First Quarter Grade 6 Lesson 3 - Session 10 Freedom in Christ

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Freedom in Christ

Transcript of First Quarter Grade 6 Lesson 3 - Session 10 Freedom in Christ

  • Session 10: Freedom in ChristFirst Quarter - Grade 6 CLE l 2015-2016

    Lesson 3: We are Given Freedom and Conscience

  • 1.

    Do you remember? Practice Test

    Connecting our lessons


    Bible Video Story

    The Adulterous Woman




    does this mean?


    Lets apply what you have learned: SITUATION ANALYSIS


    1. I can do whatever I want because I am free.

    2. Rules can help us become better persons.

    3. We are not free persons if we have to

    follow rules.

    4. Freedom is for choosing what is good for my

    self alone.

    5. We are not free if we have to follow our

    parents and teachers.

  • we connect:During our previous meeting we were

    able to clarify some of our misconceptions about what freedom

    is. Today we will try to look at it again from the view of our Lord Jesus


  • Word of God: JOHN 8:1-11

  • Word of God: John 8:1-11

  • lets talk about the Bible story

    1. Why did the Pharisees bring the woman to Jesus?

    2. What was the real intention of the Pharisees in asking Jesus that question?

    3. What was Jesuss response? What did Jesus do to the woman?

  • Character Analysis: Did they use their freedom properly?

  • 1. How did the Pharisees make use of their freedom?

    2. Was there something that influenced their action?

    3. How did the Pharisees make use of the law?

  • 1.Was the woman free? Why? 2.How did the woman make use of her

    freedom? 3.Did Jesus tolerate the sin of the

    woman? Explain your answer.

  • Is there


  • First way of understanding: to be

    free means to be true to ourselves.

  • In the Creation story, we learn that we are good. Our purpose is to share the love and goodness of the God. When

    we do this, we become true to ourselves.

  • Hence, being free = being true to ourselves. being true to ourselves = being good

    being free = being good

    Every person then is given freedom because we are created to be


  • Second way of understanding: to be free means removing

    the things that bind us

  • Things that bind us (bondages): addictionsvicesselfish actions Sin

    Hence, when we sin, we lose our freedom. We do

    not become true to ourselves.

  • True freedom is attained through following Christ. We

    are free because of Christ.



  • Johnny is a Grade 6 student who "loves" to play computer games. He loves to play a lot that he would spend his entire weekend in front of the computer to finish a game.

  • One week before the Quarterly Test he downloaded a very

    interesting game that he wanted to play and finish so desperately. However, his mom told him that he should start studying or else

    he would fail the test. Johnny was in a very dicult situation. He did not know what to do so

    he called his friend on the phone and asked for some advice.

  • 1. Is Johnny living the true meaning of freedom? Why or why not?

    2. If you were Johnny's friend what advice would you give him? Why would you give that advice?

  • How does Jesus help us to be free?How can sin make us love our


    Reflection Questions:

  • Session 10: Freedom in ChristFirst Quarter - Grade 6 CLE l 2015-2016

    Lesson 3: We are Given Freedom and Conscience