First Lyceum Attraction - University of...

w I f 4 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL TUESDAY MORNING OCTOBER 12 1909 u J r < 1 1 PHONE frrwq 88 PEOPLE AND EVENTS PHONE 38 i 1 to 6 p m from I I By Bonnie Burnham 733 to 10 p m c I J i THE WEEKS EVENTS J II fr 1 TUESDAY Meeting of the Married Ladles Euchre club hostess Mrs Joe Roth on East Government street + Meeting of Five Hundred Club hostess Miss Lizzie Beumel on 4 Bayou Texar WEDNESDAY Meeting of thv W C T U at the First Presbyterian church Meeting of the Pastime Eucara club hostess MrsJ J McCar ¬ thy on Wright street 4 Meeting of the Civic League at Y M C A parlors 4 p m 9 THURSDAY 9 4 Meeting of the Thursday club hostess Mrs Wm Hall on West 9 < Romana street 9 9 Meeting of New City Flinch C lub hostess Mrs Frank Marston 9 9 on North Twelfth avenue- FlowersWilliams 9 9 wedding 8 p m at 1007 East DeSoto Street 4 FRIDAY 9 Meeting the Thursday club hostess Mrs Soderquist on Government street 9 SATURDAY 9 Meeting of the Browning club ioftess Mrs Jno Beard on the tayshore 9 9 e 49 4 4 9 4 + L GONZALEZNORSWORTHY WEDDING ON SUNDAY A pretty wedding swoat In its solemnity and charming Indeed in the artistic and ideal manner in which it had been planned took place on Sun ¬ day afternoon at 3 oclock at St Mi ¬ chaels when Miss Irma Gonzalez and Mr George Norsworthy were united in wedlock the Rev Father Fullerton officiating The church had been beautifully done in rare cut flowers and ferns and palms the effect having tr been unusually beautiful Mr For ¬ rest organist at St Michaels played Mendelssohns wedding march as the party entered the church Miss Kat Caro maid of honor and Mr Sam Burchfield who served as best man having appeared first Miss Kate who is one of PeasacoIaH most striking little beauties looked even prettier than usual in a gown of pale blue messaline her sUppers and loves matching They were followed by the bride and groom Miss Gonzalez who Is a dainty pe Ute little blonde was charming In pearl gray silk with Perian bands of delicate pinks She wore hat shoe and gloves in the prevailing tone During the ceremony the organist played Thine Only which with the beautiful wedding service of the Catholic church made the effect 1m presale Indeed After the ceremony the couple with their friends and rel ¬ atives repaired the < home of the brides parents Mr anti Mrs M J Gonzalez on West Chase street where- a pleasant reception occurred wine and cake having been served Tne young couple both of whom are held In the highest esteem locally are to live with the brides parents for the prestnt Many handsome wedding gifts were received showing in some degree the general regard In which they are held locally I WHY SALVES FAIL TO CURE ECZEMA They Clog the Poresonly a Liquid Can Reach the Inner Skin Since the oldfashioned theory of curing eczema through the blood has been given up by scientists many different salves have been tried for skin diseases But it has been found that these salves only clog the pores and can not penetrate to the inner skin below the epidermis where the eczema germs are lodged Thisthe quality of penetrating probably explains the tremendous success of the only standard liquid czema cure oil of wintergreen as compounded in D D D Prescription After ten years of cure after cure the worlds leading skin specialists have Accepted this as the true cure We ourselves do not hesitate to recommend D D D Prescription at 3100 a bottle but for the benefit of those who have never tried the pre- scription ¬ we arranged with the D D D Laboratories of Chicago for a spe- cial ¬ large trial bottle at 25 cents on a special offer now This first bottle ought to convince every sufferer and at any rate it will surely take away 4 the itch at once TheCrystal Pharmacy THE PURE FOOD STORE Fresh New York I Cream Cheese I Neuchatel Cheese I Roquefort Cheese i Just received I i Orders taken for home- made I Chocolate Cream t cakes 85 cents each I Sol Gahn CO I Agents Nunnallya Candles I Phones 17201721 la 11 DAUGHTERS OF CONFEDERACY- TO HOLD MEETING TODAY The Daughters of the Confederacy- will hold an Important meeting this afternoon at the bivouac The hour- is 4 oclock MISS JULIA WATERS RETURNS TO MUSCOGEE- Miss Julia Waters has returned to her home in Muscogee after a ten days visit here She has been n guest at the home of her sister Miss Eva Waters at No 500 Hayne street MISS BESSIE PERDUE TO TEACH AT EVERGREEN- Miss Bessie Perdue who has been spending some time at her h me here has gone to Evergreen where she will teach this winter She will be greatly missed among the young people CHOIR PRACTICE TONIGHT AT EAST HILL BAPTIST CHURCH There will be choir practice tonight- at the East Hill Baptist church and all members of the choir are particu larly requested to be on time The hour Is 7 oclock MISS RENA BOND RETURNS FROM MOBILE Miss Rena Bond who has been spending a delightful sojourn in Mo- bile ¬ the guest of relatives and friends has returned home She Is accom- panied ¬ by her aunt Mrs R J Ad jerson U MEETING OF THE MARRIED LADIES EUCHRE TODAY There will be a meeting of the Mar- ried ¬ Ladies Euchre club this after ¬ noon Mrs Joe Roth will be hosteai at her home on East Government street U MEETING OF NEW CHURCH ASSOCIATION TODAY There will bo a meeting of the New Church Association this afternoon at Hannah hall All the ladies of the First M E church are requested to be present as important business is to receive attention The hour is set for 4 oclock- MUSIC U AT THE SACRED HEART SUNDAY- A quartette mass was sung at the Sacred Heart church on Sunday the offertory solo by Prof Seel having hern unsually skillful and well done Perosis Ecce Panis by he quartette- was sung at the communion- THE ° REV MR W M B ALLEN TAKES CHARGE OF ST CATHERINES Catherines church is to be especially congratulated upon secur ¬ ing an able nd proficient rector in the person of the Rev Mr Wm B Allen late of St Pauls church New- port ¬ News Va Speaking at the 11 oclock services on Sunday he Im- pressed ¬ all with his fine scholarly learning and his broad understand- ing ¬ cf the topics upon which he dwelt That he will do no inconsider Gumptionm- eans common sense when I needed most I Under no circumstances Is it I needed more than In the selec ¬ tion of right food I I The one reliable food which supplies material for rebuilding- the important gray substance of brain and nerve cells I- sGrapeNuts This food is made of wheat and barley by a process which changes the starchy part of the grains into predigested food material so that it Is quickly absorbed and promptly begins repairing and building up waste tissue throughout the body GrapeNuts Is a common sense foo- dTheres a Reason Read The Road to Well ville In pkgs- POSTUM CEREAL CO LTD Battle Creek Mich USA able amount of good work locally is the opinion of all who have met him perponally or have had the real pleas- ure ¬ cf hearing him In his pulpit Mrs foreman also sang an unusually de- lightful ¬ selections during the ser- vice ¬ LITTLE FRANK ERNEST BOBE VYAb CHRISTENED Ltttle Frank Ernest the tiny son of Mr and Mrs C E Bobe was christened Sunday at the home of the parents on East Belmont street the Rev Mr Julian S Sibley having ¬ ficlated Miss Florentine Hoffman acted as godmother while Mr William Caro was godfather- MR AND MRS CD BEYER ENTERTAINING A GUEST- Mr and Mrs C D Beyer are enter- taining ¬ their nephew Mr Chas Gig ley formerly of Graston West Vir- ginia ¬ but now foreman of the C and O shops at Russell Kentucky He will proceed to San Antonio in a few days stopping in Pensacola again on i his return trip THE REV MR E E RICE SPOKE EAST HILL BAPTIST CHURCH The Rev Mr E E Rice spoke ai the East Hill Baptist church at both services Sunday He is a popular pastor and his two discourses wee of unusual strength and Interest find- ing ¬ much favor among those who composed his audience FIVE HUNDRED CLUB TO ENJOY FISH FRY This afternoon the lady members- of the Five Hunderd club will go to the home of Miss Lizzie Beumel on Bayou Texar to be joined by the gentlemen at a later hour A fish fry is to be the attraction of the evening and there is little doubt but that one of the Jolliest affairs of the season with this very popular club is to occur I ATTY J P STOKES RETURNS I FROM NEW YORK Atty J P Stokes has returned home after a fine trip north which took him up through New York state and landed him somehow in the thick 1 of the HudsonFulton centennial cola ¬ bration He heard Dr Cook lecture- saw Dr Kennedy and In fact mate out with the rest of the notables there in flying fashion He is full of en- thusiasm ¬ over his trip I MRS OSTEEN TO LEAVE THIS MORNING I Mrs Osteen wife of Manacrsr Os teen ot the Escambla hotel will leave this morning for an absence of two J weeks Sire will go to her home In t Columbus Ga and from there on a shopping trip to Atlanta Mr Oste > u I who Is a remarkably clavr and charming young woman will ba gen- uinely ¬ I missed by her many Peqsacola J admirers REVIVAL SERVICES I PROVED A SUCCESS- The fine revival series which has been attracting attention at the Gads den Street M E church of late weze brought to a close on Sunday having j met with unlimited success The Rev Cornell of Marlanna who has been In I charge during the past week succeed- ed j In winning his way into the hearts- of I Pensacola people In a truly remark ¬ able manner and his fine efforts are being generally and most enthusiasti- cally ¬ appreciated OF INTEREST TO- PENSACOLIANS Mr and Mrs Charles S Sibley of Birmingham announce the engage ¬ ment of their daughter Edna Gasqu to Mr F Lawrence Smith the wed- ding to take place in November- Mr and Mrs Sibley are former Mobillans and moved to Birmingham- about ten years since and the new of their daughters engagement will be interesting to their many friends in their old home Mobile Register THE CIVIC LEAGUE WILL MEET TOMORROW- The Civic League will meet tomor- row ¬ afternoon at the Y M C A par- lors ¬ As this Is the first meeting ol the season it Is urged that all he present The league has many Im ¬ portant affairs under consideration which need its brightest minds and most careful thinkers Just now MISS JOSiE BARKER LEFT YESTERDAY- Miss Josie Barker left the city yes- terday ¬ on her way home to Havana Cuba She will visit In New Orleans for n short time before sling for the island The departure of Miss Bark- er is fraught with real regret among her many friends here as she made many very pleasant acquaintances during her visit here FINE SERVICES AT THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH The Rev Mr Lennox conducted two especially fine services on Sun ¬ day at the First Christian churrb His topic iu the morning Consecra- tion ¬ called forth many compliments from among those who heard him and Mrs Reargers solo was beautiful in- deed ¬ The annual roll call and also the annual leport of the work J r the churct made the day a most inicrt ant one AT THE GADSDEN STREET M E CHURCH SUNDAY The Rev Mr Cornell of Marianni conducted very fine services Sunda at the Gadsden Street M E church his arguments having been pleasing- and convincing to all who heard him Mr Philips sang In the morning his solo having been one of those rave musical treats accorded Peiu sclioxis occasionaly FAREWELL RECEPTION IN HONOR OF MR AND MRS J P ROSS The First Christian churcn will give farewell social tots evening- at the home of Mrs W F Reager v No 412 Cervantes street in honor r Mr and Mrs J P Ross who leave the city shortly for Oregon where they Intend making their future home- s A LITTLE REO SPOT Novel Experiment by Which It May Be Made to Disappear- A peculiar feature about poslam- the new skin discovery Is that no one Is asked to buy It without first sending to the Emergency Labora ¬ tories No 32 West Twentyfifth- street New York City for an experi ¬ mental sample and applying same to an affected part of the skin about the size of a silver dollar It will clear the spot so treated in twenty four hoursa remarkable visual de ¬ monstration of Its powers While poslam has been mentioned principally in connection with the cure of eczema the most stubborn of skin diseases It must be remembered that when used for itch hives pim- ples ¬ blotches acne itching feet scaly scalp chafing of infants and similar minor skin troubles Its action- is all the more pronounced results being seen after an overnight appli- cation ¬ As only a small quantity of poslam is necessary to cure such cases a special fiftycent package usually sufficient has ben placed on sale at th- eCRYSTAL PHARMACYa- nd other leading drug stores In Pen sacola and throughout tho country First Lyceum Attraction Chicago Glee Club Tuesday night 8 oclock Oct 12th 1909 It at Knights Columbus Hall Admission Adults 50c1 children 25c i Can You Imagine Anything More- Delicious I I than one of our prime roasts properly done I One of the greatest men that ever l said there- is I nothing in th meat line more palatable than I GOOD befand ours is I that kind We can help with other details of your table troubles I I i I THE PARLOR I MARKETi 214 SOUTH PALAFOX ST I I Phones 173458 r The couple are charter members It the church and are ueld in the high- est esteem among all who know them This evenings affair then will voice this sentiment to sonJ ex ¬ tent and promises to be an un ¬ usually interesting pleasant event WARDHAMNER WEDDING Captain Oscar Hamner the popular- and genial master of the U S steam- er ¬ Capt T W Morrison was united in wedlock last Saturday night to Miss Katie Ward at the home of the bride on Seville square the Rev Father Fullerton officiating The wed ¬ I ding was a very quiet affair none but most Intimate friends and members of the family attending The bride who Is the youngest daughter of the late Mrs Catherine Ward is a typical blonde and one of Pensacolas best known young ladies After the ceremony the couple left for Mobile and other points on their wedding tou- rPERSONAL MENTIONJ- udge A C Blount has returned home from Mobile- Mr J J Sullivan left Sunday for Camden and Evergreen There will be a regular euchre party for the ladies at the Progress INDIGEST- ION1jPSIA3j IN BED AND OUTAf- ter Taking Cardul the Womans Tonic Mrs Mills of Uvalde says She Feels Like a New Person Uvalde Texl was in bed and out writes Mrs Thos G Mills of this town and could not do any of my housework I have taken threa bottles of Cardui the womans tonic and am now able to do it myself ana feel like a new person- I am so thankful for your advice and will always keep Cardul In mj house You should certainly waste no time in getting a bottle of Cardui if you feel that you need a tonic No one can know so well as you whether you need one or not If you feel weak tired languid lazy unable- to work or take an Interest In the things and people around you 11 you are cross Irritable easily vexed feel like crying over trifIes and in gen ¬ eral what folks call out of sorts you need a tonicyou need Cardul the womans tonic You need not be afraid to take Car ¬ dul freely and regularly for as long a time as you feel It helps you It Is perfectly harmless contains no drugs- to form a habit and can do you noth- ing ¬ but good While Cardui is a medicine it is a mild medicine not a powerful dan ¬ gerous drug compound that may exert possible dangerous aftereffects- No its mild beneficial action is perfectly safe and does not interfere with any other medicine you may be taking but its tonic action will help any other good medicine to do you more good Try Cardul today Wine of Cardui for sale at The Crystal Pharma- cyAFTER O > I THE SHOW A refreshing drink at our fountain or a cup of our delicious hot choco ¬ late or coffee before the ride home on the car will keep the edge on your pleasure Nearest to the most theatres Most cars pass here Quick service Buttercup bread made and sold here I KANDY KITCHEN- A iifttt = < = iII Rare Treat- Mrs Ignatius Fried as ¬ sisted by Wm Packam pi ¬ ano vill give a violin recital at Knights of Columbus Hall Monday Oct 25 at 815 p m The entire proceeds for the Civic League Admission- 50c Club Wednesday evening I Mrs M H Chandler of Atlanta ii visiting her sister Mrs S R Hozea on East Lee street Mrs Walker Willis and children left last night for Montgomery where they will be the guests of relatives- Dr and Mrs W J Hannah have moved into their handsome new home- in Montgomery Miss Ida Richards left Saturday for Gulfport where she will be the guest of her sister Mrs J S Reeves has returned from a visit in Atlanta Colonel T V Kessler has returned from Fort Banks Mass Mrs Kessler and Miss Mildred are still there Miss Vera McDavId Is in San An- tonio ¬ Texas the guest of friends FOR FEVERISHNESS AND ACHES Whether from ila arluus conditions Cuids or overheating try Hicks CAlUDUSii It reduces tne fever andrelieves tne acn J jng Its Liquid 10 26 and 59 cents at Lrug Stores bly to the alley Get out there In the air and brace up was his parting i advice- Y I kin put me out if y like but Zeph straightened up with drunken dignityye cant make me take no air drun y- ePhosphobcst for Con ¬ stipation Ask druggist for free sample j U MAYOR REILLY RETURNS HOME PENSACOLAS CHIEF EXECUTIVE BACK FROM CONVENTION OF MAYORS IN ST LOUIS AND IS MUCH PLEASED WITH HIS TRIP Mayor Frank Reilly returned yes ¬ terday afternoon from St Louis whei s- he attended a convention of may- ors ¬ of the United States being ab ¬ sent from the city for ten days Dur ¬ ing his absence President Greenhrut conducting the affairs of tho mayoors conducting the aaffirs of the mayor office In a most creditable and satis- factory ¬ maunsr Mayor Rclly says he enjoyed hit rip iminenseiy and is high in his rralse of the officials of St Loul fur the manner in which the 7 entertained- the larg runiher of mayors BOTH BOYS SAVED Louis Boon a leading merchant of Norway Mich writes Three bot- tles ¬ of Foleys Honey and Tar abso ¬ lutely cured my boy of a severe cough and a neighbors boy who was so Ill with a cold that the doctors gave him up was cured by taking Foleys Honey and Tar Nothing else Is as safe and certain In results- W A DAlemberte druggist and apothecary 121 South Palafox street YR M CI AI NIGHT SCHOOLOPENS AUSPICIOUS BEGINNING OF THE SCHOOL THE ENROLLMENT- BEING LARGE ESPECIALLY IN THE CLASS FOR BOYS The Y M C A night school opened f most auspiciously last night the en- rollment ¬ being very large thirtyfive being present to begin the course of instruction which has been mapped I out for the term The enrollment In the class for boys was so large that the class had to be divided requiring two rooms The classes will receive instruction on Tuesday and Friday nights- On Wednesday and Thursday nights arithmetic higher mathematics bank- ing ¬ I I taught and mechanical drawing will be I Words To Freeze The Soul Your son has Consumption His case Is hopeless These appalling words were spoken to Geo E Ele- vens ¬ a leading merchant of Spring ¬ field N C by two expert doctors one a lung specialist Then was shown the wonderful power of Dr Kings New Discovery After three weeks- use writes Mr Elevens he was as well as ever I would not take all the money In the world for what It did for my boy Infallible for Coughs- and Colds Its the safest surest owe of desperate Lung diseases on earth 50c and 100 For sale by all drug ¬ gists guarantee satisfaction Trial bottles fre- eCAPT F M DUNN TO NEW ORLEANS- Capt Frank M Dunn master of the dredge Caucus left last night for New Orleans where he will attend the National Association of Bar Pilots and also the banquet to be tendered- the delegates Wednesday night Captain Dunn goes as a delegate from Pensacola representing the small number of pilots who are still members of the national association- and which they believe to be the backbone of the pilotage business Stuarts Buchu and Juniper Compound for ill liver and kidney troubles Relieve 3rights Disease 111 Trnsgists 100- Phcspho for stomach and bowel troubles MEALS FO RA D Y- MondayOctober 12 BREAKFAST Purple and White Grapes Calfs Brains Fried In Batter Potato Balls Muffins Sliced Tomatoes Cafe au Lalt The Journal DINNER Roast Duck RIced Potatoes spaghetti with Cheese Lima Beans Salad of Lettuce with Mayonnaise Cocoanut Pudding Cafe Noir Cheese SUPPER Cold Sliced Duck Bread and Butter Salad of Eges with Mayonnaise Gelatine Jelly Whipped Cream Iced Tea or Lemonade Cake putIIeU noT2sW- lnri sznol nqn4aonJTAao Xra espJtn 01 Xjiamioddo aqj jo- TOB pvtB i ptr iad9eBflOi usaixewv qt 02 paaajjo 43A PUP BJT jo- am Suq sq- Ltat otp oq 01 n wA9Jt wauoq I pajaioddusip aaAa roq Jt 3al < l- m 10 3J9 Biinoajq XnsBd nj aejinq- nonvajqtnoa tT2lM ttj 10- anorB ra183 0QV- E1r pasn iff 31 aq1aq Z J arras awiddoo uA12 siq U jwm XraT- TBO 152 1 o t1fJn iLW w SSU- Ienpozd es- aAriexedtuon oft uG2 lsNarIoLL0Oluautl- zatl ± e tre B3i aoj- Xra painnsqn ptra ui pa ei jo awn ain panujj- aobstp i oSe slush uW uJS rT9a an- sost OSvJtt tUedwoO tIqlw3 x H au tll9t l9qtaaJ1la lOX oIIL3- Nn trIOLIo3- e q1IJIJ uUl J PIUL T How to get this- handsome dresser t This dresser is made in solid oak and P ithed in oakimitation mahogany or IT < The large oval mirror the drm thcdaintydcsignrnaksitunusuallya would cost you at in your town from 6056 to lOOfS more give you the benefit of our great buy > power and eell absolutely at cost Grandma heads Pearl fronts and Export Tie rax wrappers all count on thesamc- premiums By saving all three you can juicklv get this dresser for 50 wrappers and or 2850 combination sop wrapper offer makes it easy to get premiums as valuable as this dresser Start aavin your wrappers on all three and see how quickly they amount up Grandma Not a washing pOwder bat a 5araj powdered soap Saves cosp bills a pare whltefioatlnWoaptho1argocake for 5c Uorai the Carar soao iietterthactanynapbthaoapforwasbIn- with water Can also bonded in hot water See Illustrated premium list la each package at Tonr grocers Start a wrapper collection What Income Have You during disability resulting from Illness or accident Will defray your expenses If not see u- sContinental Casualty Co Edw J Knlpper Dist Manager 405 Thlesen Bldg p New Method Quality 10 noticeable In both personal and househod articles that wash and- Iron No detail Is too little to get Its full share of our attention We ask for your work on the basis cf quality NEW METHOD LAUNDRY E W LAWRENCE Proprietor 1517 W ROMANA ST Phone 18- 6alE IT Piano at Auction k Kohler and Campbell Style X Mahogany Regular Price 350 This beautLul piano just received from the factory will bJ sold to tho highest and best bidder The bids will be opened by three disinterested judges and the piano will be award- ed ¬ according to their decision Some- one will get a fine piano at their own price Write us for further informa- tion ¬ or make out your bid statins how much you will give for the piano cash or on terms and state how much cash on first payment and how mucli per month or quarterly We furnish free with this beautiful piano a band some scarf stool instruction book and selection of music Send in your bids at cnce as data- on which piano will be awarded Is un ¬ certain Each bidder will receive by return mail a popular piece of music Write today Clutter Music House 112 and 114 South Palafox St Pensacola Fla 1 1 I e SO CAREFULLY- DO WE WATCH ALL DSTA LS That we are absolutely sure we can please the most e acting YOU Phone 3Z and let us have that tria package TODAY Empire Laundry Where Linen Lasts W C MACKEY MgrP- hone 322 1 6 3 Subscribe for The jouruaL

Transcript of First Lyceum Attraction - University of...

Page 1: First Lyceum Attraction - University of a bottle but for the benefit of those who have never tried the pre-scription




J r <



38 i

1 to 6 p m from II By Bonnie Burnham 733 to 10 p mcI J



TUESDAYMeeting of the Married Ladles Euchre club hostess Mrs Joe

Roth on East Government street +Meeting of Five Hundred Club hostess Miss Lizzie Beumel on

4 Bayou TexarWEDNESDAY

Meeting of thv W C T U at the First Presbyterian churchMeeting of the Pastime Eucara club hostess MrsJ J McCar ¬

thy on Wright street4 Meeting of the Civic League at Y M C A parlors 4 p m 9

THURSDAY 94 Meeting of the Thursday club hostess Mrs Wm Hall on West 9< Romana street 99 Meeting of New City Flinch C lub hostess Mrs Frank Marston 99 on North Twelfth avenue-FlowersWilliams 99 wedding 8 p m at 1007 East DeSoto Street4 FRIDAY 9Meeting the Thursday club hostess Mrs Soderquist on

Government street 9SATURDAY 9Meeting of the Browning club ioftess Mrs Jno Beard on thetayshore 9

9 e 49 4 4 9 4 +L


A pretty wedding swoat In itssolemnity and charming Indeed in theartistic and ideal manner in which ithad been planned took place on Sun ¬day afternoon at 3 oclock at St Mi ¬

chaels when Miss Irma Gonzalez andMr George Norsworthy were unitedin wedlock the Rev Father Fullertonofficiating The church had beenbeautifully done in rare cut flowersand ferns and palms the effect having

tr been unusually beautiful Mr For¬

rest organist at St Michaels playedMendelssohns wedding march as theparty entered the church Miss KatCaro maid of honor and Mr SamBurchfield who served as best manhaving appeared first

Miss Kate who is one of PeasacoIaHmost striking little beauties lookedeven prettier than usual in a gown ofpale blue messaline her sUppers andloves matching

They were followed by the brideand groom

Miss Gonzalez who Is a dainty peUte little blonde was charming Inpearl gray silk with Perian bands ofdelicate pinks She wore hat shoeand gloves in the prevailing tone

During the ceremony the organistplayed Thine Only which with thebeautiful wedding service of theCatholic church made the effect 1mpresale Indeed After the ceremonythe couple with their friends and rel ¬

atives repaired the < home of thebrides parents Mr anti Mrs M JGonzalez on West Chase street where-a pleasant reception occurred wineand cake having been served Tneyoung couple both of whom are heldIn the highest esteem locally are tolive with the brides parents for theprestnt Many handsome weddinggifts were received showing in somedegree the general regard In whichthey are held locallyI


They Clog the Poresonly a LiquidCan Reach the Inner Skin

Since the oldfashioned theory ofcuring eczema through the blood hasbeen given up by scientists manydifferent salves have been tried forskin diseases But it has been foundthat these salves only clog the poresand can not penetrate to the innerskin below the epidermis where theeczema germs are lodged

Thisthe quality of penetratingprobably explains the tremendoussuccess of the only standard liquidczema cure oil of wintergreen ascompounded in D D D PrescriptionAfter ten years of cure after cure theworlds leading skin specialists haveAccepted this as the true cure

We ourselves do not hesitate torecommend D D D Prescription at3100 a bottle but for the benefit ofthose who have never tried the pre-scription


we arranged with the D DD Laboratories of Chicago for a spe-


large trial bottle at 25 cents on aspecial offer now This first bottleought to convince every sufferer andat any rate it will surely take away

4 the itch at onceTheCrystal Pharmacy


FreshNew York I

Cream Cheese I

Neuchatel Cheese I

Roquefort Cheese i

Just receivedI i

Orders taken for home-made


Chocolate Creamt cakes

85 cents eachI

Sol Gahn CO I

Agents Nunnallya Candles I

Phones 17201721

la 11


The Daughters of the Confederacy-will hold an Important meeting thisafternoon at the bivouac The hour-is 4 oclockMISS JULIA WATERSRETURNS TO MUSCOGEE-

Miss Julia Waters has returned toher home in Muscogee after a tendays visit here She has been nguest at the home of her sister MissEva Waters at No 500 Hayne streetMISS BESSIE PERDUETO TEACH AT EVERGREEN-

Miss Bessie Perdue who has beenspending some time at her h me herehas gone to Evergreen where she willteach this winter She will be greatlymissed among the young people


There will be choir practice tonight-at the East Hill Baptist church andall members of the choir are particularly requested to be on time Thehour Is 7 oclockMISS RENA BONDRETURNS FROM MOBILE

Miss Rena Bond who has beenspending a delightful sojourn in Mo-bile


the guest of relatives and friendshas returned home She Is accom-panied


by her aunt Mrs R J Adjerson



There will be a meeting of the Mar-ried


Ladies Euchre club this after¬

noon Mrs Joe Roth will be hosteaiat her home on East Governmentstreet



There will bo a meeting of the NewChurch Association this afternoon atHannah hall All the ladies of theFirst M E church are requested tobe present as important business isto receive attention The hour is setfor 4 oclock-MUSIC



A quartette mass was sung at theSacred Heart church on Sunday theoffertory solo by Prof Seel havinghern unsually skillful and well donePerosis Ecce Panis by he quartette-was sung at the communion-



Catherines church is to beespecially congratulated upon secur ¬

ing an able nd proficient rector inthe person of the Rev Mr Wm BAllen late of St Pauls church New-port


News Va Speaking at the 11oclock services on Sunday he Im-pressed


all with his fine scholarlylearning and his broad understand-ing


cf the topics upon which hedwelt That he will do no inconsider


eans common sense when I

needed most I

Under no circumstances Is it I

needed more than In the selec ¬

tion of right food I


The one reliable food whichsupplies material for rebuilding-the important gray substance ofbrain and nerve cells I-

sGrapeNutsThis food is made of wheat

and barley by a process whichchanges the starchy part of thegrains into predigested foodmaterial so that it Is quicklyabsorbed and promptly beginsrepairing and building up wastetissue throughout the body

GrapeNuts Is a commonsense foo-

dTheres a ReasonRead The Road to Well

ville In pkgs-


able amount of good work locally isthe opinion of all who have met himperponally or have had the real pleas-ure

¬cf hearing him In his pulpit Mrs

foreman also sang an unusually de-lightful


selections during the ser-vice



Ltttle Frank Ernest the tiny sonof Mr and Mrs C E Bobe waschristened Sunday at the home of theparents on East Belmont street theRev Mr Julian S Sibley having ¬

ficlated Miss Florentine Hoffmanacted as godmother while Mr WilliamCaro was godfather-


Mr and Mrs C D Beyer are enter-taining

¬their nephew Mr Chas Gig

ley formerly of Graston West Vir-ginia

¬but now foreman of the C and

O shops at Russell Kentucky Hewill proceed to San Antonio in a fewdays stopping in Pensacola again on i


The Rev Mr E E Rice spoke aithe East Hill Baptist church at bothservices Sunday He is a popularpastor and his two discourses weeof unusual strength and Interest find-ing

¬much favor among those who


This afternoon the lady members-of the Five Hunderd club will go tothe home of Miss Lizzie Beumel onBayou Texar to be joined by thegentlemen at a later hour A fishfry is to be the attraction of theevening and there is little doubt butthat one of the Jolliest affairs of theseason with this very popular club isto occur I


Atty J P Stokes has returnedhome after a fine trip north whichtook him up through New York stateand landed him somehow in the thick

1 of the HudsonFulton centennial cola ¬bration He heard Dr Cook lecture-saw Dr Kennedy and In fact mateout with the rest of the notables therein flying fashion He is full of en-thusiasm


over his tripI


Mrs Osteen wife of Manacrsr Osteen ot the Escambla hotel will leavethis morning for an absence of two J

weeks Sire will go to her home In t

Columbus Ga and from there on ashopping trip to Atlanta Mr Oste > u I

who Is a remarkably clavr andcharming young woman will ba gen-uinely

¬ I

missed by her many Peqsacola J


PROVED A SUCCESS-The fine revival series which has

been attracting attention at the Gadsden Street M E church of late wezebrought to a close on Sunday having j

met with unlimited success The RevCornell of Marlanna who has been In I

charge during the past week succeed-ed

jIn winning his way into the hearts-


Pensacola people In a truly remark ¬

able manner and his fine efforts arebeing generally and most enthusiasti-cally




Mr and Mrs Charles S Sibley ofBirmingham announce the engage ¬

ment of their daughter Edna Gasquto Mr F Lawrence Smith the wed-ding to take place in November-

Mr and Mrs Sibley are formerMobillans and moved to Birmingham-about ten years since and the newof their daughters engagement willbe interesting to their many friendsin their old home Mobile Register


The Civic League will meet tomor-row


afternoon at the Y M C A par-lors


As this Is the first meeting olthe season it Is urged that all hepresent The league has many Im ¬

portant affairs under considerationwhich need its brightest minds andmost careful thinkers Just now


Miss Josie Barker left the city yes-terday


on her way home to HavanaCuba She will visit In New Orleansfor n short time before sling for theisland The departure of Miss Bark-er is fraught with real regret amongher many friends here as she mademany very pleasant acquaintancesduring her visit here


The Rev Mr Lennox conductedtwo especially fine services on Sun¬day at the First Christian churrbHis topic iu the morning Consecra-tion


called forth many complimentsfrom among those who heard him andMrs Reargers solo was beautiful in-


The annual roll call and alsothe annual leport of the work Jr thechurct made the day a most inicrtant one


The Rev Mr Cornell of Marianniconducted very fine services Sundaat the Gadsden Street M E churchhis arguments having been pleasing-and convincing to all who heard himMr Philips sang In the morning hissolo having been one of those ravemusical treats accorded Peiu sclioxisoccasionaly


The First Christian churcn willgive farewell social tots evening-at the home of Mrs W F Reager vNo 412 Cervantes street in honor rMr and Mrs J P Ross who leavethe city shortly for Oregon wherethey Intend making their future home-



Novel Experiment by Which It MayBe Made to Disappear-

A peculiar feature about poslam-the new skin discovery Is that noone Is asked to buy It without firstsending to the Emergency Labora ¬

tories No 32 West Twentyfifth-street New York City for an experi ¬mental sample and applying same toan affected part of the skin aboutthe size of a silver dollar It willclear the spot so treated in twentyfour hoursa remarkable visual de ¬

monstration of Its powersWhile poslam has been mentioned

principally in connection with thecure of eczema the most stubborn ofskin diseases It must be rememberedthat when used for itch hives pim-ples


blotches acne itching feetscaly scalp chafing of infants andsimilar minor skin troubles Its action-is all the more pronounced resultsbeing seen after an overnight appli-cation


As only a small quantity ofposlam is necessary to cure suchcases a special fiftycent packageusually sufficient has ben placed onsale at th-eCRYSTAL PHARMACYa-

nd other leading drug stores In Pensacola and throughout tho country

First Lyceum

AttractionChicago Glee Club

Tuesday night 8 oclock Oct12th 1909It at

Knights Columbus HallAdmission Adults 50c1

children 25c


Can You ImagineAnything More-



than one of our primeroasts properly done I

One of the greatest menthat ever l said there-is


nothing in th meatline more palatable than I

GOOD befand ours is I

that kind We can helpwith other details ofyour table troubles I






I Phones 173458 r

The couple are charter members Itthe church and are ueld in the high-est esteem among all who knowthem This evenings affair thenwill voice this sentiment to sonJ ex ¬

tent and promises to be an un¬usually interesting pleasant eventWARDHAMNERWEDDING

Captain Oscar Hamner the popular-and genial master of the U S steam-er


Capt T W Morrison was unitedin wedlock last Saturday night toMiss Katie Ward at the home of thebride on Seville square the RevFather Fullerton officiating The wed ¬ I

ding was a very quiet affair none butmost Intimate friends and membersof the family attendingThe bride who Is the youngestdaughter of the late Mrs CatherineWard is a typical blonde and one ofPensacolas best known young ladiesAfter the ceremony the couple leftfor Mobile and other points on theirwedding tou-

rPERSONAL MENTIONJ-udge A C Blount has returned

home from Mobile-

Mr J J Sullivan left Sunday forCamden and Evergreen

There will be a regular euchreparty for the ladies at the Progress




ter Taking Cardul the WomansTonic Mrs Mills of Uvalde

says She Feels Like aNew Person

Uvalde Texl was in bed andout writes Mrs Thos G Mills ofthis town and could not do any ofmy housework I have taken threabottles of Cardui the womans tonicand am now able to do it myself anafeel like a new person-

I am so thankful for your adviceand will always keep Cardul In mjhouse

You should certainly waste no timein getting a bottle of Cardui if youfeel that you need a tonic

No one can know so well as youwhether you need one or not If youfeel weak tired languid lazy unable-to work or take an Interest In thethings and people around you 11 youare cross Irritable easily vexed feellike crying over trifIes and in gen ¬

eral what folks call out of sortsyou need a tonicyou need Cardulthe womans tonic

You need not be afraid to take Car ¬

dul freely and regularly for as long atime as you feel It helps you It Isperfectly harmless contains no drugs-to form a habit and can do you noth-ing


but goodWhile Cardui is a medicine it is a

mild medicine not a powerful dan ¬

gerous drug compound that mayexert possible dangerous aftereffects-

No its mild beneficial action isperfectly safe and does not interferewith any other medicine you may be

taking but its tonic action will helpany other good medicine to do youmore good

Try Cardul today

Wine of Carduifor sale at

The Crystal Pharma-



A refreshing drink atour fountain or a cup ofour delicious hot choco ¬

late or coffee before theride home on the car willkeep the edge on yourpleasure

Nearest to the mosttheatres Most cars passhere Quick service

Buttercup bread madeand sold here




iifttt = < = iII

Rare Treat-Mrs Ignatius Fried as¬

sisted by Wm Packam pi¬

ano vill give a violin recitalat Knights of Columbus HallMonday Oct 25 at 815 pm The entire proceeds forthe Civic League Admission-50c

Club Wednesday eveningI

Mrs M H Chandler of Atlanta iivisiting her sister Mrs S R Hozeaon East Lee street

Mrs Walker Willis and children leftlast night for Montgomery wherethey will be the guests of relatives-

Dr and Mrs W J Hannah havemoved into their handsome new home-in Montgomery

Miss Ida Richards left Saturday forGulfport where she will be the guestof her sister

Mrs J S Reeves has returned froma visit in Atlanta

Colonel T V Kessler has returnedfrom Fort Banks Mass Mrs Kesslerand Miss Mildred are still there

Miss Vera McDavId Is in San An-tonio


Texas the guest of friendsFOR FEVERISHNESS AND ACHES

Whether from ila arluus conditions Cuidsor overheating try Hicks CAlUDUSiiIt reduces tne fever andrelieves tne acn J

jng Its Liquid 10 26 and 59 cents atLrug Stores

bly to the alley Get out there Inthe air and brace up was his parting i



kin put me out if y like butZeph straightened up with drunkendignityye cant make me take noair drun y-

ePhosphobcst for Con ¬

stipation Ask druggist forfree sample j






Mayor Frank Reilly returned yes¬

terday afternoon from St Louis whei s-

he attended a convention of may-ors


of the United States being ab ¬

sent from the city for ten days Dur ¬

ing his absence President Greenhrutconducting the affairs of tho mayoorsconducting the aaffirs of the mayoroffice In a most creditable and satis-factory


maunsrMayor Rclly says he enjoyed hit

rip iminenseiy and is high in hisrralse of the officials of St Loul furthe manner in which the7 entertained-the larg runiher of mayors

BOTH BOYS SAVEDLouis Boon a leading merchant of

Norway Mich writes Three bot-tles


of Foleys Honey and Tar abso ¬

lutely cured my boy of a severe coughand a neighbors boy who was so Illwith a cold that the doctors gave himup was cured by taking Foleys Honeyand Tar Nothing else Is as safe andcertain In results-

W A DAlemberte druggist andapothecary 121 South Palafox street






The Y M C A night school openedf

most auspiciously last night the en-rollment


being very large thirtyfivebeing present to begin the course ofinstruction which has been mapped I

out for the termThe enrollment In the class for

boys was so large that the class hadto be divided requiring two roomsThe classes will receive instructionon Tuesday and Friday nights-

On Wednesday and Thursday nightsarithmetic higher mathematics bank-ing


I taughtand mechanical drawing will be

I Words To Freeze The SoulYour son has Consumption His

case Is hopeless These appallingwords were spoken to Geo E Ele-vens


a leading merchant of Spring ¬field N C by two expert doctorsone a lung specialist Then was shownthe wonderful power of Dr KingsNew Discovery After three weeks-use writes Mr Elevens he was aswell as ever I would not take allthe money In the world for what Itdid for my boy Infallible for Coughs-and Colds Its the safest surest oweof desperate Lung diseases on earth50c and 100 For sale by all drug¬

gists guarantee satisfaction Trialbottles fre-


Capt Frank M Dunn master of thedredge Caucus left last night for NewOrleans where he will attend theNational Association of Bar Pilotsand also the banquet to be tendered-the delegates Wednesday night

Captain Dunn goes as a delegatefrom Pensacola representing thesmall number of pilots who are stillmembers of the national association-and which they believe to be thebackbone of the pilotage business

Stuarts Buchu and Juniper Compound for

ill liver and kidney troubles Relieve3rights Disease 111 Trnsgists 100-

Phcspho for stomachand bowel troubles


MondayOctober 12BREAKFAST

Purple and White GrapesCalfs Brains Fried In Batter

Potato BallsMuffins

Sliced TomatoesCafe au LaltThe Journal

DINNERRoast Duck

RIced Potatoesspaghetti with Cheese

Lima BeansSalad of Lettuce with Mayonnaise

Cocoanut PuddingCafe Noir Cheese

SUPPERCold Sliced DuckBread and Butter

Salad of Eges with MayonnaiseGelatine Jelly Whipped Cream

Iced Tea or LemonadeCake

putIIeU noT2sW-lnri sznolnqn4aonJTAao

Xra espJtn 01 Xjiamioddo aqj jo-TOB

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How toget this-



This dresser is made in solid oak and Pithed in oakimitation mahogany or IT <

The large oval mirror the drmthcdaintydcsignrnaksitunusuallya

would cost you atin your town from 6056 to lOOfS moregive you the benefit of our great buy >

power and eell absolutely at costGrandma heads Pearl fronts and Export

Tierax wrappers all count on thesamc-premiums By saving all three you canjuicklv get this dresser for 50 wrappers and

or 2850combination sop wrapper offer makes

it easy to get premiums as valuable as thisdresser Start aavin your wrappers on allthree and see how quickly they amount up

Grandma Not a washing pOwder bat a5araj powdered soap Saves cosp billsa pare whltefioatlnWoaptho1argocake for5c Uorai the Cararsoao iietterthactanynapbthaoapforwasbIn-with water Can also bonded in hot waterSee Illustrated premium list la each packageat Tonr grocersStart a wrapper collection

What Income Have Youduring disability resulting from Illness oraccident Will defray your expensesIf not see u-sContinental Casualty Co

Edw J Knlpper Dist Manager405 Thlesen Bldg


New MethodQuality

10 noticeable In both personal andhousehod articles that wash and-Iron No detail Is too little to getIts full share of our attention Weask for your work on the basiscf quality



Phone 18-


Piano at Auction


Kohler and CampbellStyle X MahoganyRegular Price 350

This beautLul piano just receivedfrom the factory will bJ sold to thohighest and best bidder The bidswill be opened by three disinterestedjudges and the piano will be award-ed


according to their decision Some-one will get a fine piano at their ownprice Write us for further informa-tion


or make out your bid statinshow much you will give for the pianocash or on terms and state how muchcash on first payment and how mucliper month or quarterly We furnishfree with this beautiful piano a bandsome scarf stool instruction book andselection of music

Send in your bids at cnce as data-on which piano will be awarded Is un ¬

certainEach bidder will receive by return

mail a popular piece of music Writetoday

Clutter Music House112 and 114 South Palafox St

Pensacola Fla

1 1Ie



That we are absolutely surewe can please the most eacting YOU Phone 3Z

and let us have that triapackage TODAY

Empire LaundryWhere Linen Lasts

W C MACKEY MgrP-hone 322

16 3

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