FIRST HONOR PUPILS . OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS For the month ending Jan. 1st. RICHMOND HIGH SCHOOL. Pout ?..Lorontt Mason, Inolile Morton, 1*??a Willis. Minnie Derby. ; Boiilor A L.George Brothers, Louie Mchroedor. Lucille Alvcy, Loulle Fitzger¬ ald, Pearl Kord, Florencio Johann, Lylo King, Juliet Martin. Jessie Mullan, ???- lyr. Waller. Graço Walton, Grace Woods. Senior ? I..James Avery, flnscett Hough, Brockonbroitgh Woodward, Lily «rower, Mary Hankin», Ltioy Poll, Mary ¦teinloln, Lily Truvott, Rosa Klrsh. Senior ? II.-«-Pansy Parrlsh, Edwin .Wortham. intermediate A I..Erlott Lawder, Flor- enco' Anderson, Lolla Betty, Biislo lllx, Bertha Knapp, Alleo Moncuro, Hazel Irihaekoltord, Mina Taylor, Mary Monta- ene. Intermediate A II..Whltfleld Black, ., Charles Krug, Annlo Fletchor, Edna Hel¬ ler. Intermediato A Itl.-Myrtlo Paul. Intermediate ? I..Edwin Heller, Ray¬ mond Straus, John Young, Ida Buford, Florence G-ellman, Sadie Hellelern, Mary banders, Mary Wrinht. Intermediate ? ?..Mabel Allen, Lucy Aiidersln, Inez Buchanan, Virginia Cud- iipp, Grace Glllmun, Itunnah London, Grace Sims, Adelaide Sutherland, Branch Butneriand, Helen Taylor, Lucy Throck- tn/jrton, Ellen Witt. Intermediate ? ¿?..Notilo Allen, Car- lyn Bottlgliomor, Jcsslo Moffntt, James 'i'hompson. Junior A I.Robbie Ancnrrow, GnorRo Betty, Douglas K.ldd, Peyton Lewi» Bar¬ ton Palmer, Herbert Sandern, Pansy Bowles, Amolla Buck. Eliso Harris, Doro, thos Haltung, Fay Henry, Lois Jennings, furiti Johnson Annie Kuhn, Annlo Loh- mnn Emma Morris«, Gladys Neal, Matti« Koihchild, Corinne Samuels, Murlun Stern. Grace Waller. Junior A II..Marguerite Wclslgcr Reu- ben Andrews, Allen Animons, Charles Alaclarlane. ? Junior B L.Charles Carter, Albert Edol, Willie Grant, Leo Levy, Tom Neal. Gus Wlllcox, Irma Bratinan, Elian Davidson, Mamie Drever, Salile Fitzgerald, Gret- chen llannowlnckel, Mary Harvey, Kath¬ erine Kent, Helen Kolley, Helen More- houso, Joanlo Mason, Mabel Phillips, An- nie Pallet, Leo Rclnsberg, Kathleen Rich- ki'dson. Mary Traylor, Loulso Tobeln, ¡Virginia Ware. Ethel Ramstotter, Junior ? III..Emily Burton. Emma! Chiles, Annie Doggett, Ida Poacc, Verna I'arkor. Junior ? IV.Clara Evans, Harry Tuck¬ er Estelle Duke, ; Junior ? V..Newcl! Rountrce, Margaret Richardson, Ethel· Oley, Mary Tyler, Aiurtln McDonagh,/ Junior ? H.-Laura Coble, Willie Crutchilcld; Mamie Hey, Elsie Jucob, l'"lorcnco Wood, Garrot Wclslger, Doug¬ las Galloway. NICHOLSON SCHOOL. Sixth Grammar.Nellie Kaufelt. Fourth GVammar.Bessie Smoot, Mabel Colemun. Derble Waymack. Third Grammar.Vernon Mitchell, 18; Llllte Wood, 4; Myrtle Brown. 4, Second Grammar.Basil Blair, 10; How¬ ard Brockwell, 4; Nelvllle Brown, 4. First Grammar.Fiorine Bowles. IE; Florence Minor, 16: Belle Hardcastle, 10; Jlmmle Rice, S; Calvin Chlldress, 8; Louts Wullere, 4; George Wade, I; Jmnea Throckmorton. 1: Theodore Wllcox, 4. Eighth Prtmary-Ollle Bullington, 16; Irene Lynch. 16; Lina Bowies 10; Kate- Brockwell, 10; Walter Bushell, 10; Ray¬ mond Rice, 4; Lester Sweeney, 4; Rachel Ball, 4. ' Seventh Primary.Lester Chlldrey, 16; Arthur Brown, 4; Chris. Roecher, 4; Mary Conway. 4. Sixth Primary.Lillian Rice, 12: Helen Borg, 13; Laura Gerber, 4; 8ophie Gayle, 4; Jessie Alston, 4. Fifth Primary.Reath Harlow, 16; Molvln Grady, 12; Mordecal JJnge, 4. Fourth Primary.Arthur Holtmmi. 36; Blanche Lynch. 12; Louis Kaufelt, 12; Clinton Chlldress, 8; Helen Hepburn, 8; Nannie McBrlde, 8: May Leonard, 8; Lu- ray Hardln, 4; Alice Throckmorton. 4; Ernest Beazley, 4; Harry Enroughty, 4; Tom Johnston. 4. Third Primary.Louise Sharp, S; Mabel Mitchell, 4; Earl Renalds, Frank Met- zer. 4. Second Primary.Margaret Chlldress. First Priman'.Harvey Andrews, Roy Grtibbs. Charlie Hill, Bessie Baughan, Ruth Brown, Deas Cole, Louise Gill, Ma- Vi·1 &i$ñ· .ttulh flomw, Rl»th Ream«, Ber· Ilo Taylor, Susie "VVanh. _. ;, BBLLlÜVtJEJ SCHOOL. /,s.VÍth Grammar.Elmond Boss. Salile Collier, Ktta Ladd, Floronco Stevenson, Besslo Turner. Fifth ; Grammar.Lewis Bräutigam, Mary Clopton, Annie Daniels, Clara Gnry, Jane Hayncs, Margaret Rice. Fourth Orammar.Charlie Hewlett, Charlie Tally, Bianche Rldd, Pearl Bcnieh, Annie Davis. Llllle Carter, Mary Watts, Jennie Ramoy, Clara Floleher, Louise Richardson, Third Grammar.O'ranger Ancarrow, Rosu.Uo Burton, Esther Beasley, Ruby Parsley. Second Grammar.Hasel Jones, 4| Louise White, i; Lura Campboll, 1; Olile Beas- loy. 4; Ryland Wiltshire. 2; Mattia Bealo,. Meredith McClelland, Teddy Tyn- dall, 1. First Grammar.Loti Shelly, 4; Ines Morris, 2; Fannie Hochlor, 4; Arnlnta Cottrell, 1; Tom Rlddlok, 2: Douglas Rice, 1: Hazel Dlllard, 1; Mattie Bowie. 4; Grace Bowles 1; Vlrglo New, H Janle Woodard. 2. Eighth Primary.Wellington Cottrell. 2: Josephine Bowie, 2; Elise Bass, 3; lithe! Crane. 1; Sarah Parsons, 1; Mary Tallcy, .81 Nelllo Vttlden. 3; olivo Webster, Anna. Taylor, 3; Juiiot Anderson. Irene Illcks. Ernest Jackson, Katlo Mayor, Clifford Ritchie, Bessie Scruggs. Besslo Hewlett. Norman Bottoms. Hasel Cheat- wood, Wallford Batklnu. Seventh Primary.Nowton Ancarrow, Robert Beadles, Witt Hlx. Bally Morris, Hobart Smith, Edward Walton. Celeste Johns. .Hazel Mlckolbow. Ruth'Rust, Hel¬ en Ball, Madge Clendon, Gertrude Gentry, Vlrglo Harris. Mamie Harrison, Canter Jett, Edith. Montgomery, Sadie Reed, Eva AVoody. Sixth . Primary.Louise Bickers, Grace Sutherland, Bonnie Thomas, Nottlo Jer¬ vis, Dorothy Leftwlch, Mary Shine, Marie Bräutigam, Josejjh Peters, HoweU Vaughan. Garland Wilson. Fifth Primary.Robert Cherry, Willie Halle. Clarke Roper, Edward Seiden, Charles Walts. Vlrgie Spears, Dolilo Tlg- nor, Clyde Balloy, Fannie Brown, Bornie .Buchanan. Grace Cottrell. Louise Cooper, Sadie Ovcrton, Ruby Wade, Margaret Cherry. Lucile Crutchfleld, Cammlce Da- vis, Jennie Gary, Nellie Jones, loia Nun- nolly. lïourth Primary.Hugo Blankenship, Robert Martin, Frank Ritchie, Walter '1'nlley. Evelyn Alexander, Annie Ander¬ son, Ellen Bowie, Beatrice Dyer, Chris¬ tine Fleet, Kathleen Hardwlcko, Loulso .Johns, Vernelle Mulre, Maude Moring, Eugenia, O'Brien. Bruco Parker, Kalo «ictiaruson, Hazel Strang. Third Primary.Lelia Curry, Catharine Gruñas, Mamie Haynos. Gertrude Hech- ler, Marion Wallace, Edgar Shine Ed¬ ward Woodard, Bessie Clarke, Drum» monti Curtis, Nellie Christian, Willie Dunkel. Constance HoJpln, Preston Gayle, Marguerite Parrlsh, William Lookwood, »Mlnnette Vaiden, Cuyjer Vaughan, War¬ ren Ridenour. Second Primary.George Bowles, Rod¬ erick Maybie, Milton M«Gul.ln. Logan Ritchie, ¡Ellis Walton, Guy Banks, Alma Strickland, Ethel Tucker, Eunico Evans Alma Aeree, Addle Cannon, Jessie Chu- dlck, Irma Gai y, Bessie Hardwicke, Grace Hay Aline Palmore, Lottlo Payne, Ei¬ tle SaUerlleld. First Primary.Fred. Bates, Frank Ber- nicchj. Hunter Bourn, Frank Butler, Ju¬ lian Cavedo, Raymond Cosby, Irvln Craig, Harry Crltwndon. James Gary. Luther Harris, Roy. Mann, Ballard ¡Sminile, Sydnor .Stealy. Walter Tlgnor, Ruth Owens, John Vv'llcy, Ralph Wall, yuarles Wood. Emily Askew, Lucille Ba¬ ker, Loulso Chamberlain, Ethel Dicker- son, Ruth Gayle, Edith Houston, Gay- nolle Lee. Marie Mcisel. Alice Mills, Alice Morlng, Rebek&h Morris, Fannie Woody, Howard Carter. MjARSIHALL SCHOOL, aixth Grammar.Dora Sharove, 8; Char- He Anderson, Minnie Roth, Herbert Per- kinson. Filth Grammar.Sache Aeree, Beatrice Jiy'Vls, Floy Kratz, Lenoie. Kolbe, Minnie Pneup, Molile Tlmmons, Frank Dyson, Fourth Grammar.Louis London. Third Grammar.Lena Brackott, 14; Uoblnett Dominici. 4; Clarlbel Ervin, 4; Amy Kratz, 16; Elsie Melton, 8; Flossie New comb, 4. Second Grammar.Louise Mallonee, 4; This Week!! 25 On Ladies' Desks, Music Cabinets and Cellarettes. That's all. CHASC JÜRGENS* 419«21 E. BroadSt, Between Fourth and Fifth Streets. V - / Birne , Biillóèlt, ?. First Grainmar-Fannie Mollert, «1¡ Nor¬ mal Larson, 2. ./ , Eighth Frirnary-Wllllo Harding, Aaron London, Kate Ford, Ruth Hartley, Doro¬ thy Hartón, Laura Mills, »Mtiry New- Combe, Rebecca Shumnker, Miarlo Tiller, vernello Tucker, Ruth White, Margaret yate«. Seventh Primary.Rudolph Brauer. Din« wldflh« Reams. Dora Paseamaneok, Gusslo Rogers, Patitila Tucker, Sixth Prlnrnry-Harter Wright, Mamie Brown, Fifth Prlmary-Nelllo Poroe, 2i Clara Taylor, 2; Minnie Entier», l; Edmonla Etibnnk, 1; CInra Gregory, 1: Norvell Llpscomb, l; India Morris, 1; Edwin Anthony, James McCook, Sam Shapiro, ¦Fturth Primary-Willie Byrne, 2; Moy»». Cohen, !l¡ Wollford Dominici, Isidoro Gor¬ don, Frank Steers, Josle Chamberlain. Nina Taylor, 3; Third Primary.Mandy Adcock, Ger¬ trude Cra.ft.Otii John Cottroll, Ulancho Frlcdberg, Russell Falrc.iotli, Susie Gary, Walter Hartloy, Bessie Nelson, John Par¬ ker, Willie Peroe, Atlbrny Stutz, Hohert Hampson, Harry Bldenberg, Maggio Tra» ver, Fred. Tucker, Jack TimbcrliiKo, Tom Tiller, Willie Wright, Ira Wade. Second Primary.Ds.vld McOohee, An¬ nlo Coleman, Lilla Dominici, Dora l'assa- nitineck, j ' CENTRAL SCHOOL» Sixth Primary.Besslo Douglas, Fanny Mollee, .. Fifth Grammar.Florence Leech, Olilo Bydpor, Annlo Traylor, Grado Hill, Nor¬ ma Gibson, John Rose. Fourth Grammar.Maud Woodfln, Wil¬ lie Dübney, Funnle Schultz, Hilda Day, Marlon Johnson. Third Grammar.Badin Nealo, Pauline ücpfarth, Elizabeth Watklns, Josephine Myers, Maillon Burton. Second Grammar.John Cason, Clifford Folkee, Holena Schwartz. First Grammar.Stanley Rennlo. Fred¬ die Schultz, Elizabeth Boraar, Brownlo Ruck, Mamlo Dunford, Mnrguret Drury, Margarot DeJarnette, Ruth Hutchison, Maltio Preston, Cathorlno Wallersteln. Eighth Primary.Norcno Gary, Hilda Holzhauer, Alleon Irvine, Elenora Koch, Elizabeth Lea. Jeanette. Linder. Florence Lltchenstelri, Agnes »May, Howard May. Sovcnth Primary-Mlnnle Deltrlck, Ruth Scott, Gladys Peyton. Sixth Primary.Murgaret Schrcmp, Summern Hatigh, Ethel Gill, Frank Lutt- rell, Jennie Arrighi, Margarlto Gludwell, Alice Jett, Erwin Daves, George Bruce. Fifth Primary.Morris Cosby, Louis iyohman Johnson McReo, Robert Pear- sail, Clifton Woodfln, Lucy Bomur, Louise Gepfurth, Augusta Kumfort, Lucile Moore, Norma Smith- Fourth Primary.Roswell Aaron, Philip Jcyco, WIJ1 Stephens, Meta Dorsch, Bei- tha DeLamo, Bettle Fisher, Margarot U'Noll, Gertrude Pollard, Madeline Tay¬ lor. Third Primary.Hannah May, Sadie Slaughter, Philip Pollak, Morris Spooner, J-<ouiso O'Noai, Margaret Monroe, Ruth Schwartz, Dorothy Sklllman. Sccoud Primary'.Thomas McGraw, Henry Shield, Maud Duke, Evelyn Haugh, Aiargatet WaUerstqln. liirst Primary.Robert Lcake, George POlley, Robin Pollard, Jake Schiller, Percy Tiller, Arthur Whltwotth, Coleman Whitlock, Rebecca Billlkopf, Nannie Bla- lock Marlon Barst, Celeste Carlton, Jim- p?? Fisher, Sophie Gàrllek, Mary Green, Ruth Hudson, Amelia Pingue, Gladys Rldenour, Sadie Schiller. LEIGH SCHOOL. Sixth Grammar.Alma Humphreys, Elise Lumsden, Virglo Ruskell. Fifth Grammar.Willie Bernstein, Val. Lichtenstein, Fannie Poltiaux, Marion Sanders, Ricna Ullman, Chester Wool- drldge. Fourth Grammar.Elsie Ball. Isabel Dunford, Erma Puller, Louise Southall, Binford Walford. Third Grammar.Frances Crane. Fannie Alpern, Bessie Goshen, Minnie Volkmann, Minnie Loth, Mary Miller, Lizzie Ruskell. Second Grammar.Ethel Ball, Katie Gravina* Mamie Gravina. Coralle Hooper, Fannie Glllman, Fannie Klrsh, Inez Hel¬ ler, Corlyne Nachraan. Elizabeth ' Gains, Msrjorle Jones, Otto Meister, Tom Noble, Tonnie Pholpa. First Grammar.Harold Draper, Henry Stern, Copeland Samuels, Harvey Topp, Ralph Wallersteln. Gertrude Crane. Irma Rebman, Ritta Ullman. Bessie Glides. Eighth Primary.Horace Hellstem, Chas. Miller, Ottle Roed.- Sevonth PrlmaTy.Willie Slebert, Rus¬ sell Wlngneld. Beverly WilUes, Beulah Angel, Rosa Cohen, Norma Loth. Eleanor Spindle, Louise Van pelt. Ethel Waldrop. Sixth Primary.Ada" Duncker.. Hntt;e Raymond, Ruby Smith, Albert Cahen. Louie Schrocder. Fifth Primary.Peter Arrighi. Abe Brelt- stoln. Moses Breitsteln, Myrton Gaines, Ira Franklin, Macon Dyson, Gilbert Gold- water, Ruth Anderson, Louise Draper, Gladys Hewitt. Margaret Jeter, Marie Stern, Margaret Wright. Fourth Primary.Annie Bradley, Louise Hewitt, Celella Gentry. May Prlngle, Keith Savllle, Irma Strause. Virginia Johnson, Harold Heishberg, Clarence Johnson. Arthur Lacy, Mason Lumsden, Wallace Splgel. Linwood \Valdrop. Third Primary.Rebecca Cohen, Mary Gordon, Marian Heller. Miriam Roths¬ child. Willie Bass. Joe Gasses, Eddie Smith, Robert Tupman, Sherrard Tup- man. Second Primary.Willie Atkins. Otto Blersch, Edgerton Franck, Tom Gordon, Moses C-ellman. Frank LaTpucho. Irvine Owen, Hymen Rose, Dick Schroeder, Irv¬ ing White, Adrian Bondham, Ella Baw- sell, Janle Massle, Louise Moore. Mary Savllle. Maxy Komarck. Buia Bosher, Essie Williams. Fjrat prlmary-J5ar| Graves. Walter Hundley, Theo. Nelson. Reuben Rose, Harold Straus, Robert Thomas, John W il, son, Sam Weinstein. Nellie Bowen, Mary Crowell, Evelyn Deasy. Helene Engle¬ berg, Marie Hawkes, Mabel Lumsden, Thelma Mosely, Bertha Pedrlck. Violet Simon. Elolse Seiden. Amorette 8mlih, Alice Soed, Carrie Stlth, Belle Rosenfold. MADISON SCHOOL. Sixth Grammar.John Fitte, Eva Boale, Kate Binford. Louise Frlçehkorn, Kath¬ erine Mnyo, Nellie Morton. Annlo Potts. Fifth Grammar.D'Arcy Morton, Annla Allen, Lucile Massoy, Denison Staples, Nellie Butler, Elise Garnett. Fourth Grammi!r.Maylan Pitts; Ethel Loving, Altho* Rollins. Third Grammar.Louis Kracke, Edith Carneal, Isabel Drever. Marian Grame, Nannie Herndon, Jessie Wood, Floyd i'orbrough. . ,-.;- i·' ·''¦', Second Grammar.Béselo Gooch, -Eula¬ lia HUliard. Agnes McMabon. Alma Wright, Marie Timberlake, Graco Ben¬ nett, Otie Branch. Harriet Royster, Hat- tie VenlskI, Madge Satterwhite, Eliza¬ beth Reld. First Grammar.fijdncy Kirtley, Marga¬ ret Montelro, Pearl Prldd.v. Eighth Prlmary-Annlo Graham, Elea¬ nor »vwann. Robert Goooh. Harry 'Howell, Bl'antly Adkins, Ann)e Longe, Ruth Bax¬ ter, Seventh Prlmsry-Jennnette Burgess, Ethel Collier. Ann Drever, Caille White, Sixth Primary.Grade Bnughan, Mary Grlfc'g, Martha Herndon, Madeline Hlx, Mory Kracke, Sadie Michael, Jos^io Moore, Ruth CurtJs, Louise Schminke, Huzot Tyroe, Fifth Primary-Wilburn Shackelford, Ruth Davis, Ruhr Elam, Mary Evans, Agnes Grlgg, Bessie Marks, Lorene Mertz, Dora Rlley, Mary Simpson, Lula buena, Blanche Teasdaio, Fourth Primary-Rlphmond Stover, Myr¬ tle Crump. Grace Fleet, Elizabeth Her¬ bert. Edna Howell, Ella Morite, Bessie Powell? Mary Wood. Third Primary.Clarence Freeman, Tom Perkins, Dan Sieben, Allen Shackelford, Treat Sydnor. Daisy Pauleon, Lindsay Satterfleld. ., ', ·, Second Pr mary-fani Blnewanger, Phil« lp Cottrell, Robert Good», Roger K'ias, Charlie McGee. Clifford Smith, Ramon Tiller, Stanley Teasdaio, Pleasants Tyler, Coruleaso Bennett,, Emily GerreU, Pearl Lawry, Sadie Martin, Elma JacWson, Firm PrJinury-Cecil Bnlloy, Taylor Coleman, Joe Laud. James W ells. Henry Wullersteln, Belle Davis. Margaret Ewig, Josephine Herndon, Ruth» nette Miller, Mary Noble, Badie Mooio, Urdlne Rider, Elma Slmins, Grace ^ae«,er, fefPMV ^aT'^HOOL. Fifth Oïammar-Ruth, Thomausoii, 8; Mubc-i Toumbs, Z\ Birdie ßeliuinunii, í¡; ß'iB3coiia1%rlfmrnatwAda St. Clair, Ka ta Wllcox, Flrbt çirammar-Erma, Adama. .Vírele Ellis» Leila Leftwlch, Edim Moore, JuU Raute, Eva Wood, Charles behuinm,, Fred Wlegano", , ,.. . ,. Eighth Primary.Julia Clarke, Esther Gary, Louise i-arrett, Ruth Kido, Umiee Leftwloh, Hilda Will, Muinle Wol.mann, Stewart Oilman, W averli; Boze, Sixth Primary.Katie Eubank, Blanohe Jones, Ivy Gordon, Sodio Tlnsley. Fifth Primary-Leila ,Lowry. «¡.Marlon Glllen, 3; Carrie Franck, 2; Maud Tyler, 2i Arthur Gran»«»r. '.; Robert Tl»omaii,oii. 2 John Harlow, George HtoH», i-wymond Quartes. Joe Quwmijburfy. Frit* W111, Marvin VoweJlTWdni«. Raines, «va Atkla·, sou, Leroy Ri>w*i Florence Bowse!, Blanche Day, »¿Uli· St. Clair. Dora Henry, Carrio Moreen. Mabel Pace. Four m Prlmury-rfíd th Buha«*, Mamie Garretti Mary.HutupVrfya, «Myrtle fior«· Aw, Buniice mrdlBg, Ruth Tl*nor. Bes» V «íutnti.*i·. ÄVtfh, W»rtf», .K*QW\ CWrl-·; »ili· Wyett, cUrence fceftwlcb, ........ v..'nmmn.r.uwuirM aim.., hie Blair, Gordon Morrlssnlte. Fourth Grsinmar.Msrtlui Sutherland; 8; Ruth Ready, 8: Cornelia Mogli), Mutile Neil Carneal. Third Grammar.Ella Qulstmberry, Gen- pvlovo Elletl, Alatilo .liiekse>n, Agnes Mlnrn. Mnrloit Gentry, .Inutile Wnrwluk, Christie Itali. Edith BaVlfle, Second Grammar.Orneo Watson, 4; Ed. win Dlgrts, 4| Elizabeth WrlRlit. Marlon Moliseli, Dolly Adams, John Russull. First Clrainmar.Kale Klmorc, Louise Rounti'oe, Margarot Mlles. Constance Hclndol, Besslo .Davis, Ruth Bradley, Mary Zolllcorfer. Eighth Primary.Nellie Brown, 8·, Bdna Cronshaw, HI; Adelnldo Rothcrt, Lllllo TJgnor. Beventi, Primary.Mamie Blennor, Kath¬ arine Sarvay, Blair Boisseau. Sixth Primary.Margaret Crump, Bes¬ sie Hardawny, Ethel Johann, Holen Moli¬ seli, Laura Richardson, Virginia Rotliert, Béselo Shuman. Miriam Hinlth. Wniuico Smith, Arthur Brown, Ruthertoord Wln«- fleld. Fifth Primary.Robert Cutshall, Ed¬ ward Smlther. Emma Fischer, Fourth Primary.Mamlo Gentry. Lizzie Chapín, Frieda Dlctz, Claudia Gardner, Maggie McCluy, Evelyn Richardson, Lau¬ rie Boisseau, Leroy llutzler. Third Primary.Elliott Morrlssett. Lewis Krause, Inez Duke. Myrtle Elam. Badio Marcuse, Mary Qulsonborry, Marlon Wut» lorstoln. ? _, . Second Primary..Russell Bowlos, î; Brumloy Heinrich, Forrest Btrcot, 4; Neal Wrlghl. 4: Odessa Bruner, Carter #->...·μ« rs»r«nlt Curtis, Ethel Dupes, 3; RANDOLPH SCHOOL. Sixth Grammar.Maggie Davenport, Mary Lewis, Bille Llbor, G'raco Mann, Kate Tollcor. , Fifth Grammar.Grace Cousin», 3; Ro» berta Mitchell. Fourth Grammar.Grace Holzbach; 4; Mary Bastine, 4; Winona Currlngton, 2; Mabel Smith, 2. Third Grammar.Howard Elliott, 4i Rowland HopklriH, 4; Irona Kitchen, 4; Annlo Vaughan, 3; Alice Hooper, 2; Uladys Lacy 2; Evie Edwards, 2; Walter Hill, Bryapt Pond, Grace Dillon. Bttcond Grammar.Evelyn Duval, 3; Minnie MHtz, 3; Ethel Bradshaw, 2; Hazel Chamberlain. First Grammar.Velma Jackson, 4; Myr- tlo Major, 4", Emma Parrlsh, 4; Bernlco Polard, 4; Millie Simpson, 4; Chas. Mont¬ gomery, 3; Moseley Patterson, 2; Lottie Powell, Mildred White, Raymond White. Eighth Primary-Ivy Tiller, 4; Ethel Wolfe. 4; Calla Lilly, Gladys Branch, WIN He Rye, Preston Taylor. Seventh Primary.Valentine Lee, .4; Eth't Duval. 3; Evelyn Eubank, 2; Louise Dar.«i\ Bertha Klaslng, Bessie Witt. Sixth Primary.Mary Dowden, 4; Blanche«· Ham/2; Bthelyn Tiller, 2; Loulso Carter, 2; Edna Kirby, Sarah Moody. Fifth Primary.Florence Sampson. 4; Mary Proliltt, 4; Clara Jones, 4| Rena Hop¬ kins, 4; Annie Lucord. 4; Ruth Atfrlend. 4; Harold Vaughan, 2; Florence Smith, Er» vin Rice, Fannie Pui-rlsh, Kathleen Wade, Gortrude Taylor. . Fourth Primary.Reginald Ford, 2; Bario Holzbach, il; Charles Wolle, 4; Mary Eubank, 4; Gertrude Simpson, 3; Joe Hardy, Flnwood Srockman, Richard Zaeharlas, Corinne Frith, Alleo Williams, Louise Wooldrldge. Third Primary.Roselyn Carter, Adele Kitchen, 4; Eria Hayes, 4; Beryle Hol¬ land, 4; Myrtle Bradshaw, 2; M<;rle Rob¬ ertson, 2; Preston Jones, 2: Grace Frank¬ lin, Mabel Kartoy, Josle Powell, Otte Stone. N'orine Hardy, Tom Perkins, Er¬ nest Holllns» ...,,.,.. - \ Kecond Primary.Alfred Webster, ZvAn¬ nie Johnson, 3; Rosalie Bwfoot, Ruby Seal, Vlrgle Via, Emily Zachanas. First Primary.Louise Hundley, 4; Alary Klneschl, 4i Rebeckah Situderson. 4; Knte Wells, 4: Margaret, Simpson, 3; Wilbur Carter, Claude G'uthrle, Willie Patmon, Hettlo Luekhardt. Bank Directors and Officers. 'Jite annual meeting Ä«.tbe stoe_h.o'»lers .the City Bank was" hold', yesterday. Tho condition of this·, ancient institu¬ tion was shown to ba excellctyt. Direc¬ tors and officers cboiten aie: W. Palmer, president! E. B. Addlson, vice- president; J. W. Sluton, cashier; E, B. Addlson, W. H. Filmer, Jame» li. An¬ derson, James N. Boyd, G. D. Oardozu, W. J. Leake, E. T. D. Myers, Sr., S. H. Hawes, A. Ij, Holl.iday, S. XV. Travers and Benjamin ? Valentine, directors. Supreme Court. Following were the proceedings in tho ¡Supreme court yesterday; Miller vs. Arthur, anil others; argued by Winfield Liggett aud General John K. Roller for appellant and Ed. S. Conrud and .M. L. Walton for the appellees, and submitted. The next cases to be called are the West, Blectrlc Company; Rhule vs. Seaboard Air Line Railway Company; Southern Hallway Company vs. Washington, Alex¬ andria and Mount Vernon Railway Com¬ pany, bfc»ng Nos. 2, 1) and 12 on Lh_ argu·» ment docket. Interesting to Doctors. * The Early and Lato Symptoms of Hip Joint Disease" will bo the subject for discussion by the Richmond Academy elf Medicine and Surgcty at its meeting ?·?· night. Drs. E. J. Moseley, Jr., xv. P. Muthews and J. W, Henson will lead the CtliCUHSipll, IMPORTANT CHANGES IN SCHEDULE, R. F. <_ P, R. R- EFFECTIVE 12i01 NOON, JANUARY 11, 1Q04. NORTHWARD. Leave Byrd Street Station 4:15 ?. M. daily, instead of 8:51 A. M., arriving Washington 7:54 ?. M. Leave Main Stroet Station ß:16 ?. M. dally, arriving Washington 11:50 A. M. Leavo Main Street Station t):4B A. M. daily, commencing January Hth, Sea- b'oiitV' Florida Limited. All Pullmun steeping, dining und observaron cars St. Augustine to New York. Makes no stops between Richmond and Washington. Leave Byrd Street Biatlon 6:B4 A. M. daily, except Monday, commencing Jan. uury Hth, Atlantic const Lino Now York and Florida Special. All Pullman sloop» Ing, dining und observation oars St. Au. ¦justillo to New Yolk. Makes no stops between Richmond an.d Washington. Does not stop at Elba. Train leaving Main Street Station 5:05 >!, dully, for Washington and be» yòiid, will curry cafe dining ear lu Wash¬ ington. Meals a Ja carlo. SOUTHWARD, Arrive Byrd Street Station 11:50 A. M, dally, except Sunday, lnsteud of 11:15 A. M., from Washington and beyond. Train leaving Washington io;·!« A. M. dully, arriving Main Street Station 2:«i p. M., will curry cute dining cur, Meals ? Arrivo Main Street Station 10:25 P. M. daily, leaving Washington 7:<>0 P. M., Seuboard Florida Limited, All Pullman sleeping, dining and observation cars, New York to St. Augustine, Makes no stops between Washington »ml Rich¬ mond. Arrive Main Street Biatlon 10:55 P. M, daily, leaving Washington 7;3u ?, M, TlmniBh sleepers and coaches. Arrive Byrd Street Smtlun ll:40 P, M. dally, except Sunday, leaving Washington ij:lO P. M·. Allunilo Coast Line, Now York and Florida Spelai. All Pullman »U-eptiig, dining nnd observation cars Now York to St- Angustino, Makes up stops between Washington and Rich¬ mond. Dees not stop at Elba. No. changes In departure or arrival of .**"Wh W.P.TAYLOR, Traffic Manager. LOW RATBB G? RICHMQNR, VA·. VIA »PUTHBRN RAILWAY, Account meeting Virginia Antl»Saloon Lrflgue, Richmond, January 18-14, 1P04, tho Southern Railway announces rate ot cno end one'thlrd flrst'Cluss fares to Richmond «nd return 1'rom points within tho State. Tickets 0I1 8Bl« January 10th, UUt end »8th¡ return Mmli Junuary 16th. For Information bppIv to agents. (Pi >Y. WE3TBURY, ». P. A. MAYOR IN LUCK, Found an Egg in His Hen-House Yesterday. Morning. "1 played In luck, to-day," said Mayor Taylor last night. "My hens laid one egg, and there was rejoicing In the neighborhood nnìong tho fowls. 'That was the first egg for some time, and 1 felt like celebrating tho event. That ogg cost mo about 110 In feed and trouble. "One of my neighbors got three the other day, and he ain't stopped talking about It yet, and I'm going to talk about my, ruto lono egg all week." AUCTION SALES, Future Days By Button & Co., Real Estate Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE OF The Mecklenburg, Its Grounds and Equip¬ ments, at Chase City, Va., ON Thursday, Jan, 14th, 1904, 12 o'Clock Noon. Pursuant to resolutions of the stock·« folder« und directors of the Chase C'.ty Adunerai Water Company, tho undorslgnuil committee will, on Thursday, January 14th, 1904, at 12 o'clock Hoon, at Chase City, Va. offer for sale at l'ubilo Auction, on tho pi émises, all the roul and personal l'ivp· erty of said company, located in und nd- jucent to the said town ot Chase City, and embracing HO aci»·* of grounds, with the celebrated CHLOKiOE CALCIUM ana DjTHAA wuters thereon, and the Mcck- lenburg Hotel and ¡janato:turn, with ite aonipieee furnishings and equipments. THE MH1UK.LEWBU.KUI HOTEL· and sanaTOkiUM is a now, MuDE itx·; BUILDING, with 125 BEDROO.uS, wsll lighted and- ventilated; .wide halls and extensive verandas; It In neaced by steam, lighted oy electricity, supplied imoughout with an ABUNDANCE OF CLEAR. PURE WATER from an ARTH- blAN WKLL, and eiiuipped with a cum· Píete JUydriutlc department. The power station, with boilers, engines, pumps, dy¬ namos'and a lU-lon ice plum, lurnish«* light, power, heat, Ice and refrigerati·m ample for the needs of the house at lull capacity. The Steum .Laundry Is woll arranged and ample, and the Bottling Houue is provided with tanks, pipes, eu., lor convenient handling of the mineral waters. And inert are also on the promis» es kennels, a bowling alley and an eight' luuni dwelling, in good repair. The plumbing and sanitary conditions are ex¬ cellent. The properties cost more than »liiJu.tAW. The Hotel Is liberally lit ted out with furniture, budding, linens, carpets, china, silverware, kliciien utuuslls, &o., «Vc, of latest design und excellent quality. Tne property is located ut Ulla.,10 CITY. IN SOUTHERN VIRUINJLA. on bOUTHERN RAILWAY, three hours irom Richmond, and la easily accessiolo irom points North, South and West. It is &Ï6 feet above sea level, enjoys a unl- ioriuly mild climate, affords good shooting in season, and is an ideal ail the year round resort. THE HOTEL Is NOW OPEN and en¬ tertaining guests, and bas been in con¬ tinuous operation since ite completion, in December ltfiü, and has won lavur with tho public, The purchaser would be able to take immediate possession, and find ample equipment lor continuing tho business without interruption. This property oilers a rare opportunity for investment, and par.tles interested nro invited to malte personal inspection ut it before day of sale. TERMS.CASH, as to one.fourth of the purchase money, and tho residue In two equal Installments at one und two year.*, with Interest thereon at the rate of six per cent, per annum from date of sale till paid, the deferred payments to be evidenced by notes or bonds of the pur¬ chaser, _nd secured by deed of trust upon the property sold. A LONG TERM LEASE IS AUTHOR¬ IZED, IF SUITABLE OFFER IS RE¬ CEIVED BEFORE DjVY OF SADE. GEO. A. ENULY, R. R ROBERTS, 12th Dec, 1903. Committee. ADDRESS.CHASE CITY MINERAL WATER COMBAN Y, RICHMOND, VA. OC 13-tdB By A. L. Adamson. Real Estate Auctioneer, Alanchester, Va. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION SALE OF A ? SEVENTY-FIVE ACRE FARM, WITH IMPROVEMENTS, AND VALU¬ ABLE WOOD AND TIMBER 'JjHIORE- U.V. NEAR "GREGORY'S STORE,'.' ABOUT 0 MILES FROM ALANCHESTER, IN CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, VA. By virtue of a deed of trust, dated No¬ vember 20, 1002, and recorded In D. B. 101, page 2(ili, default having been made In the payment of one of tho notes secured thereby, und being dlrcotod so to do by tho holder thereof, I will sell at publia auction, In front of tho Hustings Court of nltv' of Man oli ter, Thursday, Tino mm day of Jan¬ uary, «??. AT 12 O'CLOCK M., the above farm, (containing 7S acres, more or less, fronting on tho Church or Hundred Road, whore the same crosses Falling Creek. A good farm, with several hundred dollars worth of timber thereon. 'j'ERMS-Cash. A. L. ADAMSON, Jan »-fit Trustee By C. L. & U* L. Denoon, Real Estate Auctioneers, «I Ma|n Streot. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF FRAME DWELLING NO. 3302 O.STREET. By virtue of a deed of trust du!cd No¬ vember ?, 1_B8. (ilici of record in Ileiirleo County Court, default having beim made In tho payment of tiio debt scoured, 1 will sell by auction, on tho remises, on SATURDAY, JANUARY HI, 100|, nt l o'clock p. M-, the properly No. xm O Streot, minting 2U fon on the nor.h side of O Stroet and running back 1C0 foui to an alley. TERMS.("ash uh to expense of sale, and to piiy tho debt of »718, with Interest 10 day of st.le; baluni'Q at t iind 2 years. Jitii lM<i» (.', L. DENOON,·Trustee. By Pollard & Bagby, Real Estate Auctioneers, TRUSTEE'S AUCTION SAL« * OF FRAME DWELLING NO. 1|07 STATE STREET, FUl/l'pN. In execution of a deed of tri;·· t, dated January 7, 1M)2, und recorded In clerk'* otilen of Honrlco County «Court, default having boon Hindu In tho payment of the debt, 1 will soil by unction on Urn premise«. '?1 Li RÔDAI", lunu.iry nth, VJOl, nt t:«D P. M., th« above mentioned, dwell¬ ing, Lot 30x112 feet to alley. TEHMS-Cash. II. R. POLLARD, JR., jan b-lds Tri'sU'i'· Geo. W. Mayo, Auction·»*!·, lio North Boventh Siren!. ? UCTION SALI·! OF LAW AND MIS- ? CELLA.NEOUS BOOKS. I --III sell at my suctlon»houss at 4 P. M. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY j:l, IMI, about .150 Law Hooks; u very attrai'tlve library of iiiIscoIIuium'his books, inibi'uchtg the works of standard «nd popular authors, scientilli·. works, etc.. Ulcily bound und In good condition. A. Hi MAYO. Proprietor. a. p, Montgomery. Salesman._ REÄFeÄAtE.For'Sale. "* Firms, Mill·, &c, For Salo, ajeo. e. cìuwfqiìp «fc cu,, Catalogue« -ll'i'oe, ¦.SQ315. Mulu, AUCTION SALES-ThiS Day, Trustee's Sale of 70-Acre Carm Contain¬ ing a Large 2-story ararne bwctllng 111 Qood Condition, Barns, Etc, In execution ot tt deed «if trust dated Pctober 1ß, 1Ü02, and recorded In llenrieu County Court,'D. U, Idi Hi pago 33., ? will, nt the rtì(|uost of tho boncilciury, thoro having hsoii o. default in the payment ol a portion of tlio debt secured, soil by public auction, on the prumises, on TUESDAY· JANUARY 12TH, lidi, at Id o'clock A, At., al| that or parcel of land, about IS miles below Richmond, situated in Henrico county, und bordering on the Charles City county line, and botindod of! the north by tho land uf George Gnlewootl, on cast by Charles city county lino, on south by land of Robert MoCut'dy, on tho west by the land of Alnry 13. Binford, containing sevonly actos, a Inrgo two-story dwelling, l.'liriiH, etc, TKIliYtB-Cnsh sutnclcnt to pay cost ot tho salci and taxée up to January 1st, 1904, nnd the debt, amounting to 1112.00, r.nd tho residuo to bo ptiyulila In such time and secured In such manner tia the grantor, his personal repicscii- tutive, or assigne, may prescribe, or In «no oveiils that no such direction Is given, then on credits ns to the residuo of one unii.two years, notes with Interest added nnd secured by a deed of trust. M. H. SHIRK, Trustee. Jan MOt By Richmond Auction Co., 'Phono 1716; 1205 E, Main Streot. I ARGI-7 AND ATTOACTIVB *- AUCTION SALE OF Household ant) Kitchen Fur¬ niture Consisting of Square Piano, Parlor Suits, Car¬ pets, Chamber Suits, Etc., Etc. Wo will sell THIS (TUESDAY) MORNH-ÌG. JAN. 12th, at 10:30 o'clock, at our warerooms, 12G?-?. Main, for parties declining housekeeping, It Squaife Piuno, several good Parlor Suits, Oak and Wiilnut Chamber Suits, Oak and Walnut Sideboards, wardrobes, Hall Racks, Lace Curtains. Pictures, Mir¬ rors, Toilet Sot, 50 Mattresses, In Cotton, Halt-, Felt and Shuck; 15 Cots, with »\l.t- tress to nt; S Kitchen Tables, Iron Bods, odd Wood Beds, Ma.rblo-tOP Tables, Rock¬ ers, Commode. Shades, Silver Ware; also, about 100 yards of Matting, Oilcloth, Car¬ pets, Wood Stoves, Heating and Cooking Stoves, Baby Carriage, Scales, etc., etc. All of this stock must bo sold to make room for other consignments. Dealers and consumers are Invited to attend this sale. TDRMS-Caah. RICHMOND AUCTION CO. Geo. II. Valentino, Auctioneer. By The Valentine Auction Co., Auctioneers. TRUSTEE AUCTION SALE OF Notions. Gents' and Ladles' Under¬ wear, Clothing, Caps, Show Cases, Counters, Dry Goods, Etc At No. 1806 E. Main St. Trustee for 3. H. Harris, I will sell at his store, No- 1806 East »Ualn Streot, THIS (Tuesday) MORNING, JAN, ISth, nt 1Cii30 o'clock, hie stock or goods, via; Men's and Boys' Clothing, Overalls and Jadíete, iten's and Boys' Caps, Men's, Roys' and Misses Underwear, Ladles' Wrappers, Hosiery, Suspenders Hantlkcr. chiefs, Corsets, Collars. Belts, Gloves; Calltcoes and othor Dry Goods, Buttons, t»adles and Misses Jackets and othor goods, 2 Showcases, 2 Counter Tables, &c. «fcc, TlilRMS.Cash. HAROLD S. BLOOMBERG, Trustee. Th" Valentino Auction Co., Auctioneers, lan U-3t _?_ AUCTION SALES, Future Days By Richmond Auction Co., Goo. H. Valentine, Auctioneer. A UCTION SALIS t\ OF Well Equipped and Comparatively New Furnishings of THE CHES¬ TERFIELD LUHCH ROOMS, 1203 E. Main St., Wednesday, Janu. ary 13th, 1904, COMMENCING AT 10:20 A. M.. we will sell at 1203 B. Main Street (The Chesterileld Lunch Rooms), ? large and varied collection of Restaurant Sup¬ plies,, embracing in purt: Gas Rangos. Large Steel Cook Range, Coffee Urn, Fine Oak Clsar Case. High Stool, Cigars, Rog¬ er's Knlvos and Forks, Large Assortment of Crockery and Glassware. Large iSlna· lined Ice Box, Table Cloths, and Napkins. Butters, Trays and Stands, Barrel Tom Catsup, Meat Block, largo and. smoll Palms, 15 llaskots l«\ow- ers. Oilcloth, Door Springs, Kitchen utensils, &c-, <&c, all In meo condition and worthy ti\o attention of buyers. TEUMS-Cash. Salo positive. GEO. 11. VALENTINE, Richmond Auction Co. By Richmond Auction Co», Geo, ?. Valentino Auctioneer. Executor's Auction sale of horses. cqw, farming imple¬ ments, corn, fodder. wagons, surret, household furniture, ETC., ETC. Ah executor of the ostato of the lute Mrs. W, R. Gresham, I will sell on thu premises, In Henrico county, within few squares of tlio Chestnut Hill cur line, or tormlnus uf said cur Uno, fronting on tha P«ke, FRIDAY. JANUARY 15, 1901. commencing at 10:30 A. M., a valuable and varied collection of Household Furni¬ ture, Funning implementa, etc., etc., em¬ bracing in purl.2 Horses l Cow, I Wagon, 1 Dayton Wugon, 1 Surroy, about 15 barrels Corn, lot Fodder, a goner il assortment of Farming Implements, lot Harness, 1 Dump Curt, d?) Chickens, lot Coal nnd Wood, eto,, und ull of the ??????- hold Furniture, consisting of Oak Book¬ case anil Secretary; Parlor and Library Furniture, -I good Feather Beds, several good Walnut Chamber Suits, with Ward, robes to uniteli¡ beautiful collection ot Picture«, full sot of Dluliis«rooni P.c- turoH (in gam·«), nlcu line of Bedding. Pillows, Bolster«, fi gami h:I-wo»1 ami Brussels Carpels, li Vienna CYa.iv, Couches, Refrigerator. Dining-room Fur¬ niture, Lnci) Curtains, nice lino Table· ware, Extension Table, tutitet, and many other useful anil desirable house furnish¬ ings, all of which uro In splendid condì« timi and worthy ilio attention of buyers. Terms'. Cush. Sulu positiva, Take Clmst« nut Hill curs, Seventh and Broad streets, E. W. GATES, «iocutor, Richmond Auction Co., (jeu, 1|. Valentine, Auctioneer. ,iun 12-R STEAMBOATS. VIRGINIA NAVIGATION' C07~ .IAMBS U1 V'OH. u.V,' LINE, STEAM Kit l'OCAIlU.NTAä li-uve« MONUAV. WKll.NUHDAY ant Kill HAI' ui 7 A. 41. for NorfulK, l'oiltmioulli. UlU ?'?,???, Kowport Nu» j Oiftivmuiit nml Juin«·» River lauding«, au«1 ron« nuotine ill Old Point for Wu*.IiIii«,mu,i, Huiiiiiwr«! unit tilt« North, hiutij-iiiuii'd «v^rve«! tur ma nlKlit ut iiiuiluiatu pruiei- EWQlllfl cars «J.ruoi to wharf· liare only fi.ß·) unii »? to Norfolk, Munie by Oraiid Oivrustrlon, Krwlulil ruiiulveil («a· nlKivo-niuni-d places mid all iiolnts ill I'lustern Vliainli ami North i'uiq. Una. tllVl.S' Wliiaatfl«, (iutiuial Munuifu·. i^WiSiM» ÜAV' WNÍLfO 'pÂLTIMO UtT iWi a^'í· fl "Via «'¦ «i- O. Itwy. und ?.it i'jnii l\»R.iS2l Leave niellinomi via U, »«S O, \Wsä£BWL daily fxci-in Hunauy, ut t p. .u.. I ~ ojiiuoottiig it out iJotnt with \l KUuinorn «if Ola Uuy Line, l»:uy. (¦'lu«; 7H5 P. If., iimvlui; Haiti- iiwrn ß:80 A. M.. OOnneclimj North, Kiist unii Wept. ?·???· ti»;kftM unii information uppiv ti O, & o. Bwy, itU'imn'iiii Truntfor Cwneany, or No. 030 Huât Main Hn··;-.·». MERCHANTS ~kW MIÑERS TRANSPORTATION COMPANY HU-aui.titp I,Ino. Dll'QCt Houle to Boston, Mass., & Providence, R. I. St»iaiii«rs leave Norfolk An· iii»i-jii Tu«»Ja>, WtNlnuniJuy, Friday and Burriuy. For Pr>«l duiici) Muiniuy, Thurttilay win! Buiurdav at ?) P. M. Pas»«!!««·!« anil frri.·. ht Wkoii for all New ?????????? points. 'i'lekets oa «ala ut C. .·!·. O. By. wi<J ?, & W. «y. effl,·»·, sud Ne. «l'i East Muln Btr<f«st. H. h. yrjEtiqur« Axe«. Norfolk* Vu. RAILROADS, SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. TRAINS LEAVR ??G??ß.???-????.?. 10:25 I·. M.~Senbnnni Florida Limited.Bavatt« hall, Jacksonville, St. Augustine 9:15 P. M..Seaboard Mntl.lliOO G. M_Sí*» lion ni Express.To Hnvannah, Jacksonville, Atliiiitn nini 9:10 A. Al.·-Local.Foi Nnrltna and Hamlet. TRAIN« ARRIVE. RirilMciND-r/AiLY, 0:45 A. M..No. 31.From Florida. 0:10 A. M.-N'v W-Fram Florido, Atlanta and I lie Southwest. 4:60 G. M.-Nii. ßß-From Florida, Atlanta and the Southwest, 6:2» V. M..No. M-Fronl Norllna and local linlllt.l. City Ticket Office, 830 Bust Main .Street, 'Pitone tos. ^Western LEAVE RICHMOND DAtLY. M9Ü?iL.A'.i 5i-7N9îlti'OLK '»LMITED. Arrives Norfolk 11:20 A. At. Stops mily at Petersburg, Wavorly and Butfolk. , 9:01. A. M.-CM1CAOO EXPRESS. Duffet Parlor Car, Petersburg to Lynchburg anil lljuiioke. Piillman Sleepers Ronn.iko to Cil- lunibus, Bltiofleld to Cincinnati· also Roaniko to Kncxvlllei, and Knoxvillo to Chattanoog« and Memphis. 12:10 P. M.»-ROANOKB tLYPRESS for Farm» Villo, Lynchburg und Roanoke. 3:00 P. M.-OCKAN SHOHfl LIMITED. Ar. lives Norfolk 5:20 P. M. Stops only a. Peters¬ burg, Wnverly and Suffolk. Connects -ve-ltls eteamors to liostun, Providence, New i'-irk. Baltimore onci Washington, 7:26 P. M..For Norfolk and all stations «ait of Petersburg. » 9:40 P. M.-NHW Ont.EA.NS SttOKT LINE, Pullman Sleepers, Richmond to Lynchburg ana Roanoko; Petersburg to East Hndford; Lynoh· burg to Chattanooga, Momphls and .«Tow Or¬ léans. Cafo DlnliiR Car, Trains arrive from the West 7:35 A. M., 2tM P. M. and 9:10 P. M.'i from Norfolk 11:00 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Ottico No 838 Enst Main Sttfcet. W. B. BEVILL O. H. DOKLBT. »¦ & -ilio Ky. 2 Houri, and 25 Minutes to Norfolk. LEAVE RICttMOND-EjVSTBOUND. 7:60 A. M..Dally.Local to Newport News and way stations. 9:00 A. M..Dally Llmltod.Arrives. William», burg 9:6(1 A. M., isuwporl Newa 10153 A. M., Old Point 11:00 A. M., Norfolk 11|25 ?. M., Portsmouth 11115 A. M. 4:00 P. M ..week days.special.j\rrlvos WIL llamsburg 4:60 P. M., Newport News f.:3B P. M.. Old Point 0:00 P. H., Norfolk «u* P. M. Portsmouth 0:16 P. M. 5:00 P. M.~*-Dully.Local to Old Point. MAIN LINE.WESTBOUND. 10:10 A M..LoctU-»10xceps Sunday, to ClL'toa Foige. C:00 P. M..Dully.Special to ClnclnnattL LoiiiKviii«, St. Louis and Chicago. 6:15 P,. M..Week days.Local to Frederick·" Wall. 10130 P. M..Dally.Limited to Cincinnati!, Louisville, St. Louis nnd Chicago, JAMES RIVER LINE. 10:20 A. M..Dally.Express to Lynchburg, Clifton Forge and prlclpal stations, 6:15 P. M..Week day».Lacul to Bremo. TRAINS AltlllVE RICHMOND FKOM Norfolk und old Point 10:13 A. Hi. dally. Hi« A. »M. Ex. Sun., and 7:00 V. M. daUy. New¬ port Newa Local 8 P. M. dally. From Clnçlmiattl and West 7:15 A. -u». dally, and 3:30 P. M, dally, .«talli Lino Local from Clifton Forgo 8:10 P. M. dally, Ex. Sun. Irom Clifton Forge, Fredericks' Unii Accom. 8:30 ?.. M. Ex. Sun. James River Lino Local from Clifton Forge 6:35 P. M. dally. Bremo Accom. 8:40 A. M. Ex. Sun. C. B. DOYLE, Vf. O. WABTHBN, Qon'l Manager. Diet. Pass. Agt. Nov. li 1903. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG \ ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Care leave corner oC Perry and Seventh Sts., Manchester, every hour (on the hour) from · A. M. to 10 P. M.. last car 11:50 P. M. CarS leave Petersburg, foot of Sycamore Street, over» hour from 6:30 A. M. to 10:3» ?, ?. Last ear connecting with Norfolk nud 'West¬ ern Railway. 10:40 P. M. SOÜÍHlííriÍAlLiAY; SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JAN. 10, 1901. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND. 7:00 A, M..Dully. Local tor Charlotte, N. C. 12:30 P. M..Bully. Limited. Buffet Pullman to Atlanta and Birmingham, Now Orleans,1 Memphis, Chattanooga and all the South. 6:00 P, M..E*. Sunday. Key-vlllo Local. 10:00 P. M..Dally. Limited Pullman ready, 9:30 P. M., for nil tho South. YORK RIVER LINE. Tho fuvyr'ta route to Baltlmoro and Eastern points. Leave Richmond 4:20 P. M, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 4:40 A. M..Except Sunday. Local mixed far West XJolnt. 2:15 P. M..Local. Monday, Wednesday and Friday tor West Point. 4·20 P. M..Except Sunday, For Weát Point., connecting with steamers (or Baltimore and river landings Monday, Wednesday and Fri- dUy' TRAINS ARRIVE RICIIMONu. J 0·5d A. M. and 5:42 P. M..From all th· South. 3·3.-> P. M..From Charlotte ana Durham. 8:40 A, M..From Chase! City. 9:25 j\. M..Bultlmore und West Point. 1045 A. 11., 5:10 P. M..From West Point. C. H. ACKERT. S. H. IIAUDIVICK. O. M. O. P. jV. O. XV. WEST BUK Y. D. P. ?.. Richmond. V·. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. EFFECTIVE MONDAY, JAN. 10TH. 0:06 A. M..A. C. L. Express to all pointa South. . 9;C0 A. M..Petersburg and Norfolk. 12:10 P. M..Petersburg and N. & W, West. 8:00 P. M..Petersburg anil Norfolk. .4:10 P. M..Oolelsboro Local. 6:50 P. M..Petersburg Local. 7:25 P. M.."Florida and West Indian Lirait« od," to all points South. 9:40 P. M..Petersburg and N. & W. west. U:S0 V. M..Petersburg Loeal. ?11:80 P. M..Florida Special. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 4-07 A. M. ; "6:40 A. M.l 7:35 A. M.. except Stiñdayi R|I5 A. M.; »M0:45 ,V. M. 11:00 A. ¡M.| 1:05 P. M.; 2:05 V M·! 7:20 P. M.; T:45 P. M.» '.Except'Sunday. "ISxcept Monday, ...Sua. Uey only. ^ g CAMPBELL. Dlv. Pass. A*t. W. J. CRAta. Gen. Pass. Agt. Rr O fi Richmond, Frederick··!, ¦ ii ft G? hura & Potomac, R. R. Trains Leavo Richmond.Northward. j-15 A, m., dally. By"! 81. Through. 0:15 A. M.. dally. Main St. Through. 7·15 ?. M.· weeK duys, Biua. AetiUina »Qv Too' AUm"·Sunday only. Byrd St. Through. LSM0 A?"m. week days. Byrd St. Through. ^3:06 "A" week doys. Bred St. Through 4:00 P, M.. week duys. Byrd Mt· Fredericks· burg accommodation. 5:06 P. M. dully. Mutn St. Through. «¡56 P. M., week day*. Elba. A.lilami _c- ?G?,' »yrd St. Through, Trains Arrive Richmond.southward. 6:40 A, M·. week days. Kibe. Ashland ao« commodutlmi. -?.»?»^« 8:15 ?. M., week days, Byril bt, Frederick»· burg accommodation, ?:?-, a. M, dally. Byrd S . Tin-push. ti::Vi A. M«, week days. Byrd St. Through. *?.?& 1»!°1??., dolly. Main St. Through. ileo P. M.. week Uuys. Eltn. ,\sliliind «·> uTiï?'aT: deny. Byrd ». Thrwirt. , , 8:60 P. M., Uully. Byrd St. Through. Local Bluj'"ft P. M-, dully. Mai» ««· Through. All ???ß. CMr?' dully. Main fit. Jnrougl... 11:40 p. M., ,week dsys. Byrd st, Tdircmgh, NOTE.Pul Iman' Sleeping or Parlor Oara oe all trains except ioeftl^ccwinodivtlone. w D litlKU, I W. CUI.P, W. P. 'lAYLJlt, oVn'l Man'r-, A»»;t. ncn'Ji Miiu;r. Traf. >fsn» STEAMBOATS. '\^: Night Line for Norfolk Leave Itlelin.ou«! eve>y e«.enlnc tfoqi ot Auk· Str»jetj 7 i'. M< bw*ir.tirsi *Wp *l I>9«1 port New« in both direction». Fart *,U0, Include» stateroom berth; mosils, Wc. eu-.'b· __>-r_ FOR NEW YCHJv Ov e«he!.ai»eukJ and Ohio By·, 9 A. M-, P. MV; by N.afolk und Western Ry., 9 A. it-, Ì P. M All ltiioä connect ut N-ifolk wit.i lire»:· stoanier» fv» iCc'·'' V0'*»·' "al'.ipg dully (u>»c«iit bündig* J ftij^K^pv, JVIVV Ti^kvt Agen«. JOHN F MAVER. Agent, Whari Fuot »Í All) ,,STA¡:Vr. « ?. »..KewY^ ~'CLYDE STËÂMSiUP ¦·. COMPANY'S PlULAOl-l.t-HfA, HICHMONU AND NORFOLK LINK. f'rulght received und ctclivei»! iîul|y at iv. Û. Hy t'o.'« «l«pot, r>vcntntnth ami Uroud Streut«. 11. li. Woodlü», «##*., UU'ii« itine ?? hurí.


Page 1: FIRST HONOR PUPILS OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS...FIRSTHONORPUPILS OFPUBLICSCHOOLS For the monthending Jan. 1st. RICHMOND HIGH SCHOOL. Pout ?..Lorontt Mason, Inolile Morton, 1*??a Willis. Minnie


For the month ending Jan. 1st.

RICHMOND HIGH SCHOOL.Pout ?..Lorontt Mason, Inolile Morton,

1*??a Willis. Minnie Derby. ;Boiilor A L.George Brothers, Louie

Mchroedor. Lucille Alvcy, Loulle Fitzger¬ald, Pearl Kord, Florencio Johann, LyloKing, Juliet Martin. Jessie Mullan, ???-lyr. Waller. Graço Walton, Grace Woods.Senior ? I..James Avery, flnscett

Hough, Brockonbroitgh Woodward, Lily«rower, Mary Hankin», Ltioy Poll, Mary¦teinloln, Lily Truvott, Rosa Klrsh.Senior ? II.-«-Pansy Parrlsh, Edwin

.Wortham.intermediate A I..Erlott Lawder, Flor-

enco' Anderson, Lolla Betty, Biislo lllx,Bertha Knapp, Alleo Moncuro, HazelIrihaekoltord, Mina Taylor, Mary Monta-ene.Intermediate A II..Whltfleld Black,

., Charles Krug, Annlo Fletchor, Edna Hel¬ler.Intermediato A Itl.-Myrtlo Paul.Intermediate ? I..Edwin Heller, Ray¬

mond Straus, John Young, Ida Buford,Florence G-ellman, Sadie Hellelern, Marybanders, Mary Wrinht.Intermediate ? ?..Mabel Allen, Lucy

Aiidersln, Inez Buchanan, Virginia Cud-iipp, Grace Glllmun, Itunnah London,Grace Sims, Adelaide Sutherland, BranchButneriand, Helen Taylor, Lucy Throck-tn/jrton, Ellen Witt.Intermediate ? ¿?..Notilo Allen, Car-

lyn Bottlgliomor, Jcsslo Moffntt, James'i'hompson.Junior A I.Robbie Ancnrrow, GnorRo

Betty, Douglas K.ldd, Peyton Lewi» Bar¬ton Palmer, Herbert Sandern, PansyBowles, Amolla Buck. Eliso Harris, Doro,thos Haltung, Fay Henry, Lois Jennings,furiti Johnson Annie Kuhn, Annlo Loh-mnn Emma Morris«, Gladys Neal, Matti«Koihchild, Corinne Samuels, MurlunStern. Grace Waller.Junior A II..Marguerite Wclslgcr Reu-

ben Andrews, Allen Animons, CharlesAlaclarlane. ?Junior B L.Charles Carter, Albert Edol,

Willie Grant, Leo Levy, Tom Neal. GusWlllcox, Irma Bratinan, Elian Davidson,Mamie Drever, Salile Fitzgerald, Gret-chen llannowlnckel, Mary Harvey, Kath¬erine Kent, Helen Kolley, Helen More-houso, Joanlo Mason, Mabel Phillips, An-nie Pallet, Leo Rclnsberg, Kathleen Rich-ki'dson. Mary Traylor, Loulso Tobeln,¡Virginia Ware. Ethel Ramstotter,Junior ? III..Emily Burton. Emma!

Chiles, Annie Doggett, Ida Poacc, VernaI'arkor.Junior ? IV.Clara Evans, Harry Tuck¬

er Estelle Duke, ;Junior ? V..Newcl! Rountrce, Margaret

Richardson, Ethel· Oley, Mary Tyler,Aiurtln McDonagh,/Junior ? H.-Laura Coble, Willie

Crutchilcld; Mamie Hey, Elsie Jucob,l'"lorcnco Wood, Garrot Wclslger, Doug¬las Galloway.

NICHOLSON SCHOOL.Sixth Grammar.Nellie Kaufelt.Fourth GVammar.Bessie Smoot, Mabel

Colemun. Derble Waymack.Third Grammar.Vernon Mitchell, 18;

Llllte Wood, 4; Myrtle Brown. 4,Second Grammar.Basil Blair, 10; How¬

ard Brockwell, 4; Nelvllle Brown, 4.First Grammar.Fiorine Bowles. IE;

Florence Minor, 16: Belle Hardcastle, 10;Jlmmle Rice, S; Calvin Chlldress, 8; LoutsWullere, 4; George Wade, I; JmneaThrockmorton. 1: Theodore Wllcox, 4.Eighth Prtmary-Ollle Bullington, 16;

Irene Lynch. 16; Lina Bowies 10; Kate-Brockwell, 10; Walter Bushell, 10; Ray¬mond Rice, 4; Lester Sweeney, 4; RachelBall, 4.

' Seventh Primary.Lester Chlldrey, 16;Arthur Brown, 4; Chris. Roecher, 4; MaryConway. 4.Sixth Primary.Lillian Rice, 12: Helen

Borg, 13; Laura Gerber, 4; 8ophie Gayle,4; Jessie Alston, 4.Fifth Primary.Reath Harlow, 16;

Molvln Grady, 12; Mordecal JJnge, 4.Fourth Primary.Arthur Holtmmi. 36;

Blanche Lynch. 12; Louis Kaufelt, 12;Clinton Chlldress, 8; Helen Hepburn, 8;Nannie McBrlde, 8: May Leonard, 8; Lu-ray Hardln, 4; Alice Throckmorton. 4;Ernest Beazley, 4; Harry Enroughty, 4;Tom Johnston. 4.Third Primary.Louise Sharp, S; Mabel

Mitchell, 4; Earl Renalds, Frank Met-zer. 4.Second Primary.Margaret Chlldress.First Priman'.Harvey Andrews, Roy

Grtibbs. Charlie Hill, Bessie Baughan,Ruth Brown, Deas Cole, Louise Gill, Ma-

Vi·1 &i$ñ· .ttulh flomw, Rl»th Ream«, Ber·Ilo Taylor, Susie "VVanh._. ;, BBLLlÜVtJEJ SCHOOL.

/,s.VÍth Grammar.Elmond Boss. SalileCollier, Ktta Ladd, Floronco Stevenson,Besslo Turner.Fifth ; Grammar.Lewis Bräutigam,

Mary Clopton, Annie Daniels, Clara Gnry,Jane Hayncs, Margaret Rice.Fourth Orammar.Charlie Hewlett,

Charlie Tally, Bianche Rldd, Pearl Bcnieh,Annie Davis. Llllle Carter, Mary Watts,Jennie Ramoy, Clara Floleher, LouiseRichardson,Third Grammar.O'ranger Ancarrow,

Rosu.Uo Burton, Esther Beasley, RubyParsley.Second Grammar.Hasel Jones, 4| Louise

White, i; Lura Campboll, 1; Olile Beas-loy. 4; Ryland Wiltshire. 2; Mattia Bealo,.1¡ Meredith McClelland, 1¡ Teddy Tyn-dall, 1.First Grammar.Loti Shelly, 4; Ines

Morris, 2; Fannie Hochlor, 4; ArnlntaCottrell, 1; Tom Rlddlok, 2: Douglas Rice,1: Hazel Dlllard, 1; Mattie Bowie. 4;Grace Bowles 1; Vlrglo New, H JanleWoodard. 2.Eighth Primary.Wellington Cottrell. 2:

Josephine Bowie, 2; Elise Bass, 3; lithe!Crane. 1; Sarah Parsons, 1; Mary Tallcy,.81 Nelllo Vttlden. 3; olivo Webster, 3¡Anna. Taylor, 3; Juiiot Anderson. IreneIllcks. Ernest Jackson, Katlo Mayor,Clifford Ritchie, Bessie Scruggs. BessloHewlett. Norman Bottoms. Hasel Cheat-wood, Wallford Batklnu.Seventh Primary.Nowton Ancarrow,

Robert Beadles, Witt Hlx. Bally Morris,Hobart Smith, Edward Walton. CelesteJohns. .Hazel Mlckolbow. Ruth'Rust, Hel¬en Ball, Madge Clendon, Gertrude Gentry,Vlrglo Harris. Mamie Harrison, CanterJett, Edith. Montgomery, Sadie Reed, EvaAVoody.Sixth . Primary.Louise Bickers, Grace

Sutherland, Bonnie Thomas, Nottlo Jer¬vis, Dorothy Leftwlch, Mary Shine, MarieBräutigam, Josejjh Peters, HoweUVaughan. Garland Wilson.Fifth Primary.Robert Cherry, Willie

Halle. Clarke Roper, Edward Seiden,Charles Walts. Vlrgie Spears, Dolilo Tlg-nor, Clyde Balloy, Fannie Brown, Bornie.Buchanan. Grace Cottrell. Louise Cooper,Sadie Ovcrton, Ruby Wade, MargaretCherry. Lucile Crutchfleld, Cammlce Da-vis, Jennie Gary, Nellie Jones, loia Nun-nolly.lïourth Primary.Hugo Blankenship,Robert Martin, Frank Ritchie, Walter'1'nlley. Evelyn Alexander, Annie Ander¬son, Ellen Bowie, Beatrice Dyer, Chris¬tine Fleet, Kathleen Hardwlcko, Loulso.Johns, Vernelle Mulre, Maude Moring,Eugenia, O'Brien. Bruco Parker, Kalo«ictiaruson, Hazel Strang.Third Primary.Lelia Curry, Catharine

Gruñas, Mamie Haynos. Gertrude Hech-ler, Marion Wallace, Edgar Shine Ed¬ward Woodard, Bessie Clarke, Drum»monti Curtis, Nellie Christian, WillieDunkel. Constance HoJpln, Preston Gayle,Marguerite Parrlsh, William Lookwood,»Mlnnette Vaiden, Cuyjer Vaughan, War¬ren Ridenour.Second Primary.George Bowles, Rod¬

erick Maybie, Milton M«Gul.ln. LoganRitchie, ¡Ellis Walton, Guy Banks, AlmaStrickland, Ethel Tucker, Eunico EvansAlma Aeree, Addle Cannon, Jessie Chu-dlck, Irma Gai y, Bessie Hardwicke, GraceHay Aline Palmore, Lottlo Payne, Ei¬tle SaUerlleld.First Primary.Fred. Bates, Frank Ber-

nicchj. Hunter Bourn, Frank Butler, Ju¬lian Cavedo, Raymond Cosby, IrvlnCraig, Harry Crltwndon. James Gary.Luther Harris, Roy. Mann, Ballard¡Sminile, Sydnor .Stealy. Walter Tlgnor,Ruth Owens, John Vv'llcy, Ralph Wall,yuarles Wood. Emily Askew, Lucille Ba¬ker, Loulso Chamberlain, Ethel Dicker-son, Ruth Gayle, Edith Houston, Gay-nolle Lee. Marie Mcisel. Alice Mills,Alice Morlng, Rebek&h Morris, FannieWoody, Howard Carter.

MjARSIHALL SCHOOL,aixth Grammar.Dora Sharove, 8; Char-

He Anderson, Minnie Roth, Herbert Per-kinson.Filth Grammar.Sache Aeree, Beatrice

Jiy'Vls, Floy Kratz, Lenoie. Kolbe, MinniePneup, Molile Tlmmons, Frank Dyson,Fourth Grammar.Louis London.Third Grammar.Lena Brackott, 14;

Uoblnett Dominici. 4; Clarlbel Ervin, 4;Amy Kratz, 16; Elsie Melton, 8; FlossieNew comb, 4.Second Grammar.Louise Mallonee, 4;

This Week!!

25On Ladies' Desks,Music Cabinets

and Cellarettes.

That's all.

CHASCJÜRGENS*419«21 E. BroadSt,

Between Fourth and Fifth Streets.V - /

Birne , Biillóèlt, ?.First Grainmar-Fannie Mollert, «1¡ Nor¬

mal Larson, 2. ./

, Eighth Frirnary-Wllllo Harding, AaronLondon, Kate Ford, Ruth Hartley, Doro¬thy Hartón, Laura Mills, »Mtiry New-Combe, Rebecca Shumnker, Miarlo Tiller,vernello Tucker, Ruth White, Margaretyate«.Seventh Primary.Rudolph Brauer. Din«

wldflh« Reams. Dora Paseamaneok, GussloRogers, Patitila Tucker,Sixth Prlnrnry-Harter Wright, Mamie

Brown,Fifth Prlmary-Nelllo Poroe, 2i Clara

Taylor, 2; Minnie Entier», l; EdmonlaEtibnnk, 1; CInra Gregory, 1: NorvellLlpscomb, l; India Morris, 1; EdwinAnthony, James McCook, Sam Shapiro,¦Fturth Primary-Willie Byrne, 2; Moy»».

Cohen, !l¡ Wollford Dominici, Isidoro Gor¬don, Frank Steers, Josle Chamberlain.Nina Taylor, 3;Third Primary.Mandy Adcock, Ger¬

trude Cra.ft.Otii John Cottroll, UlanchoFrlcdberg, Russell Falrc.iotli, Susie Gary,Walter Hartloy, Bessie Nelson, John Par¬ker, Willie Peroe, Atlbrny Stutz, HohertHampson, Harry Bldenberg, Maggio Tra»ver, Fred. Tucker, Jack TimbcrliiKo, TomTiller, Willie Wright, Ira Wade.Second Primary.Ds.vld McOohee, An¬

nlo Coleman, Lilla Dominici, Dora l'assa-nitineck, j


CENTRAL SCHOOL»Sixth Primary.Besslo Douglas, Fanny

Mollee, ..

Fifth Grammar.Florence Leech, OliloBydpor, Annlo Traylor, Grado Hill, Nor¬ma Gibson, John Rose.Fourth Grammar.Maud Woodfln, Wil¬

lie Dübney, Funnle Schultz, Hilda Day,Marlon Johnson.Third Grammar.Badin Nealo, Pauline

ücpfarth, Elizabeth Watklns, JosephineMyers, Maillon Burton.Second Grammar.John Cason, Clifford

Folkee, Holena Schwartz.First Grammar.Stanley Rennlo. Fred¬

die Schultz, Elizabeth Boraar, BrownloRuck, Mamlo Dunford, Mnrguret Drury,Margarot DeJarnette, Ruth Hutchison,Maltio Preston, Cathorlno Wallersteln.Eighth Primary.Norcno Gary, Hilda

Holzhauer, Alleon Irvine, Elenora Koch,Elizabeth Lea. Jeanette. Linder. FlorenceLltchenstelri, Agnes »May, Howard May.Sovcnth Primary-Mlnnle Deltrlck, Ruth

Scott, Gladys Peyton.Sixth Primary.Murgaret Schrcmp,

Summern Hatigh, Ethel Gill, Frank Lutt-rell, Jennie Arrighi, Margarlto Gludwell,Alice Jett, Erwin Daves, George Bruce.Fifth Primary.Morris Cosby, Louis

iyohman Johnson McReo, Robert Pear-sail, Clifton Woodfln, Lucy Bomur, LouiseGepfurth, Augusta Kumfort, Lucile Moore,Norma Smith-Fourth Primary.Roswell Aaron, Philip

Jcyco, WIJ1 Stephens, Meta Dorsch, Bei-tha DeLamo, Bettle Fisher, MargarotU'Noll, Gertrude Pollard, Madeline Tay¬lor.Third Primary.Hannah May, Sadie

Slaughter, Philip Pollak, Morris Spooner,J-<ouiso O'Noai, Margaret Monroe, RuthSchwartz, Dorothy Sklllman.Sccoud Primary'.Thomas McGraw,

Henry Shield, Maud Duke, Evelyn Haugh,Aiargatet WaUerstqln.

liirst Primary.Robert Lcake, GeorgePOlley, Robin Pollard, Jake Schiller,Percy Tiller, Arthur Whltwotth, ColemanWhitlock, Rebecca Billlkopf, Nannie Bla-lock Marlon Barst, Celeste Carlton, Jim-p?? Fisher, Sophie Gàrllek, Mary Green,Ruth Hudson, Amelia Pingue, GladysRldenour, Sadie Schiller.

LEIGH SCHOOL.Sixth Grammar.Alma Humphreys, Elise

Lumsden, Virglo Ruskell.Fifth Grammar.Willie Bernstein, Val.

Lichtenstein, Fannie Poltiaux, MarionSanders, Ricna Ullman, Chester Wool-drldge.Fourth Grammar.Elsie Ball. Isabel

Dunford, Erma Puller, Louise Southall,Binford Walford.Third Grammar.Frances Crane. Fannie

Alpern, Bessie Goshen, Minnie Volkmann,Minnie Loth, Mary Miller, Lizzie Ruskell.Second Grammar.Ethel Ball, Katie

Gravina* Mamie Gravina. Coralle Hooper,Fannie Glllman, Fannie Klrsh, Inez Hel¬ler, Corlyne Nachraan. Elizabeth ' Gains,Msrjorle Jones, Otto Meister, Tom Noble,Tonnie Pholpa.First Grammar.Harold Draper, Henry

Stern, Copeland Samuels, Harvey Topp,Ralph Wallersteln. Gertrude Crane. IrmaRebman, Ritta Ullman. Bessie Glides.Eighth Primary.Horace Hellstem, Chas.

Miller, Ottle Roed.-Sevonth PrlmaTy.Willie Slebert, Rus¬

sell Wlngneld. Beverly WilUes, BeulahAngel, Rosa Cohen, Norma Loth. EleanorSpindle, Louise Van pelt. Ethel Waldrop.Sixth Primary.Ada" Duncker.. Hntt;e

Raymond, Ruby Smith, Albert Cahen.Louie Schrocder.Fifth Primary.Peter Arrighi. Abe Brelt-

stoln. Moses Breitsteln, Myrton Gaines,Ira Franklin, Macon Dyson, Gilbert Gold-water, Ruth Anderson, Louise Draper,Gladys Hewitt. Margaret Jeter, MarieStern, Margaret Wright.Fourth Primary.Annie Bradley, Louise

Hewitt, Celella Gentry. May Prlngle,Keith Savllle, Irma Strause. VirginiaJohnson, Harold Heishberg, ClarenceJohnson. Arthur Lacy, Mason Lumsden,Wallace Splgel. Linwood \Valdrop.Third Primary.Rebecca Cohen, Mary

Gordon, Marian Heller. Miriam Roths¬child. Willie Bass. Joe Gasses, EddieSmith, Robert Tupman, Sherrard Tup-man.Second Primary.Willie Atkins. Otto

Blersch, Edgerton Franck, Tom Gordon,Moses C-ellman. Frank LaTpucho. IrvineOwen, Hymen Rose, Dick Schroeder, Irv¬ing White, Adrian Bondham, Ella Baw-sell, Janle Massle, Louise Moore. MarySavllle. Maxy Komarck. Buia Bosher,Essie Williams.Fjrat prlmary-J5ar| Graves. Walter

Hundley, Theo. Nelson. Reuben Rose,Harold Straus, Robert Thomas, John W il,son, Sam Weinstein. Nellie Bowen, MaryCrowell, Evelyn Deasy. Helene Engle¬berg, Marie Hawkes, Mabel Lumsden,Thelma Mosely, Bertha Pedrlck. VioletSimon. Elolse Seiden. Amorette 8mlih,Alice Soed, Carrie Stlth, Belle Rosenfold.

MADISON SCHOOL.Sixth Grammar.John Fitte, Eva Boale,

Kate Binford. Louise Frlçehkorn, Kath¬erine Mnyo, Nellie Morton. Annlo Potts.Fifth Grammar.D'Arcy Morton, Annla

Allen, Lucile Massoy, Denison Staples,Nellie Butler, Elise Garnett.Fourth Grammi!r.Maylan Pitts; Ethel

Loving, Altho* Rollins.Third Grammar.Louis Kracke, Edith

Carneal, Isabel Drever. Marian Grame,Nannie Herndon, Jessie Wood, Floydi'orbrough. . ,-.;- i·' ·''¦',Second Grammar.Béselo Gooch, -Eula¬

lia HUliard. Agnes McMabon. AlmaWright, Marie Timberlake, Graco Ben¬nett, Otie Branch. Harriet Royster, Hat-tie VenlskI, Madge Satterwhite, Eliza¬beth Reld.First Grammar.fijdncy Kirtley, Marga¬

ret Montelro, Pearl Prldd.v.Eighth Prlmary-Annlo Graham, Elea¬

nor »vwann. Robert Goooh. Harry 'Howell,Bl'antly Adkins, Ann)e Longe, Ruth Bax¬ter,Seventh Prlmsry-Jennnette Burgess,

Ethel Collier. Ann Drever, Caille White,Sixth Primary.Grade Bnughan, Mary

Grlfc'g, Martha Herndon, Madeline Hlx,Mory Kracke, Sadie Michael, Jos^ioMoore, Ruth CurtJs, Louise Schminke,Huzot Tyroe,Fifth Primary-Wilburn Shackelford,

Ruth Davis, Ruhr Elam, Mary Evans,Agnes Grlgg, Bessie Marks, Lorene Mertz,Dora Rlley, Mary Simpson, Lula buena,Blanche Teasdaio,Fourth Primary-Rlphmond Stover, Myr¬

tle Crump. Grace Fleet, Elizabeth Her¬bert. Edna Howell, Ella Morite, BessiePowell? Mary Wood.Third Primary.Clarence Freeman, Tom

Perkins, Dan Sieben, Allen Shackelford,Treat Sydnor. Daisy Pauleon, LindsaySatterfleld. ., ', ·,Second Pr mary-fani Blnewanger, Phil«

lp Cottrell, Robert Good», Roger K'ias,Charlie McGee. Clifford Smith, RamonTiller, Stanley Teasdaio, Pleasants Tyler,Coruleaso Bennett,, Emily GerreU, PearlLawry, Sadie Martin, Elma JacWson,Firm PrJinury-Cecil Bnlloy, Taylor

Coleman, Joe Laud. James W ells. HenryWullersteln, Belle Davis. Margaret Ewig,Josephine Herndon, Ruth»nette Miller, Mary Noble, Badie Mooio,Urdlne Rider, Elma Slmins, Grace ^ae«,er,fefPMV ^aT'^HOOL.Fifth Oïammar-Ruth, Thomausoii, 8;Mubc-i Toumbs, Z\ Birdie ßeliuinunii, í¡;

ß'iB3coiia1%rlfmrnatwAda St. Clair, Ka taWllcox,Flrbt çirammar-Erma, Adama. .Vírele

Ellis» Leila Leftwlch, Edim Moore, JuURaute, Eva Wood, Charles behuinm,,Fred Wlegano", , ,.. . ,.

Eighth Primary.Julia Clarke, EstherGary, Louise i-arrett, Ruth Kido, UmieeLeftwloh, Hilda Will, Muinle Wol.mann,Stewart Oilman, W averli; Boze,Sixth Primary.Katie Eubank, Blanohe

Jones, Ivy Gordon, Sodio Tlnsley.Fifth Primary-Leila ,Lowry. «¡.Marlon

Glllen, 3; Carrie Franck, 2; Maud Tyler,2i Arthur Gran»«»r. '.; Robert Tl»omaii,oii.2 John Harlow, George HtoH», i-wymondQuartes. Joe Quwmijburfy. Frit* W111,Marvin VoweJlTWdni«. Raines, «va Atkla·,sou, Leroy Ri>w*i Florence Bowse!,Blanche Day, »¿Uli· St. Clair. DoraHenry, Carrio Moreen. Mabel Pace.Fourm Prlmury-rfíd th Buha«*, Mamie

Garretti Mary.HutupVrfya, «Myrtle fior«·Aw, Buniice mrdlBg, Ruth Tl*nor. Bes»V «íutnti.*i·. ÄVtfh, W»rtf», .K*QW\CWrl-·; »ili· Wyett, cUrence fceftwlcb,

........ v..'nmmn.r.uwuirM aim..,hie Blair, Gordon Morrlssnlte.Fourth Grsinmar.Msrtlui Sutherland; 8;

Ruth Ready, 8: Cornelia Mogli), MutileNeil Carneal.Third Grammar.Ella Qulstmberry, Gen-

pvlovo Elletl, Alatilo .liiekse>n, AgnesMlnrn. Mnrloit Gentry, .Inutile Wnrwluk,Christie Itali. Edith BaVlfle,Second Grammar.Orneo Watson, 4; Ed.

win Dlgrts, 4| Elizabeth WrlRlit. MarlonMoliseli, Dolly Adams, John Russull.

First Clrainmar.Kale Klmorc, LouiseRounti'oe, Margarot Mlles. ConstanceHclndol, Besslo .Davis, Ruth Bradley,Mary Zolllcorfer.Eighth Primary.Nellie Brown, 8·, Bdna

Cronshaw, HI; Adelnldo Rothcrt, LlllloTJgnor.Beventi, Primary.Mamie Blennor, Kath¬arine Sarvay, Blair Boisseau.Sixth Primary.Margaret Crump, Bes¬

sie Hardawny, Ethel Johann, Holen Moli¬seli, Laura Richardson, Virginia Rotliert,Béselo Shuman. Miriam Hinlth. WniuicoSmith, Arthur Brown, Ruthertoord Wln«-fleld.Fifth Primary.Robert Cutshall, Ed¬

ward Smlther. Emma Fischer,Fourth Primary.Mamlo Gentry. Lizzie

Chapín, Frieda Dlctz, Claudia Gardner,Maggie McCluy, Evelyn Richardson, Lau¬rie Boisseau, Leroy llutzler.Third Primary.Elliott Morrlssett. Lewis

Krause, Inez Duke. Myrtle Elam. BadioMarcuse, Mary Qulsonborry, Marlon Wut»lorstoln. ?

_, .Second Primary..Russell Bowlos, î;

Brumloy Heinrich, Forrest Btrcot, 4;Neal Wrlghl. 4: Odessa Bruner, Carter#->...·µ« rs»r«nlt Curtis, Ethel Dupes, 3;

RANDOLPH SCHOOL.Sixth Grammar.Maggie Davenport, 4¡

Mary Lewis, Bille Llbor, G'raco Mann,Kate Tollcor. ,

Fifth Grammar.Grace Cousin», 3; Ro»berta Mitchell.Fourth Grammar.Grace Holzbach; 4;

Mary Bastine, 4; Winona Currlngton, 2;Mabel Smith, 2.Third Grammar.Howard Elliott, 4i

Rowland HopklriH, 4; Irona Kitchen, 4;Annlo Vaughan, 3; Alice Hooper, 2; UladysLacy 2; Evie Edwards, 2; Walter Hill,Bryapt Pond, Grace Dillon.

Bttcond Grammar.Evelyn Duval, 3;Minnie MHtz, 3; Ethel Bradshaw, 2; HazelChamberlain.First Grammar.Velma Jackson, 4; Myr-

tlo Major, 4", Emma Parrlsh, 4; BernlcoPolard, 4; Millie Simpson, 4; Chas. Mont¬

gomery, 3; Moseley Patterson, 2; LottiePowell, Mildred White, Raymond White.Eighth Primary-Ivy Tiller, 4; Ethel

Wolfe. 4; Calla Lilly, Gladys Branch, WINHe Rye, Preston Taylor.Seventh Primary.Valentine Lee, .4;

Eth't Duval. 3; Evelyn Eubank, 2; LouiseDar.«i\ Bertha Klaslng, Bessie Witt.Sixth Primary.Mary Dowden, 4;

Blanche«· Ham/2; Bthelyn Tiller, 2; LoulsoCarter, 2; Edna Kirby, Sarah Moody.Fifth Primary.Florence Sampson. 4;

Mary Proliltt, 4; Clara Jones, 4| Rena Hop¬kins, 4; Annie Lucord. 4; Ruth Atfrlend. 4;Harold Vaughan, 2; Florence Smith, Er»

vin Rice, Fannie Pui-rlsh, Kathleen Wade,Gortrude Taylor. .

Fourth Primary.Reginald Ford, 2;Bario Holzbach, il; Charles Wolle, 4;Mary Eubank, 4; Gertrude Simpson, 3;Joe Hardy, Flnwood Srockman, RichardZaeharlas, Corinne Frith, Alleo Williams,Louise Wooldrldge.Third Primary.Roselyn Carter, 4ì Adele

Kitchen, 4; Eria Hayes, 4; Beryle Hol¬land, 4; Myrtle Bradshaw, 2; M<;rle Rob¬

ertson, 2; Preston Jones, 2: Grace Frank¬lin, Mabel Kartoy, Josle Powell, Otte

Stone. N'orine Hardy, Tom Perkins, Er¬

nest Holllns» ...,,.,.. - \Kecond Primary.Alfred Webster, ZvAn¬

nie Johnson, 3; Rosalie Bwfoot, RubySeal, Vlrgle Via, Emily Zachanas.First Primary.Louise Hundley, 4; Alary

Klneschl, 4i Rebeckah Situderson. 4; Knte

Wells, 4: Margaret, Simpson, 3; WilburCarter, Claude G'uthrle, Willie Patmon,Hettlo Luekhardt.

Bank Directors and Officers.'Jite annual meeting Ä«.tbe stoe_h.o'»lers

oí .the City Bank was" hold', yesterday.Tho condition of this·, ancient institu¬

tion was shown to ba excellctyt. Direc¬

tors and officers cboiten aie: W. H·

Palmer, president! E. B. Addlson, vice-

president; J. W. Sluton, cashier; E, B.

Addlson, W. H. Filmer, Jame» li. An¬

derson, James N. Boyd, G. D. Oardozu,W. J. Leake, E. T. D. Myers, Sr., S. H.

Hawes, A. Ij, Holl.iday, S. XV. Travers

and Benjamin ? Valentine, directors.

Supreme Court.Following were the proceedings in tho

¡Supreme court yesterday;Miller vs. Arthur, anil others; argued

by Winfield Liggett aud General JohnK. Roller for appellant and Ed. S. Conrudand .M. L. Walton for the appellees, andsubmitted.The next cases to be called are the West,

Blectrlc Company; Rhule vs. SeaboardAir Line Railway Company; SouthernHallway Company vs. Washington, Alex¬andria and Mount Vernon Railway Com¬pany, bfc»ng Nos. 2, 1) and 12 on Lh_ argu·»ment docket.

Interesting to Doctors.* The Early and Lato Symptoms of

Hip Joint Disease" will bo the subject fordiscussion by the Richmond Academyelf Medicine and Surgcty at its meeting?·?· night. Drs. E. J. Moseley, Jr., xv. P.Muthews and J. W, Henson will lead theCtliCUHSipll,


NOON, JANUARY 11, 1Q04.NORTHWARD.Leave Byrd Street Station 4:15 ?. M.

daily, instead of 8:51 A. M., arrivingWashington 7:54 ?. M.Leave Main Stroet Station ß:16 ?. M.

dally, arriving Washington 11:50 A. M.Leavo Main Street Station t):4B A. M.

daily, commencing January Hth, Sea-b'oiitV' Florida Limited. All Pullmunsteeping, dining und observaron cars St.Augustine to New York. Makes no stopsbetween Richmond and Washington.Leave Byrd Street Biatlon 6:B4 A. M.

daily, except Monday, commencing Jan.uury Hth, Atlantic const Lino Now Yorkand Florida Special. All Pullman sloop»Ing, dining und observation oars St. Au.¦justillo to New Yolk. Makes no stopsbetween Richmond an.d Washington.Does not stop at Elba.Train leaving Main Street Station 5:05

1» >!, dully, for Washington and be»yòiid, will curry cafe dining ear lu Wash¬ington. Meals a Ja carlo.

SOUTHWARD,Arrive Byrd Street Station 11:50 A. M,

dally, except Sunday, lnsteud of 11:15 A.M., from Washington and beyond.Train leaving Washington io;·!« A. M.

dully, arriving Main Street Station 2:«ip. M., will curry cute dining cur, Meals?Arrivo Main Street Station 10:25 P. M.

daily, leaving Washington 7:<>0 P. M.,Seuboard Florida Limited, All Pullmansleeping, dining and observation cars,New York to St. Augustine, Makes no

stops between Washington »ml Rich¬mond.Arrive Main Street Biatlon 10:55 P. M,

daily, leaving Washington 7;3u ?, M,TlmniBh sleepers and coaches.Arrive Byrd Street Smtlun ll:40 P, M.

dally, except Sunday, leaving Washingtonij:lO P. M·. Allunilo Coast Line, NowYork and Florida Spelai. All Pullman»U-eptiig, dining nnd observation carsNow York to St- Angustino, Makes upstops between Washington and Rich¬mond. Dees not stop at Elba.No. changes In departure or arrival of

.**"Wh W.P.TAYLOR,Traffic Manager.


Account meeting Virginia Antl»SaloonLrflgue, Richmond, January 18-14, 1P04,tho Southern Railway announces rate otcno end one'thlrd flrst'Cluss fares toRichmond «nd return 1'rom points withintho State. Tickets 0I1 8Bl« January 10th,UUt end »8th¡ return Mmli Junuary 16th.For Information bppIv to agents.

(Pi >Y. WE3TBURY, ». P. A.


Found an Egg in His Hen-HouseYesterday. Morning.

"1 played In luck, to-day," said MayorTaylor last night. "My hens laid one

egg, and there was rejoicing In theneighborhood nnìong tho fowls.'That was the first egg for some time,

and 1 felt like celebrating tho event.That ogg cost mo about 110 In feed andtrouble."One of my neighbors got three the

other day, and he ain't stopped talkingabout It yet, and I'm going to talkabout my, ruto lono egg all week."

AUCTION SALES, Future DaysBy Button & Co.,

Real Estate Auctioneers.AUCTION SALE OF

The Mecklenburg,Its Grounds and Equip¬

ments, atChase City, Va.,

ONThursday, Jan, 14th, 1904,

12 o'Clock Noon.Pursuant to resolutions of the stock·«

folder« und directors of the Chase C'.tyAdunerai Water Company, tho undorslgnuilcommittee will, on

Thursday, January 14th, 1904, at12 o'clock Hoon, at Chase

City, Va.offer for sale at l'ubilo Auction, on thopi émises, all the roul and personal l'ivp·erty of said company, located in und nd-jucent to the said town ot Chase City,and embracing HO aci»·* of grounds, withthe celebrated CHLOKiOE CALCIUM anaDjTHAA wuters thereon, and the Mcck-lenburg Hotel and ¡janato:turn, with iteaonipieee furnishings and equipments.THE MH1UK.LEWBU.KUI HOTEL· and

sanaTOkiUM is a now, MuDE itx·;BUILDING, with 125 BEDROO.uS, wslllighted and- ventilated; .wide halls andextensive verandas; It In neaced bysteam, lighted oy electricity, suppliedimoughout with an ABUNDANCE OFCLEAR. PURE WATER from an ARTH-blAN WKLL, and eiiuipped with a cum·

Píete JUydriutlc department. The powerstation, with boilers, engines, pumps, dy¬namos'and a lU-lon ice plum, lurnish«*light, power, heat, Ice and refrigerati·mample for the needs of the house at lullcapacity. The Steum .Laundry Is wollarranged and ample, and the BottlingHouue is provided with tanks, pipes, eu.,lor convenient handling of the mineralwaters. And inert are also on the promis»es kennels, a bowling alley and an eight'luuni dwelling, in good repair. Theplumbing and sanitary conditions are ex¬cellent. The properties cost more than»liiJu.tAW. The Hotel Is liberally lit ted outwith furniture, budding, linens, carpets,china, silverware, kliciien utuuslls, &o.,«Vc, of latest design und excellent quality.Tne property is located ut Ulla.,10

CITY. IN SOUTHERN VIRUINJLA. onbOUTHERN RAILWAY, three hoursirom Richmond, and la easily accessioloirom points North, South and West. Itis &Ï6 feet above sea level, enjoys a unl-ioriuly mild climate, affords good shootingin season, and is an ideal ail the yearround resort.THE HOTEL Is NOW OPEN and en¬

tertaining guests, and bas been in con¬tinuous operation since ite completion, inDecember ltfiü, and has won lavur withtho public,The purchaser would be able to take

immediate possession, and find ampleequipment lor continuing tho businesswithout interruption.This property oilers a rare opportunity

for investment, and par.tles interested nroinvited to malte personal inspection utit before day of sale.TERMS.CASH, as to one.fourth of the

purchase money, and tho residue In twoequal Installments at one und two year.*,with Interest thereon at the rate of sixper cent, per annum from date of saletill paid, the deferred payments to beevidenced by notes or bonds of the pur¬chaser, _nd secured by deed of trust uponthe property sold.A LONG TERM LEASE IS AUTHOR¬




By A. L. Adamson.Real Estate Auctioneer,

Alanchester, Va.


By virtue of a deed of trust, dated No¬vember 20, 1002, and recorded In D. B. 101,page 2(ili, default having been made Inthe payment of one of tho notes securedthereby, und being dlrcotod so to do bytho holder thereof, I will sell at publiaauction, In front of tho Hustings Courtof nltv' of Man oli e« ter,Thursday, Tino mm day of Jan¬

uary, «??. AT 12 O'CLOCK M.,the above farm, (containing 7S acres,more or less, fronting on tho Church orHundred Road, whore the same crossesFalling Creek. A good farm, with severalhundred dollars worth of timber thereon.'j'ERMS-Cash.

A. L. ADAMSON,Jan »-fit Trustee

By C. L. & U* L. Denoon,Real Estate Auctioneers,

«I Ma|n Streot.



By virtue of a deed of trust du!cd No¬vember ?, 1_B8. (ilici of record in IleiirleoCounty Court, default having beim madeIn tho payment of tiio debt scoured, 1will sell by auction, on tho remises, on

SATURDAY, JANUARY HI, 100|,nt l o'clock p. M-, the properly No. xmO Streot, minting 2U fon on the nor.hside of O Stroet and running back 1C0 fouito an alley.TERMS.("ash uh to expense of sale, andto piiy tho debt of »718, with Interest 10day of st.le; baluni'Q at t iind 2 years.Jitii lM<i» (.', L. DENOON,·Trustee.

By Pollard & Bagby,Real Estate Auctioneers,



In execution of a deed of tri;·· t, datedJanuary 7, 1M)2, und recorded In clerk'*otilen of Honrlco County «Court, defaulthaving boon Hindu In tho payment ofthe debt, 1 will soil by unction on Urnpremise«. '?1 Li RÔDAI", lunu.iry nth, VJOl,nt t:«D P. M., th« above mentioned, dwell¬ing, Lot 30x112 feet to alley.TEHMS-Cash.

II. R. POLLARD, JR.,janb-lds Tri'sU'i'·

Geo. W. Mayo, Auction·»*!·,lio North Boventh Siren!.


I --III sell at my suctlon»houss at 4P. M.

WEDNESDAY. JANUARY j:l, IMI,about .150 Law Hooks; u very attrai'tlvelibrary of iiiIscoIIuium'his books, inibi'uchtgthe works of standard «nd popularauthors, scientilli·. works, etc.. Ulcilybound und In good condition.

A. Hi MAYO. Proprietor.a. p, Montgomery. Salesman._REÄFeÄAtE.For'Sale. "*

Firms, Mill·, &c, For Salo,ajeo. e. cìuwfqiìp «fc cu,,

Catalogue« -ll'i'oe, ¦.SQ315. Mulu,

AUCTION SALES-ThiS Day,Trustee's Sale of 70-Acre Carm Contain¬

ing a Large 2-story ararne bwctllng111 Qood Condition, Barns, Etc,In execution ot tt deed «if trust dated

Pctober 1ß, 1Ü02, and recorded In llenrieuCounty Court,'D. U, Idi Hi pago 33., ? will,nt the rtì(|uost of tho boncilciury, thorohaving hsoii o. default in the payment ola portion of tlio debt secured, soil bypublic auction, on the prumises, on

TUESDAY· JANUARY 12TH, lidi,at Id o'clock A, At., al| that or parcel ofland, about IS miles below Richmond,situated in Henrico county, und borderingon the Charles City county line, andbotindod of! the north by tho land ufGeorge Gnlewootl, on cast by Charlescity county lino, on south by land ofRobert MoCut'dy, on tho west by theland of Alnry 13. Binford, containingsevonly actos, a Inrgo two-story dwelling,l.'liriiH, etc,TKIliYtB-Cnsh sutnclcnt to pay cost ot

tho salci and taxée up to January 1st,1904, nnd the debt, amounting to 1112.00,r.nd tho residuo to bo ptiyulila In suchtime and secured In such manner tiathe grantor, his personal repicscii-tutive, or assigne, may prescribe, or In«no oveiils that no such direction Isgiven, then on credits ns to the residuoof one unii.two years, notes with Interestadded nnd secured by a deed of trust.

M. H. SHIRK, Trustee.Jan MOt

By Richmond Auction Co.,'Phono 1716; 1205 E, Main Streot.


Household ant) Kitchen Fur¬niture Consisting of SquarePiano, Parlor Suits, Car¬pets, Chamber Suits, Etc.,Etc.

Wo will sellTHIS (TUESDAY) MORNH-ÌG. JAN. 12th,at 10:30 o'clock, at our warerooms, 12G?-?.Main, for parties declining housekeeping,It Squaife Piuno, several good ParlorSuits, Oak and Wiilnut Chamber Suits,Oak and Walnut Sideboards, wardrobes,Hall Racks, Lace Curtains. Pictures, Mir¬rors, Toilet Sot, 50 Mattresses, In Cotton,Halt-, Felt and Shuck; 15 Cots, with »\l.t-tress to nt; S Kitchen Tables, Iron Bods,odd Wood Beds, Ma.rblo-tOP Tables, Rock¬ers, Commode. Shades, Silver Ware; also,about 100 yards of Matting, Oilcloth, Car¬pets, Wood Stoves, Heating and CookingStoves, Baby Carriage, Scales, etc., etc.All of this stock must bo sold to make

room for other consignments. Dealersand consumers are Invited to attend thissale.TDRMS-Caah.

RICHMOND AUCTION CO.Geo. II. Valentino, Auctioneer.

By The Valentine Auction Co.,Auctioneers.

TRUSTEE AUCTION SALE OFNotions. Gents' and Ladles' Under¬

wear, Clothing, Caps, ShowCases, Counters, Dry Goods, Etc

At No. 1806 E. Main St.Trustee for 3. H. Harris, I will sell

at his store, No- 1806 East »Ualn Streot,THIS (Tuesday) MORNING, JAN, ISth,nt 1Cii30 o'clock, hie stock or goods, via;Men's and Boys' Clothing, Overalls andJadíete, iten's and Boys' Caps, Men's,Roys' and Misses Underwear, Ladles'Wrappers, Hosiery, Suspenders Hantlkcr.chiefs, Corsets, Collars. Belts, Gloves;Calltcoes and othor Dry Goods, Buttons,t»adles and Misses Jackets and othorgoods, 2 Showcases, 2 Counter Tables, &c.«fcc,TlilRMS.Cash.


Th" Valentino Auction Co., Auctioneers,lan U-3t _?_AUCTION SALES, Future Days

By Richmond Auction Co.,Goo. H. Valentine, Auctioneer.


Well Equipped and ComparativelyNew Furnishings of THE CHES¬TERFIELD LUHCH ROOMS, 1203E. Main St., Wednesday, Janu.ary 13th, 1904,COMMENCING AT 10:20 A. M..

we will sell at 1203 B. Main Street (TheChesterileld Lunch Rooms), ? large andvaried collection of Restaurant Sup¬plies,, embracing in purt: Gas Rangos.Large Steel Cook Range, Coffee Urn, FineOak Clsar Case. High Stool, Cigars, Rog¬er's Knlvos and Forks, Large Assortmentof Crockery and Glassware. Large iSlna·lined Ice Box, Table Cloths, andNapkins. Butters, Trays and Stands,Barrel Tom Catsup, Meat Block, largoand. smoll Palms, 15 llaskots l«\ow-ers. Oilcloth, Door Springs, Kitchenutensils, &c-, <&c, all In meo conditionand worthy ti\o attention of buyers.TEUMS-Cash. Salo positive.

GEO. 11. VALENTINE,Richmond Auction Co.

By Richmond Auction Co»,Geo, ?. Valentino Auctioneer.

Executor's Auction sale ofhorses. cqw, farming imple¬

ments, corn, fodder. wagons,surret, household furniture,ETC., ETC.

Ah executor of the ostato of the luteMrs. W, R. Gresham, I will sell on thupremises, In Henrico county, within fewsquares of tlio Chestnut Hill cur line, ortormlnus uf said cur Uno, fronting on thaP«ke,

FRIDAY. JANUARY 15, 1901.commencing at 10:30 A. M., a valuableand varied collection of Household Furni¬ture, Funning implementa, etc., etc., em¬bracing in purl.2 Horses l Cow, IWagon, 1 Dayton Wugon, 1 Surroy, about15 barrels Corn, lot Fodder, a goner ilassortment of Farming Implements, lotHarness, 1 Dump Curt, d?) Chickens, lotCoal nnd Wood, eto,, und ull of the ??????-hold Furniture, consisting of Oak Book¬case anil Secretary; Parlor and LibraryFurniture, -I good Feather Beds, severalgood Walnut Chamber Suits, with Ward,robes to uniteli¡ beautiful collection otPicture«, full sot of Dluliis«rooni P.c-turoH (in gam·«), nlcu line of Bedding.Pillows, Bolster«, fi gami h:I-wo»1 amiBrussels Carpels, li Vienna CYa.iv,Couches, Refrigerator. Dining-room Fur¬niture, Lnci) Curtains, nice lino Table·ware, Extension Table, tutitet, and manyother useful anil desirable house furnish¬ings, all of which uro In splendid condì«timi and worthy ilio attention of buyers.Terms'.Cush. Sulu positiva, Take Clmst«

nut Hill curs, Seventh and Broad streets,E. W. GATES, i· «iocutor,

Richmond Auction Co., (jeu, 1|. Valentine,Auctioneer. ,iun 12-R



STEAM Kit l'OCAIlU.NTAä li-uve« MONUAV.WKll.NUHDAY ant Kill HAI' ui 7 A. 41. forNorfulK, l'oiltmioulli. UlU ?'?,???, Kowport Nu» jOiftivmuiit nml Juin«·» River lauding«, au«1 ron«nuotine ill Old Point for Wu*.IiIii«,mu,i, Huiiiiiwr«!unit tilt« North, hiutij-iiiuii'd «v^rve«! tur manlKlit ut iiiuiluiatu pruiei- EWQlllfl cars «J.ruoito wharf· liare only fi.ß·) unii »? to Norfolk,Munie by Oraiid Oivrustrlon,Krwlulil ruiiulveil («a· nlKivo-niuni-d places mid

all iiolnts ill I'lustern Vliainli ami North i'uiq.Una. tllVl.S' Wliiaatfl«,

(iutiuial Munuifu·.

i^WiSiM» ÜAV' WNÍLfO 'pÂLTIMOUtTiWia^'í· fl "Via «'¦ «i- O. Itwy. und ?.it i'jnii

l\»R.iS2l Leave niellinomi via U, »«S O,\Wsä£BWL daily fxci-in Hunauy, ut t p. .u..

I~ ojiiuoottiig it out iJotnt with\l KUuinorn «if Ola Uuy Line, l»:uy.(¦'lu«; 7H5 P. If., iimvlui; Haiti-

iiwrn ß:80 A. M.. OOnneclimj North, Kiist uniiWept. ?·???· ti»;kftM unii information uppiv tiO, & o. Bwy, itU'imn'iiii Truntfor Cwneany,or No. 030 Huât Main Hn··;-.·».


HU-aui.titp I,Ino. Dll'QCt Houle to

Boston, Mass., & Providence, R. I.St»iaiii«rs leave Norfolk An· iii»i-jii Tu«»Ja>,

WtNlnuniJuy, Friday and Burriuy. For Pr>«lduiici) Muiniuy, Thurttilay win! Buiurdav at ?)P. M. Pas»«!!««·!« anil frri.·. ht Wkoii for allNew ?????????? points. 'i'lekets oa «ala ut C. .·!·.O. By. wi<J ?, & W. «y. effl,·»·, sud Ne. «l'iEast Muln Btr<f«st.

H. h. yrjEtiqur« Axe«. Norfolk* Vu.



10:25 I·. M.~Senbnnni Florida Limited.Bavatt«hall, Jacksonville, St. Augustine

9:15 P. M..Seaboard Mntl.lliOO G. M_Sí*»lion ni Express.To Hnvannah, Jacksonville,Atliiiitn nini

9:10 A. Al.·-Local.Foi Nnrltna and Hamlet.TRAIN« ARRIVE. RirilMciND-r/AiLY,

0:45 A. M..No. 31.From Florida.0:10 A. M.-N'v W-Fram Florido, Atlanta and

I lie Southwest.4:60 G. M.-Nii. ßß-From Florida, Atlanta andthe Southwest,

6:2» V. M..No. M-Fronl Norllna and locallinlllt.l.City Ticket Office, 830 Bust Main .Street,

'Pitone tos.


M9Ü?iL.A'.i 5i-7N9îlti'OLK '»LMITED. ArrivesNorfolk 11:20 A. At. Stops mily at Petersburg,Wavorly and Butfolk.,9:01. A. M.-CM1CAOO EXPRESS. Duffet

Parlor Car, Petersburg to Lynchburg anillljuiioke. Piillman Sleepers Ronn.iko to Cil-lunibus, Bltiofleld to Cincinnati· also Roanikoto Kncxvlllei, and Knoxvillo to Chattanoog«and Memphis.

12:10 P. M.»-ROANOKB tLYPRESS for Farm»Villo, Lynchburg und Roanoke.3:00 P. M.-OCKAN SHOHfl LIMITED. Ar.

lives Norfolk 5:20 P. M. Stops only a. Peters¬burg, Wnverly and Suffolk. Connects -ve-ltlseteamors to liostun, Providence, New i'-irk.Baltimore onci Washington,7:26 P. M..For Norfolk and all stations «ait

of Petersburg. »

9:40 P. M.-NHW Ont.EA.NS SttOKT LINE,Pullman Sleepers, Richmond to Lynchburg anaRoanoko; Petersburg to East Hndford; Lynoh·burg to Chattanooga, Momphls and .«Tow Or¬léans. Cafo DlnliiR Car,Trains arrive from the West 7:35 A. M., 2tM

P. M. and 9:10 P. M.'i from Norfolk 11:00 A.M. and 7:30 P. M.

Ottico No 838 Enst Main Sttfcet.W. B. BEVILL O. H. DOKLBT.

»¦ & -ilio Ky.2 Houri, and 25 Minutes to


7:60 A. M..Dally.Local to Newport News andway stations.

9:00 A. M..Dally Llmltod.Arrives. William»,burg 9:6(1 A. M., isuwporl Newa 10153 A.M., Old Point 11:00 A. M., Norfolk 11|25?. M., Portsmouth 11115 A. M.

4:00 P. M ..week days.special.j\rrlvos WILllamsburg 4:60 P. M., Newport News f.:3BP. M.. Old Point 0:00 P. H., Norfolk «u*P. M. Portsmouth 0:16 P. M.

5:00 P. M.~*-Dully.Local to Old Point.MAIN LINE.WESTBOUND.

10:10 A M..LoctU-»10xceps Sunday, to ClL'toaFoige.

C:00 P. M..Dully.Special to ClnclnnattLLoiiiKviii«, St. Louis and Chicago.

6:15 P,. M..Week days.Local to Frederick·"Wall.

10130 P. M..Dally.Limited to Cincinnati!,Louisville, St. Louis nnd Chicago,

JAMES RIVER LINE.10:20 A. M..Dally.Express to Lynchburg,

Clifton Forge and prlclpal stations,6:15 P. M..Week day».Lacul to Bremo.

TRAINS AltlllVE RICHMOND FKOMNorfolk und old Point 10:13 A. Hi. dally. Hi«

A. »M. Ex. Sun., and 7:00 V. M. daUy. New¬port Newa Local 8 P. M. dally.From Clnçlmiattl and West 7:15 A. -u». dally,

and 3:30 P. M, dally, .«talli Lino Local fromClifton Forgo 8:10 P. M. dally, Ex. Sun. IromClifton Forge, Fredericks' Unii Accom. 8:30 ?..M. Ex. Sun.James River Lino Local from Clifton Forge

6:35 P. M. dally. Bremo Accom. 8:40 A. M.Ex. Sun.C. B. DOYLE, Vf. O. WABTHBN,

Qon'l Manager. Diet. Pass. Agt.Nov. li 1903.


Care leave corner oC Perry and Seventh Sts.,Manchester, every hour (on the hour) from ·A. M. to 10 P. M.. last car 11:50 P. M.CarS leave Petersburg, foot of Sycamore

Street, over» hour from 6:30 A. M. to 10:3»?, ?.Last ear connecting with Norfolk nud 'West¬

ern Railway. 10:40 P. M.


TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND.7:00 A, M..Dully. Local tor Charlotte, N. C.12:30 P. M..Bully. Limited. Buffet Pullmanto Atlanta and Birmingham, Now Orleans,1Memphis, Chattanooga and all the South.6:00 P, M..E*. Sunday. Key-vlllo Local.10:00 P. M..Dally. Limited Pullman ready,9:30 P. M., for nil tho South.

YORK RIVER LINE.Tho fuvyr'ta route to Baltlmoro and Eastern

points. Leave Richmond 4:20 P. M, Monday,Wednesday and Friday.4:40 A. M..Except Sunday. Local mixed farWest XJolnt.

2:15 P. M..Local. Monday, Wednesday andFriday tor West Point.

4·20 P. M..Except Sunday, For Weát Point.,connecting with steamers (or Baltimore andriver landings Monday, Wednesday and Fri-dUy' TRAINS ARRIVE RICIIMONu. J0·5d A. M. and 5:42 P. M..From all th· South.3·3.-> P. M..From Charlotte ana Durham.8:40 A, M..From Chase! City.

9:25 j\. M..Bultlmore und West Point.1045 A. 11., 5:10 P. M..From West Point.C. H. ACKERT. S. H. IIAUDIVICK.

O. M. O. P. jV.O. XV. WESTBUKY. D. P. ?..

Richmond. V·.


EFFECTIVE MONDAY, JAN. 10TH.0:06 A. M..A. C. L. Express to all pointa

South. .

9;C0 A. M..Petersburg and Norfolk.12:10 P. M..Petersburg and N. & W, West.8:00 P. M..Petersburg anil Norfolk..4:10 P. M..Oolelsboro Local.6:50 P. M..Petersburg Local.7:25 P. M.."Florida and West Indian Lirait«

od," to all points South.9:40 P. M..Petersburg and N. & W. west.U:S0 V. M..Petersburg Loeal.?11:80 P. M..Florida Special.

TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND.4-07 A. M. ; "6:40 A. M.l 7:35 A. M.. except

Stiñdayi R|I5 A. M.; »M0:45 ,V. M. 11:00 A. ¡M.|1:05 P. M.; 2:05 V M·! 7:20 P. M.; T:45 P. M.»

'.Except'Sunday. "ISxcept Monday, ...Sua.Uey only.

^ g CAMPBELL. Dlv. Pass. A*t.W. J. CRAta. Gen. Pass. Agt.

Rr O fi Richmond, Frederick··!,¦ ii ft G? hura & Potomac, R. R.Trains Leavo Richmond.Northward.j-15 A, m., dally. By"! 81. Through.0:15 A. M.. dally. Main St. Through.7·15 ?. M.· weeK duys, Biua. AetiUina »Qv

Too' AUm"·Sunday only. Byrd St. Through.

LSM0 A?"m. week days. Byrd St. Through.

^3:06 "A" week doys. Bred St. Through4:00 P, M.. week duys. Byrd Mt· Fredericks·

burg accommodation.5:06 P. M. dully. Mutn St. Through.«¡56 P. M., week day*. Elba. A.lilami _c-

?G?,' »yrd St. Through,Trains Arrive Richmond.southward.6:40 A, M·. week days. Kibe. Ashland ao«

commodutlmi. -?.»?»^«8:15 ?. M., week days, Byril bt, Frederick»·

burg accommodation,?:?-, a. M, dally. Byrd S . Tin-push.ti::Vi A. M«, week days. Byrd St. Through.

*?.?& 1»!°1??., dolly. Main St. Through.ileo P. M.. week Uuys. Eltn. ,\sliliind «·>

uTiï?'aT: deny. Byrd ». Thrwirt. , ,8:60 P. M., Uully. Byrd St. Through. Local

Bluj'"ft P. M-, dully. Mai» ««· Through. All

???ß. CMr?' dully. Main fit. Jnrougl...11:40 p. M., ,week dsys. Byrd st, Tdircmgh,NOTE.PulIman' Sleeping or Parlor Oara oe

all trains except ioeftl^ccwinodivtlone.w D litlKU, I W. CUI.P, W. P. 'lAYLJlt,oVn'l Man'r-, A»»;t. ncn'Ji Miiu;r. Traf. >fsn»



Night Line for NorfolkLeave Itlelin.ou«! eve>y e«.enlnc tfoqi ot Auk·

Str»jetj 7 i'. M< bw*ir.tirsi *Wp *l I>9«1port New« in both direction». Fart *,U0,Include» stateroom berth; mosils,'b· __>-r_

FOR NEW YCHJvOv e«he!.ai»eukJ and Ohio By·, 9 A. M-, P.

MV; by N.afolk und Western Ry., 9 A. it-, Ì P.M All ltiioä connect ut N-ifolk wit.i lire»:·stoanier» fv» iCc'·'' V0'*»·' "al'.ipg dully (u>»c«iit

bündig* J ftij^K^pv, JVIVV Ti^kvt Agen«.

JOHN F MAVER. Agent, Whari Fuot »Í All)

,,STA¡:Vr. « ?. »..KewY^~'CLYDE STËÂMSiUP ¦·.


HICHMONU AND NORFOLK LINK.f'rulght received und ctclivei»! iîul|y at

iv. A· Û. Hy t'o.'« «l«pot, r>vcntntnthami Uroud Streut«. 11. li. Woodlü», «##*.,UU'ii« itine ?? hurí.