Five strategies to make your call center succeed

Five Strategies to Make Your Call Center Succeed. Having a successful call center is not an easy task, but it is necessary for many successful businesses. Providing excellent customer service can be the difference between a growing, thriving business and one that fizzles and fades. Cloud-based call centers are growing rapidly as businesses discover the many benefits they provide that can enhance the profit margin. Automation features save many hours of work on updates, tracking and reporting so that managers know at a glance how the team is doing. Cloud- based systems can unite call center employees working from home and in different locations into one cohesive whole, using audio and video conferencing to provide further training as needed. These systems are far more affordable than traditional landline call center setups. They are also scalable, making it easy to add or decrease personnel according to expected call volume and growth. With a cloud-based call center, businesses can afford a native call center, rather than one that is outsourced to another country. Next Step: Contact Nexogy to take the first step in having your own cloud-based call center.

Transcript of Five strategies to make your call center succeed

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Five Strategies to Make Your Call Center Succeed.

Having a successful call center is not an easy task, but it is necessary for many successful businesses. Providing excellent customer service can be the difference between a growing, thriving business and one that fizzles and fades. Cloud-based call centers are growing rapidly as businesses discover the many benefits they provide that can enhance the profit margin. Automation features save many hours of work on updates, tracking and reporting so that managers know at a glance how the team is doing. Cloud-based systems can unite call center employees working from home and in different locations into one cohesive whole, using audio and video conferencing to provide further training as needed. These systems are far more affordable than traditional landline call center setups. They are also scalable, making it easy to add or decrease personnel according to expected call volume and growth. With a cloud-based call center, businesses can afford a native call center, rather than one that is outsourced to another country. Next Step: Contact Nexogy to take the first step in having your own cloud-based call center.

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But even the best system only works if you work it. Here are some strategies to make your call center more successful to maximize its positive effect on your business. 1) Use the system's call routing features to minimize customer on-hold times. Routing calls to the most available agent, or to the most available agent who has the skills to resolve a particular issue, will lead to greater customer satisfaction and retention. 2) Provide a vehicle for communication on a regular basis and require employees to participate. Whether it's a weekly conference call or an intentional "how's it going" phone call at regular intervals, giving call center employees the chance to connect with management and each other and share their concerns is a necessary step to take when reps are in different locations and don't have regular contact. 3) Find ways to give regular, constructive feedback to employees about their job performance. This kind of feedback will lead to improvement in the overall call center, making it more effective. The audio and video features of a phone system can make this more personal than an email and are preferred. 4) Automate as many logistical features as possible. Clocking in and out, requesting time off,

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             and filling called-off shifts can all be done automatically within the system now, freeing up managers to concentrate more on guiding and shepherding employee performance. Sure, companies may be tempted to just cut management positions back to the minimum level necessary, but doing so may not be the most effective practice for the bottom line. Effective employees are productive employees who will positively impact the business. 5) Continually seek improvement and growth. What doesn't grow, stagnates--and stagnation is bad for business. Use the reporting features of the cloud-based system to measure performance and set achievable goals for further improvement. The communication channels above can make employees aware of these goals. Next Step: Contact Nexogy today to take advantage of the cloud-based call center features that can help your business grow.

Carlos Lahrssen is president of Nexogy.

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