FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · *HYMN: “God of Grace and God of Glory” NCH #436 black...

First Parish Church, Congregational On the Village Green Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts Rev. Dr. Marlayna Schmidt, Interim Pastor Donald R. Dunn, Director of Music-Organist Jessica Skidmore, Christian Ministry Coordinator Tori Potter, Sexton Nancy Klebart, Office Manager 978-526-7661 [email protected]

Transcript of FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · *HYMN: “God of Grace and God of Glory” NCH #436 black...

Page 1: FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · *HYMN: “God of Grace and God of Glory” NCH #436 black PRAYER OF CONFESSION (adapted from Touch Holiness) Spirit of the Living God, we confess

First Parish Church, Congregational On the Village Green

Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts

Rev. Dr. Marlayna Schmidt, Interim Pastor

Donald R. Dunn, Director of Music-Organist

Jessica Skidmore, Christian Ministry Coordinator

Tori Potter, Sexton

Nancy Klebart, Office Manager


[email protected]

Page 2: FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · *HYMN: “God of Grace and God of Glory” NCH #436 black PRAYER OF CONFESSION (adapted from Touch Holiness) Spirit of the Living God, we confess


Trinity/Memorial Sunday, May 27, 2018, 10:00 a.m.

ORGAN PRELUDE: “In Christ There Is No East or West”

Tune: “McKee” an African-American Spiritual

Arranged by Charles Cherwien (b. 1957)


CALL TO WORSHIP (adapted from Touch Holiness)

Leader: May the peace of God rest upon our busy lives--

People: That we may be quieted into prayer.

Leader: May the love of God flow through our worship--

People: That we may be alive with opportunities for service.

Leader: May the grace of God be with us this Memorial Day


People: As we honor the men and women of our armed services

who gave their lives serving their country, including those who

are “missing in action.”

All: Let us worship God, Creator, Christ, and Spirit, whose Grace

calls us to loving service.

*HYMN: “God of Grace and God of Glory” NCH #436 black

PRAYER OF CONFESSION (adapted from Touch Holiness) Spirit of

the Living God, we confess that we have not always accepted the

challenge of your peace in the world. Sometimes we define peace in

ways that preserve our own self-interests, overlooking the possibility

that your peace may call us to great sacrifice. Sometimes we are content

to believe that speaking of peace is sufficient, forgetting that your peace

calls us to action and transformation. Sometimes, when we are speaking

of peace, we disrespect the sacrifice that men and women have made in

fighting to preserve human freedoms. Merciful God, forgive our lack of

imagination and courage; forgive our disrespect.

Empower us to let loving peace abound in our world.

We pray in the name of Jesus, the “Prince of Peace.”

Page 3: FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · *HYMN: “God of Grace and God of Glory” NCH #436 black PRAYER OF CONFESSION (adapted from Touch Holiness) Spirit of the Living God, we confess

*THE LORD'S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy

kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and

forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into

temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever.


*GLORIA PATRI: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is

now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen

MORNING PRAYER Lynda Griffiths

Pastoral Prayer and Moment of Silence During the moment of silence near the end of the prayer, you will be invited, if you

wish, to speak the names out loud of people you want to pray for.

ANTHEM: “Ev’ry Time I feel the Spirit”

Arranged by William L. Dawson (1899-1990)

Every time I feel the spirit,

Moving in my heart, I will pray;

Yes, Every time I feel the spirit,

Moving in my heart, I will pray. 4

Upon the mountain my Lord spoke,

Out of His mouth came fire and smoke;

Looked all around me, it looked so fine,

Till I asked my Lord if all was mine.

Jordan river is chilly and cold,

It chills the body, but not the soul;

There ain’t but one train upon this track,

It runs to heaven and right back.


Isaiah 6:1-8 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high

and lofty; and the hem of his robe filled the temple. 2Seraphs were in attendance above him;

each had six wings: with two they covered their faces, and with two they covered their feet,

and with two they flew. 3And one called to another and said: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of

hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory.’ 4The pivots

* on the thresholds shook at the voices

of those who called, and the house filled with smoke. 5And I said: ‘Woe is me! I am lost, for I

am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips; yet my eyes have seen

the King, the Lord of hosts!’ 6 Then one of the seraphs flew to me, holding a live coal that

had been taken from the altar with a pair of tongs. 7The seraph

* touched my mouth with it and

said: ‘Now that this has touched your lips, your guilt has departed and your sin is blotted

out.’ 8Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for

us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I; send me!’

Page 4: FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · *HYMN: “God of Grace and God of Glory” NCH #436 black PRAYER OF CONFESSION (adapted from Touch Holiness) Spirit of the Living God, we confess

Romans 8:14-17a 14

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. 15


you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of

adoption. When we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’ 16

it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit

that we are children of God,17

and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with


HYMN SING Rev. Dr. Llewellyn Smith

In our sermon-time today—instead of the sermon—you will be invited to

call out the name and number of your favorite hymn, and which hymnal

it is in, and let us know which verse (or two) you would like the

congregation to sing.

STORY: “A Flying Fortress Over Dresden” by Charles Alling

HYMN: “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” PH #363 vs. 1, 3 & 4


OFFERTORY ANTHEM: “Hymn to the Trinity”

Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)

Holy, Holy, Holy!

Lord God Almighty!

Early in the morning

Our song shall rise to Thee.

Holy, Holy, Holy!

Merciful and mighty!

God in three Persons.

Blessed Trinity!

Holy, Holy, Holy!

All the saints adore Thee.

Casting down their golden crowns

Around the glassy sea.

Cherubim and seraphim

Falling down before Thee.

Which wert and art,

Evermore shalt be.

Holy, Holy, Holy!

Though the darkness hide Thee,

Through the eye of sinful man

Thy glory may not see;

Only Thou art Holy.

There is none beside Thee,

Perfect in power,

In love, and purity.

Holy, Holy, Holy!

Lord God Almighty!

All Thy works shall praise Thy Name

In earth, and sky, and sea.

Holy, Holy, Holy!

Merciful and mighty!

God in three persons.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Blessed Trinity!

*DOXOLOGY: Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise God all creatures here below, Praise God

above ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Page 5: FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · *HYMN: “God of Grace and God of Glory” NCH #436 black PRAYER OF CONFESSION (adapted from Touch Holiness) Spirit of the Living God, we confess

*HYMN: “O Beautiful for Spacious Skies” PH #440 blue

*[The “Removal of the Flame”, which symbolizes the Spirit of God accompanying

us out into the world]



ORGAN POSTLUDE: “Trumpet Tune”

(adapted from Jean-Baptiste Lully, 1632-1687)

Gordon Young (1919-1998)

* * * * *

After the service join us in the front of the church for hospitality.

The greeters and lay readers are the Pick Family, Tilly, Sue, Charlotte and


The Deacons are Lynda Griffiths and Ann Heslop.

Readers and greeters are always needed, to volunteer speak to the

Deacons, or you can also sign up online.

Listening devices are available for those in need; they are at the back of

the Sanctuary. Feel free to address a Deacon should you need help using


Welcome to all who are new to our worship. To join our mailing list fill

out a “Welcome Card” to place in the collection plate or contact

[email protected], 978-526-7661 ext 1.


10 AM

Come welcome and celebrate our confirmands as they

become members of First Parish!

Page 6: FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · *HYMN: “God of Grace and God of Glory” NCH #436 black PRAYER OF CONFESSION (adapted from Touch Holiness) Spirit of the Living God, we confess

FPCC CARE TEAM Have you shared the experience?

We support FPC families with meals, rides, & visits through

times of illness and loss. Please contact Sue Pick

([email protected] or 978-548-0145) if you would like to

share your ideas, time, and talents with the FPC Care Team.

SEASIDE PARISH KNITTERS We would love to have

you join us on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays (June 7 & 21) of the

month in the Conference Room of the Chapel, 3-5 PM.

MY STORY We each have unique journeys of faith. One

way to deepen our understanding of them is to share our

stories with each other.

Once per month, the Vitality Committee welcomes one of

you to share your faith journey during Sunday service in brief 2 to 3

minute remarks. We hope you will consider sharing yours. A simple

way to organize your thoughts is to answer these 3 questions:

1. What is your early faith history? (1 minute)

2. How did you come to First Parish Church? What is meaningful to

you about your participation? (1 minute)

3. Can you share a specific moment of faith, an experience of divine

intervention or God's or Jesus' presence in your life? (1 minute)

We are eager to hear your faith stories! Please talk with Mary Ellen

Cook (978-526-7178) or Allison Moir-Smith (978-526-1904) to learn


Weekly Food Donations When you go to church Sunday

mornings or to a meeting during the week, remember to take

one item that can be donated to Open Door. Food baskets

located in the Chapel and Church. It is easy to forget, but you can think

ahead and bring one food item that will be much appreciated by folks

who really need our help.

Page 7: FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · *HYMN: “God of Grace and God of Glory” NCH #436 black PRAYER OF CONFESSION (adapted from Touch Holiness) Spirit of the Living God, we confess

Brown Bag Lunch on Friday, June 30 sign-up coming soon or see

Lelly Smith or Muriel Parker.

Included in the Mission of our congregation is caring for God's creation.

Especially as Spring reveals the wonder of it all, we think

“conservation!” We will be putting forth alerts and reminders to help

us awaken to God's creation and consider our own actions to care for

this amazing town and the wider world we have been given.

What can we do to help with Conservation?

Here are some ideas from your Missions Committee.

Our Green Church on the Green Transportation Notes

How do we travel these days?

1. Carpool / Use public transportation

2. Walk / Bicycle

3. Pre-plan / Combine errands


END OF THE SUMMER Do you feel called to serve? First Parish

will soon begin the process of searching for a new pastor. According to

our church bylaws, the Church Council is responsible for

appointing church members to serve on the search committee – two

from the Diaconate, one each from the Trustees, CE, Stewardship,

Music, Missions and Youth Group, and 5 members-at-large. Council

agreed that ideal criteria for serving on the committee include: regular

church attendance, positive outlook, good listening and synthesizing of

information skills, not being shy about speaking up in meetings, and

looking to God for guidance. Further, the chair of the

committee should have strong organization, motivation, and computer


Our hope is to create a cohesive committee that is representative of our

faith community with a balanced mix of ages, gender, family contexts,

and theological perspectives, and with a shared commitment to the

Page 8: FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · *HYMN: “God of Grace and God of Glory” NCH #436 black PRAYER OF CONFESSION (adapted from Touch Holiness) Spirit of the Living God, we confess

future of our church. Once the search starts, it will likely take six to nine

months. The main components of the work include developing

interview questions that help us assess whether a candidate would be a

good match for our values, purpose, and vision; reading through

candidates’ profiles; deciding who to interview; conducting interviews;

and then recommending a candidate to the congregation. The committee

will meet once or twice a month to prayerfully work through their tasks,

and individuals will be expected to read candidates’ profiles in between

meetings. There may also be a few visits to other churches to hear

candidates preach. Our UCC Area Minister, Rev. Wendy Vander Hart,

will help guide the committee through the search process, and Rev.

Marlayna can be a guide as well—but only on the process itself, not in

the choosing of candidates.

If you feel that serving God in this capacity might be a natural fit for

your talents and interests, or if there is someone you would like to

nominate who would also be a good fit, then please feel welcome to

speak with, or to email church moderator, Nancy Peterson

[email protected]. (Note: As a balanced mix of various

components is required, not all people who volunteer for the committee

may be appointed to serve.)


Building on our four congregational meetings in the Vision Process, we

(the Transition Team) have drafted a Vision Statement, which is

available in the narthex and on the church’s website. The congregation

will have the opportunity to discuss the Vision Statement at our church’s

Annual Meeting on June 24th, and, with the congregation’s blessing, the

Vision Statement will then be used to form the basis of a strategic plan,

which the Executive Committee and Council will put together in the fall

of 2018. Once a strategic plan (with goals and objectives) has taken

shape, it will be presented to a “special meeting” of the congregation for


We (the Transition Team) are also using the information we have

gathered from the Vision Process to help form our “Church Profile,”

Page 9: FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL · *HYMN: “God of Grace and God of Glory” NCH #436 black PRAYER OF CONFESSION (adapted from Touch Holiness) Spirit of the Living God, we confess

which is the document used in the search for a new settled

pastor. We plan to have the Church Profile done by mid June.

Please continue to keep our church’s Vision Process in your prayers!

Your Transition Team (Paul Driscoll, Lauren Gudonis, Mary Lumsden,

Jeff Parker, Jason Smith, Lelly Smith)

Church Council minutes, Congregational Meeting minutes and

documents can be found online.

BOOK GROUP We continue with a new selection; for the

month of May “Small Great Things” by Jodi Picoult. With

incredible empathy, intelligence, and candor, Jodi Picoult

tackles race, privilege, prejudice, justice, and compassion—

and doesn't offer easy answers. Goodreads

Wendy Clark will be hosting the next book group, Tuesday, May 29,

6:30 PM at 99 Pine St. Manchester. Please RSVP to Wendy 978-526-

4146 or [email protected], so she can plan accordingly.

TUCK’S POINT WORSHIP Join us Sun. June 10, at the Tuck’s Point

Chowder House for the 10 AM worship. BYOB picnic lunch to follow,

dessert and beverages will be provided.

BIBLE STUDY will resume on May 31st and continue through June


Rev. Marlayna is away at a preaching conference May 21 through May

29th. If you need emergency pastoral care while she is away, please call

the church office, and you will be directed to someone who can help.

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First Parish Church

Vacation Bible School

June 25-29, 1 - 3 PM

Children K-6th

grade are invited to join us for a fun filled week of

stories, games, crafts, and learning about Jesus’ love.

First Parish Chapel

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED This is our biggest outreach to the greater

Manchester community, providing a free fun event to local families, and

we need volunteers to help run the program and donate snacks.

Please sign up to help today! High School students can earn community

service hours. To sign up speak to Jessica 978-526-7661 x 3 or email

[email protected].

You can also look at volunteer slots and sign up online.

CHILDREN K-6 GRADE WELCOME Sign up your children and invite

friends! Contact Jessica with questions 978-526-7661 x 3 or

[email protected].

You can also register online

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Upcoming events can be found on our website

( ) under “News” and “Calendar” and on our

Facebook page (First Parish Manchester-by-the-Sea) under “Events”



Memorial Day Office Closed


7:00 PM Book Group


10:00 AM COA Yoga

6:30 PM Diaconate Meeting

7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal


4:00 PM Bible Study

6:00 PM Confirmation Party


8:00 AM Yoga


10:00 AM Worship, Communion

Confirmation Sunday