FIT IS A FEMINIST ISSUE - · Feminist Issue a g e in a p p r o p r ia te...

PREVIOUS POST #NapOrWorkout NEXT POST Pause: Christine kicks back and rests for a day 6 thoughts on “Cycling into one’s retirement years” eldpoppy JULY 10, 2019 AT 9:59 AM You missed Jackie and Al, 10 years older than us, who just kept going like little energizer bunnies. Reply catherine w JULY 10, 2019 AT 12:43 PM Truer words were never spoken. Like y’all, I want as much functional tness, energy, engagement and joy in movement as I can get. What that’s going to look like 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now– we really don’t know. While y’all were in Nd, I was in AZ. Hiking into the Grand Canyon– my rst time– was a thrill, but hard coming back up. Hiking to a red rock swimming hole in Sedona, swimming, pulling myself up onto the rocks, navigating the terrain on feet– was fun, but I was aware that I needed all my functional tness for it to be so. And it doesn’t come without training. There it is… Reply Pingback: Grit (part 1?) – FIT IS A FEMINIST ISSUE Pingback: Midsummer heat too much? Try cold exercise… – FIT IS A FEMINIST ISSUE Pingback: Sam’s Summer Bike Plans – FIT IS A FEMINIST ISSUE Pingback: Sam’s monthly check-in: What’s up, what’s down, the June/July version (CW: discussion of weight loss) – FIT IS A FEMINIST ISSUE What do you think? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Buy the book Please buy the book from our afliate store at Amazon. Search … About Our Blog Fit Is a Feminist Issue picks up on a conversation we (blog co-founders Sam and Tracy) have been having for over two decades about feminism and tness. In the fall of 2012, two years before our 50th birthdays we set ourselves a goal: to be the ttest we’ve ever been in our lives by the time we hit 50 (on August 31 (Sam) and September 24 (Tracy) in 2014). As professional philosophers, it’s second nature for us to ask questions: what does it mean to be t? What are appropriate measures for the goal? And, from a feminist perspective, in what way(s) does women’s quest for tness and health contribute to empowerment and/or oppression? You’ll nd posts about our personal approaches to tness/health, and posts that are more reective, critical and meant to challenge common assumptions. As the Fit Is a Feminist Issue community has grown, we’ve brought some amazing guest bloggers and regular contributors on board. Their welcome posts add to the diversity of voices about feminist approaches to tness. We like to have fun with the whole thing and hope you do, too. Our book, Fit at Mid-Life: A Feminist Fitness Journey, is published by Greystone Books. It’s ofcial release is April 14 (Canada) and 17 (US). You can order it now on Amazon. Contact us [email protected] Like us on Facebook Visit us on Instagram Follow us on Twitter RT @RunYoung50: Faster at 51... #endurancewomen #tover50 #mastersathletes 1 day ago RT @RunYoung50: 'I wanted to run it in under 48 hours and prove that a woman could do it" @NickySpinks on doing the Double Bob Graham Round… 3 days ago RT @RunYoung50: There are FOUR female ultrarunners over 50 talking @nationalrunshow - Saturday 10.40 @MarvellousMimi - Putting the Possible… 3 days ago Come see Sam speak! 4 days ago Youtube video of the cast of Cheer performing their Daytona routine on Ellen, January 22, 2020. I watched Cheer a c…… 4 days ago Follow Blog via Email Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notications of new posts by email. Join 40,753 other followers Enter your email address FOLLOW Doctorates, Down-Dogs and the Challenge of Self Talk (Guest Post) Beyond Good and Evil (Food) Why Food Is Beyond "Good" and "Evil" Belly Patrolling Repeat after me: Athleticism is beauty. Athleticism is beauty. Athleticism is beauty. Athleticism is beauty... Loving my post-mastectomy body (Guest Post) The stories our skin tells: Stretch marks, scars, and tattoos Whoever said "eating fried potatoes is linked to higher risk of death" can f**k right off Living Clean without Eating Clean I Tried the Lululemon Beer So You Don't Have To (Guest Post) Recent Posts For Me, It’s No to Corporate Wellness The 100 Day Reclaim: Day 71-80, Three Fit Feminist Bloggers Weigh In Sam’s monthly check-in: January’s ups and downs What's Your Fitness Level in Five Words? #MyFitnessLevelInFiveWords Celebrating our 15,000 Facebook Fans Find posts by category Select Category The Bloggers of Fit is a Feminist Issue ageinappropriateliving Virtual Fitness, Science Fiction, and “Fat Lit” Pink Weights? (Guest Post) ajfth What (Feminist) Self-Defense Courses Can Do (Guest Post) alisonreiheld Of Period Puns and Bicycling Groups (Guest Post) There and Back Again Part 3: the bit where we are back again… ish There and Back Again: Part 2 There and Back Again: Part 1 Alison Reid Famous Blue Gymsuit (Guest Post) amysunshine15 The Meditation of Weightlifting (Guest Post) annemfsimpson Word of the Year (Guest Post) apetropanagos Do These Pants Make My Butt Look Big? Hockey Equipment and Body Image (Guest Post) Adriel M Trott Exercising Under Neoliberalism (Guest Post) Audrey The Importance of Trying and Failing (Guest Post) Grooming, Coaching, and Toxic Relationships: Some (Guest) Conversations Pennington vs Nunes vs Protecting Athletes (Guest Post) Competing with Kids (Guest Post) avivashiller Work-Family Balance and Participation in Sports Role Models (Guest post) Azar Varahra Osteoporosis is a Feminist Issue! (Guest Post) Joy Cameron 2017 Experiments with Bikes (Guest Post) First Snowy Ride (Guest Post) Sandi C. Bull riding adventures (Guest post) Anxiety in competition (Guest post) Goat Obsessions & Yoga (Guest Post) Fit and Far From Home… (Guest Post) CathyW Choosing a bike saddle by your number (Guest post) My #HandstandChallenge2018 (Guest Post) Avert your eyes! (Guest post) Race Report for ITU Age Group Worlds Standard Distance Duathlon (Guest Post) Ange B A letter to my bike (Guest post) Swimming to beat the heat (Guest post) catherine w Asanas on the Ropes—Trying out Kurunta Yoga Little buds of optimism in January NY Times 7-Day Sugar Challenge review: skip the print, look at the pictures Should I buy a belly fat measuring machine for $379? an FAQ for you cami c I’m swimming, get out of my way! (Guest post) Falling ain’t that bad (Guest post) Playing games is more fun than structured exercise (Guest post) cdaigle Grapes of Wrath – What did I do?!? (Guest Post) Christine’s 10 km trail race (Guest post) On group running (Guest post) Falling apart… (Guest post) ceag1 Rowing Widows (Guest Post) ceebeepress When you and your doctor don’t agree on what “healthy” means (Guest post) Chloe W Race Report: Cyclocross (Guest Post) N+1: A Love Story (Guest Post) How the Amazons got me to go to the gym (Guest Post) Appearance vs. Reality (Guest Post) Cheryl D Cheryl Joins the Circus Cheryl’s First 5K (Guest Post) Couch to 5K – an update (Guest Post) Starting my feminist tness journey: Early days of couch to 5K (Guest post) Cheryl Madliger “No excuses” no more: Fitness instructing from a place of body positivity (Guest post) Krysse The pain of losing can fuel a more satisfying win (Guest post) What not to say when you encounter a woman’s bodybuilding page (Guest post) Diana S-V Guest Post: An App-solutely Adorable Fitness Tracker cravethecookbook What has happened to my Yoga class? (Guest post) Into the Trails for the Run for the Toad (Guest Post) Cate Hundleby Psyched out: Spirituality, the yoga space, and laughter (Guest post) Liberation, two nipples at a time (Guest post) Letter to the New Yoga Studio (Guest Post) Old School (Guest Post) drjchiz Doctorates, Down-Dogs and the Challenge of Self Talk (Guest Post) ebjourno A pair of shoes just for walking? Who knew? (Guest post) ebrister The most cerebral sport I’ve ever tried (Guest post) elanpaulson A WayBetter way to exercise? (Guest post) Step Counters and the Guilt Triangle: Food, Friends, and Fitness (Guest Post) eBikes: Moderate Exercise for the Un-Stationary (Guest Post) We Do Us: A Fun Run in the Snow (Guest Post) elizabethjbarnes Getting t for a mobility aid (Guest post) Michelle Lynne Goodfellow I walk 20K steps a day… and I’m getting rid of my Fitbit (Guest Post) How martial arts have changed me. (Results may vary.) (Guest post) Thriving after double mastectomy for breast cancer without breast reconstruction (Guest post) Being okay with what is (Guest post) emmaryman A Non-Athletic Person’s Guide to Running 5k (Guest Post) erineayala Gender Diversity in Cycling: Small Victories (Guest Post) Gender Diversity in Cycling: Microaggressions and Continued Work Gender Diversity in Cycling: Time For A Shift? (Guest Post) fatandtinthesix Big Fat Myths, Or, Why So Many of Us Avoid the Gym (Guest Post) eldpoppy Alex: Prole of an amazing coach Root to Rise: Voices on YWA Home 108 Sun Salutations as a start to the year Trampoline Park with Coach Renee (Guest Post) friedlaender Femmes, Food, and Europe’s Deep Freeze; or, On My Love for Walking Marjorie Rose Still Recovering From Holiday Overeating? Here’s what I’m doing next. Make-Ahead Breakfast Meal Prep– Oatmeal! Trigger Warning: Pseudoscience Breasts and the Myth of Perfect Form Heather Clitheroe Race report: 38th Melissa’s Road Race in Banff (Guest Post) hickson1 Learning to Swim and Loving My Body in the Process (Guest Post) Andra Corinne Running Can Only Take Me So Far (Guest Post) Christine Hennebury Snow, more snow, and some insights: Christine weathers a huge storm The Days Ahead: Christine H and short-term planning Anchoring myself for December Exercise Procrastination: Does it happen to you, too? jaclynlanthier Have I Just Replaced One Addiction With Another? (Guest Post) Jane S. The Art of Small Steps (Guest Post) Climbing Things, Choking People, and Disability Inclusion (Guest Post) jandawson Roller Derby Reaching New Heights (Guest Post) jaquaid Thanks, Coach! Thoughts on Drills, Good Form and the Importance of Mixing it Up (Guest Post) So how’d it go? Putting a race into perspective (Guest post) jenhock13 Futsal for life. For everyone. (Guest Post) jennyellison157 Fitness Fashion and Feminism (Guest Post) jessicaireland7 I don’t have any tness goals for 2017 (Guest post) I like to kick, stretch, and kick and I’m 30 jessicas Guest Post: Elusive “Badass Cred” Sweaty hair solutions (Guest post) Fun, fun, fun (Guest post) It’s not enough for me (Guest post) Jewel of Toronto On Age Appropriate Activities (Guest Post) Jenn Seeley New Year Same You (GuestPost) Freedom To Dene Fitness: I’ll Do It My Way (Guest Post) Jeanne-Marie My Love-Hate Relationship with Co- ed Team Sports (Guest post) joangforry Part Two: Running With Dogs and Succeeding (Guest Post) Part One: Running with Dogs and Failing (Guest Post) juliarandall27 Guest Post: My Top Tips for Staying Fit While You Travel Ronda Rousey can’t be all there is for women in the UFC (Guest post) Nobody Else in the World Can Be You (Guest Post) kai_morgan Do some women learn martial arts differently to some men? (Guest post) Why I’m not inspired by female warriors – despite loving martial arts (Guest Post) A morning with Mara Yamauchi – Part Two – Ways to engage more women in sport (Guest post) A morning with Mara Yamauchi – Part One (Guest post) KateB Mommy and Me: Childcare as an Access Issue (Guest Post) kfranc02 Mudmoiselle 2018 (Guest Post) Give Me Strength (Guest Post) Laura Rainbow Dragon 30 x 30: A Challenge of a Different Nature (Guest Post) 366 Days of Yoga (Guest Post) Last Flight of the Murder – a Roller Derby Love Story (Guest Post) Full Contact Over Forty (Guest post) Lauren Freeman Guest Post: Feminist Biking in Italy (or, Feminism 101 in Lecce) Runner Biking in Italy (Guest Post) Why Athletic Challenges are Not Like Childbirth (Guest Post) Running From Mosquitoes (Guest Post) legslegum Taking the Lane: Gender and Cycling in Toronto (A Panel Discussion) Lynette On route names in climbing (guest post) Survey on sexual harassment in climbing (Guest post) Urban crags (Guest post) Climbing above Geneva (Guest Post) Lynds Lyndsey feels excitement, pride and just a bit wistful about Women’s Aussie Rules Football (Guest post) marenbehrensen The Latest Nonsense from the Gender Police (Guest Post) marthatat55 A Meditation on Snow Intentional movement Making room for big rocks Fitness challenges: gaming or failing? marycycle Law-breaking commuter (Guest post) Hammer Down in Flanders (Guest Post) Vintage Works for Winter (Guest Post) Fit and Feminist Genetics (Guest Post) Virginia A Deadlift of the Will (Guest Post) How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Barbell (Guest Post) Mallory Mallory Goes Thanksgiving Canoeing (Guest Post) Using “Carrot” to Earn Fitness Rewards (Guest Post) Six Things I Learned on my Six-Week Bike Tour (Guest Post) Our Algonquin Canoe Trip Meena Krishnamurthy Trying, failing, and succeeding at running after a brain injury Recovered? (Guest Post) Strong is the New Pretty (Guest Post) The Long Slow Walk (a.k.a. My Recovery from a Concussion) – Guest Post meganeeze Can we train the shame away? (Guest Post) melindamunro No Way! (Guest Post) Mina Just Trying—For A Zesty Start to 2020 Words and Challenges for the New Year How To Make Running in Paris Fun and Challenging Mina Runs the Paris 20k Moira Ms. Marmot says… (Guest post) Surprised by Glide Where the Wild Girls Are (Canoeing in Killarney!)–Guest Post My trip to gender equality in sports coverage Sharon Fat, Strong, and Condent (Guest Post) n000o I punch like a woman! (Guest post) Nancy Walton Undeniable? Undeniable. (Guest Post) nanetteryan Strength Training and the Feminine Ideal (Guest Post) Freeing the Nipple One T-Shirt at a Time (or Hairy Man Nipples For Equality) natadicorsa The Perfect Bikini Body: Can We All Really Have It? (Guest Post) Inner conicts in the life of a feminist dancing mother (Guest post) natalieh On the cusp of a decade Nat thinks about longterm goals. Nat calls for high performance formal wear Nat’s still waiting to fall in love with her CPAP Nat is denitely experiencing peri menopause bettinathenomad Bettina's sports watch situation: a quick update Representing women in sports: we're not there yet, but it might be getting better RIP, Apple Watch? Starting to stop exercising – people seem to do it at 41, but why? Often Academic Riding Hadrian’s Wall (Guest Post) onabar Learning to Fly…Again (Guest Post) RE A return to tness in 2018 (Guest post) phyllis43 Rediscovering my Inner Runner (Guest Post) KateNorlock Doctor’s orders: Menopause and tness This Time I Mean It: New Year’s Resolutions, Self-Forgiveness, and Fitness (Guest Post) Beginner’s Love (Guest Post) rachelbrown007 Amazing is the New Realistic (guest post) Manning Up to Stage Race (Guest Post) rachelvmck Bicycle Racing is Expensive! (Guest Post) Rachel S Unpacking the ACSM’s Body Composition Table (Guest Post) rayners123 NYC 5 Boroughs Bike Tour (Guest Post) Soccer with A Twist (Guest Post) rebeccakukla I was wrong (Guest post) Guest Post – CFP: Regulating Bodies in the ‘Obesity Era’ Saba Fatima Exercising During Ramadhan (Guest Post) Sam B The 100 Day Reclaim: Day 71-80, Three Fit Feminist Bloggers Weigh In Sam’s monthly check-in: January’s ups and downs What's Your Fitness Level in Five Words? #MyFitnessLevelInFiveWords Celebrating our 15,000 Facebook Fans sarahhentges Reections on Fitness Families and Unexpected Gifts (Guest Post) Sarah Millin Footwear Follies (Guest Post) savage af From Biker Grrl to Bo-Bo? (Guest Post) savita1 Extreme Dieting and Metabolic Adaptation: The “Biggest Loser” Dataset (Guest Post) Ten Canadian Woman Health and Sports Pioneers You Should Know (Guest Post) Serene Help Serene Raise Money for Real- Life Strong Women (Guest Post) shamwowladybug Asthma: You Can Run, You Can Hide, but You Can’t Escape Its Grip (Guest Post) sharon crasnow Family Yoga (Guest Post) Today I Ran (Guest Post) Maybe I Like CrossFit (Guest Post) Guest Post-Cycling after 60 shaslang Society Empowerment through Sport (Guest Post) shivangibansal Fighting Violence Against Women in India With Self-Defence (Guest Post) Lady Day Reections on the exercise pill by a reluctant desk potato (Guest post) Lessons From Spinoza (Guest Post) SnazzyP What I Learned About Myself Doing Ofce Yoga (Guest Post) Kim Solga Kim’s 2020 wellness goals, beyond the bike Dare *Not* To Compare Adventures on a folding bike! Why Kim Rides, pt 2: thinking about cycling and social justice springel Guest Post: A Compatible Movement Practice (part 2 of 3) Guest Post: A Compatible Movement Practice (part 1 of 3) Guest Post: A Compatible Movement Practice (part 3 of 3) Steph Secret Illness “Failure” in lifting, and life (Guest post) stephkkeating Seaton Soaker 50k (Guest post) How I Accidentally Ran My Happiest Race (Guest Post) First Marathon: Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon Race Recap Training for my rst marathon (Guest post) Susan Tarshis If You Cannot Go Big, Go Small Contemplating Brené Brown's Contribution to the War Against Patriarchy Trying to Find Pleasure in Running My Feet On the Ground tammylynnrrt Being a Habitat for Humanity Team Leader (Guest Post) Teresa Blankmeyer Burke Eat Better, Move More, Sleep Well (Guest Post) (Deaf) Woman Alone on the Trail (Guest post) thracianmaid Pregnancy, Postpartum and the (Somewhat) Fit Feminist (Guest Post) tinylanterntarot all bodies are good bodies, my body is a good body: afrmation as a path to better health. (guest post) Fuck Fat Loss, but like, actually (Guest post) not my resolution; thoughts on January weight loss from a cheerful chubster (guest post) Tracy I Cheer: the fearless and tough athleticism of competitive cheerleaders Tracy objects to “yoga for holiday baking” Gamechangers promotes plant- based sports nutrition but doesn’t change the gender game (Guest post) Float Therapy: supposedly good for your well-being (Guest post) tracywaideboer Adventures in Knee Rehab and Farewell Getting Naked with Toronto’s NOW Magazine Why I’m Trying to Break Free of the Uniformity of Activewear Fit is a Feminist Issue has a brand new look! Vanessa One in Twenty Thousand: Race Report of the Sporting Life 10K (Guest Post) varveart Get a grip (guest post) VickyTH Watch your step (Guest post) wandererssong Katherine’s Wibbly Wobbly Walk (Guest Post) Jes Regaining condence after an injury: one climber’s story (Guest post) Nicole P, For Me, It’s No to Corporate Wellness Self-Awareness Through Drag An Ode to the Morning Workout 2020 Wishes and 2019 Gratitude Betty Race Report: Boston Half Marathon (Guest post) Race Report: Nike Women’s 15K Toronto (Guest Post) Run like a girl: My journey to the Nike Women’s Toronto 15K race (Guest post) Wordpress blogs we like Master The Moments Boating Adventures Feminist Philosophers ainsobriety On the way to nicer The Activist Classroom FIT IS A FEMINIST ISSUE Archives January 2020 December 2019 November 2019 October 2019 September 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019 December 2018 November 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 February 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 August 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 July 2015 June 2015 May 2015 April 2015 March 2015 February 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 Meta Register Log in Entries feed Comments feed Blogroll Breaking Muscle Culture & Movement Go Kaleo Eat real food. Move around a lot. Lift heavy things. And skip the kool- aid. Stumptuous: Women's weightlifting resources and some amazing rants The Rabbit Hole A socio-cultural commentary on anything related to sport, physical activity and health. FIT IS A FEMINIST ISSUE Feminist reections on tness, sport, and health BLOG AT WORDPRESS.COM. Follow @FitFeminists ABOUT FIT IS A FEMINIST ISSUE · HOW TO ORDER SAM AND TRACY’S BOOK · OTHER BOOKS WE LOVE! AGING · CYCLING · FITNESS · TRAVELING Cycling into one’s retirement years July 10, 2019 · Sam B As you likely know three of the regular bloggers here–Cate, Susan, and me– plus occasional visitor Sarah and friend David, spent the last ten days on a Newfoundland cycling adventure. I’d done it before. See here. But I loved it so much I wanted to do it again and share it with friends. This time I loved that it rained different days of the trip and so I got to endure and enjoy different sections of the journey. Labrador looks different when it’s not foggy and rainy! There’s lots to write about: the lovely people we rode with and met along the way, the rugged beauty of Newfoundland, the hills, the wind, the rain. It was hard and challenging and rewarding. Me, David, and Sarah holding our bikes above our heads in front of the Newfoundland and Labrador sign One of the things that always hits home on these bike trips where the majority of the participants are in their retirement years is the scope of what’s possible in the second half of life. There’s Pixy who at 63 isn’t just biking the Nd trip. She’s riding all the way home to Connecticut, solo, carrying all of her own stuff. Keith and John were both 72 and looked like they belonged on their bikes. Now they might be older than me but they have one big advantage, time to train. They expressed admiration for those of us working full-time, getting out on our bikes in the evenings, early mornings, and weekends. But still, thinking of the trip’s retirees, there’s something lovely about having that tness, that drive to train, later in life when there’s time to enjoy it. One way to tell this story would be to focus on the bus that accompanied us every step of the way. Not our sag wagon and gear truck. The seniors’ bus tour that was visiting all the same places. Writing this post a few years ago I might have contrasted the seniors on the bus tour with the seniors on our bike trip. I’m less sure what to make of that contrast these days. What 70 looks like isn’t just a matter of choice. Things happen. My knee has made me painfully aware of that. I also started thinking about the 30 somethings on our bike trip. Most people their age couldn’t do this trip either. It’s a matter of choice, of luck, of training, and of interest. I’m not sure that that’s different for seniors than it is for 50 somethings and 30 somethings. The whole bike trip crew boarding the ferry to Labrador Published by Sam B Philosopher, feminist, parent, and cyclist! Co-founder of Fit Is a Feminist Issue, co-author of Fit at Mid-Life: A Feminist Fitness Journey, published by Greystone Books. View all posts by Sam B Share this: You’ve got to want to travel this way. You have to think the rewards outnumber the hardships. And you’ve got to train and get ready and make cycling tness part of your life. That’s true for all of us. Related Sam changes her thinking on walking her bike up hills. These days it's less shame and more beautiful scenery. In "accessibility" Sam goes spring riding with friends (nally!) In "cycling" Big Hills and Big Cities: Sam's Summer Cycling Plans In "charity" Like this: mae Like 18 bloggers like this. Liked by 1 person Like Enter your comment here... Enter your comment here... Be the first of your friends to like this Fit is a Fe Fit is a Fe 15K likes 15K likes Like Page Follow

Transcript of FIT IS A FEMINIST ISSUE - · Feminist Issue a g e in a p p r o p r ia te...


#NapOrWorkoutNEXT POST

Pause: Christine kicks back andrests for a day

6 thoughts on “Cycling into one’s retirement years”

�eldpoppyJULY 10, 2019 AT 9:59 AM

You missed Jackie and Al, 10 years older than us, who just kept going like little energizer



catherine wJULY 10, 2019 AT 12:43 PM

Truer words were never spoken. Like y’all, I want as much functional �tness, energy,

engagement and joy in movement as I can get. What that’s going to look like 5, 10, 15, 20 years

from now– we really don’t know. While y’all were in N�d, I was in AZ. Hiking into the Grand

Canyon– my �rst time– was a thrill, but hard coming back up. Hiking to a red rock swimming

hole in Sedona, swimming, pulling myself up onto the rocks, navigating the terrain on feet– was

fun, but I was aware that I needed all my functional �tness for it to be so. And it doesn’t come

without training. There it is…


Pingback: Grit (part 1?) – FIT IS A FEMINIST ISSUE

Pingback: Midsummer heat too much? Try cold exercise… – FIT IS A FEMINIST ISSUE

Pingback: Sam’s Summer Bike Plans – FIT IS A FEMINIST ISSUE

Pingback: Sam’s monthly check-in: What’s up, what’s down, the June/July version (CW:

discussion of weight loss) – FIT IS A FEMINIST ISSUE

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Buy the book

Please buy the book from our af�liate

store at Amazon.

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About Our Blog

Fit Is a Feminist Issue picks up on a

conversation we (blog co-founders Sam

and Tracy) have been having for over

two decades about feminism and �tness.

In the fall of 2012, two years before our

50th birthdays we set ourselves a goal:

to be the �ttest we’ve ever been in our

lives by the time we hit 50 (on August 31

(Sam) and September 24 (Tracy) in

2014). As professional philosophers, it’s

second nature for us to ask questions:

what does it mean to be �t? What are

appropriate measures for the goal? And,

from a feminist perspective, in what

way(s) does women’s quest for �tness

and health contribute to empowerment

and/or oppression? You’ll �nd posts

about our personal approaches to

�tness/health, and posts that are more

re�ective, critical and meant to

challenge common assumptions. As the

Fit Is a Feminist Issue community has

grown, we’ve brought some amazing

guest bloggers and regular contributors

on board. Their welcome posts add to

the diversity of voices about feminist

approaches to �tness. We like to have

fun with the whole thing and hope you

do, too.

Our book, Fit at Mid-Life: A Feminist

Fitness Journey, is published by

Greystone Books. It’s of�cial release is

April 14 (Canada) and 17 (US). You can

order it now on Amazon.

Contact us

[email protected]

Like us on Facebook

Visit us on Instagram

Follow us on Twitter

RT @RunYoung50: Faster at 51...

#endurancewomen #�tover50

#mastersathletes 1 day ago

RT @RunYoung50: 'I wanted to run it in

under 48 hours and prove that a woman

could do it" @NickySpinks on doing the

Double Bob Graham Round… 3 days ago

RT @RunYoung50: There are FOUR

female ultrarunners over 50 talking

@nationalrunshow - Saturday 10.40

@MarvellousMimi - Putting the

Possible… 3 days ago

Come see Sam speak! 4 days ago

Youtube video of the cast of Cheer

performing their Daytona routine on

Ellen, January 22, 2020. I watched

Cheer a c…… 4 days ago

Follow Blog via Email

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blog and receive noti�cations of new

posts by email.

Join 40,753 other followers

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Doctorates, Down-Dogs and the

Challenge of Self Talk (Guest Post)

Beyond Good and Evil (Food)

Why Food Is Beyond "Good" and "Evil"

Belly Patrolling

Repeat after me: Athleticism is beauty.

Athleticism is beauty. Athleticism is

beauty. Athleticism is beauty...

Loving my post-mastectomy body

(Guest Post)

The stories our skin tells: Stretch marks,

scars, and tattoos

Whoever said "eating fried potatoes is

linked to higher risk of death" can f**k

right off

Living Clean without Eating Clean

I Tried the Lululemon Beer So You Don't

Have To (Guest Post)

Recent Posts

For Me, It’s No to Corporate Wellness

The 100 Day Reclaim: Day 71-80, Three

Fit Feminist Bloggers Weigh In

Sam’s monthly check-in: January’s ups

and downs

What's Your Fitness Level in Five

Words? #MyFitnessLevelInFiveWords

Celebrating our 15,000 Facebook Fans

Find posts by category

Select Category

The Bloggers of Fit is aFeminist Issue


Virtual Fitness, Science Fiction, and

“Fat Lit”

Pink Weights? (Guest Post)


What (Feminist) Self-Defense

Courses Can Do (Guest Post)


Of Period Puns and Bicycling Groups

(Guest Post)

There and Back Again Part 3: the bit

where we are back again… ish

There and Back Again: Part 2

There and Back Again: Part 1

Alison Reid

Famous Blue Gymsuit (Guest Post)


The Meditation of Weightlifting

(Guest Post)


Word of the Year (Guest Post)


Do These Pants Make My Butt Look

Big? Hockey Equipment and Body

Image (Guest Post)

Adriel M Trott

Exercising Under Neoliberalism

(Guest Post)


The Importance of Trying and Failing

(Guest Post)

Grooming, Coaching, and Toxic

Relationships: Some

(Guest) Conversations

Pennington vs Nunes vs Protecting

Athletes (Guest Post)

Competing with Kids (Guest Post)


Work-Family Balance and

Participation in Sports

Role Models (Guest post)

Azar Varahra

Osteoporosis is a Feminist Issue!

(Guest Post)

Joy Cameron

2017 Experiments with Bikes

(Guest Post)

First Snowy Ride (Guest Post)

Sandi C.

Bull riding adventures (Guest post)

Anxiety in competition (Guest post)

Goat Obsessions & Yoga

(Guest Post)

Fit and Far From Home…

(Guest Post)


Choosing a bike saddle by your

number (Guest post)

My #HandstandChallenge2018

(Guest Post)

Avert your eyes! (Guest post)

Race Report for ITU Age Group

Worlds Standard Distance Duathlon

(Guest Post)

Ange B

A letter to my bike (Guest post)

Swimming to beat the heat

(Guest post)

catherine w

Asanas on the Ropes—Trying out

Kurunta Yoga

Little buds of optimism in January

NY Times 7-Day Sugar Challenge

review: skip the print, look at

the pictures

Should I buy a belly fat measuring

machine for $379? an FAQ for you

cami c

I’m swimming, get out of my way!

(Guest post)

Falling ain’t that bad (Guest post)

Playing games is more fun than

structured exercise (Guest post)


Grapes of Wrath – What did I do?!?

(Guest Post)

Christine’s 10 km trail race

(Guest post)

On group running (Guest post)

Falling apart… (Guest post)


Rowing Widows (Guest Post)


When you and your doctor don’t

agree on what “healthy” means

(Guest post)

Chloe W

Race Report: Cyclocross

(Guest Post)

N+1: A Love Story (Guest Post)

How the Amazons got me to go to

the gym (Guest Post)

Appearance vs. Reality (Guest Post)

Cheryl D

Cheryl Joins the Circus

Cheryl’s First 5K (Guest Post)

Couch to 5K – an update

(Guest Post)

Starting my feminist �tness journey:

Early days of couch to 5K

(Guest post)

Cheryl Madliger

“No excuses” no more: Fitness

instructing from a place of body

positivity (Guest post)


The pain of losing can fuel a more

satisfying win (Guest post)

What not to say when you encounter

a woman’s bodybuilding page

(Guest post)

Diana S-V

Guest Post: An App-solutely

Adorable Fitness Tracker


What has happened to my Yoga

class? (Guest post)

Into the Trails for the Run for the

Toad (Guest Post)

Cate Hundleby

Psyched out: Spirituality, the yoga

space, and laughter (Guest post)

Liberation, two nipples at a time

(Guest post)

Letter to the New Yoga Studio

(Guest Post)

Old School (Guest Post)


Doctorates, Down-Dogs and the

Challenge of Self Talk (Guest Post)


A pair of shoes just for walking? Who

knew? (Guest post)


The most cerebral sport I’ve ever

tried (Guest post)


A WayBetter way to exercise?

(Guest post)

Step Counters and the Guilt

Triangle: Food, Friends, and Fitness

(Guest Post)

eBikes: Moderate Exercise for the

Un-Stationary (Guest Post)

We Do Us: A Fun Run in the Snow

(Guest Post)


Getting �t for a mobility aid

(Guest post)

Michelle Lynne Goodfellow

I walk 20K steps a day… and I’m

getting rid of my Fitbit (Guest Post)

How martial arts have changed me.

(Results may vary.) (Guest post)

Thriving after double mastectomy

for breast cancer without breast

reconstruction (Guest post)

Being okay with what is (Guest post)


A Non-Athletic Person’s Guide to

Running 5k (Guest Post)


Gender Diversity in Cycling: Small

Victories (Guest Post)

Gender Diversity in Cycling:

Microaggressions and

Continued Work

Gender Diversity in Cycling: Time

For A Shift? (Guest Post)


Big Fat Myths, Or, Why So Many of

Us Avoid the Gym (Guest Post)


Alex: Pro�le of an amazing coach

Root to Rise: Voices on YWA Home

108 Sun Salutations as a start to

the year

Trampoline Park with Coach Renee

(Guest Post)


Femmes, Food, and Europe’s Deep

Freeze; or, On My Love for Walking

Marjorie Rose

Still Recovering From Holiday

Overeating? Here’s what I’m

doing next.

Make-Ahead Breakfast Meal Prep–


Trigger Warning: Pseudoscience

Breasts and the Myth of

Perfect Form

Heather Clitheroe

Race report: 38th Melissa’s Road

Race in Banff (Guest Post)


Learning to Swim and Loving My

Body in the Process (Guest Post)

Andra Corinne

Running Can Only Take Me So Far

(Guest Post)

Christine Hennebury

Snow, more snow, and some insights:

Christine weathers a huge storm

The Days Ahead: Christine H and

short-term planning

Anchoring myself for December

Exercise Procrastination: Does it

happen to you, too?


Have I Just Replaced One Addiction

With Another? (Guest Post)

Jane S.

The Art of Small Steps (Guest Post)

Climbing Things, Choking People,

and Disability Inclusion (Guest Post)


Roller Derby Reaching New Heights

(Guest Post)


Thanks, Coach! Thoughts on Drills,

Good Form and the Importance of

Mixing it Up (Guest Post)

So how’d it go? Putting a race into

perspective (Guest post)


Futsal for life. For everyone.

(Guest Post)


Fitness Fashion and Feminism

(Guest Post)


I don’t have any �tness goals for

2017 (Guest post)

I like to kick, stretch, and kick and

I’m 30


Guest Post: Elusive “Badass Cred”

Sweaty hair solutions (Guest post)

Fun, fun, fun (Guest post)

It’s not enough for me (Guest post)

Jewel of Toronto

On Age Appropriate Activities

(Guest Post)

Jenn Seeley

New Year Same You (Guest Post)

Freedom To De�ne Fitness: I’ll Do It

My Way (Guest Post)


My Love-Hate Relationship with Co-

ed Team Sports (Guest post)


Part Two: Running With Dogs and

Succeeding (Guest Post)

Part One: Running with Dogs and

Failing (Guest Post)


Guest Post: My Top Tips for Staying

Fit While You Travel

Ronda Rousey can’t be all there is for

women in the UFC (Guest post)

Nobody Else in the World Can Be

You (Guest Post)


Do some women learn martial arts

differently to some men?

(Guest post)

Why I’m not inspired by female

warriors – despite loving martial arts

(Guest Post)

A morning with Mara Yamauchi –

Part Two – Ways to engage more

women in sport (Guest post)

A morning with Mara Yamauchi –

Part One (Guest post)


Mommy and Me: Childcare as an

Access Issue (Guest Post)


Mudmoiselle 2018 (Guest Post)

Give Me Strength (Guest Post)

Laura Rainbow Dragon

30 x 30: A Challenge of a Different

Nature (Guest Post)

366 Days of Yoga (Guest Post)

Last Flight of the Murder – a Roller

Derby Love Story (Guest Post)

Full Contact Over Forty (Guest post)

Lauren Freeman

Guest Post: Feminist Biking in Italy

(or, Feminism 101 in Lecce)

Runner Biking in Italy (Guest Post)

Why Athletic Challenges are Not

Like Childbirth (Guest Post)

Running From Mosquitoes

(Guest Post)


Taking the Lane: Gender and Cycling

in Toronto (A Panel Discussion)


On route names in climbing

(guest post)

Survey on sexual harassment in

climbing (Guest post)

Urban crags (Guest post)

Climbing above Geneva (Guest Post)


Lyndsey feels excitement, pride and

just a bit wistful about Women’s

Aussie Rules Football (Guest post)


The Latest Nonsense from the

Gender Police (Guest Post)


A Meditation on Snow

Intentional movement

Making room for big rocks

Fitness challenges: gaming or failing?


Law-breaking commuter

(Guest post)

Hammer Down in Flanders

(Guest Post)

Vintage Works for Winter

(Guest Post)

Fit and Feminist Genetics

(Guest Post)


A Deadlift of the Will (Guest Post)

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and

Love the Barbell (Guest Post)


Mallory Goes Thanksgiving

Canoeing (Guest Post)

Using “Carrot” to Earn Fitness

Rewards (Guest Post)

Six Things I Learned on my Six-Week

Bike Tour (Guest Post)

Our Algonquin Canoe Trip

Meena Krishnamurthy

Trying, failing, and succeeding at

running after a brain injury

Recovered? (Guest Post)

Strong is the New Pretty

(Guest Post)

The Long Slow Walk (a.k.a. My

Recovery from a Concussion) –

Guest Post


Can we train the shame away?

(Guest Post)


No Way! (Guest Post)


Just Trying—For A Zesty Start

to 2020

Words and Challenges for the

New Year

How To Make Running in Paris Fun

and Challenging

Mina Runs the Paris 20k


Ms. Marmot says… (Guest post)

Surprised by Glide

Where the Wild Girls Are (Canoeing

in Killarney!)–Guest Post

My trip to gender equality in

sports coverage


Fat, Strong, and Con�dent

(Guest Post)


I punch like a woman! (Guest post)

Nancy Walton

Undeniable? Undeniable.

(Guest Post)


Strength Training and the Feminine

Ideal (Guest Post)

Freeing the Nipple One T-Shirt at a

Time (or Hairy Man Nipples

For Equality)


The Perfect Bikini Body: Can We All

Really Have It? (Guest Post)

Inner con�icts in the life of a feminist

dancing mother (Guest post)


On the cusp of a decade Nat thinks

about longterm goals.

Nat calls for high performance

formal wear

Nat’s still waiting to fall in love with

her CPAP

Nat is de�nitely experiencing

peri menopause


Bettina's sports watch situation: a

quick update

Representing women in sports:

we're not there yet, but it might be

getting better

RIP, Apple Watch?

Starting to stop exercising – people

seem to do it at 41, but why?

Often Academic

Riding Hadrian’s Wall (Guest Post)


Learning to Fly…Again (Guest Post)


A return to �tness in 2018

(Guest post)


Rediscovering my Inner Runner

(Guest Post)


Doctor’s orders: Menopause

and �tness

This Time I Mean It: New Year’s

Resolutions, Self-Forgiveness, and

Fitness (Guest Post)

Beginner’s Love (Guest Post)


Amazing is the New Realistic

(guest post)

Manning Up to Stage Race

(Guest Post)


Bicycle Racing is Expensive!

(Guest Post)

Rachel S

Unpacking the ACSM’s Body

Composition Table (Guest Post)


NYC 5 Boroughs Bike Tour

(Guest Post)

Soccer with A Twist (Guest Post)


I was wrong (Guest post)

Guest Post – CFP: Regulating Bodies

in the ‘Obesity Era’

Saba Fatima

Exercising During Ramadhan

(Guest Post)

Sam B

The 100 Day Reclaim: Day 71-80,

Three Fit Feminist Bloggers

Weigh In

Sam’s monthly check-in: January’s

ups and downs

What's Your Fitness Level in Five



Celebrating our 15,000

Facebook Fans


Re�ections on Fitness Families and

Unexpected Gifts (Guest Post)

Sarah Millin

Footwear Follies (Guest Post)

savage af

From Biker Grrl to Bo-Bo?

(Guest Post)


Extreme Dieting and Metabolic

Adaptation: The “Biggest Loser”

Dataset (Guest Post)

Ten Canadian Woman Health and

Sports Pioneers You Should Know

(Guest Post)


Help Serene Raise Money for Real-

Life Strong Women (Guest Post)


Asthma: You Can Run, You Can Hide,

but You Can’t Escape Its Grip

(Guest Post)

sharon crasnow

Family Yoga (Guest Post)

Today I Ran (Guest Post)

Maybe I Like CrossFit (Guest Post)

Guest Post-Cycling after 60


Society Empowerment through

Sport (Guest Post)


Fighting Violence Against Women in

India With Self-Defence (Guest Post)

Lady Day

Re�ections on the exercise pill by a

reluctant desk potato (Guest post)

Lessons From Spinoza (Guest Post)


What I Learned About Myself Doing

Of�ce Yoga (Guest Post)

Kim Solga

Kim’s 2020 wellness goals, beyond

the bike

Dare *Not* To Compare

Adventures on a folding bike!

Why Kim Rides, pt 2: thinking about

cycling and social justice


Guest Post: A Compatible

Movement Practice (part 2 of 3)

Guest Post: A Compatible

Movement Practice (part 1 of 3)

Guest Post: A Compatible

Movement Practice (part 3 of 3)

Steph Secret Illness

“Failure” in lifting, and life

(Guest post)


Seaton Soaker 50k (Guest post)

How I Accidentally Ran My Happiest

Race (Guest Post)

First Marathon: Scotiabank Toronto

Waterfront Marathon Race Recap

Training for my �rst marathon

(Guest post)

Susan Tarshis

If You Cannot Go Big, Go Small

Contemplating Brené Brown's

Contribution to the War

Against Patriarchy

Trying to Find Pleasure in Running

My Feet On the Ground


Being a Habitat for Humanity Team

Leader (Guest Post)

Teresa Blankmeyer Burke

Eat Better, Move More, Sleep Well

(Guest Post)

(Deaf) Woman Alone on the Trail

(Guest post)


Pregnancy, Postpartum and the

(Somewhat) Fit Feminist

(Guest Post)


all bodies are good bodies, my body

is a good body: af�rmation as a path

to better health. (guest post)

Fuck Fat Loss, but like, actually

(Guest post)

not my resolution; thoughts on

January weight loss from a cheerful

chubster (guest post)

Tracy I

Cheer: the fearless and tough

athleticism of

competitive cheerleaders

Tracy objects to “yoga for

holiday baking”

Gamechangers promotes plant-

based sports nutrition but doesn’t

change the gender game

(Guest post)

Float Therapy: supposedly good for

your well-being (Guest post)


Adventures in Knee Rehab

and Farewell

Getting Naked with Toronto’s

NOW Magazine

Why I’m Trying to Break Free of the

Uniformity of Activewear

Fit is a Feminist Issue has a brand

new look!


One in Twenty Thousand: Race

Report of the Sporting Life 10K

(Guest Post)


Get a grip (guest post)


Watch your step (Guest post)


Katherine’s Wibbly Wobbly Walk

(Guest Post)


Regaining con�dence after an injury:

one climber’s story (Guest post)

Nicole P,

For Me, It’s No to

Corporate Wellness

Self-Awareness Through Drag

An Ode to the Morning Workout

2020 Wishes and 2019 Gratitude


Race Report: Boston Half Marathon

(Guest post)

Race Report: Nike Women’s 15K

Toronto (Guest Post)

Run like a girl: My journey to the

Nike Women’s Toronto 15K race

(Guest post)

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Stumptuous: Women's weightlifting

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sport, physical activity and health.

FIT IS A FEMINIST ISSUEFeminist re�ections on �tness, sport, and health


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Cycling into one’s retirement years

July 10, 2019 · Sam B

As you likely know three of the regular bloggers here–Cate, Susan, and me– plus occasional

visitor Sarah and friend David, spent the last ten days on a Newfoundland cycling adventure. I’d

done it before. See here.

But I loved it so much I wanted to do it again and share it with friends. This time I loved that it

rained different days of the trip and so I got to endure and enjoy different sections of the

journey. Labrador looks different when it’s not foggy and rainy!

There’s lots to write about: the lovely people we rode with and met along the way, the rugged

beauty of Newfoundland, the hills, the wind, the rain. It was hard and challenging and rewarding.

Me, David, and Sarah holding our bikes above our heads in front of the Newfoundland and Labrador sign

One of the things that always hits home on these bike trips where the majority of the

participants are in their retirement years is the scope of what’s possible in the second half of


There’s Pixy who at 63 isn’t just biking the N�d trip. She’s riding all the way home to

Connecticut, solo, carrying all of her own stuff. Keith and John were both 72 and looked like

they belonged on their bikes. Now they might be older than me but they have one big

advantage, time to train. They expressed admiration for those of us working full-time, getting

out on our bikes in the evenings, early mornings, and weekends. But still, thinking of the trip’s

retirees, there’s something lovely about having that �tness, that drive to train, later in life when

there’s time to enjoy it.

One way to tell this story would be to focus on the bus that accompanied us every step of the

way. Not our sag wagon and gear truck. The seniors’ bus tour that was visiting all the same

places. Writing this post a few years ago I might have contrasted the seniors on the bus tour

with the seniors on our bike trip.

I’m less sure what to make of that contrast these days.

What 70 looks like isn’t just a matter of choice. Things happen. My knee has made me painfully

aware of that. I also started thinking about the 30 somethings on our bike trip. Most people

their age couldn’t do this trip either. It’s a matter of choice, of luck, of training, and of interest.

I’m not sure that that’s different for seniors than it is for 50 somethings and 30 somethings.

The whole bike trip crew boarding the ferry to Labrador

Published by Sam B

Philosopher, feminist, parent, and cyclist! Co-founder of Fit Is a Feminist Issue,

co-author of Fit at Mid-Life: A Feminist Fitness Journey, published by Greystone

Books. View all posts by Sam B

Share this:

You’ve got to want to travel this way. You have to think the rewards outnumber the hardships.

And you’ve got to train and get ready and make cycling �tness part of your life. That’s true for all

of us.


Sam changes her thinking on

walking her bike up hills. These

days it's less shame and more

beautiful scenery.

In "accessibility"

Sam goes spring riding with

friends (�nally!)

In "cycling"

Big Hills and Big Cities: Sam's

Summer Cycling Plans

In "charity"

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