Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30

Transcript of Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

Page 1: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

Page 2: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

Discuss:What is your greatest dream?What do you enjoy most about life right now?Are you willing to put that aside to love your family and others?

Page 3: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

Mat 11:28-30“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Page 4: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

Discuss:What are some surprising things that you have come to learn about relationships with others?

Page 5: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

The truth sometimes results in hurt or turmoil in a relationship.

Page 6: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

Discuss:What keeps a relationship strong amidst the upheaval?

Page 7: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

The foundation of your commitment to others in relationships is not based on the hurt and turmoil; the foundation of the commitment is based in the love of Christ.

Page 8: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

Discuss:What does the love of Christ look like in our relationships? How do we put His love to work in our relationships?

Page 9: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

What Christ's love looks like:Praying for the Lord to give you His love and perspective on the problem before you approach the other party.Prov 15:1A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Page 10: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

What Christ's love looks like:If you know that the Lord is guiding you to approach the party, once you reveal the difficulty pray together about having a peace and clear understanding of how to reconcile and show each other the love of God.

Page 11: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

What Christ's love looks like:Then work through the problem, not attacking each other.The hardest part of this is setting aside my defensive responses.

Page 12: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

Do you ever grow weary in relating or trying to love those close to you?

Do you ever feel like your relationships are burdensome and holding you back?

So, where do we turn then?

Page 13: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

Notice the invitation of Jesus. He wants to help (Mat 11:28)

Heavy laden: stretched thin from many demands

Rest: to recover strength

Page 14: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

Notice the heart of the Teacher who wants to help: He is humble and gentle (Mat 11:29)

Joining Him will require the same from us.

Page 15: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

When we feel overwhelmed by the demands of others, our strength begins when we turn to Christ in humbleness. (Jas 4:10)

Page 16: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

When we feel overwhelmed by the demands of others, our strength begins when we turn to Christ in humbleness. (Jas 4:10)

Page 17: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

Humbleness begins when we share with Him how we feel (Psalms) and allow Him to teach us how to replace our desire with His love (Gospels).

Page 18: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

The path down which the Love Dare leads us begins with a teachable spirit. We need to start with a sense of humility – we don't know it all.

Page 19: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus stands before you, gazing intently into your eyes, filled with compassion, inviting you to step into the yoke with Him – alongside the King of Kings! He will love for you when you cannot in your own strength.

Page 20: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

His yoke is easy because He already has plowed the field of your journey; all you must do is take the bag of seed that He gives you, and scatter that seed.

Page 21: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

The seed is His love, to be scattered all around you.(Mat 13:3-9)

Page 22: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

Listen to Christ speaking to you:“I consistently love those around you, but I often do so alone. Would you come join Me?”

Page 23: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

To husbands, He says:“I support and comfort your wife, but I often do it without you. Would you come join Me?”(Eph 5:25-33)

Page 24: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

To wives, He says:“I encourage and affirm your husband, but I often do it without you. Would you come join Me?”(Eph 5:21-24, 33)

Page 25: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

To parents, He says:“I am attentive to your children's hearts and sensitive to their innermost needs, but I often am caring for them alone. Would you come join Me?”(Eph 6:4; Mal 4:6a)

Page 26: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

Regarding those we meet, He says:“I am taking initiative to sacrifice lovingly for those that you encounter daily, but I often do so without you. Would you come join Me?”(Rom 12:15; 2 Cor 5:16-21)

Page 27: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

Discuss:What is your greatest dream?What do you enjoy most about life right now?Are you willing to put that aside to love your family and others?

Page 28: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

If you truly desire to follow Christ, you must put aside your desires in order to uplift and serve your spouse, children, in-laws, co-workers, friends, the Body of Christ, and unbelievers.

Page 29: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

The first step in being teachable, humble, and gentle, is the willingness to set aside your desires in order to benefit those around you.

Page 30: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

In marriage, this begins with husbands.

What does this look like? What actions can we husbands take?

Page 31: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

Cooking dinner after hard day's work ... Shutting off TV to spend quality time with wife, family ... Reading Bible together ... Date night with wife ... Praying together for Lord's wisdom to fulfill His purpose for your marriage ... Listening to your spouse ... All these require sacrifice.

Page 32: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

Prayer“Lord Jesus, it amazes me how You have called me to join you in loving others, my heart is filled with ...... I ask you to help me to love ...Change me, conform me, love others through me.” (1 Thes 5:24)

Page 33: Fireproof Learning to Love Like Christ Matthew 11:28-30.

FireproofLearning to Love Like Christ

Matthew 11:28-30

References Fireproof teaching series The Love Dare book