Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment - Alstom Power Indonesia

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Transcript of Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment - Alstom Power Indonesia

  • FIRE & EXPLOSION RISK ASSESSMENTRoslinormansyahEHS Manager PT. Alstom Power ESI

  • Outline of LectureUnderstanding Fire and ExplosionSelection safeguard for Fire and Explosion s Risk ControlFramework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazard

  • Understanding Fire and Explosion

  • Understanding Fire and ExplosionHistory of Fire and Explosion IncidentCarbide Industries, Fire & Explosion

    March , 2011

  • Understanding Fire and ExplosionHistory of Fire and Explosion IncidentKleen Energy, Explosion

    June, 2009

  • Understanding Fire and ExplosionDefinition

    Fire : A slow combustion that significant without overpressureExplosion : A release of energy that causes a blast

    Flammability Limit : The minimum (lower,LFL) and maximum concentration of combustible vapor in air that will propagate a flame

    (source : Guidelines CPQRA, AIChE, 2000)

  • Understanding Fire and ExplosionBasic Philosophy

  • Understanding Fire and ExplosionPhilosophy of FERA Flammability Limits rangeObjective of FERA

  • Understanding Fire and ExplosionFlammability Limits (FL) = (suhu, tekanan, inert gas)Flammability Limits (FL)

  • Understanding Fire and ExplosionCombusation = (FL, Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE), Surface Area)Philosophy of Combustion

  • Understanding Fire and ExplosionFire occurance stepJet FireFlash FirePool FireFireball

  • Understanding Fire and ExplosionExplosion occurance stepExplosionPhysical ExplosionChemical ExplosionOverpressureBLEVE - FireballRPT UVCE/CVERunway reaction

  • Understanding Fire and ExplosionPhysical Properties Key Factor of Flammable Boiling PointVapor PressureFlash PointAutoignitionEnthalphy of Combustion (Hc)MIEDensityConductivity of materialSize of material

  • Understanding Fire and ExplosionEnvironmental Properties Key Factor of Fire /Explosion Operational Parameter (Pressure, Flowrate, Temp, etc)Lay-out of unit process/equipmentInstallation (congested, confined, etc)Source of heat (open fire, conductive heat, static electric, etc)Meteorogical condition (Wind speed, direction, etc)Leakage dimension (bore, rupture, hole, etc)

  • Understanding Fire and ExplosionImpact of Fire & Explosion Breakage the molecular bond Heat Flux / Heat RaditionPoisonous GasBlast Wave/Shock WaveDebris trajectory/projectile

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion Hazard

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsOverall Risk Assessment Process

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsDetail Risk Assessment Process

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsStep 1 Describe system and identify hazardsScenario Development Screening Method Credible Scenario Potential Accident Scenario

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsStep 1 Describe system and identify hazardsScenario Development

    Merupakan critical step dalam FERA Key word : Loss of ContainmentTool yang umum dipergunakanWhat-IfHAZOPsFMEAIncident AnalysisTie-Bow Analysis

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsStep 1 Describe system and identify hazards

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsStep 1 Describe system and identify hazardsCredible Scenario

    Merupakan scenario yang akan dianalisis lebih lanjut tingkat consequences dan probability-nya

    Merupakan model yang memiliki tingkat kemiripan yang tinggi bila terjadi accident

    Tidak menggambarkan secara keseluruhan (each system has particular credible scenario)

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsStep 2 Determination of frequency and consequencesFrequency

    Menggambarkan tingkat failure setiap peralatan yang terlibat dalam Credible Scenario

    Memiliki satuan (../waktu)

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsStep 2 Determination of frequency and consequencesFrequencyFault Tree Analysis

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsFrequencyEvent Tree Analysis

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsFrequency

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsConsequences

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsConsequences

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsConsequencesImpact Calculation of Explosion TNT MethodTNO MethodBST Method

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsConsequencesImpact Calculation of Explosion TNT Method

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsConsequencesImpact Calculation of Explosion TNO Method

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsConsequencesImpact Calculation of Explosion BST Method

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsConsequencesImpact Calculation of FireFire Ball EffectPool Fire EffectJet Fire Effect

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsConsequencesImpact Calculation of FireFire Ball Effect

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsConsequencesImpact Calculation of FirePool Fire Effect

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsConsequencesImpact Calculation of FireJet Fire Effect

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsEstimating the Risk AnalysisExplosion Frequency

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsEstimating the Risk AnalysisFire Ball Frequency

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsEstimating the Risk AnalysisPool Fire Frequency

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsEstimating the Risk AnalysisIndividual Risk Calculation

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsEstimating the Risk AnalysisSocietal Risk Calculation

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsRisk Criteria

  • Framework of Risk Assessment on Fire and Explosion HazardsFire and Explosion Risk Assessment Result

  • Selection safeguard for Fire and Explosion s Risk Control

  • Selection safeguard for Fire and Explosion s Risk ControlStartegy Prevention and MitigationPrevention BarrierMitigation Barrier

  • Selection safeguard for Fire and Explosion s Risk ControlPrevention BarrierInherently Safe Practice PrinciplesMinimize: Reducing the amount of hazardous material present at any one timeSubstitute: Replacing one material with another of less hazardModerate: Reducing the strength of an effectSimplify: Designing out problems rather than adding additional equipment or features to deal with themEngineering considerationHazardous Area Zone Classification (IEC/EN 60079, NFPA 479, API 500)Heating Venting Air Circulation (HVAC) systemElectric Static Discharge (ESD) systemMaximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) DesignEmergency Shut Down Valve (ESDV) System Lay-out facility (lokasi, jarak, dll)Mechanical Protection (Material, Coating, dll)Inerting System

  • Selection safeguard for Fire and Explosion s Risk ControlPrevention BarrierOperation ConsiderationPreventive Maintenance Program (inspeksi rutin, testing peralatan, dll)Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) (operating parameter controlling, alarm system, dll)HousekeepingKompetensi PersonelImplementasi Sistem Manajemen Pengendalian Kerugian (Manajemen resiko)Permit SystemStorage and handling management systemCooling system (Deluge water system, vessel cooling system, dll)Accident Investigation and Lesson LearnedElectrical Connection System (Lighting Protection, Grounding, dll)

  • Selection safeguard for Fire and Explosion s Risk ControlMitigation BarrierEngineering ConsiderationHydrant & Sprinkle SystemPurging system (PSV, Rupture Disc, Flare System, dll)Dikes NetworkWater Curtain SystemCO2/Inert Gas Suppression SystemBlast-Wall

  • Selection safeguard for Fire and Explosion s Risk ControlMitigation BarrierOperation ConsiderationFire Extinghuisers (APAR)Foam systemEmergency Response Plan (assembly area)Personal Protective Equipment (APD)Community Emergency Response

  • Question ?