Fish and Wildlife Work Group Meeting Notes · FISH AND WILDLIFE WORK GROUP MEETING 2 March 2015...

Fish and Wildlife Work Group Meeting Notes 2 Mar 2015i 9:30 a.m. at USFWS F'WCO in Onalaska, WI A ttl1(• hmcnl List: Agenda Atte ndance Li st " Lake Pe pin PAR Powe rPoint HREP PER PowerPoinl Janvrin" s Backwater Centrarchid PowcrPoint Meeting Discussion Summary: Meetin g discussion topics arc listed in the age nda a nd s ummari zed below. The majority of the meeting focused on discussion of the Envi ron mental Pool Plan s. One addition to tl1c age nda was a brief discuss ion 0 11 consensus for pl anning efforts on the river. Environmental Pool Plans: The majo rit y of lhe mee ting foc u sed on co ntinu ed discussion of updating the EPP. Open di alogue was hared on what a basic update might include and h ow best to reach agreement amongst th e gro up . FWWG quickly reached a genern l conse n sus on the pro cess and outline to ide ntify upd ak s to th e 17. PP. Th e updates would occur th ro ugh the following phases. Pool Plan Update Phases I) Initial 12: PP update to reOcct HREP s, O&M, Re fu ge Projects, Other. Things already built/completed . a. Di sc uss within USACE about performing this actio n with internal forces and have so me basic idea of potential by the R.RF 2) I!o ld small group workshop to di scuss/identi fy: a. II) what aspects of pools plans shou ld be updated b. Identify who may be ab le to perform this a nd when 3) Impleme nt recomme nded features that are data-related ( imagery, bathymetry, etc) 4) As recommended, discuss or identify upd ated o bj ecti ves, problem stateme nt s, habitat or process need s, etc 5) Public Input with in EP P update??? Phase I is genera lly agreed on. Phase 2 will form and acti vate a sma ll group to di scuss in more detail what a rea li stic EPP upd ate would i11clude. Depending on the co nclusions of the small group. additional phases may be cons idered. Phases would potentiall y be implc1J1 ented in the order above, recognizi ng that each s ubsequent phAse wou ld be more complicated, time cons uming a nd ex pensiv e. No specifi c endpoi nt was established for this approach. Small group to furth er discuss th e I.WP will inc lud e the fo ll owing: USFWS - Stephen Winter MnDNR - Dan Dicterman Wil)NR - Jeff Janvrin laDNR - Mik e Griflin USACE - To be determined USACE will identify a designce ASAP and th is regro up wi ll meet to start on Step 2 outlined above. Additi.onal Agendn Items Steve Clark (USACH) has vol unteered to be the n ext FWWG Chair. The FWWG supported thi s proposed leadership . T hi s will be provided lo the for consid eration. Ryl ee Main gave an o,1erview presentation of the Head of Lake Pe pin Problem Appraisal Repon. Co mments on the PAR are still wel co me bul should be provided ASAP. Dave Potter gave a bri ef overview on Pr oblem Apprai sa l Reports and l IREP co nsidera tion s (see attach ed prese nrntio n) .

Transcript of Fish and Wildlife Work Group Meeting Notes · FISH AND WILDLIFE WORK GROUP MEETING 2 March 2015...

Page 1: Fish and Wildlife Work Group Meeting Notes · FISH AND WILDLIFE WORK GROUP MEETING 2 March 2015 HREP Project Evaluations---== Status of HREP Project Evaluations 2015 Monitoring Act1v1t1es

Fish and Wildlife Work Group Meeting Notes 2 Mar 2015i 9:30 a.m. at USFWS F'WCO in Onalaska, WI

Attl1(•hmcnl List: • Agenda • Attendance List " Lake Pepin PAR PowerPoint • HREP PER PowerPoinl • Janvrin"s Backwater Centrarchid PowcrPoint

Meeting Discussion Summary:

Meeting discussion topics arc listed in the agenda and summarized below. The majority of the meeting focused on discussion of the Environmental Pool Plans. One addition to tl1c agenda was a brief discussion 011 consensus for planning efforts on the river.

Environmental Pool Plans: The majority of lhe meeting focused on continued discussion of updating the EPP. Open dialogue was hared on what a basic update might include and how best to reach agreement amongst the group. FWWG quickly reached a genernl consensus on the process and outline to identify updak s to the 17.PP. The updates would occur through the following phases.

Pool Plan Update Phases I) Initial 12:PP update to reOcct HREPs, O&M, Refuge Projects, Other. Things already built/completed.

a. Discuss within USACE about performing this action with internal forces and have some basic idea of potential by the R.RF

2) I !old small group workshop to discuss/identify: a. II) what aspects of pools plans should be updated b. Identify who may be able to perform this and when

3) Implement recommended features that are data-related (imagery, bathymetry, etc) 4) As recommended, discuss or identify updated objectives, problem statements, habitat or process needs, etc 5) Public Input within EPP update???

Phase I is generally agreed on. Phase 2 will form and activate a small group to discuss in more detail what a realistic EPP update would i11clude. Depending on the conclusions of the small group. additional phases may be considered. Phases would potentially be implc1J1ented in the order above, recognizing that each subsequent phAse would be more complicated, time consuming and expensive. No specific endpoint was established for this approach.

Small group to further discuss the I.WP will include the fo llowing:

USFWS - Stephen Winter MnDNR - Dan Dicterman Wil)NR - Jeff Janvrin laDNR - Mike Griflin USACE - To be determined

USACE will identify a designce ASAP and th is regroup will meet to start on Step 2 outlined above.

Additi.onal Agendn Items

~ Steve Clark (USACH) has volunteered to be the next FWWG Chair. The FWWG supported this proposed leadership. This will be provided lo the RR~· for consideration.

• Rylee Main gave an o,1erview presentation of the Head of Lake Pepin Problem Appraisal Repon. Comments on the PAR are still welcome bul should be provided ASAP.

• Dave Potter gave a brief overview on Problem Appraisal Reports and l IREP considerations (see attached presenrntion).

Page 2: Fish and Wildlife Work Group Meeting Notes · FISH AND WILDLIFE WORK GROUP MEETING 2 March 2015 HREP Project Evaluations---== Status of HREP Project Evaluations 2015 Monitoring Act1v1t1es

• Ron Benjamin gave a brief request to agency representatives to be open and upfront when working on river issues. Be clear on agency positions. If agencies arc willing to be fl exible, they should be clear on this and willing to move and compromise to reach consensus. If agencies arc unwilling to be flexible this should be stated up front so everyone knows what agency boundaries arc.

• JefT Janvrin gave a brief presentation on centrarchid response to I IREP projects (sec attached presentation)

Action Hems from the Mcetine

• Coordinate with the RRP on assigning Steve Clark as the next FWWG chair. • USJ\CE to identify a path to implc1ncnt Phase I of the EPP updates • USACE Lo identify R representative to the small work group to evaluate updates lo EPP. • Small work group to initiate discussions on the El?P update.

Page 3: Fish and Wildlife Work Group Meeting Notes · FISH AND WILDLIFE WORK GROUP MEETING 2 March 2015 HREP Project Evaluations---== Status of HREP Project Evaluations 2015 Monitoring Act1v1t1es

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Page 4: Fish and Wildlife Work Group Meeting Notes · FISH AND WILDLIFE WORK GROUP MEETING 2 March 2015 HREP Project Evaluations---== Status of HREP Project Evaluations 2015 Monitoring Act1v1t1es

Upper Pool 4 & Lake Pepin Habitat Restoration Project PRESEN TED BY RYLEE MAIN


Sedrn1nta1'0f'I a/'ld M<fment r•MJtJ*lMOn hive c.nusnd a ION tn

Wiier dtpth divtratty of blckwator l1ke1 nM

l1ol1ted we111nd1, poor water dll'll)', 1 toss in

1quatic ~etabon 11nd roduced h1bft1t for Osh

on<I w!ldl rl I

Pool 4, Upper Enwcwnen111 POOi PIMI

E.x1111ng H1blt1I Cond11ion1

__ ... t_r.--_

A reduction In sedlm•nt kudifl& to L.a\..• Peplri 11

cr1t1ul lonc·term, ~nd ---a=-=

+ must b• I PrlOfitV


Upper Pool 4 Objectives INSnlUTIOHAl OllllCTl\ICS

ln<'fl'4'lhttuNl't! of~ ..-dllOCfll,I ..... «l\MtltVf1.'4A~

1 lnu~u-..c-r .... ol~pcl~lt .......... Oh« Wd.nWtl .t<UMIMl!Otl ••tt .. tJilblt• CCHld!!loM ltwtwH~•~IVol'fWC•f'

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.C.Sm1ft bOt1 nl'AS'tlon MOl41Md t nd lncrentd (LILA 8o1rd mtfl'lbtt•I

~D1·tc11in&Of WICOUll BlyM1d &lyCrty ("11n1t•1 Trophy CtMbhl111 Adventurft)

( •Othen to be detemthltd

- ------ - ---=--=-



--- --- - - -- -------------- - - ----

Factors Considered Important in Development of Objectives •Mtn•t " Mflit Objt<.'\ .... f. Of ~f WiteOMln tnd MIOnHOll Oepartm1nll of N1tur1I RftOUfCel

•UIM.oric ind eJdstln1 fl.s.h & witdhft h1Dl11t cond1tlorn

"Rt\OUrc:t probt1nu, oppontJnitlet., 1nd constrtlntJ

•H•bllfl def+cttnctin, now ind In tht future for Llh P.,,ln In 1•rw~I

-Spec'-' 1roupt. • nd ln,.tMdual te>t<litt r1qu1r•mtnt1

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•UM: of dt1nnel dredtf nitttflitl

•AweMt0n .. •cttu W'l(hN'I Sh••ow .... , of UPP« Lale~"

Restoration Measures for Institutional Objectives I &.nk prOledloo

ld1nd ritrtonit1on/uudon

Ot1tion of lf'Mtltnt wttYndt

• Scnon .. ~ttr lt~l '4rt1t lon thfOUlh mobt tiOI r'flllntttmtftt

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now1n1 chnneb

w H1blt11 drtct11n1(,. 4 r~et)

- -- - --- - ---


Page 5: Fish and Wildlife Work Group Meeting Notes · FISH AND WILDLIFE WORK GROUP MEETING 2 March 2015 HREP Project Evaluations---== Status of HREP Project Evaluations 2015 Monitoring Act1v1t1es

Concepts MUDf lAT CONSTRUCl 10 IN POOl 6

Questions fOftfWWGI

~o wt lmptOYt our Prob~m AWr•lstl ~ ..... r

"COmmtnu on Ou1rt1ch

•Howwlt the JHlorltlr1tlon proceu p1.., out? Wil our p101Kt ~ contldt1H?

•Wh1t 1Mk11t1on.1I role CAin AudubOn Ind I PIA Stll¥1n mo'f4nc thlt fOf'WM"dP

•M'JKIALW Ot ~lO<tl MAlffllAl IUCKlAll HMlllAl- toNttH rJICMOU> IW fON tt{h~llON

The .,.opM In the lm111 1bove 1re t.ttndln& on •n hland, ind th• bld(hot k on tht Hnd btl'TTI. flot Mdtm1n11 '<Ntrt pl1cld In 1ht 1r11 ~twltn the l1i.nd ind the wnd btrm lo 1n eleY1Hon that would result In thl1 UH

rmtlnhlt aquH IC ti OJ)l)O~ to teff~tr\61 Tht $OUtCt or M\limtntt WH tht m1an chtnnt l io1$.Ind,1nd bac:kwtttr 1rta1 for tin.-.


•ProJiK' f\H\dlfll

e()thtf<IUIM~i .. ,

3/ 9/ 2015

Thank youl


Page 6: Fish and Wildlife Work Group Meeting Notes · FISH AND WILDLIFE WORK GROUP MEETING 2 March 2015 HREP Project Evaluations---== Status of HREP Project Evaluations 2015 Monitoring Act1v1t1es


2 March 2015


Project Evaluations ---==

Status of HREP Project Evaluations 2015 Monitoring Act1v1t1es Post-Construction

Pool Nomt 'fyp• LHd

6 Finger l.akOI AHOI. electrofilh, wlnlor wq MNDNR

5 Spring Lake AHQI MNONR Electroflsh WIDNR

5 Island 42 AHOI, eloctrofiSh, winier wq MNONR

5A Polandar AHOI, eloctrofi$1l, winter wq MNONR

Long Lake Eleetroflsh WIDNR

Llkt Onalaska EleclroftlSh WIONR

11·1 I UllDINO ltROHCJr.

Status of HREP Project Evaluations

201 S Monitoring Activities - Pre and Post Pool Name




WolerfoWI USO Bald eagle nesting

Waterfowl Use Bald eagle nesting






Status of HREP Project Evaluations 2015 Monitonng Actrvlt1es Pre-Constrvctlon

Pool NllM 'lyPe I.Nd

Notlll & Slurooon AHQI, fi•h, ,.;n1or y.q MNONR Cuhurol, b•ll1rm•ilY MVP

Upper Iowa Rtver El•clrofi•h WlDNR

Harpers Eleclrofi•h WlDNR

Conwoy IPhllllpl Munola, cultural, veloclty, MVP cUcharge, noodploln lo,.•I

Womllhlok EleclroAlh WlDNR

10 Mc:GrOQOr e1oc1ron1h WlDNR VtlocHy/Dlachlrge, llOodplaln MVP forUlCUlturll

10 Lower Pool 10 1111n<11 Vtlocity/Oiachorge MVP


Status of HREP Project Evaluations








2015 M onitonng Acliv1tlos: Post Constrvctlon

Name 'fype

Pool 8 lall!flds LTRM Electrofi1h Wlnter/Summerwq, temp

Capoh Electrofish Veloc:;ly/Oi1cn1rgo Mussel a?

Lansing Big Lake Electrofilh

ColdSpnngs Electroli1h

Pool 9 Islands Eloctrolish

Ambrough Electrollsh Velodty/OllCharga Bolhymolty

PERs Completed

• Rice Lake (MN River)

• Indian Slough (Pool 4)

• Finger Lakes (Pool 5)


Field Slatlons WIDNR WIDNR






• Small Scale Drawdown (Pools 5, 9)

• Lake Onalaska (Pool 7)

• Blackhawk Park (Pool 9)

• Pool 9 Islands (Pool 9) · Bussey Lake (Pool 10)

• Guttenberg Ponds (Pool 11)

m llllDINO lfAONO.


Page 7: Fish and Wildlife Work Group Meeting Notes · FISH AND WILDLIFE WORK GROUP MEETING 2 March 2015 HREP Project Evaluations---== Status of HREP Project Evaluations 2015 Monitoring Act1v1t1es

Upcoming PERs

• Ambrough Slough

• Island 42 (addendum) • Polander

• Trempealeau NWR

• Pool 8 Phase II



Page 8: Fish and Wildlife Work Group Meeting Notes · FISH AND WILDLIFE WORK GROUP MEETING 2 March 2015 HREP Project Evaluations---== Status of HREP Project Evaluations 2015 Monitoring Act1v1t1es
Page 9: Fish and Wildlife Work Group Meeting Notes · FISH AND WILDLIFE WORK GROUP MEETING 2 March 2015 HREP Project Evaluations---== Status of HREP Project Evaluations 2015 Monitoring Act1v1t1es

Clark, Steven J MVP

From: Sent: To:

Subject: Attachments:

Stefanik, Elliott L MVP Monday, March 09, 2015 12:57 PM Stefanik, Elliott L MVP; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Hendrickson, Jon S MVP; Kelner, Daniel E MVP; Machajewski, Paul R MVP; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Tapp, Steve D MVP; Theiling, Charles H MVR; Urich, Randall R MVP; Sobiech, Jonathan J MVP; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' ~ '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Machajewski, Paul R MVP; '[email protected]'; Urich, Randall R MVP; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]


'[email protected]'; 'Scott_ [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Birkenstock, Terry MVP; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'Timothy_ [email protected]'; 'Brenda Kelly ([email protected])'; 'Karen Osterkamp ([email protected])'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Potter, David F MVP; Novak, Thomas (Tom) MVP; '[email protected]'; Clark, Steven J MVP; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'Kendra Niemec'; 'Wendy Woyczik'; 'Lisa Maas'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; McFarlane, Aaron M MVP; '[email protected]'; 'Rylee Main' RE: Next FWWG Meeting (UNCLASSIFIED) Meeting Notes FWWG 2 Mar 2015.pdf

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE

All: draft meeting notes for last week ' s FWWG . to tack on Jeff's Overwintering presentation. revisions by March 16. Thanks.


-----Original Message- ---­From: Stefanik, Elliott L MVP Sent: Friday, February 27, 2015 11:14 /lJ'i

I kept this very short and sweet. Still need Let me know if you have any comments or

To: Stefanik , Elliott L MVP; '[email protected] ' ; ' [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Hendrickson, Jon S MVP; Kelner, Daniel E MVP; '[email protected]'; Machajewski , Paul R MVP; '[email protected]'; '[email protected] ' ; '[email protected]'; Tapp, Steve D MVP; Theiling, Charles H MVR; Urich, Randall R MVP; Sobiech, Jonathan J MVP; ' [email protected]'; '[email protected] . us'; 'david [email protected] '; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'jeff [email protected]'; 'tschlagenhaft@audubon .org'; '[email protected]'; 'kevin_kenow@usgs .gov'; ' [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'patrick.short@wisconsin .gov';

Machajewski , Paul R MVP; 'Phil_Delphey@fws .gov';Urich, Randall R MVP; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'Ron.Benjamin@wisconsin .gov'; '[email protected] ' ; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Birkenstock, Terry MVP; '[email protected]'; 'Vickie_Hirschboeck@fws .gov ' ; '[email protected]'; 'Brenda Kelly (Brenda.Kelly@Wisconsin .gov)'; 'Karen Osterkamp ([email protected])'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Potter, David F MVP; Novak, Thomas (Tom) MVP; '[email protected]'; Clark, Steven J MVP;


Page 10: Fish and Wildlife Work Group Meeting Notes · FISH AND WILDLIFE WORK GROUP MEETING 2 March 2015 HREP Project Evaluations---== Status of HREP Project Evaluations 2015 Monitoring Act1v1t1es

'Sara.Strassman@wisconsin .gov'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'Kendra Niemec'; 'Wendy Woyczik'; 'Lisa Maas'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; McFarlane, Aaron M MVP; '[email protected]'; Rylee Main Subject: RE: Next FWWG Meeting (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE

All: Reminder of our FWWG meeting upcoming on Monday, March 2nd. Location is the USFWS FWCO in Onalaska. Meeting from 9:30 to 1:00. Agenda attached.


-- - --Original Message- -- -­From: Stefanik, Elliott L MVP sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 8:07 AM To: Stefanik, Elliott L MVP; '[email protected]'; 'Brian.Brecka@Wisconsin .gov'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Hendrickson, Jon S MVP; Kelner, Daniel E MVP; 'KHerdina@piic .org'; Machajewski, Paul R MVP; 'michelle.marron@wisconsin . gov'; '[email protected]'; ' [email protected] ' ; Tapp, Steve D MVP; Theiling, Charles H MVR; Urich, Randall R MVP; Sobiech, Jonathan J MVP; '[email protected]'; ' [email protected]'; 'david . [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; ' [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'kevin.stauffer@dnr .'; '[email protected]'; ' [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Machajewski, Paul R MVP; '[email protected]'; Urich, Randall R MVP; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'scott . [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Birkenstock, Terry MVP; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'Brenda Kelly (Brenda . [email protected])'; 'Karen Osterkamp ([email protected])'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Potter, David F MVP; Novak, Thomas (Tom) MVP; ' [email protected] ' ; Clark, Steven J MVP; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'Kendra Niemec'; 'Wendy Woyczik'; 'Lisa Maas'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; McFarlane, Aaron M MVP; '[email protected]' Subject: Next FWWG Meeting (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE

All: Based on limited feedback we will have our next FWWG on Monday, March 2nd. Location is the usual place - USFWS FWCO in Onalaska. Assume we will go from 9:30 to 1:00.

Agenda will incl ude further discussion on updates to the Pool Plans. Other topics welcome, so please provide.

Note that Rylee Main of the Lake Pepin Legacy Alliance has requested to be on the agenda to discuss their Upper Pool 4 PAR. The purpose of the report is to take a comprehensive look at assessing .existing resource conditions and potential restoration actions. It looks like this is on the agenda to discuss at the next RRF, so this may be a good opportunity to hear about the report up front (many of you may have looked at the report already). Unless I hear opposition I will include t his topic on the agenda to be presented by Rylee.


Page 11: Fish and Wildlife Work Group Meeting Notes · FISH AND WILDLIFE WORK GROUP MEETING 2 March 2015 HREP Project Evaluations---== Status of HREP Project Evaluations 2015 Monitoring Act1v1t1es

I'll send out a draft agenda in a few weeks.


-- - --Original Message-- --­From: Stefanik, Elliott L MVP Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2015 9:30 AM To: Stefanik, Elliott L MVP; '[email protected]'; [email protected]' ; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Hendrickson, Jon S MVPj Kelner, Daniel E MVP; '[email protected]'; Machajewski, Paul R MVP; 'michelle.marron@wisconsin .gov ' ; 'patrick . [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Tapp, Steve D MVP; Theiling, Charles H MVR; Urich, Randall R MVP; Sobiech, Jonathan J MVP; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'david [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'kevin. [email protected] .us'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected] .us'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' ; Machajewski, Paul R MVP; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Urich, Randall R MVP; '[email protected] '; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected] .gov'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Birkenstock, Terry MVP; '[email protected] ' ; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'Brenda Kelly (Brenda.Kelly@Wisconsin .gov)'; 'Karen Osterkamp ([email protected])'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected] '; '[email protected]'; Potter, David F MVP; Novak, Thomas (Tom) MVP; '[email protected]'; Clark, Steven J MVP; '[email protected] '; 'chandi.mccracken@state. mn . us'; ' [email protected] . us'; 'Kendra Niemec'; 'Wendy Woyczik'; 'Lisa Maas'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; ' [email protected]'; '[email protected] '; 'jrogala@usgs .gov'; ' [email protected]'; 'yyin@usgs .gov'; '[email protected]';Mcfarlane, Aaron M MVP; [email protected] Subject : FWWG Meeting Notes and Next Meeting (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE

All: I ' ve finally got draft notes together for our FWWG back in December. Give these a look and let me know if you have any comments . Note I'm still working with Jeff Janvrin to get his PowerPoint on EPP history included as one of our attachments.

At the FWWG t here was a desire to resume this discussion on the EPP update. So . .. here is a Doodle pool for potential dates of our next FWWG in late February or Early March. We will try to make further progress on what an EPP update might look like, including who would do this and when. We can also entertain other agenda topics. Assume this will be in LaX, probably from 9 :30 to 1:00.

Elliott L. Stefanik Chief, Environmental Planning Section St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers Office Phone: (651) 290-5260 Cell Phone: (651) 707-4078 Fax: (651) 290-5805 Elliott .L [email protected]


Page 12: Fish and Wildlife Work Group Meeting Notes · FISH AND WILDLIFE WORK GROUP MEETING 2 March 2015 HREP Project Evaluations---== Status of HREP Project Evaluations 2015 Monitoring Act1v1t1es

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Classification : UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE

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Classification: UNCLASSIFI~D caveats : NONE