasure that i would l ike to welcome our readers to the f i rst issue of FIYA, the inf l ight travel magazine of Flyme.

As suspected, the f i rst issue wi l l contain a lot of information about Flyme and the operat ion for our readers. Also inside include information on Maldives and special locations in te Maldives most noticeably, the world famous Hanifaru Bay.

Interest ing t imes in the local tourism industry with new high prof i le hotels opening up in 2013 and the country explor ing new areas of promotion as wel l as new sectors to attract more visitors to our beati ful is land nation.

I f you have travel led to Maldives for the f i rst t ime and are f ly ing your way to your dream location, take a minute to view the beauti ful archipelago outside the window on your f l ight.... welcome you to our beauti ful country.

Thank you

Mohamed Shafraz Hafiz @ShafrazHafiz

SARAH HARVEYSarah Harvey is a travel journal ist who has been based in the Maldives for three years. She is co-owner of Manta Media, editor of Travel News Maldives and a regular contr ibutor to magazines and guidebooks.




ISSUE 01PUBLISHED BYSquid Media Pvt. [email protected]

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Welcome to the Maldives

Sun Island Resort & Spa

Face of VILLA

Hanifaru Bay

Flying Maldivian Skies

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Hanifaru Bay

Exploring the compact capi-tal of the Maldives

Villa Airport Marmigili


Pink Rose

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Welcome to the


Time: GMT+5hrsCapital island: Male’Total islands: 1,190Inhabited islands: 200Resort islands: 99Population: Approx. 350,000Major industries: Tourism and fishingCurrency: Rufiyaa (USD 1 = MRF 15.42)Electricity: 240 ACGovernment Working hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Sunday to ThursdayBank hours: 9:00am to 03:00 pm Sunday to Thursdays


Mald ives has deep b lue seas, tu rquo ise ree fs , wh i te sandy beaches and pa lm t rees. I t i s a lso a p lace fu l l o f characte r, where i ts peop le have long spent the i r days langu ish ing in the ver y essence o f idy l l l i v ing. Wh i le i t i s the per fec t p lace to s i t on a beach and watch a sunset w i th a cockta i l ba l -anced on your hand, i t i s a lso a geograph ica l mar ve l , know-ing tha t there a re thousands o f f i sh sw imming a round the v i v id cora ls jus t a few fee t away f rom where you s i t .

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The Ma ld ives l ies in two rows o f a to l l s in the Ind ian Ocean, jus t across the equator. The count r y i s made up o f 1 ,190 cora l i s lands fo rmed around 26 natu ra l r ing- l i ke a to l l s , spread over 90,000 square k i lometers . These a to l l s s t ruc tu res a re fo rmed upon a sharp r idge r i s ing f rom the ocean, mak ing way fo r the i r sec luded un iqueness.

Each a to l l i n the Ma ld ives is made o f a cora l ree f en-c i rc l ing a lagoon, w i th deep channe ls d iv id ing the ree f r ing. A s t r ing o f i s lands take the i r p laces among th is a to l l r ing ; each is land has i ts own ree f enc i rc l ing the is land lagoon. The ree fs

o f the is lands, a l i ve w i th count less types o f underwa-te r c rea tu res and v ib ran t cora ls , p ro tect the is lands f rom wind and wave act ion o f the sur round ing vas t oceans. Th is un ique s t ruc tu re o f ree fs and channe ls makes nav iga t ion a lmost imposs ib le fo r the passer-by w i thout su f f ic ien t in fo rmat ion about these wate rs .

N inety-n ine percent o f the Ma ld ives is made up o f sea. The peop le o f the is lands a re w ide ly d ispersed across the a to l l s , w i th about 200 inhab i ted is lands. About 90 is lands a re deve loped as tour is t resor t and the res t a re un inhab i ted or used fo r agr icu l tu re and o ther l i ve l ihood purposes.

For Ma ld iv ians, who love a good s to r y, i t i s somehow f i t t i ng tha t the ear l y h is to r y o f the count r y i s enshr ined in myth and legend. There is the s to r y o f the Ran-namaar i , a ta le about a sea monste r than demands a v i rg in sacr i f i ce ever y fu l l moon, un t i l a b rave man f rom Morocco, Mr Abdu l Barakaath-U l Barbar y dec ides to conf ront the monste r and proh ib i t h im f rom coming in to the Ma ld ives.

There is the s to r y o f Bodu Thakuru faanu, renowned fo r i t s length , who saved the Ma ld ives f rom Por tuguese

Invaders . These s to r ies , wh i le ve r ymuch anecdota l , a re based on the rea l fac ts tha t fo rm the h is to r y o f the count r y. Wr i t ten accounts por t ray a Ma ld ives whose peop le have t rave led fa r and w ide, adventu re rs whose geograph ica l i so la t ion had not l im i ted the boundar ies o f the i r wor ld . Ma ld ives today rema ins ver y much l i ke i t had then – sma l l , bu t not lack ing;iso la ted, but not inv is ib le .


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The is lands o f Ma ld ives appear in-between the t rad ing route o f the Ind ian Ocean. Thus set t le rs , and v is i -to rs f rom ne ighbour ing reg ions and a round the wor ld have come in contact w i th the is lands fo r as long as h is to r y has been recorded. Such is the to-and- f ro f low o f peop le and the i r cu l tu res, tha t a marked e f fec t has been le f t in the Ma ld iv ian peop le , the language, be l ie fs , a r ts , and a t t i tudes.

The looks o f the Ma ld iv ian peop le may d i f fe r f rom one a to l l to the o ther, a t t r ibu t ing to the genes passed on by South and Southeast As ians, A f r icans, and Arab i -ans. The language, Dh iveh i , d i f fe rs in d ia lec t in some reg ions in the south o f Ma ld ives, poss ib ly due to the sec luded natu re and subs is ten t ways o f i s land l i fe . Ma ld iv ian be l ie fs have been ver y much based a round re l ig ion and supers t i t ion , o f ten used together in mat-te rs o f s ign i f icance but g iven separa te pos i t ions in soc ie ty. In mat te rs o f fa i th , I s lam dominates, but in f lu -ence o f the supernatu ra l s t i l l cont inues to p lay a ma jo r ro le in most i s land communi t ies , poss ib ly g iv ing c red i t to the fo lk lo res and Buddh is t t rad i t ions o f the is lands ’ f i r s t se t t le rs be fo re convers ion to Is lam in 1153 AD.

The mix ing o f cu l tu res is ve r y much seen in Ma ld iv ian a r ts . The mus ic p layed w i th the loca l bodu-beru (b ig-drum) resemble tha t o f A f r ican drumming. The dhon i

(a un ique Ma ld iv ian sa i lboat ) i s an a r t fo rm i tse l f bu i l t w i th sk i l l ed c ra f tsmansh ip , w i th s ign i f icant s im i la r i t i es to the Arab ian dows. The f ine a r t i s t r y o f Ma ld iv ians, seen in the in t r ica te deta i l s on wooden beams in an-t ique mosques, represents what we have ga ined f rom Southeast As ian a rch i tec tu re . Then there is the un-def ined: the d is t inc t geomet r ic des igns used in mats woven f rom loca l mater ia ls , the embro idered neck l ine o f women’s t rad i t iona l d resses and the i r o rnaments too, expose another s to r y b rought in f rom an unknown cu l tu re tha t has seeped in to Ma ld iv ian soc ie ty.

Ma ld iv ians a re qu i te open to adapta t ion and a re gen-era l l y we lcoming to outs ide insp i ra t ion. The cu l tu re has a lways cont inued to evo lve w i th the t imes. Loca ls s t i l l ea t f i sh and f i shermen s t i l l spend days out a t sea, but tour ism now takes a s tand ing prominence. Most Ma ld iv ians s t i l l want to be l ieve in upho ld ing un i ty and oneness in fa i th , but recent waves o f re fo rm in the count r y have c rea ted a who le new cu l tu re o f new ideas and a t t i tudes. The e f fec ts o f the modern wor ld a re now embraced, wh i le s t i l l s t r i v ing to upho ld the peop le ’s ident i t y, t rad i t ions and be l ie fs .


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The Ma ld iv ian Pres ident who d ived underwater w i th h is cab ine t has g iven a new l igh t to the assoc ia t ion between Ma ld ives and ‘env i ronment ’ . The wor ld now knows how dependent the Ma ld ives is on i ts na tu ra l env i ronment .

The env i ronment has a d i rec t a f fec t on a l l facets o f a Ma ld iv ian ’s l i fe .The is lands a re pro tected by thou-sands o f ree fs tha t need to be a l i ve fo r th is un ique a rch ipe lago to ex is t in fu tu re . The cora ls on our ree fs need i ts count less inhab i tan ts to feed on them fo r the cora ls to re-grow. Loca ls need the f i sh in the wate r fo r l i ve l ihood and they depend on the beauty o f i t s ree fs and is lands to susta in our tour ism indust r y. Most impor tan t l y, the Ma ld ives needs i ts c i t i zens and v is i -to rs to take care o f i t s wonder fu l na tu ra l env i ronment

in o rder to sur v i veas one o f the most mag ica l p laces on ear th .

Severa l government regu la t ions have been set up to enab le a sys tem to prov ide na tu ra l p ro tect ion fo r the o therw ise f rag i le 1 ,190 is lands o f Ma ld ives. Impor-tan t mar ine a reas a re se lec ted as pro tected reg ions, s ta r t ing f rom 1995. Endangered mar ine spec ies l i ke the wha le shark , tu r t les , do lph ins as we l l as cora ls a re a lso pro tected by law. Han i fa ru , a bay l i ke lagoon in Baa a to l l o f Ma ld ives, i s among the most recent l y p ro tected mar ine a reas. Th is a rea is home to rays f rom around the Ma ld ives tha t ga ther here to feas t on the masses o fp lank tons brought in to the lagoon by wate r cur ren ts .

The weather in the Ma ld ives is usua l l y p ic tu re per-fec t : sun l i t days, b reezy n igh ts , ba lmy morn ings, and i r idescent sunsets . The tempera tu re hard ly ever changes - wh ich makes pack ing fo r your ho l iday an easy task (see what to pack ) . W i th the average tempera tu re a t about 30 degrees Ce ls ius th roughout the year, the sun is a constant on most days, sh in ing th rough t ree tops, c rea t ing lacy pat te rns on your fee t , hea l ing co ld-bones w i th i ts warmth. Throughout the day, the sun w i l l make i tse l f known, ensur ing tha t i t w i l l be remembered and missed, l i ke an o ld f r iend, as you pack up your su i tcases to leave.Ma ld ives has two d is t inc t seasons; d r y season (nor th-

east monsoon) and wet season (southwest monsoon) , w i th the fo rmer ex tend ing f rom Januar y to March and the la t te r f rom mid-May to November.

The ra re thunders to rm in the Ma ld ives (espec ia l l y a round the southwest monsoon months ) can be a we lcome resp i te f rom the sun. C loudy sk ies and s la te g rey seas, and crash ing thunder makes up fo r love ly read ing weather. The warm tempera tu res w i l l a l low you to go fo r a wa lk in the ra in , a verdant , wet , thorough ly en joyab le exper ience. For ex t ra exh i la ra t ion, take a sw im in the ra in - the sea w i l l be ex t ra warm.

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One o f the most power fu l homegrown corpora te ent i t ies in the Ma ld ives, V i l l a Group has been lead ing t rade and tour ism fo r over twenty years . But un l i ke most corpora t ions, V i l l a ve r y dec ided ly has a face.

Qas im Ib rah im is V i l l a . You won’ t f ind anyone to d ispute th is . P lan ted f i rm ly as a leader in ever y f ie ld , i t can ’ t be den ied tha t the V i l l a g roup is what i t i s because o f the v is ion o f i t s founder and p ioneer.

The sca le o f Qas im’s v is ion is monumenta l . I t ’s necessar y to touch upon the scope o f h is c rea t ion to apprec ia te th is . The sca le and the sure hand w i th wh ich Qas im s teers V i l l a Group past new boundr ies a re amaz ing.

One o f the f i rmest foundat ions o f V i l l a Group is in the tour ism sector, where Sun Is land, Parad ise Is land, Lankanf ino lhu a re es tab l i shed as premier dest ina t ions. There a re s tandard and a qua l i t y a t t r ibu ted to the V i l l a b rand, not leas t o f wh ich can be a t t r ibu ted to Qas im’s commi t ted persona l invo lvement in the deve lopment o f the proper t ies . Complement ing the des-t ina t ions is the t rave l agency V i l l a Trave ls & Tours , another g ian t on the scene.

Another s ign i f icant , perphaps the found ing aspect o f V i l l a i s i t s ro le as an impor te r and t rader o f d iese l , lubr icants , and gas W i th fac i l i t i es tha t rank as the s t rongest s to rage


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and product ion capac i ty fo r mar ine gas o i l and motor gaso l ine in the reg ion – a spectacu la r accompl ish-ment fo r a homegrown company f rom a l i t t l e na t ion l i ke Ma ld ives. Complement ing the V i l l a Hakatha brand (hakatha can be t rans la ted as ‘energy ’ o r ‘power ’ ) i s a hous ing mater ia ls b rand.

V i l l a Group has been invo lved in the sh ipp ing s ince 1978, and cur ren t l y opera tes a g rowing f lee t inc lud ing cargo sh ips, o i l tankers , tugboats , barges and ree fe r vesse ls in add i t ion to h igh-speed powerboats and dhon is ( the loca l make o f boat ) .

V i l l a ’s Eng ineer & Pro jec t Deve lopment team compr is-es a rch i tec ts , c iv i l eng ineers , land sur veyors , among those f rom var ious o ther d isc ip l ines, and is respons i -b le fo r much o f the success fu l d redg ing pro jec ts car-r ied out in the Ma ld ives, a l l the wh i le be ing commi t ted to communi ty deve lopment .

V i l l a Group has a lso been commi t ted in the f i sh ing in-dust r y, spec ia l i z ing in co l lec t ion, s to rage, p rocess ing, and market ing o f tuna. The Hor i zon F isher ies brand processes a round 150 met r ic tonnes f rom the na t ion ’s four f i sh ing zones a day.

V i l l a a lso ser ves as a power fu l fo rce in Ma ld iv ian IT, seek ing to empower Ma ld ives as a g loba l fo rce in ad-d i t ion to re ta i l .

I t may surpr ise some to lea rn tha t th is vas t empi re has the most humble o f o r ig ins . Qas im Ib rah im founded the group in 1986 as a loca l t rad ing ente rpr ise . Th is was pre-dated by the humble o r ig ins o f Qas im’s ‘Q IM’ Mafannu V i l l a p ropr ie to rsh ip in 1977, wh ich wou ld eventua l l y become the g ian t we know as V i l l a Group today.

There ’s an aspect o f V i l l a Group o f ten over looked. The company is a lso a fami l y. Qas im Ib rah im’s s t rong pr in-c ip les on c rea t ing and deve lop ing new ta len t rever-bera te th rough the ent i re corpora te f rame; h is v is ion incorpora tes tha t i t ’s the e f fo r ts o f the employees tha t a re the hear t o f the corpora t ion. You don ’ t app ly fo r jobs a t V i l l a . You app ly fo r careers . There ’s p rogres-s ion and growth.

Someth ing V i l l a i sn ’ t commonly acknowledged fo r i s be ing a p ioneer o f corpora te soc ia l respons ib i l -i t y, espec ia l l y in educat ion. The V i l l a Foundat ion has been f inanc ing h igher s tud ies fo r Ma ld iv ian s tudents fo r years , and the recent advent o f the V i l l a Co l lege fu r ther cements th is image. Hea l th care , va r ious com-mun i ty and soc ia l p ro jec ts , and eco- respons ib i l i t i es on ly added to th is .

V i l l a has recent l y b roken new ground in the Ma ld ives on 1st October 2011 w i th i t ’s f i r s t p r i va te a i rpor t in the count r y. Maamig i l i a i rpor t i s a V i l l a Group ente rpr ise , and is accompan ied by V i l l a A i r, the a i r l i ne

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of fe r ing a f fo rdab le and e f f ic ien t ser v ice th roughout the reg ion.

Qas im Ib rah im’s work does the ta lk ing fo r h im. He has made a fo rmidab le empi re out o f th is a i r. He has made h imse l f a key f igu re in a deep ly s ign i f icant per iod o f po l i t i ca l Ma ld iv ian h is to r y by tak ing on key ro les dur ing a long t rans i t iona l s t re tch. He has c rea ted sus-ta ined communi ty p ro jec ts to g ive back to the soc ie ty.

No mat te r how you look a t i t , Qas im Ib rah im is a ma jo r f igu re in modern Ma ld iv ian corpora te h is to r y. F rom deve lop ing top c lass resor ts , c rea t ing s t rong mode ls fo r corpora te respons ib i l i t y, own ing an a i r l i ne and the f i rs t p r i va te a i rpor t in the Ma ld ives, Qas im is a p ioneer o f ever y indust r y he touches.

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“ The sandy beach is dotted with sunloungers and coconut-thatch

sunshades. It stretches around the island like a powdery white stripe against the

emerald green foliage”


Af fo rdab le and Fun Exper iences a t Sun Is land Sun Is land Resor t & Spa t icks a lo t o f boxes fo r ho l i -daymakers search ing fo r an a f fo rdab le b reak in the Ma ld ives w i th p len ty o f th ings to do fo r a l l ages and a g rea t beach. As the la rgest resor t i s land in the Ma l -d ives there ’s lo ts o f lush t rop ica l vegeta t ion, b ig w ide pathways, ex tens ive recrea t iona l fac i l i t i es , mu l t ip le d in-ing opt ions and a spac ious beach enc i rc l ing the ent i re is land. You can even h i re a b icyc le and nav iga te the is -land under your own s team wi th the breeze in your ha i r. Par ts o f the resor t have been modern ised and o thers a re s t i l l awa i t ing re fu rb ishment but th is adds to the char-acte r o f Sun Is land; i t fee ls as though each a rea has a

s l igh t l y d i f fe ren t a tmosphere wh ich cont r ibu tes to the overa l l fee l ing tha t you can have a new exper ience ever y day.

The sandy beach is dot ted w i th sun loungers and coconut- tha tch sunshades. I t s t re tches a round the is land l i ke a powdery wh i te s t r ipe aga ins t the emera ld g reen fo l i age. The tu rquo ise lagoon is ca lm and sha l -low. A l though there ’s not too much in the way o f cora l , those seek ing some exc i tement can h i re a snorke l and d iscover a vas t a r ray o f mar ine l i fe inc lud ing tu r t les , rays and ree f sharks .

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There a re a lso p len ty o f top-notch d ive s i tes nearby. The South Ar i A to l l reg ion is renowned fo r c r ys ta l -c lea r wate r and superb d iv ing. I f you ’ re lucky enough you may even be ab le to ca tch s igh t o f a wha le shark (a gent le p lank ton-eat ing g ian t ) as i t m ig ra tes th rough the a to l l . Wha le shark s igh t ings a re usua l l y between June and October.

The impress ive PADI d ive cent re is the la rgest in the Ma ld ives and the mu l t i - l i ngua l s ta f f a re ex t reme ly he lp-fu l . I f you ’ve never d ived befo re , the c lear wate r o f the resor t lagoon is the per fec t p lace to lea rn . You can become a cer t i f i ed Open Water d ive r in as l i t t l e as th ree days.

The wate rspor ts cent re o f fe rs a range o f equ ipment and t r ips inc lud ing je t -sk is and non-motor ised wate rspor ts l i ke w indsur f ing. They a lso o f fe r do lph in-spot t ing t r ips and f i sh ing excurs ions. I f you pre fe r to wh ip up some adrena l ine on dr y land there ’s tenn is , squash and bad-min ton cour ts , p lus a modern gym. For a more sedate pace o f l i fe , guests can a lso p lay snooker, m in i -go l f , dar ts o r computer games.

The e legant Water Bunga lows a re the swishest o f the rooms, w i th p len ty o f space and a pr i va te sun deck w i th a ladder down in to the lagoon. Guests can choose between sunr ise o r sunset v iews. The Super De luxe and De luxe Rooms on the is land i tse l f a re semi-detached.

They have pr i va te verandas and sun loungers where you can s t re tch out in the sun sur rounded by lazy pa lm t rees a rch ing up towards the sky.

There ’s a range o f a t t rac t i ve d in ing venues and bars to choose f rom, ser v ing a range o f Weste rn and Easte rn d ishes inc lud ing f resh sea food, Tha i cur r ies and c lass ic European fa re . The Beach Bar i s a g rea t spot to ch i l l ou t , wh i le the Mekunu Bar comes a l i ve w i th a d isco on cer ta in n igh ts . There ’s even a sw im-up poo l bar where guests can en joy a re f resh ing cockta i l w i thout leav ing the wate r.

The Araamu Spa is another o f the h igh l igh ts o f Sun Is land. I t o f fe rs a w ide var ie ty o f massages and beauty t rea tments insp i red by t rad i t iona l Ma ld iv ian know-how. These inc lude the s ignatu re ‘Ve l i Modun ’ t rea tment wh ich combines a massage and body scrub in one us ing v i rg in coconut o i l and sand, leav ing your sk in g low ing and your body re f reshed. The des ign o f the spa is an Or ien ta l - insp i red oas is o f peace and t ranqu i l l i t y. A l l - in -a l l , Sun Is land is a g rea t va lue and popu la r resor t wh ich has been de l igh t ing guests fo r many years and w i l l no doubt cont inue to do so fo r years to come.


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The ATR 72-600 ser ies is a tw in-eng ine tu rboprop shor t -hau l reg iona l a i r l i ne r bu i l t by the F rench- I ta l i an a i rc ra f t manufactu re r, ATR. The new 72-600 ser ies is a s ign i f icant upgrade compared to the ex is t ing 42-500 ser ies ; the a i rc ra f t tha t i s be ing u t i l i zed by F lyme cur ren t l y. I t has the lowest Greenhouse gas emiss ions and reduced CO2 and fue l consumpt ion by 50% per passenger k i lometer. I t i s the on ly a i rc ra f t w i th fue l con-sumpt ion lower than 3 l i te rs per pax per 100 km. W i th low no ise leve ls and f l y ing a t lower a l t i tudes as to not d is tu rb the Ozone layer, i t rea l l y i s no wonder tha t the 72-600 ser ies has been dubbed “The most eco- f r iend ly a i rc ra f t in the wor ld” . I t has reduced ma in tenance cost by a s tagger ing -15% and bet te r re l i ab i l i t y as we l l .

Wh i le env i ronment- f r iend ly, i t a lso does not d isappo in t techno logy-w ise. The 72-600 ser ies comes w i th out -s tand ing improvements to av ion ic techno logy in- f l igh t . To ease p i lo t s t ress and work load, au tomat ic check-l i s ts , au tomat ic sur round ing mon i to r ing ( te r ra in , t ra f -

f ic , weather, ic ing ) and automat ic fa i lu re detect ion w i th appropr ia te p rocedure pop-ups have a l l been ins ta l led in the 72-600. In add i t ion to th is , i t i s a lso equ ipped w i th a mu l t i -purpose computer fo r per fo rmance mon i to r-ing, enhanced sur ve i l l ance and automat ic dependant sur ve i l l ance.

The passengers have cer ta in l y not been fo rgot ten as the 600 ser ies comes w i th improved passenger ’s comfor t and appea l as we l l as in- f l igh t en te r ta inment . The new l igh t and s l im seats g ive more legroom and overhead compar tments a re a lso w ider fo r eas ie r and more e f -f ic ien t usage. 5” LED screens have been ins ta l led ever y two rows tha t fo ld and un fo ld au tomat ica l l y.

The 72-600 ser ies ATR A i rc ra f t i s ye t to be r i va led in te rms o f per fo rmance, ve rsa t i l i t y and economics; i t i s cur ren t l y the most advanced a i rc ra f t in the wor ld , wh ich is why i t ’s such a g rea t p res t ige fo r Ma ld iv ian av ia t ion to we lcome a brand new 600 ser ies ATR A i rc ra f t .

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Page 31: Fiya - issue 01

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Hanifaru Bay is one of the only places in the world where scientists have

recorded whale sharks and mantas aggregating in such high numbers to


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stay at least three metres away from these creatures and do not attempt to touch them

Han i fa ru Bay in Baa Ato l l i s famous fo r a spectacu la r phenomenon tha t occurs dur ing the Southwest Moon-soon when a spec ia l rec ipe o f e lements inc lud ing moon-l igh t , t ide and weather combine in the r igh t way to b r ing the bay a l i ve w i th vas t concent ra t ions o f zoop lank ton. The zoop lank ton rema ins t rapped in the bay a t t rac t ing f i l te r- feed ing ‘mega fauna ’ l i ke wha le sharks , manta rays and g ian t ocean ic mantas in unusua l l y h igh numbers . In fac t , Han i fa ru Bay is one o f the on ly p laces in the wor ld where sc ien t is ts have recorded wha le sharks and man-tas aggregat ing in such h igh numbers to feed.

The incred ib le na tu ra l spectac le o f severa l wha le sharks together and up to 200 mantas in one p lace draws specta to rs f rom across the g lobe. For many peop le v is i t ing the Ma ld ives, one o f the i r b iggest d reams is to sw im wi th wha le sharks o r manta rays and i f they ’ re lucky enough to be a t Han i fa ru Bay dur ing the r igh t t ime o f year, they ’ l l h i t the jackpot . (Manta rays and wha le sharks can a lso s t i l l be spot ted in sma l le r numbers a t o ther s i tes in the Ma ld ives f rom June to October. ) Gent le , p lank ton-eat ing wha le sharks a re o f f ic ia l l y the b iggest ‘ f i sh ’ in the ocean and a re capab le o f g rowing up to twe lve to four teen met res in length – a round the s i ze o f a doub le decker bus. Ocean ic mantas can meas-ure a t leas t seven met res in w id th wh i le ree f mantas can measure a round f i ve and a ha l f met res . Accord ing to the In te rna t iona l Un ion fo r Conser va t ion o f Natu re ’s Threa t -ened Spec ies assessment , wha le sharks a re c lassed as ‘ vu lnerab le ’ wh i le manta rays a re ‘near th rea tened ’ , mak ing the na tu ra l mar ve l a t Han i fa ru Bay a l l the more incred ib le .

Han i fa ru Bay was made a spec ia l Mar ine Pro tected Area by the Government o f the Ma ld ives in 2009 in recogn i -t ion o f i t s impor tance as an ecosystem and in 2011 the who le o f Baa Ato l l was des ignated as a UNESCO Wor ld

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Biosphere Reser ve. Han i fa ru Bay was dec la red a key pro tected a rea w i th in the reser ve. The goa l i s to t r y to p ro tect mantas and wha le sharks w i th in the a rea and sa feguard the i r fu tu re th rough a combinat ion o f con-ser va t ion measures, educat ion and in te rac t ion w i th the loca l communi ty and s takeho lders . In tu rn , th is he lps to sa feguard the revenue they genera te fo r the fu tu re ben-e f i t o f a l l - Han i fa ru Bay tour ism is es t imated to genera te US $500,000 per year.

In an e f fo r t to min im ise damage to the ecosystem f rom the la rge numbers o f v is i to rs , the Government in t ro-duced some measures in Han i fa ru Bay wh ich inc lude a ban on d iv ing, mak ing i t e f fec t i ve ly a snorke l l i ng-on ly zone. D ive rs can s t i l l d i ve in the a rea outs ide o f the bay and in the res t o f Baa Ato l l bu t ins ide Han i fa ru Bay a l l v is i to rs must adhere to the new regu la t ions. Under the regu la t ions, on ly f i ve boats can drop o f f v is i -

to rs near Han i fa ru Bay a t one t ime and vesse ls must s tay a t leas t 50 met res f rom the mega fauna. No vesse ls can ente r the bay and a l l vesse ls and v is i to rs must have Han i fa ru Tokens wh ich ent i t les them to 45 minutes o f snorke l l i ng in the bay. There is a lso a res t r ic t ion on the number o f v is i to rs a l lowed in the wate r a t one t ime. V is i to rs a lso have to ab ide by spec ia l gu ide l ines ( the na t iona l Ma ld iv ian Wha le Shark Tour ism Gu ide l ines ) when they come across any o f the mega fauna, wh ich inc ludes s tay ing a t leas t th ree met res away f rom the c rea tu res and not a t tempt ing to touch them. I t i s hoped tha t these measures w i l l he lp to min im ise the impact on the un ique ecosystem in Han i fa ru Bay, and in tu rn tha t v is i to rs w i l l be ab le to cont inue en joy ing the incred ib le s igh t o f ma jes t ic manta rays and wha le sharks fo r genera t ions to come.

The incredible natural spectacle of several

whale sharks together and up to 200 mantas

in one place draws spectators from across the


Hanifaru Bay tourism is estimated to generate US $500,000 per year

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V i l l a A i rpor t Maamig i l i (VAM) located on Maamig i l i I s land was deve loped as an a i rpor t hub in the la rgest tour ism prec inc t o f South Ar i A to l l . The mass ive pro-jec t o f rec la im ing 500,000 square meters o f land and bu i ld ing the f i rs t p r i va te ly owned domest ic a i rpor t was in i t i a ted in 2003. I t was a bo ld mi les tone and a long-t ime v is ion rea l i zed by the cha i rman o f V i l l a Group, Mr. Qas im Ib rah im s ince the concept ion o f V i l l a A i r in 1995.

V i l l a A i r ’s F lyMe domest ic a i rc ra f t touched down on the VAM ta rmac on 1st October 2011, es tab l i sh ing a much needed a i r-cor r idor between Ib rah im Nas i r A i r-por t and the a to l l . A r i A to l l has the g rea tes t concen-t ra t ion o f p remier luxur y resor ts o f the count r y. VAM subsequent l y became the on ly Ma ld ives C iv i l Av ia t ion Author i t y (MCAA) cer t i f i ed pr i va te ly owned domest ic a i rpor t in Ma ld ives.

VAM uses cut t ing edge techno log ies f rom LED l igh ts tha t l igh t up the runway a t n igh t to s ta te o f the a r t a i r t ra f f ic cont ro l tower. V i l l a Group is commi t ted to reduce the a i rpor t ’s carbon footpr in t by us ing energy sav ing techno log ies . VAM boasts the on ly a i rpor t in the Ma ld ives w i th p r i va te hangarage fac i l i t i es com-p le ted w i th a i rc ra f t mon i to r ing ser v ice v ia in te rnet . C l ien ts can eas i l y mon i to r the i r a i rc ra f ts a t le isu re a t any g iven moment o r weather. I t i s the w ish o f VAM to increase the number o f p r i va te je t opera to rs by pro-v id ing unpara l le l se r v ice and fac i l i t i es in Ma ld ives.

The a i rpor t employs 95% loca l s ta f fs tha t a re most l y f rom the reg ion. The team ensures to de l i ve r exce l len t ser v ice to tour is ts and loca ls a l i ke . The we l l t ra ined ground hand l ing c rews and eng ineers over looks the opera t iona l sa fe ty and hea l th o f the passengers w i th-out any marg in fo r e r ro r. VAM hand les more than 3000 f l igh t movements w i th over 100,000 passengers per year. These f igu res a re expected to inc rease s ign i f i -cant l y in 2013.

Th is is a spec ia l year fo r VAM. In add i t ion to Ib rah im Nas i r In te rna t iona l A i rpor t and Gan A i rpor t , V i l l a A i r V i l l a A i r w i l l be expand ing the reach to Dharavandhoo, Han imadhoo and Kaade ’dhoo. F lyMe cur ren t l y f l i es to seven a to l l s : Haa Dhaa lu , Laamu, Baa, Kaafu , A l i fu Dhaa lu and Seenu a to l l .

V i l l a A i r a lso w i l l be expand ing the f lee t w i th add i -t iona l ATR-600 Ser ies a i rc ra f ts and w i l l be opera t iona l th is Februar y. These e legant l y pet i te a i rc ra f ts a re des igned fo r comfor t , ou ts tand ing per fo rmance and smooth takeof f on shor t runways. ATR-600 a i rc ra f ts a re recogn ized fo r i t s eco-consc ious techno logy tha t m in im izes any adverse e f fec t on the env i ronment . Th is new add i t ion to V i l l a A i r w i l l be a sa fe and an en joy-ab le f l y ing exper ience to any t rave le r.


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Male ’ has to be one o f the most un ique c i t ies on ear th . The h igh- r ise bu i ld ings perched on a s l i ve r o f land less than two met res h igher than the ocean i tse l f makes fo r a fasc ina t ing spectac le . I t i s the second most dense ly popu la ted is land in the wor ld , a f te r Ap Le i Chau in Hong Kong. More than 100,000 peop le (a round a quar te r o f the count r y ’s en t i re popu la t ion ) l i ves on the 2.2 square mi le landmass.

H is to r ica l l y, Ma le ’ was where the k ings o f the Ma ld ives l i ved. A l though the roya l pa lace was de-s t royed a f te r the monarchy was abo l ished, severa l in te res t ing h is to r ica l bu i ld ings a re s t i l l i n tac t .

Today, Ma le ’ i s a bust l ing h ive o f ac t i v i t y. Scooters weave in and out o f t ra f f ic , ca rgo boats s team in and out o f the harbour, f i sh ing vesse ls b r ing back the i r ca tches and passenger fe r r ies cont inua l l y chug between ne ighbour ing is lands. The bu i ld ings a re pa in ted in ye l lows, p inks, b lues and greens, lead ing many to dub the co lour fu l m in ia tu re c i t y ‘Lego Land ’ !

Many resor ts o f fe r gu ided excurs ions to Ma le ’ , a l though i t ’s easy enough to nav iga te on your own in an a f te rnoon.


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Friday Mosque (or ‘Hukuru Miskiiy’)

The mosque dates back to 1656 and was built by Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar. A tin roof has replaced the coconut thatch that it was initially roofed with but take a closer look at the coral walls and you’ll be astonished by the intricate patterns carved into them. The interior is decorated with wooden engravings.

Fish Market

Spot some eye-popping hauls being brought in from the ocean. Enormous tuna, sailfish, swordfish and other deep-sea catches are sold here by fishermen who use traditional pole and line fishing techniques to catch them.

Fruit and Vegetable Market

You’ll find all kinds of unusual-looking discover-ies here, ranging from spiky breadfruit to huge juicy papayas and coconuts. You can also pick up some local treats such as ‘Addu bondi’ – a long, chewy

Sultan Park

The magnificent rain trees are one of the highlights of the small park, with their enormous, ancient boughs providing plenty of shade. It’s built on the site of the former royal palace. Check out the beautiful tropical blooms while you relax on a shady bench.

National Museum

Adjacent to Sultan Park is the USD $7.8million Na-tional Museum which opened in 2010 and was a gift from the Chinese Government. The museum collec-tion includes royal thrones, ancient stone carvings, pre-12th Century Buddhist relics, beautifully-decorat-ed Muslim Qurans and a whale skeleton.


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Islamic Centre and Grand Friday Mosque

The white building topped with glittering gold domes was completed in 1984 and is one of the most attrac-tive modern landmarks in Male’. The Grand Friday Mosque is the biggest in the Maldives and can hold 5,000 worshippers. Wood carvings and calligraphy decorate the interior.

Artificial Beach

The small sandy beach is surrounded by benches, a couple of cafes and a shower/toilet block. Tourists are welcome to take a refreshing dip, but women are advised to respect local customs by wearing a t-shirt and shorts over their swimwear.

Souvenir Shops

You can find everything you want in Chandhanee Magu, from postcards and t-shirts to shell jewellery, sarongs and ornaments. Some of the best souvenirs are made by local craftsmen such as lacquer-work boxes and hand-woven reed mats.

Traders Hotel

The rooftop restaurant offers spectacular views across Male’ and the surrounding islands. It’s particu-larly beautiful at sunset when the call to prayer floats across the evening breeze from the local mosques and the sky turns golden. If you visit during the day-time, for a fee you can take a dip in the infinity pool.

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ATR 600ްއް ކަމަށްވާރާންސް އާއި އިޓަލީގެ ކުންފުންޏެމަރުކާގެ ބޯޓަކީ ފ ATR ާއިން ފަރުމމަރުކާގެ ބޯޓަށް 42-500ބޯޓެކެވެ. މި އާ މަތިންދާބޯޓަކީ ފްލައިމީ އިން މިހާރު ބޭނުން ކުރަމުންދާ ކޮށްފައިވާ މަތިންދާ

އަދި ޓެކެވެ. މި ބޯޓަކީ ތެލުގެ ހަރަދަށް ބަލާ އިރު ހަރަދު ކުޑަ ޯބ ަހާދަފިއވާ ު◌ޮކށް ވަރު ރަނގަޅފެން މާ ބަލާއިރުމި ބޯޓަކީ އަޑުމަޑުކަމަށާއި އަދި ފަރުމާ ކުރެވިފައި ވާ ބޯޓެކެވެ. ބޭރުވާގޮތަށް ޖައްވަށް ގްރީން ހައުސް ގޭސް މަދުން

ކުޑަކަމަށް ފާހަގަކުރެވިފައިވާ ބޯޓެކެވެ.ތިމާވެއްޓަށް ގެއްލުން

ATR 600ެވަރަށް ޒަމާނީ ފެންވަރަކަށް ވެސްކީ ޓެކްނޮޮލޖީގެ ގޮތުން ބެލިޔަސްމި ބޯޓަ މަރުކާގއަށް ފާހަގަ ކުރެވޭ ބޮޑެތި ބަދަލުތަކެއް ”އޭވިއޮނިކްސް ޓެކްނޮޮލޖީ“ މި ބޯޓުގެރު ކުރެވިފައި ވާ ބޯޓެކެވެ. ތައްޔާ

އޮޮޓމެޓިކް ޗެކްލިސްޓް ލުއިކުރުމަށްޓަކައި ޯވރކް ލޯޑް ގެނެސްފައިވެއެވެ. މީގެ ތެރޭގައި ޕައިލަޓުންގެ ސްޓްރެސް އަދި ވެ. އަދި ހިމަނާފައިވެއެކުރުމާއި، ފެއިލިއަރ ޑިޓެކްޓް ކުރުމުގެ ޓެކް ްނޮޮލޖީ އޮޮޓމެޓިކް ސަރައުންޑިން މޮނިޓަރ ،ހެދުމާއި

ގިނަ ކަންތައްތަކެއް ޕާޕާސް ކޮމަޕިއުޓަރު ސިސްޓަމުގައި އެހެނިހެން-މީގެ އިތުރުން މި ބޯޓުގައި ހަރުކުރެވިފައިވާ މަލްޓިކުރެވެއެވެ.މޮނިޓަރ

ބާލާފައިވެއެވެ. ކަމާއި ލުއިފަސޭހަ ކަމަށް ހިތްފަސޭހަ މި ބޯޓު ފަރުމާ ކުރުމުގައި ދަތުރު ކުރައްވާ ޕެސެންޖަރުންގެ ނަރެއް ކަމަށްވާ ރުމާ ކޮށްފައިވަނީ އިޓަލީގެ ޑިޒައިމި ބޯޓުގެ ކެބިން އިންޓީރިއާ ފަނަމަކަށް ކިޔާ ”ކެބިން އާމޯނިއާ“

ރާއްޖޭގައި މިހާރު އެތެރޭގެ އުދުހުންތަކަށް ބޭނުންކުރެވޭ ބޯޓުތަކުގައި ޕަސިންޖަރުންގެ އާއި ގުޅިގެންނެވެ. ގިއުގިއާޯރގޮންޑިތައް އެތުރިފައިވާ ވަނީ ޮބޑު ޖާގައެއް ދީގެން ލުއިފަސޭހަވާނެ ފަށް މި ބޯޓުގެގޮނޑިތައް އަތުރާފައިވާ ގޮތާ ހިލާ

އިންޗީގެ 5ކޮންމެ ދެ ގޮނޑި ބަރިއަކުން މަތީގައި ޮބޑުވެފައި އަދިވަތްތައް ކަލި މަތީ ގޮތަކަށެވެ. މީގެ އިތުރުންސްކްރީން ވެސް ހަރުކުރެވިފައި ވެއެވެ. އެލް.އީ.ޑީ

ATR 600 ަބެލިޔަސް މިވަގުތު ދުނިޔޭގައި އެންމެ ކީ ހުރިހާ ގޮތަކަށްމަރުކާގެ މަތިންދާ ބޯޓ ވާނީ ދިވެހި ރާއްޖޭގެ އޭވިއޭޝަން މާ ދިވެހި ރާއްޖެއަށް ފްލައިމީއިން މީބޯޓު ގެނައުންވީ އަރާފައިވާ އެއް ބޯޓެވެ.ކުރި

ްފަލިއީމެގ ުމަވްއަޒުފްނާނިއި◌ ަރްއިޔުތްނ މި ބޯޓަށް . އަދިއަށް ލިބިގެންދާނެ ވަރަށް ޮބޑު ކުރިއެރުމަކަށެވެ ެ އިންޑަސްޓްރީއެވެ.ރަށް ފަހުރުވެރިކަމާއި އެކުގަނީ ވަ މަރުހަބާ ކިޔާ





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Boduthakurufaanu Magu

Ameer Ahmed Magu Medhuziyaaraiy Magu

Fareedhee Magu

Orchid Magu

Chaandhanee Magu

Majeedhee Magu
























Page 48: Fiya - issue 01











Boduthakurufaanu Magu

Ameer Ahmed Magu Medhuziyaaraiy Magu

Fareedhee Magu

Orchid Magu

Chaandhanee Magu

Majeedhee Magu
























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Boduthakurufaanu Magu

Ameer Ahmed Magu Medhuziyaaraiy Magu

Fareedhee Magu

Orchid Magu

Chaandhanee Magu

Majeedhee Magu
























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Inner Maldives Holidays | H. East Light | Ameer Ahmed Magu, Male' | Republic of Maldives Tel: +960 300 6886, Fax: +960 3330 884 | E-mail: [email protected]

@innermaldives /innermaldives