Firearm Inj

Group Discussion Of Firearm Inj By Dr Amal Said Firearm injuries 1 ) MLI of powder marks includes all except: a) Diagnosis of firearm injuries. b)diff. between inlet and exit c) estimation the distance of firing : d) estimation of direction of firing : e) identification of type of weapon (automatic or not) 2) Black powder on ignition produces: a)300 volume of gases. ; c) 600 volume of gases. b) 900 volume of gases. ; d) none of the above. 3)Soiling ring is found in firearm injuries produced by: a) bullets. b) shots. c) semicubical slugs. 4) semicubical slugs are found in all of the following except: a) Greener b) B) Schneider c) Remington 5) All shots of sporting gun enter the body in one mass up to: a)2 metres c) 1 metre b)3 metres d)4 metre 6) Ricocheting bullet means that: a) The bullet hits another surface before entering


this is the group descussion of firearm injures

Transcript of Firearm Inj

Page 1: Firearm Inj

Group Discussion Of Firearm Inj By Dr Amal Said

Firearm injuries

1 ) MLI of powder marks includes all except:a) Diagnosis of firearm injuries.b)diff. between inlet and exitc) estimation the distance of firing :d) estimation of direction of firing

: e) identification of type of weapon (automatic or not)

2) Black powder on ignition produces:

a)300 volume of gases. ; c) 600 volume of gases.

b) 900 volume of gases. ; d) none of the above.

3)Soiling ring is found in firearm injuries produced by:

a) bullets. b) shots. c) semicubical slugs.4) semicubical slugs are found in all of the following except:

a) Greener b) B) Schneider c) Remington

5) All shots of sporting gun enter the body in one mass up to:

a)2 metres c) 1 metreb)3 metres d)4 metre

6) Ricocheting bullet means that:

a) The bullet hits another surface before entering the body.b) 2 bullets enter the body by one inlet.c) Many defects in the jacket of the bullet. d) Bullet penetrates more than one part of the body.

7) In non-choked smoothbore weapon, full dispersion occurs at:

;a)4 metres c) 2 metres.b)6 metres d) 1 metre.

8) Inlet of firearm is:

a) Inverted when the body is putrified.b) Everted when the body is supported

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Group Discussion Of Firearm Inj By Dr Amal Said

c) Inverted except in point blankd) None of the above.

9) Outer wad penetrates the body up to:

a) 1 metre. c) 3 metres.b) 2 metres. d) None of the above.

10) Inner wad penetrate the body up to:

a) 5 metres. c) 10 metres.b) 6 metres. d) None of the above.

11) Exit of bullet at a point well supported by tight clothes is:

a) Everted b) Inverted c) None of the above12) Dum-dum bullet means that:

a) The bullet hits another surface before entering the body.b) 2 bullets enter the body by one inletc) Many defects in the jacket of the bulletd) Bullet penetrates more than one part of the body.

13) By microscopic examination, the homogenization of dermal collagen fibres occurs:

a) At exit c) Both a & bb) At inlet d) None of the above

14) Associates of the projectile are present at inlet of firearm:

a) If distance of firing is beyond their range.b) If bullet hits wall before entering the bodyc) In point blankcl) None of the above

15) Only one firearm wound may be found in the following except:

a) If the bullet passes tangentiallyb) Partial dispersion of shotsc) If the bullet retained inside the body

16) Signs of firing on the bullet include:

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Group Discussion Of Firearm Inj By Dr Amal Said

a) Dimple on percussion cap c) 1ry & 2ryrifling marksb) Scratch of extractor hook d) All of the above

17)Everted inlet of firearm occurs in all of the following except:

a) After putrefaction of dead bodyb) Inlet in female breastc) Inlet in gluteal regiond) Far firing in skin supported by bone

18) In tight contact over bone, the inlet of firearm is:

a) Circular smooth about the diameter of the muzzleb) Ragged & splitc) Surrounded by associates of the projectiled) None of the above

19) Bevelling occurs in all of the following except:

a) Humerus c) Sternumb) Skull d) Scapula

20) Rubber bullet is characterized by the following except:

a) Effective in a range 50-70 metresb) Single small missile that resembles a pelletc) Used for riot controld) A solid cylinder of polyvinyl chloride

21) In air gun:

a) Effective in a range 50-70 metresb) Single small missile that resembles a pelletc) Used for riot controld) A solid cylinder of polyvinyl chloride

22) Firing a sporting gun at distance of 2 metres produces:

a) no dispersion b) partial dispersion c) full dispersion

23) In fully choked smoothbore weapon, full dispersion occurs at:

a) 4 metres c) 2 metres.b) 6 metres. d) 1 metre.

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Group Discussion Of Firearm Inj By Dr Amal Said

24) Smokeless powder on ignition produces:

a)500 volume of gases. c) 300 volume of gases.

b) 600 volume of gases. d) none of the above.

25) A body of a male 21 years old was found dead inside his house with an inlet of a bullet in his chest without exit, the inlet showed a black color around it but didn't cause blackening of a wet piece of cotton, X-ray to chest showed a bullet of along weapon, hypostasis was found in his back but it wasn't fixed.

A) How could the medico- legal expert identify the age of the dead body in this case?

B)How can he identify the distance &the direction of firing?C)What is the time passed since death?

26) A cashier was attacked by a thief while transferring money to the bank. He was found dead & the thief was caught with some wounds on his left arm. He claimed that he was attacked by the cashier & that the injury in the cashier's head was due to his falling on the ground.

a) Prove that wounds in the thief are fabricated.b) Prove that wound in the cashier's head was a firearm injury.c) What are the causes of death of the cashier?

1) Distance of firing could be estimated from:a) Presence of tattooing c) Presence of inner wad inside woundb) Dispersion of shots d) All of the above

2)Rifling marks are present on:

a) The surface of the fired bulletb)The surface of the non-fired bulletc) The surface of shots


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Group Discussion Of Firearm Inj By Dr Amal Said

d) The base of the fired cartridge

3)A body was found dead with a wound in precordial area. The injury was considered as firearm injury due to except:

a) Presence of 2 wounds c) Bevelling in sternum & scapulab) Loss of substance d) Site of the wound

4)Tandem bullet means:

a) The bullet hits another surface before entering the body.b) 2 bullets enter the body by one inletc) Many defects in the jacket of the bulletd) Bullet penetrates more than one part of the body.

5) True or false:

a) Sometimes powder marks are not present though the distance allows their presence

b) in a firearm injury there are always an inlet & exitc) Full dispersion of shots occurs at a distance of 2 meters

6) Two families in the country quarreled & firearm weapons were used. One of the farmers 30 years old received a fatal injury. A 21 year old assailant was arrested.

a) Verify the age of the victim & assailant.b) What are the characters of inlet of a bullet?c) What are the causes of death if injury was in head?