Fire Fighting Ergonomics

1 Eric F. Shaver, Ph.D. August 2012 Part of the “Introduction to Series” Fire Fighting Ergonomics
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Transcript of Fire Fighting Ergonomics

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    Eric F. Shaver, Ph.D. August 2012

    Part of the Introduction to Series

    Fire Fighting Ergonomics

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    Goals of the Presentation

    Overview of HFE

    CTD Fundamentals

    Why is Ergonomics Important for Fire Fighting?

    Fire Fighting Ergonomics Program

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    Goals of the Presentation

    Understand the importance of ergonomics to fire fighting.

    Learn about CTDs (e.g., what they are; types; symptoms, etc.).

    Know the process for reporting ergonomic risk factors & CTDs.

    Understand the importance of implementing an Ergonomics Program.

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    Overview of Human Factors & Ergonomics (HFE)

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    What is HFE?

    Human factors & ergonomics (HFE) is a unique scientific discipline that systematically applies the knowledge of human abilities and limitations to the design of systems with the goal of optimizing the interaction between people and other system elements to enhance safety, performance, and satisfaction.

    In simpler terms, HFE focuses on designing the world to better accommodate people.

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    What is HFE?, cont.

    Notice I refer to it as human factors & ergonomics instead of just ergonomics.

    Both terms are used interchangeably. I prefer to combine them.

    Ergonomics is a Greek word meaning:

    Ergo = work

    Nomos = law

    In a literal sense, it means work laws.

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    What is HFE?, cont.

    Human factors are relevant anywhere people work with systems, whether they are social or technical in nature.

    The breadth of these sociotechnical systems include situations and circumstances where individuals interact with other system elements including:






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    Origins of HFE

    Human Factors &




    Applied Physiology

    Environmental Medicine

    Engineering Computer Science


    Operations Research

    Industrial Design

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    Origins of HFE, cont.

    In the U.S., HFE is generally considered to have originated during WWII.

    But, advances that contributed to its formation can be traced to the turn of the 20th century.

    HFE started in the military, but expanded into most industries, including fire fighting (wildland & structural).

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    Industries Benefiting from HFE





    Consumer products




    Health care







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    What Value Does HFE Add?


    Safety & health



    Ease of learning & use

    Satisfaction, trust & loyalty

    User experience & engagement

    Sales & market share


    Deaths, injuries & illnesses


    Error rates

    Absenteeism & turnover

    Training time

    Development costs

    Need for redesign & recall

    Support & services costs

    Equipment damages

    Maintenance costs

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    CTD Fundamentals

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    What are CTDs

    Types of CTDs

    Symptoms of CTDs

    Ergonomic Risk Factors for CTDs

    Reporting Suspected CTDs

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    What are CTDs?

    Cumulative Trauma Disorders

    Work-related disorders and diseases of the musculoskeletal system that develop overtime as a result of repeated stresses.

    Also, goes by:

    WMSD (Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders)

    RMI (Repetitive Motion Injury)

    RSI (Repetitive Stress / Strain Injury)

    OOS (occupational Overuse Syndrome)

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    Where can CTDs Develop?

    Often occur in the upper body, but can manifest anywhere.

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    Types of CTDs


    Tendinitis: inflammation of a tendon

    Tenosynovitis: inflammation of the lining of the sheath that surrounds a tendon

    Trigger Finger (or Thumb): fingers or thumb to catch or lock in a bent position due to tendon inflammation

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    Types of CTDs, cont.


    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: median nerve entrapment that causes pain, tingling, and numbness of the hand

    Digital Neuritis: Inflammation of the nerves in the fingers caused by repeated contact or continuous pressure


    Osteoarthritis: wear and tear arthritis; Degenerative Joint Disease

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    Types of CTDs, cont.


    Sprain: an injury to a joint (e.g., shoulder, knee, etc.)

    Strain: an injury to a muscle or tendon (e.g., back)

    Myalgia: muscle pain due to overuse or being over-stretched

    Tension Neck Syndrome: soreness due to static loading or tenseness of neck muscles.

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    Types of CTDs, cont.


    Raynauds Syndrome: a.k.a., vibration-induced white finger; discoloration of the fingers due to extreme vasoconstriction.


    Joint Bursitis: inflammation of the fluid-filled sac (bursa) that lies between a tendon and skin, or between a tendon and bone

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    Symptoms of CTDs

    Muscle tightness & fatigue

    Soreness, pain, and discomfort

    Joint stiffness / popping & cracking

    Limited range of motion

    Numbness / tingling sensations

    Burning sensations

    Swelling & redness

    Weakness / loss of strength

    Coordination problems / clumsiness

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    Ergonomic Risk Factors for CTDs

    Heavy Weights / Forceful Exertions

    Awkward Postures

    Contact Stress (Localized)

    High Repetition / Prolonged Activities

    Excessive Vibration (Part or Whole Body)

    Insufficient Recovery Time

    Environmental Stressors

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    Heavy Weights / Forceful Exertions

    Heavy weights are physically taxing & potentially damaging to the body.

    Forceful exertions are often used to overcome the inability of normal muscular strength to move or dislodge a large object.

    Can lead to sprains, strains, soft tissue contact injuries.

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    Awkward Postures

    Awkward postures are those that move the body away from vertical position. These postures include:

    Lateral bending or twisting at the waist (e.g., twisting to lift an object or avoid an obstacle);

    Movement of the hands and arms above shoulder level (e.g., lifting, moving or holding);

    Loads on the hands when the arms are extended (e.g., holding or moving objects at arm length);

    Positions of the head not aligned with the body (e.g., overhead work, low or high monitors, etc.); and

    Bent hand/wrist positions.

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    Awkward Postures, cont.

    These postures can be:

    Static (e.g., bent over holding a hose)

    Dynamic (e.g., lifting or moving objects)

    Static postures create mechanical and metabolic loads.

    Mechanically, static loads: Strain muscle and connective tissue

    Metabolically, static loads: Reduce or exclude blood flow

    Produce local muscle fatigue

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    Contact Stress (Localized)


    Contact with unpadded, sharp edge

    Grasping small diameter tools requiring high forces

    Using body part as a striking tool

    It can:

    Reduce blood flow

    Compress body tissue

    Increase body friction

    Promote tissue inflammation

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    High Repetition / Prolonged Activity

    Repetition often combines with other risk factors.

    Highly repetitive tasks affect the mechanical parts of the body (e.g., muscles, tendons, ligaments) and the bodys physiologic functions.

    Higher rates of work require more muscle activity, force and recovery time.

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    Excessive Vibration

    Two types:

    Partial Body: typically originates in the hand or arm

    Whole Body: originates from the feet (standing work) or buttocks/back (seated work)

    Assessed by:

    Level (m/s)

    Frequency (Hz)

    Exposure duration

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    Excessive Vibration, cont.

    Whole Body

    < 1Hz = Seasickness

    1 and 100Hz (especially between 4 & 8 Hz) Chest pain

    Difficulty breathing

    Low back pain

    Impaired vision

    Partial Body

    8 and 1000Hz Reduction in finger sensitivity and dexterity

    Muscle, joint, and bone disorders

    Vibration-induced white finger

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    Insufficient Recovery Time


    Short or no rest breaks

    Lack of sleep

    Continuous days of work without day(s) off

    Injuries & illnesses not being allowed to properly heal




    Errors (slips, lapses, & mistakes)

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    Environmental Stressors


    Excessive noise

    Extreme heat or cold


    Inappropriate illumination

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    Why is Ergonomics Important for the Fire Fighting Profession?

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    Ergonomics & Fire Fighting

    Ergonomic hazards can be present during:

    Fire fighting operations

    EMS calls

    Training & drills

    Physical exercise

    Station activates

    One potential solution is to design, develop, and deploy a quality ergonomics program.

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    Fire Fighting Ergonomics Program

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    Phase 1: Planning

    Phase 2: Identify & Analyze Ergonomic Hazards

    Phase 3: Develop & Implement Ergonomic Hazard Controls

    Phase 4: Final Approval & Documentation

    Phase 5: Monitoring & Periodic Evaluation

    Phase 6: Training

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    Ergonomics Program, cont.

    Phase 1: Planning

    Create an Ergonomic Committee

    Develop a timeline

    Identify areas to address

    Phase 2: Identify & Analyze Ergonomic Hazards

    Facilities Review

    Vehicles & Equipment Review

    PPE Review

    Records Review

    Personnel Interviews

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    Ergonomics Program, cont.

    Phase 3: Develop & Implement Ergonomic Hazard Controls

    Engineering controls

    Administrative controls

    Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

    Warning signs & Labels


    Phase 4: Final Approval & Documentation

    Documents what occurred during Phases 1 3

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    Ergonomics Program, cont.

    Phase 5: Monitoring & Periodic Evaluation

    On a quarterly basis: Ergonomic committee should meet to assess new developments.

    Review all completed Ergonomics Symptom Survey forms.

    Review any pertinent accident & incident forms.

    Interview impacted employees.

    Identify ergonomic hazard(s).

    Remove or mitigate ergonomic hazard(s).

    Document process and findings.

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    Ergonomics Program, cont.

    Phase 5: Monitoring & Periodic Evaluation, cont.

    On a yearly basis: Have an outside ergonomics professional review your progress.

    If necessary, implement changes to the ergonomics program & educate personnel about the changes.

    On an as needed basis: If a pressing ergonomic issue arises, address it immediately.

    Complete all steps listed in On a quarterly basis.

    Phase 6: Training

    Educate fire fighters about the importance of ergonomics.

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    Take Home Message

    Ergonomics is important for fire fighter safety & health.

    CTDs often arent diagnosed early enough or go undiagnosed.

    Numerous ergonomic risk factors contribute to CTDs development.

    A quality ergonomics program can assist in identifying & removing ergonomic hazards often missed by typical safety programs.

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    FEMA (1996, March). Fire and emergency medical services ergonomics: A guide for understanding and implementing an ergonomics program in your department

    NIOSH (1997, March). Elements of ergonomics programs: A primer based on workplace evaluations of musculoskeletal disorders.

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    Resources, cont.

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    Author Biography

    Dr. Shaver is a senior consultant with Benchmark Research & Safety, Inc., where he specializes in human factors & ergonomics, safety, organizational behavior, leadership development, user research, and training. Dr. Shaver's work has emphasized achieving an optimal fit between people, technology, and work systems to facilitate safety, performance, and satisfaction. A specific focus has centered on bridging the research-practice gap by synthesizing and disseminating the latest scientific findings about human capabilities and limitations to the design, development, implementation, use, and evaluation of technology.

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    Contact Information

    Eric F. Shaver, Ph.D.

    Email: [email protected]




    Twitter: @ericshaver