First of all, a very big “thank you” to Misha Danilov for thinking of this idea and bringing us...


Transcript of First of all, a very big “thank you” to Misha Danilov for thinking of this idea and bringing us...

• First of all, a very big “thank you” to Misha Danilov for thinking of this idea and bringing us here to share in these two days, and allowing us all to find a way to collectively work to make this entity that enlivens all of our lives – this idea of being able to bring the next sharp tool to bear on the science of unfolding the mysteries of flavor physics, into being.


Danilov asks……1. What is the luminosity requirement to be able to do the physics?

I believe that this question has been clearly, and broadly, answered in the last few months by the international physics community ! We need a machine at, or above, a luminosity of 10**36 cm**-2 sec.**-1. We also need one that respects the long range plans of our respective regions. More on this later.

2. What kind of Super B would be best ?

I think we need a machine design that has

credibility with such a luminosity goal, and

that fits in with the long range plans of our

respective regions. More on this later.

3. What model for building the facility could work here ?

I think that we all need to be fully behind a proposal

that there be one such facility in the world, and that

it is being put forward as a ‘regional initiative’, but

one that we broadly support, and one to which each

region will find a way to bring the appropriate


4. What steps are required of the community to move such an idea forward to success ?

Let me summarize what I ingjust said. We need to

recognize that our long range plans give almost all the resources to the big ticket items that will define the future of our field, when they come to pass. We need to be part of that plan. We can do that if we are all behind ‘a regional plan’ to build ‘a flavor factory’, and each region finding a way to bring appropriate resources to the table.

• I believe the good news is “that we have that region”, i.e. INFN, willing to carry that proposal … for a Flavor Factory … forward, and that as scientists interested in this area of physics, we need to get behind that proposal and try to persuade our regional agencies to bring whatever support each

region feels that they can bring. [ i. e. either

cash contributions or ‘in kind’.]

Our Belle colleagues have a proposal for Super KEK-B in front of their lab management – and awaiting a decision.

• There is only room for one Super B facility

• It should have luminosity ≥ 10 36 cm-2sec-1

• The capability of flexible collision energy is still under examination (charm, B sub s, and tau experiments)

• Energy asymmetry can be reduced from 9 Gev on 3 Gev – but it is important for the physics !

The B Factories• The two B Factories have been very positive competition, and

have been very, very successful !

• Each success and each problem with the accelerators has been shared, and immediately members of the other lab’s team have

been there to help solve, or to learn.

• The physics analysis teams have had a different mode – keeping the analyses independent, so not falling into the ‘LEP correlation’ problem. But the intense competition has helped motivate very broad and well executed measurements.

• Productivity has been immense.

[~ a PRL each week, for years at a time !]

The B Factory Physics Legacy• Confirmation of the KM mechanism

• Precise measurement of the CKM matrix

• Improved understanding of hadronic B decays• Serious constraining of “New Physics” -

b→sγ‚ b→sll‚ b→Κ*γ‚ b→ργ,b→Фκº‚ b--> eta’κº ‚b κº πº

• Despite opportunities, no sign of New Physics yet. Now need to research carefully for small effects/deviations.

The World ILC Activity• The world HEP community has chosen that the next facility

they want to build attack the unknown, - a 500 Gev linear electron-positron collider, the ILC ! ;

• The timing of that being ready for physics is rather uncertain;

• The international accelerator community needs some real-world activities on the ground, during this wait;

• The possible synergy between a SuperB collider, and much needed ILC R&D on damping ring and final focus

demonstrations, looks interesting, and may be attractive;

• The priorities from EPP 2010 were :

a) LHC program and upgrades; b) full effort on the R&D design, ‘industrialisation’ and the necessary preparation for the machine and the detectors; c) full effort to host the ILC in the US; d) NSF, DOE and NASA should work together on setting priorities for the important activities at the interface of particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology.

EPP 2010 Recommendations, continued

e) neutrino physics activities be well focused and

coordinated via a staged program of experiments

developed with international collaboration and



f) US participation in large scale, high precision

experiments that probe particle physics beyond

the standard model should continue, but at a level

of support that can be managed.

The European Strategy for Particle Physics

1) LHC and its upgrades are top priority;

2) R&D towards ILC;

3) commit to strong effort to build the ILC;

4) support an optimal suite of neutrino experiments by 2012;

5) support a very important suite of particle and particle

astrophysics experiments;


The European Strategy for particle Physics, continued.

“ Flavour physics and precision measurements at the high-luminosity frontier at lower energies complement our understanding of particle physics and allow for a more accurate interpretation of the results at the high-energy

frontier; these should be led by national, or regional, collaborations, and the participation of European laboratories and institutes should be promoted.”

Flavour Physics will be important in the LHC ERA

• Essentially unanimous report from the series of CERN workshops on ‘Physics in the LHC Era’.

• Provide unique constraints or New Physics • CP violation perhaps studied in the lepton sector

using polarised tau decay studies.• D Mixing

• The International situation with regard to the next step for Flavour Physics, is a little clouded.

• In the U.S., the National Academy Report, EPP 2010 has laid out a clear and ambitious agenda for HEP.

• In Europe, the strategic plan makes essentially the same priorities.

• Flavour Physics is recognized, but not at the highest priority.

• That place is reserved for the International Linear Collider, bringing ‘surgical complementary’ to the LHC program.

• ILC never been in better position!

• The schedule is quite ambitious.

• It is not unlikely that it will turn out to be longer –

possibly quite a bit, and even possibly never.

• What is best model if it is slower?

• I believe the potential of a real technical synergy between ILC and

Super B, and the recommendations of the US and European future planning groups, allows a possible strategy here.

• Growing interest in the idea of Super B

• Modest scale enterprise (~$750 M)…. (a lot of re-usable hardware around the world)

• Totally new idea for colliders

• Synergy with ILC

• A big pay-off in physics productivity

• A large, and growing, community ready to commit to build and exploit it.

• INFN is really serious about pursuing this possibility!• Site would be agency, state and city funded; machine

funding would have a major share from INFN, and regional commitment for the remaining support (in kind) – is required.

• INFN is ‘floating the ship’ at present, and wants first crack at a site local to Frascati. If that fails – other regions can negotiate.

* The hope is for an early signal from the Italian government ( ~2007 ).

Detector• Either Belle or BaBar could be the basis of a

Super B detector.• Available finances will be an important guide

on how to proceed– [the difference between “better” and “good enough!”]

• Vertex, tracking detectors, DAQ and trigger will be new – others systems can be minor or major upgrades.

Sites• INFN wants to try for a site a liitle east of

Frascati, [Tor Vegata], as their first choice.• There are other possible sites around the

world’s accelerator labs :-– DESY– KEK– SLAC– FNAL

• CDR by beginning of 2007

• Collaboration formed by mid-2007. (Machine and detector)

• TDR by 2008-2009, (including detector)

• Build by ~ 2013 - 15

I believe we are ballistic in pursuing one approach to

the creation of a Flavor Factory.

We should try to pull together an enthusiastic international community to work on the proposal to the Italian government. There is work to be done !

The expected time scale for response is short - ~ 2007.

Wait for a positive response.


• An amazing revolution has occurred in the last eighteen months in electron positron collider design.

• Many seminal ideas that are implicit in the machine we are talking about today, were not in the tool box !!

• This has been mainly due to the inventiveness of one person – Panta Raimundi – following carefully what synergies with the ILC can be exploited, and come up

with several entirely new concepts, that are proving powerful. He has been ably assisted by John Seeman

and Marica Bignani, and colleagues at Frascati.

* This activity has changed the world’s design tools !