FIRST Thermometer in America - The Foster Cup FIRST … Instruments and Wahl Instruments, with more...

America's First Manufacturer of Precision Industrial Temperature and Pressure Instrumentation Celebrating Innovation since 1836 FIRST Thermometer in America - The Foster Cup FIRST Red-Reading-Mercury Thermometer FIRST Direct Drive Double Wound Coil for Dial Thermometers FIRST Miniature Temperature Recording Labels FIRST Portable Digital Infrared Thermometer FIRST Replaceable Element Bimetal Thermometer FIRST Portable Digital Platinum-RTD Thermometer FIRST Thermocouple Surface Probe FIRST Universal Digital Soldering Iron Tester FIRST Sanitary Bimetal Thermometer FIRST Slip-Fit Bimetal Thermometer FIRST Self-Checking Digital Platinum-RTD Meter Our Company Palmer Instruments and Wahl Instruments, with more than a century of Firsts in temperature technology, have come together to offer a complete line of temperature, pressure, test and calibration instruments from our manufacturing facility in Asheville, North Carolina. Family owned and operated, our history is built on our reputation of out- standing product development, quality, and customer service. Our future is dedicated to innovating more industry Firsts in instrumentation.

Transcript of FIRST Thermometer in America - The Foster Cup FIRST … Instruments and Wahl Instruments, with more...

America's First Manufacturer of PrecisionIndustrial Temperature and Pressure Instrumentation




� FIRST Thermometer in America - The Foster Cup

� FIRST Red-Reading-Mercury Thermometer

� FIRST Direct Drive Double Wound Coil for Dial Thermometers

� FIRST Miniature Temperature Recording Labels

� FIRST Portable Digital Infrared Thermometer

� FIRST Replaceable Element Bimetal Thermometer

� FIRST Portable Digital Platinum-RTD Thermometer

� FIRST Thermocouple Surface Probe

� FIRST Universal Digital Soldering Iron Tester

� FIRST Sanitary Bimetal Thermometer

� FIRST Slip-Fit Bimetal Thermometer

� FIRST Self-Checking Digital Platinum-RTD Meter

Our CompanyPalmer Instruments and Wahl Instruments, with more than a century ofFirsts in temperature technology, have come together to offer a completeline of temperature, pressure, test and calibration instruments from ourmanufacturing facility in Asheville, North Carolina.

Family owned and operated, our history is built on our reputation of out-standing product development, quality, and customer service. Our futureis dedicated to innovating more industry Firsts in instrumentation.

1-800-421-2853 • Fax 828-658-0728

1814 Born inMaryland, JamesFoster, Jr. travels bywagon train withhis family, settlingin Cincinnati.

1878 Palmerannounces thatProcter & Gambleis purchasingPalmer Industrialthermometers foruse in processing“White Soap”,later known asIvory Soap.

1937 The inven-tion of Red-Read-ing-Mercuryrevolutionizes thethermometermarket, and leadsto great successfor Palmer. Thecompany movesto Norwood, asuburb north ofCincinnati. Thecompany motto:“PALMER FORPRECISION”.

1908 Charles R.Palmer, son ofRichard Palmer,joins the company.He makes and delivers thethermometershimself.

1836 As a youngman, Foster worksfor the Wells familyat the CincinnatiType Foundry. Helater partners withL.T. Wells, in themanufacture ofmathematical, optical,and philosophical instruments.

1929 Charles R.Palmer inventsand patents theFIRST Red-Read-ing-Mercury Ther-mometer. Thisradical improve-ment in the legibilityin temperature reading is the mostoutstandingachievement inmodern thermome-ters at the time.


1946 Under theable leadership ofCharles R. Palmer,the business growsfrom a modest plantto an enterprisewith an internationalreputation.

1946 Palmerthermometers areused in processesaround the world,including theProcter & Gambleplant producingCrisco.

Providing thefinest thermometertubes possible requires skilledworkers. Thesame processesare still used today.

1946 Manufac-turing at our plantin Canada enables“better and moreprompt service toour Canadiancustomers”.

1944 Palmersupports the wareffort withmanufacturingfocused on qualityand precision.

The tradition of manufacturing quality precision instruments began in 1836...

1872 EmployeeRichard PennyPalmer, purchasesthe business fromFoster’s widowand renames it:The R.P. PalmerCompany. Havingpartnered in thedevelopment ofthe Foster Cup,he designed theFirst PalmerThermometer. Heestablishes hiscompany with the“goal of makingthe finest andmost accuratethermometerspossible”.

James Fostersurveyors compass

Image of Foster’sAutomatic Testerfrom the 1902International Libraryof Technology.

When you seeRED your

temperaturereadings are


Image courtesy ofProcter & Gamble

1852 As manufacturingflourishes on theOhio River, Fosterdissolves his partnership withWells, establishingJames Foster, Jr.& Co. He thencontinues in themanufacture ofinstruments suchas the compasspictured below,and patentsseveral other typesof instruments.

1860’s Testingthe safety ofkerosene leadsFoster to developthe Foster Auto-matic Oil Tester.Known as theFIRST thermometerin the west, it’sclosed cup designmade it the mostaccurate methodused at the time.Because of it’s accuracy, the Foster Cupbecomes the stan-dard for the inspection of petroleum oilproducts in Ohio,Michigan, andother states.

1830 1850 1860 1880 1920 1930 1940

1846 The dis-covery of keroseneand it’s increaseduse as in homes,leads to the decline of candleuse. However, thevolatility of thelighting oil causesmany deaths, andthe need for asafe product.

King Street Plant,Toronto, Canada

www.palmerwahl .com

1971 Jack J.Santangelopurchases Palmerfrom the widow ofCharles Palmer.

1973 Palmer develops the FIRSTreplaceable element bimetalthermometer,allowing directinsertion in theprocess, increasedspeed of response,and easy replacementof the element.

1967 The FIRSTportable digital,non-contact in-frared thermome-ter is introducedby Wahl, and isfeatured in theNov 1967 issue ofPopular Sciencemagazine. TheWahl Heat Spy®thermometersaccurately detectsurface tempera-tures at a dis-tance.

1997 Palmer ac-quires Wahl andrelocates it to theAsheville, NC plant.

2004 PalmerWahl becomesISO 9001:2000CERTIFIED.

Owned and oper-ated by theSantangelo family,Palmer and Wahlmove forward inthe development ofnew products, continuing the longheld tradition ofmanufacturing thefinest qualitytemperatureinstruments.

1991 Palmer ac-quires Ashevillebased MITCOThermometersfrom founderLothar Pitz.MITCO specializesin mercury inglass tubes.

2008 New Digi-tal RTD meter re-ceives ProcessingMagazine’s Break-through Product ofthe Year!

2006 PalmerWahl announcesit’s first thermalimaging camera.

1953 Aerospaceengineer WilliamWahl founds theWilliam Wahl Corpin Culver City, CA,producing temper-ature control valvesfor the aerospaceindustry.

1977 Wahlpatents the FIRSTportable digitalPlatinum-RTD thermometer, theWahl Heat Prober®,with interchange-able probes.

1978 Palmerclassic industrialthermometers areknown as theCadillac of the Industry”.

1980 AnheuserBusch uses Palmerthermometers inthe processing ofbeer. Palmerengineers a solution forAnheuser Busch,saving them money.

1981 Jack’s sonRichard J. Santangelojoins the Palmermanagement.

1987 SteveSantangelo relo-cates Palmer toAsheville, NC,and is appointedPresident.

1986 Wahldevelops theFIRST universalsoldering irontester with digitaldisplay for prov-ing compliancewith governmentstandards.

1960 Wahl de-velops and patentsthe FIRST minia-ture temperaturerecording labels.Wahl Temp-Plates®are the only NISTtraceable labels onthe market.

1950’s Palmerdevelops the FIRSTdirect drive doublewound coil in theU.S. for dial ther-mometers; offeringvibration resist-ance, and long life.

2006 The FIRSTdigital Platinum-RTD thermometerwith patent-pend-ing, self-checkingtechnology is in-troduced. TheWahl Digi-Stem®

DST600 has fasterresponse thenother temperaturetechnologies.

...continues today, and on into the future!

1993 Palmer develops the FIRST slip-fitbimetal thermometer,which allows inter-changeability withsame thermowell asmercury in glassthermometers.

2001 Wahl jointventure is estab-lished in Xian,China, for themanufacture ofinfrareds.

2008 AshevilleChamber awardsPalmer Wahl MostInnovative.

2008 AshevilleChamber awardsthe Sky HighGrowth Award toPalmer Wahl.

1961 Wahl thermocouplesare used byNASA’s ApolloSpace program.

1992 The FIRSTsanitary bimetalthermometer isintroduced byPalmer; it does notrequire thermowell.

1979 Jack’s sonStephen J.Santangelo takesover operationsof Palmer.

1982 Wahlpatents the FIRSTthermocouplesurface probe.

1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

1962 Palmersells their firstpressure-volumerecorder to OhioFuel Gas.

Innovative temperature technology then and now...


234 Old Weaverville Road • Asheville, North Carolina • 28804-1228Phone: (800) 421-2853 • (828) 658-3131

Fax: (828) 658-0728 • Email: [email protected]

Quality • Accuracy • Reliability


What began as a small instrument shop in 1836, developed into anenterprise of international reputation during the 1940’s and 1950’s,and continues to evolve into the 21st century.

Virtually every industry relies on temperature measurement in theproduction of quality products. Our customers know they can rely onthe accuracy of our temperature instruments for their processess.

From bimetal, mercury, liquid, and temperature labels; to thermo-couples, RTD’s, infrared, digital meters, and thermal imaging - sincethe beginning we’ve proven our commitment to constant progress inthe development and manufacture of the highest quality temperatureinstrumentation.