First Periodical Test in Elem Sciece

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  • 7/28/2019 First Periodical Test in Elem Sciece


    First Periodical Test in Elem. Science IV


    I. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

    1. The framework of the human body made up of bones.

    a. skeleton b. anatomy c. psychology

    2. The group of bones that includes the skull, the backbone and the ribs.

    a. Axial Ske l t on b . t endon c . append i cu l a r Ske l t on

    3. The groups of bones that includes the bones of the legs, arms, hands and feet.

    a. Axial s ke l e t on b . l i gamen t c . append i cu l a r Ske l t on

    4. The outer part of the bone that is made up of a hard material.

    a. Compact bone b. marrow c. tendon

    5. What connects a muscle to a bone?

    a. tendon b. ligament c. joint

    6. Which of the following is a voluntary muscles?

    a. stomach muscles b. arm muscles c. heart muscles

    7. Where does the digestion starts?

    a. large intestine b. mouth c. esophagus

    8.Final digestion happens in the ___.

    a. small intestine b. mouth c. esophagus

    9. The process of taking food into the body.

    A ingestion b. digestion c. defection

    10. Brushing your teeth will prevent. .

    a. appendicitis b. tooth cavities c. indigestion

    11. About how many glasses of water should you drink in a day?

    a. 4 to 5 a day b. 10-12 a day c. 8-10 a day

  • 7/28/2019 First Periodical Test in Elem Sciece


    12. Which of the following disease is contagious?

    a . diarrhea b . tooth decay c . headache

    13. How should the disabled be treated?

    a. like a normal person b. with pity c. w/ respect & concern

    14. Which bones protect the heart?

    a. ribs b. skull c. backbone

    15. Which bone protects the heart?

    a. skull b. ribs c. lungs

    16. How do snakes and lizards reproduce?

    a. they lay eggs and hatch them

    b. they give birth to a live offspring

    c. they develop the young inside in their babies.

    17. Which of the following animals is born alive?

    a. crocodile b. spider c. goat

    18. Which of the following animals hatch from egg?

    a. chicken b. cow c. dog

    19. Which is an example of complete metamorphosis?

    a. frog b. cockroaches c. grasshopper

    20. Which stage describe the life cycle of a butterfly?

    a. Egg, lava, adult b. egg, caterpillar, pupa, adult c. egg wriggles, pupa, adult

    II. A. Write a least 3 useful animals

    1 .

    2 .

    3 .

  • 7/28/2019 First Periodical Test in Elem Sciece


    B. Write a least 3 harmful animals

    1 .

    2 .

    3 .

    III. Draw a life cycle of a butterfly.