First Reading: Psalm: Second Reading: Gospel · 2020. 12. 20. · According to the revelaon of the...

Address : 2700 Dover Avenue - Fairfield, CA 94533 Website: Parish Office…………………………….....…………………...…..(707) 422-7767 Virgil Bascara, Plant Manager .…………………[email protected] Gemma Gonzalo, Office Manager Office email address: [email protected] Office hours: 10 AM - 12 PM, Monday - Friday Mass ReservaƟons Call-in: Wed and Thur only, 1 - 4 PM Valerie Elser, Admin. Assistant: [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Society........................................(707) 422-5209 Emergency Sick Calls..................................................(707) 422-7767 RCIA and Adult FormaƟon.........................................(707) 422-7767 Religious EducaƟon and Sacramental PreparaƟon (707) 844-0716 Diana Banasan / Anna Albericci Carmel Youth Ministry Diana Banasan…..…...………...(707) 844-0716 MASS: Weekend: Saturday Evening, 5PM Vigil Sunday: 8AM, 10AM, Noon & 6PM Daily: Monday - Saturday, 9AM Holy Days: 9AM, Noon and 7PM Sacrament of ReconciliaƟon Saturdays: 3:00 to 4:00 PM or by appointment BapƟsms: Please contact the Parish Office. Marriages: Six months noƟce required. AnoinƟng of the Sick: Please contact the Parish Office. Contact the Parish Office for all BapƟsms & Marriages. December 20, 2020 Fourth Sunday of Advent SERVED BY THE CARMELITES MASS SCHEDULE | SACRAMENTS Staff: Fr. Patrick Gavin, O. Carm. (Pastor) | Fr. Joseph Cilia, O. Carm. (Parochial Vicar) Fr. Mario Lopez, O.Carm. (ReƟred Priest in Residence) | Deacon Raymond Elias First Reading: “When your Ɵmes comes and you rest with your ancestors, I will raise up your heir aŌer you, sprung from your loins, and I will establish his king- dom firm.” (2 Sm 12) Psalm: Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord. (Ps 89) Second Reading: According to the revelaƟon of the mystery kept secret for long ages but now manifested through the pro- pheƟc wriƟngs and, according to the command of the eternal God. (Rom 16:25b-26a) Gospel: “Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High.” (Lk 1:31-32a)

Transcript of First Reading: Psalm: Second Reading: Gospel · 2020. 12. 20. · According to the revelaon of the...

  • Address: 2700 Dover Avenue - Fairfield, CA 94533 Website:

    Parish Office…………………………….....…………………...…..(707) 422-7767 Virgil Bascara, Plant Manager .…………………[email protected] Gemma Gonzalo, Office Manager Office email address: [email protected] Office hours: 10 AM - 12 PM, Monday - Friday Mass Reserva ons Call-in: Wed and Thur only, 1 - 4 PM Valerie Elser, Admin. Assistant: [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Society........................................(707) 422-5209 Emergency Sick Calls..................................................(707) 422-7767 RCIA and Adult Forma on.........................................(707) 422-7767 Religious Educa on and Sacramental Prepara on (707) 844-0716 Diana Banasan / Anna Albericci Carmel Youth Ministry Diana Banasan…..…...………...(707) 844-0716

    MASS: Weekend: Saturday Evening, 5PM Vigil Sunday: 8AM, 10AM, Noon & 6PM Daily: Monday - Saturday, 9AM Holy Days: 9AM, Noon and 7PM

    Sacrament of Reconcilia on Saturdays: 3:00 to 4:00 PM or by appointment

    Bap sms: Please contact the Parish Office.

    Marriages: Six months no ce required.

    Anoin ng of the Sick: Please contact the Parish Office.

    Contact the Parish Office for all Bap sms & Marriages.

    December 20, 2020 Fourth Sunday of Advent


    Staff: Fr. Patrick Gavin, O. Carm. (Pastor) | Fr. Joseph Cilia, O. Carm. (Parochial Vicar) Fr. Mario Lopez, O.Carm. (Re red Priest in Residence) | Deacon Raymond Elias

    First Reading: “When your mes comes and you rest with your ancestors, I will raise up your heir a er you, sprung from your loins, and I will establish his king-dom firm.” (2 Sm 12) Psalm: Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord. (Ps 89) Second Reading: According to the revela on of the mystery kept secret for long ages but now manifested through the pro-phe c wri ngs and, according to the command of the eternal God. (Rom 16:25b-26a) Gospel: “Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High.” (Lk 1:31-32a)

  • PRAYER & WORSHIP Mass Inten ons | Pray For


    MASS INTENTIONS/SCHEDULE Monday 12/21 9:00 am † Virginia Weber / † Ricardo Tubig

    Tuesday 12/22 9:00 am † Mae Harne / † Jesse D. Santos

    † Norbert D. Santos

    Wednesday 12/23 9:00 am † Jack Mancinelli

    Thursday 12/24 9:00 am 5:00 pm 8:00 pm Midn.

    † Eddie “JJ” Gonzalo / † Josefina Posadas Parishioners of OLMC Parishioners of OLMC Parishioners of OLMC

    Friday 12/25 8:00 am 10:00 am Noon 6 pm

    Parishioners of OLMC Parishioners of OLMC Parishioners of OLMC Parishioners of OLMC

    Saturday 12/26 9:00 am † James Dooley 5:00 pm Fred & Val Crosby / † Ina Claire Escano

    8:00 am Parishioners of OLMC Sunday 12/27

    10:00 am Noon 6:00 pm

    † Michael Tagudin / † Shiu-Chen Yang † JJ Gonzalo Sarah Becerra & Family / † Benedicto C. Samson

    If you would like the faith community of OLMC to join you in prayers for special needs, contact the Parish Office at 422-7767. We do occasionally take some names off of the list in the bulle n. If we have taken a name from the printed list of a person s ll in need of prayers, please give us a call and we will happily put him or her back on. Please take some me this week to remember the following in your prayers: - For all in our parish family who are suffering serious or terminal illness:

    Madison O’Shields Timothy White Ron Scharfen Dolores Highsmith- Cass Dion Newman Shannon Valtierra Jo & Evelyn Nunes Andy Andalajao Darwin Rasmussen John & VivianDonohoe Laura Labrado Mary Highsmith Howell Wood III Yollie Wood Mary Sheldon Kai Crocker & Family Matt A. Villaber Joe Lujan Kelly Gawley Regina Diaz Sarah S. Yarberry Emanuel P. Caranay Diane Ball Carol Nunes Dolores Sheppard Bessie Zanolini Ian Padilla John & June Kelley David Quilao Sal DiMarco Bobby Holsworth John Joe White Virgil Jaramillo Therese Keck Pat Murtha Lina Cradduck Leonida Bascara Vivian Blas Roberto, Inday & Robbie Visda Rosario Manalisay Robert Rabaino Renita Manalo Ann Garant

    Alejo Aranas Remy Calica Julie Darling John & Celina Hess Sharon Dotson Anita Brennan Carolyn Hebert Josephine Iannarelli Su Kuropatkin Romy & Cuca Lopez Crystal Buelna Bernice Jojola MaryEllen McCormick Jewel Perez Theresa McDermott Elinita VeraCruz- Ulep Masoumeh Kennedy Manny & Laura Labaria Jose Y. Gomez Samantha Peregoy Asianne McClinton Robert Gebing Jean Hamilton Betty McFadden Sammy & Luz Quilao Ryan Bautista Linda Sharp Danilda Castor Luis Silveyra Virginia Armas Luis Mora Nancy Lamp Sally Fields Martha Eble Steve Henson John Linehan Joan Gaut Ed Junker Joe Santos Joel, Fe Tubig & Family Edward Bransfield

    Rogelio Fortaleza Pat Brausch Diane Topacio Annie Hutchinson Martha Pickens Alvin Barba Mike Loedding Aukusitino Iulio Jr. Alapati Suisala Silivelia Alkowni Tom & Aida Quinn Peka Tuimavave Ana Tuinavave Iulio Suisala Andrew Davis Roy Shaver Raymond Elias Jr. Anna Albericci Jeremy Banks Georgina Boyd Xavier Hernandez Victoria Renteria Sonya Renteria Elizabeth Renteria Inez Calderon Ramil Maglalang Tony Hernandez Jr. Tony Wiley Ayo Dejene Gerhard & Berti Berger Stephen R. Driscoll Karen McWhorter Mike Davenport Kari Maistrandrea Marsha Harley Miguel Vilaro Victor Wanberg Cynthia Fernandez Annabelle Semira Carmelite Fathers: Fr. David Fontaine Fr. Hank Ormond Fr. Patrick Gavin Fr. Mike Greenwell Fr. Mike Kwiecien

    2020 years ago heaven touched the earth. The

    rest is “his story.”

    2020 CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE Christmas Eve Day: 9 am (Daily Mass)

    Christmas Eve Masses: 5 pm , 8 pm and Midnight Note: Midnight Mass is pending due to cur rent state law curfew, which will last from 10PM—5AM daily. The curfew is due to end Dec. 21st, “but could be extended longer if needed.” For up-to-date information please log onto our website:

    Christmas Day: 8 am, 10 am, Noon & 6 pm


    New Year’s Eve Day: 9 am New Year’s Eve: 5 pm New Year’s Day: 10 am

    Sacrament of Reconciliation: December 22nd at 6:30 PM and Saturdays 3PM - 4PM



    ANSWER: When we look at the gospel accounts of the life of Jesus, we see two special titles applied to his followers: apostles and disciples. At first glance, we might think that these two words are interchangeable, but when we look at what each one means, we quickly see that the evangelists were using them very specifically. When we look more closely, we see that while Jesus had many disciples, the group of apostles was much more limited and referred to Jesus’ closest collaborators. The word apostle essentially means “one who is sent forth” or, as we might think of it today, “an ambassador.” The group of apostles — sometimes called the Twelve — included those twelve men who formed Jesus’ inner circle (see Mark 3:13-14; Luke 6:12-13). It was this group that received the gift of the Holy Spirit and who were sent out by Jesus with the special mission of forgiving sins on that first Easter Sunday (see John 20:19-23). In time, the Catholic Tradition also recognize Saint Paul and Saint Barnabas as apostles, recognizing that they also shared the mandate of going out in the Lord’s name to pray, to bless, and to preach. In 2016, during the Jubilee of Mercy, Pope Francis raised the liturgical celebration of Saint Mary Magdalene to the rank of feast, recognizing that she also received a special mandate to proclaim the good news of Jesus’ resurrection to the Eleven, becoming the “apostle to the apostles.” In a particular way, the bishops continue the mission of the apostles in our own time. When we think of the word disciple, we see that it has a very different meaning. Rather than referring to those who were sent out to carry on the mission of Jesus, disciple literally means “student” or, more specially, an “apprentice learner.” The task of the disciple is to learn and integrate into their lives the teachings, values, and way of life of their master teacher. Although a disciple might be called on to explain or represent aspects of their life, in light of the teachings they receive from this master teacher, Christian discipleship is ultimately about living our lives with faith and integrity, guided by the life and mission of Jesus, our Master Teacher. The call to discipleship is the common vocation of all Christians.

    Ques on — What is the difference between apostles and disciples? STEWARDSHIP

    GOSPEL MEDITATION FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT In Blaise Pascal’s work, Pensees, he says: “What else does this craving, and this helplessness, proclaim but that there was once in man a true happiness, of which all that now remains is the empty print and trace? This he tries in vain to fill with everything around him, seeking in things that are not there the help he cannot find in those that are, though none can help, since this infinite abyss can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object; in other words by God himself.” We have a difficult me accep ng that fulfillment and happiness are not achieved by our own merits but through a rela onship with God. We are hardwired for this rela onship and it is in our DNA. The simple fact is that we come from God and are designed to return to God. If our beginning and our end define who we are, why would we not want to seek the One who can truly sa sfy? The world does not realize that it is wai ng. It is wai ng for the birth of God in me, within one’s soul and in eternity. We get so confused by seeking other momentary sa sfac ons that we misinterpret the hunger within. We crave God. The union of God and humanity, revealed in Jesus Christ, is precisely what sets us on a straight path, orders our rela onships, establishes proper focus and goals and tells us whose kingdom we really are meant to serve. We are so lost. God is with us. The prophet Nathan told this to King David, the angel said this to Mary and the birth of Christ brings this Good News to us. We do not need to be busily looking for more things but must learn to find contentment and blessing in the One Presence. This is the beau ful simple message of Advent! If you are feeling unse led, anxious, angry, disgruntled, disconnected, unhappy, worried, fearful, off center, becoming overly self-indulgent, unable to spend me alone and without distrac on, then there’s a good chance you are lost. Now is the

    me to allow God to find you! Ponder the holy simplicity of Mary’s call to be the Mother of God. “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” When we are helpless and at home with our emp ness, God will fill us. Our Savior has come.

    Parish Collections Our Weekly Goal: $12,500.00

    2020 Envelope Collec on Date: Nov. 22, 2020

    Nov. 29, 2020 Dec. 6, 2020

    Dec. 13, 2020

    $4,645.00 $3,422.00 $8,826.00

    Not available at print

    2020 Online Dona ons Nov. 15 - 21, 2020 Nov. 22 - 28, 2020

    Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2020 Dec. 6-12, 2020

    $2,971.20 $3,881.70 $5,254.70

    Not available at print

    Dear OLMC Parishioners, Thank you for your support of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church this year as we have navigated how to best continue our ministry during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. The arrival of autumn typically signifies a change in seasons, children going back to school, and the arrival of our many fall programs that enrich our church family. This fall is different. Many children are attending school fully or partially remote and most in-person gatherings have strict guidelines. As we learn how to adapt to our current reality, OLMC would like your help to allow us to continue our ministry. Please consider joining many of your fellow parishioners at OLMC by making your generous gifts through ParishSOFT Giving at Your support makes it possible for us to continue to minister during the COVID-19 outbreak. ParishSOFT is a convenient and secure electronic giving (eGiving) program, and it provides OLMC with reliable donations during these unstable times. I hope that if you are able, you’ll take a minute to enroll: • Visit our website • Click-on the link. “GIVE Online” • How to create an account - click on “sign-in” - click on “Register for an Account.”) • Navigate to choose the Fund and Give! You can give a one-time contribution or you can specify a reoccurring giving to any of the funds available throughout the year!

    Please MAIL—in Offertory Envelopes or u lize OLMC’s Online-Giving!

  • AROUND THE PARISH Upcoming Events


    Walk for Life West Coast Join fellow Catholics and Pro-Lifers from all over California and beyond as we stand up for the li lest among us at the 17th Annual Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco, Saturday, January 21, 2021. The pre-walk rally begins at 12:30 PM in San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza, and the Walk down Mar-ket Street begins at 1:30 PM. For complete informa on about the Walk, visit www.walkforlifewc.come

    New Books Available THE BEST BOOK EVER! Prepare your family for Advent with this wonderful book with many fun ways to celebrate Advent. Par-ents and Grandparents can read together with their children. GOD, “God is central to Faith, but we en-counter misconcep ons about God all the

    me. In an effort to clear up these miscon-cep ons, this book addresses three major concepts—the nature of God, the Trinity, and the Incarna on—so that we may strengthen our faith and our ability to com-municate it to other people.” SEARCH, We are all searching and this book will help your search $6.00 each; to pur-chase please contact Phyllis, 707-419-4237.


    A Prayer for The 4th Sunday of

    ADVENT Mother Mary, pray for us, that we might be inspired by the way you received your life and God’s. Draw us close to your Son, that we might trust Him with our lives, as He learned to trust His Father by His trust in you. Amen.

    Married Couples: Give your spouse a special gi this Christmas: Sign up now for the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend and receive the gi of a great marriage. Making a weekend will help you put a li le Christmas in your marriage every

    day! The next Marriage Encounter Weekends include: April 23-25, 2021 in Sacramento, CA and Aug. 20-22, 2021 in Sac-ramento, CA. For more informa on and / or to register for a weekend, visit our website: or contact Terry & Janet, 916-489-3464.

    If you would like to purchase your own personal copy of the missale es, Breaking Bread 2021— you may do so by contac ng OCP, Customer Service 800-548-8749. The Parish Office has sold out of these books. Since the pandemic, our Church, during Mass, has gone digital - pro-jec ng the Readings, Psalms, prayers, song lyr-ics, etc., on two large t.v. screens. Choosing to purchase your own personal copy of Breaking Bread simple augments what we are already providing. Therefore, we ask that you please do not leave your book in the pews.

    Merry Christmas! There will be NO Religious Ed classes in the upcoming week and next. Classes will resume January 5 and 6, 2021. First Com-munion students resume with inter-views on the week of January 18th. Con rmation students and their fami-lies can stay connected by signing up on Remind: Con rmation Year1: Con rmation Year 2: Follow @carmel.youth on Instagram for Youth Ministry updates!

    Please contact Diana Banasan, Director of Youth Faith Formation

    [email protected] (707) 844-0716

  • Lio Suisala | 688-5592 Thelma Meyer | 372-7889 Delia Tabasa | 631-9577 Gail Dubow-Young | 330-1696 Jean Hamilton | 624-9248 Evelyn Samson | 372-7215

    Robert Anthony | 688-8894 John Shinstock | 437-4773 Eddie San Pedro | 803-1106 Vince Tydingco, Sec. | 631-5269 Woody Carnahan, VP | 208-9465

    Julie Darling, Pres. | 425-3934



    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Dec. –20- -21- -22- -23- -24 - -25- -26-

    • Fourth Sunday of ADVENT

    • Confession (6:30 PM)


    –27- -28- -29- -30- -31 - Jan. - 01 - -02-

    • The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph



    -03- -04- -05- -06- -07 - - 08 - -09-

    -10- -11- -12- -13- -14 - - 15 - -16-


    The Nativity of the Lord


    ADULT EDUCATION - RCIA | Steve & Carlene Pearson, 707-426-2344 Catholics Come Home | Woody Carnahan & Kelly Newman, 208-9465 ALPHA PREGNANCY CLINICS OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA | 428-3300. Address: 1044 Empire St., Fairfield, Ca ALTAR & SANCTUARY Lay Carmelites ALTAR SERVERS | Deacon Raymond Elias / 416-4618 AMOR DEI CHARISMATIC COMMUNITY Delia Tabasa / 631-9577 BAPTISM (Bap smal Prep Class held every other month) | Deacon Raymond Elias / 416-4618 / [email protected] CANCER SUPPORT | Call the Parish Office, 707-422-7767 COUPLES FOR CHRIST Medardo &Mimi Tuazon 707-344-7355 Rey & Milva Lapitan - 707-428-1561 Ray & Lyn Fortaleza 707-208-6679 CURSILLO | Gem Geluz - 386-9142 CARMEL YOUTH Diana Banasan 707-422-2814 6

    New to the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish? New Parishioner:_____ or Exis ng with updates:______

    Circle: Mr. & Mrs. / Mr. / Mrs. / Miss / Ms. Last Name: _____________________________________________ First Name(s):______________________________________________ Spouse Name: ___________________________________________ Other Family Member(s):_____________________________________ Other Family Members):______________________________________ Other Family Member(s):_____________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ City: ____________________________ Zip: _______________ Home #: ___________________ Cell:#____________________ Email: ______________________________________________

    Would you like to receive Offertory Envelopes OR do you prefer to give Offerings OnLine through our Website, “Give Online?

    Circle one Give ONLINE:

    Please place completed form in the Offertory Basket (at Mass), mail it or bring it to the Parish Office!



    EURHARISTIC APOSTLES OF DIVINE MERCY (EADM) Mindy Zindel 421-0776, Marlon Taasan 688-4880 FINANCE COUNCIL CHAIR | Francis Cruz - 925-683-1311 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Robert Buendia 707-428-4520 LAY CARMELITES | Jess Pacheco 707-688-8613 LEGION OF MARY | Orlie Mangune, 707-880-5602 LORD'S LEAVEN MISSION SOCIETY Marlon & Yve e Taasan - 707-688-4880 MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Tom and Elaine Bruno - 707-426-9564 MEMBERS IN MOTION | Be y McFadden - 707-422-4129 MINISTRY OF THE EUCHARIST Julie Darling - 707-425-3934 Pearla Cuerdo - 707-386-3403 MINISTRY OF THE EUCHARIST for THE HOMEBOUND Call the Parish Office - 707-422-7767 MINISTRY OF THE WORD | Don McKenna - 707-718-5239 MISSIONARY FAMILIES OF CHRIST (MFC) | John & Malou Bayquen 707-208-4005 / Eddie & Maria San Pedro, 707-803-1106 MUSIC MINISTRY DIRECTOR Mark Middleton 707-688-4157 / [email protected] OLMC GIFT CARDS | Peggy Sherrod, 707-429-3183 Parish Pastoral COUNCIL Consists of 10 members (See Bulle n) PERPETUAL Eucharis c Adora on Lynda Su on - 707-330-4858 PRAYER LINE Catharine Scharfen: 707-427-2320 / Pearla Cuerdo, 707-386-3403 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Diana Banasan| 707– 844-0716, Anna Albericci RESPECT LIFE & CATHOLIC Media KIOSK | Cathy Omoso 707-688-6551 / Phyllis Kaminska, 707-419-4237 (Alpha Pregnancy Clinic of Northern California, 707-428-3300) RETROUVAILLE (Lifeline for troubled marriages) Call the Parish Office. ST. VINCENT de PAUL | 707-422-5209 USHERS / HOSPITALITY | Robert Olmstead / 707-422-4472 VISITS TO THE SICK and SACRAMENT MINISTRY Parish Office YLGI (A Catholic Women's Organiza on) Margaret Sanders - 707-344-2838 (leave message) or Kathy Marley - 707-422-3588 / Meets 2nd Tuesday in Fr. Lanigan Center at Holy Spirit. YOUTH MINISTRY | CARMEL YOUTH Diana Banasan 707-422-2814

    Photo credit by: C. Linehan

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