FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Oak Ridge, Tennessee · Time with Children: Camile Graves First Steps:...


Transcript of FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Oak Ridge, Tennessee · Time with Children: Camile Graves First Steps:...

Page 1: FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Oak Ridge, Tennessee · Time with Children: Camile Graves First Steps: Robert & Pam Angel Sound: Don Spong Ushers: Andre Darko, George Darko, Louise Dunlap,
Page 2: FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Oak Ridge, Tennessee · Time with Children: Camile Graves First Steps: Robert & Pam Angel Sound: Don Spong Ushers: Andre Darko, George Darko, Louise Dunlap,

*Please stand, in body or in spirit. Text printed in bold italics to be read in unison.

Prelude Welcome

Introit O Savior, in this quiet place, where anyone may kneel, I also come to ask for grace, believing you can heal. (hymn 794)

*Call to Worship

We are all children of God. There is no longer Jew or Gentile There is no longer slave or free There is no longer male or female There is no longer old or young There is no longer gay and straight, or black and white There is no longer abled and disabled All of us are one in Christ.

*Hymn 19 God of Great and God of Small

*Invitation to Confession

*Prayer of Confession

(silent confession) Like children, we fear that if we tell you what we have done, God of Justice, you might not love us any more. We can kill the dreams of those around us with a word, spoken or withheld. We can make the lives of our friends miserable, instead of sharing a miracle. We are filled with that legion of temptations which only leave us empty and wanting more. Forgive us, Gracious God. Remind us that we are no longer sinners, but your children. Baptized, we are clothed in the graciousness and faithfulness of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who came that we might be set free of all that imprisons us.

*Assurance of Forgiveness

*The Peace of Christ Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us forgive one another. The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And also with you. Let us share the peace of Christ with one another.



A Congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

June 23, 2019 Twelfth Sunday in ordinary time

Page 3: FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Oak Ridge, Tennessee · Time with Children: Camile Graves First Steps: Robert & Pam Angel Sound: Don Spong Ushers: Andre Darko, George Darko, Louise Dunlap,

*Sung Response (hymn 59) The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; God’s mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning, new every morning; Great is your faithfulness, O Lord, great is your faithfulness

Time with the Children Camile Graves Children are invited to remain for the rest of the service or go to First Steps.

First Reading Galatians 3:23-29

Anthem As the Deer (Psalm 42) Nystrom/Christopher

As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after Thee. You alone are my heart’s desire and I long to worship Thee. You alone are my strength and shield, to You, alone, may my spirit yield; You alone are my heart’s desire and I long to worship You. You’re my friend and You are my brother, even though You are a King. I love you more than any other, so much more than anything. You alone are my strength and shield....... I want you more than gold or silver, only you can satisfy. You alone are the real joy-giver, and the apple of my eye. You alone are my strength and shield....

Second Reading Luke 8:26-39 Sermon Fear to Faith Susan Reisinger

Hymn 797 We Cannot Measure How You Heal

*Affirmation of Faith

Jesus stays with us in the Spirit, who renews our hearts, moves us to faith, leads us in the truth, stands by us in our need, and makes our obedience fresh and vibrant. The Spirit's gifts are here to stay in rich variety—fitting responses to timely needs. We thankfully see each other as gifted members of the fellowship which delights in the creative Spirit's work. He gives more than enough to each believer for God's praise and our neighbor's welfare


Page 4: FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Oak Ridge, Tennessee · Time with Children: Camile Graves First Steps: Robert & Pam Angel Sound: Don Spong Ushers: Andre Darko, George Darko, Louise Dunlap,

Call to Prayer (hymn 821, all sing)

The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart, a fountain ever springing! All things are mine since I am his! How can I keep from singing? No storm can shake my inmost calm while to that Rock I’m clinging. Since Christ is Lord of heaven and earth, how can I keep from singing?

Prayers of the People - with The Lord’s Prayer (ecumenical) {

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.

The Gathering of Our Gifts


*Doxology (hymn 606) and Prayer of Dedication

*Hymn 796 We Come to You for Healing, Lord

*Charge and Blessing

*Sung Response Irish Blessing (see inside back cover of hymnal)



+ + + + + Today’s flowers are given by Peggy Ricks, daughter of Paul & Sandy Rohwer,

to the glory of God and in memory of her parents’ wedding anniversary.

Page 5: FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Oak Ridge, Tennessee · Time with Children: Camile Graves First Steps: Robert & Pam Angel Sound: Don Spong Ushers: Andre Darko, George Darko, Louise Dunlap,

worship notes

We have entered the long season called Ordinary Time. Sometimes it is referred to as Sundays after Pentecost. This is the longest season of the Christian year, lasting until just before Advent. The gospel readings during this time tell the story of Jesus’ life and ministry.

Today’s worship volunteers

Liturgist: Martina Ward Time with Children: Camile Graves First Steps: Rober t & Pam Angel Sound: Don Spong Ushers: Andre Darko, George Darko, Louise Dunlap, Carolyn Krause, Dave Mullins, Walt Porter Counters: Walt Por ter , Dan Terpstra Flowers: Peggy Ricks Nametags: Lou Dunlap Fellowship Host: Candice & Dennis Str ickler Open/Close: Anne Backus, Dennis Str ickler

Thank you to John Purifoy for playing for our service today.

Welcome to First Presbyterian Church (FPC)! No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

We hope you feel the love that is present and our joy in having you with us.

Nursery care is available in the Education building. Ask any of the ushers to direct you, if needed. Children’s and large print bulletins, and hearing-assistance units are available from the ushers. Audio recordings of ser mons and more information on FPC are at fpcor .org. Please call the church office

(483-1318) for audio recordings of the entire service.

Fifth Sunday coming up soon! Sunday, June 30 is a fifth Sunday, which means it’s time for a celebration. Hot summer days call for cool treats, so plan on joining your church family for an ice cream social after the worship service.

Hunger Fund offering Today we receive our summer quarter Hunger Fund offering. Contributions to the fund support Welcome Table community meals, food vouchers for Aid to Distressed Families of Appalachian Counties

(ADFAC) clients, local food pantries, and food cards for those who drop in at the church throughout the week in immediate need.

Make checks payable to FPC with "Hunger Fund" on the memo line or use the QR code (on the back page) to contribute online. Thank you for stepping up to help feed the hungry in our community.

Choir rehearsals during the summer are on Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m.

It’s a great time to join in. All are welcome! Regular Wednesday evening

rehearsals will resume in August.

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June 23-30, 2019

Sun. 6/23 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

9:00 a.m. Sunday school classes (see next page)

9:45 a.m. Choir rehearsal

10:00 a.m. Fellowship time (fellowship hall)

10:30 a.m. Worship

Mon. 6/24

11:30 a.m. Men’s lunch (The Soup Kitchen)

6:00 p.m. Scouts BSA Troop 42 (fellowship hall, room 102)

Tues. 6/25

11:00 p.m. Staff meeting (room 6)

12:15 p.m. Centering prayer (sanctuary)

6:30 p.m. Guitar workshop (room 102)

Wed. 6/26

11:30 a.m. Al Anon (library)

7:00 p.m. Scouts BSA Troop 42 (fellowship hall)

Thurs. 6/27

Fri. 6/28

7:30 p.m. Chinese Bible study (room 6)

Sat. 6/29

6:00 p.m. Oak Ridge Pokemon Go meeting (room 102)

Sun. 6/30 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

9:00 a.m. Sunday school classes (see next page)

9:45 a.m. Choir rehearsal

10:00 a.m. Fellowship time (fellowship hall)

10:30 a.m. Worship

11:30 a.m. Fifth Sunday celebration (fellowship hall)

Looking ahead

Sun., June 30—Fifth Sunday ice cream social following worship in the fellowship hall

Thurs., July 11—Welcome Table, 5:00 p.m., fellowship hall

Sat., July 13—Sunday school teacher training

Youth hiking trip?

ADFAC school supplies day?

Sun. Aug. 4—Blessing of the backpacks

Youth service project?

Celebrations this week Birthdays...

6/23 Anne Campbell 6/23 George Darko 6/24 Maxine Vaden 6/27 Dennis Strickler

… and anniversaries

6/29 Fred & Sally Haywood

Remember those who are …

in healthcare and retirement communities:

Connie Book, Bob Clausing, Boyd Coker, Lois Lacy, Anna & Marvin Randolph, Alex Stuart

homebound: Sandra Edwards

Page 7: FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Oak Ridge, Tennessee · Time with Children: Camile Graves First Steps: Robert & Pam Angel Sound: Don Spong Ushers: Andre Darko, George Darko, Louise Dunlap,

Midweek Bible study

The midweek Bible study will resume meeting after Labor Day.

Summer Sunday school

Nursery (through age 3), fir st floor , Education building

Early Birds (adults, parlor, Sanctuary building) Prayer, conversation, and Bible study. Teachers: Anne Backus and Rosalyn McKeown-Ice

Rise ‘n’ Shine (adults, room 6, Sanctuary building) Prayer, conversation, and Bible study. Teachers: Cheryl Barr, Sue Byrne, Hannah Tippett

*** Note: Kidz Zone and The Jugglers

will resume on Sunday, Aug. 4.

The FPC youth group is in summer mode. The regular Sunday evening gatherings have ended until August, but there are special summer events planned. Check the June Banner and your inbox for details.

Summer reading... You are invited to join Pastor Sharon in adding Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leader-ship in Uncharted Territory by Tod Bolsinger (InterVarsity Press) to your summer reading list. We’ll discuss it when Sharon is back from sabbatical. It’s available in several formats from (be sure to note the author’s name as there is another book by a similar title on amazon) — or talk with Anna Robinson about borrowing a copy to read and then pass on to the next person.

Page 8: FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Oak Ridge, Tennessee · Time with Children: Camile Graves First Steps: Robert & Pam Angel Sound: Don Spong Ushers: Andre Darko, George Darko, Louise Dunlap,

Please sign up on the 2019 flower calendar on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall to donate flowers ($35) for worship in memory or honor of a person or occasion.

First Presbyterian Church—A PC(USA) Congregation

P.O. Box 6106 Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (865) 483-1318 Located at 1051 Oak Ridge Turnpike on the corner of Lafayette

Church Office Hours: 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.—12:30 - 4:00 p.m.

Susan Reisinger Sabbatical Supply Pastor Bob Cantrell Parish Associate for Pastoral Care

Anna Thomas Director of Music Robert Angel Children & Youth Ministries

Peggy Hinkle Organist Omer Breeden Custodian

Adrienne Potter Office Manager

give online

worship volunteers—June 30

Liturgist: Dave Mullins Time with Children: TBA First Steps: Martina Ward, Susan Sharp, Anna Robinson Sound: Sydney Murray Ushers: Anne Backus, Bill Bostick, Pat Clark, Joe Gray, Matt Lindsey, Lewis Phillips, Tammy Pietrzak, Susan Sharp Counters: Bill Bostick, Colin Covlerson Flowers: Lewis & Phyllis Phillips Nametags: TBA Fellowship Host: Carolyn & Herb Krause Open/Close: Anne Backus, Dennis Str ickler

Susan Reisinger, our sabbatical supply preacher, is in the office on Tuesdays from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., as well as being here on Sundays. You can reach her by email at [email protected] or by phone at (856) 261-5436. Please note that the area code is similar to, but different from, the local area code.