First Place 4 Health

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  • 8/2/2019 First Place 4 Health


    better together


    Discover a New Way to Weight Loss

  • 8/2/2019 First Place 4 Health


    your journey beginshere

    rst place 4 health

    group starter kit978.08307.45906 $199.99

    kit contents include:

    Member Navigation Sheet

    First Place 4 Health Tote Bag

    First Place 4 Health Leaders Guide

    Members Guide

    First Place 4 Health Prayer Journal Seek God First Bible study

    and Scripture/Music CD

    Hereseverything you

    need tolead a group

    Food On the Go Pocket Guide

    Simple Ideas or Healthy Living

    How to Lead with Excellence DVD

    Orientation and Food Plan DVD

    Emotions & Eating DVD Why Should Christians Be Physically Fit? DVD

    25 First Place Brochures to hand out

    Tools or every leader toteach members a newway o thinking through arenewed mind, emotions,body and spirit! Leaders willappreciate the user riendlyood plan and easy-to-usetools provided in the kit tobring lasting positiive changein their own and in members


    kit contents include:

    First Place 4 Health hardcover book

    Members Guide

    Simple Ideas or Healthy Living Food on the Go Pocket Guide

    First Place 4 Health Prayer Journal

    Emotions & Eating DVD

    Why Should Christians Be Physically Fit? DVD

    A must-have orevery member! Begin

    a new way o thinkingabout health anda re-newed mind,body and spirit. Thiskit helps you makepositive changes,have better controlover emotions,and transorm theway you reuel andrecharge your body,

    all while relating toGod better.

    rst place 4 health

    members kit978.08307.45890$99.99

    Join a group and begin your journey to healthy living today.

    To order, call 1-800 727-5223 or visit

    Better Together, an all new series oresources invites you to discover Gods planor godly community and ellowship on your

    quest or a healthier, better lie.

    better together



    rst place 4 health

    better together success packAn all-in-one pack so you can engage in First Place

    4 Healths latest theme: Better Together

    Success Pack Contents: Better Together Devotional,

    Better Together Bible study, A Better Together Inspiri-tional CD, including a Better Together message

    rom Carole Lewis!

    978.08307.59736 $39.99

    rst place 4 health

    better together devotional

    12 encouraging testimonies rom

    members around the world

    A collection o 260 inspirational


    Theme based monthly devotional

    readings centralized to enrich

    your community

    Includes prayer and action points

    978.08307.59583 $22.99

    rst place 4 health

    better together Biblestudy12 weeks o targeted study to

    guide you toward balance and


    Includes: menus, Live-It-Trackers

    to document tness and eating,

    recipes, grocery lists, Scripture

    memory music CD and more!

    978.08307.58920 $19.99

  • 8/2/2019 First Place 4 Health


  • 8/2/2019 First Place 4 Health


    rst place 4 health

    success stories

    meetjessica tanihana

    I lost 140 lbs. and dropped 12

    dress sizes in a little over a year.

    My experience represents the kind

    o power God can have on your lie.

    The weight loss is just an outward

    expression o Gods position in my

    lie and He is frst.

    meet beverly cody

    A couple started FP4H at our church

    and I signed up. This time my hus-band, Charles, could come. The bestpart o this journey with God and thisclass is I now have a closer relation-ship with my husband o twentyfve years. I had soon dropped ftypounds. This past year, I participatedin two 5k runs. Im now lookingorward to running a 10K.

    meet abby meloy

    I am a truly thankul person or

    the First Place program.I nowteach others in my church the FirstPlace program and will be orever

    grateul the Lord brought it into my

    lie. My tips:

    Join a Group: The input andeedback you get every weekis essential.

    Check calories: Cereals Ithought werehealthy weremuch more attening than I


    Dont transform your menuovernight: it will still work.



    A life-changing program

    with biblical integrity.Beth MooreBestselling author and

    First Place 4 Health speaker

  • 8/2/2019 First Place 4 Health


    Each book contains12 weeks odaily Bible studies or specialtyseasonal 6 week Bible studies

    Scripture memory Music CDand memory Bible verse cards

    Prayer Partner orms to keep

    you on trackWeight management orms to

    record your success

    Weekly menus with grocery lists

    Daily recipes or breakast,

    lunch, dinner and snacks

    rst place 4 health

    Bible study series

    a new beginningOers inspiration and motivation oranyone who struggles as they strive toreach their weight-loss goals.

    978.08307.57299 $19.99

    balanced livingProvides the tools necessary to live abalanced lie while maintaining a closerelationship with God

    978.08307.53963 $19.99

    better togetherAn all-new Bible study that invites partici-

    pants to discover Gods plan or godly

    community and ellowship.

    978.08307.58920 $19.99

    daily victory, daily joyDiscover the power o daily prayer andBible study in the pursuit o daily victoryover temptations.

    978.08307.47245 $19.99

    ft & healthy summer pSummer can mean disruptions in thenormal routine; learn how to stay oncourse with this six-week study.

    978.08307.55165 $14.99

    giving Christ controlLearn to let go o the need to control,which leads to stress-induced overeat-ing, and let God have control.

    978.08307.51129 $19.99

    Gods best or your lieDraws rom lessons learned rom thebook o Ruth to teach how to discoverGods best or your lie.

    978.08307.56414 $19.99

    Gods purpose or youLearn to re-evaluate the qualities thatproduce growth and success, and seehow this connects to Gods plan.

    978.08307.52126 $19.99

    growing in the ruit o the spiritTransorm into the whole and balanced

    person God intended you to be.

    978.08307.51136 $19.99

    healthy holiday livingpLearn to be strong through aseason o temptation during the winterholidays.

    978.08307.55455 $14.99

    healthy summer livingpStay on track this summer with motiva-tion to eat right and stay active duringchanges in your normal routines.

    978.08307.47221 $14.99

    light & healthy holidayspProvides willpower during the temptingholidays and encouragement to refect onthe true reason or the holidays.

    978.08307.46736 $14.99

    living or ChristGuides readers through Pauls epistleto Ephesians to discover their spiritualblessings as children o God.

    978.08307.57572 $19.99

    motivated to wellnessDiscover the key to motivation that will sus-tain participants through a lietime o tness

    and good health. 978.08307.61340 $19.99

    moving orward togetherDiscover how to move orward to the

    uture God has planned or you, instead

    o dwelling on the past.

    978.08307.45203 $19.99

    seek God frstBased on Matthew 6:33, a study that

    explores the importance o surrender-

    ing onesel to Jesus.

    978.08307.55721 $19.99

    the power o hopeFind the energy and motivation to ace

    daily challenges without losing aith as

    you move toward your goals.

    978.08307.54878 $19.99

    walking in graceParticipants will learn to let go o guilt

    eelings and learn to experience reedom

    walking in Gods grace.

    978.08307.54908 $19.99


    p= 6 week study = devotional

    celebrate successDiscover how to celebrate victories in away that glories God, arms lie andrespects others.

    978.08307.47559 $19.99

  • 8/2/2019 First Place 4 Health


    Help, encourage and support

    one another on the journey toa healthier, better lie today!

    For more inormation on First Place 4 Health resources and

    to place an order call 1-800 727-5223 or visit